HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-06, Page 3• •411:4740.4, ••••••;,,,, ,f,14,4;
• .
' • • • ^ •
"Digestible ,as milk itselF"
Give your, chlicittn they
want of this healtliffil cheese:
foosl. Veiveeta con.
tains pH the ele- •
inen.ts of' rich
whole milk. 014
mid -young can cat
• it freely.
• -a.' P°
, .
IkInde in Canada
'"'"I'3 -..-f.."'777-•"- •
. • •
Owl Laffs - I
• On the -etre of •their eXeCiltien, an
Irishinan, a Scotehman and a Jew
Were asked. if they 'would like- any spe-
cial 4Ielicaey.
The fibdint-in:V(3EO for Weir stew.
the Scotchman.for a.bottle of Scotch
whiskey, and the Jew fancied eraw.
• berries and cream.
Warden (p(atesting)-"But, straw-
berries arenot„In season."• :
. The Jew --"That's right, Pee'
wait,"• "
— k •
Sing a song, sthg. a song,
Ring the glad bells all along;
Smile at him whOefrewee at you,
-smile- -art d-th •they,•-'re.„two,
Ie only got ilye minutes now. Show
some speed:!: .. _, . .
The boy hnrried. in. four naltintee
bereturned, empty handed, and out of
breath. , .
.. The .fiellhop--"Yee sir, yen left
. • ,
• The girls- are not gig to worry
about the w,asitont, of the ,cotton crop
! sb long as silk worms steep busy.,
If Bobo men would spend 'as much
time doing things they do in tell.-
ing about the things they have, done,
lot Inore•Would be accomplished. Few
things are as • painful as telling a funny
Story to a person who has no senie*Of
hinnoe. ',. An egotist is a person, who
thinks .he, is as clever as you think
•y-eu,e.re.--4t.enay:beall.xight for eo le
to love their' enereie's, but it -has. been
our...oliperyation, that inighty few Of
'em It • • ' • - •
Laugh -a bit, laugh a•hit, • -„ '
•ltlolks will Soon bp catching it, ' '
Can't resist .a happy rube; • •
World Will be 0, meitY plaCe, • • '•
•• Hospital Night
de..by the nieleni eit Ktaft.Cintese and kteltSsIsd'Dreilino, " , • . r'a4gli• .6''' Pit 064, B" a:Sc."*.' ' -7-7-176.;7-7- The ward is ii 0.er dark;:'6lle ' patient
, • , is - .. . -Where ,.: IlieY ere ,there'e -nothing:,,. :. ..,,,,elci,ei : • ..• .'''. • • ,
.., -.I- .-..,-..ty4..%.4
- - ' " '' ' - '' '., . '.. 7 ;Wrong; ." ' ."-. ' ' • ' ) •'" • ' ...--li.endnOt,"theirniglit ,te'SWeep-,. „ t•7-- -
, -.-
. ,,, : -,- .'... ..-, „ ... ..„..:.,,. •• . . ... • t. -7-'-' '' 7-7' '' . ; •''' '777-----7.
Joy Will. dance' the . WhOfe:Werjd titre :•:17'.'•,(mther than featlierie Oyer.' shutter.
Great.Lakes*Region .British Population' .-
. - Bubt,inu-stbeipi.Isi., itt,ion0 . :;: - . ‘---4-----ed-Y•es:.--:-....,-.._:.!, .., : '' „... , ,
• ---,-... . . , In silver fronds 'ef ,sieeh. ., , • ,•-••
. pp - , . . • ., ..
• • . 5* - hack--.hez-lost--p..r...„-gh..--po_her4hod_lilier.e...igLiux..siren.ce. ie_these corridors
• •
First Tranip-"After I.iied given her • . • , ' .
• ' Has --,Wide. A ea J.--NumbersA4 7.9_0,485
. • • .
. .,...___ ._. . in her pocket and sale'TAIhrsTICIr "ikei, -7.111: .
, . Many and.. Varied Tourist Increase Lowest,..,.Since ,•.80 , I!. hot drink ,' .., . • •DeSeends; in. ice-ctes.r' beauty here, and
.• .
'5- AttractiOnS in •lis.rea,BorA ' ut Density 1 P 0,
, .. • you?" Tra,ap-"What did she give' .
. Through therunshuttered brain: .'
'.„ • ' • ••• . • tiering:on. Cereal IrP,' ' tirot1.0 to BeIglOm . '
' , First Tramp -"A m of Sugar." '
'• 'Although, the main . statistical ' • .----'7--'1" - .
But' these are shelisi • the • bodies' that
P li I • : rest here; • . ., • , .
„ • . • • land Waterway
Googo on...
Alb GOOD ZIA," 229
as CROWE LID'' oramitWicoe 4,•?.
A • • . . •
, . ••
t?,. .
Knights' " Meaford Flooring
It's --Good-(•• • see iroBit• dealer a A
Even :BettOr. • Get: 'OF' Pr...1!§.. 7 : " • • •
• .; •
/7"S'THE - • •
Knight Mfg. Lbr. Ltd Meaford
The Simple-Things-.of-Earth--Ca.nada_Rates_High
Are 'Loveliest • In Chinese Industry
. ,
The simple thiegs. of earth are love- Winnipeg. -.Canadian exporta to
hest: ' • ' , , - 'China can be doubled- and, trebled' in
A fire on the hearth, the laniplights the next ten years, if the Canadian
, Canada points in an n I i • ' 'glow'; • business men are willing to imresti;• • • "
embodies a truly wide range of seenie Deputation at 4,4,760,485, according to The wealth of the average AmeriCan $till' lips that shapOno cry,, - The hour when .the heart finds Peat° gate the nnlimited opportueities that ,• .- • .
The Creat Lakes region of ,, a r...Y8 s of Great Britain.s , • :
and recreational attraCtiene and -the :muses just completed, an inter- has been set at n,977.: lyly gosh,.sOme- Pierced flesh, and wounded. feet. that and *eat., •• ee • • (Wet, said Lieut. -Col.- L. h, Cosgrave, •
throngh its acceSsibilitY ifs. and of the pretative analysis, has .betm Made by body been shoreehangecit-a0 bow! • cam* stir, ' 1
A mother's, lullaby crcioned'soft and Canadian trade commissioner 'to Chins
P. ViVian, the Registrar ociferal,1 • Tern hands" that Useless. lie: .4. low ; ' who is touring Canada.
Dbminion. By :inotor,, stea;naship, and serving to' modify the discouraging I Lampson•-.-"Have you ever been . • , ' 'Canadians stand higher in the esti-
most favored tourist. diatticts of the :S"
. ' 4, •
•1801 and the declining birth-rate. 1 Herrell-"Oh, yes! ,My wife occte havellown
rail thia • enchanting area 'Mar be featitrePthe lowest- increaee .since a -------------- stOrm?" For7like a flock of birds their thoughts The wayside blOsecom,. tiny woodland motion Of the Chinese than any other •
stream . people in the world, ColOrtel Cosgraie* . •
Eeyentio the world; and free, . • That sings a happy, lifting rounde- eaid. , The Dominion haRslied .very •
vinces and from -tire United States. He declares that Lite total is , the Signally calls nie uP favorable dealiegs with the Chinese ,• '
largest ever ,recOrded in the pountrY,! • , • Travel the'sileet dark roads Unknown, lay; °
Fishing; hunting in- season, canCeing,
reached any of theCanadian pro- •
a adde that la.ensity ot 685 to the ! Kan. - ”They gave SIT Second ErnbreCe':eternity.. eOft, clouds that drift is in a within. It remains only' fer the nidus -
sports as. golf, and tennis, may be en- squaremile, Witlitthe exceptienef that Smith 's, present of a hathrobe be.or,
' ' and. bathing,,,aS -Wed as such:I:organized . •_
joYed' under'the• mOst ideal conditions: • of Beigiunis:the highest of any •cOutt-' the. fight last night"
trrin Europe. • , . "• i '' Okey7,-"Yeah. • And be got a beauti-
A central .filghWay . route traversi3s'
. Other paints in his •analySis are!' , •fel pair. of socks later on, toe." .. ,•
• the whole of the southern 'section a
• • . ' • fording .a. splendid Motor -drive from The eumertcalincrease is less, than' A. ••• , .- • .Bertraind Russell in the New States-
thet . bf any° deceneiuni .since ,18611. Man :and Natiek,. (Lendee); (In their
, 2 ..._ „::' . .14131itreal, 4110bee; to Windsor, Ontatie, Crthes Make. the man in. e.onie• ed
• - '''' --,.• •‘'i diritance 'Of iiefirite'660-talles 'of (whell ./AP P°Puliii°A.*P.4 Petjialf 0 ryironmeets; hut .an air . mail stamp , achool in Suesex Bertrand ituseell and
• atnooth travel. l. This route paranoia 't,h.e.'..his *ife aim to• bring uP..their pupils
.its. present dimensions) 'with. the 'Pete doesn't keep a Circeler.: out .:of
.exeeption.,4the War decade, 1:9114021,..',
waste basket ' • - ...., . ', • -" . ., . With . a real • •knOwledge "of the werld,
the -St LaVirettce- and the- Shore Rae -,•-•':-.-arts,yed,. .„,..:..... , • -.......',....-......_ - , ._•„_•__ ..... ,,.. ,, 4„,._ ..,...;. ,..
, ytettent..:Ahee_river, the ithouiand he them/me excel:0911Y hi only half er• bassi'. , 'Mrs. ..Blabber..tptere' looking. very (unary. educatien tthe chiki is brought "-. tilt: these the heart-has-knOwn and • iii.iitilaaroliT." w7gla01:."vir ''.,•40.01.;..ati,.
• ... of Lake OnteritK. 'and 'offers splendid While" the percentage Metesse, , with ' ' 7 ' :. ' . ----. :;,'' ,,7" :. 7.' laitOdAThrlt-igrod•rgirelf-qt:10777.114-01.--
-John Barton, in The Spectater. trial' leaders. of this geuntry to ac,
• The New Education
•dream i 4, , . •
• The, hush ofdawn, the'sen's last qeaint ,themselves with the methods
'flaming ray ; . ' . • of •approach made nec_e_ssary by the•
. Chinese .nature -in order to capitalize
, The -friendly trees that give -of fruit their present epPortunities. . .
' and shade,
The tendrils of theo grape-like cling-
, • ing hands; - •
0. there are scenes inore' gorgeously.
understands: . Now York Cit offers a Three Tears,
• •
ImBhr-ptaysiumads-•-lairer-vistas-,-ane- alt -of aay--previensly-reearded.„-banthts„ morning. ' You had up to believe,` or at least to 'pretend to '
. •
But far' the excePticinal loss men
- iitteasiing_Aruial_scenes, interepersed
rate of increase -would have been, the -husband has lust had a -nervous hrealt- p wer, -,.---Ftaii-hae-adopttel-the_eiget.eone seetem
Side trips can be made from Kiegs-
e • s • • •
lisieLparents4--, and -tes-eh.
are impeccable, that his country iS
always right, that Statesmen. of, hip,
I ,
lOotwoo of 'rololOg .to router omen,.
renvtag--the-iiixederineation,•_and • '
Mankind has reached Oe, pinnacle of eirorer ef becoMing1 names.
during7thewar-thp-present-ileceiiiiial Mrs.4-abber-"JuSt wonderful. MY
• wi,th alert cot:inanities.
• 1
, The- • pupils rece ve • h
lowest recorded in respect of Eegland down and we re gong south- ' on coubtryiand political party are in- kas conquered land arta sky and School, a M011thlir allowance and 14.rivel-
ariably.lightninded, that the WiCked ocean's 'crest, • ,Unp• env:uses to and froze NOW Tork..
-tilictlitiffgh-th-e-ttideau lakei-and-from- tilid-Walerettree-aensus'taking Was-in•77
• Port Hope to the Kawartlia Lakes dis troduced, ie. 1801.
trict, two spots rich Ia canoe ratites
"The full significance Of the.fall (in
, " and places to hint and fish: North
births 16.3 per eeet.), Will be but dim-
' :4, yr Teronle,: Mnaltoita and Lake of .
- ly apprediated:. for' many •years tb
• . WE
Bays are districts et particular charm.
—There, 'attire has designed an .out.4....cotae;. any temporary satisfaction felt „
door -Particularly qualified to meet in a reduction of the number of un- . .
.Moe-"NO;..t borrowed- it troni the rieWenapers, adniirals, generals; Privy
Joe7-, ',1-1411o! Bought a saxophener tains of industry,, proprietors of great
• :. ,vation: West from -Toronto , to Valid': /
hh• iresent period of eeonenric stress
. man n.e'.' . - • - • .11"yepresented
productive menthe to be filled during xt doorCounCiiori, and Such, are
all the TeqUirements of a summer .xtt-•
Must Sooner cte. later be glialified, by ' •Joe--4--"Bnt.-''y9 ncan't play it" , • as invariably ,guided by the loftiest
•' intense agricultural and' flora • ' e. a rs.alization of the profounder secular • Mee -"Neither can he while I'vegot pehlic spirit. When the young man
, * ' stir the trail • tends through areas ' of
lesues involved/ ••The births of Willey *"
velopment, the early. history of 'which
Mr. Warburg; a noted banker, -says
• :
business revival needs the help of
psychologists and not econoinists. Per-
haps a few buyologists•w,ould help,
, „ „Pox! further paztioOlavo write or. ..epty
are easily ,;• discerned and invatieerr And yet, when -comes -the heart s deep-
. t -o- tne-raperertendcre
defeated in the end, and that :only'. -prayerful. hour, . • „ • • • • • •
persons of rare ciepraVity' Such aq,nrie• ir,f• knows the eimple. things are
hi very _unlikely to Meet would be -loveliest. ' • 2,
guilty :of any' sexual irregularity. Cali; -Margaret E. Brener, ia A.le Maria.
• . • • . ••••••1
• • - • • • • •
i pleasantly sassoeittted IOW colonize, goiern the population of the future, -
. days. East from Hamilton is the
• 'Niagara p_eitinsula with its four major
:„ •• • • ' claims • to distinction -.-the high de7
YeicoPinent of fruit • culture; the twin
cataracts of. the Niagara River; •the
. .
• Queenston - •ChiPpews, po*er
ment; and the Welland canal. The
shore lines of lakes Erie and Huron
• censal 'period were more than, hal a vines." •
• heve niany -bathing beaches and snug
, .
Ottawa; the Do,. pef cent.,, whfcliT-irtillowence-be-ma-de----Ralph-"Didie ,get anything?"
• ment Buildingi, le the gateway to the
Rideau lakes, the fish and game -re!
gioes -of the Gatineau, and the Lauren-
tian -hills, a vast playgroued ' of river
and lake. rolling hills,, and green for -
et. -Westward from Ottawa, the rail -
Way rims through anti the -motor route
1passes -close by Algonquin .Park, an
extensive prbviticial reserve . rich in
fish and- wild life, and threaded by in.
namerable. canoe ratites. Farther west
hes. Mattawa, the starting point of
• many expeditions. Into the big game
• • country beyond. ',forthalay is the
• • meeting point of throe roads with out-
standing attraction. To the south is
• :th) beautiful lake district leading' to
Georgian Bay. andlts island paradise;
• • to the north the taftwood. forests and
goldbearing rocks beckon to •the, ad-
venturous; while westward the trail
• ' , passes through the famous copper and
• niaelhelt and skirts the southern
. • •„ boundary ' of , a„, district noted tor its
Satiety and qiiallty. of fi mid 'big
eame. .
• ,
and, just as the nation which 'faced the Mother (to
little upheaval \of 1914 to I.M was the . pro- from Sunday school)- Well, . What cynie. Cynicism is the price we pay
duct of the birth r-ates pr•evkiling to :was your lesson about this Morning?" for ..a. fantastic ethic. Children brOught
Ward the doe() of last century, we are!. Little[Daughter-"Ainin named SOF up with. a sense of .reality ;will not;
now observing the Conditions whiela omon." have to suffer -this -slink.
will 'shape the generations charge I IVI.Other•-"And what 'did you learn •
• goes out into the_ world and begins to
see through all thes, amiable false-
, -
ht turnin heeds he almost inevitably becet2nee a
with the national density in ttie latter about Solomon?" •
part of the present century/ . I Little Daughter -"The teacher said
"The deaths registeredief the inter- hePhad 300 • Wives and 700 cucumber
summer et:denies. '3vhicli find pnichi fa.- •
lailliory:ferWer--thirtAllose: er-eitherot
Tor in the eyes of tourists.
• Lakes dlielht•irtraver,sed-byLboth-rail. __numeric* reduction of- more than 10 honsp last night." '
an& motor highway.
The central portion. �f the Great Ile 'two preceding decennia., This Harry -"A burglar , brolie -fine:
nifidon „eapitapaidHisite_of_the..4,arlia for ihe increasing age a.n.q. numbers Of Harry-"Ratirerl• -Y-ou •see., my -wife
• the 'FOhillon exposed to risk, rapre, thought it was me." ,
Bents a reduction. in true•• mortalitY • •
Eagle Brand...Ideal
for Simmer Feeding
VAGLE Brand is the solution
to the numerous difficulties
surrounding the feeding of baby
ha the hot summer mc•ntli s, Send
for free authoritative literature.
of more lIle 420 :per cent. compared. • A guest hurried up to the hotel ••
with -the decennium• (exclusive plerk's counter. lie had lila ten mite.
of deaths .git active service) or 30 per lutes'. to pay his bill, reach the statien,
cent. compared with, the last pre-war , and .boalr'd his traie.
decennium 1901-14, affords nothing nut' The Guest--"1-lanlft: I've forgotten "1-10* long will your wife
'Patience and Humoiir
.Ekemplified in Spain
There detighthil old Spanish
proiterb which it Is/wise to learn be-
fore visiting • the country:- "Have. pa-
▪ 7aild the* mulberry -lea; will beL'
Come sattn."•
A tiny story illustrates, this admir-
ahlY. ' Gettig to one elthe frontier sta:
tion for a friend's arrival we saw the
noti e chalked'ep that the train was
two hours late. • After inspecting the
church and Wandering round ' the Y11-
4, • lege hi an icy wind fel. the prescribed
two houra We returned' to .,the station
to 'find no'sign of' any, train. The sta-
nitiing look, was approached. "Wa,s
ihe -train. thea more than two hours
Satisfaction, indicating, as it does, al,sen.l. Here, y, run up to my, abroad?" ••
definite advance in the general vital '.room --No. te-trif 1 left my 1- ono thoesaed dollars
sty of the nation as a whole." pyjamas and shaving 'outfit. Hurry.' 'e.'arth." . •
.Tiva torden
116 George St. Toronto.
send rsie free coplea of yoarautheris
Wive iiterattire oa Infant. reeding.
;fah*" ' ‘4,•
4.447. tee
it..4..i;;•N...)0•.f441..e.y,..,'.• • •
_I • • " •
• —
Looks, gasy
• .4,
"Z.:444::: • 44•7•,Z,IZIA:z 4,74;.*•••••••••
• :•z: •.,4 e•,..,•,•4:44„;.,44
••••%••••••••:•,,,,,ze •,•••
.;•11,4 •
#,:i'.:•••••• 4
• 4*.1•0•7%44:ZZ:IW.4.•
4.:4.44.1%.•;.7•M•444-•••-• •
Horseinanship • of rare ability • was demonstrated recently by Members qf 6th iniiiskilllrig Dragoons
during a reh:earsal for -Aideriihot command horse" slCow at Alderahot, Englana. These daring 'equestrians
sho* yeti how easy lt Is. - •
' tt
••••,..ri rat.
tt• 't- ti,td 4 t • e,
, • A
• •
are sure
to get•m
even with the house screened.
rklungtmAeroxonthe fly
catcher with the push pin and ,
longer and wider ribben.
Aeroxon is irresistible to flies
• because. the gine is fragrant
and sWeqt and will not dry--.-
' teed for 3 weeks' servie.
fit drug, grocery& hardware stores.
Sole Adenta •
58 E' Pont St. East, Tornai 0 • •
late?" "Mesdames, the train is sevegi '
heurslt:" he repliect, • , ERo
"But why do you put lip the notice •
"Ah, that, inesdme.:47--that is te gilt, .rL.CA.CHER.
. . , • .
thatit iS two hours late?" • , -
a..little hone!" _,,- • .• - . • ' Gets the flY every time s
If you have the gift of leisure and
of humor,*.Spain unfolgisitself to yen
as 'a country. of great charm and•
character, bet' there mint be DO :ques-: .
at shin -through- -it.----- • • .. . . - :•-- ',
tryou have patience Yeer Muberry-• .'
leaf will indeed become satie;. you Will ,..
realize the ;graciousness and digntty
of the Spanish character and',Wll• • •
taste tbe felr l flavor of those delighttul ' •
qualitie. Indeed, in aliew weeks yu.,
will come agree .with the Spaniarci
binaself_that -rush • end. leirry are u •
dignified and, le Spain atlest,Will ef-
TectivelY, prevent your seeing either
country or people its" they reallY are.
-rosn.!•Spanisli Sainshne." by Veen,
or Elkiter, • . -_. . --.. . . ,•
ri---'pokit Before Childbirth
Canada Reserves SectIon „
British Industries Fair
• Ottawa. -It was announced feeactly-
by the Department of Trade and Com
•merce that resei•ation of a Canadiaq
sadden at the Birmingham section cif
the British jndustries Fair next year
has been made by the Canadian Ex-
Oemmision. The same seen
as was held this year has been secured
and is located in thebeart of the show.:
Considerable attention has • been at-
tracted in past years to. the Canadian
goyernmnt exhibit which is the only
One of its kind from the overseas Do-
minions and Colonies. • •
London Opinion: It is said that the
COMMOS fly is eapable Of traveling 95
miles in a tfik,gie. day. The trouble
it won't.
The Canadan VVacol Co. Ltd. '-
•• e
• V*
0 . •
•-• \ •
"T FIRST took Lytli a E. Pi nkh am's
• I:Vegetable C.mpounci before
Childbirth because I was so weak:.
"After taking it, I felt much
stronger: I„could sleep better' and.
I could do My wok : '
"I have taken the Vegetable
Compound for eleven years off and
• on 'wheneVer I need a Ouilder and
I recommend it." Mrs: Emily
Schindel, Itenovvre Saskatcheveatu -
This is only one of tliciusands of
letters praising this simple, home
remedy and recommending it td
women who need a strengthner.
ISSUE -No. 31-11
• r"...4.