HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-08-06, Page 1. , '4.4111,0"..:4,410114'144,-
, 4
• -o
4•.1.4t .
$2.09 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE;$2;50 '(1,:iii.4"RWISE •
11C1iNOW, QNT. . THLOISDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1951. •
Dr. R. L. Treleaven, Lucknow
• • . Hours:. 9-12 A.M.1.30-5 P,M.,
• PHONE 53 X-RAY •
WALL PA1,ER-4..A .full line Or 1931
4raI Palier- on land. Prices consider,:
• Illy down ,for 1931e 1 am elsoitgent
for leading job hallses.--7
• • '• -• • R. :j. CAMEION' •:
Decorator Painter and Grainer
. • ..
" &nen APArtinent. or Ittaonte to let
1 ,
•FOR .6SALE or ;RENT -Good •:coini
fortable &Welling. Apply, to -
May Davison, Box 253, Ludkno.w.
STORE . FOR? RBNT-Tite. ,'store
`Until recently• occupied by, Walker
goocl. business. location.
• • .•. • Apply to H. :J.. Moore, Linknow.
••• •. . •
. •
•Lockpow Lower 'School
Departmental' Exams
The following, student s wrote on
'the eicarninations set bY,the...Depart*
standing• stated:-. ,' • 7. • - '
Anderean, " Charles -Arithmetic, ere"-
dit•'• •••. .t.. •
Ryle. Oliwe-4Atithine`tie 46. •
• NOTICE.1 am in a position to
• ''-do-Iiit.'10fidk'of Tritelting•,;at•-reasorie-
". " •,able rates.-4Wilson Arnistreng,
• .. • • ,
Man or woman to travel and ap-
point agents for old -established house
'• in business •in Toronto over forty
years. For tereas and personal inter
• view With one of put' travellers, write
Dept. W-4, -Whiston C6.„ Toronto.
- hend-,--experienced4 in lineswillhig .worker, nen-snaker. :Mori -airy
Caic:riitherk Jahn-Arithrnetle, credit
Colwell„Jdabel-4,,r, JIist: 30, • , *.
Carron; Deretby,,,q2hysid,g.
Eckenswiller, -Kati-deeri.4-Eng %Gram/
We-ditrArith..41", Hut::' 46.
Gardner, Sidiley4-Arith, Credit •
"011trore,7-Margai et -..-PhYsioger edit.
Graham',. Anaa-4physiog., credit.
liamilton; Archie-Zool, 24.
-Hodgins, FloreneePhysiog., credit.
MacCallum, Donalda-Arith. 44:
MacDonald, Margaret-Physiog. 361
Arith. :
MacDepald, RachelArith. 40:
nacInnes, Katherine-Filysiog,: Crt'
(fit. , •••f:
Marjorie -Botany, •credit
Ritchie, Tillie-LPhystog. 37.
The, Lewer School certificateswill
be mailed 'to the .students in few
Fred- Pentland, :Dorigennan, Ont.
, 'Phone,•
• (t2=8 -Le ) •• ••
, The annual Meeting of the
• _now Elevator CO., Limited, will ' be
e e office ofet). . ,
' on i$aturday evening, Aug.' 1st,
8' P.M. Election offieers, receiving
of annual report and other laneinesS
will be transacted., " ;.•
-jarines Alton, President.
, (30-7-c.) .
•' $3; $3.50 or $4 Per day guaranteed
for EleVenty-five or ' hundred
l• days' agency. work • in your locality
• representing. Old -established 'Ouse in
'•"".7 ---c-business-in-Toronte-ever-ferti...years4-
• For terms and • personal interview
• • with ene of Our travellers write Dept.
W -G, Winsten • CO., Toronto,
• (13.^-8-c-) , •
An 'errors' in certificates will • be.
reported to Department after the 4 -
ening �,f school. . Certificates contain -
!ng errors should be . presented to
Principal on tlefirst:day of itheol..
•• : • F. E. McLean, (Prino.)
• •
KiniOse ranner ,
. • ,
A Big Boost
For The Band
Prominent Ashfield
Resident Dies At Goderich
•gaving .been in failinghealth for
Those directly' interested -in the number of years, Mr. -Roderick
li'reiress ef theJocal .30.4pd.'are gat D.,4aelfonzte%,„. tfamniarly known as,
ly. delighted '1,10 the ,:sneceee-of the. "Big Rory" papiter awarin-Goderich-
Band Tattooheld in the 'Caledonian. Heilnital on :Friday' afternoonAof 'last
Park on Thiiridaay evening of last
Week,: A4- polkiis' being a •40:1)letkii- The funeral 'teneral service on, Mo;iday,
entertainthent it was August 3rd1was Cendueted by Rev.,
Splendid .sticeess.finarniellY, 'with P M Colaiihetik'ef AshfiPlit0.re!itby.+.
;the teSalt' that -the ,Band.,21/4u :lito_e,;,tFripsik.,uhurak A .very large gethei't
abent ai4e,teee.iiy.',•ing of neighbors; friends and. rels.;,.
sion fee and at the same time affords scilitzezetetoma Valued andsplaidid
ran_-_-opportunkt-rvell-deserved both Church and State. • .
support to our local band, The. band was,a very-pewerful-man-and
win be reniembere4
lat prize in throwing the :56, pound
weight against all' competition at tiie
Caledonian 'games. in ,LockdOw: He'
was also a ineniber of the ferhous
County .of HurOn tug -o' -war team,
which 'comPeted against Bruce •icians .:at
from Blyth, that time. Was anchor man on
sardine, • Harriston 'and -Lneknow, the team yttich .D7:4: _Macintosh- tool,'
to Zona to .compete With .the world
gathered at the' Town • Hall at. 730'
and : regular •interVids, to the, champions .9t. that district 1.‘.•
strains of each band's favorite march; Mr MacKenzie was a. lifelong tea -
paraded: to the park: Here they as identAff Ashfield, near Kintail, being
sembled in -front of • the liandlitank born the farm' on which he his
and operied the pregrain by' praying' lived and worked. allhis life. He was
"0„ Canada!' , •
Cars forpied a wide circle around
the° stand and- a-. crowd of people
gathered the 'hill. The evriing was
quite and the program Was ea-
sily from. almost any' point
Each band took their Place on . the
stand and. rendered tyro seleetions.
-There -Was --little to- ,choose between
lfe --Wingliani;•••40imr7 -Shake
tit pleasing numbers. The tiatrie-'
ton "King" make a very striking
Sin:ward:rice in their Scotch • unifonins;
while -Blyth • has -we ;_understand„..the
Tuesday • everting- about- • 10. o'cloek
better equipment, having Spent Some . •
when a Ford coupe erashed into the
$1200 reeently on instruments. At the
back of his buggy, throwing hini3Out
on -the Mad.- • „-7.• •
'The accident itapiiened in the *it-
lage near the end • of the pavement
leading smith, Mr, -Finlayson being
tives gathered. to pay their last "'re:
SINGLE: cOnne oimia
The Bread
of Health
The Bread
.0, of Healtli , •
,SPECIA:LS ' • •
*11.7001144 • lorr SQUARES '
Pliorte 36
It is. the intention of ,the Citizens
Band to strengthen and improve phis
organization and as a meads, of Po
• doing; a class of beginners -4S to --be.'
' • started early • in September. Boys
misieklY inclined are preferred and
any 41lio Wish to jointhis'class are
asked to 'iriforni any ,ofthe band offi-
• cers as saon es possible. *,
The., let Lucknow Troop of Boy
• Scouts and officers wish to acknow-
ledge. with' :thanks the kindness of
friends and parents who supplied
means of transportation to and from
• d "-Who rfdrnished many good'
• things to eat for, the: troap.
A group pietuie of the .troO•P : wag
aken by Mr. Free of Brantford -end
•"these who desite a photo' at a cost
of 65 cents are asked to hart in their
names by Saturday to' Scoutmaster
Gordon :Johnston. •
Township passed !away on Friday,
July 31st, 1931, in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, in the person of John
year and for a number' of Years' Mr.
MacDougall had not. been 'enjoying
good health, but. his. cendition . wits.
not regarded as serious 'until recent-
ly, and on Wednesday of. lea, week,
Underwent a serious operation from
Which he: did not recover.' •
• The -deceased was' born in 18.66. on
the farm on Wider: he resided all his
• life. He we .twice Married, his first
wife being Christena . McLean, a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs,
.Litighlin McLean. To them were
born three daughters, Katherine, now
of' Grand Rapids, ('Etta), Mrs. Peter
Campbell, Lucknow; Marion, :Golden
'xrdltermiiiroirer-seon-, --Angus'Oorldil;
Windsor. His wend wife was Flora
Cameron, a native Of :Scotland. ,
this family,. survive 'three daughters.
Evelyn, Dorothy and 160a' at SOM..
•Besides his Widow• arid . family
there remain to me -urn feUr iti
Mrs. MacPherson, Texas; Mrs. Flet-
cher, St-7-rathroy; Mrs. MaCD-onaid and
Ws:• J. Rossi Lucknow„ • • •
The funeral was field on Monday,
August 3rd, from his late residence,
interment, being in South Kinloss
_cemittery.°The feneral_ services_werc.
conducted by Rev. J. L. Burgess of
South Kinloss, Etssisted by Rev: John
NiCholson of Tiverton, and Rev. Hugh
Forinosa. Mr. MacDougall
was a faithful meiriber and elder of
the South Kinloss congregation and
was also a Member of the choir. The
funeral, •was largely attended as a
token ofthe esteem in which he was
held in the community.
• appreciated the splendid 'patretaage of
-the •village and community, and
is their intention•to Icontinue to. im-
prove the• Band in' an 'endeavoi to
sponsor even a better Tattog next
. •
' Five bands, in all about 100. mug.:
always a very popular man of genial
and kindly disposition. He leaves to
mourn his wife, Sarah Taylor and
one son, David Alexander, 16 ' years
of age,' and one 'daughter,. 'Ethel Man
13 years :old. Also one sister, Mrs. F.
D. MacLetinan and one brother, Mr.
Murdoch MacKenzie Survive.
• '
" • •
• . .
• i•••,„
;' ',••••N"
•• •••••••••---th;
Hits -Boggy_
M. Kenny Finlayson, Con.,
Kinloss, was badly shaken up on
conclusioi`,. of the 'iirograin the bands
played and marched :around the :car -
lit circle, which was a very pretty
spectacle, and brought:. the evening
to e close with the National Anthem. ,
otif his , •
Way- to the home..,Of James
: An added attract -kin of the evening
Culbertto 'get hriplement repairs.
was Jack •Thynne, the ,Keneas Firm- _
The cause of • the incident is chiefly
er, who is reputed to be the Only
singing• violinst in Canada. At
the 'result of several eases of "no
tervals thronghout., the evening h int lights." : There were no lights on the
t -
, . e
car, the buggy light Was. not lit, and
entertained,n, large crowd; who gath-
ifiestreet light nearby was not harnr
erect around the stand, with his songs, .
• Mies and violin seleetions.
The coupe wile driven by Jack. Ir -
booth • and hot dog stand on the
win, accompanied by Archie ,Nichol
greunds was quiie popnlar and at
the hall, fallowng the .1)erfe;rm.anie, son of Of Belfest....end the impact hurled
the Women's • Institute , served re-
freshments to the members of • the
different: ban& .• •
• •
inr-e :i:uniiing_ to the scene. Mr. Finlayson
The dance hi the hall drew a 0 .,
Crowd arid' eadea- to ilielninefarend ....„.
a very Successful night which -dir-
ects 'credit to our local band • organ-
ization and especially to the effor
of. Mr. L W. Hamilton.
, • %
• At tine o'f writing fur: rinks • of
iocel howlers still remain in the run-
ning for the Joynt Cups,as a result
of 'the elimination tournament which
has been in' progress at the green
during the past few evenings. The
winners of the Russ Robertson -Dr.
Johnston rink engagement, will meet
Robt. Rag's rink and the winners of
that will compete in the finals again-
st the' rinkskipped by Harold Allin.
• Charles Neville a :22 -year-old ' sai-
lor of Montreal was drowned in 'God-
erich harbor , on MdinlaY afternoon.
• • August 3rd, He arrived in Goderich
that day on the steamer Williaat
• Schiapp ' and when the fatality, • °c-
• entred was swimming between the
• north and south piers. At this ,point
• -°--the water is ,,abotit 25 feet deep. He
was, reported to; be. a strong swim-
mer and had made the crossing bo-
iVren the piers and was returning
- • „.'.when hk disappeared. • Several ' ex-
erferiad SWirniners;
the water at the time, made unsuc-
• cessful efforts todecover the young
man's body, whifh• was recovered
ahOrtly afterWartit by grappling opt
cratioto . I
Mr, Finlayson from the buggy, which
went into the ditch and was damag-
ed. The horse apparently was, not
hurt. The crash • brought neighbors
New Towels, Hundreds • Of them
, -
"MARKET" Lucknow Dept. Store.
I have been instructed by an Am-
erican law ' firm to attempt to locute
any heirs of the late Francis j. Wal-
ker, who died in the States, sq .that
they may receive an inheritance due
them. Mr. 'Walker was born' in Cana-
da about the year 450, 'being the
son-ef Frank • Walker • and Inez:
Doherty.-R.".J.: More, Lucknow, •
was seemingly stiinned for a 'time
and. seceiVed _e_Lhattly -scratched
ace and bruises about the back and
sh • ulder. The car was not damaged
ny extent. •• • .• I • •
fot all i')urposes--itt- NOW -10W- -13-rie6s-7.-Any..liutein--00unty boy contemn -
Card Of Thanks •
• Mrs. Jelin MacDougall and child-
ren of the late John MacDougall,
acknowledge with grateful thanks
the kindness of friends and neighbors
during the siekness and death Of.
husband • and • father.
WOW has .recently' been received
in toWn of the death •of Air. A. B.
Nian, which occured 'tome time, ago
itrAttnittle,- GeOrgim-L•Mrs.-
be remembered ELS formerly being
Miss Winnifred Grundy, who accom-
pariled with her daughter, ire spend:.
ing August in Toronto, after Which
they intend Col 'travel extensiVely.
A most enjoyable • afternoon was
spent on the shores 'of, Lake Huron
at Kintail On Tuesday of last week,'
when about 80 members of the Diek-
son family, descendants of the' late
ine.- and Mrs. Thos. Dickson, Con.
• 10, Aelifield; assembled to renew Re-
g:Minter:des at this social gathering.
The weather was ideal for Picnicking
and the .Water fine for bething. A
good game .of ball was engaged .in
against the Lucknoi Scouts; .who
were camping there. An aniple lunch
Was then served which was followed
by ice-creamIlfr: Thomas -Sandy of
Goderieh being _Pie donor Of 5.
gating entering the Ontario Agricul-
tural College for either, the Assoc-
iate Or Degree -Course is eligible to
compete for the Huron' County and
Massey Fund •Seliblarshin. Particu-
lars regarding this -Scholarship may
e found 'elsewhere in this, paper,
Applications must be made on or
before Saturday, August 1.5th, and
shoildbe forwarded to the Ontario
Depart,:ment 'of Agricultdre, Clinton,
ft' •
Mrs. Jas: Miller is visiting with Ars. J. D. McKendrick of Detroit '
who visited last week withher .par- '''•,•(` .
friends in Toronto.
' ents, Mr.. and Mrs. McMorran has- ,...
Mis. W. e. Johnstone returned last
bv her, - Sister, Madelyne; -
Miss Ethel Robertson • left, on Tues- . • '
day to visit relatives' in Toronta. • . ' . , ''',,
and friend Miss Cybil" Chappelle of
Miss Jean Reid of Paris, Ont., is Toronto, visited their•launt Mrs. An -
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Dr. 13alfour.
returned to her . homd accompanie
week • from Winnipeg., •
. • •
'Misses '"Fletit ifid7:0.11VW-Web-ter•-•
Miss Margaret McLennan is, visit-, • Miss Winnifred Webster of Tor- •••••., ,
ing this week with ends in Milver- •onto 'wet: home over the week -end, •
ton. „ • '• .•• • Miss Myrtle,Webster visited last ' •
LucknoW United Church •piertic is week with friends :at Bervie. .
this afternoon_to Harbor Park. God- Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Parfitt spent •
erich.• • '•1 • • •the week -end , with Mr. and Mrs.
Modrehouse Mitchell, .be -fare- leaiing •
34r. and
•.... T.. MacRae of We.;
throy visited .with Moi..Elliott this for : their home in Timmens.• " . •
r. and Mrs. 'Percy Aitchisori and At
, was Enuniiii4D0nage is. spending Mr. end Mra. Abner Aitchison of , •
341. and Krv,-, 'F. - I
Zion [.
twlic_weeks: vaentien•lit, .her home at Peterboro visited Wk -end- • •`' '
with visMalcobn
mitridwieirthenc4e;s1M. pu:rci‘inet.sofoveLrondtohl: ireMiyis.pFtinTg: wAirtmhatmeernra:Aiinnd
hohday' • , • axarrmeristtsr in Toronto Miss Winifredt
A•-'4,TeWtOn. "its "'elating "g zs i!laYmg 111 De "it'
friends and relatives in Toronto and Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Smeltzer •
. •
turned by Motor last week to.their . •
Orilla. . ,• home. at Calgary, having epent,- •the
-wee a week -end visitor' with her ' • - •
it*tine and summer inthis r, --s-munL
- •
earente: • • :.
" Mr and Mrs., Alex Lockhart. and- .
Miss ;garden Pratt of Galt is vis daughter Phyllis also Mr Andrew
siting with her •cousin, Miss Lenora Orr,
all Of 'Strathroy were visitors
Webster: • • over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs..
Miss Leila Begley 'of Leamington, Melvin Orr.. .
'NeW ,Stocks of .Men's Work 'Shirts
Work Pants - and. 'Overalls:: ,at • New,
Low' prices. "MARKET" Lucknow
Dept. Store. '• ' ' • ;
1 • ;
:Mr. Andrew Stewart • an aged
gentleman of, the 7th concession
West' Waviaiiosh, 'died at his hen*
at Glenn's Hill ' on Thursday morning
July 30th. Mr. Stewart who was 82
years of age was a well.knOwn and
respected citizen of the township. He
had been. in declining 'health for
soirie months although Until two
weeks ago was.able to be abOnt.
Since that time he failed rapidly. He
Ions of this .refreshment is suriolved formerly
. Members' 'were. present 'from Tor- Miss Jennie Mallbugh, •a daughter
onto, Detroit, Stratford, Ethel, Luck.' of the late Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mal-
Tiverten; Auburn, •Nile, Port lough of Dungannon; three Song, Wil -
Albert an throughout Ashfield ••• Ham, livingkat horne; Bert of Duluth,
it was decided to make this fait- and Nelson of, Widlawilla, Washing?
ily gathering; event, end ton Territory and a' daughter, Mrs..
anexecutive was aPten tedasfol :Cartwright Of •TornntO,
loWs: President, 'Wilfred Parrish, "the funeral tieriffee;:efilillinted by
Ashfield; Vice-pres., Thomas Dick: Rev C U MacDonald of Lucknow,
son, Pert Albert; Secretary, Elinor Was held at the faith liorrie on Sat-
Farrish Atbn, Treasurer, , Sys. ikIrdaY afternemi, interment being. were 1-WeekTend Manors With Mr. and noon rat 2' ,O'cloelg.. Interalent,will be
(Rev.) Mar TaYloro
is visiting at the hoine of Mr.. Matt 3,1 and xt Alf w ds m•
r. rs. . 'oo ,•iss
Jean-Topir-and-Messra,--Wrin, Cham.„,
Mr. and Mrs. 11 A. Doupe and fan:- pion and George Topp Li?! Toronto. •••1
ily of Port Credit are campers at were week -end visitors at the home •'
'Point • Clark. •
•Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Myers of
Sandwith,.are visiting with the lat-
ter's parents. •,
Miss Jean .Durnin, R.N. of Toron-
is visiting with, her uncle, Mr.
itobtDurniti. , • •
, Employees of the Lucknow Table
Company are this week enjoying a
week's . holiday.- • ,
Mr. Robert' Lyons of Itapuskasing.
visited this week with his father, Mr.
Jas. 'Lyons, Sr.
.New Voiles, New Wash Goods at
New Lo W Prices. "MARKET" Luck -
now Dept. Store.•
• Mrs.. L. J. Letang of Wallaceburg
is visiting with her mother, Mrs.'
Angus McKinnon. • •
"Mr. and Mks. A. W. Hamilton and
faMily are visitors- this 'week at Tor-
onto and other points... '
Mr. Milton McMullen Of Toronto,
visited this week at the home of. Mr.
end Mrs. W. 'Davison.
Mrs. Elliott Miller has returned to
"her home here, having spent the past
few months in Detroit. '
• Messrs. • Cameron Geddes and L.
yoerger of Toronto, were week -end
• visitors with the former's parents.
• Second Hand. Electric, Washer in
good condition at a bargain.-
• Win: Murdie & Son.
Mr: and. Mrs. Frank Yates and
daughter' Barbara, of HaMilton, are
visiting with the foririer's. brother
in town. •
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McDiarmid of
Clefveland, Ohio, are 'visitors this
week with Mr. and , Mrs.. Alex .Mc-
Diarmid. .... '
Week -end visitors with Miss Mae
Dairialmi *ere Mr. And Mrs. Burgess
and Mrs. Stella and Mr•. E. Koteftkie
of Totonto. • .
Ili's. (Dr.) Cowan; who his been
staying with her mother, Mrs. Angus
McKinnon; 'for a time,. returned 'to
T"°*" last week
. . :, • '
Mrs. Frank • !deltic:sib,. Drennan,
of Mzi. Charles McDonagh:
Miss Caroline Webb and „ Miss '-
Flora E. Andrew left Sarnia On, the '
"Noronic" Saturday, for a trip • up
the Lakes en route to. Vancouver.
They.eipect to be away a month.
Mr. and--M-r&-Gordon-Hickaof Tor-
onto were recent visitors with Mr.
and--bIrs-F:14.-31cLenniin. On their
return 1 they were accompanied' by •
their two children who have spent
the past month here. • • • •
. •
'Mr. and liars. Frank . Gibson and .
Mr. Dell Ritchie of Mount Forest, ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Reny Bernell and
children, H. R. McKeclinie„ Mrs.
Jack Hornell, Mise J: Hornell and
Mrs. Walter Keens of TorOato„,visit.
ect over.lhe 'holiday at
The Misses: Margaret, Wilda • and
Ruth McKenzie and Mr.'. Newten:Mc- • •
Kenlie accompanied by a niece and •
nephew, Children of the late John Mc-
Kenzie, all of Leamington, motored . •
from Toronto last week and visited • • •
with their aunts the Misses McKenzie „
in' town:•• , • .
Successful Music 'Student / .:/
Since publishing the list of/ sue-
cessful music students last week we , •
have learned that Grahath.; Sheriff,
,a pupil of Miss Myrna Treleaven,
was successful passing Elenien-
tarY piano exam with the Toronto "
Conservatory of Music. Graham tried
the ex'arn. Goderich a week• pre-
vious to -thicttudents who tried.lo-
Moved to West Lorne
• The DymOck family Who have 'been •
residents of Lucknow for the past ,..
two years returned to their ferintir •
home at ' West Lorne on TueSdair;
Dymecit• until recently was em-
ployed District representative
with the International Harvester Co.
While in Lueknow lUraotks Occupied '
the residence of Mae Davison's on .. , •
Havelock Street, which id now for •
rent or side.
the Village of •Kinlough
on .Wednefiday, .Atignst 5th,! Jame's
Johnston, Aged 80 years.. The funeral
service will be held at hielate-relt-
Carlyle, Jean and Ewen of Windsor,
deuce at. Kinlough on Friday •after-
Made in Dungan** lettoiteip 'Sproul, • c
in Kinloss entetery.
• •
• •
"ta OLI‘f.!••••••,.
, '91,1•••f"..(_,
1 • •