HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-30, Page 7•".1
• • • ,
• • ' . • . •
t •
, errnaliwPWM,Ww.,44,404;4; 404•nywwww,t, M,'"'"' 04, • • •A :`", 440
-,xt!.,-.m•47...-.Irstri;;4-:•ti,.. 5' ,••••I'i. • • •• t • - *,••••-• • .
•••4 , • • T.-- •
• 4-4 -
".•.„ , •tit-ticaverlit •
$ • :" '
Famous. Referee
Wood hostesees have. learn&1 the Value
• of keeping Kraft Cheese end Velveeta
hant? for 'elltertaloingt Delicious .sancl-
withes or a testi salad are ottlY a matter
thefce box...
• night"." Meford Flooring - -
It's Good -- •eeyotjeaJer
-It's Even I3etter -Get our prices
frhe Knight Mfg. & Lbr. pp. Ltd., Meaford .
Tell-Halaf °Discloses a Forgotten:Peciple
StaiArean. Statues Found in MeSopotamia. Reveal •':a Culture
.'8elieVed tp b 6,00() ,YeorS.Oi .". ' • t'
L'• C101oseaf. , eta ,
and towering Haat ntfear Princeases to Egypt,'
temple 'facadeti ' n. a • set,baele: forma: all of .whofa• beCaMe Queeri8;1 onelhe
tion rerainiecent of skyscrapers, re- aunt. • of • Tut -ankh -Amen.'' • He
• ,cently discovered:. MeSopetamia, ascribes rano( of the culture form -
writes Diana RIO hrthe N.Y. Times, erly attributed to the, Hittites to the
are Saki not only to be 'Unique Subarearis.
. among archaeologiCal•discoveriee but •"Tell,Halaf is slowly giving up its
to, open a 'new field' of study for the ,seCrete," :said. Baron yen OpPephelea.
scholar of anttquee,.. • According: :to • "POr a leng•-"tim •-• we liavie been:
• Baron Max. von Oppenheim, 'a ncit- gang t�• that pert of the Mesopottniia.
3d' German archaeologist and 'stadent desert where Tell-Hilaf is Situated
'•ot Bubarean-Hittite culttire,, now in .and for's., long, tithe- we have Inown,
the united States .• to. study receat. there' was important -archacelegical.
-010-coverfes-macle • there. AS -earl 7 as- 1
0)30:*%:;•141„W 4 6 • 46tY •
4k1iC 34e1XerMAUA,
.15;It;14\-11_4"*.)k.1.4\0•Alt., .•
kal GOOD 250
• • .0 '
• • '
Owl Laffs Laffs ClassifiedrAdveliti4ug
„ ,‘-Such a Joy In Sand ' • '
.4 • • „ •
.a.h.e.,..reeee make thegworld so:.sweet,
•• The 'bees'', the bird; have,such. tune,
There's such a,itehi and such wheat;
................ • .
Mrs. :Tenkine; (looking up from her
nevvapaper);,'--PI see there's a new Cof-
fee on the, markef-ihat-has dates
Mr. Jenkins - "What do you Meat,
dates in it?" ' •
Mrs; Jenkins -"Why thiia advertise-
ment says:It's clated'." "
There is some reason -to expeetthat'
in time :Chicago avill erect a menu
td The Unknown Victim. Oscu-
lation knows no nationality. A kiss ;is
something that tastes good in any
,lan,guaget Some- People' are--aa-dOinb-.
as they leek and others are dumber
than they can possibly look: The-rea,
son a Man Can't lind a -policeman when
• he wants one
JRcsk -Derlipsu7stparatiii-max,Bc1 paunfr (ficlidun ,Man-tibrfooking for: him. • •",
• in 18th round of 20 round fight in Reno, 1.101y 4, ',when•IJicudun 'won . • ,
the . • • • • • ' ' The purchasers of high quality,good
. .
- • - --- • - ---• • • - 4
heretofore been generally referred to highThe firet, known as lord of Reggie-T."4nd do the people sex
as -Hittite, ibecause..We. knew only the heaven And earth raqlnand weather, door borrow Much from yone
more rle.e;lt stone ..carvings which' stands .by 1is side on: the 'back of a JaSPer--"Borrow.! Why feel more
nave heen attributed to Hittite art- lioness; and 'close • beside .them Is at:home tritheir-lictineejhan I do in
get the most for their money. - • '
, , , . •
ago• LBS PRINTS; RI.J.t OR VtI,VNT, • „
A..':NicereerY Co.,Chatham,. .‘•
..... .....e.,.......:". %
. . . . , • . .. ..)• ''•..,,N • _
. 0. , •! •c,•q.
tx7_,LFAZDS _.±..aisi '.134-_K11„; ri - '.13±. • • -.
Tr .Sodliun ..Ohlorate. John - 1114teiV, - . -.. . - '
Box 9, Madeleine, Que. ' 4 . , •
,. ...... .
— Sea Winda s•
Here IDY the sea the Wind .a4Ways
,blowihg-- •
•It will netlet the harassed vines be •
:No suffer airy fie -Were; seal
Norenything.ao have its. 'will. • •
• Its. tyrannies 'have bred • a' bleak ae.
centance„ • • !I
A -.warped subinisslott;r4a-64611
' ' • , uncouth, . • •
That strips the -heart as bare as you.. •,•
der beach is,
So 'old-. iniati.forgetten youth! •
--zTrancea Dickenson Pinder in'. the
'Lyrlc. •
• • ' , • : • '1
, •
I•'Barber-Yee are,.very bald,' sir. Do
t yeti know what is the causeof it?" •.
Client -1 don't know, but suspect
to do with, it." s.,;.1 • • "
.ists. But these Hittites are Indo- their child, the, sou gad. with a' lien
German intruders from the north to 13.eneatli its feet."•
Asia Minor and :Syria, who . came •
only In the. second millennium to • • • Weiiitherr,
titie-p-srf -cif "-the': Werld.
my ewn. •
• How's Veer -Brain? ,
• tei
ind. • S
does, the artifacts of .Tell:Halaf• indi- the ineundwas marked Out for !h-
eats civilizen older •than; any liestigatiori but it was net until- 1911
found ,In Mesopotamia.. , -.. •
Mesopotamian biscovel;lei ,
that we began to .dl -g.- . We were '
terrupted - by the war , -and did ot
The archaeological disco:veries
*ere made 'in Upper • Mesopotamia
on .the site' • of the 'ancient city of
Tell-Hal4 and • new 'repese la the • •
'-a"-fte1"-±7O0fraliThad"joined. the„ . -
sent -another -expedition; until '19
gue 0:if. Nation's. The result of our.
1927-29 excaVatiens have -been as.
. .
-..V-, \ •
baron's Maseuni. I in •Berlin,. where toniShing, . .
-"TellHalar must • haire been' a g-h-Vr
den spot in. the old- days. . It is the
-Centre of', a group of •bases watered
by hiurdreds of springs. , tying. In
the midst of a desert- waste, :it was
an ideal siteler a great City, Where
could those old Subarean • kings have
found a morel logical place to locate
. •
their ' capital, .' erect - their enbrinous
temples, and , stone chambers for,
. their "gods?- -The city becanie the,
&filiation that' •apread
•ever other pis of the ,Near East.'
In the. east ere have .been only
Is. most impOrtant to your .work. anti
• grina MESS LABonATontrs ,. ,,
.illzatiens; the Egyptian the • old -
Subarean, whose centre ivas Tell -
three original. and independent civ -
"The 'Subarean • 'art, suoh as we
. ., I
pleasure: Banish -foot troubles- IOU]
P .
4. 1
ifib5,1enTair or ,Blimerral, Wild IW
• _
Clean and pure: Just Ruh it On. Re- •
• moves aims, callouses, warts, in-
4rowritoe-nails quiCkly,„ safely.
At leading .drriggista or send tor, ar 50c •
Toned in, the - Tell -Halal *area, has
34 Ahrens St. W., Icitehener, oat.'
they arenow being studied by Schol-
, are. According ,to the Barton, Tell-
Halaf thrived about' 3500 )11,C., and
- therefore the Subarean race-WI:110.
btille It antedated the Sumerians at
• Ili. Baron von OpPenheini believes
that lila. discoveries establish • a new
and hitherto unsuspected link, be:
tweesi die Egyptian and Subarean
. for. "the Kings of Tell-
ream my •(1 scoveries at Tell-
Halaf it :was.: aPrierent that 'the Sith-'
arean eulture, and art went back to
the -third laillenniuni), Possibly. te_
.4,500 •B.C."
'Dating by Pottery ,
Baron von Oppenheim . dates hilt
was co ,„
We shivered and 'shook; •
Did nothing but scold.
• The Winter was. cold;
.The ;wind was too hold, ..
Ave it the hook,,
• The *inter was old,
• We shivered and . shook.; '
scoverieerbyt-ttiewnr-iit-the painted ! . • ,
.1}Otter-y-foinitUelow_the Sitmeriari_ or 4_ _ „
• • ' We tante. and we fuss, •
• :And seek. a cool spot.
The Stinainer,Whot . '••
'Arid:all that Is'arot *
Inviting to us. •
The' Sinruner Is hot;. .'•
We- filmy and we fuss.. ,
If Summer Were cold, -• •
• • And Winter_were 'hot;
If Slimmer were cold? •
...„(The Afuth'il• better told!)
'We'd still curse Oar lot -
If SUriuner•were cold
. . '
• '-Valward" W. -Barnard, • N.Y. ,Tinies.
• _
Babytottiah level. •
"Thl_painted pottery • `is,' much
earffei. than 3,500 B.C.," eontinu-.
ed. It' -la . conteraporinebUS With
flint and .other stone implenients.,
The clay from which it• was
was -,a light yeflow. Black-brew,n
dye was used 'In painting the 46, -
It is a dye that Cannot' lie
imitated, WeAthave 'tried to imitate
cessful. This dirk brown shade 'was.
the original color, which has Since
taken dn a reddish:tint. There is
no mistaking the prehiStoric pottery
Where it Is found.. Mr. Woolley of
the University ,of Pennsylvania found
similar pottery Ur hi Lowpr Mes-
opotamia where he Is excavating
1 • S
c)w the umear an stratum. Ur is
tr, lot& 'dietattae_:froni and.:
he Sumerian art found there Is not
he same as our art. _The- _t
two ire,
and back
farefrozn Montreal toBelfast, Glee -
ow, ,Iii-ver.p.00l; mouth -Or- 70
ndonandhack. Good going from
Aug. i.st to 'OCt:.15th
deii--OT'eaii Other:" •
' It was not until 1911 that the first •
archaeological expedition' discovered
the site of Tell -Halal: 'for there had.
been drama and . seerecy about the
buried city. Only because the Bar;
n-spaker fluent -Arabic did he hen -
pen to hear a tale being whispered
'in the desert about the - Bedouin who, . 'I
digging a grave for his .old father,
came :on a winged Monster and oth-
dr queer animals which- he . hastily la,
covered up and fled. The next year
came the plague and a.pest of loe'udts, •
convincing the. Bedetiins 'that the
winged monsters had sent the
sCourge. ' Only after much recen-
noitering• was the ,site"of the desert-
ed . clty disclosed.. Superficial dig-
ings at once Uncovered an eXten-
- -sive-area scuptured linages,
set in what was later found to be a
temple. son. without. Wishing." •
A Ninety -Foot Excal,;ation.
Return portion valid for 2. years.
Round trip rate to Contineotal .
„Points reduced proportionately. •
Two sailings a week.
For fail information apply
' Cor. Bay and Wellington Ste.
S 61 or any steamship agent u• 1 '
Tomtit° •
(Phone Elgin 34711 '
.,.. •.,....__________-
. ,... .• , .. . -.,,.::: • . - ...- ....... .... . . , )1...,,
.. .. ' . . . 7
is im rove
• Rd your home of flies with AeroXim•-the,
iniproved spira1 fly catcher with the longer'
and wider ribbon. Acrozon in guaranteed not
to ary but or deteriorate. The gine is.alwaya
fresh, fragrant and sWeet-:--irresistible to flies. •
.Aetratork Geed /Or 3 Weeks' Serviee.
Gets the fly eVery tithe
NEWT N A tflf.L, 56 Feont Street East, Toronto '7! 2
Federal fuses are the result of years
of scientinc. study comfiliCed with the
experience of yeare. '
Now,- count the 'sin that sentence.
Only once -deal go back and &mut'
them again. .
At the hottem of till§ epinnin
-11nd-,,the-a-nsiTer; and It will tell you
Serithiag_a.hauLt_hOW good Tour brain
, .
• •• , • • •
• Blie.-"And will you love' me as 'much
•ail this when we.,:are married?"
Ile---"Hovi can you doubt mq? You
knotv I've alwaysdirced married. Women
The reason a man is not greeted
with .a kiss and a smile when he gets
hence in the evening is because his
wikte _knowshe_is_going_ta_citart , right .
• In mealifig up the h4se or kicking
about the expenses.
'Taint what we have,
'Taint wiiere we are,
But how we live::
'Taint what we do,
But how we do it -
That makes •this life
Worth going through it. •
There are • six Ps' in the sentence
'''''',51t-761-Elli iiirajra-Pii a iffifet
average intelligence recollects: three
of them. If you spotted four; you're
above the average. If ycin got five,
yee can turn up your ripse at most
Anybody. If you caught all six you're
• a genius, and a lot'tocr- geed to be:
Wasting your .time en foolishness like'
• I
The Canadian :wool C01.1 Ltd.
_ocia-suffer"-any-longer-f-rom these
unsightly blemishes. Overcome them at
.home. Get 2 oz. Peromine Powder trona
your druggist. Sprinkle a little on the
face cIoth, apply with, a circular motion
and the blackheads will bh all *mum)
AWA*. Satisfaction or money returped..
km is of*ot.it'.• • it • to ... 11 it, •
• , . . .
Why. 'Tolerate Pimples • •
• •
. and Blackheads when •
• Quickly Itehleves 'kittens .•
• At drugests. ,Sqtaly2S. Ointznent25c, and
nentannisoali•APII•PrICeritre.nna.k •
and Falling Hair, use Min.
aura exactly. as you atonici
any hair tonic. Do this 4
2 8 tithas a week and the rank
will be a
t Clean Head and Glossy Ha r
• We rush like mad all the time and .
.4 it may net pay. Nevertheless we have
never seen man or \woman ,who took
their time to their' tasks make a verY
. big success ,of anything.
.• ' Neighbor -1,3;1d I bring year laWn '
til" • y v .; bathing
mower back lastdall?"
suit is perfectly charming?".
Indignant Householder --:"No, you.
"Yes, it Is very pretty, but 1 fear
did not.-". • •
it isn't•serviceable-. I'm 'sere it will I do
shrink when -it is wet." • - •
wanted to.horrow it again."
"Oh, well, I can wear it. a▪ ll.sea-
"If We NWSil our foreign trade to
pros -per, we shall hate to 'make it easy,
for people to trade, with tet,'''--Thrunas'
W. Lemint:
"Digging one -feet down we began
to discover interesting relics,' but it
was only after wa had dug ninety
feet that the great temple -palace
stood reVealed," said Baron von. Orl-
peiTheini. "Around the walls of the
tetapleon blocks of .stone were
carved' in bold relief what might be
. Saved
map walked Into his ciuh mop-
ping his broW and looking distinctly
"'BJove,',; he panted., "I've just
had a narrow squeak. I was almost
run into by a beastly baby car:" • I
called a historical procession of ani- "Yon weren't hurt?" asked a
man figures, chosen as appropriate
mitts, birds, . winged' ' Monsters, hu- fr771end. '
-011, no,", said the alleged Victini '
. 1
Vityll \4:-'
to adorn their halls „of state. One ,' ' ....._.--re . • 1.
symbols. by early' Stibarean sculptors .of the "near thing,' "thanks to the ...4....:c. ,ii•I'Y
tacit that l'happen to be bow-legged.'•'
group clieDlayeti an animals' erches:. ' '' ' • FOR INVALIDS
tra, a lion wtih a hail), a donkey _Proprietor of Village Stores (show- . .,
., .
singing, other atirnals aanaing. ,ing. some snapshots): "I was Out of '
' HERE is nothiag like
There' were hunting scenes, and hat- Locus When Oat one as taken,: Mra.
glatibi Bordefi'l Chocolale
ties royal between beasts • Of • the for., Green."
eats, between birds, •scorPions and Prise' rirra lihvals °flt .(14 st3lbe. ' cc)" les°an".
Mrs.. Orem "I'm not gur- ' Matzd Milk in tlmescf
, - griffitio. Where did the artists get, tWng" It 'W" Ja1)16.ca' °T1 Wedile' It aids in restoring depleted '
their desiguS and models? The day'" ' '
• energy,bUileis up redstance and .. ;
scenes in' the every -day life ot the...
imagittative. others , representing
. '..--- ----" ' ' Cm' li '.' • i'.
Knoy tgi ' ii.23.i.di.. 4.eioaA4 •
were prebably . symbolical, some ,promotes sound healthy deep.
tithes. - „ 1
MeotOO .
"Practically all the stone statuary
Waa of basalt, a hard, dark, volcanic
Stone; MOSt 'bf. it wits veriitirkiliie for..
liff glgaittie-dimer-istota: ',7,Thik three
great gotta, atnong the largest relics '
imearthed, Were each twenty-1et
, t. •,.:, . .. ,. .
• .,
• .
74' to,'•+,4
• Toronto.
Harley Layidson blatribittoro •
421 'Collega Si..
oc 1[19,cckLIATA,
m ZolaOW
Write at once -for out teirgitin list Ot
used moterevoies, rx..titig tOrtinkeri. '
- 1
74' '•-••,;••"•••4"-;.4
•I • ,
,0,444t`74,0.Vt ,;
'Expects Stork in July '71
/17:OTHER adPised me to take
the Vegetable COrnpound
• because I.suffered such pain each
"It helped me SOmuCh that alter
I married 1 still took it. I ant ex:
pectins alittle one in July mad
depend upon Vegetable Cam. '
pound. My sister takes it too."
Mrs. Aubrey S. Smith. • P. 0,1
Box 04,• North Sydney. Neva
Scotia is only ane of thbusands of
, women who depend Od Veetable
Compound to carry them over
• difficult tines Won't von try 4r. tdo?
1UE No. 30—'31