HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-30, Page 66, 01.4. r ,r• Flr,.4,-.••;14fVF „.,;F:411.7i• 4t44•Cig • „. ,*;;•',it't.,..W, • . 1:714'44' 41-g"ri • k .,•• • e .11 • ••• „ 4 4,4t.lik, 4r 3 at. k 41;,714," , , '74C444.44'4'14144'4141;1Y4t! .‘ ; 44 .;;;4';• . " 1r %UAW! y1V,44•',1' ""' $14111:144+ • „ ' • , g. r't 1.445',2,"' g • 144' : ";':•;"frf.410,03typg,rrf,',..* :41 ;4 "'. "•.? - . • 1 .0; •4 .1.tr, It,,r r . , , m 41.. .1. .4 1 . A .....11, 1,1, f it, I ••1•1. ••1' . • ,_ i • .. . • ..Z.;* Th ff Thrills of Iracng.. , - g (did 46.4 4, '. t-,-•- \•,, .4irh...- 3, §lik ib. .,.., , 1.....„ • "T.07.1.1',%."*"44t.,IZZI11M.W. • tOtAt • . news: this WeekceM9„: OPAL- Ma,,p1e,. via -Ars, by tbempges.:Nori_4---a4tvi. o (he Lena ScOlifif, there., Ai -,A0Vf, Troop. lens been formed:O. • . • The ireeX-end. ef JitiW400414.;g4Tr'a ry 'hligy grOAP nf T--14010FV-1;:04.7 On . 'J . . - ""-- • ' '11'• t • • . "-•I‘st'-}r 4•4'' '%!;/' lfrg '444; Sat:U.0w eiening, June 29th;',,ttl.K0,7.'held ..0. Meeting in "'charge, of..10.COntMester • •'; . ' • • Lone ,Secret Trooj at bIchON.0 new inerabers were IiiveSted '• Then the parent:: .beganto gather, .." and after all:Werepreaent several,:pror : nentatimas took- Plane, these hitiagl:e„ • : v,aa Year Servie.e' Star.. to - • Itkran.4?"-:-VriZo- Lone' Scout 4A4pi.Fet.. ;, • '• 'Mti tbis "ancither recruit was ri4;7,2; 11794*4440.,. to let the.;narenta....tee what iaii Investitur-e--cerentobyr„,:iaillie, and thopl.tp,fd,cia , • • Of. a iecint. ' 't ryan, was asked ifiLhem lit o •• .accePt the respcinnibility fthG 'then tlie new Seentaits aggterr. , 4.1491• 11,4q4k4 T'SVP fg4-, • 4-4-r„Arcl„.. V114,:tr" r -g tr• that they. atie,'"eff Ostl'eh-4%"4Q.'d: start ..e ttketriae*AVOQP, ;;;;.: 'Irmo yresPI Plinnale'r Tttne ActivAtTX lAtrgela 'ittte,?..10:Meera, Badge, good man4";.4,44.V049.1.0 can easIy 1r-4e,ye like to,put ilieir. .". ijiy AliatrleAWit"XOAL ean bave a4 let' of 4sw-in-w-orkkijaq4,-thf,034.*and-oe- IngperEmice wMe you i11 -gain, will Al-WaYe he y4iU Is one:like WAY hate the iniknowa eckuiReed with: .1he,•ot. uao„.. '11#11Cult life, anein ileiersaMlag.t1itir4Sh1p0 and Obsthe. 'eats, cif. the Pioneers': Redgei are ail - 1. Fell .ii,;`eii-ineb. p;ett, neatly': ;and, 14101117. 1 2. Tie •eight differenck the darki or -blindfolded. .•„ -'' 1.4ish„ spars together; Properly Or seaffeldifig„ •, • 4.,Build a model bridge -or derriek. • .-"trocip, which he consented to do, and:I...5,.-kalte _a ParoP kitc40A- • , • ii.••*•.;;L • •0•4.••' •4ki. '•••;•4•••\•:-4,0. tr; •,* *.• 4?” ••••4` •f•A's" 4441., kok: ‘41.• ••••••• ; ; r.; • • the -Aishitant -Scoutmaster; Den , 6. 'Bnild a- hut of houghs sai- sods,' et , -•••• ; , • , , • s,• • • .• • • " r••••" ,• • ."•• , 1 , • ' Big C4;ici Rmsult • Of 'Tobacco Diet '41"•., Zr1 'We uaelkilOct te4:01k. 'the : •coine'Cif 'expezinients at PA4Ylvallin State -.E0:11-ege:; Jeperted; . KW. AO; )0,rald ;s_ • ' '•SIPQ15,erti need not. 'chuckle,. for -the effect et tobacco .sniOice taloa into the throat and bronchial. tubes is'not. the same as that .of the .un•consamed leaf • .taken. tett, :the staniacti. ..Saye the . ' . • , Herald TribUnel • "' • • , • •' • , • mt.obaCco ;fed to baby chickens is: ' „ making. them into. bigger and .bettor 'Pentisyltania State ' "This saran diet in the, telly grown,. • .ers-and , emancipates 'their owners; , . from keening Olden watch for friar at a. parasitic ; infeeticin that ' , ' maY plek up when ecoftemicellY „' • ' agiugfor.their ,Own "' .• • . • •',"'A high pereentege of 'nieetinia..the eacret.ot,the.effeCtiveriess:.et the•Pens,. , Ste,te* telmeen. that/ tbb,•barm may tome:.,frolii„other „tehee.4, „..: • L ' :ingrecliktilthat4leetin,_poz„.:J.,....0.7., • Hanter and p., Hey of the .:depart 71' Mont 'or g u 1 ut al • 'fied• :•. chemistry, haVe.been- feeding tobacco • Co,: but With' a greater kiCk.. the. nicetin -types. they. '..• - ' ' are. new seeking the 'level' •of nicotin; content it. which the best results may • , • , • be obtained. A$wider rangein • • . • . tire :Plante may mean increased mar, • • , • . , • has tor tobacco firmer* ' ' ' - • "The reason for the. greater:growth . • of baby ,ehicks 'is IRA wholly clear, It.. • is net neeessarily ascribed . to nIcotin. If the tense is nicatin., then this. is .. . • • ;something . , win ..1.4yel says.: • • . • , • .• . • ' Better health . may come from the .. .. killing by iticotin roand worm, ' type Of. fowl parasite. termers have • •'.. • been forced to raise ,theirichickene.en . ground free from• •ttis,..orgeniant. •• • • "Tfiere•is na parallel between amok- : • I. • ,. ing and feeding, tobacco thickens. "la Smoking nicotin's 'stimalus works 'through:the blood and the nerves:. In • the chicken's diet it ..is. . a disin; ,fectint:Passing*Ilirough the, body,, ;mit not necessarily ' being abiaiihed into • 7 the system, and affecting the . • or ' the 'Meat and eggs.'' .‘ Fraser, on being asked 'eXiaress .1ilm. 'greases or similar ;material; or . alter- , t. 'moment is greed:al racing yachts tweed firat buoy in race spentored by Royal Nova • self stated that 'he was' readY to, natiVely weave a satisfacterYlniattresa, • : tacht Chiiit off Halifax:41th 'Bue'caneer heeling- into wind:. Blue Heron was first to cross finish of -straw, hay or 'on a. camp line,: bat lost'race to the 'Orem II through: handicap. gstand by..the Scent:master:" • • • bougbB Vomiaittee :was then SP- ;10oln..-; , , • 'voluted, and Lean Petrel Leader Bahr 7D� y�u1111-4-that-yoircould-tlettose." who is inoStly reaRaneible things? Why not try, and see if you tfor.',. the .termatIon• of the Troop; was'cannot &alit, for the rank of a Pion-. , , „ aPpoitited as. Trocip :Leader, and our • „ of the Lonies as Patrol. Leader. , • . .Sunday eVe0,Ag'-aeM a Ohnrch Par-' '44"4 . • litcle to Riehmend Hill, when fifteen of .• •eer? , Lone, Scouting is open to any . . beYs. ir Travel -Becoming ,„ ors of •"Safer Report Reveals cot a.s-Analysis of airplane acci- ariHaiirisSpaiiow - Discovered on Hudson Bay , - 1r4 rig:Vgii,'"4414A . • het!leen the hgee o.od leo: who ,ents in. Canada,' contained in the ie - live in the country Or in villages where 'POrt a.ViAtion' and civil Gov. • _ " ' • • there IS- ilia Saout ..Traoli. If YeA 'ere • 'Pitts•hurgh.--Discovery' 'of the .eggs lecting .birds plants and insects. Its ernmen. air pe • ; •the iiietabers. Of the new Troop turned -1980 she** that despite ain increase of the Harris sparro*, the last' North out en parade; and they ,were met, at :interested and would like to become a • of 15 per cent itilthe tete' flying time , „ had re - American bird whose :eggs d ite aocidente reSulting in death of One or mained unknown to science esp. the„church by three Lone Scoults from. ,Scout write for further information to PniOnville. " -:'.. , "The Lone -Scout Department, The - - • It • d searches over more than a century, more Occupants of aircraft remained . . ..V.7.trie are sorry. to loie. the, Maple Boy Scouts Association, 330 Bay St., Lt 17,1hesame figure as for 1929. Dr. George •Sutton . 1 has been made by . , , 'Lloiales front Ohrianks; but we:are glad ' Terto,. Ont." -",Lone E.' Accidents 'causing only injury to a Pittsburg orrilthologiet, who returnoccR ts decrease f m d -1 -jt92r ice covered wastes Death ate hows July- . :Accidents_causing_death:911 h ' Hud on Bay • members, besides iViessrs. Sutton' and Semple, were Bert .Lloyd, Seakatche• wan ornithologist, and Olin S. Pettin- gill, photographer; of Blondin Oellege. Suttan, formerly curator of birds at , Carnegie Museum • and One-time State ornitholOgiSt, waa.the loser in a similar race four years age to 111 • ' There- is something„ab t th s da to pilots remaine-d at th s fi r Dr Sufteda-diacovery cable at -the 'cover the eggs and nests of thehlue Big Increase of suly . ..'". ,. . ..._. ;',„4,..,?•, • uici s. • urn. er . ,:-.0 4 •Theie.is-trult mr...the_ARtitoe,. ; • ‘-'''ai--1Cr--b . , 7 .or.. And the dahlia Mo.*. 1, ' ; • ..,.1930 Wink'. 0.1*Picles , ..- 2. And other blosSome •newly bright•: : / . , - ' • . Total 212 ,. . , . Now lift, Or laang; their heads, There are glints- of gold; and glow of ' red, - 61104 by Mei Dominion 'Bureau of Sta- '1,iatics,,the ntimber Of, deaths in Cag- ed-44re* external violence daring the ireir 193.0ApreliminitrifIgiires). Was _ 146p. as compared •with 10.-.11-29;;, •B4O5 1128, 192.7, and 5,759 - in 1926.: The rate per 1d0000 1tieri ewiti, 75 in 1030' as against 78 in 1.92%: !..72.4.a•4928,-,00, in:1927. and. 631n Suiejdea. in 1630 sinawed a nietked Increalie ever .the -preceding year, the 4lumber.beitig 1.;;007 aga1nst1135:and.the Tate 10.tagainat B5. :fa 1,626.the uiun- Of elties• vieS 680 and the. rate There are little things waiting yet for ' their budi,, , And Still the peaches hang green.. e ame gure • Wliich'pasSengers-ralinnix_ of a race with a group of goese. h C dian Ornitholo- In telling of the, find, he said: , arietsicath ciroppectdfrom 16 to eight. I It hie been foul the. -einae Of. tIlIT•61°-.1Sck-e'llat- .-----" ' o•- act-14:.elled-aLthe,toliot grea , niajori o , fiting-a-ceidents la '''4'er''' ealwed• less than a mile aPaft. ..my veice, We had arranged to ' re over coafidenee or neglect of Ordinary'. .F5i• nearly 'three weeksthe groups '-nTrevolVer signal to let ptherineinhers. preeantioria, and the report urges in- i raced. to he the- first to find the last of :the party .knOw if anyof us were creasing vigilance and proper flying ' link. in ' the chain of Imre than 1,200 ,saccessful, but forgot all about that disaipline at -all- tinies:---L, .,, , known birds of this continent. ' ' '!Tha,nietlier ,bird had • fluttered off . _.;_...:---.0__.-,....-.. • ' • The eggs, -smaller than those et rab- her nest right iii-. front Of, --me, leaving- . • ins pale green • with Mottled brown i5 quickli in Eiti. effort' to .conceal it. .../ • But.li loCated it almost at mine, than shot her and went after Alve. eggs:. There. wet- liveof,--tlieter-tiny „things. that never had been• seen by a, scien- Ancither • Four Master" marbling, • will :be ,presAnted ; to the There are mornings Of gray, and morn • • • • ings of geld_ • • , And the.. scarlet cannits 'splash the •, gray, , • ; And a pink .rose pinker 'Seems • When the morning is veiled,. '! • .When .the morning is . golden., hoW strongly .the light. *Embraces the •trees„..andthatettrdro.pa r7" 40.144;•'. Ottawa.--.--Enaployment 'at the bekin- , from here with 2,000 tons of fertilizer , ning of -June showed further improve - Madison, Wis.-Wild" duck food in meat, according to data tabulated by • -for Mann . tire- Dominion Bureau of Statistics • Like all her sister \ four -masters, Wisconsin has disanpeared 'rani , during,thedry weelci, and the Con- -"reciirit ol-the two occ'ti,-_ -fr&nr+865---firina-t-inainghout-Ganadar--:H:-.. __- . , h rolls a rega e per.. glint, p •• gg , Heinidides numbered 212 1930,. th • „ -Retires :Fm the Sea Carnegie Institute. They were found J-Bilimghain, Durham, -Eitg,::Gr-i-C-C-Atre-"Rhodedendron-like hush near the. Ilarwer is one of the few four-niasted ice, forty Miles Mirth of port Church - ,0 111 - ..ncrease --:Ottn,a-i--=--Th-ei.Deminion. Bureau. Statiatica' ': mineral report': for 4pii1 ; • • shows an increaSed,production of gold:, Copper, lead; zinc, ',natural gas,. fold" &par, petrOleran-Tand-e-e-ntent-•as--cora-.- • . . •, pared ;with April, 19$O Gold set .Up 'a , • • , 1 new monthly.1, record with 223,982, 1 ounces • produced. •The output Of cep. . .per was 27.,845,Z11.-Pountlii; .lead 32r; • . .239,191 ; • Rounds:: zinc, •:22,707,451 . . • . • sailing :vessels Which still plow the ' ill, Man., on, Jane 16. . • tist before."-- pounds;• natural gas, 2,454,063,000 cubic feet: ' teldsPar. 707 tons; petro - high seas, and she is the only big sail- The expedition, which was fine:IC.6d Several other nests and eggs Of the 1 ing shipwhieh is the heroine Of a• full by John Bonner Seniple, of Seviickey, snarrow Were fouad after Dr. SuttOn'e ' 264 barrels. • ieum 153;705 'barrels and cement 827; length'filai:. She Wast tiled the' heroine Spent two TA:ninths ia the Arctic, col- diecoverY. •• " of a thrilling book. And now she has , -,,, , retired, 'from her high- estate, sailing Plant Rice for Wild Ducks kind • • Gospel •of Sunshine St. Luke was a physician as well • - • • as a painter, and the e is somethitg 'this rapidly •'••' -'0—c-Harwar erlhe7Filifigh- • Co misSion is planting 540 ai,ons The quick eye the observant • t d 940 sm ra t servation m w ose pay. A.m er and a e yst,. diamo /an • . Ose. A.. J. Villiers ' and Nis • friend G. - pounds of wild rice•to avoid starving genueness, appreciation of cher- ducks out- of Wiscon'sin. Food in well aeter, the seizing of the actual Mr- sons, as compared with 927,437 on nd d flag ut she was built on the' Clyde. - 111 - TT 1,929 theatUrnher of -homicides was 182 Such jewels I have, made new •everY, PPed-abitri"11-4Vall*-in- -duck -grounds-w.as--killed -cum tancea'rthe,-geniatspir.it,..the • - ancl•the -Ls. In 1926- the-corres7. •:Pending figures. Were .126 and 1.3,.' ' There :were .6,243" accidental deaths •• ; in, 1.036; 6,134 in 1929, 6,024 hi 1928, • 5,385 in 1927 :and 5,063 1n1923. The , at froth froth this rier.040_0, • • in .1929 . and 1-930 as 0:imps-red ;:with —.L.432.5L-iiiA92.8I927t254-.11±4926. 1)1.0T/sings 1#30-ntuailiered-.713057- ' or 17 Per cent. Of the total of fatal accidents. 'Deaths,' from traffic acci- • -dents wero 2-.077 or 33 per -cent•of the fatalitiee, number - Ing :1,289, amounted to 21 per cent Of L accideatalicleatlis. ;Ex...chiding .thoee :cases where an atitoniebile Vig.s Nralved,' • there were '.37r•deathe from ra7lroad ' accidents and ,41 from street- car accidentS, Thirty-three persons 'were killed. during the year in woe-, • plane' and 'balloon accidents. • Peru's. Cotton Crop is Hurt.' broil& and popression • ' Peru. -This ..yearai cotton * crop in Peru will be short in quanti- ty and Poor In quality because- of a 'shortage of - Water ht -the growing • season, a Mailed :dadrealie lir- the use of fertilizers and the use Of 'old - Vents; The last two causes are a • . • • . ' ali „Seamen for the PArPosh 0 making a film of the voy- 1929 and 1930, the commission said. age of one of the old windjammers be, fore they all disappear from the seas. 'Roses Line 5 -Mile Highway . • _ Austr a: as o _ morn, • , - stocked !large-quantities...by-the droughts of- uteletteativepessil the -sympathising May 1. "l'hie increase of :13,438 per - or ,1.4 pzet-hiought-tha-,EadeL 1 . Tor -1:03.T6- as compared ivith • ' And taken •by air, • to dissolve, .then, heart; the imprIssionfibleness ,to, all; 102.2 in the'precedina month cuid 1161,, crystalline, :• • that is soft and winning, and lonely 122.2, 113.8, 107.2, 102.2, 95.6,-96A. 90.3 belong‘to the true physician as well as and, weak and piteous -all these things 1927, 1926, 1625, 4924, 1923, 1922 and . Form again, to be gathered by none. and 87.7 oft June 1, 1930, 1029, 1928. •Women'ti Hotel Opened Harrisburg, i. -rhe five -mild • to the true artist. St. Luke's is a How!hotly the sun • - ' ill wind Mir in Sweden's Capital stretch along-the-Lincoln-HighwaYhe-, • ' • — .-tween- Lancaster and York_ has _been --The--first-Ybachelor hoten_for wo?. planted -with -red --and -:_white.•_rO4.es_, Men in, Stockholm was opened in April, symbols of the two ancient English for women Without h'omes looking for families for which the towns are pessesses the land, t the -rieii -in , „. „ From the sea; hear hi:in-Sing in the trees Now, in mid-afternoen, a whispering work, -writes a torrea/Stindent qf The ' dear, Christian Science Monitor.The pro - A rushing, of song, a Voicing of things ject has been realized through- the heir') That lie deep i In the.sumer ein" I given• by the City Council, which has - - •-brace, --granted-20,000 krono ($6,,poo).19_ society for aiding women. Of the t - tal, 8,000 kroner is donated for the .first -year, besides 12,000 kroner for equipping -the hbme. The hotel can accommodate about forty guests, at a cost'of about 25 cents each nightly. , Ice Cream Oy..Plane Los Angeles. -Ice cream melts fast in hot weather, and a- Los Angeles firm, specializing in unushal forms and flavors, realizing dila, has utilised an airplane to make deliveries to nearby suburbs: and cities: Tab we Cream is packed in- chemical r9ff'4p5 and is shipped in perfect ondition. Ete- •--..1Viargaret T, Campbell,. in the - • Christian Science Monitor. Chile -to Save $18,000,000 Santiago, Ohile. Economies in the national administration totaling More than $18;000,000 will be effect- ed by be government during the re- mainder of the ' calendar year, the Ministry of Financ'e announced. • "Astronomy lh a cienCe-in. which exact truth istakrangerthan fiction and about nihich one Could hardly .rrgr ' • ing econotnic crisia, • ; • In Peru the usual yield in a nor-. • :anal Year is in the neighborhood of 1,200;000 quintals. It is expeeted that this • year's 'harvest will be 40 tier cent. less, of whioll about 55 per cent. has already b,eetr• • Sold. 'Names of Million,Wornen • • Sought For Arms Reduction Petition Washingten.-Signatures of l,00Q,- 0"00 American women will be Sought • Ph' a petition 'calling uponthe inter- national disarmatnent conference in •ineva to put' into immediate effect the pledgea alreadsr made for the. re- altiation of armaments, • . Taxes tp Send • •• Olympic Team ;Ifirna.—By taxing all sporting evnt8, lit* Peru, the Natitinal spOrt8 coin/mt. tee hopes to raise enough money to ' send. a team to' the • OlYinple gainin •4t.iai Angeles, Calif., in _1:932; . • Women re •supPoSed t live Iong. er than Men,but the caldest. inhabi- teat I never a woman. ••• • , • I, • e 9r,rtsain If on tried." -Sir Jamece antly-a-delivery Was made. to Dallan,.... Jeans. . . .. Texas. •i. ' ,s named. 1921_, respectively. of hhr. GoaPil • It-.thrOws-strong- IightsintO the darkett places, and:, Vier --'use-the-- so; and is not this painter-lilce? He 4.• ' Otta.tki.a. - Notwithstanding lower ' . . 'iwita;--y),-iii--auttinTi.... -cirridefif". sugar- in. -------- -;---'--------1 „ . . Canada in 4930 .exceekled that . of the . • . • 'previous year in vale() . by $1,197,629. The acreage increaded 1,976 acres, and • • • the yield increased 162,111. tons. known,like all artists by his choice of stbjects. 411-Cs:rat Opal Found •. Canberra, Australi..-7-DiScoveiy of Prince's New. HohhY . Witat-is believed to be thelargest-cipal - - ; In existence at Lightning Ridge was revealed receij, It was said to weigh 711 rts and to be mass ot. brilliant colors.' ' TWO Cuspm Patrol Boats • Will Cost $102,000 Each • Ottawav-Two patrol boats being built by the Ctistonis exciae prevention service Will cost -$102;000 each, it is etated in a return tabled in the House ef-Commons by Hon. E. B. Rycktiaan, Ministerof National Revenue. Oneboat is under canstruction at Sorel, Que., and the other at Graven - • London. -The Prince of Wales has taken up a new sport-anetorhoating He has ordered two new racing boats 'which Will be delivered to:him within a fortnight. The manufacturer Of the craft Sold that the Prince will. not compete in, opon ra'ces* butprob. abl.y will organize Competition among his flYing. and; inotoring Meads.• . .; .. • • • ' "Nothing can be taken for grant- ed in business." -Henry Ford. iff‘if.$13r ineans little to inept Of tife big •Iiien ive itnewn."--70harles. •M. Schwab. /r1 World's Largest riwer House Under Construction •-• ' , „ v•r", ,,•'• • .4,::•••••••": Ytz.ri,r „. • r • ;•• ' nlieing built t) clause ten 50,000 borsePower ain a with its. rid mate po;eiaial. capaeit7 ef 2,006,060 hOrsePower bo largest, water , • .1-iP're is vieW 'of poWer house of the s Power Cotnii:n1'''y 47: n sti.11 of new /36911rarjr014 can.at • • r.6 *40.4 $7„ 4?1,0Adir** " "•••• Vrilv.'et in the WOrld *h106 bei•deVeloped withr a shigiepower houas • ''"• • • , 11"./".'!"n'mtletu, ...40044 -,-ppittgaiiostartirrr000Li,gr.4.44:....;!itgag•'At,or.444 • 4 • — . • • • • nr11;•••/1',.•,!:,1',/14-. „..441„; .:444111.' .; ; ;, • . t4.:4;.• ;•••••1.1era •41. Prr'w ".Friince .and Germany • • Ottawa Droit (Ind) : There is no cause for astonishment in the fait tl at France has attached conditionstot • , her premise of financial assistance; that she wishee to have guarantees that Germany will set aside -the sumi which She paid out for her creditors for purely economic needs, and admin., istretive measure:4 destines to extri- cate her ,out of the present mess. But what is the value olassurances given , by a bountry which•for the last twelve • years has_been plotting_ to escape the,. . • consequences of its defeat and.#-Iarge • part of whose population will( not‘be satisfied unt0..tbey have had their venge • • • A Simple ,Arrangement Quebec Soleil • (Lib.) : The prepare. L tion of a treaty with Australia is one of the'least complicated thinga of his ' kind, seeing that Australia, situated, - in the Antipodes' and under ii..climate • totally different -from , our own, pro. . duces during our dhad seasons and manufactures or cultivates a host of things that we do not see up here. It will be- a very different trnitter,,when we have to deal with the tuitions situ- ated on practically the same latilide • and em.joying econoinic conditions cm- parablewith our own. - • ‘. ,FOREST FIRES SPREAD IN WES1 Spokane, WaS11.--foreat.• fires roar- ed- over a score of fronts in Montana and Mali° last week as about 800 mon strove to, control them. • Re- i:ort 6 here in die,ated ; nearly 2,500 are were ablaze. ' , "Nowadays, a • show has to lie a • , wow or it doesn't go. There's ffrP , thing hetweee a faroro and a 9001 •-• -Arthur Harranerstein. • , , • • • 8. ' 1 • • • 4. ' " • . , diikr,L; '41 g