HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-30, Page 54
THURSDAY, JUI 330.thi,, 193i:
Men and 'women 'Iaferested In a
career or In living a full, rich and
happy life know that the first essentia.1
it a un versify training; '"Why. not plan
to ette d"a 'University' of the highest
T ` ste`n ing where .studenty Work for
theh degrees 'and where each student
receives pernonel attention?'
More than hall the university red
uates.go into business, because beef•,.
-mess.,ewards ,ability, thorough train:
• Ing and high cheractgr.
Foriniprmetion writs=
• .`.::LOND.ON
It's Easy ;to B,uy' a
Department 'Store
Master Lorne Eadie spent .the past,
week at the homeof his ;grandnii<othear
Mrs. Culbert, -`1001-0
1p': Andrew Hamilton is at pres ..
ent with her father, Mr. ,James John
ston of IKinlough, .who suffered a
stroke about two weeks age; Miss,,.
Elva Johnston,. R. N., of Lucknow . is
in .attendance. . . •-
Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Johnston, Lorne
and Lionel' of :Listowel called to see
Mgr. Johnston's. father on Sunday. ,
Mr. Joe Elliott of Huron is •assis-
ting • with: the work at Aekert's.
Mrs. John Jamieson of •Paramount.
spentWa few days with her tlauglter,
Mrs. Howard Harris
The Women's 'Institute `,meets at
Mrs. Walter Hodgins on Aug*. 6th.
The topic, "Country Life in Canadian
Literature," :by Miss .'Mary Hodgins.
Director, Mrs Wm. Weil. Roll Call
A Canadian •Anth+Sr. Lunch ' Com ,
Mrs.-. Wm L„” McPhersot , 'Mrs° ;'Wm' k
Thompson, °Mrs:a;Earl Hodgins;."•Fo
tato 'Salad Contest=1,st prize ,winner
to give recipe.' . •
Mrs. R. J. Harper and =Miss 'Gwen-'
dolyn Ackert' called on Mr and Mrs.
Thos. Barris on, Wednesday.
Mr. Fred Blundin is assisting Mr.
James Ross with the haying andhar
A number of they young people'•
from''•this .district attended the Jr.
Farmers and Jr. Institute picnic at
Mrs. J. H. Ackert is • not as well
as her many :friends 'would wish but
we all hope' for.':a speedy recovery.
Mr.- Wm. Montgomery.. Alined tr1.
Detroit ,after a visit with friends
:Mr, and 'Mrs. Bert M'cLean;. and'
Goder'ich Race Meet Mrs M 111<cL•ean spent'�Sunday `even -
ing .with Mrs. B. Slessor, • Teeswater.
Has Large En ry The Jr: • A; meeting will _ be
held' on Saturday. afternoon at the
, , . c 1
Trottin and Pacin .1s- home of Miss Mary COX.
"Yl� •'l irs�cz�-a •'a+cr
socia ion •Iiieid a "meeting on;: Monday-enby. and _Ethel --_spent a few , -day
, evening to
perfect arrar ments'for with•Mrs. Howard McGuire,'2nd'con.
''the big civic holiday
et here. on Misses Grace. Heide by, Edna and
-. Moriclay,-August 3rd., There was. much' _May Royl_e attende the A.Y.P.A.
enthusiasm over •prospects for the picnic at Wiarto ' on Wednesday
success of `this, the biggest harness last '
-Meg ever attempted in Goderich ' Mr: and . Mrs. Allan Kaake and
Coming on the heels of the 'grand cir family of Kinloss, were Sunday' visi-
cuit• meeting at Toronto, -with on1V tors : at Hugh Lane's...
four .days` intervening and no races • Mrs' -H. Brock of Owes Sound,
• scheduled in, that period, the .Goderr= spent a few days with Mrs. F.A.
• . ich meet• will 'attract the fastest nor-: Blackwell.
ses in Canada and the United States: Mr. and Mrs. Geo, 'Heiden* and
' There will be three 'races, all stake family went to Waterloo on Monday:
events, with the purse o'f $1,00' in Mrs and Mr's: J. Gunn•;of Sault St.
each: This is the most ambitious off- Marie, Mr. and' '1Virs.,Neil McKay
- - ering ever,made in any: town in Can and _family of • Glamis ' were recent
ada. For the free-for-all such well visitors with' Mrs. J. 'Percy.
known performers as Bud Grattan, Dr. and Mrs. Leggatt and Baugh-
. Sid' Hal, Ramona Grattan, Alf Ab- ter of aiitoba. crdl
'TUXa • yw N e ..yMy
MTs. Join Keine of "Hamilton is
the' guest aof ;her daughter, Mrs, C.
reran.. •
_Mr. and Mrs. -S. l .o.rrlson, Gordon
and Melville were recent tilaitors at
Mr. Alf. Webbs. .
Y3sitor.•s with Mrs. Clerk this week
included 'Rev: Wm, and. Mrs.'MacIn-
tosh and boys' of 'London, Mr. ' and
Mrs. Geo. Clark and Jean of Hamill -
ton, Mr. and Mrs. -Marvin McDowell
of Westfield, Mr's. Culver ofStrat-
fordr Miss Campbell, Mrs. -Johnston
and childien • of Goderich.
-Misses: Kerma and -•Grace Weather --
head are spending, a holiday with
Miss Weatherhead at.Altburn
Misses 'Jean and Kathleen . Thom
nd Laurine M111er, are spending the
week: with ;Miss Marion ,Philips , ab
Port 'Elgin • .
'Mr add:10s. Whir Itccindei of Wal
ilaceburg were: i;he guests of Mr and`
:Mrs ' Chas I3urniii:,
Mr. R'obt.„ Reid •.of .Windsor was. a.
sisitor last week with.'his sister;
Robe Weeds.Mrs. Woods . 7e'4;'
turned , to. Windsor with mint.--
Rev. II. G. and Mrs. Whitfield and•
Bettye Helene of Northv' e, Mich,'
were visitors hn dui community one
day recently_
Mr. W. E. McPhey�spn of. Lucknow;
was, a week -end visitor :,with his
sons, Ewart arid Gordon.;
"' 1Vhss "Colina'"
Clark -spent••-a-- fewi.-•;
days at Kintail, a ''visitor .with Rev.
and Mrs,: :Mackintosh at their cottage
Miss' W.•,.D. Rutherford 'returned,
on Monday'' from a two weeks visit'
with Mr., and , Mrs. Neil .Stuart at
Chicago. •While'• there she.took
short course at.the university. •
' Mr. Harold Hyde of 'Strathroy
'pent the week -end at'his. home here.'
Ronald and. Allan Cranston returned
to Strathroy` with him.
LLCM. and Great lacaa.V' are S...-'--'.-.. ------ -
Seldom' if. ever has any race meet in The annual Y:P:A. Pl- Cf 'Y'or
Canada had such a high-class field .Deanery of Bruce was held at Wier.
in one race. All are of about equal 'ton, Wednesday, July, 22nd. . Repro -
speed and -it will be difficult to 'pick: sentatives were present from Ches
a winner.
ley,' Hanover, Kincardine, Lion',
.- .
-earl, P
"In the 2.20 class there are sixteen a-ideaeOT-a'-ra'---Wiauton�and,
Bernie. ' The afternoon was spent in
entries. It is called the Golden Gate , .
•sports corni*encing with a ball gang
..Stake._ The:. Goderich.: Stake,_for 2.20
pacers and'trotters has twenty-five Kincardine Vt.Chesley;- Kitncardine-.
emir s. being . the winners. The shield was
g won by Tara,• having on the high -
"I say this to all lovers of the king est score.' in . the sports, Bervie cent -
of sports, and ' the sport of kings," ing second. After lunch the • election:
says Mr.. Clark, .,secretaryof t te:As- .ef .officers_'_toolk_place:
sedation,' "that if they visit Goder- Hon. Pres. -Rev:• R. W. James,
ich on August 3rd they will return -Chin's Head, re-elected; " Chaplain -
home satisfied they have witnessed Rev. H. P. Appleyard, 'Bervie, reel -
the greatest. harness racing ever ected; Pres. -Mr: ' Paul Maher, Pais -
seen in this •part of the Province. 'iey;, Vice' Pres. -Miss Gladys; Brun.
Only a goodharness.,racing town like .ton, •Tara, re-elected; Sec'y.' Treas -•
Goderich' would attempt to stage a ,Miss ,Mabel Stringer, Kincardine.
meet of these proportions:" •The retiring officers were . Miss. M'ay
On Monday levening•r'rank Blair, 'of' Boyle; who has been 'se'cretary tree=
Galt, was appointed starter. The surer for the' past four years, and
judges are Albert • Goldthorpe and Mr. Tom Boyce of Chesley who .we
Messrs. ' Rainsbottom and Lambertus president the past two year§. The
of Walkerton. The timers "are C. H. i-ieeting closed with the .benedietion
Humber and W. C. McLean. W. 'C. by the Chaplain. It is the aim of the
Snatel was awarded the score card Deanery local council to send a del-:
Miss. Margaret Miller 'left on' Wed-
nesday . for a : visit with friends at
Norwood, ' Peterboro, . and other east-
ern• points.
The, . August • _meeting:•of -the Wo-
men'a Institute wil b he d at Mrs:
George McRoberts on Thursday, .Aug.
6th. Rola Call -Favorite Desserts: •
-Sii-1le- tr. Caned, Her -Natural Re
sources and Development, in charge
'of Mrs: John Cameron. Hostesses-
Mrs., Foran; Miss M. • Murray.
Mrs. John Coulter of Rochester is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aleft -Rin-
Guests at Mr. I.Y. B. Murrays dur-
uring • the past week were _Mrs. .A. R. •
Murray and Miss ,:Mary= -of San Fran-
cisco and Mr. and Mrs. R: McGregor
of . Lochalsh. '
concession but the refreshment erivr- egate to the Dominion A.Y:P.A. -cons
leges' have not yet been awarded. It ference tit'' Regina in October.. Mr.
was decided to have all stabling ac- Tom,•Boyee of. Chesley was the dela
eommodatioina repaired. Constables, gate .appointed. . Already donations
ticket. sellers and takers, usher°s;' etc. have been 'received from Walkerton
were appointed. It was decided and .Pine River.
. to close the track to all' traffic ux • til.
after the • day • et the racest ' ' • 4 '"
In a series of tests the practise of
'hogging' corn, i.e., turning hogs
to a field of nature corn to reed;,'
show that material economics in meal
feed are .possible and that the '.re-
'turns, froth hogs so fed 'are substan=
tially gr 'Oat l an the cost of groov-
,.ing the corn. The type of bog devel-
oped is entirely. satisfactory; the
ractice of "pegging" saves capsid=
treble labour' in feeding; and it sup-
plies considerable grain for gro}ving
---•,.>. logs at-ati--t.itneuWhen.larni gains Ire.
most scarce. An ample supply of
fresh water must he available on the
lloggitig lot, and tankage upp lied, by
gell.feeder.-/ts dgittabiei
Miss Ds Ri c ie of Lucknow
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Tiffin.
Mr. Melville' 'Mathers, of B ueva e,
spent Sunday •with: ,his, friend, Mr.
Charles Tiffin..
Mr. and Mrs. Greig ' and Misses
Winnie Land -Jean-of Brantford spent
the week -end" at the homes --of Mr:
Ind. Mrs, Wm: Dawson and Mr. and
Mrg. J. Craig .of • Whitechurch
A missionary tea is being held t;y
the •United Church at. the home of
Mrs. T. Gaunt.
Miss Winnie Durant of Hamilton,
is visiting with Misses' Ella and
Edna •WaddeL, , ,
• Mrs. Caushon, Mary and, Dorothy,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs..J.
Richardson and Miss Dorothy ' re-
mained for a few days.
The Langside, Whitechurch, • and
Calvin appointments) are holding
their picnic at the 10th bridge on
Wednesday and the United church
are holding their picnid at Goderieh
Harbor Park on Friday. , '
Mr, W. Finlayson of Detroit, is
visiting with his parents.,
Mrs. Bert Bain and daughter *net
are spending a few days at Mi. John
Mr: Wm. Montgomery of Detroit,:
visited this week with Mr. and Mrs.
R. Middleton. ' '
Hannah McDonald sped
Miss 1=I•a e
Monday with Mrs. A, Maelntyre,
Mrs. Si Carnoehan entertaindii'.a
car "load of friends, from Seaforth
last Friday' ,.' -
Little Eddie Iliteod, we are sotry
to . say has twit beenvery well for
_some -weeks, •
e joint meeting •of� the, R p y
�Th ,
' i a club•
Club and theI�arsh met e e ,at
the home of • Mrs. W, Mc Ienzi'e, on
Thnrsd'vY with. a 1'aree ' atteil'danao.,
Mise Sarah, Dr. John and •Mrs.
MacLean and family- of Chicago are
at present visiting at. their old ho
on the 12th Con.
Mr. Erie Gardner of Toronto, spent
the Week -end at Mrs. A. Long's.
Miss Olive Anderson of Mafeking
is the guest of Miss Ada Helm for
a fe*, days:.
' Quite a number - motored t0• Port
Elgin Friday to, attend the Jr. Far-
mer's pienio.',
Master Stewart 'Barnby and little
sister of Gr-imby .are spending' ,the
Bummer with their grandfather.
Mr. Lloyd'' Robb has taken posses-
sion of Elsner Parrish's farm on
the 10th of 'Ashfield. Mr. Parrish writ!
:.. - . • .n 0 the
famnly have moved to Auburn • n „
-._ Mr. Camp-
recently vacated by
bell. We are sorry to lose Mr. and
Mrs. Farrish from .our' vicinity, but
we gladly wel- ecom his successor.
• eI
wamle ted
Mr. and Mrs. W. T y 'visited
at Less Ritchie's,last Sunday,
a -
There sen i much you can say for
times like these -except that every'
body iia$ leatnoii how -to , l�i'ullol tine
r"dURclt '
® 01e f➢
'o • a
tr et
it roe o
i'he person who drives in the middle . of the road at any
speed, but especially : the extremely slow :driver, offers a
silent, insult. to 'every other driver on the highway.
But ` . this. 'disregard : of every rule of common courtesy is
merely incidental.
The real offense of the toad Hog is that Ile "forces :others
to risk life and limb. ` He , obstructs thevision of those
drivers' behind ` him' and makes them either : drive at his
speed or risk 'a head-on collision in passing him.
Probably no form of law -breaking on the highways causes .•
directly or indirectly so varied a list of ' accidents as does
middle-of-the-road driving.
Every man who d Ives a car help to pay fo the highways.
Very motoris : is en i ' e. o use 'ems e
Why deprive any man of his right?
_Don't be .' oad,Log.
The -monthly meeting of the Para-
mount 'U.F.W.O. was held' at the
home -of 'Mrs, Fred -Anderson withh-a
good attendance. In"the' absence of
e -president, -Mrs.- Jas. -7': -Webster;.
the vice president, Mrs. Jas, Web-
ster took charge of the meeting..
'After the -singing of the Opening
Ode, and repeating they Lord's pray-
er,_the, Minutes , of- the last meeting
were read and., adopted:' A- splendid
program was _given; consisting < of
piaYlo-Sohss--by--Msses "E relyn Reid -
arid Norma ' Anderson:' A. reading by
Miss Eva Gardner and a paper,
"Feeding the Family for Health.and
Efficiency," by ' Miss Beth Alton..
Mrs. Jamieson gave a talk, on' her
western •trip. Everyone foojt, part in
a contest after which a dainty lunch
was served •by the hostess. A hearty
yote of thanks was giventhe 'hostess
and those taking part in °'the pro-
gram. The August meeting i's to be
held at Mrs. Kempton's.. Roll Call,
Points on Etiquette.
Miss 'Gowdy' of Wingham is visit-
ing with Mrs. A. Emmerson.
Mrs. Wm. Naylor of Wingham and
Mrs.' Price Naylor and Jack of Tor -
F, .are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Naylor. ' - •
The 'W.M.S. meeting is to be held
on Friday. at 2 P.M. at the home of
Mr.. and Mrs. Wni. Dawson..
Mr.. and Mrs. Clarence Cox are
spending' a few. days at Tobermory
beach this' week. •
Mr. and Mrs. -Prank McCloskey and
son Will' of Guelph, spent the week-
end with relatives here and attend-
ed the' Kennedy picnic at Goder'►eli
last Saturday.
We are sorry to report that Mr..
Jack Pollock. is under quarantine for'
scarlet fever.
he -
' On Saturday afternoon at Varsity
stadium 'Toronto, Bob 'Stoddart; com-
peting under the . colors of the :.Goder-
ich-A,AA.,-- won • -the- -Ontario-pole-
vaulting championship and- qualified
forthe-Doreinion amateur champion-
ships to be. held at' Winnipeg on
September 7th next. The winners. of
the Winnipeg •evehts •will. represent
Canada... at _ the . O. lynipie___games at
Los' Angeles in 1932. It 'tow seems
almost-.a__certainty that-..Stoddai't .will•,
be among those.wearing the maple
leaf , in competition with the World's
'Bob had little trouble winning at v
Toronto on Saturday, 'whenjuin jump
& twelve feet--n-Six. -iineltes higher.
than 'the runner-up, J. Logan .of St.
Catherinees.' Bob's record is twelve
feet, six inches, made at 'the county
interscholastic meet at Exeter last
Quite a • number iyf Kennedy ,rela
fives .from fm
r o... this vicinity attended the
first Kennedy picnic, which was held.
Goderieli beach last Saturday.•
-There was a good crowd 'and all .en-
en-joyed themselves very much.
• Whi'le returning home from the
.village on Saturday with a, carload
of .clop; a short circuit set fire to
Mr. Stanley ThotnpIonrs .car, unfor-
t'unately. duutroying' both itho oar aiid
't:Ottchop. i f4
There were six entries in the pole
vaulting event at Toronto. All six
jumped ten feet, at which height the
bar was first placed. One 'entrant
was put out at ten and a -half feet,
one at eleven feet and one at eleven
and of-i►alf feet. "Stoddart ideated'
'twelve feet ,on his first try. Logan
and Alinas failed to make it, and
Stoddart was not required tojump
• Although recent heavy rains re-
tarded haying :operations and flat-
tened out fields of grain in many dis=
tricts, the harvest is progressing•
nicely. Yields •of fall wheat were re-
ported excellent, while pastures, have
improved considerably due to the fall
of `moisture. Itont crops are coming
on rapidly and corn is doing espeiciah
ly well in most counties. Oats and
barley. promise heavy yield. Apple
scab has been' difficult to control. this
year • due to the sultry weather. The
potato crop loeks.,good and there is
every indication of a 'heavy yield.
YOU ?, •
Tunas high-
way -6.00 -P. M.
Sunday. Traffic -
jeavy in ' both
directions and
There's a bad
,•curve about two
.miles' ' west of
nine onto'. a long,
very steep, curving hill..
I was parked just off the exact
Centre of the curve at the top of the
hill. A chap • with a big, heavy car
headed *est hurtled past the down
the hill on 'the wrong side of ' the
white line. He saw me and tried • to
edge back into' line, but the west traf-
fic was bumper to bumper. He could-
ouldn't get in.. ' •
Halfway up the hill was a driver
coming east at a good seed. Only •
one thing saved several/l ves. The
man coming up the hilt took to the
ditch, fortunately a shallow one. He
managed to hurdle it, went through •.
a fence onto some plowed land,' and -
catie to a stop with 'lamps, bumper
and radiator , practically wrecked.
Quickly 'T inspected the car and l m
found that, luckily, no one was ser-
iously hurt. ,
.'Then .I took after thedriver who.
caused the' accident . •
Two miles west I caught up with
The charge was wreckless driving
and failure; to return to the :scene
of an accident.
The Moral is tiiat a few minutes
saved b` cutting in and out'•of traf- '
fie may be very e$pensive in both.
_, misery.
A -resort is a .place where you
fox the rivilege of filling, A woman never knows what man
long p tb'inks�of her, although she thinks
glass with cracked ie'e without paying •
anybody a quarter. •
If .bankers are so realistic and
p>+actiGal, *AV deal' they change the
gots* to nail: "I presto to retlew!"
she does.
Maybe' the birds devour insects and
.._, our ..
caterpiilirrs, but they eattrait
toy, dear, rte