HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-30, Page 3• t , or gy s Role in Greenland a Stretches F`- r Back in - :s .History nitatieeret schen ii -f h-partyaobi--Pier . Weglan• nutters lel p ting their na-'. Hostel flag over a .sec on. of Eastern Greenland and •otalin g the area in the name .et their so ereign has raised. . the 'gUeation as to •the ownership of that vast ' •frozen' plateau. While 'Greenland els considered to be Danish territory, it was discovered by No.ree-' • men .and was Norwegian territory in .early'da'ys. For '400 years Norway and -powers; • wi`th Sweden, 'were malted un- der a- singie King, Erik' of Pomerania. In tills • union tile,• Norwegians were dominated by the Danes, who seized file high administrative posts .in the government. At length,' after' the Na. poleonle wars, in - 1814, the 'union was solved: Greenland, Iceland and the 'Farces Were not mentioned 3n the dis-• solution agreement;.an dthey were all kept by Denmark. Denmark were •united, and Greenland • In the ineant'ime the relationship be - was. a cglony belonging to; both. Also, tween'•the Greenland, colonies and their; Norwegian exlieditions-liayerlgalle:_the methenesd,___NeraaY,•;._aiad;-graidli, ;section 'claimed by, .the hunters a base faded away, The .last ship,knOwn'to • of .operations, and have thus, come to• havevisited the -old Noise colonies in look upon,It as theirs by right" of.occu- Greenland 'return;ed'to'Norwayin 1410. )alien, With °nosupport from home the colon - The first..recoxd•.of,Greenland...dates. les.decayed•rapidl'y,. the.settlejs :either Ir pin the ,beginning of the tenth_ Oen be � aestr"o ed• the Eskimos a' r wh e � n th'e• Nor . ,wegla'a Cugnbjorn ,•sorped• • ley in interarriag® vv'i�ii 'them:. •. is reported. to have seen , a land t'o •When John Davis isited Gr_ee•.i.nia ,- - the west of 7Icslai;id,. °believed .to leave '.1535 there teas •no high "of mitt.people' ,been the so'u'thern tt '.of.tlhe h there . �• . P .ctzu ttrq.,, ., eikcept;Yil�e'Esl4imos. 1'n' s82 anofhea Norwegian; 'Erie the .. The' west •coast,.af.Er,'.eenlaniiis de- ,Red (Whose -son, Leif. . Ericson, is be- signated as' Danish Gree.nlarid,: the --.:.-1iexe-d_ -to .liaye reached Americo" in • eastern•. Rar-t-bei g_imore-,untie+ Nor-• 1000), sailed. from Iceland 'discovered wegian influence. its trade is.a•mon- fhe"land described, by GiinnbJorn and ' )poly .of 'the Danish Crown, a dating apeat three years exploring it. • ' from 17:74, and fllr.purposes of'goyern- Then followed., the • colpn'ization pe meat and`, trade the west coast is di- rind, 4y Norwegians. •The 'settlers ea-. aided into .two inspeetorates,, southern tabliahedal orches and i>}onasteries,"and' northern. ,Each inspectorate•_is•' and, until' the middle of the'thirteenth: d'ivided•into districts, these•again cord- -aiuentury; • had `their own republican' prising about sixty trading settle - government.' About 1260,they were in meats which dot the coast for .a dis- duced to swear allegiance to-theKing;,tance' of. 1,000 miles. These little . col- , Norwa-y. " miles" consist of merely'a few houses. For centuries the. history ..of ;Green- There are,, only a ;few hundred• Euro`- " land • follows. ,the History 'qf .Norway „ peens in . Greenland,• and. lirobably and 'Denmark. ' In 1397 th se. ;twos; about. 12,000 Eskimos. ' • Hat Pins Stage: n list ' Scenes i Comeback in- Hats Tho most beautiful country . I have • '"— i'' ever seen is England. : It .has net Moderil Chapeau . Perches the' majesty of . ,Switzerland, but it Halfun and Half off ' , has everything else. ' Almost exact=' • ly' the same size as . North Carolina .- the Head or Dicsigatt, it has an 'amazing variety Of Scenery and climate: As New York -Hat pins -..mother Will remember them= -are coming'iiach In' one apprgach:es• it Prom:• the Atlantic, tie wakethe cliffs Of -Cornwall . 1iOk auste' e.. . i, of new 'hat styles. , fi . Bobbed' hair put hat pins on the and forbidding; bat, there. the roses ohelf;' bobbed hair and the fact that bloom in' January. Stand; almost 'God-, Unt t_now, no signshad accem- S d y School. Lesson -. August 2., L.e.sso n V•--Phitip!a 'Mi.s- sjohary Labors -Acte ,8: 26-40. Golden Text -Therefore , they that were scattered abroad went every i where preaching the word.' -Acts 8:4. • ANALYSIS' L BREAICINQ TIUROUGH, QARRIE10 QF EATEBD, Arts 8: 5-13. aa.• Ii' THE WORK CQNSOLIbATED, Acts 3: 1425. . - • -1 I: -ERE-A Thin ; TIIR'oUG,Ir-n R S "• O:� R "RA' VE, 'Acts 8:„ 26-40, INTRODuOrtott-Philip• was tiie fore- runner • of .the 'larger general mission Sevehne,; •Ghiesnt,sol.nesa.ec' rAa'toi!gnitftos ;0%11'1)1 'atde slush ‘•a:missionary. .; Hissudde and spontaneous,moventents , uiid r -the .n ih � -, snellaatiali slid se of. the Spic t reinTrid ene.•o-f, the Old T,estainent pioplieta, Bat hr's•=true• inspiration •was shown: in• the daring insight -'Which led •himto break' through .the''barriers of hatred a.nd: ::Jewish- litnitations 1lr s;; ;,Sae. true predecessor of Paul. I. • BREAKING THROUGH BARRhERS OF ° iiATREO, Acts ''8:.5-13. nlnia'gine a Canadian,- evangelist, go- ing to conduct a mission in Berlin stn- mediately, after' the War! Such was. )'hi'lip.'going"to the Samaritans. Jews,. and, Samaritans hated,each other. Due 10 the intermingling of races. after the Assyrian capture of Samaria in E..Q.' 722 the Samaritans were ..of nixed blood,. part : Jew, . part,•Aasyrian. On. this ,account and because of tlisir"tori rupted-Jehovah worshb, _the Jews,• when rebuilding the temple after the exi'e, refused Samaritan' asistance:'' ''Ye have nothing to do with u,'.they said, Ezra 4: '3 The Sam 'rtans re sponde'd with in open and Implacable hatred. Philip's missionary zeal, how- ever, could"not `pass .them "by. ; He preached Christ to them. II: THE WORE CONSOLIDATED, Acts 8: 14 -25 - Reports of Philip's activities soon reached :the apostles, in Jerusalem, v. 14. They •recognized at once the im- portance.of'this new, departure. They sent . Peter and -John -toy investigate. On seeing the copverts,`the visitors. were r env ine d. that the work. as of flee lairg-paFinis.-we�re"iTiveria'�ti- Y ah--a'n3'- ere_ -ire_ ,..-Deteonshir-e, -aur£• you-;=pa-rriEd h iivis worst-suchr_a lta � 1 -"_'hen- people -Ne-w •millinery is bring aee-the meadows .canine- on the sk •Mg them • back., ' , " • they are' separated from one anether The 'pins will be •of junior size: not by stone• *knees, or• by, split rails short and useful for 'anchoring the: or barbbd• wire, but by hedgerows in. new little hats. QoSffiires: velli , nn- : sell conscious bloom; • Salisbury dergo changes, too. Women either. Plain is like western Nebraska, a'far will permit, their ' hair to grow or horizon; the' misty slopes .of the use tricky false ' curls- • and even • : switches.• sea. Every few miles in . England The modern. bonnets, "rooms" half the topography changes ;= :could, any, that. spiritual- blessings cannot -be bar- on, half off the head. -thingg be- more-different-than'tlrtise red,'vt 20. II thought that ino:rey' French milliners have introduced . different- :counties? .• , could, do anything. With an insight a. band of ribbon: which timi across: But we do not go to :England for that is still needed, Peter denuunce8 e curred at Pentecost: ' Nosh, •h , ev r ° at the ,reception..service conducted 'by' the.'apostles, there Was a pronounced emotional ' disturbance. It, was stilt considered . that the corning ° of, the n Ti iiirst-be-accoripartied-141 these external' evidences.Simon was much impressed.• His:money-lovihhg.'sou!, saw the'$nancial possibilities.,- He did not' •realize,•like many a one since his day.; Sussex dowps reach dreamily' to, the the left side of: the ,head. American. designers have employed, an elastic bandeau to keep the hat on. • ' •• The 'ribbon and the. bandeau, ,wo. • men' leave found are a aulsance. In lieu of something to keep • the bon - pet clamped tight womenare renew- ---tri•g~thelr-friendsliip-w-•tth-the-ha-t-pim•-- The • new hats are reminiscent of .•"•.the days .of Empress Eugenie; wife of Napoleon •III. • World Wide Famine ' Banished Century Ago ' • Chicago -The danger of world', Wide" lamins Wag 'retttaveti`-100 years' ago this month. • '111 a"'"listgfnia. witeat--it'eld in Jniy,- •- 1831.. Cyrus. 'Hall . McCormidk Jeoked back on the first strip of grain ever successfully cut with a mechanical• • reaper. That first clean swathe of wheat served notice on the world that 'the era of mechanised agricul- ture had dawned.' . -- Economists have credited the reapers with even greater service to humanity, declaring that 4t has ban- ished forever the fear .of a 'world- wide food shortage, a fear .that had existed since Biblical times. Now, far front gearing a shortage of grain, the. nations are troubled with grain surpluses. The surpluses are due, edonomists say, to the wide rise of m0torize6 im- plements. McCormick:8 raper was tapable of only eight or sten acres of', grain -ti•-day. Atter that. there still remained the problem of thresh- ing. hreshing. Today huge combines used in •the great grain belts harvest and thresh 30 to 40 acres a day. natural scenery, though we might the suggestion that a man's money entitles him to prominence or power within the church. His rebuke brought about in Simon, not repentance, but a' fear ef..consequences, " III., BREA•KING THROUGH .BARRIERS- OF RACE, Acts 8: 26-40. well do so; we go because in Eng- land' every scene is, in the Phrase of Henry James, "peopled with recogni- tions:' , The things: that we have seen in imagination We see in real- ity; there they.. are! . . As we 'look- 'ped • from the .top of the hill down into Cantetbury, the setting sun glori-. fled the Cathedral; as we stood on the most solemn 'promonetory- .t In England, Land's End; and gazed into theyeasty waves at the footen—he cliff, I remembered. Tennyson's lines: • ' • One showed an iron coast and angry --- iou seemed to hear them climb ..and fall i • And -roar rock -thwarted under bel- ' ,' lowing caves, . - - 1 Beneath the windy' wall. - -William Lyon Phelps, -in "Essays on Things." • • Mr. lanagg•- "Don't you- know that? _Airy fool could tell you." Mrs. Knag'g-"That's why I asked you,„ dear." . When the apostles come to Samaria, 3'hilrp's pioneeaing-zeal-,-or-the--v-oiee•- of God in a missionary's soul impelled him to set out for new.fields, while they. consolidated' the work. Some- thing, he knew it was God, told him to go- south toward the Jerusalem -Gaza road. • ' Philip f.om Samaria, the Ethiopian treasurer from Jerusalem, each un- known to the other, were soon to met. The treasurer :of 'Candac-e`,' Qtideli �s'f' Ethiopia ("Candace" wasta royal title like "Caesar" in • Rollie,; ."raiser" -in Germany), had failed 'to find spiritual satisfactio' in the 'religion df his own country. In some way he had come :in contact with Judaism and its sacrad scriptures. He had traveled the twelve hundred miles from Ethiopia to Jeru- salem, and now, still perplexed anti ; unsatisfied, he was making his tray h",mewa' 4. • I When, on' the main 'hi'ghway.- ,thy. Ethiopian eunuch's retinue came up to Philip, "the Spirit said. unto , Philip, Go near, join thself 'to this chariot " v. 29. That is tl•e Bible way of saying that Philip, ever seeking an oppor- tunity to preach Christ, and hearing this " foreigner" 'reading what lie 'evi- dently did not fully understand, said to himself, "I,inust'help that man, who- ever he is." Last Christmas a man sent a donation to a needy cmnmithity. The letter ' acknowledging the gift read: "God surly spoke-to_..yon„ ..Di- vine 'suggestions are always coning to people whose lives are tit channels of God's spirit. Philip's psP As 'a result of ex Tanations MUTT' AND JEFF:7 Central, Should Have Had Cotton' `lilt Her Ears., 1.oNG DISTANec z WAI'JV iTh SPEAK MISTER •A. Muir' IN Mt>eii'R5M.- NCLbiN. VTT:. JeFF SpGA%CING. PCGASfo Scat, Me FIFTY AT. ON. (v,T3ROl<G. - ' the eunuch found Christ. Receiving him into the church by baptism, Philip laid down only one conditipn, faith in Jesus Christ, the Son, .of God, v. $7,,. 5He erected no artificial barriers be-.• tweets a main and his God. He requir, ed-snly one `fundamental" fsitii in :Jesus. Christ as a }seismal i5aviour. David Livingstone, haunted by the thht ug f thousands o of villages,ydt un%ouehed by white man, must Press on through African forests. Se, too, Philip, his work w'th the eunuch cora- pleted, left him to hurry north to Azu- tus, ,twenty --miles Q#i. The language which describes his departure s evi- dently, suggested by Old Testerneat models, for maniple, Elijah, .1 Kings 18: 12; 2 Kings 2: 16.. - -What-New- York Is Wearing* '13A '_— .BYT NNA. E L E,t WORTHI`•NGTON running out as4hard as he bould come. , s tli t'. un w ea': To s the Illuthated Dressmalceng.Patt?T7x°k'ur,- •: Want - a ,ny_, h. s . p Y. - r Halic way overs 'he turned arouniZ,. in 1 1ti e s '. _,n?s s%, fit 1...i, eery +y Patterat am cat, stole one 'of . e bars tt.n �' uirfn -lx aft athou -•for' guidance Q g �. rr ed:=it 11„'•1:0-,-he••-barn.-i 1ferw-'. .f t' o' e se 'nt-to he' and ,oa i o t . n. „Where n �o ed r' .�'•g p ane Mats - i AHN east All great •-an-d honourable •aetipns are accompanied by great difficulties and roust be undertaken and overcome 'with answerable courage,--Fuiishon.. Did 'This .Ever Happe.) to You? . It -was early morning and Mrs. Smith, ha Pening-to lookout -.of -lies •window while she was dressing, •saw her neigh- bor,, Mrs, Humber, whh„ was net every: cumatantiel evidence a story carried. ,th y is found to be very, often wrong. ' Often, too,' it depends on'• who re • - ceires the news as to whit: construe: tion will be put on • it, and "sometimes• the..:conclusion drawn is .without 'In-' ,;te tiQri' unl ind, •because. 'of kelt of knowledgie • of . the circumstances. • ; ' .. perhaps the best' way after all is just• to ;pass no judgment. at 'al!, to be, safe,,. stro>rg, rush rout, of her"hoine'and' run Don't yeti think so?, over to•the house acros'• the road. Very' . Tjivii•ight `Hoer -Stbry „ peels _the yours married Mail' came -.,, - Chicks apd„ therLitiie Friends it printed chiffon cotton, voile that shows smart sophistication'for town. It is -summery and cool, and yet so entirely practical. It's tubable too., The bolero• is .most'unusual crossed and' buttoned at the front. The hips are snug. ' The skirt has sufficient .flare expressing smart fem- ininity without being fussyA narrow ribbon velvet belt indicate the natur- al waistline. • , ---Style-No.---2643-may :be had -in --hire 16,-18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust.' : -Emerald green flat crepe silk, shantung in dusty -pink, red and white • printed batiste 'and Ale blue silk pique are stunning ideas for this chic. model. Site 36 requires 4% yards 39 -inch material and -1% yards 2% indh rib- bon for belt.' • HOW T0' ORDER PATTERNS --a Write yo'ur name and ,address plain- ly, giving number and size, of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or, coin. (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each 'number, and addressyour_ order. to WilsonPattern, Service; 73'West•Adelaide St., Toronto. •• tA lty can't Jones ah i . his wire agree?" "'He• in, r_:-:1 an' automobile girl that' there."isno use •denying that, on a a'iv.iee;barrew fialarv" • this' year's tourist season as 'a fall - mouth? ` 'And do 'you know; •`Flt}ffy" •back dor` into • whit •':thb -.' un .` man 4 ' h h 'a er g didn't seenh to.' ea_'n _instants sit took then -ran with redoubled energy. Mrs. 't. •awe • Yo see, they' wer'8--good Humber came;, ark too, .hut slo very as I u though�-tired out:, s• friends, and. Fluffy knew. Topsy- could ` �u ' take good care otlhatlittle'"'tittle; for • Oh, Mary, called Mrs;. pmith,••tO bhe knew. all about habies. -since :811e... her. daughter,' in another "room, "I'iii ,had: had sowmany of them. So Fluffy sure there is something wrong over, at just 'sat there and blinked . her eyes" and purred. "I guess we. better put thein in; their • ' new box now and set it away: off in a young fellow who is ;visiting • th•ere ,dark corner, in the closet," seal Mama over.as j fast as he could . into ma Lady Just. as she said; that, how= 'Humbeh s . house, There must be �• the ever, a •hig. dark shape stood ,at door. Who do.you,.think it was? . Well, it was: Rover, .andhe wanted in:: • He - never waited , very ,long :either,, if, he wanted• in, ;for he knew hour to open., the door with'his paw by, just digging Humber's.. ,Mrs. Hamber • rushed out' of,lier door just now and went over to Maitland's; across, the street, afld••that .something. the ruatter" Mrs: Smith" finished dressing, alter= nately trying to `think n i, g wes the matter and filen ponder , whether she should go to find' out whet was wrong, for it would'' be so' foolish . to his -clave ; in a certain :place ' on the go if nothing were the matter. 1' screen and Pulling' it open. Well, this But :then it 'ail seemed so still• lnoruing he did that just• the same as - around there. "Perhaps Mr Humber he always, did, and' came an wagging„ Is hurt,'" she thought. t'No, there lie' his tail and shaking his",head.. You is away'back in the field' ploughing, so know tete ay dogs de when they say "good: niorhin•g. • But say, before he knew what was happening to him he had a ',good scratch on his nose. He was .surprised. Then that wasn't enough, it seemed; for -something -.jumped on.. his -back' and was digging claws into his fur. Can you imagine it?: It was: Fluffy doing, all that to.Rover.'It'hurt, too, so that healhought = he-whetteraget aoutt,Of-the. •itchen as`fas-t as-h� �ould, and-'titat 'it isn't that,. hut then a' hundred other things_ might have happened." At last she just' had to.'phone over. She hardly knew what to expect.• If there was no. answer it would` mean something was really=•the mutter, -or 'she hall expected to^ hear a stranger's ,voice.•' In due time the, phone.was answer- ed «Hello;' eases the= ieerful; fes liar voicnof M • Is that You, Mrs.' Humber? ' Are was what '"lefty wanted him to do, too. • you all right?' said an anxious: voice. 'Whoever would. have ,thought , she "Yes, •I'm• ,all right. 'Why do you would have been as cross as all that?' • •sk?''-she-said. After-he-wasgone'and-she-•was sure A little mortified, Mrs. Smith • told 'he was really .gone• she , came back, - herWhation she rouse n and the con- and you should. have seen her eyesichat her what .she had seen e . • � They were blazing ,.just like fire and "Well, :now, it would look' like• that". they were. big and. round..too. .Bat . tier laughed Mrs, Hamber. "But -what tail -say, it was big .before4but note really happened was only -a phone call. it was nearly as big as all the rest. of :Someone phoned long distance, for the her bodw put together. Her whole young chap across•the road and I hur-' body'.was bigger too, because her fur ried over to .tell • him; .while the line .stood straight out all over her, so she was being held, that was all." Doesn't this remind one a' little of the ways of gossip? , In this case the actions were prompted'by-neighborly interestand friendship, but gossip very often isn't.Gossip can so easily -fly"-:-from house to house; ---becoming more and more magnified, and in near- ly -every' case- thouei •it seems like-cir- The '.Public The public .man .needs but one pat- ron, viz., the lucky, moment. Its is as- tonishing'how capricious,, how sudden are the changes in value of a public -man. Ali• depends upon whether the publio want or believe they want the Masi." Alin that -is ,aghedfl'on vpoii which the Public do not 'know their own minds' a week before nor do they always keep hi the same mind, hen made' uli, for a week together. If hey do not want the man„ if he do not bit -fibs taste -nor respond to the exigencies' of the time, ,whatever his eloquence, This 'abilities, his virtues, •they push him aside or cry hiM ,down. Is he ' wanted? Does •the mirror of the mo- ment reflect his image? That mirror is an intense magnifier, his propor= ,,tions swell, they ,fiecouie gigantic. ' w Paris Reports Drop 'In Tourist Trade Paris. -- Directors of tourist agencies, here iti conuection with the con.fereuce Of • transatlantic steamship companies, • said- recently P.LesiAse, CAM kiEAR i'1i1` VERY PLAINLY, Nit t tt' MOTT! looked like a porcupine: , ' It .all looked so funny, everyone ha the room couldn't help laughing. "Poor old „Rover," said Mamma Lady. "He came at a wrong time. Fluffy' will _ T soon get used to him when she finds he wouldn't=-.hurtT-her-kittens--for,•ang:.-- thing." But what did Rover think about,.it? �.._ ure. One of them said that his , business 'so far is 80 Per 'pent. less • than it was last year:, • An agreement was expected in the conferenoe regarding • proposed re- ductions- -of -tra-nsatlantie • steamshi1 fares. ' The: -a-opulanity -• o£ =-comfortable•.,----� kbne-class liners was advanced as, a - reason for .converting all but the • biggest and fastest liners into cabin class steamers. This ' considera tion was expected to weigh heavily ;in- favor, of maintair:ing approxf• mately the `.pi•esen`t ra es for •!lest: . __ , _. class accommodations hi the fast • est : liners. British companies, it was reported; continue to ,favor at least a 25 per cent. cut in 'first class rates. He Still Teaches al 97 Professor Francesco Berger; Lon. don's oldest music teacher, is still giving piano lessons at 97. When • reminiscensing, he talks enthusiastic- ally of Charles Dickens and -many other Victorians. He linen; Mendell• sohn• and a host of famous musi- cians. and This themory is unusually keen. By BUD FISHER • j TN.0 tU YoU Cart ir TO t{pM, CCS AL JeFF,, _ ,cAPet • uNt G(STAt4b A UJ Rb ,YOV SqY% 7 , d a