HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-30, Page 1,• $2.0.0 PER. YEAR IN ADVANQE;. ' $2.,5.O' OTHERWISE • • • LUCK O , ONT., Talpla D*Y, JULY 30th, 1951. SINGLE, COPIES 5 CENTS :. DENTIST. a • . D.r..R. L. Treleaven, Luekn w o WINS ' ELE'MENTARY : = PIANO SILVER MEDAL •WEDDING •,:., BELL$ :, ISL BOLLS HOn ou The • Bread _.�� Johnstone Ho. :.. .. fay tePJohn ' Bro.�•O Wilson• ' ofB'sllth 0 H alt i". ' • H,oura: 9,-12 A. M. •1.30.-5 P. M. • ' .: • ; PHONE 53.' .. -RAS' . .. - ,. o •wide + . , The following. • letter has been re.-• ceived .by Miss . Eunice Newton.:. , . A quiet "rind -a smarter : wedding.: of• .• interest.: to a d e circle of • friends ,.-.-- - _ _ • • • e last _nit tion At th a reg�l�r c„ommu a - SERVICE OUR MOTTO' IS QUALITY AND., SERV -- .. __. �_. _ . . WALL 'PAPER --A full line; of 1931 • Wall. Papez, Qn. hand. Prices consider- i... _ •ably down 'for 1931. I' am.also agent_, • f9r leadingjob houses. :.. ; 'J:, CAMERON . ,. _ ,. _ ::. D.ecoraLor Painter...and. .Grainer ' • . • ... •.w . ,. ,.. 4 •L - Box. 174, Lucknow _.. - _. - . s r story - f Mu'si .'place r�oraiYto Con e . v - y --o . ,; . ' • . -, Tiny 24, 1951: Mi s .Eunice• 'Newton, - , ucl now ' Ont• h ' .. •• , ' the„ '-'arki s.. in An analysi • Qf m ng •,•• ' e aminat-. connection• with. `our, 19:.31A , ... „ •� . o :o onto and- thio bout, she ions f x T r -, . .ug ,. d , IOW : :M.. ' .: ; bombnion inlcluding both Mldwiliter. , mak"' lace - at CWesley, Sunday; July p ]9, whe ElvezSa. A..Ho#stetter, .eTd- n• est':.daughter .'of ; Mr. sail Mrs: . B: •I ofstetter,. of Kitchener;': became the ...... bride of ,John Alexa der Johnsto ne n. , h `t 'il 'son df'�r. and DJirs..'11ffm. Jo n8 0 , . -, . - , of uclenovr •the Re McA .o � offie- • ..;::••i. .. : t„ooked eharmin i tam i.'he br....4,e . g •: n i;,fro..• .; `c ~all of . Old • Light Lodge �No.�184 A F g g , , & A:;M., held Jul 2nd, 931 the ...:� y wt .. -, Brgs. present had •the, 4plea�uxe •of congratulating Bro. , John 'Wilson of . _ bux on the •68nd .anliversar ` pfSQUARESw': A�} n, y r• his.�'initiatso�l'•into. Herbal, ; . a . _ -r • . , ••.. - • a .the evening•of July 23r 18 ' Wilson was,• initiated` Into Free •f"'Old _ 1. • .:. w SP6 CIA• JELLY" ROILS , BON BOUCHE •• . CI i I SEA BUNS : • RALS N PIES • iT' ACED ROLLS $A IS,I[N .k . ',MCJFFIN I 'UT•' S• ^HARES . •' S :�: a. .. •. Icii:IT1�'FYtiU'l;T. `$,1tEAD ,, ,.' ° PINEAPPLE ' TARTLETS ;CHOCOLAT$, bIAR Sl3}1IALLOW': ;CAKE ` - - - - w;;, �' -' ' n ' ` '°' �T . . ,; ;, i - ��;. •, . •�._._ • :: •�.. , u ex ria o s = reg an tds.�. ex...�_ >, M �.. . ,..:: a; a _wn 9' ink. I 7 d tulle w•••' ff.P „' : "p . a. :.... <-, �Glisone b•.,:.tlle . o$I'ice�s'. Q ` Li �t ' Y, •�,. y •„ar • . ' -. - , . � ., .. • .. FOR.�SALE or.:RENT .. Good:,c n ., . fortable • dweilin �' A 1'' 'to= .• g': '.. pp y May Davison,. Box 253; Lucknow ... .rim_ ..., .. ... .. ..... �.. �. eats: the feet -that -you have scored - •, . . , . • :,' 'r of mark” award the highest .numbe 4 . ed this season o any c ildidate in_oux _.. .• <__. ... a_ tr fig 1 fitting lace bodice ii d lkal ":'nt. skirt of tucked • tulle , with accessories to Match:. .She carried a corsage of.. • _.-.._..__ ' h and•.duringrthese years ns, been.•an_ enthusiastic ,and valued member of the Craft; •BsTi. •Winon•has • -'the • ', HVL1e�MA1�1. S :QVAE� 1 i �AR� �• • Phone 3.6 L11Cj[110W .�. _ • STORE FOR . RENT The , • store until recently' occupied by _-' Walker . ,Stgrs:.-A ', good business ,'location; „ 04i.ply to R,..J, •Moore, Lucknow• "k ` ' (30-4=tf,)” •Elementary, Piano examinations,, you . •are;, therefore, entitled to• the Con- servatory's, Elementary Piano -.Silver.. Medal which willbe forwarded •tband in'due 'time:" o' helia roses, The bridesmaid, ,Mrs. P dress liv- tion of being.. one of the oldest .1iv=. st - ��•, A. Mason .of Kitchener, wore a "and in• 'unisons in Ontario, as• . still hale g -� Qf .yellow figured chiffon carried hearty and able to take• - roses. The groom was attended by. Mr, , A. Mason,. of Kitchener. After a short honeynjoon the haapp oupng ' . part. in, sand enjoy the Work.' t. Wor: Master, Bro.V. Joheston' _ .' D �AN D, AO`O'` r I• d NOTICE -I 'am :in ; a position to do all kind 'o Truck at' ri arca- } s . f itis, t e.Wilson `. mole rates Wilson Armstra ng, • Luc. know, •Ver • • (6�8—c. _ , , , y,.ou I desire to. congratulate you and ,,, 1. your teacher on your well deserved Success: ''. E • y sincere yours, .,; ., • C; Mac1Vllllan, : B.A., •, -. couple will .res>de., in Elmira., • " •bertson - . ;it , Geddes ' On Saturday •'evening, July 25Th; in es •• soleninis at a. quiet wedding w the 'Manse, now, Presbyter eb Ma e, Luck , when• Miss Dean Gedde , 'dau hter of $f•. g Dr and Mrs: D, was united in n6iarriage to •.Mr. 'John Alexander . Robertson, ,son of 'the.., late Mr. °and Mrs, Alexander •• Robertson 'of''Mount" = _ T _ ht-presen - itr the name-af • Old• Llg ted Br .` `'with an. Honorary Mem- g herSbip' and "read. the following ad - dress: W'.Bro John 'Wilson;.. • Aewi# urn, 'Ont. Dear W: Bro.' Wilson: - The members of Old. I:ight'_Lodge, ': •• •Geddes, wish. -to h. to •do honour to you this even- •iris: ;They'. wish to show,'with what• esteem, • and ,affection . they"re and g • • the Mason initiated b.. I n Cacled'On Col1►Ql>►e><►cea Thursday,' �- NUMEROUS S Coiln►edian Al o •Adiui$SiOn: - , Adults • n �a l*, at �y.• , Jack 25c.. Children _ 7.3Q BANDS uck t ;, no P�, M. ++ �tO�R,4) :, . . Z'h n>l�e . 3► 15c: Cars free -� + • ,. ,.,.-;,• ^ : •SATE TY RAZOR B'LAD.E* • 1 it.. i., .ting ,new. and 'old style holders; ten . •, , • ' to package.. I`ovty, cents package, three dollars'• for ten ackages.='• p •••al'. A,J. McCrae,. 23 Scott' St., Toronto, • wins. Doc:, Prinicpal; Special credit is due Enniee ' in ,view, of the feet ,that at' the. entrance' examinations she won • the gold:med= for bttaining the highest mark' of Any student in the , West Bruce. in- Y ' . FOR SALE -Residential Property, Havelock , •Street, .:South, , 'Lucknow, Eight Room Brick ,House -with :.all • modern .coiivenienc.es. ,Por •tennis and spectorate,''and• also that; she' won the medal -in. the' Introductory piano exam last summer. • Forest:.The Rev:. C.; H, MacDonald .. 'officiated. • ' Mr, and Mrs,. Robertson. • / . ' will reside iri Mount Forest. • , . oldest this' - of Lodge. We are . reminded • that . phrase in Esther What. shall 'I do•; P ' .. unto him whom .m soul delighteth•• .� Y , 'honour?" A• CE AFTER T ,[1TTOO : " ��• M Town � H�►11 ' Couple 'SOC.. Eat+ -a. Lady '25�.• , .- I : . • ®, _' ,- � r , conditions • of sale apply to- J,•: W. Treleaven, • Lucknow. • ^ .. A Th,e•S tout.Cam .. STEADY INC inThe ted Y • ia. into scary' • • :.. DOMESTIC T PLIC WA ER _. AP ANTS+ 1•n ail Dom on. C n- Jail 186:9, � - ._. _ _ ., P ..•••• ' :'STRAYED -From ' the •remises of • . Lot.,'19, Con. •14, West W awanosh, 1 Red Steer nearly•two ea> old on, t Y , ' ' The • 1st. , Lucknow • 'Troop , of Boy Scouts break. camp at Kintail on•Fri= day'.and.. it •,is with reluctance 'that--"'"-------"------•'----''''''-' . • ,� The• necessityof •re-orderi cloth-• •oda lad .been created two. years pre- r�io(gr. tat qse LOCAL AN GENERA 'years ' estic water service application; con- ;tracts . speaks for itself of the un-. looked for •success • as regards., , the• number 'of . parties desiring: demestie. water• service, Mr: Wi11.ksLeed con- voi"' � mi�at' •have beep. stnrlr,y •.,and strenuous 'ones: We are proud ' to `think' that.; in such difficult times you ;2valued our institution.. age --of s ' d •are inclin � • ' Band l'attoa-=Qaled• 'Ian Park-' To=night: , , . 1 Monday,' August 3rd. is ;Civic .Holl- - _ � +- . Miss ,;lean. Chesnut R, hT. has. •re- turned :to• Rochester ' after' •spending r .. the ,past month 'with. her mother. • < { -New or .about July 22nd: Any inforrnat'iori tie boys. will'do• so. They lia've great- Will be gladly received .by-. e „John McQuillin•' • ly enjoyed ,,this,•.1',0=dayhout ng, . es- pecially,since the passing of the•first' :_�-__m;--L--UCI 'COM-P-ANY'--� night-Weiinesda of last, week when -NOW ;ELEV":4-T-OR The annual'; meeting" of .'the i. UC1 •, now ,Elevator • Co,, Limited, : will . he ' - -held I i theoffice o G-ee H, Sinith ' ° e d n f , . . ,. on • Saturday, evening', Aug, .1st, •, a4 S P.M..Election of officers, receivi•ng of, annual. report and other business . ; : will ••be •• transacted: • j amt Alton, President:" ... • • (30-� --c,) - _• a severe electrical storm and toren- is of rain •which leaked• throu h- someWash g of the ,tent's, •'ca s • a" few' of • thy • ' • s " d • ' . `tial. smaller. ' chaps to. pack , lir ' and'l .pat- •lordly, • _ ait for the sun '.to come u so }v• P they could 'make tracks, for home. However the next: day • broke ' clear, and warm and all leers of the `sto> m - • were soon did cited: .p . The cam . site •is in, an ideal ori= • P p trnues to rote view any prospective consumer and o 'slate has succeeded having 1.8:1 partie's •sign the con- : trace.. .. - i ' • . Construction work. is ,still under. w,a• at -the -Om -house The mason- Y rt' work has recently been • completed .and; at 'present carpenter.. work is' im - progress. Cement • bases -have yet :to be 'laid for the motors slid 'pumps and..with the installing of these and the necessary •,connections made , to . e_it-:is car-ly-iii--Septem er .-the_ ,In -this,' :we •ed to;over estimate the part that the young and. the 'strong pi ay in ` "the g drama of life... Too._ often ,'we forget • . the work:done by the pioneer ' Toe often we take fore ranted the,. inati- tutione aroun us,that werea erected d x lowly •and .painfullq : by ,men such.as lyout •It is much. a, a'sier to' occupy ' a: House `than' it is 'flu :fi'"'' uild that house. / • ' As one , of 'the first members of this lodge' you .helped. 'to . build• it: God has been good / to •you in th' .. n umber of years' vouchsafed to • you „ -1 - dad+. . •• Miss Eunice Newton is • visiting with • friends . in •' Toronto. •, . °4: Miss Hazel • Webster spent Sunday: ' with friends ;in Varna. -"'w`"'' •' :. ,'Mira ,Frances Spence of Prescott is with her' afar visiting . pare • • • Mr: Robert Andrew of, Listowel, spent the •week -end with his parents, Miss Winnifred Douglas was home n ..oxereek,end, ,, from London the w Prints; "Gmghan`oc-Ve les-`amd Goods` at New 'Low Prices- • „ " MABKET .Lucknow .• Dept.' Store.' ,„ ; .. . and' Mrs ' M. G. Swackhatner • I , MrMrs,' of Detroit "s 'Spent the week -end with • the' tatter's p andrao'ther. Mrs: Alex. gx" Ross Mar ' ' y' and .Josephine Aitchison .have' returned. to Ha '''''t4; •. iter ' spending the. past • .month with their .grandparents, . • • • _. 1VIrs. Don Sutherland -and daughter ,'• ,;•y. : 5 CL>;RK'S • NOTICE OF ' FIRST .. . POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST • • -•••- tion, the tents being pitched in the shelter of •a cluster of evergreens. - in of- rhich-,-•there.:.is_a._-a.-water-mains-and•--and . •-- ------ •----- •-- - Voters L- ists�93-1-°-+Main ci lift' ,of--commons-extending_._to_-...the i►a `' Ashfield, County of Huron. NOTICE ' IS HEREBY • ' GIVEN •that ' I have 'complied • with• Stec- -front • top .AL_ the cliff' leading into a deep' 'P Y on •the south an which overlook,,' the:lake to the west: Across 'th s gel there_has_een a girl's camp whish expeCt-ed-that •We work 'will be co pleted: lm nonoui yoii; n"bt ait�i --b- You have reached .'such• a mature y — o -morrow is the .last day ,of July. -just another. month of• holidays.: Wanda -from --Dallas; -Texasi--visited i; the first of• the :week. with her sister, . am • , EXA1VitNA l Ain RESULTS _ . , ATORY . ' 10RONT0 CONSERV OF `MUSIC I age, but because you have arrived at those • years retaining .a 'ehe• fns; _ hopeful. outlook on life, Your ibee ' ge • has lwa s been sate in this Lod, y most wholesome' and • salute y. You • Mr, Yates is relieving at the C.N. depot ' during Mr.. Hamilton's va,, cation. - - • . Miss Emma Robertson .of ..Ripley, Mrs. Collyer. M'r. ; and Mrs. Wm. Martin, Mr. , Bruce Martin and"'llliss Kirk of Strat- ' ford, ' were, Sunday, visitors with` _ in -Y tion seven ' `tire Voters Lrsts •held "� Act and that I have posted"'•up at my r • • office at Ashfield on the 14th day of tip. ,` July, 193] the list of all persons. en, titled to vote in the said Municipal-. ., - _-yity-_at-._municipal .elections__. and --that. "<.' . 'such list remains 'there for ,mspec-:.. _ _ • _ _ _ .. :. special attraction for several • of the hairs and • as a result was: a source of worry to, Scogtniaster. John= Ston, . To' reach this camp the boys: have to cross the cat • walk's 'which ,, is a p path from 6, to. 18 inches wide, on�le�eak of th_eposite iiromon- .• ynfriends comer exa linationst have not •become c ical or over° At'recenti ton's • tical of 'our institution or' of, of 1VIrs. Newton's music Blass, seven' . _ students tried the" above examiner -�rature. It- encourages us ver ` to -see -full -of -love and tri- human much enthu visited.,last week with, Miss Hazel Culbert, ' Mrs. Rev. James of Alai Craig is town. Mr. Stephenson and.Misses Mamie and ,Ethel tHerbert of London, Eng- • •i' ` = tion All passed horrors you so i o e� M Irl ng.: at the. n x 1._rid_axe touristw_s tors t;th+e home -i seuen • with _ _ follows,._ sraaitC Ce °Cr"-att exter�ir_-`y-e'ara _ __01,J __.?l. , _and W w.: Hill _ - .. _� o M rs i r f s. Jame M'lIe tion; ` ,_ __ _ `And <� taryT--The-boys--.seam-to-cr-oss._this.; -as _-_ . -- . .,• .. , . . associdtion • with it. Elemental _ Piai►o' It is a real pleasure for this Lodge Flirt Class Honours -Eunice New- P , to have a chance to express its ap- :t. trances Armstrong. Honours=- preciation to .you while •you are •here Donalda Thompson, Jean' MacMillan, Introductory Piano in our midst, and our pleasure will be= many, times by Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lindsay of• Tor- onto are visiting in town with the Miss 'Lindsay's. ' ; • visa Isobel Dymock •lies returned home '. with relatives . Mr. diver Ellis, Mrs. Charles - Leonard and Mrs,, James .Brown of Platteville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Henderson. Mrs. Willk Barber Land -her `two I: hereby:call . iport all voter..... . to take . immediate proceedings• • to . have any errors` or omissions con- ara • reefed according to law, the last ,days for appeal -being the 8th .day of ug- .. i?uite `easily, However, on one occas-' Sion Elly Webster unintentionally tobogganed down the 75 -foot . em- bankment without niishap. •• • : • A, great litany of the parents and ust 131:'• Dated this 15th day: of July 1931. (; C. E. Mc]]lniagh;' Clerk .of Ashfield. (30 -?-c,) . ; friends have taken advantage of the visiting .hours • to visit, the camp 'and be present at the sing -songs around Camp -fire each evening • on .the - - multip3ied yohr • First Class Honqurs-Mary McKim Ruth Parker, Honours -Jessie Held-. continuing •to abide with us. . > .• ' after visiting in West Lorne: • • Rev: W. A. Mrs. Brown and , daughters, Lorna 'and Dor¢thy , of Cranbrook, are visiting with• Mrs. : • erson. ,. A , 40 ' .' T • he foliowirrg jiupila of Mrs. G. CELEBRATES 9TH, illiRTHDAY • M., and . their two daughters are visitors ' in itllis Community.• Barber's , mother, ,Mrs. •N. L ' Camp- bell.. •the ` ' 'ADDITIONAL TRAIN SERVICE OVER CIVIC •HOLIDAY . • commons. It is certainly a very - pleasant hour : with entertainment being provided by . the different' pa. • H: Smith, Mus Bac., F: T. C. , . 'viator beofn Musicessful in their Conser- On Wednesday, Jul 2pth, Miss examinations. Y Lizzie Webster, familiarly known, as 1?ina y iPiana, (A. T. C. M.)• "Aunt ,Lizzie" celebrated' her • 89th Jean L•ong, -With- •1st' class honors birthday: •Miss Webster was born in in, Technique and Musical Interprets- Norval,. , nta io, •coming-. to Lucknow • • '.,and. tion and honors in Pedagogy over seventy years ago, •and• _as one Teaching Demonstration. of the oldest, if not the oldest set- Intermediate .Piano' tier, of the village. Miss Webster is • Jessie. Mackenzie, still enjoying fairly good health and Tumor Piano to • celebrate her birthday, spent part Aslifield�tvith-�her�si ins Mrs. br. Garner recently left for Y Millarton, Northern Ontario; for an indefinite period. • 1VIr. and Mrs. Bert White of De- • troit are. the guests" of Mr. and Mrs. F. T Armstrong•. . - , Mrs, Frank O'Brien of Detroit' is a visitor this week • with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Arlin. Missleleit_PrTtie�son of White- Mr. ' and' Mrs. ,Sydney Plowright • and two children, Allsat and Joyce, o Oshawa, were week -end, visitors • with Mr. Joseph Nixon and 'other "" relatives. , �• Miss M. %. Welting, of London, Eng"'•, Mr: • and "'Mrs. _Elliott Pile of Toronto and'Master Arthur Young of • Montreal are visitors, ,with Mr, ani f Mrs: Edgar Hollyma . Mrs Jaek--Melntosh,-formerly of. - _ . • : Monday, ,August•'Srd is Civic holi- day_ and for the accomddation and •convenience of the public who wish to take advantage of • the holiday there will , be improved train service , An additional passenger grain will r,, be run • Or this line to Kineard ne, which will arrive at the local depot �aaturday night at 10.24 P �I..Th s.: eels ' and the reading of the daily camp journal: One cannot conic away. from the camp without • the feeling• that the boys are under eificientdlea-- ders and• are receiving the best of instruction along Stout:work as well as enjoying to the•full a healthy and happy holiday. on "holiiay special;" on the retain trip will leave' Lucknow, at 2' o'clock •'on HELP THE CRIPPLED CHILDREN 1st--class-honors--'Ee gym-M•acDo y -- g hid$ Donald, ••Pass --Florence Hodgins; • ter, Mrs. Anderson, who is. 91 years Primary 1'�iano '• of ;age. During, the afternoon • and Honors --Giros Blake'. � • evening she was at her home, to en - Elementary^MFianii tertain .her many friends �Wlro wished `""" 1st .class Honors-iiuth •14IcQuilhm, her •' "many •happy returns.:' Frank McKenzie. Honours --Jean For- '' church'is visiting with• her cousin, Miss Evelyn' Nixun• Master -Vernon Naylor of Toronto is visiting ` at the home of Mr, and' 'Mrs: Peter Johnston. George D. Stockhem the Welker .Stoic here and• who has,. been iii Siincoe for the past few months has been put in charge of a • branch 'store at Am'herstburg, • • Mr. and Mrs. Ross. and . children•,. ' Bud' and Jimmie, 'of Toronto, -are : Monday afternoon. Afternoon. tea will be,served oii tile` ' . _' TRUCK IS BURNED lawn at .the home of Mx: and Mrs. Wm., MacKenzie on Tuesday, Aug.. : , °s f 3verwood's . hirv, ton W, o S C One byfire . trucks was totally destroyed of .which is not known, on the cause` Tuesday afternoon Amer • Oliphant, e e n Rile and Lucknow : Fire (b tw. e Ripley ) a eared to start underneath the 'cab appeared i' Jack Bell of Ripley'them and the dr verd. .. ., received. burns about the hands while he tried unsuccessfully to stliother . Hames which destroyed the truck • the y and alstl _,17. •'cans of cream and 5 ' , • had cases of eggs which he gather- • i 4th, from ,.3.3'0• to 6 o clock, proceeds , to. go to the Sick .Children s •Camp,. .Burlington: This camp • is supervised' by Miss Isabel MacInto• * R, N, These children are front the .poorer , . ._.-. ort oi. districts of Hamilton, and. m are cripples, some m' Wheel= Chairs, on cruti>hes, and a gob in'any heart • casesz We feel everyone •,, ,.. i.. . .. t ..e.. 1v11' be interested m helping, these children et back a degree of health. g -Admission 1:5c, Eve'ryon'e welcome. m stex, Wilmer. MacKay, Rexford. Os- t '' treader. pass -Annie Watson, Edwin. CITIZENS BAND ,WILL . ';, HAVE • BUSY WEEK .Buswell. . ,'Miller: ' Mr, and Mrs, of. Detroit, are guests of Mr. and M Alex c . rs M Diarmid Mrs. Jack Johnatod of visiting . James Miller. Mrs, • g with Mrs. Toronto, n alto of oro -spent thehenweek sed With Mrs introductory Piano y 1st . Class Honors -,-Marion Mac- With favorable, weather tonight, Donald, Jean Thom Laurine Miller. (Thursday) the Band Tattoo •to be ► Honors -Jennie Pearlman. • • ' held • in Caledonian. • 'Park promises Introductor-Theor.� • to lie a Splendid enfertainment: Six y • ?',, .p• ist Class Honors -Florence Ilod- bands will •take part and another •Lucknow „gins: eature will be •severe , numbers by PMS. , Piiimary Theory Jack Thynne, the 8ansas. Farmer _ ..... .. Pass -Grace Blake,Donalda Me- entertainer. The admission is.25e. Callum. - and the Band is anticipating a record . - - village' and Counterpoint attendance from theMr. -Jean Long w vicinity. Harmony. e • On Sunday evening' it •8.30 the .. r • r , . Bend is engaged to. furnish. a sacred is ..Class. Honors, Je$n mitg" M r:' and •Clmira are , visitor's the for- 's parents, Prize' wintters names lished' in our next issue Dept,. Store. Mr. ,Gibson • White, forth is visiting at t • d: an Mrs. Wm. Mur Joe McClure of• visited 'over the week father,. Mr. B. McClure. Mr, and Mrs, J. W. this ,Week with will be pub- , , -'MARKED B, A•: of Sea= - 'e home of Mr: e. Niagaral F„ -end ,with his ' • Joynt motored Visitors the, first' of the week. with Mr, and Mrs. Rithweel were, Mr. and •• Mrs. J J. Keyes :M daughter. and y' and d Miss Turner of Nashville, Tenesee; . also rsof . A. J., andmilt' Keyes Varna. • • Mi s. Lorne biatDoald• and young . son Ross of 1'eterliora, are 'visiting . with Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. MacDonald.. .... • Mr, Lorne' MacDonald :ret irnecl• to his home after spending Sunday with.' his :parents, • • Passes Wessel, Ezaim._ : ,., -ed during. the day. We understand contents are in- that the track and. conteLARGE urNd:Donors .. ,G SHIPMENT. OE CATTLE ,. ".—� --•--.---' Seven' choice cattle • ROCLAMATION'' , -. P• carloads of Several woe shi ped • by several local drov- w r �p _ _ m l the 3rd I hereby prtic airn Monday, . dy of August, i931, a Civic holiday . �ir ..- i. ' co- •for the Village of Lucknow. All cit- s are . hereby notified •to govern • flea y ` ti l'es' aceorditigl' . ' •-•- , ' ' " thblrf e v y ,. yN ROB?, RAE, Reeve. < . __y_ _. 4 err from the C. N, R: depot last week as. a result of`a mise on a mar et .... .a. ,, _e_,., .. a Two carloads, each Were shipped by . • , l Win,. Hendex's'on, James' ltlung, and ... . , 'J. W. Joynt and bile earlaad by' RObt: Duran, ... ✓" .. ,_ _ ..: Mittory of Music -bails• concert in D a i e on fire•• Toronto Est ii'f a _ '.: r_ -.Y _._ . t s ..l • ontifi 'can rant- Vilit-ed Church gronnd�s..T"desd`ay :iv- 1s Cass )I g , .. .. .. ,.., ,. -.i I#onors--.ferric McKenzie, Winifred ening tile,• Will euppli, tn>lsic at a Ackert., garden party in liipley find" on Wed- 'Ackert., . . ,. Ripley .. :... ...... 100% of the candidates were• sue- •nerds, evening .take part in the cesaful, ' Wingham Tattoo. . to the-.. .ti ..weekaato spend a feW days. in the city. -i Mrs•. James McCallum o Mr, and . C f ... Were _....... et , i were visitors with the form- Detroit' , , , p, iaother. over the week-eridr .w ; i -,.-__ _. -` Miss >✓nala swe"1 •, a `puprl of 4. • MTs: J. Wes, .,o_nt was' successful. Y .. i h. ,, i... .. edi a to . vocal , in pas'stng a • in erme a er a . exam with the Toronto Copse v torr 11s1� };,` ,,...•. ILL _--�.....:.. r . _ - -w-� i�er