HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-23, Page 2Ghocolato-Maltet
The heaith-giving, delicious drink" for children and grOwn-
ups. - Pound and Halt Pound tins at your grocers. ,1
crime Mn. Drukker ,segeght Nal In
geOldAng to the c901‘. who 11441)0,,
raltallie' head of the 'stairs valid
eititrs. Drukker diedArerndilaijoni
of ba,art-.” -
• ontitce15-srwlioviirg- 0-0--ont!exxiain'
of the bather. of killing ler."
seems c1er•aPoligh;" !tweed
Vance. .4B1-11‘ the reason for the mur-
derer's visit here is nat-se: lueid,°Can
you suggest an eXPlanatiOn?".
. 'Arnessep pliffecl thoughtfully on his
• : •
"incenapreriensible," he Muttered at
length. "Drukker had no valuables, Or
no compioniisidg documents. Straight-
fokiv:ar.d. soetof cuss -nut the kind to
nilx irr any dirty business......110-
13tiS§iblei"reason for any one prowling
aheilt Lis TOOM.", .', • •
Nance lay:haele:and appeared -tti
T'Rir °S;..131 VAtiDliNgl
., .. • SY.NOPSA§ ' , • '
1 •- • e
• • . . . . '• "One „neyar .knows. Brine out your
-::Ar,nan'teualiya, se. Dock Robin, de,fonnit,, -, 4tteetiellnaite.".
. . . -
with an arrovir though his, .ileart.. '1•0en ' ..
,..sk.,young'...chapsaiueil".:S.P.rtgf• , ie • 0444. ... Vance had led:the' Way toward the
papers,•signed:Th'e Bishop. • -DiStridt At.. °It ' • -#. !nice., • -. ,-0.. . . .. . - ,
The folloWing„. people are asSeciated .nrat,!':he._ said: . "There'll bee; nunilier•
• neice .Befie,, .ana.• his pretege.:Sigutd'Ar- ••ef thing* to...settle.. I' suppose Yoiell
leardee; a. . neighbor. *nit.. a . passion • for,•...• • .„ . . .,• „ ,, . .. .. .
through the .49P 4 the helgd: The .mur- wall gate,' and yv:.(ii nOW. Stepped &wit
derer write&•Moeking notes. to theonews- • .• ,
"Well repair to -the DrUicker hOuSe
. terney Markham calls in Philo Vence.
' with.' the case:. Professor Dillard,' his . , .
mermen, •viho liopek.to-niarty Pelle; John. look.;after .Drukker's '.affairs, andjhe
-.chose': Mrs, Drintker and beii son Adol•ph, funeral ..arrangeinents. „
.‘,„ .0-rcessen :made .;(1 grimaee •
it etipple *with's, super -int lect. ' • , . A -
• MrS. DrSitrtei ;iS 1 teAS; tiled •bY a visit , . , . , .
from The Bishop. Vance learns that* "Elected!. ..4Frefuse, hetvev'er,,to at-
tend' the funeral. ObieTe spietacles;
• ..;Drukher end Pardee had a beated-atgu- :
., went the night of 'tile Mysitetioui visit., . ,.
• his whereabonta OnAhe Meriting !of Ron- everything. IadY Mee Probably kft
In's murder. It is decided to threaten „
„Drilltker., hat on the same night he is a will; ;We'llthave'te, find it. :New,
0 Ns aso learns that Dfatitker lied -,as -funerala...' But'Relle and I will see.te
•iiiitirdered,. 'and Sirs. Drukker.,?; found where do Woinen generally hide their
dead from ,Shook-<
wills? . . ." '-' ' . ,
• •: CHApPAR..:XXIX.;-(Cont'd.) Vance halted by the Dillards' base,
', mint door 'and stepped into the arch-
•"' "Do you know, Mr. Pardee," asked
ery room. After glancing aliongthe
Markham, 4thit- VT. Draker fell..door's moulding he rejoined,us•on the
'from ihe wall in ti,ta Pal* '.9' wit „range. , , : •
" 'AO& lint 'rlightl-thertly 'after you '1"'"The 'alley .key -iset-there • BY the
' itoPped and spoke:to him?" - Iv: what do you . know about it, Mr.
.9 heard. of the acieleni this„.morn- ''.-/
.ing."-The-mar?-6 pallOr became triOre:_._ _„y_li _me
o ' an .the key to -yon -Wooden
noticeable, and he toyed nervously door. in the -fence? . .. :Haven't an
with his watch chain. "It's very nn-
idei...tori the 'subject. Never use the
'tab:mate His eYes rested yacantly alley myself -Much simpler going- out
fpr awhile 9n. Markham, „ "Have
YOU: . the front doer. NO one uses it, is far
. 7 faked Professor'Dilk-4-, abouritl• If
- e- as 1 know. Belle locked icrfp years
, • •
was :this ,Icelantent ! theory,.
-DrukkerAvec,...ivorking,*.Z!„, _
"Hal Big thifigl".::;ArneeSori;beenire.
..anipieted;„ • was ,.911:, the: path of„
dtineil_kfg the Einatein.:-IlobiL,theory
:of radiatedwth the _facts ' Of. ifiterrerr
ene.e,. and...of Overcoming the linens's-
. teritier-tolterent • in , Einsteints-:- bY,Po-
thesiaL •Ilisliesearch 'liedalready led'
•• to n abandennient :Qf casual
,hliate•titrie to -ordination •:.af,2-atemit
phenomena, and to: its replacement by
a Statistical d.eserjp•tioft... Woald
haye. -reyolutienized'. physies=inade.
hjni •fainolis...,'!4liame he Off
before .he'd.'put his data'in.shape.1,
9)0 you hapPen,' to know where
Artikker kept the, retords, of .these
.comPtitatiens?"' ' '.• •
• ."In.a,lciose...leaf noteboolt7,a1l. tabu..
.and...indexed. '.MethediCai.:•and
neat about everything .E.Vert his cht-
rograPhy *as like ,Copperplate." •
' ktro*•,', the*. what.the
. note-
book- ' • ••• •. . •
'• '"I ought to...4, ge0154-6,& it to me
'often enough, Redlimplleather.eover .•
--Lthirt. yellow ..pagea--t*e'.. ,orthree
clips o.every Sheet helding.,nOtatione•
tiante:gOld.etampedin,larga.tlet.i. • ,
•tera :on'the Peer devilt.
!Sic •." " • ' • . • .
"Where iveuld:• this. note -book '• be .
riew?".; . • •
"One''of. two .,plaees-either in the .
..draWer. of. his ,dest-An the study cr
else In the .eicritoire in hts bedroom •
lir daytime; ,-of course; . worked .
-• - 'he d ' d
Was with Druicker-7-.." „ . .. ago" thought some one might sneak
"Yes,. yea; We've just ,come from , '.
said the
in off the Drive and get an arrow in
Jam," interrupted Vance. ,"„He s4i° 'the eye. I told her, let' in get popped
-there was a ruffled, atmosphere be- _
serve 'em right ,for being interested
- tween you and Mr.':'`Drukker last in arehei.y.p
:tir" ., rdee slowly walked to t . e es
.1 I
and .sat doWn stiffly. „ . CHAPTER XXX.' „
"Drunter was •displeased fOr some
reason tofind Me at the pillards when
' became over after dinner: He hadn't
-7 -the:good-taste to hide his,displeasure
and created a somewhat Siribairassing
-1-tried-to past tlie,matter
' however,: ProfesSor Dillard tool, hint
• out for a walk." -
• "You didn't -remain long after -
Ware observed Vance jno1entIY."
'N� -about a quarter, Of an hour?
Arpesson was tired and Wanted to
turn in, so I went faz a walk myself.
On my return I toak the bridle path
instead of the, Drive, and dame on
Profess_or Dillard and Drtikkeir
Ing by the wall talking-. Not wishing
.;to_appeat• rude, I ;stopped for a mo-
Jment. 'Vut Drik1ter was lfl a..befatly
mood and made several Sneering re -
wake. 1 turned and walked back to
79th Street, crossed the' Drive; and
came home." '
• "I say; didn't you loiter a bit by
• th4e tirnyt4le?"
neari:the 79tli Street
entrance and smokerta cigarette,"
For nearly half an hour Markham
and Vance interrogated Pardee, but
, nothing More could be. learned front
, • him. As we came out into the street
Aiiessefl hailed us from, the front
porch of the Dillard house and 'stalk -
about last night." , 000,
ed fa -Ward to,meet• Arnesson took an easy -chair by tha •
-"Just 'heard th'e sad news. . Got front window ^and drew out his- pipe:
boine from the university a little "Last night, elf? . . . Well, Pardee'
• while ago, and the professor told me I came to dinner -it's a soit of . habit
you'd gone to rag Pardee. Learn any- I with him on Ft:days. Then Drukker.
, !thing?" Without waiting for •an an- I in the throes of quantum spetulation.
' waver he ran on: "Frightful mess. 1.1 dropped in to pump 'the professor: •
ew 0
Illuitrated PreSmaking: 4esson
. Furnished tal' T''• Paftern
and MI Div -SCOT ,
Vniat came .befeeet Cantata JIMMY
and his friend „Limit, Jed Stone sten rto•,
reacue 'uy Steno, Jed' s younger brothel',
from the °twit Chinegie bandite:,,Dlogu•ls.
tag their ,plane RS a 3iragon. the•y reld,
the %bandits° camp.
I 'seaethed hurriedly. tbrough the
'deserted tents for COY, .,A, few ben-
dred feet away Lient.jed.Stone stood
,guard With his ' terrible' dragon, plane
gleaming -blue. itti the darkness. From
the „rim, Of- the dark forests the 'band-.
rairied Omit the...camp., Jed
_ .
tarned their fire
with bursts trope
'his machine, gen.'
,TatIat-tat. Tat -
Pirikilig'157 Orni10 Princes
•dress of pile green linen with
Whi'a coin dots for the sohhisticat-
'ed Miss of 8; 10,12 and 14 years,
' 2639, size 8, reeuires 2 yards
Of 32 -inch material with 4, Yard;
30 -itch contrasting.
It flares its:skirt through eircu-
lar shaped gores with palate that
dip the hem.
'.4t wears a white leather belt to ,
match the janntY yvhite linen dol-
lar and cuffs. .
-Style No.- bet loVe. y
later to wear for the beginning of
•the new tiehoai term. „ •
in tbe study;• but fusseda an
Well to, bring '.0a.git circa:1141Ni into
)iisatuni,b ,arm.e and legs: Then .1
.helped him from tent to teat..
tinie ouiselves, `we Were -
greeted with, a regular fueillade of;
shots, . The bandits; enraged at los-
ing their • captive w.ere-growing' bold-
er and •ereeplag. closer. . • Jed rushed
to Meet us; and • in. a moment we .ilft-
..9(1 Guy 'into the. plane. • , 13oosfint
'Owed the two .• h!„.Others, and; In an- . •
other ,moineut We were rushing ,dOwn.
the,field.' - • . ' • . • .
A -group. 0V:bandits, '-hleaded by the.
Chief, ..brolto,..from.' 'the :Cover 9; tbe
w_e9dt_ii; as,. 00',
ecfies resounded that they,had • been 'heed by o
rag knew no .bOund
froin the hldek.--They
, Adding to the ter- „ The. storm,
which AMh4idil thileciddranit
„rninf thanituation, .the thander. Which • ,eheek now bioke.
,bed. itimbled ' the &it -mice. now. th-iffiTder-the.-raiii:-came
-rollienp-averlread-With-a-muffleJ--,sheetsen. Jed -turned lonse_als •
rear, „machine „gun; •
Fiashlight In hand I searched. The Stopping in their tracks, the bandits •
tents were in the utinoS4 confusion.
• Dirty 0001fing utensils, fragTients of
eboited food, were 'all strewn alothit
helter skelter 'fashion. The air. w
• close and hot. • •Scottie sniffed e
sneezed, whit. disaiiproval.
'Nco Sign of Guy Stone in' tbe first
.tent. , We ducked under the. back
wall and made for the next tine. As
'41703 ran acres's the open space, a rifle
Went; Ciack! A bullet Whipped by
my arm. . These bandits were ..better•
photgi than Most Ehineile.•
From 4nt 'to tent: we went, and
'each time we showed ourselves
, sniper's went, . SPat! Still
no sign of Guy Steno. I had -search-
ed the tad tent without suttees; and
urned to go,- heartkreken.
Scottie •was sniffing at a leap of
rags. ; ile wouldn't hedge away,'
and continued pawing, at the rags -
and howling to himself. • I turned -
my flashlight du the litter, and there
at: the . very hottam more dead than
• aliire wee Gu3/ Stone. • • -
:turned and. made for . the 'woods .03.
fast as. they' amid ran. , . • •
ber the ''gas". said Stage, And
I did. . •
mP .0101,P -
•amp. It wasn't
the smoothest
'plaCe in tlie
World to. take .
choosing • that night..
Off the • grOund •we Fligher
and . higher. • Soon. we .ialled far ' • -
above the Valley, and passed through...
the Storm out into bright„, clear
• Were Seeking. wet, ,inft.
happy. • After Midnight we landed. :
In: .General Lu Boni ..fcir
hs lik,baste. ‘' What had happened?
. . _(Ta be Continued) '
Note: -Any. of our young •teaders
'Writing to -"Eaptain Jim:my", 2010 \
Star 'Building; Toronto,.
Cutting hie beads, .1 shook him signed Photo of Captain Jimmy. free .
'weren't • spend- • 7/
•night virhen wrapped tip in it problem A red and white printed diniity • - ,- •
Kept an stcritoire in his bedreom.
wherele put his e+turent reeords when -
he retired, in case Eiler-difluspira-.
ton to monkey With 'eat during the
night..• Then, M the morning, back
they'd go to/the study. RegUlar ma-
chine for system. •'
(To be continued.)
/We entered the Drukker helm by •
Softly now the hurn is restibig.
the rear.ficear. 'BelleDillard• MT& I
.M4hzel Were busy in the kitchen. • Eyery' lark its song, Is ,hushinif
On the moor thick reet,is falling;
Just one heather-btade is calling"
Ceiling, , lonely, lonely,
_FPI my _darling, for my only,
Leinbliain. 0, Leinhhaln'or7:-
Trotting home, my dearie,' dearie,
Wee black. • lamb comes, wearie;
I wearie,
Vance.. • •
"Mr. Arnesson is:right," he nodded, I Her*? its soft feet pit -a -patting
"We'llgearry.on for the 'Present. ButlQulc.kly 'o'er -the flowerY matting,,
just one (iiiestien befoie you go. Did See 'ite brown -black eyes- a -blinking -7.
yon always, keep the ke'y to the alley Of its bed it's surely thinking,
door banging in. the archery room?" ,Leanbhain 0, Leanbhain
Lullaby -
• "Hallo, sis,", Arnessom greeted the
girl.: His cynical ,Manner had been
dropped. "Hard lines for a young
nilike you: 'You'd betterruirrhome
now. 171- assume ''ciihim'and." And
taking -her arra in a jocularly pater-
nal fashion, he led her -,to the door.
She hesitated, and looked back 'at
fires=7,alwaysr- Why? Isn't -it there_
The Ilene- to- roost Wee NOra'ai ,shoo- .liered, however, that' the insect, freed
now?" ing,
It -w. s A 1. neisoir-whe-anewered,:wit
burlesque irony. " •••.
• "Gone! Disappeared! Most tragic.
Some eccentric key -collector has eV-
is dainty with white organdie col-
lar and cuffs with a black ribbon
welvet belt'
. in bow with. streamers at the back.
Pit:me:in plain or print; -printed I
batiste, eatten--: shantung ,printed
handkerchief • lawn and gingham
checks are Smartly' appropriate.
Write yotir name and address
plainly; giving number and size of
• such patterns -'s you want. Ericlese
20c in stainps or coin (coin pre-
ferred; wrap it carefully) .for eaeh
nuinber, and address your order to
, Pattern Service,' 73 West
AdeThI St„Torlipts.„, _
iLady Bug's Value as,Killer
Of Pests Held in --Doubt
Yakiina, Wash. --The hard-working
lady bug, long believed ,effective in
combating 'fruit tree pests, is now
under 'suspicion. • Many fruit -grow-
ers say: this beetle is -a natural born
tranap, migrating too rapidly to help
lifdlvidual Orchards • It is still be-
•, in large communities, might clean
_ wirtite&-green-aphis-ati'il-ruat--lar-va,
The tired -out cricket's quit -its ,
Ing, Entoliologista --afe of- The -opinion-
' that severe dust -storms in the mialon
derttly been snooping around: when• Velvet sleep on all it falling,
ladybugs to migrate.
and grape growing Sections caused
Lark' d cow,andsheep.and star -the girl had left us be cocked an • an •
ling-•- ,
eye at Vance. "What in the name of •
Feel it kiss our whitelaired darting, •
all -that's unholy, _has a rusty key to linking is acnew 'port bf call for
Leanbliain. 0, Leaxibhain Ott, .
- • -airplanes. operated by...the Cliina „Na,
do with the case?"
Atonal Aviation COrporation: between
"Perhaps nothing,'." said Vance care- 7-Seumas .MadManus, in "Ballads: ,of
.. • .' ' . Shanghai and Hankoc . Anking. is
lessly. "Let's go down, to the drawiti' a Country Boy." ..
- - '---"4.-- • . the capital of Anhwei Provinee.
roeiff. It's more comfortable there." .• ,. . .
He led the way down the hall- "We ' Nearly+half the i,i?,tal amount of gold Planes operated on this air mute are
want vnu to tidl us what you can available, which le woritt 44,68$,000,- capable of . cariting lnitli passengers
is held bythe relied States. and mall. . . . '
-understand the entire Drukker fam-
ily is -wiped out. Well, well. And
more story -book rnumbo-jumbo to boot.
. . 'Any clews?" .
"Ariadne has tiot yet favored. us,"
and Pardee's presence galled him.
'Showed his te,elings, too. No contro::
The professbr lorelte_n_P the centre-
fent* by taking Ibriikker for an 9r-
ing. Pardee imp erd-f Or -fifteen
• responded Vance. 'Are you ap .ant?. futeS or so, while I tried to keep av.,ak-.
hassador from Crete?" • Then he had the goodness to depart.
• • , I looked over a fsw test papers . .
simumammimiiiimimmaimiumrand sO it> bed." H,e lighted his pine.
How .does t'hat thrilling 'recital e7-
beautifully. figured walnht case
--elegant totich--excuitile tone.
Will grace any home and satisfy
any musician. 'Although slightly ,
• used it carries our full five-Yeat
guarantee: Regular 050. now
• $325.
Terms .$55 dash and 18 riionthly.
'Preight tifiltl be preimid,to your
nenrest Ontario station.
Ve Olde Pirroe,
Plain the end o1 poor Drunter?.
1 "It doesA," 'said Vance. "13tit it' net withotit interest. Did you hear
Professor Dillard when he retpriieq-
heine?" • .,
"Har hina?," Arneson chuckled. •
"When he hebbles ahout with ,'hi
gouty foot, thumping his Stick down
and shaking the banisters, there's no-
Mistaking his arrival' on the scene.
Fact is, he W55tintistially noisy last '
night." .. ' . • .
"Offhand, "what do you make of
• , thee neW developments?" ;asked
HEINTZMAN 8( CO. Vance, after a Shdtt panSe..
, 19$' Ynnge $treet, Toroint0 - '4I'm somewhat foggy as to the. de-
tt.,ilS, The professor was not etactlf
'Coupon: ' ' • phospliere:centl Sketehy,in fedi.
10.5.Yonge St7,-.-Torra Drukker fell froit the wall, like
Helmsman gz co.,
- , Please-send-rne fulivinforirtation aint-liti-lorifii•PW, ttibifd teir.f/4 lit .
Ti-o'rfgd above„ • • and was. 'f:ouncl *lig morning-jthat's
about the Beintzina a ,piane, , I-lieu-
:0rue t • ' 'alI plain. Blit nn-cler wfit doeditirrifs.
vidress - laid 'Lady Mae suceuinh te shockl.Who,
.. , or what, shocked her. . c 1"
• .
• 7.4%.4?f••••0.-4:1';'fiec,r,v, ,
.World'a.Greatest Air Routest
By the end of -this 'year Great Bri-
,ntill possess air serviCes.coveriag
routes. totalling 40,000.4amiles. These
,will link up almost every part of the
Empire. We already have 'airways to.
-Egret; Persia „In ia, and Sohth Africa,.
InfffeheiitTY the rtinte-barbenh.
extended a ;lir 1.EWr 5,800 miles by' the
service between Karachi and Port Dar-
win.. n
the -year over- 3,00tt will haii-
been'aililad to the African air routes.'
, At the moment the TJnited States is
still a little ahead of us with air routes
teitalling 38,000 miles, but these are all
services within the country. Britain's
i Australia. Before the end of
• Unlesi 'twas purposely designed,.
think it very , strange "
'That birds and beasts of every kind
-Their habits never change,
That flowers so large or so - small
'May; grow, .
ifWs ilititPheights-nieaohfr"-
Arid only 'man was given to know •,
,The fellowshin of speech:
youtes. are mainly external.. No
other country ts.•extendlng its airwayS
.4iltickly, and this wonderful expan-
sion . is- dire' Mainly to tile of wore=
Leers' like 'Sir Alan Cobham and Kings-
' ford -Smith.„
' Before the end pf the year -we shall
have optdistaneed ihe United States
In air-routemileage, and 'we shall then
airwaye, .e0vex.ing. . almost ,dott.
.ble the mileage of any other Eiiropean.
tcountry. France .has less...than 20,009
ntiles of 'airways, Whilst Hollahd,'
whose colonies are to.be found.in all
parts of the 'World, has only just over
12,000 miles. -London "Tit-BitS."
TrIffe s
seems Mirions fact
That animals to all intent
• Their kingdoms kept idta-ct,
And that no" other living thing
By chance was ever made
For weeping or for worshippin
Or foilewing a trade
If. purposeless this life .began •
. 1
I think it strange that only man.
Should lofty* goals pursue.
For -that 'same chance which gave us, •.
And , reason Might have thrown'
.Thestapowers •i_to- creatures in its
• „ reach - ' •.
And not to mail .alone.
know not how this ,world began,
. Stars fixed' and sun and , ' ,
Nor why some powers were given to
,Whiah were to beasts denied;
Nor- why all .b1rds ,and blossoyns• COI
Unchanged while men .advance,
But I feel sure enough to say . '
It's not the work of (lance.
' Edgar A. quest in T't-Bits.
• „•••••W;',.:(..
. July 1931. -W -hen the giant Cunarder .“Aqattankt".Called IIalifax last Sanday on the 91ht.
YerSarY 'Of the Line, a dernitatiOn cif 'prominent Nova S'eotians headed by TA.,-(frov. 'Stantield',• Mayor ititchie
-.Pie Rei _nc_r_;:?:17,!......„‘!.'ze.1.31P eq P. 0. D1 a gl e; RAT.,
master of thc Ship, efficiaHy Ihe iiilAtne of t -he pryscilee;:. , Friiin-Tert-T6-'74r fit -td
Guy. .S!antleld, Conon-coders E. tti rt N Mr:e iZefOrd, general ammager. of the Cunard Line in
Washbasimi with- hot and cold.
te-te,e anatahle4--hedsrAablg. keat,
cant mang a'ecommoda,tioir • for :
Lrints'e‘s are_prov_.7.1(.1e:L1 in ever. y cell in .
a new wem4's prisori in New York.
' Strive' manfully:. habit:fs-overconie
by habit, -'rlionias-a-Kempla. • .
Canada .1. NOrillhil MIMIC- 'of liaiireit, E. O. Tr:lila, iPfr sle Halifax, '1 -fon... John Dealt: proVincial•wecre-
flOW .-- - --=----t------ ' ' "The murderer took btu:like-es key tarY; CoMModoto i -lose, di,yetin,r, of.'Nl'avAl FI,rvi r i: 0 levvi, . TThis,WilS • the first of the express no week-
and canoe here 'ivronediately after the end cruises from New .17ork t9 110111ax. nod brot; n • a; ly 12(,0 Ainerican tourists-
- to- the Nova Scotian port.
- i
ISSUE No. 29—'31
• .•••-•••-
I 0
Quick relief front rheumatic
• 4,4 pains without harm:
To 'relieve the worst nehtnatic rain is
a very simple matter Aspirin will chi, it
every time It's something that you
an always take. Itertu4M-4'sptrin la lets
are harmless Lao •fof the Etayer Cross
eit-teitiv tablet
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