HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-23, Page 1• 6 $2:;00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2.50 `OTHERWISE„ t- sIN'G�E ,UCKI40V f, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 23rd, 19 51. COP.IER 6 CENTS DENTIST D. R. L Trelea' en, 'Lucknow' Hours: g-19 A. M. 1.30-5 P.M. PHONE '53 ,. .X-RAY '� WALL . AP • " .. A, full line.:Qf •1931 .Wall Pa'_ r on hand: -Prices. consider- - , ably down: fir :.1931.°=I am.alse ,agent n for ' leading Viols' houses. , F:.. CAMEIWN' -Grainer ecorat®r, Painter `and ••- Gra Box 3'i4, Lucknow • LOCAL AND GENERAL' Miss Donalda Thompson is visit mg • with relatives in tsue�p}i. Mr: ' and Mrs. Stanley .of. Chesley WEDDING BELLS Parfitt Mitchell.• _ Miss Ruth • Helen`' Mitchell, daugh ter •of 113Gr. and .Mrs Ohre Ouse` Mit= che11,. Lucknow, ;'Ont r . and Mr. Philip town, .Osberne Parfitt,••Schumache v Ont. son spent Sunday 'with friends' in . - rrodribbi Par . 'of ;, Dr. and Mrag Jahn :B Mrs.. Davis off Detroit,''spent . the , '. En land were married fitt, Reading? g !eek-end..,with 4her... aunt;' Mrs dos i.'- St:Peter.'g`..Anglican .church,•uck- Agfetu, r now . on;;: Saturday a~f eenoon, The . ..... ..' `. ' • . � illiam Shatter . of St.� Tains' NIT: and :.1VIis ..Ford':Aitchson'..of .Rev W;' -•r twv ,_:,„...... , ,.10 h _.-,,s; C -.1;, •p inghain�, o$iciatecl.7%07 Ottawa ark vjsting • with"'"•the .former, . „ , , ,..: standards of. -delphinium *arid holly; •hocks -decorated the hurch_:fox:_ the ceremony. The bride who was given -iii- marriage by her' father wore ' a graeeful: gown:;of ivory chantilly bee over. satin; :a picture °.hat of beige lace strew trimmed, with a bow of blue velvet. She carried an .arm • bou- quet of Johanna: Hill roses. and del- phinium. Miss Dora .E: Mitchell was her sister's bridesmaid, wearing . a • •.'n • 1< , powder blue chiffon frock,' with mat - parents - , --STORF1 FOIi RENT-Tiie�store until . recently occ ,pre b.v Walker Mr. Robert Kerr of Montreal was i►tore.-A good -bus ess• location. a recent -Visitor -with -his- sister, Mrs,- "". _Apply.'.to...J oore, Lucknow. John' Howe.. (30=4-tf ) - Mrs. w:. F. her of Toronto • NOTICE -4 ani in. a position °to visiting with. her daughter,' ,Mrs. W. do all kinds-- of Trucking,: at reason- V. Johnston. able rates. -Wilson. Armstrong, Mil's. Wm... Black of Espanola is n and Lucknow.' guest at the home of Mr. and '.Mrs. *ANTED _ Gentleman desires large,. comfortable. •'furnished room, i State terms -Apply at Sentinel Office Mrs. John Joy • (16,-7-p.) 1 UCKNOW' ELEVATORS COMPANY The annual' meeting of. 'the Luck , now' Elevator Co,, Limited; )will be held in the office of :'Geo. H. Smith', • •on Saturday '-evening, Aug,. lst; • L. 8 P.M. lection of officers;, receivi, •"of annual report and other business• will be. transacted. • . : • Janine 'Alton,- President "('30==7--c.) , Mrs. 'Robert. Johnston. of ..Goderich, thing hat •''of Baku. straw and •.pi'nk' s' a visitor, with her ;parents', Mr. 'and' shoes /and..long lace„ mittens..' 'Sh'e nt.' carried:a bouquet of Briarcliff roses. "..Mrs '.Jack. McIntosh '. of •Simeoe, and gypsophelia:.Mr.' Jack • La Flair` pent. a few days. ' last .• week 'with'.: of Toronto,. was best loan, and' the CLERIc_S._NDTICE: (*.L.:F BS.T POSTING. OF VOTERS: LIST Voters' Lists, 1931 Municipality of Ashfield, County, of -Huron: friends in 'theviliage. ...ushers were . Mr. 'James Mitchell,. brother of the bride and Mr. S. C. Miss Mary Christie:. of Detroit 'a• is, Ferguson 'of' Toronto. Mrs. Geo... H. visitor with '1VIr. and' ;Mrs.: 'A. D. Smith played the wedding' music' and MacKenzie and Miss Lees, Miss Mildred Treleaven sang during Wil- . A tree - Mr and••;Mrs , Scobte and son W Lhe signing of the register. ,,• ep lam. bf "'Stratford, , were 'Sunday 'vis-' tioni was held'' afterwards at the home tors• with 'friends in, town of :the bride's parents. Mrs. Mitchell -Mr.. and. Mrs. , ordon Johnston•.received her guests wearinga black and children ate visitors :with Mi. chiffon :dress .trimmedwith cream and Mrs. Russell Robertson: lace, 'a black, lace hat. and a shoulder bouquet -of --orchids and lily -of -the' Dr: and Mrs: J. F. McKenzie and valley: Later ,the :bride. and groom family of Detroitare holidaying•. at left,.for a motor trip to Gaspe, the their cottag"e: at Bruce Beach. ,ride travelling in.' a guardsman -blue " 'suit 'of chongo weave, tricorn felt. .liat.�an,d other' ' accessories to match.. On their 'returnthey will wide at- Timmins, Ont: . -.IS.--HEREB .41IVE that I have• . complied • with sec-' tion seven of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have' posted. up at my • office at 'Ashfield 'on the :14th day of July, 1931; the list . of all persons en- titled" to vote in the said .• Municipal- ity'' at, municipal ;elections and 'thak such .list remains. there.. for insspeei- tion. .. . And I hereby Ball • upon all •. voter„ to stake immediate pi' ceedings . to have • any errors or• omissions 'car rected according to= -lav t"lie last. da -v for appeal being the 8th day of Aug - lust 1931. - Dated this 15th day , of 'July 1931. �,,..-.-.._.,...:.C;..E,-McDonagh Clerk of ?ishfield SCOUT TROOP GOES TO'CA14 P About twenty-five happy, care- _ x..._.; free boys of the 'list Luekriow Weep- of- roop of Boy Scouts, left for'camp . at Kin - tail on .Wednesday.:morning. Scout- rriaster 'Gordon Johnston, assisted by Rev.' 'E O, Gallagher' and Wm.. A. ;Henderson.:.is ' .char e. of the.�trobp,... .0 'for the 'preparation and planning' , such an .outing havi entailed 'con.. o :•the- `art sid�erable.••vgork „n , p .Scoutmaster .. , The_.boys--harve__secured '. five conmo- dious tents which are pitched' at Kin-. tail,' on . the elevation across the7 golly from the summer school and Overlooking Lake ' Huron. A program•, is • followed for eaci► ` days; activities and the boys take'daily turns in act- ing as cook, fireman, etc. This sort' of a holiday holds a great appeal.to such boys and the mien, cost of thir- ty. cents'' a day•makes the' outing 'within reach, of. all who are free to go.•'. ., The camp will continue until Fri- day, :July''31st,.'and • the. officers vite ` parents' or friends to visit' the camp.' Visiting „hours', will; be any .ev-, ening, Thursday':afternoon. oar Sun day. •Sing -songs will be held around a camp• fire in the evenings. By the• way, there is .one thing we' 'must., `not..forget to mention=Dont drop in at meal time,''because ; it is `sur- prising• :•what an appetite visitors bring with'them.';On 'visitors' days you are 'welcome to bring. your 'lunch -basket and- picnic at -the .camp.:.:.., -Tees-are-spending two _weeks .i Mrs. u e R tJiwe_ 1.1:--rege_atl;Y.•.fretu.rned•;_ sem a visit' Mr. Kitty of_. T vacation . with 'Miss Jean Douglas. Mr. and Mrs.. Orin Moffat of Tor- onto,' are visitinig' With the' :latter.'s parents, Mr. • and M'r . 'S. Rathwell Mrs.' As: E. McKim and her daugh- ter Mary, left'on T esday • to. attend the- Girl Gude camp at Niagara • : an the Lake."' Miss Mary, Rathwell of Matheson is visiting with her parents.: Mrs. The 13read' The Bread of ieaikh NOV: IS of Health OUR... MOTTO _i1S :QUALITY AND ..SERVICE IS ,COMMON' .SENSE APPLIED TO SPENDING FOR Thrift. EVERY PENNY, SPENT' •ON. YOUR TABLE -- • _ 1 THE IGGEST ..-FOOD•, VALU,I , '. t �D� GIVES,;YOU � a . •.S•P.EC1A-LS�. ' ... U S BOLT• OUCIIF. mim•eo; CREAM:.l' IF;P , � B B ' RR3G TARTI.FTS --• JELLY "ROLL RASP ,E . r• a; ABES ;LIQ 2,`C T , •' IUALITY 'BAKERY - • . . Lucknow - in Toronto. ,-' . and Mrs. S. C. Ferguson, Miss Holliday and Miss Enid Perry pronto, were and, visitors �...,_ _.. •. : 'at the home of Mr. M. Mitchell. We are agents for Beatty Bros. goods. -Wehave in stock Hay Cars, Forks, Slings and Ropes. • , Wm. Murdie & Son -" Mrs': W: L-:- MacKenzie- is- spending-' a couple' of weeles in • Thaniesford,. UNAVOIDABLY DELAYED We have •been unavoidably delay- .- ',_.ed ..in.,. publishing The .Sentinel _this -week; owing- toe -interrupted hydro ' service,----dightning---F•fer-tile-second time . within a week, "having . struck. and damaged • the ,hydro . transformer • at Holyrood, on: Tuesday .evening' about six o'clock. On this occasion a transformer had to be trucked from .'Toronto, the 'repair work being'eom- pleted Thursday, morning at 10 o'clock. 1•' Gilt Edge Brantford' Binder Twine 650'•11 his is the Twine that give's no trouble.. Wm. Murdie & Son. • Former Kinloss: Resident Dies• At Fort Frances , A former resident . of ». Kinloss Township, Mrs. 'Marg McLeod, 83 years of age, died on June' the 3rd, at tlar"}ronfe c,f•-her-sail; -M•r, -Peter McLeod, of Flirt ,Prances. - Mrs. McLeod was born in Scotland toining oto' this conntty as a young- sterwith • her parents who settled on a . farm ' near Lucknow. At the age of 18 she became the wife, of Mr. Norman McLeod, also 01 Kinloss, the .e'fYitg couple living for a. number, of • years on the, 6th Con., on the farm now occupied by Mr. D. H Bain. To this union ,was born sixteen children, eight sons alien, eight daughters. Thir- teen 'children( eight daughters and fine sons) rnourn.the loss °1St moth- er of sterling christian character, who was a good nei}ghbor and a kin' friend to all One son, 1V(alc'olm; 'was killed duripg the Great War, two oth- er boys dying at an early age, There Sur .. �vive also five sisters and' two brothers, , M. arid• Mrs, M.eLeod and family • ._ td:'_:Raiity 12,i_ver district in moved y '98, Following ti e funer al se rvice t1e_hoiie of -her so, ret -anent ad a in the family plot at-It;atny; � was ma a River. ..• ll;ve + r' SEVERE 'ELECTRIC. ,STORMS. DO' .•MUCH '.DAMAGE Hydro • Service Interrupted The severe ,electrical storm, ae companied . by 'high winds and a de - Inge of rain, which broke late late Fri- day afternoon' in this district, • result- -ed-�'in -tlie-hve-ton--transformer a£ -.the, hydro station at Holyr-ood being struck and• the village was without light or power until Sunday at noon. This interruption in the hydro ser= vice proved "very''' inconvenient `in Many cases. but repair Work was ;soon underway by a. gang. of Hydro men who worked throughout Satur- day night in an effort to repair,the damage with the least possible de- lay. A transformer' was trucked* from - Bartle, and . se up in a temporary, and Miss : 7essje- c emir is . visit= ing.with Miss Mary Wilson Pin Ham- ilton. ' , • Mr.' and Mrs. Alex' Shaw acid fan.- ily of; Windsor were week -end visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Button. `They are' at' present cainping at point Clark. • Miss Ethel' McKay of 'Seaforth is visiting with Mr. .and Mrs. W'. W. Hill.' Miss Edith 'McKay of Toronto itnd Mr .John Daly of • Seaforth were - also weekend visitors -at •`the' Hill honie Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and Miss Edith spent Sunday in Tara. They 'were accompanied by -Mr.. Smith's' mother who has been» visiting here for some time and dose hofne)is Tara,. Mr. and Mrs. Locke and Mrs. Bish- op and Irnia of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. • F'ritzley of. Chesney were recent visitors at T. :TN,. Smith's; owing to the. illness of Mrs. Ross, who is iioW improving. Mrs. Bishop and Irma are re7naining for a time. positions while--the--damaged• one is being ovevhauled. Hay Is Suffering ' ' The storms' of ;last week were gen- eral 'throughout: Western Ontario, causing considerable damage to crops and in this district causing farmers much concern over the hay crop: Con- tinued rains mad& it .impossible to, draw in and as a result the'hay has deteriorated greatly • in .quality and in' some -cases is'almost useaesit as fodder: , Death of Finlayicbonald, Mr. Virdisr MacDonald; an old and 'esteemed resident' of - Ashfield' Town- ship, died. at •his •horne on the tenth concession* on Thursday, July ,16th. 1VIr. McDonald, who was. 81 'years+ of age, hts been ii .declining `health far over a year, and during this time • has. been affectionately attended by fora , his sister, Miss F McDonald, and. a brother, Mr. Jack McDonal'd with whom . the deceased i ,fade his horn.. There -ere asd survive, -tvto' ether broth= era . 1VIr: B McDonald of Kintail• 1 of R cDona d Y �t•M .�eand M;< , 'ch 'Was t wha e vee ')• sr The. Edicts , conducted by Rev. P. Al,.Coignhours of Aslfieltl •Pr'esbytet'iao church, was held at the faaiiily: residence an Sat- urday, "Idly if terniarit being in 'IiairitU i Cefletery, " 'Wellington .gton counon ty ,s ' tax' ,rate • of .. 1931 will be • seven malls, This IS a reduction of 14 milts Will that, of 00. previotts ' year.. Death Of Miss'Jennie - Woods, Of Wawanosh • Th ' death of . Miss Jennie Woods, a lire • long resident ohhe Township of -West Wawanosh, occured at the family, residence on the 8th conces- sion, on Saturday,_ July. 18th. Surviving are o>S& sister and three brothers; Miss Tillie and Mr. Tom Woods ;with whoa i the deceased made her home, George, who teaches at. Saltford and a brother in the West Who was unable' to attend the funer- al. A sister Annie; who for a num- ber .of ° years.was a dretsmaker 'the village and who •will be well re- -membered by many, . died several. years ,ago. - The funeral service' was held from' the family home on Monday, July 20th to Dungannon :cemetery. The d service was' conducted by Rev, Hall of Dungannon Anglican• Church; 'who was assisted by ' Rev..Hicks of Wiart ton,' a former pastor of the Dungan- non charge of .. s was' which Miss Wood a member. Phone •36'. In Caledonian Park,: 'Lucknow.. ; Commences at 7.30 P,M. hu rsda� July, 30th. T r 3�, Y NUMEROUS BANDS r, Also: Comedian, Jack•�Thynne. its 25c. 'Children 15c.: .Cars;.free Admission:-• ' Adults DANCE AFTER TATTOO . Town Hall Couple':50c.: Extra Lady 25c: A. NOTE FROM .'THE EDITOR' .. mayi. Some of my frienda'have cone to think the condit on .:of ,• The Lucknow • Citizens' Band .will rny- health -to be rather-- worse -=-hold-their-annuaLTattoo,. Thursdayti th'an•it really is: For about three July 30th, •at 7.30 P.M. in Lucknow months I,' have been , suffering Caledonian. Park. The following, bands from 'rheumatism. which alinost taking part are Blyth, Harriston, • rmperceptably - became • .worse- I{incardine,, Ningi►am Lucknow -and from n - from• Week to week: 'Taking to Goderich. These ' Bands should ' pre - bed a couple of weeks ago was sent a very interesting Musical pro- ,' merely the first step in an effort gram. Thosei who have attended Ta to'coinbae the trouble -an effort 1 ttoos remt,•''ali these Bands having • which appears to be' . proving made a Milked improvement since successful. t -.. they last appeared here last year. In my .absence from. the '.office • Anotherfeature of tills ••yeairs pro - a11: of-'lest:.w.eek, under, order ,te. rest, 'any two •youthful assistants. got out The -Sentinel doing ev- erything from newsgathering and editing to ;gettingthe paper to the Post Office, ' and -I am.. sure you will agree that it • was a very creditable effort. They are getting. out the paper again. this week, ' as I am still • taking the "rest" cure. ,. I must thank the- many- friends-- ; Who- 'have enquired-- about me: - • now -Ban .-ncknow Citens' Band, Tattoo CIES SUDDENLY -N -~i'', i0 V-iR' gram will be Jack .Thynne, The, Kan - ass Farmer entertain ,who . as ap- peared all over Ontario. He is • re- ported to -be the only singing violin- ist, in Canada; this alone is' worth the price of admission. The 'fireworks as in • the previous • ,two years have bean dispensed. with owing to general conditions and in order to keep the admission fee. down to the•popular price of twenty-five cents. • H. 'Scott of Kinloss, with . whom the Luck=. deceased made his _ .home, Watson This is 'the only, method .the d__ has for raising funds and ; Scott 'else of Kinloss Township and • -• There is noiiceeaisle`-impraveiirent—s this --program- is-considered.=th Word has been received here the sudden death in- Vancouver; of • _avid Alexander_. f5catt,_ a_pi neer' ' resident of Kinloss Township. Mr. Scptt who for, the past number A years has .lived with 'his brother.; Mr.' W. H.''' Scott on.. the 12th cones-: don of Kinloss, just west of Kin- lough, was born in Bervie sixty-six years ago and for the past 55 years has been -a desirable resident of the Kinlough district. Mt., Scott? accompanied by his• nice, Miss-Marville-,Scott-rho-teaches in Toronto, had taken a pleasure trip to .• the -coast, leaving -Toronto -about the end of June. Shortly after reach- ing Vancouver he suffered a stroke. , He was taken' to St. Paula hospital. and according -to information. eceived • by his brother, was ' getting along nicely until. word came of his sudden passing on Monday. Surviving are ''three • brothers, W. • m - every day of late..valor evening of the year itis'tins=' • . Sincerely, ted that the citizens of Lucknow and • A. b. MacKenzie. • • vicinity will patronize this entertain- ment as they have in past years in order ' that further improvements may be made in the. Band. -LET EVERY PERSON GO., IMX'ROVEMENT. IN .MAIL :SERVICE • We - have been advised by 11'ir. J. H. Lindsay that a• bus service has beein arranged from' Walkerton to Kincar- dine, so as to allow the mail, form- erly on the late train, to arrive ' at Lucknow on the early train., This 'means that the 'mail which formerly arrived on the late train, Clow goes from Palmerston to Walk- erten and: thence to Kincardine by, motor, arriving in Lucknow. •on the early `morning train, is distributed and reaches the public s' ithoiit any delay. " • SPECIAL, SPEAK AT'" PICNIC _ � lire ' It 13ii�arto s Mriti�ter"�f -A-gricu , Hon, Col. T. L. ;Kennedy, is to at- tend and 'speak at the -Hrace .Rural Peo"le's Field Day to be held Young p ., in the exhibition rounds at Port Elgin on Friday of thisna *reek, ally ?�4, Don't miss .tills treat. . 27 YEARS IN BUSINESS Of the businesspeople of Luclinow there are , few Who can . equal: the record of Mr, Vt W. Hill, who on Saturd''ay,. July 18th, completed his '27th year in thergrocery business in Lucknow. • Mr. Hill. was attracted to Lucknow by the opportunities this village and the widespread and .iprosjierous farming community offered. He was p!eY viousl in business at' . Mitchell, and on coming, to town occupied the; Tenant Block, which On account ' 01 its central location 'became famil- iarly known as the Flub Grocery. For 21 years Mr. Knill conducted business there, six years ago moving to his present location. - TWe t seven' Years behind the CHURCH 'NOTES Rev. R. W. Craw leaves for a short Vacation this week.' During his ab- sence the morning services in the United Church will be continued, while the evening services will ' be withdrawn. Next Sunday morning, Rev. ,W. E..Pescott will occupy the pulpit. . /41 Presbfterian W. M. S. , The July meeting was held' on .the 8th inst. The children of the Cradle Roll and their Mothers were present. Mrs. C. H. MacDonald presided and Miss M. Murray conducted the devot- ter is a lon idd erof puhli'c counter i; p one. -vent lrttae: .Oros ry ' is a e wh h ff servtc opportunity for any . •more'. than a ru very holida brief and hurried y Th out these yeal's, Mr. Hill has always conducted an u._ bus'i'ness ,and 11p -to -date hen Handled only the 'better 'linesof: mere lea idisif y _a -m_ es,Seott of the.Soutk line. „The funeral service” wi IL• be: held' on..... Tuesday, July 28th from his former home. Rev. J. L. Burgess, pastor lot Kinlough Presbyterian church, . of which •Mr. Scott was a faithful mem- • ,her,. will conduct the service and in- - terment will be in Greenhill cemetery. Tonal exercises. The program follow- ed consisting, of 'readings by Mrs. Steele' MacKenzie, London, and Isa- belle Douglas, and solos by ,Miss' Mary Douglas, Helen ,MacDonald and Lloyd Steward. A social. hour was spent at the close of the meeting. -- -., MINI '1R INSTITUTE ENGAGE E', Smith, , Wrii. McPherson, Mrs. IN OF'TBALL TOURNAMENT Temple Clarlsand Harold A`llin, 8rd• Praze went to EN, Hodgins, Te m P le thel ..bra •Clark,.. Mrs. C. Steward ' 'and J. E. Otte, of the features of ce e J. tion held in Jamestovtn..on Tuesday .Agnew. , . was a softball tournaments in which Two Rinks- -alt Goderich the Lucknow J: I -softball team tooki. Two,, rinks of bowlers went to God- �'art; I `. the first game they were erich on Tuesday to compete' in the p. ,.. e.- i .,. ....: .. i ... had ,' _ -< leve the• local Ladies- ..rink .tournament . �hrch -matched against Moncr. �• , girls winning. afteasy victory byit not progressed for ,long when it wa. . ;score' of 33 tso 13. tiii the second event abruptly ended by rant. The -tin 's they were niittche'd against Wroxeter, consisted of: Mors EMilson , Mrs.1the winners of the Paltnesten-Wrox- Wes. Joint,, rsConnell and Miss eta game. Rain however interrupted GertieTreleaven; Mrs. Agnew, Mrs, ttle gamein the third inning with Clank, Mrsi oriiell• tail WS; Al xi , or having a lead o !i >1i1 , e1)4itll. Sec'y. ELECTED' 'TO DISTRICT' OFFICE' Mr, George T. Aitchison, one of the, •local •representatives at the Sias - Mit Grand Lodge held in Windsor last week, . ,was . elected as District Deputy Grand Master of the North Huron district. BOWLING ACTIVITIES Mixed Doubled' A new feature at the ,local green as -the -mixed' doubles field on day evening of _ last- week. Prize win- ' nets were: 1st; Roy Finlayson and'• ' ' Mrs. A. McDonald, with 3 wins and a plus' of 11; 2nd, Mr: and Mr's. . Russ.. Robertson with .3 wins and a plus of 9; a'rd, Mr. and Mrs. Temple Clark, with 3 Wins and a plus of 7.: Mixed ,Twilight On Monday ,evening a -local mixed twilight was' held at •the green.' The - rink consisting' of Mrs: It. E. Smith,. A. E. Wilson and Mrs. 'and Mr. b. Huston, carried off 1st prize The • winners of 2ndprize weiie, .Mrs. T.