HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-09, Page 8• , • ' '•i"!•.101•4••• -••••'V, '10'2'17 '" • 4"' • 0: Excise .. • ettic • ..„ . . • ,^Pa -17p' i'—'..Z1N.!`"4"4,ZW,',1'4("1!v,ria-s;";'4••0,4• 1.:06'.,•?, 4 • .1 0 ' • • - a • • TME LUCKNPW SENTINEla 4) • • v* 111 THURSDAY, ' JULY '9414 \ • .,_ 1 .. • - . 1 .:.: ...We: teied..P.,,Pteiriinetit ifidlne0inan--41.1to TewnyetWingleam' .. - inakeAhierensark:-‘ fe* days 400-, •• ' - - _ ,,- • - • • • .•' • • •••• • ' • 'Mt3i,a00 :lay wife has started to wear Pane !jegiek'ShOalc ' she .will0001401v • wear no other hhor,ond this is onti tone .of many who gjve eimilar . testimony. , .. •!..' In 1140t. women • do not ,.knove the joy Of "reaVelioe .0011ifort" for • the reason that they "b.ave never beent•teeerly:fitted" and them. • •10 another reasea Viz; in most Inek4.0 of- •440,9.a only one widtb. , • !is, .0)4ainab1e ,•,-. it, may he C Width or it *fly be D and ,most • , Wonten lieve, been:compelled to come:to the conclusion that such ..a thing as 'perfect ' At" is /,10t, Pbt44,4i,bteg ., • To all these wOmen ' we wish to date, "TERRE'. IS. 'AN ENNA, &MICK SHOE THAT w..II474.VIIr..YOUR F4)9T..PEROECTLY" • If *Ott'',heve ' any doubt as to this we invite you to come to us • . andl-Loiniply.„"tryame,Late_..ENNAJETTICK shoe in. YOUH EXACT FITTING. : We shall ,he_nret, pleased to demonstrate the differ - 'Made" ite'many WidthsextramarroW to eXtre,.:Wiiie7rand sold at • . .. , .., . ... . . • ..;.--'..,',, ...-..'..ithe, ..0* .priee. from'Atlantic te. go011ap,.TutalAy.., ,,..... • ., . , •• •••• "•• ' • ,•-'• ', ••• • - - $1-06; to .8,00 Per' Pau ..'• • ".•., - , .e....... , * - • • I.'. . 4 , . - 4 •. 4 . • . - NOPEcEair-0,---CREPITM '.2—''' ..--ST.-- HELENS.IN THE MATTER of the' Estate of William !Curtin, late.:of' the Town; •ihip •ef Kinloss in-ilie County:!of •Bruce, Gentleman, , deceased. • • - •Ncrtrict: is hereby given ,that gill • - persons having any , claims or dello •. mends against the bate Wiliiani'CurO• •.. .lin, who died . on .or abet* the• -.0f, • teenth- day. of May A.D. 1931. '.at • theTc(tenship.of Kinloss in the Conn- _ Mi.: and Mrs i Ed. McRoberts and . t , f Bruce, are required to Fiend by , - poet prepaid or to deliver to. the Mr. iv, .11(acpinald of Winghttea.cailed on friends. here on Mender' ' • . ' ' . : unde sigitOd, .Agent 'for the Execu- - -----foiCiindai.-theWill'of the sea' We- Mr. Gordon.:Cameron of ::BilidlesS, --- . -Ilitin-dittlin, theii-iiicines7end addres- :,,,, Attitas a' visitor 'With his Mother, lore. W. Caineren. : ,•. „ " . ses and, full particulars, in writing, . . , of their claims and, statements • of D..r" and !II* ' George 141c6keg9; their accounts and the nature of .the o.na! daughter Donna, Dr. V. C. Mee. • securities, if anye held lay 'them, &ilk Gregor and Mra. John MacGregor of • verified: by 'affidavit. :, • .' '.• ••ChiCag6 "d Mrs::Cl"P• *1 4•24ja. And take '• notice. • that after °the• -dalphia .are the •kuests of Mr,. and day of July A.4.' 1,931, Mra, George Stuart. • : : 1 . the said :executors will_ preeeed.' • to Mr and Mrs Ed Smith and child- , • diotribnte the assets,of the said de_ ren of Toronto are visitors with Mrs. • • _ ceased among _ the . persona ' entit• led &filth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Webster.. ......•.• • ....', .. .:... thereto,,having, regarcl--rinik.-to-:the- elahni of whiarthey shall t•In have Allisirera:-W:cl-ds. has -gone ..t•°' . • • ..liad notice, and that .the said 'wet'. Southampton' for the reMeinder. of her 1 . assets_nr_any:_part Altered to al_m_ • Pvaeatioe. . ' .• , •• • Mr. and ,.1)Irs. J. D. Anderson; . Mr, ' ,!. tors will. not be liable for the aid person of whose .,claiii• they.shall:not aidlIta:-Toitterecre-AIT. erson and Miss. then have received . notice. ' . MacIntosh 'enjoyed a motor trip .to, This, notice is: given pursuant to, Toronto and 'Niagara Fella this. week. for the girl's sports, arid to Messrs •• tee.,,gtaeuee.,..in eliee.i,ebale. , • Mrs.! GecteW•Welils--iit having -a-. ,,i. et: 'Materiel -Man,' J. •Macte•nnand and • Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this holiday -with friends at. Kincardine • ' 30th daY.:''of: June, A.D. 1931. Beach..• • ,•,•• ' , Joseph Agnew; •Lucknow,:e Ont. • Congratulations and best wishes go •Agent for the said' Executors. to Mr. and . Mrs.Alvin Miller (form- • '•1 . • (16-7.--c.) . erly 'Miss, Jessie Pureis),•whoseemar- riage. took place on July ist at the • SOUTH KINIOSS , •. home of the bride's parents, Mr. and ':.• .• Mrs. Alex PurVes; •also. to .Mr, and Mre. John Sparks . (ferule*, Miss Miss Jessie Andrew is to be, con- ratulated„.in winuingthe.scholarship. uriel-Miller) -who-Vete--married-ett • MacLeod on Wednesday, • July 1st. 11,ondort.on_Saturday..., Mr.and sers._ in Art. at the Technical school •London -Mrs. A. tr.-Sherland ,preeidid an Master Earle Foster of Johnson - the will reside at; Dorchester. :the -meeting opened by ..singing Ps: • Mr.- Callum !Cameren of betroit 'is burg; Pa. :•ii holidaying 'with his a visitor at his home here.- .. friend Sidney -Gardner. ' 38, , and 'prayer and Scripture 'read- ! ! • ing from.... James' 1st was. read. Miss Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Mackintosh, Miss .Ada Helm, Mrs. Isaac Andrew D. Macleod explained. the chapter ' .Douglas,' Ronald and Bobby of Lon- Mies' Ada Webster, Messrs. John Teed, Which is always very interest- don, who are holidaying at Kintail, Helm and Fred • Anderson attended '• ing and helpful,. The minutes were were •visitors with Mrs. Clark ' On the funeral on Ttiesdak of • Meivin read and business dealt with:. •Thursday. evening. Turner, son of Mr. Harvey Tutner,. • A good paper on "Manchuria" writ: ' Little Bebhy Phillipe of Fergus.is who was the victim of an accident on • was.read--b4 -spending hie•hoheilaye'*ith his grand- Satiirday evening when4hewagen on ten by Mrs. J. Martin Miss. A. -4iighes followed by a quart.. 'mother, Mrs R...3. Woods. • ' which he was riding upset, ththiving ette by, Mrs. D. modannon, .Mrs.*A. miss. Mabel Woods- and Miss Dor- him against an iron post. Ile Peaseii. Graham, Miss M. MacLeod and, Mrs. othy McQuillin have gong to Toronto away on -Sunday morning.. ,.. • , ' ' W. .MeaDonald, with Miss D., Mac- to take a summer course. Miss. Ada. Webster has been en• g) . Lod accompanist. A chapter on Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Foran of Detroit gaged here as teacher for another • • "China" •from the; Study Book was were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. • _ read •by: Mrs. W. MacDonald. Miss. „e, Foran. .. D. MacLeod :gave an introductory to The United Church Garden Party, . • ' the study with a chart, and pictures held'cm Friday . eyening Was ' very , ' • of our. missionaries there. • Meeting successful.. For the first time in • closed with singing, and a prayer .--; several. years the weather Was • all ' circle and' all repeating the Lord'a that could• be desired. There was. a prayer in' unison. •' large attendance and •• the play "In • .. : Cherry -Time. •by the "Westfield .Dra- matic society was thoroughly en- joyed. Before the play, 'and between the acts; numbers by the Westfield 'orchestra and by other Westfield talent *ere veey pleasing. .„ . piO4.1c„:At ..13asebati Results - X.444.00-02 Park During fast Week , W • • The: As_Kiiid Union - harelbell team playcd theitt__exuanal,pieeic at Lakeside Perktwo scheduled len* games :during Kintail, on July ist, i. large'llomhOrYthe week *Melt resulted in a victory enjoyo games and'sports. Kincardineon Teendny.,. June 30t1.1, Beginning with the wee folks tbere• ;by a score of 8 - 6, while on Fridge, was the little ,Toti rage, in which all ,ovening they went down tp defeat oo were successful. Next eanie the SX the Ripley diamond when they came out the short end of a 5 to If se Lucknow at Kincardine • This fixture .was a ,Olosely ,POntest- Aid and interesting one, good fielding, being a featureLThe localskePt out Of difficulties two occasions when .theypelled off snappy double plays.4. Andrei, ter:the locals, had a big dei With theVillow).-ereeking.„stett.:1„.iiite' eecerici.,;, and Morris Bowler, third: In ten race or girloverve,s of which succeeded in hiding under a weed whichenabled him to tOsit*,caMe.: ...firot-datherineLitae-2" Kenzie, 40#)no:iiict:•?e#4.:u**, 3rd. was nnable to make the4,romp around. -the circuit. 5'1,4114;01mjailclge, Ferelieks over 'twelve, jitirinie Far- •"Mr, and 'Mrs, 'Arnold Barbour and. Dorothy' and. Miss Gladys Hills 'of. Fergus were recent visitorswith • Mrs. It. J.:Weeds., • Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Anderson and Miss MitcIntotik of Detroit are Visitors Mr. and bits.:J, .• Yeareeld ogirts race, in 'whtch jean Bissett came first and Merlon 'Mac- Kenzie, seem& .the eix-Yearruld boy's race, Stewart McLennan was winner. The- race for girl's twelve - yea' and 'under was won by Bettie: Bus* firet; Catherine -McKenzie, second; Markarie Bissett, third; while' In the 1.8.year-old boys race, Jimmie Fereieb-eante 4first: Donald •, 4. abson did the. niouncTiviiik and rash and •!Tele Keith' tied far first r ' twirled a good geniel! *ha Donald MeGreger and Joe Mc,. • • ••-• 'Myth' tied for , second. The TceutlIc Lucknow •IP eY at ft' rate ;was on. by Riles Bissett and Failure at'ceenec P • • kssith the slants Bettie Bassett The biscuit, race with dished byRipley's pit- cher a up b.k far the largest group of contest- 1, e a. couple of Linfield errors, ants, was won by Donald McGregor, • ted n Lucknow basing the sec, fird, David Cowan, 2nd, and Rob; toetisdu game of the season with Ripley Simpson, 3rd: The three legged race. on Friday riighti by a.score of 5 to Were won by Joe MacIntyre and Don i: Both pitchers,-dumming- and Gem,' aid .MiteGregoe 'for the boys and Bet- mel, .allowed but :fewhits and tie :Bisseit and Catherine McKenzie drew for the locals got the only long for- the girls. The lid,' and by no Outfield fly of the. gan-te. ' • mean the least interesting . of the • 'Lucknow tea the lead in' the 067 races was for married women in and when A. Thompson xracked out Which- Mrs.. Bissett ,came• first and efr double, driving n two -runs, and MO: 11. MacKenzie c•secondheld a lead. of "3 -..to --2; -until.the -7th- --"The--picniekere -.next7.•-vired" for :hob iiiniaig, when -21ley•-terned ' the tab oi in varions forms Ofejumping. The les. • . events were as follows: •• •-; Friday, July 19th,Kincardine plays Standing 'Aimp-14,. Duncan Mc- in Caledonian Park. You will be y:fell Kay,; 2nd, Jack McKay. ••• , satisfied with the brand of ball the Running broad jump -.-1st, Joe hoys, are playing: - Hackett; 2nd, 4`rank Hamilton.: Lucknow line up at Rip ey: Running high jump--lst, Donald 0. Finlayson, -e.; H. Cumming, ,p.; McKay; 2nd, Bruce j. Baker, id.; A. McCartney, 2nd; Vaulting -Ad, Victor' Martin; 2nde J. Bsebson, ss; . R. Thompson, Kenneth D. „Macteneen. • , ,r. 4.. Thompson, lf.; A. AndieW, ef.; C: ,-An•-interesting--4soft-ball 4areelwas Thomsen, -•rf . • • Plared `between the marriedla the a See play - single men. During the :afternoon, ed, short, while J. Brahmin,' .14 Fisher. the refreshment booth Which. was in and M. Watson replaced H.. Cumming charge of M-r.Neil-lkle,Donald, "Kin- 1A-iluinapson sthd_C,__Thompson; WhO_. tail, was: well patronized.. Credit .is could not make the° trip. ., due Mies Clara MCDonald,.-e-onvener Barn Raising Near Kintat k , .,. ,, ../., . I. FOO• 0•MFO. 0 . -.. . -. --- ..-- • - . # '•-,,, .:,..-..,..:::,..--.:....::_____. _ _.,,,..i.„..!,.4. Better ..Fitting Shoes N , N., '• , Duncan MacKay as well 'as to those who aosisted. them on the grounds:for the energetic way in which the pro- gram was managed. . • ZION NEWS • The regular meeting of the W.M. S. was held at the home of Mrs P. • • • • 0 • ilARA.MOUNT NOTES ••••••••••••imini, The Paramount school children • presented their school teacher of .the lied four years, - MissL Chesnut • ' with a gift on the let" Y\et ticheol. . In hr terms..with us4he has prtved , herself a capable, conscieecious tea- cher and fn.comMunity work she was . • • a fine example of unselfish citizen- ship and the best --f wishes go with • • her toher new -school neer "Goderich.• The coffin -utility. 'wishes ,,,Marrilen Durein and wife good liealth and hap- • piness who .have come to live with • us *on the Eli 'Ensign farm. ' • •, The rock trusher in charge of Thompson, has moved in to Camerons pit, but in a .difterent iodation from the last crusher. • •• . Oliver Barkwell is expedted - home from' gm:gland -soon; The Paratridant football . team. played . Lochalsh , last 'Monday,- the score being no goal , either way. • • A large crowd gathered at Para- ,. • • modlit balirin Wednesday -night to • celebrate the reception of Mr • and - 'Mrs Robt. Stott, (the bride being formerly Miss Anianade McDonald). • The • hall• •wita beantifalty decorated " and all enjoyed att excellent time. The yeettg couple have the best wish- es of. a heist, of friends: • „ • . Mies M iERicjiardn, nurte-itt. • training at 1,ititoWel, Who has spent • the past two weeks vactitiori at the • • bottle Of :het pareitte, has returned to etesiii° to contrad a new hub tooltudidoca than -lefAtid-et--an-old-one, • HOLYROOD • :Miss Goodfellow of Philadelphia, is. assisting with ;the work at Mrs. Aliner Ackert'l. • The regular meeting of the Insti- tute was held at, the home of Mrs. T. Mr. • John Andrew • returned t6 Edmonton this week leaving Mtg. Andrew and children to spend and& er month with friends here: Mr. Mark Gardner , is assisting Henry and 'Richard Gardner With the hay. • ' • . Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hunter, 6r Vancouver were visitors -' over the week -end with Mr. and -)Mrs. Outride McDonagh. , . • 1Virs Fred Topp and llirrs. Alfred Wood, of Toronto, returned' to Torr onto on Tuesday, after visiting ter .a. week with Mr. and kra.•Charlee Mc- Donagh. • (Intended For Last -Week) Zion S. S. field their annual S. School 'pienie at the lake on Moeda( last, • Mrs, Mary Anderson has come to speed a te-ar days with her darighter. Harris with an attendance of thirty- ., . . Mrs. John Helm. 60, with the president, Mrs. Hanna . Mile' Wm. Gardner of (ochrane, in.:the. chair. Mrs. Marion. Harris Ontario, and her daughter, Miss Olive gave a paper on "How 'l'o Interest Gardner of Alma College, St Thoin. Young People in Farm Problems." as, spent a few days withtaion folks. Roll Call -What work I like.hest, on the farmFruit salad demonstration CURRIE'S CORNER .' by;Miss Hazel Petty, was very inter- •' -• ' ° The U.F.Q.,and I:tr.:W.6' held Mr. end. Mre. Richard Elliott and their ammo ale_day pioninon giant. family spent the week -end Witt; the Ato ' y June 27th, at. Point Clinic. The latter's, areas; mr, and 'mit. John. *cattier was very favorable .for the Corbettat 'Cookstown , ,,s . • • ()cosier), and • there was a good at, Mrs :Pinkney of. Walkerton was it; tenciance. After the midday meal, a the bi-on Su,ndity; • • i number went in iiWint twirlwhile Misi Elliott of Huron is with her •eerne „favored beree_eeee tdiehieig. deeghter, Mr -s. Ahner Aticert. Mr. .. ad other " erijoyed themselves ex-, Aekett who has been ill the Griderieh ploring ' °the Surrounding country. helpitakthe past two -weeks returned A•b•al-E.--e-ifiejoe-e .0-f. iteeet-i- the Mine, although conditions are ver' call for supper : Altogether everyone fratli the seine. We all- hope for enjOked. the outing, enjoyed the good speedy recovery. , , things that filled the baskets and en- • joyed the generous helping of ice- dreate which as .sewed with the - - 4 :--- . .: esting. , • . Kintail-That farmer folk dearly love an old-time barnraising was dentenetrated • at the farm of jaCk and Finlay MacDonald near Kintail.• , on June 1.7th..As a barn -railing a rare event -nowadays there was a •big crowd to witness this one -in fact ,the community for miles around wits there.. -There --were -veterans-Of- Many a clOse-contest-in--daks 'gone. • by displaying their old-time enthus iasm, `riztd of course the youth and beauty the present generation were there -to work, to see and to be seen. - John Cameron, an . experienced • builder was in general' charge of the work. Donald MacLean and Frank Johnston were •chosen. captain •to • chose.:sidesj an -arrangement -which- •adds 'pit and speed to the work. The • sides however, did not indulge. in the old-time frenzied race,. but- every- thing went .on fast and. well. The,' setting up of the frame-wasfollowed •by theusual splendid sup- • per prepared by the hostess, • Miss Flora MacDonald, who was, Wile as- sisted by a friend, Mrs. Lennie or Hamilton, and a mintber of willing neighbors and friends to whom Miss MacDonaldis. very gratefel. The •supper.was served in the open bp. a bevy of yonng ladies,'Mr. Alex Mac- Ddnald a brother of Jack and Finlay being It general helpeAr and director. It was a delightfuluday and even. leg; All had -a jolly good time, and he- event Was not' marred by serious mishap of any sort. „ Special Sale of Women's Fell 'Fash- ion Silk Hose. "Market" Lucknow • Dept. Store.- • INMEMORIAM • " . MacDONALD-sin loving memory of:Angus MacDonald who died July 10th, 1936. , Peacefully sleeping," resting at last The world's wearing troubles and • care ate past, In silence you et:loved, iii atienee you bore; . • - Till God called you hie, to suffer Ito More. Sadly missed and farnily.. ASIIFIF.1,1) UNITED CiturtCif Annivereaty services at Makes Will be held on Sunday, July IOW -Ser- vices 2.80 and 7.30 P.M. The special preacher ,for the lay, Itev. C. -H, 0e Witteogensof Strat-f-erd: Services next SundayZion 11 a.m. -flacicett 8 ,m. -lakes 7 psn. • The climb seldom stiffer. The tur- te thinks itself speedy enough be- citutie Its ,friendsravet-the- same, -•P"••9•:" We have just placed in stock 0 MURRAY'S, ILIEEL, HUGGER, N. • Foot Comfort Shoe, in Widths p, C ft and A. It vvill be our pleasure to show you these goods WeKirelUst PlaCedin tock,a Alan's • f Black COI 0?cford.:, cially priced $5 !Oa - at well.and •eaa t -H 'WE RAY „SP*CIAL'I.TTENTION. TO TFITTINfGralibEg-i., maiiiiiiiiinwiliiipionimitil2111111111111111111111*1111111110111111olluaiiIiphi1111010110111Mmothenolumptil 'Unless _Council Minutes. . , •.,;• ; • • Kinloss Council met en June 22nd, 1931, as Per 'adjournment. Alt-tnem.- Jets Present:. ' ' The minutes of: last regular meet - were read' and confirmed. • The following sheep cl4ims. were. paid on motion of :McQueen and Hus-, • Frank killer, 1' sheep,' and .1. lamb, Wm. Fisher, 11 Iambi .$6,90; L. Sterling,. 1 limb, 8.4t): D. McDonald, inspection, $1,70; and John ,Kentiedy, inspection, $4.79. ••-°, . On motion ei Elliott: and McIntosh .he folloiving accounts re -township Hall were paid partsey .Hodgins; draWing.'gravel,.$40.00, huilding-tem porark fence, 1.75, 'total, $41.75.; Wm. Jacksoe, ditching, etc., 17._ _,35. Neil McCallum, - part pay -en- cement V.,61.1- 15.90;.• Rae and Portenue,enient and Wire; '156.664 Ackert 'Bros, trucking cement and timber, 1140;A: E. -thotripsonr:meals to ineri,inte,--&-614-.. • Council then resuined as Court of Revision On Apsessment Ro11, the, Reeve in the-thairi when the follow - ng : changes were madeF• • Win. Hodgins;: 2R N, reduced $200 Miner Arnold; 3 R'N, Bush Exemp- tion, 8 acres; ' Richard Guest, '3R N, Litish:Exemption, 8 acres; Geo: Leek- aart, Con. 4, • Bull ExeiliPtioe, acres; Allister Hughes, Con. 5, Bush •Exemption, 10 acres; Henry Methers, Con. 1, .Bush Exemption, 10 acres. -&-fmotion ofMeintosicaild Illieton the -KOH as now revised be taken as .i basis of -all rates of taxation for the year 1931. - ••. • . The clerk was instructed to notify all parties in Kinloss on the IC & K. Drain that' their assessments are due and payable on or before July 27th, 1931. • - The Reeva was authorized to cop- ier with the Culroso council re-Hhtek Creek Drai. ° •• • Council adjourned agaie on Monday, July, 27th, at --the usual. time and place. Cheques issued: Mee. Gaunt, P.L.WP thompson, P.L. 36, 146.35: Robt. Dcmeldsoni 37,10e.95: H. Lovett P.L. 38, 15035: J. F. Dawson, P.I.,: 39, 135.70: F. Miller, P.L. 40, 147.70: Sam Nesbitt, P.L: 41, 151.00: 0. Tit., fin, •PI. '42.1 83.00: A. E. Thompson, •P.L. 43, 5.00: R. Montgothery; P,L. 44,` 14715: Wm. Percy, 1.I4 45, 175.. 10: A. Burns, P.L.'46, 24.75: Sawyer -Massey, P.t.47, 5.06: D. McKinnon, P.L. 48, 158.60: John A. McKeni, P.L. 49, 76.75: •T. II. Moore, P.L, 50 25.40: iex MeLeod,..._?L. 51, 64.75: Aekert Bro, 11.40:; Fred Forsyth Grant to School Fair, 20.00: Thee. Genet, Postage, . Excise,- 740, Rae & Porteous, 156.60: A. E. Thoms- son, 6.00:-. Hervey Hodgins, 41.15: Wm. Jackon, "17.35: Nil; Mditilum, 75.00: Frank Miller, 15‘0i Wm, Fisher, 6.00: L 8ter1ingt, 8.40: Dan McDonald, 1.10: -John Kennedy, 470.: Roger Corrigan, romp. The followin'rebates ' were paid on the Krtiernc rt Murry ..Drain -j. Colwell, 4.3: P. A. Murra-y, 10.40 Mrs, A. Hodgins, .80: L. Kraemer; 15.68: Mrs Jas. Murray, 19.60: Wm. HawkshaW, 1.20: R. Corrigan, 48: To. of Kinloss, Mr's, James Burns, relief, 10,00: John Corbett, Bat on By -Laws, 1. & it Drain, 20- 00: Jelin Corbett temporary bridge, & 11 drai, 44.16: Fred A '(Edgar, ngineer's Fees, K & K drai, 791,00: Fred A. Edgar, Re -staking - K &X drain, .39.06: J. A. McKinnon, en tic. count Cuverts, 10 & k drain, 800.00: W. C. Drury, � aceeent dredging,;set no0.0o. J. R. Lane, Cler. If veils teem baok they will be handy fer ,eidesv.yehe don't Want th •paint an just to eri?ss the street far Fikitite Mined goods, ..,,,1•44:0140 :••• •"•,PP't • ' •Farmers Ditche Biitiders •MGM -GRADE 'BRICK and. TILE far SALE et .REDUCEDPRICES 'We wilr.cenipete, in Price, Quality and DeliVery.-A trial will con- vince you. • • • OVER 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS • SATISFACTION, GUARANTEED, BANNERMAN BRICK, and TILE WORKS. Kinceedine, R.:R. 5. 'Plione 107 r 4 It's Easy to BFy,at "MARKET' Luckpow!'s- ---- epartment Stor e • P ) • MAFEKING Mr. and- Mrs: WM;IL Johnstrin of 1.1xete,,,- who have been visiting Agh, •leld relatives ter a couple of weeks, otetned home Monday. • • • • Mr Palmer and Miss Olive Kilpet- ick Motored to Toronto on Saturday o take advantage of the Summer icho�l courses given this month. , Quite h. number of Ashfield rela- Nes attended the funeral On Tues. lay of Stewart Turner, 11�den of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Turner •f Varna. ' Stewart was the Jictim of an accident' on Saturday, vhen he fell .off a load ofhay, sus- aining a fractured skull, which re- • ;ulted in his death on Sunday morn- ng. Interment was in Bayfield Cern- 4tery. • • . Mr. and Mrs. John .F. Andew of ,:dmenton visited Mr. and Mrs.. Thos; Anderson on Monday. KINLO:UGH Mrs. V. Percy. and son Alvin of )etroit were week-e114‘deitere wjthi datives here. • Miss Margaret Elliott returned to er .home in Goderich after spending ;wo weeks with her Sister, Mrs. Cad' , • Joyle.' , Missps 'race and Dorothy Hidden- ' y have been attending Summer .ichced in London. 1VI6ss • Norine Scott of Stratford • • ,Litefin. enta few days With Evelyn Mc- .- • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haldenby and amily, arid Mrs. M. DtIciley of Luck - IOW were to London on Midair. •• Quite a number from -here attend - the PresbYteriari S. S. picnic at tiorrinccaiorndi.ne on, Friday-st. Old -in the church on Thurditai The Sr. W.•A. - Meeting Will be . Mrs. Art. Halcienby, Kenneth and Vlarjorie of • Toronto , are visiting„ riends here. ' • Mr.. Cliff Lloyd and his . mether, ;Its. E. J. Halderibk Of ,TonaWittida, 11: t, "visited friends here over the -'eek.end.• On Sunday next, July 12th LO:L. No. 1139, will parade to the an Chureh: for 'service at 8 !.M. 3rethren from other lodges are invited:. Meeting at the Orange Hall at 2.30 P.M. . , • Coegratulationg are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jack thbrnpaon, Aliee ildgies) whose marriage- took ! place at the Rectory, Bervie, Oh Sat- • -ardakt. • ,Mrs, Wallace Hewitt teed Shirley - • • of Boston and Miss Eielle Reteitt of amn:is, 0i Thursday last at W. • And •grandinothere „ eduld TnakQ tiOup without a can opoipti' .