The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-09, Page 7N •
: 'No. 39.
- How to•••Spoll Thing's.'
To.s'poil steak -fry it slewlyat first.
• To .spoil tea •or c'otfee-buil it, • • '
p , ' To ,spoil custardeebake it too long:•
To spell houso plants -water them
.,;i ieide'li..,.
To • il.butter ' by not Working .out
,a11-t'h milli., .,
T... pan: pacakes-ba,lte' en ;itike,
. wa•rm'-g'iddje•'.•., .�
a •
spoil, a breakrast;=Grurabie•_a,ti
' tlie,''timo .you are eating it.
• ``li_ ,. .
o s oi�'• -
.: s i
1? l C sore' ":Cuts eve t'(4ng-
a-slieet-or• papal• °to a�bar`of Cast-:
To spoil a wire ---mind fault.
To spoil children Humor them in
everytineg. the•y'- -appen-to•llnnk° etl�y
' want. .i , .
For:"An Invalid • on a Hot ,Day
Nov ,that•isuinrner. Is coming when
the bed Tor an ,invalid gets very ,warm
offtbee sultry days, try filling the hot,
water bottle with coldw..water and lay:
it in. bed beside- the patient, 'to be
moved around where she. feels it is
Twilight 'Hour. Story
Chicks 'and. other Little Friends
No. 27..' '.
• I can tell ,youe Billy gat up early. the,
•tiext morning, for he couldn't think ,of
'anythi'ng',but_ those little kittens 'of
Fluffy's hid;den under:the.fiebr in, the
'After, ii.realefast Mamma 'Lady .got
the • hainnier •: and a .big Screw driver
and , some 'other tools' she 'thought
(night •be, useful,• , and they went u.p•'
stairs. First thing, they did .was to
„• eget Fluffy, .and carry her down cellar''
nd shut her in away froizl her•.kittens
So" rhe. wouldn't get ext;i.ted about. ail
'the noise. • • ' • •
• They' had, ,put a big pencil, mark, on
'the board over'' the p1ade .whore they
he?i2I- te,.kittens.,-so„tliey, didti'.Lneed
eo-halit i't -aH-over-a-ga `.
"There,' now that I',ve .got the screw
driver in;, perhaps l' can Pry it all a
little," she said -puffing from the exer • ',1 VOLUNTARY .S.RARING, Acts 4: 32-35:
time: ' • •° ` •II. ' eeplavC SHARING, , 6 1=7.
A •little was right: ' That old board eeSf RVICI}ABLE SHARING 9: 36'39
would only come up about, ali inch or r
SHAFriee,. 2 Co:' $::1-15., i
INTRODUCTION -•The early' Chris
titins were like !Members of a family
Sunday Scoo!
Juiy 19. Lessen III -Social' Service
in the Early Church -Acts 4:32-35;
6;1.4; , 2 'Corinthians 90-7: Golden.
Text -He l said, It Is• more,' blessed
to give than to receive. --Acts
so» You caulthi t .see down or put'your
hand'down : ,in fact i't was`just'as .bad
•ae before, almost. •
"Billy,". if I had ,a •match now •we
con.* see 11' they' are stili"ii:ere;' We• They. were the-Protherheed' The, Holy
don'`-, it oli lt;>-which ; is'•'the whit, -of" Ni.,.
t .vivant"tit do any more rf, they are I . ; • • • . l? ; r .. tli „ r
over far .,• a Master; :was now in thexii,.� Tt'`b'e• • •.to
Y ther. • Xou., .see, the kittens.: t tee
., eves, '•
Cp.t .ass ill - as' coul each other,.
the Holes -so . pea �•th•e . F .er s.-Pri • •
�'I> , hap ght ' . K .�r
sped. th ni•' a ;i OeenetARX efteilefe •AC •
e... .I guestt. they.. Liiougirt`•it• .. _,ts• •• ii2
sounded like: thunder; ell.? ' ..Does ,v. 32.tell of a'short-lived elf
Billy went down ` to get the match . periment in Cotnniunism? Dr.; Mof
,and was -back i -a j_ifty .._It di.dn't..:take .fait S• Translation:help one_ o..am_ '
eee long, I ca,n tell_ .ou,• ' r saver "Not dire of them considered
nythu: g- iris - personal -pro .e ." they
The ° board was up just about two shared 'y'
ared• all they had •with one ,another
inches. • Maxima Lady•was o.n one side There' was not a medy' person, Amon
of the board and, Billy on the other,' them,' for tilt se who owned' lands • or.
Mamma Lady' struck the match , and houses would' sell them and.' bring •the
held,tt under',the board as far down as , proceeds of •the 'sal, laying.the money
she could. `'� before the feet of the''aposties.;, it was
"There they are," cried Billy / a then distributed according to. each in-
divfduais, ,need ",_,.-The•..right te,.:.hold'
sY•.caugh-t.a..g1•>m�pso•af-�svft fur• ,:,O.h.„._-.-.-..,_.-..>-.�
there they.are!'. and be got so'excited
he accidentally pushed his mother's
arm so'ih'.t she dropped. •the' match,
and eel, how dreadful; it dropped right
onto a little•: kitty..They could smell
the burning 'fur. - '
riOh,• what Wilt we do?". Said Mamma
Lady, 'for -it was a long way •down-
stairs to. the water .There was .hardly
even time, to. think. .All• at once'' she
got. right down ,on the floor .end . said
quickly, !'Billy, you do, what. i do," and
she . bent down_ and=well,. you :can't.
guess what she did. She' expectorated
through the crack ori'..tb fhe burning
fur.' -Billy spat too en his aid's,' and
, •Holds Records
• Miss Edna Ttudo•1. h 3 :y''
p , 18 yar-old
,St_ :1401.114-
stenos"riiillier, . reeently,
etitabliehed world „altitude % re=
card• fo llghfr planes `-.1ri,200 Peet,
• "'SHAitlri•G, 2 Cor. 9: 11-15.. •
The Corinthians were to••give with
an--atsmile.:-. God loves- a- eheerf-ul giver,
so does the collectorl.
property was' :unqu. estionable, for ex-
ample;' Joseph .Barnabas; , v., 36. An-
anias (5:1)• vvas condemned, •
cause he di'd:not turn•in,'al'l the'money,
:but because he pretended ;that he did.
The . Brotherhood included 5nariy
poor -people-"slaves and: : washerwo-
=env" as they were-• contemptuously:,
called. A Poor Fund was created.The
people counted•, it •a ;privilege' as well
'as a duty to help the unemployed and
the poor. It was Considered unwdrthy
for a man't'o hold for himself' more
than he needed, while'another was in
Want.: •. • Sonne: -.of the poorer nnenibers
were known. even to. go without food
for. two. or three days in order' to give
to some one poorer than themselves.
ASS, ',wasii' a Whit. modern Christians abandon
good.. thing' the •fir -e -
was•`re• liy;nut,'•because Mamma Lady tithing because 'i ' 'mean•s'"too ped it
these early Chris'tians ,.abandoned • it
and Bt y felt they just'couldn't make because'it meant too little. ;
any 'more saliva. Their mouths'felt ^,That piritstiIl:lives here and_tlier_e...
ill--diied uTp inside.,.,..-. l 's
p ... Fr -i eider, .perhaps=::tire ,:would.=
' nd Bi re:eneee-greetQ. liv'' : • i
treng ,then: They. pulledup: tJiat old .look ppon the money I earn as my own.
oat•d which 'wouldn't move before. It '.It is . public money.' , It is only a fund
cracked and:: broka_.this,_time=.:al1 right_ intrusted •to 'my care for ,proper die,
Then Mamma Lady started trying to' 's
pry uii 'the board. • Well, they; worked b
and worked and;it just w•ouldn'tbudg-ee••
,You .see, Mantilla Lady wasn't a very,
good carpenter•, . , #'
o •"I don't dare if we do break the old
_ , .board away over here'whee'it is.dark.'
It Can nailed .down again, but;
I can't get it started,"'she said,;as elle
poked. and worked away at the tight
• bearers..' .
1 •Howover, if.yo.u. keep e.t.a thing long
. enough, something h'oe to, happen, .and
all at once it started to prove . little.
ailcl••tlieii-when the board was 'u'p'high
enough•she i•eacited'.dowii'',and,,say, she
brought up four heieiy,littie soft, wool-
ly kitteus,,aird the little One tIi t,was•
burned was grey. Wasn't it. a good
thing it had' thick fee? Anyway, the
ere didn't get • through ••to •its, tender
skin. • It just burned the fur. •
- Bielye' laughed Mamma, "we'll call
this kitty. Bobo!% Burns, shalleere? So
Bobby' Burns: he was:. • • -"'
• Flowers Dislike' Music
Lo'ndOR-5031]6' flowers are. deeply
affected by music or, to put' it more'
bluntly, -carnations and cyclamen do
not like, it. at any price' writes a cor- •
•:t'espondent•, of the Christian. Science
. ldoiiitor, This is the discovery 'o•f • a
•btu,dent of , botany 'here who says;
r,,Where there is a constant vetiftmo
---rof---sound-fora sbnie - -hours ,--eerieh1:'
e nsitive 'blossoms develop . a'. lean• •
Ling tendency away from the direction•
from which. the music comes.' Floral
'.decorations close to a stand where
4 dance'' bantt was praying' iv ore af=
tested : to an astonishtiig degree.
After a few hours' it,wes :discovered.
that .all the blossoms' had deliber.l
•4tely turned their • hacks ori , the
Source of the music.' Evert when
they were Placed facing the stand
it was not long fiefgre • each • cartfa-
tibn bloom reversed Its position. Aa•
th'('ugh Iittle is known at 'present of
etas 'phenomenon., there is no. doubt'
that blossoms -of several ,kinds are
liffected'' by, the vlbratioes which are
pet up when jj music is performed."
Tire- phenontehton certainly •seems; to
Invite. further, ' inirestigation. it•
flow`er's do' not litre jazz, , will they
tolerate Bach Or even show their are
' rpreciation of Beethoven by.gracefully
bending toward the conics of melody?
A. new type of - nnisical critic may
1 have been discovered and "trying it
tit on the carnations" may become
s recognized criterion for, music. pub- .fl
These are the things' that houses 'will
remember :
Tire- covetous„siviit--rain µ:
Beating its futile :hands through gray
Against' the windowpane--
And dawns -with ,Apra, all Herself re-
vealing '1
When• the first .robin Calls -
Her -frail bright -gin rit'magically 'steal=
ins '
Within four sturdy walls
Lost footsteps teethe stair -lost laugh-
• ' ter drifting
Whisper of pain and tears-
Intimate inoments•fraught With beauty
lifting •
.O,ut•of the lonely years.' •
And shrill sweet music of•young voices
blending- „ d
An dthe one hour wliieh brings-,
The old -new dreams -and love that
•has ito ending=••
These 'are the things•! ;