HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-09, Page 6• 0,11"Wol":"9, -1.• 1.T.'''r.r.',Q.Ferwr,Tp.,71,,,,,,1040 • •: • • • , • • se et ,1$ • • ,•• • ‘Ifiresla fir.)1°' t•irdenst ; • '.‘ BLS 8. V4N..DD4E : • 'eo-.-4,.t? • • '"' • Mar4a.tah,a,iteft 'hidelt0: the ,Seet.. geitet. • • • "The Itrret*.P8'.wetl Iliitter4„04 ' fuss out *hat your • *en itteittir.iiimitk the movements of the various peramis •„iltereabtaittit 144 night , Yee tiring thern . l*te:.end let Pito •question 'there. HoW many: were therejig the wereethreate."-7- 47-'-ThTsiOlfgelintrifad.'Itrabit-aletrand"- energetif,- • , . . "There were three, sir, besides •Ohilt foyle. Emery was set to tail Pardee; Snitkin. Wes stationed at. the. Drive And 75th Street to watch the Ftillerd house:, and :Hennessey was pod On, 15th •Stroetup near West End Ave. They'r.e Waiting down atAithe. place where Drukker was found,•Pll get Ann up here pronto," „ , •, Me disappeared:,thraitgli thefz4n -doe,reundiniee,s-then liVe:nitupteit'rer,, turned ,egith- ,the ; three deteectives, I 4recognized: them each had Woriiedenene or more of the, casee in VtIticit-: Vance had figneed: 71V1h-fkitinn Or A e4ruig 'By AiniA,B.X14.1t wouni.kiTokr ~Mk' DCOT --• - iliv,strated PreNiftgesint Leseor Fzir- • • - . • ,,.. ......, ' og S -., - ,•,-,.-TIE-.- ... _ red welt Bilerii Pattern - • ' • _.:i. • • • . ....,:: _ -hateuguRA,44.4..*PV,01404T,thunx....4 gegatezi • ,,..„To-Yeat-amt.I.r.,thicts_woutit.... . .. .. ..,,,,.. - • • - .--.• ... ` - • • .---"4:-'----- ".""- --- - .".' -•• -hid- doeSeettie 'hate PkI-RY-4110,flg.- Cat- .:40„.treavonnatonn'nea' ..bra-i!,-.,10.-...G•ett.„ ._.--....-.-.:,,. .1.-..A....a..(--A: • "---7 . -"V..1tirr00--wblIti'fitAiiir-oeer -China, ft dters theY finally lOnd their plane. af the !owZr Why:War3ShltlIdYl;at Phill7ftliaelis! • . . . escaping from'bandits and enemy- sol-' ()Tel .14 gpftairqr.gbrae:teedf,Trth-Vg7ilet4erctser !tteii"!:, asaPlOPI/P21, General, -and . Atter making . , I -,, prise- . • • . . Atter esei.,piag from ; the ,•eue..ny,en , a success' of it, sell out? plane to .an reerImmeudsttohallivuertlIkisediesehlQincigt:,d lit7thi,hhe 'soldiere,' We Melted the altitude of several I theusand and bieaded straight for Shanghai... stifled' his • pride and •Pontipued' witti • • 111s plan. He •wanted .te • leave ' It Waill.:'•still early • iii the morning . .01104 ._ we .lsighed th,0 familiar. wax .ProinptlY, go. to. Japan -and • I. Was to. fly. over ' with. him,., • He ,'Offered' ., ,• field, 111)Tette▪ out 'like a small green , me. a round sum of money, or nrectti -.•-:-. heattlithichtet-"ht-,-ti,tHee-aea.igt y • *uull.glitplanebe ...•- ,,c-fillr-•eayttffitg---1-2'.c.oidd- ask-withht Heading reason • for the trip. The arreselitea Imply a bluff. If I .sal "Yea" lill .aieituit,istiat: ..ohnlie:_iaohvv:eb.roleiti. , •t4.m:::,...' . ..:_.7.. tie. . iieaded.,! te " try,. to,' fitid ,Ltenten-. -,.•. .. ;:.-74: h.ate4ett. att.the equippient.and help _, ,..r,..--., .• • ,, 4ive4bountatnhanilit-dtr1he,:..,...„.„,',......”..4,Z.. .ineented at "Oneetitittt• • the , tinder': .-:'1,". _. ' ••.• ... ".e4Anding-iiiiii"Gny."Stehe • would ''fitil • • , ' •• ,:•• •,, be found, , From that: moment. there, W•asill-a-thing- We • could ask for. that ....1•.: ...;_,__ • We ., 4140 get imniedietelY-from ex-. • , . . .' • , ' Ira heavy - Canvas: .te. Phoepheraus :• paint., , • .,, .. , , .1^ "A 2 1I for questioned' Onitkin: first ras' the one most bkely *have infinehtation •a1g directly on :the- tireVIOUS night's' affan The following points were broughf out bjT iis teiim ••• . ..pardee' had emergedires tinge, II I at 6,30.Jund-gene eight to the Dil- -oPetiettanirsirkt-the d&r, Very ,...soft; AU -8:30 Belle Dillard, in an„evening. • plan knofvu Coelt Robin is famed #11d I heard steps moving doW.n.the gown, had got 'into a" taxi. , with an arrow In hip heart; allot*/ , i" hall' in the dark, , Then the stairs -titiv-eiltiti'West End Aveoe,e. totrneZ stflr:sg..;p ff his headw tibtle t creaked, and 'pretty soon the front son. had come out of the house with door 6.u.t.".her and 'helped 'her into the taticah, 11VVhat did you, do after that?" but had iinmediatelyi returned in:, 11 listened a little while, and then' doors.) • I Went back to 'Bit. I hottldn't At 94Profesier and Drult-; sieeP- • :" ", • Iter had left the Dillard and • all:.over --ao*,- Mrs. -Menzel,"- --walke,c11 slowly-teward-Riveraide-Dr. Vance told her comfortingly. "There's They had crossed the Drive at 74th aothing or you to, fear. You'd best St, and turned up the:,bridle path gti to your roont•and"weit till we' need . At it:30 Pardee had done, out of the you:" • Dillard. 'Muse, walked down to. the„ Reluetentry the woman went AP- DriVe, 'and turned up-tOwn. \1443TIN p" little atter 10 Rrofessog..1)fft' A'I think now," said Vance, "we can lard had. returned to his house alone, make. a pretty close guess ae to What, recrossing the !Ave at 74th Street. happened here last ntitht. -The mur- • At I0.20 Pardee returned' home, derer toOhDrukkeeshey and let him- coining .from the same direction he self in by the front •d8Or. He know had taken when going out Mrs. Drukkey's• quarters were at.the Belle had •been brought home at, Ig.30 in a limousine' filled e .ik • • atIrtine, 1Atbor y Markham Phillo,Vsnot .who. c a the murders are founded on ;psalm* thyrnen Ancarn -the work of" a •• . WA' ' asioeiated with -the case ere • - Prof,. Dillard,. his neicaReelle, and .his • "' • protege Sigurd 'Arnessim, also a profes- „ por of-Mathi3Matics..• John Pardee -a • '. •• • seighbor-Withtii" Passion fer-thetior'Mrs. D.rultiter and her Son.Adolph.'Mrs. ririik- is mentally unbalanced and :Adolph " • • is a -cripple With a. euper-brain. • •• • . Suspicion: settles on • Drukker, hilt the •• the ,Police .plan te.croes-.exaniine. . /131a,Xe. is murdered. the detective set. •' to. watch the Drukker house'Aisclanes • -that . (someone -inittered• 'Driticker'ra room shortlyafterthe latter's death. and turn- • . .on .the light. Upon .going tethe Druk- . • -‘-lker 'Mune they find- Mrs. Drukker ,dead • • Vont shock in .:Drukker's study. It is •.,•• ., ,Clear that the murderer had visited the study Immediately. after !fining Drukker and that Mrs.. Drukker ,found.blin there. . . • 04i,P'7.rEtt • When the doctor -had, straightiTha: .. Mrs. Druickeris body on • the bed 'and " _covered it With..a eheet,,, we. reterned. • 'down -stairs. • Barsteal took his' 'de- , .. • • • • • . • once after'' proMising 'io send the death certificate te. the Sol, geant within hour:, `• „ • . At!ii,...seienttfiatIly.7.-„cerrect„ ,tettallt atnral dasithjroin„iihokls_,7 said Vesce, when We'were alone;"';1'but.'oiir . . immediate problem d' ye see, is to •ascertain the Cause of that sudden (thviotisly it'sconneeted with Drukker's death.' Now,, I wonder. . .• " Turning impulsively, he entered. the • drawing room. Mrs. 1Vienzel was sit- ting ,where we had left her, in an • *•attitude- -of-herrifled-expeetancy: 'Vance went' to lier and said kindly: • rear, and he no doubt Counted on ac- cOmplishing his business in Drakiter'S room and departing as he had come with, young peohle. • , The. quaintness of the graduated ,. i Hennessey was interrogated :neit; But Mrs Drukker-heard him. 'It may of the skirt gives it smart but his evidence merely substantiated "1"r4 diatincti man' who had left the black hislidp at Dillard house from -the direction of The simple bodice ...s youthful with on. , ' • . , , be she associated hint with 'the little , shitkin'a. NO one had approached the puffed sleeves and bow tied waistline her door; and feared that her son, was, in danger. At any rate, she went^ at West End Avenue; and ti2thingOf a • Style, No 2998 may be had in sizes zeiteeto-Drukker'r-rnom.-"7"Th-ff' ooV, --- : :nl.clotieLnature had "haitiiiied. ' lidahatii Ilientiffindliirattention 42"--14""--16'-`18'-i"elt1"- 63 -and ---8 1................. shay have7-been-slightly-and--n end I- .mery, . _ that, accord- s--hut.--Siie16 requiree ,4 V, , think she saw the intruder and recgig- ' 'who reported • syards of 39- , meh material with 2 yards nized him. Startled and aPreheo- ing to Santos whom he had relieved of ribbon for tie -belt; . pa sive, she'stepped inside and asked him at six, Pardee'had spent the early It is a sweet pretty dress ferin- rt of the afternoon at the Man; serrilal-eveningi-anci-adress4hatioutti-- wIlile-iranla naci have an- .hattan. Chess Club and had, returned ' awered that he hatt:cornelo inform her home atfind, lotsit use for later for resort ef Drukker's death -whiely would ac - „I • about o'clock. . for afto us ' four ` count for her moans and her hysterit iaidp "Then, like Snitkin and Hennessey Lace, chiffon print, eYelet"hatiste, cal .1aughter. But that was only a Emery continued, 'he went to ieietzeik, and -Shadow patterned organdie and hand , the. Dillettis' at half '. FrelinunarY. ini•Thin:Part-117 Fia-S' I” stayed till half 7 -test nine. When he ter -1-'11161-1111"" are elt°geWer: aarlii- down in: wide spinet,. we "roiled 'to', a. ,;845)3aatai.40 tkotatilltonia.: Thaw. bur .4:trfa zMent,'-•a Lieutenant- 'and, _ .",itroyet tin. we Were'under arrest. • We were dualteiediiil. "BY.'who's or • ers are .angler arrest?" -1 , :.• "General Lula orders," replied the • dapper 'little Chinese (Meer. • • •.• We were more sutprised:•than ever. • Genetsl lei had. been our. ftlend;and *elixir from: the beginning •of -our • n trip. ,Now he had placed uunder arrest. "• : : • •"On •-what • 'charge 'are • 'we 'atrest- ed?" I. asked.. •„,, • , "Kidnapping • COICinel ” Fong," re- sponded :the little officer. ; • Wit were -bundled . into an e'rznY truck and rushed thrOugh., the streets With the siren , screaming. • In no . tithe tve arrived at the palace of General Lu. • General: Lu welcomed me gravely, • shaking hands •:Withi hiniself in Chinese fashion, and then 'Wen:dosed - Feminine daintiness and chic is this, the orderlY. ' Then Ile unfolded a lovely little afternoon frock of Orialed plan so ainaZing that I Pinched my, self to.see if I were really, awake. had. SOLD OUT•LaLear. you beat that? SOLD OUT-41erodice as a •General. Someonehad paid him a 'great stack • ei Money to quit -and being a btisiness man first, he had ;signed photo free.'• , • ' . • • king secretly in .a special guard•,. • ed'' hangar, we • fashioned our into the weirdest looking dragon:you . • ever saw. • '• • . bag out buck was & long Can- tliat • floated." .acraight . out, when We were its the. air., ff. • , In ' • the day- e/Ai time•.o.. was Jit w .i id 1ookin, ' , • • •• ' plane, 'bee et night It was poeitltely• , • terrifying. much SO, that' when • :Fu 1-1-su,, the interpreter entered the hanger _after. dark one".aight, 'he near- , • • ly passed ont entirely.. Actually he • fainted, and thought - would never. 'bring Wm around. .1 • .". . • (To be •cOntintred.). . •", . • , . .. 'Note: Any .ogittr '.young readers • . writing .to • "Octptain.JimnY", 2010 Star, Bldg,, -Toronto, •will: receive Ids • time., He was devising some means • • - ing ideas for this model. • _ • • I • o fmeetmg the:situation-he was plan- came out I followed, keeping half a ° "Your inistress died of heart fail- • nin hem he would kill Oh there bloc or•sobehindhim. e walkedup . k ' H HOW TO -ORDER PATTERNS • ure thiring the night And it's much can be no doubt of that. He couldn'tWrite your name and address Plain - g ' her' , the Drive to 79th. Street, crossed to ' better that she should: not,have out; the Upper park, and walked round the ly, giving number and size of such -big grass bowl past tbe"rticks and on patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in up toward the YeAt Club.. . ." • stamps or coin (coin Preferred; weal) --------TITTIse-corrtinned,.) ••'' -it cm -aim- -;- ---ii- - b d • lived' her son." "Gott get,' ihr die ewige Ruler the • • woman nntnnured Tious.ty._ it is . "The end came about 1114 . night. Were you ewake•ht that time; Mrs. • • "All night I Vie awake." She spoke • in a low, awed voice.• , Vance contemplated her with eyes • half shut. • "Tell us what you heard?" • '• • "'Somebody came. here' last night!" •\----14•Yea,-s_ome-eneLeante_,atLabout ten own-mother?L_That-last-ravelatuai. o'clocrt -by the front door. Did you proved too Much •tfer her hypersensi- • hear him enter?" •• -. tive,brain. , She repeated the nursery ' "No; but after I had gone to bed rhyme in a spell of hgrror; and then --•I -heard, voices in Mr. Drukker'S the accumulated shock dilated her roonia.,- '°- ,L,,, . „ , „• • ' - heart. She fell across' the bed, and "Was it unusual t� hear voices .in ,the murderer was saved the.aecessity his room at ten 'o'clock•at night?" .of sealing her litiewith his ownliands. • "But it wasn't him! He had a high He 'saw what had happened, and went ' ' voice, and this one was low and gruff." • ' The woman looked. up in bewildered fright. • "And the other voice , was •afford to let her leave that room alive. Maybe he told her so in as many words -he-poke• -Aangry-like,' •you recall. And then he laughed. He was tortur- ing Ater now -perhaps telling her the whole truth • in 'a burst of insane ego- -Ian; end she couleronlyvay-4011; God -oh, God!' He explained how he had pushed Drukker over the Wall. And did he mention Humpty Dumpty? I think he did; for what'triore apprecia- tive audience could he -have had . for his mbnstrous jest than the victim's • • '' Mrs: Drukker's . . . and -.she never went irt Mr'. Drukker'S room at night!" • "lIow could you hear so plainly with • your door shut?' . • "My is right over. Mr. Drnk- keels," she explained. • "And I was wotried-what with all these awful •••, things going on; ,so I gots up and lis- qiiietly away." , Markham took a turn.Up and -down -an envelope and .posted as ordinary' the room.' , ••. mail. Although still rather expen- "The least .comprehensible part •*of, sive •the new method • is deeidedly last night's tragedy," he said,, "it why cheaper than sending ••straight wire, less messaged., Pee will be three - this man, shwa have come here after - pence , a word', a:compared with' .wharf,presentinga picturesquts scene. Di:picker's death," , . , , 'eleyei1. pence a word.. There will Tropical and • European ,,,v,egetables. V ° .Arai rnoking thorightfully. be i mintmunr of '25 .words. ' .. . and fruits are. found in many yule-. "We'd 'better :ask ArnessOn:to help • • _____.. •••-, -... ties. tie etilain that point. • - Maybe he cant , . , .. • woman is something all 'men' should . rosy asylum at •Nagashima Island,. throw some light on it" ' Tomorrow -hath-i-t rare,' 'alluring • 7----,-4', . appreciate' .- though unfortunately Okayama Prefecture; the opening lezied.tit the top of the step" - ., "Yeh, maybe . he ctin," chimed „in sound; today is.. very prese. And "Russia is • team fifty to a hundred they ;don't always recognize the fact.' Ceremony was attended by Over "1 ain't blanieyou," said Vance. Heath. Then after rolling his cigar yet the twain are but one vision seen years behind the rest of the World in This principle can be carried into meet Officials and noted senitarian's. - ' "Whatdid you hear?" • ' between 'his lips for a nitiment •he 'through 'altered. eyes. Our dreams know.ledie. It is our °job as Botsheviki • a ' wide t sphere. ' The house, the "Dr. • K. Mitsuttee foritter- thief of eac num e•r, an • address your order -to Wilson Pattern • Radio Letters Mean Service,. 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Vehvery . • , . , . . .. r, , London= -Lettere, written in mid- - Market Last Outpost of Atlintie, on one • day, will be del?ver- Ma ed ,to their destine Genii' 'inBritain . -Rio's Traditional* Color the . twit; with a' new service just • .. . . . inaugurated by the Post Office here. Rio ,De janefro-ttio de Janeird'a The. Pos Office refers to.them as "let- last vestige , ot local color is to be tem!' in making ie ann ement-totind-in.its_luigeniarket. pla,ce, although really, the correct name is Although: tourists are uanally'amaz- "Shindetter-teregrarni" which, , al- ed at the sharp' contrast of Rio's sky - though tengthy, explains the trick of scrapers and Moorish -style buildings, the one da Y "serince. MeciageS-;will thelandscaped" narks and snail treat, be accepted by the witeressA•opera- car- overgrown • gardens,' they are as - tors in the, ehips and sent to the. lonished -when they enter the market nearest short-wave- radio station. place and ]eave behind one of the There the message • will be. put into, most modern cities in the world. '. The market;located by the sea, oc- cupies six blocks and Is, a •copi of, the "marche St. Honore" in Paris.r Flitting .boats of every .description Are tied up alongside • the ' narket . • ' • • .. • Chocolate Mitit ---The-healthviving, children and grown- Ups. ▪ - Nand and gall Pound tins at your grocers. im•••••=1,.. More Laughter Needed Says: New- Zealand Daily '. The habitual optimist; the Petsoa •'.1. : with an ineradicable cheer -germ, the Confirnied. tun -Maker, is worth more to us than•gOld these days, says The 4, New: Zealand Free . Lance. The • merry jokerin the army in the dark years of the war „was a treasure "that inspired his comrades on niany a weary-nrareb tatId-lbardall'Iriany• 'a -- fearful test of 'spirit acid' Courage. The ' "It is reported -that be •Intends to. . . people .who in . a similar spirit of establish, • a self-governing leprosy , • . . cheerfulness" 'proposed community- ,village at Kusatsu,' granting .a large :. ' :'' '' • singing in the towns devaetated by, ,sure of money every year,". he .con, . . the earthquake are dofrfig their fel. thiues. "He 'also proposes to organ; ' • • low -citizens 'a ' real service. ' ..ettiv- Itze and anthleprosy association- with thing in' that way that will help to the aid of Viscount Shilnizawa and ' • -zestrjaxainLnor.--thaenilm--emageani-litii-ethtee-Linnethretzn Shele741111"nlifti-nlel"rk-4(1134°' wiith- '----- •• whom he held a conference In his, , official residence. The projects of •• , couraged. • • __Some zanguine •s,pirit „has, offered, the. proposed a4soclation have been , to • help' institute old English page- • Puhligklf.“1- •. . 0 .. ants and, floral dances and that, sort "The geeetal" plan is to eradiate ' -- ' ., • of thing In Wellington.' The ' no.: the disease in this country in' the • tion is , not to , be despised. ' It All next twenty years, though. there • are makes for the, brighter life, a color- now some thousanc1s. of cases accord- ' ful bit of relief against the toO-clrab • ing to the investigation made see. ' -the great wdr.th of 'Mick: calor, sath been an average of 2034 cases , of background of working life. Many .cral months ago. . e . people happily are coming to realize I relaxation, a Eightsome 'change- from I leprosy among each 551,667 yoling the prosaic and the • sordid. The,' ' - -• • gtior4prgn„ m men of conscription .age every; year , ,"Dr. Aoki reports that there haite • , . . new, bright and. pretty :dress to a inormoua osYcholdgital - Value of •a dtielpnt six xas3'e a er 4. a .1 b9 121 is -hl e9 d2 A . a Tiehve. ., 2 •• • japan Plans- te: Eradicate Le prosy In Twenty. Years • .Dr. Adachi, Minister of the Inter- ior, soonafter . appointment to the post, • viaited kusatsu Hot Springs; Gumma*Where there are about 260. leprous families. with 900 • members Hying' around . the • town, . ' says the: Japanese - cortesipondbnt of The Journal of th'e. American Medi- • - • "At•firSt t was like as though the ---- added stilkay: "There's several people inhabit one; , out stress a,nd ' pain 1 to make up arrears in these ten years, i mistress was moaning, but right away around here, Pm thinking, that could surge through the other. -Richard because laggards always stiffer."-: she began to laugh, and then the: do some high class explaining." Burton. 1 Joseph Stalin; dietn tor of Russia. marl spoke anoy-lik . But pretty • iiodn hard him la gli,-.teo. After that4t sounded like he poor lady was praying -4 cuJd hear' her saying: ' 'Oh, Gedt oh„ God!' Then'the matt • talked some more -very quiet and low. . , And in a little tvhile itneere- ,, ed like the -mistress was' reciting a poem.. ." "Would you ,l'ogrlize the poem if you heard . Was -it Humpty 'Dumpty, sat on a • wall• ; Humpty Dumpty had a great tali?" "Bei coif, las Wier It souhded Piet, like that!" A new horror came sato • the Woman's e-xpfession. "Aid Mf. Drukker fell 110 from. the wall • last • night • , "Did you hear enythine" else,'Mrs. Menzel?" Vante's matter -of -feet voic •interrupted her confused correlation ' Drukker's death to the verse• she ^ bad heard. •- • 4 Slowly she shoek het head. "No. everything ,Was quiet after that." • "Did you hear any tene leave Mrs. Drukker's room?" - • ' She gave Vilna a paniestricken -tes104.3t Oothe one • • .......... • 'V* .. HiO! ;thrive p!e-1-ii ph is of an 18foOt inoclef Of:the nettgiant Cunarder now wider constructfon (11Yde- hane,Scotlsod, in the yards of Jahn Bron Itz Co. The Wde] is sbewt floating in a specially built experimentat tank 10 which. Atlantic .ocean conditions were reproduced in Ininiattiro. • • Whid and waves Were artificially pro - diced hy mpeban teal devICeS 1400Pa.the: model to • sev ere teillita, Tile newannerder will he the largest ship afloat, end will grew; 73000 too. • She will he .1018., feet long Details of hpr eenstruCtion.Which it is.. Said NUL. embody prineiples entirely new to ship hui1din, arh being jealously guaded. The picture above hi the first to garden, thetown, the streets, all can the Zensei Asylum,has been appoint- , be Made pleasanter to the senses, and . ednew chief, and the hospital has been named .the Mee!, Asylum.. The uhconaelonsly all, this would' • he re- • total capacity is 500." ttleetd• in Atte gecnerat attitude to tv MANI ie: I believe freedm9to be t e. first, . . lly the way,"seme one tells' us that rondition of moral life, It eeds, . ___•..- „-- in Stockholni .even the "rinstmen wear however, to be necompanied by .,11ch.,...- bright uniforais. Heaven 'knows. we thstrucyon,It is like money. in all have enougb to worry Aairt, hut this, that in order to .profit by it,:t..9a. tramcar of peonle, one has noticed, - • - 1 ' we need not parade • our trOuhles, mit know owto e it poperly. h' use • Hven a clieerfuCtapny face In a _ 4tilia ward iowo. •. ' helps to leaven the whole lot with a ' • • • • ISSUE No.2 73 1',reach, Canada of the model of the neiv Cattarder. • .- V„,fer- ' "'"4540 05 Ara' • 0• 3: • "4111.14Milagigili#R42;./ .,.ArailailiOkibre4,44-keegiiiattigraA '111114., • • • • t tittle- of Its own Pleasant-eeming outlook on life. VIly nr3 Ynii ni:Svnys rub ' it in on rich people?" .. dThey -dr serve it"' . . "ies, but we can't all be boor; you knoiv." 4 4 • t. ;• ,Pi 441 't444044414/^), ". '1' • • NO matter boy 'severe, you can- always haye • immediate relief: • Asnitinalways stops pain quiddy. does it without any ill effets. Harmless - to the heart; harinless to anybody, 1361 • it &Teri brings relief.' Why suffer? 7 , PI - TRADE. MARK Rao. Made in C/11(1a. • — • . .