HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-09, Page 5• RURSi)..ki ,1 X 9ith,.1931 .THE. LUQ$N01lV aE'N't1`NRiot ° • PACE Fid' •aa. itopfans Evening, rates on "Anyone" {station. -to -station cause-' gin at '7. p.m,••.:(Iocal time)., ust ' give, • "L ong Distance"' the • number t -you want speeds :ip' the service. If you' don't know, the distant num- ber, «Information" will look' it lip for you' Rita had to arrange,her' vacation trip iti•a hurry.. A sudden . _, tur_c . of events.:at the office • made it, a ,:matter. of,: nowor never : ,.. and aRita •chose "now''.. After seven o'clock that, evening (when evening, rates •over Long • Distance 'were in '•force) she called ' her ol'd school chum,Helen to ask her suggestion as tai the'•best place'to'•ga. • •" Wonderful", said the .ha .voice. at the Other end of the... pry. line after she•had explained everything. '°Weare all going. • to 'Seabeach for two Weeks tomorrow:. 'Tow • you' will be' able. to come with us." And. so Rita spent: the most enjoyable. •vacation she ever'. had, thanks to ' her - call.' over, Long Distance.. And the cost -of that 'call was less than the tip she gave,' .to the colored -.porter. s„ • • The ublic Notwithstanding the increasing ac- _ _; • tivity oi}• various .protective _a ere est_ fakes and frauds" continue' to f di'rish,. .The--flow--of7countei-lei-t-•ehecks :shows • little diminution.. Losses .froin 'forger- ies' .now total nearly, $250,000,000 an- nually..". Smart • crooks' have given up the gun. and turned to• pape'r frauds: Here --- : the riskis}-less:-`1'•he--swindler-er•-ean -pas- 40 bad..checks, but a long as. he holds ▪ '-down-tl e••amount--to-$10 -for-each...onc he caa only be tried, for a disde- meanor. Furthermore, he cannot be extradited :from one state to another unless the 'amount, of' a single Check is as muclii as:s $106. Clever negroes have. secured nearly ' $200,000 by passing bogus ' cheer supposed to ,have been received,froni. the Pul'lhnan ;Company. These colored • crooks.. usually carry with them vari- ous articles of identification"sue a.. ,a Pullman badge or a: fake marriage certificate., The fraudulent checks they handle are, •nmannfactured, b;-. others and sold' to them for so much '. per check. Filling stations have suffered ;great- lyt• from the deception of » idtorist= • ,who' stop and purchase • gas , or gait,,..• , accessories and ;'in payment counter-. • sign • bogus traveller' - checks and pocket the change. - The really -clever -dealer in fraudu• lent checks is--alwliys an•iihle nrtitt. • With a considerable knowledge ' of chemicals. lie gets -.his cheeks in var..' ' ious ways sometimes by robbu'tg• mail- boxes and in,other instances by keep- •ing cheeks which have- been given him in f god faith. These origiinal cheeks' are `washed .with acid""o that, nothing is left but the printed forms and the. genuine signatures. Then the crisiin-- al fills in the nunibersi males , the ' ' check out .to, "cash" or "bearer" and mites. in g large amount. When. the check. has bcc•n printed and shreddgd by a mechanical cheek writter,, the forger can inert a `patcht' so ,skilfully that the,•altera- • tion can hardly be detected with the aid of a microscope.' In case a harili .or a corporation. aces "safety' paper" hich is sensitive•• to acid, and eni- a oys •perforating .machines to punch $gures in the paper, the 'forge'- limp- ly fills in the' perforations with disks of paper from a punch of hi, awn,• makes new holes indicatinga 'rite'' • total and cashes- the draft. '� One of the meatiest of, all rackets is that of the unfair employment tw- enty ' that exploits 'woi•laern who are already out of a job. Theile hnretluss either own or o} ertate the came �issar- res dr ti(e 'CC'omnithies tthey ;r cpm e cnf or • have art tinderrrcnind Working agreement' with the foreman oir the • • •fob: ]r`aCh, applicant must pay for • hie job in advance: A conk needs at least ten de late and even; a kif.ehe:n 'heIr'e'r mush hand over: .no le, it than five del - when they.;"conie back to '.have their money •retu•rn-erl;': •-the-agerreie's"t' th'e'n, off. from day to day, until they- tire hey tire them out.'• .. ___Th[ chissi0ed:cltei:tiin _coini?.ns 'Of `the' press. are still used Withprofit by.• • many swindlers.:Jewelry dealers 'mas'q'uerade as ,private• persons'.., and' offer. to sell : jewQlry..at` a • sacrifice:, Doisy birds,' and. other. animals' are offered. with fake pedigrees. Clipping, bureaus, .secure an" income j y getting peeple- t-a--sei•id=-i:n- .50. eerits for, -"an it em of ,interest containing..your name _that,_appeared ' recently _..iil a.; news .paper:"• The item of'•intereat. u'suahy, turns out to 'be, a copy ,of an • article. dealing with the' origin and derivation of .both;,given and surnames. Aspirants for movie fame fall -for the advertisenrents,of companies pre- tending to be seeking' talfor the. creen and radio. Here the sharp catch their 'victim by' offering a free voice testi 'buts by the time he dis- covers he .is dealing with • crooks his .honey is gone for photographs and other tests represented as 'being .6S - gentle' to. a successful start'- ip ' the amusement field. , , There is. no realm in which • people -lie inclined to be so credulous as in -that of health,, and this• fad is now acing capitalized to the limit liy. an army of swindlers. Advertrsingg may :ie commercial in its • purpose and •still be honest, if the sourcb •of infor- niation.is plainly.sta.ted. In such case, the reader clearly understands that, the printery purpose •is 'to • make ' a profit and, the secondary . •aim is , to benefit health. The 'medical 'ads that are, had- are those that .seek to• hide both the purpose and the source of the facts.'' • Mueh, of ,the highly' technical talk about toothpaste and mouthwashes ac- tually concerns nathing more import- nt than salt, baking 'soda, chalk, b'or'e s'magnesium and • ,starch.. • The Public; will eventually discover .that a •slightly• acid mouth is quite normal and .not unhealthy. 'it. will also- Conte lso conte to understand that the teeth of many people cannot be made pearly white and that; diseases' of the. gums cannot be cured by the mere use of tonthpas te. Iluman saliva is slightly ;meld and...tontine; introduced into a norflial mouth £an 'have more than ''a temporary, alkaline reacher;. Any se- lution' powerful enough' to• remove tartar by disolvin.g it would•4eriously damage the teeth themselves, To -day we have all sort of worth- less rc;, i 'dies for hundreds of human ailments. Rehire, Goiimpouiula, ap- pear to' • eontatn - eVLrytbini; f •ora whit(' va cline, mi Myra) oil and bees was,�� to epsniri bolts, bicarbonate of. •.. e rr'd ti air Willi > ltt"t'i'c �aiPii tirixl• po��ci t�, ,. perfume tiirow'r.i in. Radioactive. pre-' likrittions frequently t°ontilin• pp Iittre racliiim• that their therapeutic value is .ilil•� • 1Voab that the lanes of the Air are open to i miost.4anvnno able to put - chitise •t'tri 'toss cif' s&rvico' froth lets, Often applleents are sent to• ces whe>< they' have no, jobs, and broadcasting company, We are•,1 l:ue, now 'messing the revival of old superstit- 'ons;-exlodeedi`t'1'ieories and fake Meeh- ,anicai contraptions,.all of'them mak- ing a strong bid for a share of'the pub_lie_e It: i$ astonishing how many people: will fall for the.'puffsheet game: The. operators. o f these publications, derive their °income by selling copies.of their magazine ' in wholesale quantities to the persons written up in .their' pages: The puffsheet 'has no regular public- -anon date, , no 'seconri class nrailirrg privilege, no'bona fide circulation. and. 'no: articles of value"_except laudatory. write-ups. , ti c a us a ti f m a a e re or- ganization 0 e dis- covers t d h g a si this i i e Fake business leagues said to• be designed • for the general: protection of . business against petty' annoyances rake in a lot of easy money by tr d- ing' in the prestige Of one man, u ally in ex -judge. Telephone calls _promise business_.mien.-r-exemp. on from' jury service and immunity: for violation of the automobile laws and fire ordin nces. • An army of• gyjSsy. type- salesmen rent vacant• stores by' the month,, put up a spe tier's platform and start selling everything .from books on s- tr'ology 1 to l✓lixirs of Life.. These bally-hoo' artists are now so numer- ous that they actually formed an r-- ganization to t`igh't "hostile" laws. Street vendors still find it easy fcr Make a living° selling watches without works, and' strangely enough there, are seldom -kicks when the' buyer he had been played for a d ' e. Scandal sheets . in several • cities :still use choice morsels •of forbidden news to collect blackmail from their victims under the gyise of Charges for advertising. Never before- vlas it so• necessary for the person inbusiness or outside' to be constantly on' his guard.' In present • day of fakes air fallacies,. when professional crooks are willing to pay 50 cents each for •the namesof good prospects, '"Watch Your Step" • is a mighty good motto to keep in mind:... .. . LtJCKNOW and WINGHAM Monumental, Works • Lucknow, Ont. Illas the larkest aifd most complete stock in 'the Most -."beautiful• designs g-hoose from, in- AR'BLE, SCOTCH, SWEDISH AND CA1ij.ADIAl4 GRANITES •W E make a Specialt, of Family tnonunients aitd invite your Inspection.. Inscriptions: Neatly, Gal fully and" ProMp"tly Dote. See•. us ,before placing your ordek., Douglas Bros. Phone 74 ' I1. A. Spotton Phone 2li'8 • Wipgh • ASII FIELD NOTES ; Miss -Maria Long, R.N. ,of Detroit, returned Saturday to resume her du- ties; after- spending- her -holidays. at Mr; and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Less Rit- chie. ° • Mr. and Mrs. Will Lane and Etta of Ripley, 'spent Monday • at their former home . at Lanesville. • Miss 'Helen Bowles; teacher, of London, is spending the vacation with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.1Vr.' Bowles. •• Mrs James Barbour and Freda of 'Goderieh spent the week -end with.the former's 'sister ',. Mrs. Less. Ritchie; Mr and -Mrs ltftoti Mustin wand •and Mrs. Pat. Austin' and Miss. Ethel of Londoni;'spent Sunday at.,.Mr H>agh Vlurchison's . - Mr and Mrs Chart*. Sherwood bf Detroit; spentweek end . with thee fornmer''s .parents, Mr. and'.Mrs. Sam ._Sher.'wo°od. Mr. J. J. Gilmore of London; spent a few days with; his brothers, Messrs. R E,' and Patrick Gilmore. , Why. lie °Dldn Send The Cheque A story is told of a business, man. theg••=side °a_ f e,., A HOLIpAY WrrJJ A .PURPOSE: • •One ought -not to let this •Suinmler ,pass' without so.rne progress --an arm- less..pvacation gets one•• nowhere: - n _ F: e , '`•1'h ^�Exeeati-ve:=o • d :rrelr etve' a rem eu a '`f z" a se go? anno tnces`a. very :attrae- . send a cheque for some reason or tine program :'for this ' year. The other. This proved to be the ' last School will gather .on .,Monday, 'July straw and this is the ''letter which 20, and • at 8 o'clock in the evening gave the reason why ahs' cheque was the: openng.,tmeeting will' b.e,held in. never' sent' North' "Street CChurela 'reverend • 'enneth • Beaton,: B.A.,--Secretary 'of "I• wish to•nfornt you'that; the pre - Home Missions of. the United Church sent condition •of . my bank account speak on• "New 'Frontiers , in.`• makes• it impossible for, Me to send .you a cheque in. response to your re (Home Mission' Work." This ; will be. • ,quest. ' • -.the: -Rally Dight of the School `and a • - "gettogether" of the Perth and Hu- My present financialonditron is•tin ,iF,P, "(Mien: •:O Tuesd ay morning n • due' ,to'' , the effects 'of federal laws, the five days of study begin The Rev: -Y state laws, county Glaws, corporation aieriil Dr. - J: an•> ford, S.ecretarty-• ,pf ; - , .•:' laws, b laws, ,biotther•-in lbws, moth Reli nous Educ ,tion of 'the •° a.. ;united .erg in law and,•,9utlaws: that have peen Church, will ,give'' t yo •p.eriods, each I; foisted upon an unsuspecting pudic day ' on "Xii:p15PG' ' OZ'S M 'I',hrqug'h, tires-er" variola laves I Piave „' ' MODS.", Mrs s Cpnstanee Young Y Women's Work, 'will .take the Horne 1\rissions group and study "World • •Friendships:and--R-ace-Relation° shipi -•- The l''or;eign Mission Group•leadei•� will. .be" the Reverend, thigh' MacMil- lan, B,A.. ;of Formosa. The = Fellow been held do v:n, .held up, walked op,' \1 A:; :W S. Se re* • for4• youngt sat :on; flattened and squeezed anti I do fiat know where' I am, 'what I an} and why_L air_ '; "These laws compel me.-tos pay.a merchant's tax,. capital stock 'tax, in .come tax,real estate tax, property • tax , auto .tart gas tax water tax light tax, cigar tax, street' tax, schoor , Rev - tax syntax and carpet tax. - "In addition to ;these 'taxes, Vol re- quested ;arirrequired"to. 'contribute' to ' every society and . organization that . the^inventive. mind .of men; can os,ganize-to :the Soetet°y of St. John; the women's ,relief, Navy League the Children's—home, the -policemen'¢ ben= efit„tile Dorcas; Society, the Y M.C.A. the Boy Seoute, the Jewish relief,, the Near East, the gold.dig'ger's home, the po1ic'eri'ten's-home, also every hes- 'Intel and. .charitable institution town,' the Red Cross, the Black Cross. ;the ' White Cross, the Double Cross, the, Purple Cross and the Fiery Cross. Mra: Topp arid George. and ,Mrs, g ship and Worship' group will have Alf. Woods df Toronto, and Mr.•and Mrs. Frank Hurter • of Vancouver, were recent• visitors with Mr.,. acrd. Mrs :C. E.-McDona'gh,. -Mr•. •,acid Mrs. T. J; Lannari and' Mr. • and Mrs. D. McIntyre, 'motored to 'Sarnia on. Saturday arid spent" •then week -end with the .ladies' sisters and - families;' who are.enjoying a few weeks by the lake. 'TAKE CARE IN MAILING• • • • According to the• last report • i's - sued 'by the 'Postmaster—General' the ' blume 'of. mail that goes' astray and eventually ' leads 'to the "dead Tetter• office" is ,quite 'large Last year snore. "The. government has so .govern :New Day," and the •,morning.theme, 'than 2,400,000'' pieces of mail` matte'' ed 'niy business that 1 do, not know `.`with„ Jesus in His ,Mornings". will ''-- failed -failed to' reach their destination be- who owns it. "I am ;suspected,'.expect- be discussed by Reverend :Chailes ea* eat afid essieat tc� ar. Ina e' -exam eted,.ed, mictrfarlect d 'examined Malcolm, ,MA., • Secretary of - 'the ,.of non a menti of- posta'ge� tip' ,p' s "-.�^_ _..;. _ � school ° •` squired, rend R. R. Connor, B.A.,a I(ipperi, for leader, ,and the Citizenship group will lie under the leadershr.p `'of . the . • School's Vice President; th'e Reverend' • • A:E. Doant, M.A.,I1;.B D., of. Mitchell.. The Reverend Professor Davidson of Emmanuel College,. will "be present • again •"this year for• a 'group study with, the ministers. - :The afternoon, willbe. given . over tit "organized play." •.e' Each day's work begins. and 'ends, with' a Bible, ,study, and worship per= • iect Iii the Vesper : service the Rev- erend W`. l'. Laiie,•.B'A., will consider' "Soine Things. that :Matter for the • particularly should : be=given-ear'eful--eeinmaiided,, compelled-urat-i -- o-1-. rea1'' will be served in; Victor - 'know s' that,I'in supplicated "for niori- ey for every known need;"desire" pr hope of the .:Inman race, -and I refuse to •fall and go ent'•and, beg. borrow and steal' the money to. give away, I am cussed,. discussed, bay= •(batted;, talked..tii, talked "about,, lied to, lied' about;_ held up, held' down and robbed until I am ruined, so the, only-, reason' 'I• am eli*ing • to life is to' see what the hell is coming next.” • - ul attention and ;the addre'as "should be written on -the.' wrapper, as tied -on labels "frequently become • detached:' The wrapper should also carry 'the sender's .name.. Insufficient prnicer- reet addressing also causes'. no ,little extra work r the` ";post office staff and business .firms..are asked to keep their mailing lists as up to .date. as possible. If an article is.worth mail- ing; it is 'worth careful attention in addressing, the ' report' says. a St:: Church; -and the- studies -carried----` . on in North Street .Church; bacausc •s' The public will be invited to. 'at- , tend the four evening meetings -in, • North St. `Church on Monday, •the' Rally night; Tuesday,:,when Profen. s'i'r;• Leai•le, of • Western ' University., will. speak on "The Cold •that, Keeps;" • Wednesday, -when the speaker'wil) be Miss Constance Young, M.A.,. and , 1! riday, to hear .Rev: Hugh 1VIaeMillan Y of Formosa. ,. .• D F� • A. Put it on with 4, LED-HED'NAILS Illustration Shows Preston Led -lied NaiL Note how lead on head • of Led -sled Nail •seals nail -hole Making it completely weather- proof. Note generous overlap of Rib-RoLL Preston Led-Hed Nage are colored to match the ro'pfing. Thebeaiityof colored 'tib-Ro11. • " does not stop at beau alone. beauty It safeguards • your crops and stock., , , • Properly grounded according.. to the Ontario- Lightning' Rod — Act, it gives complete light- ning protection, i {,>3 It is fire=proof, water -tight, •• 'permanent,, economical, easy . to 1ay..Flying fire brands Burn . • themselves out harmlessly on this fire -proof roof.' It cannot warp, ,peel, crack, cut' or bulge. - .. • del•-,�.—��-- 21 Colored Rib-Rbll'>epresents the greatest advance of a quarter of a century in the roofing industry. At very little extra cost it adds to the duration of .galvanised iron the beauty',and• appeal of color, as applied by our own special process. We •also Make: GalvaniizedRib-Rolland Corrugated Sheets, Preston ted-Hed.Nails, Preston Steel Truss ' Barns,. Garages and Storage Buildings, Preston Galvanized Tanks, Majestic' Verti- Fold Garage' Doors, Colored Ridge, Flash- ing; G`°uttet; Ea -ire Trough,`Go dU t r Pipe, Finials Ventilators. 107 Giielph Pi•estafri, Write to ay - . y for free sampl¢, suggested color echernes, Fa . ctories also'at' ars useful • roofing circular.: • Ttirontb andMontreal