HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-09, Page 3•
it keeps or weeks/
"; 01111111111filDllll lll111111 1 j1
KRAFT Salad. Pressing is so .thoroughly
blended, it will .keep tor. weeks., tt stav,s"
good tight down to tht last tangy tea,.
Best at a!, tt ;osis lust one -ban the price
• .You re' aaE to paying:A generous L2'ounce
jar sells for only 25 :encs. Get some codas,;
.r10 Pik f 00 ', ,:ORM
a irF.Uerixairs•rao
rata NYREAl-
Made •tnq fianad os, --1.130 .04409 V. graft•.
Cheeseiaild Velvecte .
• .
'on re-
M Mther.. • -
liHrs W." B. Batley
"Mother, did .yon See that woman
ahead''p!'us down 'en Ontario Avenue.
je'k her .little- girl along ,and' tell her •
to !ahut up"?" .• •
"Yes, I, :did; , Jerry;. and L :felt • Sorry.'
for both of them,"
• "For.both.ot them?; Why. I just felt
. Sorry , for' the little girh, .. I wonder
what she was crging atbout?":
Jerry and hie. mother. •were resting'
on the lawn under their. favorite tree
'after. their .trip'•rto' town. ,. Alth`o'ugh.
"only .51x ,years o1.d, Jerry, was learning
•, to think reflectively. , .
Both were silent for -a While,. then
the boy continued, "You:.wouldn't :have.
• done' that°'way it''some.thing had both
ered .me, 'until T cried,, would you?"
• "i hope not,''Son, tiut''a mother, gets
sante nervous; and ,upset someti ' es..
What do 0
y. u think • I should 'have,
' . done?" • •
believe ' you 'would' Nave
said, 'What'd tb» trouble, -Jerry boy,_
can't you stop crying • and Jell' 'me
__..about. it?:" -_Then. I.dhave-trted-,ta•stop-
• and if I couldn't'you *odd .have stood:
still aad-talked• it out with me; ' Then
everything, would hate been all right,
• But I'm 'too big, to' cry on' the street
hougl} •a. I'm -furs= -glad -you
4. are my mother` and that w.e• can talk
together the way we do." .
"That' ip sweet of you, 'Little
and I appreciate it very .much: I fin
just an 'glad :you are .;ray. don as you
are that• I' am, your mother" ' •
"I geese. we- are churns,". the . boy
said` as: -he stilled' up'- at,• bis' mother.
Three .lie scampered off to ,meet, ;hie
. The mother net wondering', about the
woman' who had .impressed her 'son
so unfavorably. Whyhad' she not' tried
1to-51scoVer the- source .of the' trouble
and. to. remedy it instead of being so
rude and unkind'? '
"Why ie , it{" She s thought;.. "that.
i thfrs'so often forget that. children
are persons and'shonid be treated with
respect? ,How humiliating to a 'little
girl '.to' be 'handled. no: • roughly and'
spoken le so rudelyjn; pablicl
"I wonder if the: child quill ever feel
ike.going'to her,�and talking over her
roubles •. Wi11' she tell her mother
they are. chums and she is gIad� to be
her 'lithe, girl? Why I'd 'almost have
•halted traffic, I believe, if necessary "to
see what caused• •the child to be 'un-
happy enough to cry like that. Why, „
-dadnt the woman -lead" her gently to:
one side where they could have, dis-
eased the "matter ciui'et'Iy until iinhap
piness . Was. erased • from- the sweet t
young face? Tae., r" this . child,;''' too,
Steals iravdy m a . you're my,
,mother ._ Issued by the, National
Kindergarten Association,' 8 West 90th
Man, Street; New York' : City. These article
w�iara r�,rre req •Ca,e?:-:tiF',. , r.:.'"! r�},..
Declare 'Tobacco .►wl :Lams
Co ,tarns Vitam*ns Mother. (lo aohnnY)-•`Gd •to ' .the
store .and get a pound of sodee reek -
Seeds of . Plant • Hav'e High era:" . .
Johnny.''(on way to. the store). --1-
Food Value, Exp:erk.,. "Cr ckere
� .� ,,-.hfe erack@1'p:.yN,gia.tt:_ore,!ck..'(_
era,, tornedaes ' ...,:1
Storekeeper 'What do yolf want,'
i Johnny -"Give me a. pound of.tor;
Washington. -The seeds of the, pergloes.' '• -
baccel plant have a• high food value p$
and include; three of .the eiseitial vita- Iniilviduat ity.
.nilns In "reasonable a)i,'ndence," ac- The fiddles wishes he could sing, •
cording to the report of experiments, •• The :writer .longs to Paint, -4'...
conducted' at "Tale' University'Test The subject wishes to..be king,
Ott rats showed that any traces^of the The devil crated be a'se,int;
poisonous: alkaloid, nicotine, cannot be 'But wise is he Who ',plods:along '•
-demonstrated. •' . •+ And leav;es''the, singer to'his song-,
Rats fed 'on'. a diet consisting,Q-f, 90'1
'per cent, tobacco Seed grew at• the • O ,let tine dancer dance, 'say, 11,•.
average, norrnal rate''for' 10e days and.' a :Oiie job enough for Nie,
showed no ill,'effects' " They. ate the Twere mce'to paint a sumer .sky
• seed ;greedily, : • And, take,the artists fee- ..
• Thus; day's• the report, ' there • is reit= 'Twere nice: to do. ••another'g-v.�yt''ork,
son to believe that tobacco seed cone But i've'a task 1, mustn't shirk
-tants. p 'oteins {.of goad 4tologieal qual'i� '
tx$ "seed tilat� it :includes` a� ;least • Nita-,•
-,files A,.B.and G in' reasonable abund.-
ance. `No-.adv+antage seems. to, accrue.
from additions. of a: more complex salt
miiti re to this unuseal .ration The
further study 'of ,th,a nutritive factors. 'of the raGB: •
.in:'the tobacco seed is. being prosecuted
vi'gprously." , Mr, Pearce, the -teacher, Was' explain-
! . ing to the class of •small children the
It was noted storing a preliminary meaning .of the `word "Collision:"
study et, the. seeds" 'the. repert. con- Pearce -"A co'lieion is'wheh
times, :'"that nicotine, while 'entirely two things •eome..together. .unexpected-
absent.fro_m• •the uneprout.ed eeed,'•was
present'in co:ns:picuo'u's.:amounts' in the
sprouts•that develop; in about 12 days.
When •the seeds..•:are scatter Sen.'blot=
tine .'pr per nioistelned' with distilled
water. • It is:ev'Ident'that 'this'alkaloid
is synthesized very early in the ,life
Of the plant"
• The experimenters are tr.
out where the nicotine, a de
in its.;pure.state, cente8 fro
cal analysis shows• that the seed con
�mertters Sage
Nicotine Absent
in Tests
f,T'be farmer ,was.4.67 ii.tkt mss
mal�'e�llls-appearal'1ee i,n•th'is worlda'G
cording 'to• the recortj,: and if things'
should come: to the' worst, the 'Par#t'ier
wou}d be the last `elan tq be tord;ed out.
adly poison
froth:. Chemi-
tains a high prdportion'' of fit 'and a
very low proportion of 'carboh+ydrates,•
thus • somewhat' •resembling the soy
been and various Lily nuts. •
A Method has, been. devised; •the re=
port states, of "extracting the'.protein
content, of the seed, and a .stud} Of, its l the •blanred thinover.
chernicai_properties n w_.is under way.-' • ' , .. •• g .sect: oyer .again.
The investigators are'especially 'in- '
Orator- if tee averaie man Vvere•
ly. Now can anyone give anexample
Of a collision?" .
Johnny"•Twine. ".
There is. no: one:who knows quite so•
Much about, how a` tiling should be
done :as :the ,fellow who • doesn't know
anything about it. The less a men
knows about a :mat'ter, the more tree
he is' witli:.advice. Probably the first.
rain that fell in the : Garden ' .et Edetl
Was right' after ,edam discarded- his
fig leaf 'for .a pair -of w•hit'e duck
breeches. Then there, wasp. the young
bride who grew'suddenly jealous when
her :husband revealed 'he 'was,'in.love
with his work. ' The woman who mar-
riea' in order ea Obtain -a meal -ticket•
will often find , that she his to earn.
to look himself :squarelyin the face
ilbstanc_es ahich--m.0-6-c .prr_eaelit_�assnt':n ata' a-sk himself w -
hat he iegIly needed
the . alkaline content. •
Thus '.far they h8ye-(1emonstrated most, what would by the answer?” -
the ;presence of five bio-chemi a1'sub- Heckler -"A rubber neck." ,
stances=chaetae, an alkaline , su ,.
stance found in the yolks of eggs; be-
taine found in beets; adenine, •a pro
duct of :grc n In'g plant cells, arginine'
'and guanine. But there 'is.no -trace of,
nicotine, 'the alkoioid peculiar 'to to-
bacco itself. Somehow or other it is
are appearing, weekly n" out columns:
In' the New' York Hippodrome'. 'a
short time ago :a remarkablefriend-
ship existed between a bab?elephant.
and a. fine'. large boarhound, both be-
longing.to Mr. George power. The deg
was in the habit of going regularly
every morning to a .butcher's shop
close by the Hippodrome, where •the'
butcher would give' him a goodly par-
._._ -eel --etre fres=h ld craps• of-mleat`wraP
ped in brown paper. The dog would
' -go straight home to the Hippodrome,
lay the parcel down in front of the:lit-
tle elephant, and wait patiently until
the young animal had turned out the
contents on the floor. Not caring for
meat, he would pokeat it with his
' trunk disdainfully, arid .then' take- no
further.notice of its
This Was• the moment when the
' _ boarhound ould _ come . -forward and
take it • all up again -bone by. bone,
and scrap by. scrap -carry it all.;over
to his; own kennel, and then' make a
good breakfast at his ease. But he
was never once known to attempt to
eat it without' first offering it to his
little friend: .
Also, when he Was given carie or bis-
cuits, the dog. would offer.. them first.
to the young elephant. •But this was
la different matter. Not 'a bit or scrap
ronistituent of diet as.is the. dried leaf
- not fend it. 1f some of these paragraph
• .1
I? YOU have not re,
1 culvert your copy of
- infant -feeding-luerm.
sure together with our
.Baby Record Book 511
in the attached fonpoa
and they will be sent
you free of all coat.++
Eagle Brarid
• doNOENSED, Milk
orden Co Ltd., G;w, t7
eorge St , Torot;to.
EMENI Pleae send. me free
of Sour• authoritative titer -
n Child Welfare -,t K
did the little elephant give back to hie
faithful:friend; ;Once.er twice, while
watching. them, I .was amused to 'see
•the`..dog atter.: waiting 'patiently and
watching the • ether.'s enjoyment, very
cautiously put one paw forward as
:though to take a little bit' of the
'dainty: But, at the first. sign of such.
.an action, the little elephant' would Gift
up his trunk and hie voice, and-truw-
pet h1s;"very loudest,, vastly indignant ,
that' the dog:should. try to get any. Acid; a
tlrer lire- armrest thing-was-to-watch�
the. dog's expression.! '
Such a meek, •.apologeic,.,reproachful j d
expression. 'As th`cugh to say, as he
licked' bis. lips, "Well; I- think you
might have let• me have a" taste':"- a
Ellen Velvin, In "Froin Jungle•to Zoo." -
Lilies For Dinner
East of.the Suez
1 • ' A hungry Canadian workman would c
Something ,New -in • Style's
The girls once •wore their skirts` quite
short, •
• Arlen -ow -They rlenow"they wear 'ear long;
The drug store'cowboy's trousers
Have pleats that look'all wrong., .
created in the •labo'ra'tory oef the grow- • :
ing plant:' The golfers wear. their plug fours neat
Watercress Good And feel just fine and dandy,
- In connection with the •'cherrits.rl :But wait tell the Mahatma comes
And sets style a la Gandhi!.
work, it announced, an easy method•
hag' been ;mad. ter the preparation of ° Another authority. describes a Pes-
nicotine of high purity.' The workers simi t as 'a man who sits tinder the'
1sn..isP-fated-PliP3-nlcotimine,-a little' to of pl•osperity and -Fowls whea.
known. volatile, alkaloid that aceors- the fruit falls lin his head. But an
antes nicotine In tobacco, but is quite optimist is one who;,. untier,•similar cir-
ifferent, ch.erriicalfy, from the poison cumstances, rubs his: head and grabs
itself. the ruit.° There must have been a
It is also reported' that an abund- fair nd open.mind .once 'upon a time;•
nee of vitarnine E has been demon- .sine someone had to invent that.say;
trated ' in: the leaves of wateecress. ing about there being' two sides to
Tests with rate indicate that the dried _ every suestion. There is no -record-
eat of this, plant is at least two or that • man has ever been able to hide
three times. as rich in this. essential .n garden where the insect pests could
have something to say if stewed daffo-
dila ,were placed before him after a
heavy "morning's work, but in other
-lands,. particularly east of Suez, flow
ers play an important part in the dell
menu. '
In Madras and other parts of Inds
an•well °as in the wild regions of• At,
gha nista i, flowers, are, cultivated, for'.
food, and in Southern'itsdia, where 'the
population is. mainly 'vegetarian, lotus
jelly is considered 'a; great delicacy.
The petals' of young flowers• are soak-
ed in a sugar, solution, and boiled anti
they form a stiff' paste, which is pont
dered with more sugar and • moulded,
But this. is scarcely a dish for the
Western palate.' ' •
Shrub• cakes, made wit'li .blossbms
ghee and bazaar sugar are popular in
the North, and .sold 'at twopence
'apiece.' They lead to ebdominal•trou
bee . but, 'as 'the na'ive's enjoy the
strange concoction, they attribute sub
-sequent ailments tis' proVidence.
• Every visitor to' Ceylon, however
should sample butter blossom, - whieh
is boiled, and flavored with' cinnamon
of, cloves. • •
a . Food Froni the Florist's -
Chinese cook lilies In milk and eat
'ca idied jasinine, while Japanese have
a keen appetite for flowers,. a taste
Which is shared by the Egyptians„ who
serve; rose -petal jelly, prepared With
powdered sugar, water •and i0inglttss,
'51 the end -of a meal, In Morocco the
coarse porridge is definitely improved
when served .with a jelly' made from
pomegranate flowers,. ,
hi the West Indies, Where exotic
plants are as plentiful as cowslips at
home, floriculture Caters for the tables
of all' classes. A confection of banana
Mosconi delights the natives, and rest -
dent Europeans h&.ve been known to
express their appreciation.
Britain we make tea from Sting-
ing nettles, but have .we thoroughly :ex-
plored the possiliflties of our eountry-
sided .
Emblems of Spring
y (From Harper's. Magazine) -
When in the woods the sit -tali -white
India trillium' flower
Atter long seasons of the snow and
....• -rain,
Gleams 1n. the dead moss,, ,and a sud-
den hour
Of light Is • In- the • storm -clouds; and
O n P "
1 Birds, make their nests under theNiir.�/�s Wanted
ers, shape our wife, had to,stand over
a hot6toye_annL:ggt a nieaLin_tlte good
old-fashioned' way, they probably.
neuid do::less ' wise-cra4ki.ng-a-bout- ean-
openers.' A word tothe wise is often
resented. • If you 'don't, talk kinda
"mean to some folks :they never believe
you really mean what' you say. There
will he no more brpadcasting from
this station at this time.. .Hot weather
has nleleted-the microphone. .
southern eaves;
And ecu: »d hail. . are aiternative:in'the
And the marsh
And': the apple tree with blo
hides its �ieaves, -
d night is tremulous with
frog's cry •
- Then, ,by these signs; men know an-
other spring .
- Has come upon the' land, and are con-
• • tent--e-
, Winter is now a gone forgotten thing•
The Toronto iitospital for Incurables,
in affiliation •with Fordhaui Itbapital,
New York Cit;,,, otters a Three Years'
Course Of :'raining, to Young Women,
'having the required edrtoation, and i e=.
si'rous oft becoming itnr5cii. This Jlospi
tel"has adopted the eig1i •-hour•' system.'
The 'pupils reeeisse OM of the
.School, a monthly ellownlice a}td travel•
Hal, expenses to and from New Y or h.
For farther particulars' write. or ,�tirr;y
to the Superintenttou . .._
ti • There is a duty on Tea now .of four •
cents' per pound and four percent Sales
"axe All. imports .of Tea now pay these
extra-, chres, but ,
;,love halve
increas-o the price of.
y ,.dui -.=at the ,ire wheat'
of ; Twit::at :the same' ' price as' :biter*, ` the
duty.Wats put on•
Montreal Toronto Winnipeg
Kni '.:hts • 1, Meaford Floorin
It'sood - a
See y„our. dealer
Get our prices ices.
It's Ewen: THE'
p . ,..
Kra_ >f
ht Mfg. Lbr.Co.�Ltd.1Vleaf o^rt�`�
"Mare- Air . 'Stamps' •'
Countries all over . the world -con=
,tinum to, isete . special , stamps' to. pay
postage . on letters ,conveyed by air
mail, while' Great ` Britain refusi�s' to
entertain, the'idea of special air mail
stain* Luxembourg: has issued 'a set
o 'amour .stamps, beauiifuily •;engraved
and •printed, the:. •denominatioue:. and
co crs being: . 75c browil,•'1 franc 'red,
Classified Advertising
A♦ ' BABY CHICKS, ' , 'BAlikiElD
- - `• Rocks 40c, White And Brown
Leghorn, Ancones 8c, Assorted 7d: P51..,.
lets, 6 weeks .old, 50c• 8 Weeks; 65c. A.
N. Switzer; Granton, . Ontario:1
reefiw I3-re.L •9- ->•'Ooi -=--T z.gID
1 Chicks at•_,lowest prices 'ever' quoted,
',Barred and'Wh'ite.Rocks; 10c; Leghh'orhs, •
9c'"•Assorted chicks 9e. Start I rhrai'ts ' .'
• two. Weeks , old. 2c mote; • eXpress .paid._
11/-tr'ancjpurpie,-and 1 5-8 trand'b'rue:'�rompt••t1'eltvefY. 610 lots 2c less. Valli-
-They-can only be used on air mail. cop:.•able free cataleeue. J. G. • Tweddle`•.
Fergus 'Ontario, -
respondence.• -
-Messre; White6.eld;'Iftng; -o[ Ipsw-ieh;
point out that the' issuing•;of these
stamps': must be°•exceilent -propaganda
:in Making the use of air 'nails a more
~popular method --o!-despatching-co'rres
•pondence from one country to another.
. Fortunate is the ,man .whose tastes
are Similar to the, tastes of The cpok.
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
-.-,-.-7-7--._ -RERSO
"'•I'AL papar,maIIed free, Address ,
Friendship Magazine. *Wine,. New York: .
..s A'-F'E-`COUNSEL,^ - 6I2 -, rA is •
le. book, illtistrat 'd. 'Discusses prob- • ,
ms of love marr�age Ste in lafiY
language.. Pull � P
y :particulars ,about our
"Special Get, -Acquainted -Offer" sent free.
to anyone over 18•years,of age. Prete
International Distributors, 'P.O. 'BoX• ' '
202 Toronto.: •
.roll, any sire. postpaid;',extra prints,'
.30 each.. Jacltson Studib. Seaforth. (int.
"She knew that she loved him the
3.ndme�nit sti•e-ca-w-h-rm-imfi'is•-new R .N °i•-- -=^- ---•---•••
Royce." . .
Reprove dry shin. Dab on
Minard's 3 timer daily: Let it
dry on. • ;After a while Corns
and Warta
23 tiff, right off r, ,
�r •
Non habit
Acid..Stoinach -
'Completely. Relieve¢ by
Ramous Vegetable. Pills
Mr. Frank C., of Blackburn, writes: "I
have suffered longhorn acid stomach '
and constipation, but nsince,being ad -
I iced to try your wonderful Carter's
Little L.ivex.Pillst can eat anything,"_
Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no
ordinary laxative:. • They are ALL
VEGETABbE-'.and have a definite;.
valuable tonic. action upon th "diver.
They end Constipation, Indigestion,
Biliousness, Headaches, Poor Complex
ion. 'All druggists. 25,c\ 75c red pkgs..
"At every 'stage the British const!'
'ut toh has vdsiel e'd by -Making laking a new,
brick., placing a "new step,' removilig
use , one, definite concrete obstacle," -p -191r
John Sinton.
('As earth awakens to anew merriment.
; Earth has na memory: the •glad birds '
Meg ' •
The song 'of lase year's birds, who
came and went. '
At. the Circus'
'Ca cedes of muhic from the band-*
Ladies in gay attire- - •
Wonders out of every land, '
And on a swinging wire,
Like a white carnation upside-down,
1'A .girl in billows of tarlatan gown, xt
Nimble and swift as a whirling 'top,
Spins ;by as if • she will never .stop!
I forget ;the giants, the pygmies too,
And the Hindu eating fire, .
To watch this girl go 'wheeling through
The air,^'on a silver wire! .
With a parasol made train a piece of
sky, .. .
She swings and pirouettes, till 1 .
See a top in perfect gyre;, -
Then -a ;winsome girl :With • amber
Ended by. Kruse en
I, was it iirartyr ter Irr:edaolrec., with
frequent attacks of dizziness affecting,rn vision. ',My occupatien is a very
sedentary one -a ptin'ter s reader. I
gave } i-uscllen Saits a good trial., and.
,frnrn then onsyatds 1 stilted quite •
anotherltcrsnn. The headaches dip-
ap'i'icared and . the dizziness, and the
most -wonderful. thin. to me is that I .
have gone *irk. to Weaker gtasses, a
lots whirls 1 haddiscarded some year's'.
.ego rig not being. Strong enough. 1
stab suffered front bed' circulation
daring the early mornings of winter.
Now at 58 L'e'an enjoy cold jiathsalt
the year • toned, en jays and asst' eager,
for my food, 'acid ant what 1• • eonsider
very fit -the sort of fitness that makes.
li •
Iiea:daeh s• can nearly always
'traced • to a disordered stomach
or to• partial constipation -a eon -
many indoor '-workers sufter
frowithout' ever suspecting it.,
Knischrn .Sa'liq go •rr,rht down
11% r w trt fl`i't trrimtu- mill i'c`rriii�ve
the cause by 'gently .persuading+ the
Anda smile as sweet as a'soft'earess,_.,.,
Polies a pu1'1taoT blue as the bluest sky,
,Blows a kiss or two, ,a•ri breathes
good'•by! •.•
()roans et • elAimee nli, to Metion
exactly as' Nature intended ether
--lvfary FlorenceltrcliarIsI should.
• S O
kood Bye
. rl y.
and all the little'flle,#
They can't get Away, once
they touch Aeroxon. There's
something in it that has an
irresistible attraction for these'
household pests. A wider and
longer ribbon provides a'
. greater area; and, the glue
doe's not dry. -good €or. 3
weeks' service.
At drug, grocery-& hardware afros -
d1e' Agent
en 9:
r7DWT'+N A rt -re.
5 o 'cat sr. Cast, T'r,7:v1
_ `� gyp+..
Gets the fly every time
Ph khat
. r
Medtclnes . _��
ie. 'ere lattin at my periods',Lydia
und helped irie. I took it be -
ore my two eh ildren were born
and 1 a.n ta'king, it now at the
Change. ( ha-ve. also used Lydia
-E.. Pinkham's Senifive Wash
and'Ic.mmd'it a great relief for
inflammation and- for a dis-
'Charge Whiet, bothered me,"
98 oetof-100WOmen
Vegetable Compoiind
17SSUE Ka: 27—'3-1—