HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-07-02, Page 6tir
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(WO better • he •getting out 'of
14..eM" sand ,Uarkliami •
° • .•• Vence elede nOiereeite• 4Y' know,,
Mirkham, he Said; "it eecips eme
•thet we should see, Mrs, Drekker first.
• There :was tr4e.4Y in that house last
•night. -Something strange took place
• " ' • •',
. •
41Fresh tieinst,tile gardens*
What.New York
.e' ... d. 4*W 11, irrott-o-
ni;01, ;, a e• i ..u.e. 44•kfa'ifkl,t,25
,..1has been lodked un MI her ban. More- ...1.7* .7..7.
, ,.. ..-.... .1. 0 ,-... --- ----
4e:ier,. phe 1.AMIN lieen notified of: Druk-
ker's detit.14,.and With all the rumor
And gosaip in-the'neighborleoedi WOrd
;Pt eo.ine Wild is :gore to leak through
to her before long. 1 fear :the result
of the ohock when sheekearathe news..
In feet, I'd .f eel letter- if .w.rrtr-held
ef Beistead- eight .a•way and toelt him
with us.,Witat do you say to iny plion-•
ing hire?" "...• ... .
. .
We droVe uptown, called for Bee-
•,Stead; 'end peoceeded ' at -once •to•
Detikkee Ran ring was answer,
.ett_bY 'Mrs: .Menzel, erhese '4.p„pe sheNved.
eldethe -.ile.:'.."e • •••_,,,,•-". •• '''' ' - • •:
l'fitte •-1,16Irs2•' ,Drultltele. heard- the
news""1,4-ko . yatIce. , ., ,- ..,.-. . : •,- ...
`!Net'374...4,7.1.iii answered ir.g:kio%v,'
• V411Nli " •
. 'I • I i
.• . • • — • • •
. • ... neiteretS',
• • " •• '• A Man knaWii as Cock Robin is found.
.• . with an, arm* th 'Ida •,,bea.rt:..anitelier,
. Jelannriggi, ,.fOund with a Outlet
, through the top of thr.• head..•.DiStriet
• ,.A.ttorirey 'MarkliMn. in Philo Vance,.
. • who claims the Murder's 'are•ifonrided
nursery rhymes and are „the' work of :a
• , mantle. • . • •
• •• • •'Irtidffe asSociatecl with' the ease 'are:
• billard, plebe: tell% and his
• protege,. SigurdlArfienson,„ ;a Prefes-
77: , •:poir Me.thernatic% ,":.,T,ohn., Pardee. 'a
•• " , " 'neighbor with• a. passion for chess M.rS.
Drukitero.nd. her son •AdOlPh. Mrs.
".. ' .• Druk-
ker; mentally, nnbalanced and ..A:doinh
, cripple with'a. super -brain.. '
questions 'Mrs. super -,brain.. bo
• • " • tells h the murderer paid her a,.terri4
fYing vitit. Suspicion .settles'im •Druk•
, .•" ,• ker, but the. nigh,t the •police .plap .to
cross-:exarribrie him, he IS 'murdered.. The
.. • .detecfive.set to. watch the •Drukker iipuee
sunintioned. " •
, • :•• CHAPTER, • .'
Heath •bawleel order civet' the
islePhone. G-44,foYle• made the dig -
tan& between • Police:, Headhearters
and the 9riteinal Courts E.u1dang in
lese,than . ten •Minutes. • Th6kgtaiit
• "What tittle did. Drukker leaVe the
• hefflie-lest'elight?""IteeleelloWed. '
' '•:"About o'cleele—right;. after
llifkirad -dinner:7' was-
• • at '.:ease,f and his tone had the wheede
Illieg_seftneSLAmiWho .had . been
• 7,eaught in. a .dereliction of duty':
• • "Which" waY, didn'hey goo
•it, 'MU cane Oat the back doer, walked
the range; and went into.tlie
lard botigo through the areher,y-ropm."
• — "P.aying• a Social ylait?i'.
"It looked that waY;Sergetint. He
'spends a let oUtlir.e. at the Dillard:eV'
"Huh! , Anct•what time did he corne.
• badk home?"
• • thillfeyl,enhoiiielLinietisilye
• "It, don'telOok . he • came hack
, • ;Mine; Sergeant." , - •
401t;•it don't?" II Heath's retort was.
ponderous With aseehini;. "I thought.
maybe after he'd broke his .neck he
`enighta come back and passed the time
of day.with. you."
„: • "What ilnealro:4,ascr'SergeentT
""Yonmeantiliat Di'uicker..e:-the bird
e • .. •
• you were,Suppos.ed to keep An eye Al—
• eeent call- on the• Dillards et eight
• O'clock, and, 'then you set dewit'in the
arbor, moat 'likely, arid teak a little
heapty ....napWhat time did you
, • . ' •
' •
4 •
• ‘0,
•OL"• 't.
- • • ill .. "Say, listen!" Guilfoyle bristled. "I.
didn'e takeno Op.'Iwas on the job-
.' " all night. Just because I didn't hap-
pen to see".this guy comeback home
' -don't :lean I.as,1ayingdpwLon
the witch."..
• "
. '
• 4, •
• ee,
" •
ooii,*•*„.....310‘.• • .•
nn come
. • ."Welle if yon akin' •see
• back. 'why didn't' you .phone • in ,that
• he was spending his Week -end out ot
. . • town or Something?"
• '•,"I thought he musta come in by the
' 'front door." • • . • • ., •,• ••• •
"Thinking again,' were youf , Ain't
. you brain eitoen• out this morning"?",
• ' et heart; • Sergeent. My
Wasn't, to tail .Drekker. You told me
to watch the hope* and see who Went..
..• in and out, and that if there was any
sign of trouble to bust in. New,. here's• '
' what .happened. Drukket Went to the
• ,Dillards' at "eight o'clock, and I'lcept
'. • .• :rny eye on the wiedows,of the Droper
house., Along .about nice o'eloek the
•cook • goes 'upstairs and • turns ori. 'the
light .in.her.reein. hlf an hour later
. ' the light goes out,. and says I.• 'She's
. • put t� bed.' Then alongealceit ten
• • o'clock the lights ..are turned' 'on •in
Drukker's room "' •'• '
"What' g this?" .
• , "Yeh—youlieard me. 'The Tights go.
on in "Dru.kker's robin about ten
, • o'clock; and 1 chn .see a shadow of
• somebody Moving 'cibout. • • Neter, I ail:
1 • you, Sergeant: wouldn't you yourself
• have took it for granted; that the
hunchback had come in by ..tlie•,frent
door?" •• - ••
• heath 'grunted •• • .• •• • .
"Maybe' so," h • admitted "You're
sure it wee ten o'clock..?" , • .
didn't look at my watch ; but, I'r,i
here to tell you it'-wan!t" far eff
- ten." ..• •
"And what time did the lightsego
Out ih Drukker's.reorn.2" • •
"They didn't go nut ;• They, stayed
on all night. He was a queer bird.
. He :didn't, keep regular,' hears and
•-• twice before, his lights were on till
.nearly m•oening."
"That's: quito understandable,"
came Nance's lazy voice. "He has
been at 'W•drk on a &Molt problem
••ietelY. But tell us, Gu-ilfoyle, what
about , the light in
"ti Udiatti' The old dime al-
repj/TOI;Tr.ititemTV,A,-,. : • .
• .
"SSUE No 26-;-23.1
. •
WaitikeiPe. light, burning in leer
room old night." •
"Was there any. orie: on guard In
front; of• the'• Drukker house lastplotr Markham esker:1 Heath.
"Not after •sie o'plocle 'sir.' We've
had a man tailing Drulcket daring the
day, but he gees off:duty six When
Gnilfoyle •takes....upe is.. -Peet An the
"ROW far away were you Iasi night
from the or of the alleyWaYeetireen
the two' apaetmerit'heesee?"
-"`---The man paused to visualize the
peene. .
rte:int fifty feet, say" '• • • •
"And' betweenyou and the alleyway
re ' iton fence and some tree,
brahehes." •
Yes sr. The view was more or
less gut off,"if what you Mean."
• "Would it• have been • Poitible fine
any one, pinning from :the dieection' of
•the Dillard' house, to have gene oat
our noticing hire? • •
"It nrifglita been .done," the detective
adniieted; "provided, Of course the
guy dein t want me
was • foggy .and dark last ,night; end,
there -'s always -a Iet-of traffic4leisee-
frOni the Driee that "Vvoulda drowned
out his moveniente if he was being
When the Sergeant:had sent G4-:
foyle back to the Bfireau p) await
order** Vaee; gave •-voice -to; his per,
• ifIttc a dashed comPlica,tecl Sites -
tion; I.)itukker called on the Dillards.
at eight o'clock, and at ten.o'elock he
was shoved over'the Well in the park.
As yOU,Obspiireil, the note that Citti*
an: jiist-shoWed ,tis was postmarked 11
p.mwhich means •that it wes'preb••
ably typed before !the crime, The
Bishop therefore had rdennea his •come
ecly in advance and preparedthe note
.for. the. press.— The. audacety_ef. ie.
amazin'. •Btit there's' one assumption
We can tie toeeriamely, that the Mur-
derer was, 'some one who knew of
Drukker's exact 'Whereabouts and pro-
pesed moveMente..betWedn eight. and;
"I take it," said Markham, "your
Ahelae_terag but 1 iold .herLtheniie-
trees had gone out, i'wUs 'afraid: be
let her kupetaire. Soinethinee *rim!':
She began .te tremble yielentlY. • I"She
hasn't 'made a sound all morning.:She
didn't. OMB down .forlreakfast. .
•tl.fraf'd. to -go and' call.hele" ;' . • .
• Vance turned hackie :the hall and
:led the way upstaine: trhen..We eanfe
to • Mrs. Drukker's rooin he knocked
softly and, receiving no .inswer, open-
ed the door:: The reom' *as empty.'
_WPrd Vance .rettaced
steps dirwn the half,to Deekker'e study •
and Opened the doer Without 'knoeicing,
9.n the foot of the 'na;rroVv.bed: lay.
Mrs. Drukker,fully clothed. • • •
Bargtead,eplang forward and lean-
ed Ovee. Then:he straightened ap" and,
shooli his' head, slowly. "She's
Been dead probably most.. ,of the
•, ,•
"No eigni Of violence ?":-asked
' • , • •
a. • a Tr" o,
is forced to ov. d behind the euemyre
lines., Me •pees a raid on the military
camp to -secure gasoline and oil. . •,
While Lieutenant Stone threw the
military, camp into an, ' uproar, I'
w histlg d softly to,, Scottie and grop-
ed my WAY through the darkness to4.•
Ward • the big, .imposing tent;
••quietly I .slipped" under • the: Can:
• vas, and I felt my Way around the
Wei. As my eyes.. gre,ler. more..used
1 P'ag- -c S' 4ii'r
Ing t.O. '1?-reatba,5,
1:i.11izevoilie.all torgrileeocnoot
could ,see' the elite.
ward. , --nen- .,.lie4•
fore'llie",. Chinese :could. • off tr 'any .1restatante,•
I' gi.kbbed hinfiend sectired' his .arms,
behind his. ,back.. • . • .
.'„ Under lie eelote, I ,diseoyered
less. than • two pistols • and •' a knife,
• • - The knife I thee* a:way.. One -pistol
• I pocketed; •with the. otter 1 indueed
11114' At). follow. •rne.'• . •'Wreened in• a.
blanket, I shoved my 'eaptivci under,
the tent Wall, and ,inarehed him ation'g
to where the •horses were held by
TT -Hite _ • ..
, •
.ya. ••"
flciTiantir• 1114 tine -ant In Tal
made a number or horrible facee,
pressIng the dozens of doleful things
..that, would certalely 'happen to • him
if he continuedlo refuse our request.
Being a..sensible man, ad a den.:
seirnael he di de he
dee ctlii jield hands. oinele
"He say 'Yes',. Can do,'!, translated ,
Fit Hsu; "Velly ...geed to -do such 'lit-
tip -favor ,for•-•IIIne eeetlemen," , • .
At daybreak, I .ried-e, Ot to the camp ---e- •••
With the General's written 'Oder
and, his gold' signet ring,
on my -finger, as proof of .rn3f auttioir
, •
ast. 113;i1. 11:AU,(1•;.grOUmile,'0
mbitited•epen- galloped, out end." stne
r9unded •usIn' s,•leud 'and '
Meneling •itote ,1°.•ws1stei tbat ive•
tarenit',ence to, the' ..conentending.of
•To." him . el!Owecl the' ring and
made, tfle 'demands for, gas, oil :and, •
food. ,: •
We got 'plente of immediate action.
-liturros were load_eii with tae, oll . • I '
and.*tood and we set.' citit 'for camp:
Leading: oft eonna-about, we.y, .4 •
was -over four heurg:iiefore Wee'shoble •••
.pothie stpy4e„-
• tfihri,ealplYlanie.e.a.!?hed
Mg soldier' and'
tinned food was'
a 'real feast and
:even the.' den: /,,,
eral seerned•to.
inior It. Break- • •
feet :beer, we put hip! to Work.eniptyt
leg,Cans gasoline intov'the plant
and lie -rep -roved to".:be abut average,
Chinese labor • et teat job. • .
Then .. we' Leek off oh; a level spot
in hack of the treei and our last eight
of 'Genera": Fong 'Was ISe6ing' 'him:
walking wearily back to his canip,
(To be •coennuedI • '
:Yeufig readers •:.
writing to "Captain Jfirimy", '2010-
Stei Torogto. 'will, receive Its •
signed' pho.te. free. : •• ,,'
. •
• ' "None; she died from dilation of the
heart brougbt only Shock"
•'•';(To be continued:). •
• se---.;
•• elliprke
Ca•pr ce • • • ' • ' •
Is gold; • •
An orange -colored toy •benoce
The-tmicle-•efea- --
Pollen that makes ' the • brown -bee
•• •
Is . green— . •
A. hnrdy-gurdy's' tangliTitine,
The tdrsel ft -Om a jester's shoe,
faun's dream in. m141-afternOon,
Caprice • '. .
blite-.7„ •
. •
Soap -bubbles bicevee•by..P,,ireet,
An errant dragonfly or two, • .
Venetian ledterne hung eTow,--•
.Capeice. ' -.• •
„ •
—Katharine. Morse, In "A Gate 9f
In A Nursing Home
:-11Y:rdif -1310e-e-trom tie -Sea
•• Arid beat upon the' grey stone
•While wtalaiels'DeenWaterg ' monody •
Rises above 'their sough, and 'falls.
A -rushing train screame through the
A hooting car takes revellers home,
theory is- that 'theouielerer•-erenf-and•,
returned by the • ariattnent,htm•se
"alley." • •
• '
-"Oh; "r 'sail I no theorf:
aSked-GuilioYle abeue' the alley mere,
ler •ierreithe we sliMildTe.arn that ne• one
but-brukker -was seen- going to „thei
.park. In that event 'we could assurhe,
‘s a tentative' hypothesise that the
!orderer had managed t� avoid detec-
tion bytaking the alleyway and crose-
ing. to .the park •,in• the• Of the
block:" •." •• '
"Withthat Tessible route: OPen.: to.
'the • murderer,", Maekhani..observed
gloomily, -"it wouldn't_ matter 'Much
who was seen, going out with Druk-
ker." . . • '. ' •
"That's just it. The personwho
staged ,this farce ' may 'have walked
boldly into the park • under the eyes
of an alert myrreiclon, or•he, may heve,
hied stealthily, ihrinigh"the- allee.", •
Markham nodded, an unhappy agree-
- "The.- thing that bothers 'me Most,
however," • continued Vancee, "is that
light in Drukker's•toom•an night. It
was•turned on at about the tiMe 'the
poor chap was tumbling into eternity.
--A•ndeGyilfoyleesayeethateheeeoulcl -see
Seme one movingatout"thereafter the
'light went fin-----"•• • . •
• He broke off,' and stood .fox several
'Seconds in an attitude of • eoecentrae.•
Con. '
say, Setgeant; 1 don't suppose
you know Whether or not Drukker's ,
front -door key was in his pocket when'
he was fond"
• "No, sir; but I can find out in lie
'time. The contents of his pockets are
bctrg htirr-tilt after the wittOPSY." I
Heath' steppedto the telephone. arid
a moment liter was talking to tied
desk sergeenteni the 6,t3th St. Precinct;
Station. - 'Finally he hung up.
"Not a key Of any kind -on him:"
"Ah!" Vance clreW a deep puff on
his cigarette. 'Pm beginning to/think
that the tishep purloined Drukker's
ker and paid a visit to his room after
th :Murder" . •
"But what 'would haYe been his oh-
jetV protested Markham incredtil-
eusly. • . .,
"We. don't Isno0 yet. ', But 1„ have
in idea Chet wheri we learn the motive
o0 the•c aiitonishin' cifins, wenI
And echoing wheel's; until daylight,
ell ef ballselided, morning come.
•All night winged, angels Mister there;
One' they calf With sad, dark
. Ilriires Win aWay with ittlabies.
Th'e night drags, past, and now one
• sees' ,
Figures, blue -robed, with toiffes
• of white—, • •
Just human Women, all of • these,
Yet; surely, angels hi God's, sight.
—Jean Lane, In Chareber's
While Sleepre.1 p(,ppie3 le hr hair,
• The tinitedStites iinends $5,000,000
on criiike. And they certainly get
value for their inoney.
Paris sends a jaunty sports suit
,t•••Witli° accompanying \shorts. And
how attractive it is, to say nothing
,pf its practicality. •
"Peachy -Pink linen -makes the cun-
ning sleevelesa jacket and the skirt
• With•bok:plait•ineets•at front: It.
Wraps the figure at the beck,,finish
eel meth doubt row of self -fab
'buttons. • .• ,., • . „'' • •
.The blouse ri. •••rts ehoese
.•Ptieted.',batiste..iri ..peach -pink and
Slipped' on, and Simple.:
• • Onee we ,had put SOnle' diStAnce be
etWeen- •cnireelvee. and „the. ,ean, • we
.gnestioed our 'prisoner. - To our
nmezenient; we discovered .that we
had secured no • less a'perserfage, than
'General' Roeg as a. hostage. •
.• "Tell.hin!" I said; •"that as•so'on. as
It 'beeonies.• light, he'll write me .an
order, .fpr 150 'gallons • •ef.' •'gasoline,.
twenty :gallone of and asupPly of•
foed„.•and _be':.doesn't. - write • the
order :0,1Onto,eI'll take him apart .13Y
'h.and 'to see what makes him. tick"...
. The:- enternretet- translated my
reeseege." , • • • .., . •
"General -gay he no.. can do", Said,
Fu :Hsi,' "He: say -you iellencler new.
•-an-d-h• 1 e. veer easy wit , you . •
• I scowled as fleeeele ae, I ,could.
The poor Chinese locked so tunny In
his,- night • clotbee and blank4t, ' yet
Style No: 3iy99 may be had in The health -giving, deiiiious diink: for..6 children and grown -
sizes 12, 14e 16, 18, 0 years, 6
and 38 inches bust. ° ups. •' -Pound .and'Haif Pound tins at your grocers. '
Ginghams,.shirting 'fabrics, cot-
ton, mesh, jersey, flat washable
crepe silk and Many rayon neva-
. ties are exeellent for this Model.
Size 16 requires23. yards 35,• .
inch for blouse and shorts,with
314 Yards 35 -inch for jacket. and
skirt, and 1/4 yard 2 -inch 'con-
• treating.• e
1,yrite ROE name arid •address
Sire a
such patterns as you want.En-
lose 20c in stamps' or coin, "(coin
Preferred; wrap it carefully), for
• . each !ember, and address your
order t� • Wilson PattenService, 73
' West Adelaide St., Toronto.
How "Dixie" Came Germany's Great Spring.
Tn.Signify the 'South Germarirs biggest spring, 'which ie.
• • .
Money gave' hi the •South its pet seldein ' Visited • by tourists, pours •
name of "Dixe," says Fred W. foth. about 100,000;000 gallons of . •
Thompson, elf the Ainetiran Bank-
ers' Association. The ° •principat water it day, according to the tourist'
-information--otfice-of the german We-. —
tional Railways. The huge Volume.
et watereeePlestrPr4. tiTL]:41Ple•••••
- -bilis- iseued rbyea---haner-in--N-e-w-Ore
leans before the war lietweee • the
• States were in 10 denenetnatiense
ey were engraved in -English .CrFi
one side and in French' On the other.
On -the Freneh gide the weed' "dl"
was very prominent; it emeans "ten".
•The Americans throughout the
Mississipel Valley who did not know
the French pronunciation called the
"dixleSn ehd Loriesiana came to
be known as "the land of the diicies,"
or "dixle land." This inseired Dan
Emmett, who- Is 150, corepesed , the
original "Dixie Land" for e .minsirel
show, 'thn prtaining. in fslete-yolie
He el -addled In it the expression he
had,o often heard: "1 wish I Were
In Mile" This long ivas later re -
Written by (4eneral' Albdrt Pike, who
give it the battle thrill that makes
Dixi" immortal and stamps the
name "Dixie upon the ;Suth... ,,••
Money .or Het
• •Yuth
"I've 'just met Maude again," said
•' lice, and she wanted._ tohorrOw $5.11fi.
foreher 'holiday .eepenses." . •
"Good -gracious!" ' said the gil's'
mother, "Why. Is Maude always so,
short of money? tholight her uCle
left herea lot."
. "ete did," smiled Ann. "But; you
see, ehe's not, allowed to tOUoh It
until she's thirty, and shell never own
up to that." •
. •
• The more a Man gets left the
more, he talks *about his rights. •
• • '-"-*"
Maestrate---iWhen you 'married him
you -promisee Ito share his lot, didn't
Wife—"Yes;-but didn't knew
then It 'was lust a lot of trouble".
\\-i• Mothers and Wife Sty "Bon Voyage"
o • . . •
. • •
el; •
• , •
• •
.4.4. • ;
r•„1•'; ^. • " 4
fr".;•..*4' *Y., 0,44'1 Hele.oc, • ,
.4P•ik > , • • . 's.°)•*,
• •*.', '• • ' ' ' • . • Or •
. •
Heim. intrepid ,Montreal canoenten a trted. on 'Satt ray a :',190•trle 10116)0) ny( r Ow .,;,): >rv,;3 !,,
. h
iiiii;e1O NS ,..lateriC journ oy frern Mon:re41 to New ()rleans,,, • Th nye are 1:10it l',Iquin, lilftPro(1,..:3;1 .‘ ,, ••,.,s..
Canada: pande exPeditionolagt year; jean' meson, R„Hp•;thriry and M. .1.1ottrreer. iteeitives with( ; -;Pfl 1
from 41ae.biee, Om histeria Lake St: -Leafs Is hen the •motIvrs of Maison and lionrt4; (left. AMeight) arid thn
wife 'of Pate . patitio• were on hand. to wish Mont geteit!! d tm (1,r ionreY• whit:11N epkled to,a•ie stIvorn 10
Months. The 'art',. In 'two "Vienayarik" Pan' pg 411 lee ieweete P. Le wieinde enq. ie Iliii areal Lal,,,,,ee • ;,{1,4: ,
1lilmg wetward. a.alar an Mll,' ,W113 --flit'lrfg-cr.lir Tiltftri".lirr1-tri- l'h%' i-purrxi,i,6 * iiii..fil)ioll;,;. •
prrung near Rheenspringe mrtire-ealle •
road from Hereberre Bleichrede•'•in
the Hatb. Mountains. „ • •
The. eking' is not fee. from' the..
•.1,000 -year-old cenneueity ef- Poehlde„
•:fPrinerlY Palathi„ Where King Henry
is said ,hve become Empeeor •
of tbe Holy Roman •EipieeTip 919,
Henre p)sented' the Edelhof pal4e
with its • stierounding lands to Queen
• Ma-thiide for thecreatien of a cloister.
:.,Refics . of. the_histny . of the ancient
'-ate-re preserved 'in Guil-h . •
-seen in Hanover,
• 'The. Rhinne River •rises in e small -.•
• vallY not far from Peehlde. '-Flu. ,, •
dreds of. springs ina smell pond.:eret •
the source of the riyeri The water
always rises at' a temperature of 50 r .•
ettegree-Faneentheit. ;Tire evaterfrfr.e'-
r;sbes power Mr factoriesancl mills. •
The vast .spring..lures Sunday ex•••
cursionjets front Dderstadt, Nord. •
hausen are' cilier points in the 'Herta
Mountains, Le:lives areocce.sionale
ye held to cep,din the Origin of the •
spring; Which has-been"founde to r•
stilt from r,,,.•page from the Sieber and
Oder' Rvers„neout seven miles epee.
Coloring Mathr Placed in thrivers • 1
appears. in the. water of the .Rhunto
Spriegehoet ildity hours latr.'
!% • . The seend:largest spring ,n Ger-
many, 'which la much better knowne
to trevelers frcin abroad is' :a\e arte-
sian. serieg at -Oeynhausen, which •
throws a' single ciduni of water hile.
in the Air 'at 'a rate of more than •
• ., 2•,000,000 ragOns -daily. • -•
• •• • " .
°Whet: „Sail Beats .Steam
(nrriwaii. is one of. Ermined's firt'ete-- •
• holiday cootie, end most ofthoe
• wboNisit itlook" in .at Fahnotth dur-
• .
trig their t•ay.
Jef..:1 roW Valmoothshonld.be cspe-
aI ' •
e• tenet ing„flihe grain ships
from South Australia have begun to
arrive, and those windjaminers are,
• 1" rii$4.1s 'rho most picturesnue and in-
teodin; of nil the ehips afloat today.
„A Iso,*efiere are .very few of them left •
I, almouth • of .the few
porta here theY OM still be seen. •
•• It • interesting to note. that. the
• eha wintimnmer, the four.
masted Herzokin Cecil, 'which arrieed
Pt Falmoilth• recently, hsben knowil
• .
understand why that visit was paid."' •
. • ".
•Canadian No.linnn1 •flail aye eieeegruph., lelieetee rbor,
0 AH. )71;.mileS in hour, Which it
considerehly faster thnn, the riyerttege_.
stamer: In 'otte levees/4°er hurs'Th
erio4 ssiie has•sailci.M60 beat-
ing the Cutty %Clark's, beet efi, whict
, , . • - -• Mlles iff ttverity-fotr hours
The .(;iiity Sark; he the ale•
I .
' 1