HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-06-25, Page 8• • ' 4 . • ff •• • • •:, THLTRP1)4+, JUI.Y• 1,041,,, • r • • 1 • • • Our tore bas been,14ced over, and we are now shoWht,g the 'biggest range of Dresses in the , • district. , • ' . , „ • • J..: • ' ' . „ . • A;(4ALI. AT OUR STORE WILL BE . ' • APPRECIATE.0 • • , . . 04,1141PIS Mr, Eoberte of and Mr. Charles M uiflin of .A*4- lord, NorPlikk z.pnding their 'L jon 'tlffiir7P1,fcrtMts00.7-..10 MWm *ewillio. • M. a41rs., Horace Wood17 :and Mr,. an Mrs, Roy Marithalt, of, grim, 1?3" were weekend Yi4itors, With 'Mr. end Mrs. tavis.,.„ „: ' • Mrs. Phillip Nuller and son Wald - hear . arrived from Germany to join Mr. Muller ,here. welcome them to our :community.• • . and Mrs: John 1,04.oierou „attand91,., the Mr.and10.4, .'..Jas...Diirnin and ..me: .Webster picnic.. nt the' Harbour Mirk, dederieli on Saturday Mr, and Mrs, laird andjon of. Bras,. ,441s- and Mr and. Mr* GeOrge Mow bray and children iC,f, -galoigt 4!1.7o., .here for ',the..lc/Ur*: picnic. held on ;,,SatiiirdaY at •tliCieHinOlVfkle-rWer.—.:, c *inn. a*.11aro1d Tlycle. were, 'up from' Strathroi for ,the week -end. Jo*:*eGiAire and Mr. Elliott Taylor attended •the funeral •of the foriner's • nephew,' Mr: John Murray ;. at •Gederich .on 'Monday.' Dr. 'Alvin Woods ,of Hamilton', is. 'a visitor it his. "hothe here.' Mr: and : Mrs. ',John., Cunningham and: Mr..John Wallace of Walkerton were recent visitors with Mr: and Kra. :E• J.Tom. and:1ft. and Mts. W. A. Miller. ' • Thie" 14 theplaybeing. Put on by the Westfield, Draniaiie• Society. •at 'the Helens United Church Garden ,Party. .Friday even- . . - . • , car ,alititi-dla one of the, things. A limousine a • sedan with mgRemember thedate thail-doea-;:not--alway-turirnut—air'giasi-tpartitien-to-PretecOlie-driVer---• . you:expected, • from •silly conversation. /AlIFIELD NOTES 1: • .: • • To: lased ar. wners • • WeMake a.,Spnieialty of making and. , • .„ - !Wing'SLIP COVERS'for the seats . - - and--iianets.of-all_inahee-eldSed E KEEP THE GOODS ON HAND FOR THIS PURPOSK • AND GUARANTEE ' NICE SMOOTH FITTING COVERS OF • .0 • . .1. We can supply you with "REAL PLUSH" either to repair or to re -make the upholstery of your car. • We ran sup* the EXACT COLOR. if "required, or in other words the COLOR when new. • , We invite you t9 try us on this elass of work We give expert 'Service on all work, such as this and our•priees'are most Teas- ,: WILLIS SHOE STORE _ ,Phone 129, Wingham : • , *eddingebella are ringing in Par- amount -so they: say. , . • :Nisi Mildred Long, R.N., of Detroit is spending hevaeat!o atherhonie here. • ! • We are- Sorry te report the death, after a long illness, at Tiverton, Of Mrs. 'Tliorima Helm.. Mr.Hehn is a former_..resident_of meeing 0 ose m ereste, 111 the Lochalsh Cemetery Was held on June 23rd. •. 'r • We glailly-wgleenie Campbell .to our community. :Before her marriage. on Tuesday of last week she was Miss Winnifred Irwin. '• • There waS'a large attendance the Ut'F.b. and: ILF,W.O• picnic at the Lighthouse On SaturSay. A report, appears in another ' IMr. and Mrs. Chester Ritchie of Detroit were week -end visitors with friend's in Ashfield, , . Maybe the earthlreinors in Europe were caused by Mr.. Bennett -blasting., iiii„way into -trade-there • . The Biggest Carr for the Money • 4. , . • Never before haiciao machcarvalue.been offered so Small a cost. Never such -power, such perforin. suiC,e, suchcomfort.• The new Willys 6 gives you: 70 miles, an hour speed and up to 50 in' second gear... .. wider, lager, roomier bodt ... stronger an steel* douliIe2-drop fraine-. . improved- duo -servo mtermd-expanding - - - •47,wheerbrakerwith new cable book.up hydraulic shock , tors .. . distinctive lines, strikingly beautiful. . more luxurious - interior'. ..'ildjustable front seat and tilting seat, back .... , more bead rooin, • more leg room, more elbow Boom.. new and improved cushion construction .. longer, More flexffile springs, front and rear ... improved --Spring shit -aka', and a score of other feay. 1 •14'.,*; •11" . •.„ • 4.4 • 11 ,ures. Get a demonstration ... now.. .1. SAFETY GLASS AVAILABLE IN EVERY ' .f4 Sedan 895, Witlys Six -46511a 11,070. • Willy* Fight—$1,17(1 iVillys C.113-,(34 ton Chas)— $600. Willy,' t.131—(134 ton Chassis) Sidgle wr&eisan30.DuctIviseds— $87o. truos-Knight—s1,62s. 411 prices F.0:13. Factory, • Toronto, Ont. MADE IN CANADA T. W. SMIT j.ncknow. ItT • . 1 • • Illlit1114111141111111111111flaillill1131111111111111119119i10111111111 , , • . • . Axlmbei from berg attended. the: Webster .re-nniaii in q.oderich harbor M ark, PattirdaY,,, -2* --AlfiMlreirgatriam was iinite-a 'otieeeSS• the afternoon Was showery an* the' evening threatened more ruin. The l'...hmorhroszek:nlay was well presented, • andapparentlY thoroughly enjoyed jby, the audience,. Misses Mehl?: and Winnie Lane sang two dOets, in their, •usual pleasing Imanner. Mr. Stanley Lister of .f:aueltnoW rendered Several piano ins . .tals ,during 'supper' ihno,;as well as.during the program, Be Also gave two... impersonations, whicli Ir Lister Ise1:6,4:hirastrt!ilsesiiaXtkier't' azper **)14037;Farrish gave serne bag: Piepe selections 'Whilemine,' •ierved,'Nilie,":110:Pe9rie apaqxouaiawn v irfljdea1 p1ae P -g• - the ?ardenpaty and ther.tuares.Aid appreciate the kindriesb, Of Mi. and, Lane and all Who, helped to make it a sucress . and Mrs. Hiram Moffat of Sar, nia were guests of Nr. and Mrs. Rich.' ard JOhnston, Sunday.• ' • Misses Mary and: Grace Anderson,. 'Messrs. J. HathWay and, Tom Ander- ion 'of London spent Sunday With - relatives here. The latter is staYin1 i'i?vith.us,,..for' a few days vacation. Miss Evelyn Reed of Whitechutch, 'spent the week,end"with :her cousin, Jean Anderson. : Our lowSOIViel.students.of: Luck.: now. ContineatiOn school are to be congratulatedon their- success ,on the recent.examinations,„yerY few pipers haiing to be written the:on final exams. . • , •.ViTHITECII011CH • Mr. and Mrs. Eli, Jacques.are ing With relatives at Wisemisin. Mrs. Walter Lott spent 'the week- end with relatives at Ripley, • Mrs. o D. • Patterson of Lucknow spent -the Week4end-with-her-ceutni--i- Miss Ida MeQuoirl and attended. the anniversary services here.. !---Tiltessrs;--Ken; Paterson and. John Paterson sPent'Suriday in BlUevaleo Hits Annetta Fisher of Linwood, spent the Week-end'at her home Mrs. Carr and daughter,,Miss Agnes Carr of Wingharn, spenSun.. day with Mr. arid Mrs: Wm. tDawson. The anniversary seryiees whiph. were held in the Presbyterian church here Sunday, Were very largely at- tended, when Rev. Major Tolmie of Southampton gave .two very instruc- tive sernions. The entertainment on Monday evening was Very successful The program consisted of readings :by Mrs. Robt Mowbray,' an address by Rev. Hannah' of Ripley -and the - Sacred Cantata entitled "The Naz- arene" 1which was given by the choir. •5iunimer Shoes • 1 1 • ,w......• .-.! . •WA: PAT' aglacjAr.. ATTENTION '1'01"ITT11'‘G puoEs 1 . m".... • iminomamaimpleamansuaniuunraudetietrwmaillammusumaumpaligsmirai LANOSIPE., ' . . .• . .-.• ,. . , 1R11— • •atilLYagtaiwt_ 1,Arans,..64'POOr SHOES With Rubber Soles That Fit aid Give' Ecellent Wear. SMOKED Ell WITH BROWN TRIM. Prices-- • $2.95 $3.25 • $3.45 $5.95 MISSES' and CHILDRENS' CREAM ,ELK SANDAL With ruh- ber sole: Built for long wear. Sizes 8, to 1014 & 11 to 2. Prices"- . , . .$1005: altd: $1.50 CHILD'S BROWN LEATHER SANDAL, with -Rubber (10#, Sete.. Saes 5 to 71/. SPECIAL.— :0 LADIES' BOUDOIR SLIPPERS—Co rs: Brown, Blue A gel i'l. and Block. SPECIAL ... . , ..,. . . -."' f, , . . . . . . . . . • . • . 1,0 wile , *raga Ion artncrxisl laArantila.in PUMPS! AT— LADIES KD 1UMP, with HIgh Cuban:"Covered 40i' 3-95 - seyeral medele tackbse'frein, •AR sizes S1ECIAL.___ • . On June 28th, the 'Ilnited• Church t Whitechurch • will celebrate their nniversary when Rev. S.. DaVidsOn f Wingham, will be the' sneaker: A. arden party will he Lheld On the '-itonday evening ' following .when a •lay entitled "Ruth Conies Horne" ill be presentedr by the Y,P.S.. of he chureh. • • Mr. Jamieson Pettypiece. has so • 'ar recovered frons „ his .operation •in, Thigham hospital as tO be able • to itUrn.:-en Saturday last -to his •home. Mr.' and Mrs,;NichOlaori of Marlette; 4ioh„. Mr. and Mis.:3: MacGregor of ,Xeton, visited on. Sunday .with Mr ''and' _Mrs. W, HenderaOri and -George , f Wingham and. Mr. -Richardson; of reeswater Spent MOnday with Mr, and Mrs: J. Richardson. R. .Ress7-and--:-Miss-L.Margeret- vent Sunday, with, friends near irfoyle• . .• • '• 'MORE, NEW Summer Goods • • Pretty Dresses Smart Coats •Clever Hats • Styles that are right ,off the griddle, & at prices you'll like: ' $3.75 $0,00 $10.75 • to: $25.00 .',KAYSER, STOCKINGS: $1.00 .to •KAYSER ;GLOV,ES $L00.te $2,00 •, •GOSSARD" GIRDLES- • $2.50 $9.75• $6.40 Wingharn 4 • Prettily deeorated with June 'flow, ,ars, Pink blue. and white streamers, he home of Mr. and Mrs: Win. Conn ..th coo:, Kinloss, . was the. setting i!or a pretty June wedding on Wed, iesday afternoon, June,17th; at five )'clock, when their second daughter. )rilla Maude, was united in marriage •o Mr. Stuart Scott Of 8th Con., Kin- 'ess, son of :Mr. 4and Mrs:. A. Scott; • Belmore. Rev. J. Scobie - of- Bel - grave performed the ceremony and. .he' wedding musk „was played- by -Misa Laura Cinuipitster-of ther--hritter Little-Misa-RubY-Conn-rnieee-of-the bride was floarer girl carrying a large ,bouquet of, roses and other, flowers: The bride given in marriage y her father? Mi Wm. Conn, wore Mr._._Rhys, Pollock of Toronto_.spent_ lir-ensemble gown of pals•blne geor- :ette, trimmed with white, hose. and 'hoes were also pale blue. The bride- groom's gift to thebride was a dia. :nand breech; to pianist' a Wrist watch, to the, flower. girl a necklace. in the evening at -08o, a reception nil held. Guests were present from Listowel, St. Marys, Walkerton, Bel, mire: The presents' consisted of fur - Attire, china, hardware, silver, linen, laidgets ,etc. Mr. and Mrs. •Scott 'eft next.morning for a. trip t� Ha- lton and Niagara. 'On their retinin :hey will reside:on the groom's farm. Our attention has been drawn to hefact that a couple of errors crept 'nto our report of the entertainMent 4.ive.n at Langside, fie evening of June 5th. It seems that it was 'Jean IlacCalhim an Margaret *nein:tyre who danced instead of Misses McCal- lum and MacKenzie, 'and it was Mr. Ilughie',Brown who took part in the debate instead of Ewart Leather, as va' reported. Welt mistakes occurr in the best regulated beivapaPers. the week -end at the manse • MARRIED—On Wednesday, June 17th, at the home of the bride's par- -0101-1n Killcsa; Oi4Illa Mud, riedolid daughter of Mi. and Mrs., Will Conn, to Mr. Stuart 'Scott; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott of BelmOreoo;Rev. Mr. Scobie of Belgrave officiated. A 're- ception was held in the evening when the young couple received many val- uable and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. John Reid' of Auburn spent Sunday with the latter's Uncle Mr. and 'Mrs. David Kennedy. Mrs. Harry Tichborne of Gederich; spent the 'week -end With. her :patents Mr. and Mrs. David Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Mao Ross: visited on Punda7 Wi.oi their aunt Mrs. Kate McDOugal of LucknoW. Mr and Mrs. Roy Patten of Lucan are holidaying at the home of Mrs. Patten's mother, Mr. Fox:, We are .,sorry to Aport that Mrs. Wm. :-13arbour _ls not irkirovirig as her -Many friends would like. There will be no service in the Presbyterian church' here on Sunday next, owing to the anniversary Ser- vices which are toi be held in the United Church on. Sunday, Jime 28. The young people of tie .chureh are presenting their play "When Ruth Comes Horne" at the Garden Party on Monday night. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGee of Wing - :lam, Mr: and Mrs:. James. • and daughter Dorothy •of Langside, and 'Mr., and Mrs. Ewart McPherson and daughter, Florence bf St Helens spent SundaY with Mr. and Mrs, Albert Mesabillin. • . Wedding bells are ringing in • ..layMr:/isairitodr§MrvisithgatrhieBlalt:rw's7iirSe'tnnt; tt Goderiah. Miss Margaret Elliott returned home with them. • A number from here attended the Garden Party at Kingarf on Thurs.- day of last, week. •. • , , Mrs. Lavine Hodgkinson returned 2 4 Mrs. Dow of ' Bructifield. • s011ding a few days neat' The two things lacking in a modern Musical 'comedy are nultde. and corn% KINLOUGH •• • • Little Jean Bushell of ,Lueknow, pent Sunday with Mrs. McLean. • Rev.. Wm. Townshend of London, called on friends here Monday. A number fromt here attended the Deanery meeting at Lions 'Head on ruesday: ' Miss- tVelyn *McLean •spent a few lays in Kitchener. Mrs. Thompson of ...Lisfowel, is visiting with her daughter, Mils. illdon Eckenswiller. loss: ' ••• • • Miss 13erthrt. McKay • �f Stratford spent the weekend at her home here mid also assisted in the choir•ea Sun- day and Monday evenitie. • . Mrs. Frank Henry and -son; Mr. Will Henry, visited on Tuesday with. Ms. Shisser and. Alma • of Tees, water, Spent avuday at Bert ' Me, LOA'S, :',80**ase,z4ageeka- Automobile • INSURANCE . Protect Ycitlift ,Pirnp.erti Protect. Your Car .39.- . • . • ... „ • JOSEPH AGNE.VV .--Agent—Lucknow. Farmers - Ditchers Builders HIGH-GRADE BRICK and TILE for SALE it REDUCED PRICES We_will compete „hr_Price,_ Quality and -DeRvery..A trial will eon- vinee you. . ••: . • OVER 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED' BANNERMAN' & SMITH BRICK and TILE WORKS Kincardine, R. R. 5. 'Mime 107 r 4 It's Easy` to Buy at "MARKET' Lucknow's Department Store , ZION - • Mrs. john Andrew and familY Of Edmonton, .Alberta, are visiting the former' pakents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Andrew. Misses 'inky. Eed, Elleda Hunter Violet and Daisy Ritchie are writing their. Entrance exams at Si. Helens • this week We wish them, succel5h—t. Miss Jessie Andrew is home Siam • London after finishing..a year, with honors att London Technical peliol. Harvey Webster 'left last week to work with Mr. Thaa. Helm at St. Thomas.. • Quite- a number from hereattended the funeral of Mrs, Thos. Helm,, erton, Wednesday lst. • wiMrthhTish,:ousneAd ers�n le, ' Mr. Johnf Lodon is 11;lm fi, theMrssu.niSmuesran Girvin spent Saturday With her brother, Mr. Ed. Anderson, Dungannon. • • Mr. David Anderson is home frOm London Normal. , After a girl gets married She •ba-, gins to realize her hsband' spoke the truth When he used to say • be • wan't worthy Of her, '. ' •44L. ',4&1•2:oo".z t01.•• , •