HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-06-25, Page 3t. • P.1470.s, P441241,4.744254.PerIPPPPAPIPM4 ,....••••••••• .0141100.mahnest • • , • Tests, "Death Raz" te,•:•,•4;:+k. The green Bank :Of England Have you seenthe gold le the. Green . Bank of England? . Wondechule b;eautiful, lovely to bee seleold----h----..- --andseesitestooteesStsehtheateheehheed i,.:..,....--,,,,,,„-. - e • , •esessesees Croleduaaff-°;ettndi-c7laTel-iine, '' ahtl-- da..nhe- ., • . . eheeleseeesheeseesheisseheieeheehe . •.-ee,...eh..seeee-ee 0.• ehisiesessese e. se helY i Lesson -The Gift of the e. Holy •Spirite-Acte 1; 6-9; •2:•• 14, ,.........eiesee lion bold' . . . eseee.'464:27,,esse,ese7"---.51 • .aavr,........,,E=5,- 'F,..4),. •s:r., o•:•'••?:':, ''''' Golden ' Text -Ye ' shall ,receihe• : es eh : :. :es i..., . • . . • • • Have yoje founcrthe gold ert the. Grope . • . , . es, . • . ' ..., . Behit of...Engiand?.1 • • • • ..-Aseessiehnli: s. hiiiii;:i power, . after the Holy Ghost is emne upon Yoh; and ye . shall , he , • No 28 . , 1 wont they. sb� Cute? ' PO' hen:think . YOu may '•ho eed teke it-noneo • ,' "Do riot haute, adisyohr mottoeehon tie. their fur will be long like hers?. Oh, . , . . .• .. it' Is . sold: • •witnesses ' unto me ..hetti in , ..feru. , Gorse, brophe ,end ragwort, beeistrh,w :• f / ,' Samaria, and unto the uttermost wall., . Hang • scene QP them In yetir i .can hardly wait till We find:them," . . . salem and In ail Judaea. and_let. . ae'art end in Your life?' e , • • Then he gpt quite. exalted, .and . get - How Wattle' • you ' Like Dessert For .tiug down on .., __-_-, . • • s• e he copied, ."Flefty,. •where are theY? 'H...ing::::depd. c.a°10d:11'itai.;s‘Y., a.,n.'cl...4. 'silver-. esehhe :eh"! A se . , .;... ANA,LYSIS• ' the •flopr cloSe toe' Puhse. hart •of. the earth -Acts 1: & • • ' Your First Dewitt? : ' ' . Otte do tell 'us,Prease, Fluffy," . .` . • But Fluffy just' set there and peuered . .. . . e Yours ie the gold le, the Preen Bank. .i. 'rff I.'RQMISE, Acts"I:-.642. s• . . Mane ,families.'in England heye their ' • . ' des.sere firist. 'la ' fact, flIlliteee' people ,.aPd Putlieripayes,thder her body More of :Eriglanct,., ' ;•#;.117E.Rf,thPASethrieNe:Acts,--,1;,:)3,-14.... . woulthet telt a thing. III.' THE'..01.71...pLmENT, • Actg.: 2 : ,A -I-3. . who cit •YOrkaltife' pudding witheiheet •-hhhlthht...4).0 end __ and. listened soirhestinthe. they ,Irea... i4d. -, a ,, , li• liel7••i;t:f:II.4,7•S'7„.e. 17' 13117 ',4.:**A. --"''';' .a.:Steidy of • ea•rly 'Cliristiehity:Andrite • luad potatoes' ere .eheer,eoue. ' . we eat TheY. "hutted and hunted ' ba cot -adult, .• :• Ii4red.thee'lhem'se-Thih: Week we begin • ,, .• ., • . .• .,,,: Le asesese, , et the beginning,'" o•f: otr' 114(1 tlinin:‘•'.',"••tlintY:'%wif'P'efIC)Avu •s'tnirn•• . • Petehtillah pihihrese, . y.o./le* veSteh,, , •_ .__.:•„..1...iiih.8.1,".' heiti',p:o...Ytirliellite....ady 'fielin .epread, Int6 ,the, Gentile wOrldh • Thee:, bighted Witil net-tihe's.r eel aorielehiee:11,44.030141dhh'W.44.ise,.., ',ph, a 'very .4t-;. , :-Iirirperuel,. Aatele • leewhw eede., 'sated e :nmeentent weii definitely,laiinched; in ' ..-4:12:0.0.tekifid. &4d.t.ia, : .. • ._, .:, I.... z ,.,,, ,. . , tie npiee, 'but that •Wat 'rtell, • ' puseywillOW :ghld, . '., ', r- • e .', • ithet• .gloWithe eXPahlentes on the 'day h• J. 'i bye at Eitrango :eoltieldeneee eh- :• ' .,:el‘WPB Blithe chehhileVeePltilef ha'- Ater. ;44,140'666"heitehishfie-lo.'7'tlieeLttithe;fePereteceiSte.--iOn-seVeretpeeerieneeece es ., ,• 5...• Ildikee .....fshett • Beltierietes! witlehl`thee, -1E111:-ens-4,4;:iNiciir- .-u 1,1 (tern tif tlie 'gore • ::' White:Garde** ,••• e '• •••.: . :'• '••• • • --.7411t ter eStelier ihel, 46t:t.nrz,-. same ihstietctiots. 4, With Would ;you 'HoWeVeie Of ''Stiog-dt', there?' • She -must ;But theee mornents. of,. illuminatien ' 110 h..'0111', 'aPPle Pieesmothered en, iee; have gone .away.•"beek '.in..the • 'attic e ere air -first and then finis.% WW1 inief whereethere• le. ho flooreand 111'. 11 i -A. -Day-' .heete•inot 'Meg •contheuedellad,everith-e. . lie Cliiiiit-,Thee; thee:000e ''hittifte're' and the .:deWnsteire, collie g edit elle. get.. ineae with- deseeet; •Then, after , thee to the chinuley., She ghee() • a ,atiee, helpful iih lihrrYing. the •deying• pro S. hiititir and a. bit ."ok "Wind ii. 1. 0 ..;:*14-$A, A .• eien. Then,. ten •days later,. came this-- ..: .: imeeseparted ,f rom •theehate-the,,Ae'c-en-e• 'heist.' experienecc"The .Gift, of the'. guy i the cis.aand altogether". "Jesus •• . •A r • eteah smothered lie onions.? • ': • . : • ed .aleng underneath between the -floor _,,lesis,,well to6,010ot... a...warm. da,Y 'fere . 'sheet§ beVe' taken the edge off 'the •ap- w6rth seiot„ didn't she? But beim ate s eese. A 'generous eutie . is . Made in. ... •HolY 'S'pirit.' . petite. he much in•eat ahd iege,tablese We going to get them out is the hues- .• sekt • wetere :Or °Water eOftened With . ehheehese .. •• they he' eaten as desired: h ' • •••• tioll," said Maehma Lady,. thoughtfully • . Be .• Johnscifie..inventor o.f. radish .:. b01e.4 .. using a: mild soap Or. soap '• • J'3" Jurado, 'Argentine. holt': I: TilE.PitoivilsE, Acts. I.: 6-12.. .. . . , h. The Rev. ,W,e,A.' 'Crawford of Phase and quite puz.slect... - !If •Dad,dy: were "Z" eaY, called .. "death •tase"... . flakes. ' The quilt is , immerged:ha champion,' equalled :course reeprd. • • The. dietiples"were Met together for Emmert on Md es Rector 'of: Ste Mateyee here he'd pooh .get .thernheut by talc- ••• dehionstrating its viewer, • He this soapy .bath' ericl'ellewed te •eheale ••11 with a1. ie. Seeped :. round of what tOryred out to be the Ripen Leech; • • , e ehuretsesays; .. " . .., : '''. .e. „ - . ing up the flooi,. but he won'tebe back ,is melting '.bar of .steel with ehie 10 '0 .nalnutes . ',before.. the,,,Wash,lag . 'British °pee -Olt championship. at . 'last- appeal'ance. „ Their exhinds were . ,Pe • •'• "I ant . persuaded that:this .Clitiese: tor three weeks. :If we •should leave. •neeve current,: ray •pasthrough peeper begine,- eiag thteu Cerecitistie, eScotland. • • .Nevertheoceutilect, not with of the heiShis e • ve ' . custem Wes adopted ,centuries ago as, them ,there all, that time they wwouldIlls 'body. , . •Johrison' demohatrate • ' . h .• Dip the nuilt..uU,end...doWn in Ole : less e he :bowed in : the hetet to ised Spirit ( . ), but With dreams Of .. '. a :bed, eenserVatiOn,MeaSitte, :tor :taint. he :so shy We cotildn'qat,tear• theme ed this to show thee' deehly• fay. soehy waeer to ,feree oht ilteeloogen-, , TomenY - An:neer, • Carieclian. O'Dea a ie indepetdenceThe kingdom 'of God,' •WhiC,h •tlrey 'had in lies Are. con:molt :and meanie rite ,into. 'We want ehem tame. •aad cete, hon't haS no effect oh. hunian bode. when ed. dire, bUt hoinot rub, heeauSe that chempiouship.'s. . ° • .. • ' , __e,____.e_eh2___. i , . Mind whs material, netionahand to be •e _ milliots begin -ail. areas.. These*Chitese eve?" ..• .. ' . • ,... . . . the' ,..current ..s pasees directly lpoeenshethe cotton ' hiring. and forms ' . wen heeforceTheir. Mester brushed . •• . . .. es duhtome '31,.m .oi.e rational, end- less e '1;1 should' sasi .we 'do,''' • he Sighed, etheough it.. ' . ' ' • ' • 'tithes ih 'It. ',, l' he • Washieg machine . June .. . ,asicie• Alieii• questioning about • this ' animal than ours, end it iti est) .imire "What:can "we .de•, ,hlamma,?eeche muitt. • , . May be used for the, heetry *ork, and kingdom. 'The' hingdoin he.wes go,i•tak • healthful., for :wiled one ends a ,meal..think me, a,• way." Billy was 7 fehling • k . • , irotorer fintds-..-' Vast-, -ield . .. •it-•-theritheeeestillela•alyesolled-hlacrek What ',IS so rere as. th day in- June?: , le `establish ,woeld riot be a' Jewtsk,....... Stite-but 'sbiriftilliingdom, notna- ' - Of Ice in'British...Coltimbia , .•they call :be r,erifoyed With, a. bre:13h Then Heaven tties the earth, if it be tionah huhu iversal. ,Tlien;. if ever, .0"elleheplefect dehrs1 ; , with sweets. :and eel(' rehctien occurfi PhettY disappointed: "VVIlydid shag° - - , lit' the . meetki which Is...had forehhe and put them away in there?" • . clipheelln soalty.,•water. • ' mp•helitieti power ; heepleoenT.h-tseee-YePt°hkeinea:f1G1fr; '• ''' teeth 'and systeni generally." . • Riesing Is done' in two teeters, both, '1' ' 7iir el -4'1e' steed,. a .Power ,diffeheitt, from; and .. "Well, yOu seeRevel-Ai pretty hig. Noutreals-DiecOvery Of 'an . int- •. ....._.,....... leeking to, •Fthffsh and semetianeFea lie. , monse • anth :aetessible Ace: field -Of e :ef the •same temPerature. ae the ' wash And over it so,ftly• heihwerm ehr lays. greater than, that. of Which they were '.,, ',Ty:11110kt • Hoist. Story:. the rough. I ..gifisss, she "rememberecihbout.' 350 ' square Mileg .In. the Bridge water.' , Then •the deli/ping %Olt ill 'Whetibei•We Wok, or whether we listen, , :hung outdoors . between •t,isso 1140.. We heer life. ratuintur.dr`eee it :glisten, drTeeh Illati%go.wer. Weald' cease W: henhthe • s. ' hew ehte used to rine efteteter• when' River diatrigt . of British 'Columbia .. e • e•C•hicks• and Other ' Little . eiiends ' '•she Was 'just little, ' $o new- she' eeported:bYlVfeahes. P. V.' Longseaff; ' Wringing Is.: also to ,be avelded; since Holy Spirit, tithe upon ehem.• . - , • ' .. . The cOhislip Startles •iti inc Pinfty-Wasn tturn.L.Inuae7that:dayinn. thou•glit he .mighe hurt. ter bebles.h ofe Vieteria. •B:C., . -who, wiht sew° . it Orilla-Warps. i•n 'the. cation . filling: • when .the• Holee -Spirit, whieh 'ie' the h 131 the wasn't' shehe-Sheejust heat . ----They-walked 'slowly. •bAckeeta•theeeh Sivialeithire•:.e.ttriloredesetheeeskip-hs:.- A e allowed ether -e- ,Spitet ef -God e whieli is -thh-Shiritethete•--, „ Thh: h - 1: '' ..: h. :' . 4 -'gliti-Itteeietee :WaSein_Jehhil.hlt hreiefetiihtfehifd be ieh oil theheeerettadewouldhetedoeanything tie- door- andesveneus thee-helThe,Vce R 'willeebeeehteeeanheien,. is ho 1 wiheinh, .. , , , dut sit•erad pretendhshe was -Sleeping. •• they . looked . for ;Fluffy: • she' w4'4,1.2'.t. portent scehic • etreation. .' In . lild ', ', When., the cetilt es p.aruy 4'ry;,,,beat . • ' chalice, ' i ' • • '• ., ' . • , them also--r-When their ideas •and tag- . "•Can't yeti: 'effess, •Bills boy, :What' there. ' ' • .• .. . -opinion its surpasses the rained, pol- :it .rightly 'with e rattan carpet. beat- And.' theree•never a leaf or ' bud too •tild.es and purposes.; wbitld., be 'en hare , ' • . e morty• with his skleas, attitudes, ,and - la-1PP field ' . , . . . . '' ' - erehtershaseentalf-branthehestrfteed eth " •-• ' Mean ' . ., ' . that:little serateltingmelse_was?" • ' ealeennimileadylaughede.. you gee, de ...- . • . .. • .., • ,emen•h.iheity;:.Ta-i.. a :. The little .birds sits at his doer in the lettresiehegehhTheethethey. whield paases-a, ' hOt, the. Political power Which they had ' -- •-----L-... .... No,--h-eseVes-ghe,sel. •' Die. you know?" •Pluffy.. Went Jo her '•kitten's when: we, It.'prOvides'. the' scrifrce of Severed, 'Itsleleaves. This gehtleebeating hielps • TO be some haPPY .cheaturh's palece... •. I, knove," . said Maetima Lady. to stease es, 'doesitt, ehe? -.Now that Squam'ishe 13ridge, Whitevs'ater, Lile 4olit,. when 'dry, May be pressed With . sun" ' . .. • ,. . . •. . -in mind, but a motel, •personah shirit- • • , said Billy, giving up. gaesisinge' ' '• ' wereiiet looking. Site ,sheine- to:, went lerge ' eihers, 'ameng. them ' • the to melte. the :cetton .. . . . . "hhiffy held her kittens' and thas hid. ',0116Awiih.1110tn, perhaps it ,we. go. loet; t obamend' ' and. Southgate. , On, •a waten iron. It 'Will thek he, .just . hal poirier. ' NV:ith,their new, vision and . . And .lets hie Atilt, likeea blossOm'among the leaves,. illorniika-beink .olerrifn j:,iitt,_;in_e_,TernsalernS-eare_d_hfare'beyel/P4,..:,.. drieing power ,tkey would witness for . • •' 'eclen them awaY. I fled '111)-TC.IiieerbPX b4C1C ... W-07"CaTilietfierritsewbielisesilte- or'near-the,:ec,e-held: ' the :eeplarets. hs• attreetiie as .a, new one. • .• . With the deluge of sherimer it reCeives. the bohntlaries'of Palestine.. .13ht they .: ..for her to havesthem lie hut, -as I Vila, starts• washing 'them alt. over ' like neticede A detea .. mountain,. Peaks. . •••••••••4A,!4,*47,4,4-, .. .• , , , 'e' • :yen She was afraid Rover *mild chine '41'cihey'tised to do with hers out in •the about 10;000.- feet: high.: ..Hismate feels the eggsbeheath her still held iteatrhhate ideas of GO and • en1'. porta his twee In the .box. s seine' barn.. They are always se glad to see . The :clietanc.e from. the, • neerest .... .. • ' A ' Case' in , Camera . .:' ., . - Wings; : --' .. : e• .. ' his eatarpoips.: 'They -still lacked' the • se. •••••• time When •Ilie Leas • enotehithharelell& -her theyliegm to mop*, .velitch ••laieens, paint : of the' Motor, reed in tha-Erldge The police-oflicer Was-iyht fit the *IV' And theheort it her doMb..'bre.aeeteilut,, courage neceesarY :.:or. witnessing and site just Wouldn'te.hame_that, so '‘Hiseitie eMeitunae ,Pm glad • yen •are River. valley le the grayel flat'of the nese box., .• • • . . . ter's. and •sings;• ' •• . e eh . . Therefore, until the filetthination came, which would reveal him end his hiatts • ' '.tlimigiat she'd hide• them where Rover •bACkh" . ' . ' , ,• . • - • • ' ,, main glacier is forty -fire. mile's by the • "Well, conetable'e • sal,e stlie . meets- lie ' Singh to the wide world, antle she fnore. :truly, ' anti'. they could speak . 'couldn't canie.", ' ',.. • • - :• • . • Sq. back they hureied : for :the., spa river : erail, the. eepiorer. said,. - trete, "what is the accused charged •• . ht.°. her neat,- • . . This was .wonderful news to Billy w.here they though the 'intone Might . ,e---h-e-- . . well se • •'" . • . _ •.. • . . , .. . ' in the ,nice ear of ' Naturewhich •eting , with :leOldnese, they• Were to wai•t in:. • te.• kitehe „Fluffy ., had kittens; .and be be, and ,put their •earehte the ficier' and. s. type,, • sir," said: the ehhatable, "end . is. the beet. - * . " ' . • •, • • --James Russell Lowell.' "I-le's a camera fiend of the 'worst. ' lethliedetted laughed. hem; 'Mamma; listened:' :. IP. t A • '''''< , . . • . 4 Argentine!s Hope. • Sunday School Lesson' ...A Valuable Wood • Zn the tithe shruCe Canada 'Possess- es. One of, the. most valuable woods - used fit aerpitlane •constrection There ere few .Woods Of its, great 'lightness etosheituiesit-inhetretigth, teughneei dad resiliency..and there Is, n� Other woad -Win-these .combinett (mantles Is ityailable•in large sizes and quatiti- • camerasl'i • '•-• ties, comparatively free. of. knots •and .• • other 'defects. . ' Farm Hand: ".Artist gentleman, air, The real.' prcigress of, !lanai-H.0i wants permission to sit in first mea - Probably 'depends far 'more • On the dove: and 'paint" Ptirmere"N-oselerm. conception of duty than on .the con: sit in the field we've just sewn -e-1.101: .keep crows .o.ff -fine i" -Passing iShow. ceptioa rights. -Lord Hewart. ' , . A World Language c?J1.0 sp_ikipx:.._ One of Atte anenial- • les .of Egypt is: the fact that ;Kap- _tains: •take more time and.trouble to :learn English than a:ny•. other fore- ign language, . and .yet fair to insist , on It.; hull use as a secohdary' • age. • English is tlie ti•dministrative . language of . five, hundre.d Million- . one-third the world's population. . It , is the hinienage , of the sea, and. of ecomnieree, 'is taught i• inepeaCtically all ehe secolidary schools. In, most ectuietrieS, and •is_ the leugh- e age in which 65 per -cent. of fereiga - leteeleveseeteheare .a.ncluete the .e__Nehrlye • . whole_werleth . literht.hre, ie In ' Englisb.. is sortie amezing statisties have recently .shoWn. Englible is spolten all ,over the world except In Seavie Eastern Europe; • Asia ' Minor • and :-..,•'ostith Alberich, but ,even there Is gaining-grbund. 'Wis. the second langunge of the 'Mohammedan world. • , .e. sh, eV 4, . • , • . ' Britaip!a Export - Trade• • . • •--bandon...1.Pti.0,5.„..",t1.40,...Surtplemelit s_ teb many . firms' have. 'been content to-awatt—orders-troun' niei•erhaiit., 'houses Saud to ' make • 'no efforts,. to keep . in, touch with changing • .holitus, ooto do • the ' 'countries' Where - their goads are ' Consumed. The slatest and, Most '.euthotitative wanting eof the ineVitable result•Of iteglectifig to make persohal visite to foretell mar- kets lies come, from the 'Prince eh 'Waleseend in Confirniatiou of whet be , has, said. is- the fact...that. earing_tlea. prolenged depression of recent years' •-nothing has • been -more_ teinarltabie ethenethet .certaineshusinesses.. .which have made. e practice of keepinein, touch 'With, their foreign • markets by frequent visits, emit' by. imeortent and respqnsibleemembers of the firm, ha.ve stiffered, less acutely thq,n others. -- . s..• .•, . es•---:,- ere , . , . ,. • British Goods Are. . Best, The Adyantage ' , - Truth ..(Lendon): -The Prince of. • Of. Co-education Wales, whose enetgy and willingne. sells. . . to hull his weight entitles .1ilm to our. • . . hoed Lytton in. the New .Era (Lon-. i m gratitude. and •*hoe° common door: 1 ani"a flien believer in the gen- 1 wae'--e sense • le qiiite unconheett, .has been. .eral pi•ineiple ,..'eliet ..boys , •and girls' telling Manabeeter..that 'pettish goods should:be educated together he .far ai. are too good for the Modern world; and _, .. *ass ihle. 'Family lite . :is the natural - itchlsing •Lenca,shire.to turn out:more • environnient Or -flie-haild•hitt lititiletref shoddy. When, Weeremoniter Cerlyki once. 'Schoollife Is an inevitable de - e• and • Plithedit Of Uudershoe, .we were • Parture front the natural, hut this ae.. at first inclined to shudder at this ad- ' •• partere ehmild be tiliide .tts little as • vice, But the' Prince of Walee "a bien possiltle. "rhe segregation of boys, al • etuslie sa bete." Iteein,s travelled and girl: in eeperqteelantirsling-schoole pr . ' "But surely," interrupted the .neagis; trate in surprise -"surely yon didn't arreet this men sfinply because he had manih-Yhir taking pictures?" ...el.°, sir ilhexplal teed 411e, witneese_ "It :Milt pieturee that he takeseeeit's 4t-U4k4:-PifS44.191S-111.--a-11--cduatzies._11. ' duces. vonditient which niahe the wide . Is pertecase right -This is an. age'.of . est' pilisible divergence from these of. • artificiel sitk and sham jewellery. Ba- the family. The size of the *hole com- Usti goods' are too solid and wear to Annuity, the existence of large. num- . well. • They mesh be, made more cheap- • •bere of approxintetely the eame age, • ly: , and filinlly. the phes.ence, of only one . o__-----0, se, produce au ir envotimea which is • *holey meta -mai and artifitial: if Aiiriuseratint Taltes .... 'children Mast be: boarded together in •. , Raised. in Russia order. to be, taught, the schools should • Moscow. -The cost of enterthinment ' Ile kept as smelt as possible, and luts gond up in Russia: the •Centeal should .hiclude, eleildren of differeut • IN agesand both sexes Executive Committee 'et' the Rehu,blic ' ' . of Russia • Issued a decree tecettly •, ...---e-ese—se.....: raising all taxe4-ou'aniusements front . 10 to 80 per cent - , • ' , World Radio Parley' No heasah was given for the in- . Will Be Held in 1932 creaeee, hut they followed- the boosting eel), nliagen, Den -At . the Interne- of the prices ofl basic commodities ou tionel Radio. Chafereuce, at, which an iiherage ch 50 per cent. w . . about 40 nations were rehireselitod. a *nufilbeit of 'IWOPOSIIIS were draftee for • n a* ii• • oN Wading .1-tro-orth ill, Calgary . submission • te the vorid ".0ogf•O's, • " . „ e'lliCh is scheduled to be held in Ma- Calgary, Alberta., Building permite i . •' is•sued by the City of, Calgary for the n 1932.• . . ..r..1.,4.4u4ti0zi 0.e_ote_oist,:ibiaion ot ;:ntst tivo Weeks ha May catled for gbh, wavebends; which occupied What of teen neve hOinee each coetIng 44,000 .._ _ t he ..;:lle of the cola gosh:, was referred arid More, tWelve of which are td have. t , .2 • ennettee which .willollithorete •gatages. It addition,' petnlits haVe vemeeentatives from the ',hilted been takeu mit for fifteen ether gar - .r„,. cothm. descoshion of he agese.s., Which is taken to, indicate 1W- 31 ' I greas. end stabilite ef geowith. . .„ — 'Ciistip7 teey shoed •rites eight el:tette-the noon II:mire-Lei the sceitt (eem) 311 ::1ie11•Park, neat London, Enhlaiut. • Spa time has been used in the scout camp sinde 1eS9, Uses Star. .. • .• To ,Reclaim Boys ---.-Coltmiletese-OhieehehStAge- Megie is - being wed, to 'control. and help way- ward boys and., make theta useful members' of Secietie j. Harry 'Weser- sMith of Harrisharge.Pac, attending the International Brotherhood of Ma'- .giciens' 'cohvention, diselos.ed.how he utilizes tricks to arouse the inter- est of weyware youthiand ,ditact, • them to the eiraiglit path. •He •hae, hose; under hie. char,'s 'in Pen•-evleania.' Fifteen .minuteS of magic and sleight-of-hand tricks bring :better, resultseewith a wayWard boy than .could, Otherwise. be accOmplished in a inenth," he Says. shows them tricks, and they want to know just how their'. are done Seine ofthe lads bave decided to le, vote their lives to 'stutaitig stage _ma gic, ate" are recognised by•thehrofes • sloth as" inegiciane of enusual ability,h .ad dee s not fail lives 'so 'consecrate •Meisetsmith takes the boys' dune. ed and expeetatite While the believete ' • • big for weeks at a time, teaches them were met for player, they expertenehd °his art and. ill eon& cases gives them a vision--aes'ou•nd like a mighty rush: none to Oct a strrt in life.. , ' ling wind, tongues,, not. of fire, but ake fire, lighting upon Each one present,. • e • „trocuted be a sterliiing preceas de- dont were true. Gd was itideed speak- ' '•---e----,_.„_____ . .. , .. . , . Te the Waiting. believere !bele were Water Sterilized. by Beads; rinpressive and sin i hcant ,eymbots, Harmful Germs EiectrOcutell 'They were an essarance that the be- .. Harmful germs. in water are eiet, 1 liefs to which thy 'had Peen growing concerning 'their Lord Arid his • king- vieloped in England - that tises neither -ing to them. cornmantreg them to..go .2. .chemicals ilor fillers, . Instead the ! 'forth with his message, assuring them water is Pin•ified by sitinly Minters- 1 of -his stietaining..puever. The eignhl td.adlabu4cithil.itli.leez:ate.;elietie inevement • it, es xPephi aiehlilsy tre„aploepdt:leairleermhe echadaticisn.l. h elagezine." It has Itin•e been. known ! 'The believer's, joy expressed itself. , geld and pai is d hi th, ., have the . -rite, 1 etionstrat ien-"speakieg .. with ton- thesiereluding .sit,Jr, i Brsi..• th--th(1-t hehhherenteenuetiemaLdei i . ''''' .egues." This was the ,confused excla-; erty of ..destroying bacteria, .v.'hen s ,MatiOn of hearts overflowing with sud- ' brought in coritact 'with them, 4nti i den joy and thankfulned and praise, • the eterilizee aeceleratee what is call- I And Wh 10. 'as yet had no "language ed the eolisto-hyttimical".,..t;ctiore . eri-leet,a cry." See Acts: 10: 44-46; 19: :that ..Water is Made -gertnfree in one 61. 1. Car. Chap. 14. At first' these or_t_t_o_boitrse Water so" treated 'ecstatic utterances :and exclainatione , has pciwerful sterilization properties were so unrestrained that they Ate" of its owthand may be Used for wesh. tracted, the attention of passerssby.• Mg nuesing bottles. cooking utensils Soon a eeowd githered-eitizebe of • • Jerusalenvand pilgrinis, froth. alhparlse and surgical insteuments. The life of the .Empire who had collie to the. of .the • device .iq virtualle' militated. •„, • Holy City for the Feast of • Pentecost,' one set of beads beilig eapabItie ef ,"Pentecost meets the feast n the :dealing with• :350,600'• gallons of wte: • ... c '- • - . - ' - ; -n - httieth ay after tne• altering of the •. fit befote delerieratiee, e ... t fi•ret sheaf of the firstkraii.e.toi),15.ate -6-:---• • . ley. 'At the end of that liarve.4t,catta . • '-- 't , .' ' .. °I. • the Jewish thetkegiviiig of Penteeost." • Muimily'a Name for Him , Some of them thoug,ht they Were *- A four-yeefold by was neked b•y an , •. . . lieSstng a drunkeneorgy. • elderly visithi- what hise pante was, .1 Those strange octurrences. hnweySe, e•Tinky,” replied the .hoY. • • • ' I were but the "externals" of the Pert • "But' have ' you no othei., reamer cestal experience. The essential 'hte ' Asked the visitor,. • i . 1 pewee:lee a .Pentecost lay in the fact "NO." 'replied' the boy.. . ! that these hien and women eleecartee . • yi:vidlv Consciaus'af God. Their Master .. But .wilat is. Yea father'll heeler se:eehhe lee "Daddy,". came the reply': - • • . l'ehteetrette•Afe-and God were now, AS • , , .. st,i. l 2•3. . Jones a-al/s. meheed ih Ile; ger t'„e • nbsett Jeh..us of slte.nersisted---- - • • - ' . ' eNc,. no,"; site went ou•; '"liasn't oho. That Otte Waa uniVetsal, spiritual, • another. name?' :Schee does yeue, mum., : eve. teeresent. They ..knew now that ilty call Weill"- • e ' ••• . .they were in harnindy with hitn, They 1 "Fatheads the bey replier&• 1 hed one passion -to share. -him: 'MO . . , • • ' others. • ' e Jerusalem. II, THE PaEkA.RATIoN, Acts 1: 13;14. • The. disciples where. -were in jeru- salem kept together.: They knew that ' the time -meet -be -close at -hand-when they must face'the world ah-witneeses for theit Lord and his• kitigdotn. ' They teenier flOW that "therf -old- 4cleaeele-t-ltab-k4ngdom-whs-w-rdneh,--hut--• - ;they felt themselves inadequate hi ehe proelaiming of the new, So, With one accord they gave theinselves to prayer and supplication. ' "With one accord' -they were agreed aniong themselves. Prayeihmeetings to be effective Milk inecletrpof peohilewhe are on goo& terms with each other. An atmosphere of symapthy, unity of Mind and pure pose is esSential, Thus agreed. they s -cpntinued- in prayer:- -They-- placed-- - -- themselves'mind and heart, uhreservh edly.43.t Gods disposal ''They_leadesine oVerwhehting desire; to come to fuller kitowledge and be*• the • ehttimele through which God's graee, and power maid' flow. In this Toad of expect- ancy and consecration :they waited for the fulfilinent of the promise. ITT. THE FULFILM2NT, ActS•2: 1-13. effe •