HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-06-25, Page 214, iesevireeestee.......e.e...---12c.--7,
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the Pubtic:
Canada's Largest Selling Tea Will, Not Cost the Consumer More Despitethe
New Taxation. 4.
Do Not Pay More 'than the Price Shown on the Package.
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110:GROCERSi..iroo*ill.$4 No Sales Tax or DitY, Item Added to 'Onr
Invoices. We Win pay , These Ourselves in Order That You May Serve the
Publie Without Extra Charge and Keep the Same Profit aiIefore.
. . •
,eee , • • '
• . .
• 1",`"fr•
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.0 .
ot1,0F0 ;IMO peniittea 111110.e
thei etlblee •41-14V:t )31.fibiltelind bOtil) •
t-stfejelY Weritengeee; 014 tho.
-,10,A44 1.Keuttre *SOW tr.t0i.
',600" uftelt) WIth the .s0"1010!‘ 41104%s*
()tidy .furthei of tib&m •Ovete •
Vallee, who was peeing sombrely ttp
' entoMonee e•-, 1r7'r - •
"IVO 401140 1\1340i101,1t4 the
eseefice bf enuttefteldo
you see the wickedness Of it? Theett
childeen lotted ' liumpty PutinitA -
40.elelitteepty Dempte; wit -h.
they had plaeed--Iying (joint at. tile
foot erf the fee0tis walle-tilluteety•
•Dentpty -they could touelt. ;led weep,
Direr, breltee ..iin d twisted ettel neer
more te...he put together ' •"
• ,•••• He.paus.ed by tbewilidote. tied looked
out. The Mist ld lifted` and •an feint,
diffusion Of tering sunlight lay nee).
. dpitariog seen .,,,
AP4M4W1**M.1,74,440a VaikAIVC._4 4,04t•
tVii', A tiYtitk ever Mee, eSetiitti :flame
•hi' l'641. ''')° ‘rto"tr",.1k. (°' rt/g(wtir
lt. et .e %wee wIliett e,...ttitit ..1 , lIttitV% t ya m
oreent •to land. n ettenry territory, mew
Mee tr. eleitt tette ee the 11Mi r 1`tiltv» ie
ewer%) toed. and $11410110, •
" lleder the ieever. of • • deritnees 1
.1‘tvioaduied usteo.:ii:tit..etter2:1;:tiloylle.gtittiv..agarts1 tot::: bolter
%Pete lf".• ddr Ole -atteeeetied :We
foe ear plane-- if ,it fit tied.., we
evoteddl, need; any; ' • • . , . •
White 1 eottly. erePi •01011g, t,akIng
ee , Vtletege p f 0"
, , ir. • -,,,,,„ ,, ,
;Suatow. Joe Stone
„ •
e •
.070/410) A,•••4
4:„.;V '1•;T t100111`o,..i
• • the giayettones of the .City tlenefixele2 .1w* tales,. as • •ti
den- gle on the, New "leek X.ire:
the....clistaliu'e., • (e
at .ivp.a.t.
• , .., was 'Ate
,p-Ittee toeclirrY
• -011.:4'
e •
Somewhere out In froeq in the • • '
till kit I;Ottkl there Wee etBeeof • seer..'
vying,• Something. :Wfed as, about to • .
peewee on• blue to. grab him., but . * •
that eoldier . couldn't- move,. tielther
, teeth' be utter tt seniet. .(I'le,heeetetat
•yott, yea , haute before now had - •
last suck a f rl get ful nightmart..4•. • ,
'rota oat 'of the unknoWn la '
bineknessett mune. Net till Scottie..
eank. his teeth into . his 'leg did that
Soldier. • Cry eat. He' .„
t..„ -„e•
• ., sett,
VO ' I ett0el ti$ le p ; . a eily
tit then Ile yelled sudden tnurdere .e.. , .
Pulled ille,teigger of, Itis gun end *ea .‘ . :.
0 V.I' ICil oVer,•.allei.u.•the eeme.. ine•eant.' .•". .•,.
, BeittrieS • trete" all Pier tlialTe LW. ......... ",, ..,
,....,„tktraing back ,t0,.„ the zoom tie; he* nett ' of the,
tly.•:dieeltieliO,PtOvt'se0, :4 NOW, that eie enioitietede„..1,euriew.:_t•n'ALI.11„,,A0,,it, •,t, !...p.ve. • , ... ..., ,,
'Mete •-• ,10...,;•••, eftere....r7111-.•.pliteneettri-ng. ae.etitcyeenemer-eTe.. . ,,,,.., ...
.11nd • §-tome". Lefienek•: eiEiglielal'ergiLilAtiIgliesittilla'-•:e.... :f.,..;...-,-..-.
'•• ze-e, ` ,eoitipakes-the'.intelligeeetrand attiltifieS ..
, . given a hel.pin' .hand in hie ci part •• he h 1., • ! • ' '. - • • ' : leap: . • "
• - • '': - fieelle.thia: wettn•••• the - seater' we bee- es.••••-?•••••••• kr.{. T't()the.r' .se`Ittle all•d. ••' . . . '•
.. . . .
.eorne energetie, the be.ttete what?" . ilehiell-111:11 'el'6' (41 '''‘.1-1'1'.4 ..1Mie'... 14(114111"L '21' W911(11'!4'11:17i : .-
one ; IC I iti t . : fevth: h7". N.v11•611.
• ' fil i
_IC e*.2-1)... .reikker wit the-emrioitt_S_Tle..---eree the • fiteqe.r...attlyA°1.-telirla.111.,--e"eir.1)lellelyeS 1.)0%!"%tii.1 .f4r 2i44.4133';'• Zhe
...victim of t e law of gravity,p was hoped the telti al would be there When 6"1-110, •
• •
- e. ,.. • . _ , . was tt ft t ttg.. s pos
• lets enang intied:teOused the. rest . • lea ••••§2-f- see - eeeeee--. ','•oni • redo en
•of us from our .gloemy apathy. ,Marle:
,hane ereached for the telephone ; and
:Made • tir,rangements with ..InepeCtor
Moren. for Heath to handle the' Drtike
' • ket. case. The he he calted,the Mediae'
Exentiner's office •aaa.asked•.fore nth
irminediate.poatonoeton. report. - •
Markham' inoved restlessly.---
."-Severalemen'efrom.•:-Your .dptitt-
meet,: Sergeant,.. were ..supPesied • to he
keeping en, eye. .on ethe prukker • and,
DUlard houses.. • Did • you "talk to t.ny
ofthem this •mining?'-% •
'41 didn'thaeo..eime, sir." • .
• . "What didethe• Medical Exa-minee
have stiy?". • l°' '
thateit.. looked like,'an,
dente and that Petikker : had • been.
dead about ten hours, . •
. Vance interpol#ted. a question. •
."Did he Mention a fractured skull
in additionto. the:broken, neck?"
..exacely say the
• skull .was 'fraceered;.but•he..did...state;
thitteepfukkee had.landed 'on. the back.
of his head. I,•guess to be'
• • .
A PH11-103-ahre.
• BY S.' S."VAN-PINE • • :
• - svelorSts....
atelts there, Kids 're the time
walking alorig the stone ledge!'
"Has 14rs. Deukker been nertified?"
-told 'em I'd attend to, it.
But I thought I'd colne-here Kitt and
,see" ,whitt-you-winfictederte about it."
Markham leaned hack dejectedlY.
"I-echen't-ine--thatethere's much of
aeytleing. we-ean
"It might well," suggested Vane*,
"to informArnesem He'll prohattke
the• one who'll have_ to look after
• things. . My word,
beginning to think that this case is 'a
reached the District Attorney's Wee, nightmare after ail. .prukker was
tanenown us 'Coek BObin Is found Drukket and Heath had not yet aeleete prineiTal Inipee and at the very-
• with. an aro* in. his heart.; another,
• ;ohn* Snrigg, .is found with a hatiet
:thredgbp the' top of head., Bistrlett
. Attorney Markham' calls in Phild Vance:
Who ' cliiiinsqhe murders are founded on
..utegey rhymes, and „are the work uf
• •mankte. _
These; associtd:with the case ilea;
. Pof. his niece Belle, and his pro-
• ' tege, Sigurd •Arnesson,, irige-ttprofessor
a mattematea: Sohn Pardee, a., netenz
- a_passient_for chess;',Airs. "Dent,
• cer and her. son %AiliThiti. Trrifiticer
$s mentally unbalanced and, Adolph is --�
cripple With a super-hraill, •
Vance lenins that Druicker tei
, While the case seeme strong
.4 4,
• N e
againt, Ln feter7Vance-balieves-tilm-in-
. • .nocet and decides.: to, threaten hit, in'
, • or4er; to learn the f mote that he has been-
' • ',betiding .bacic;
• . CHAPTER XXVIeel.(Ccint'd.)
-Mrkham eat_ tpine (l-iseseely.
en the desk,..hia heiid enyeloped ashe
, puffed nervously,on his cigar. At last
• he set his Chin Arey and turned
"Brieg Prukker here at nine o'clok
tomorrow morning. You'd better take
a-wagote and. a John Doewarrant in
• cese he offers any objection." ilisface
eted determined. "Then -111
9t what, he keuvt----and act1m-
.. • coedinglY.
The cOnfeteece broke up immediate,
it was, after five o'clock, and
blerkham tmd ,Vanceand I' rode up-
- town together to the Stuyvesant aide
• • We dropped: Arnesson at the stihwy,
end he Vole leave ef us. With scarcely
a' -word. Ms garrulus cynicism
teemed entirely to have deserted him,
rived, -
Vance sailed hirnself comfortably
in e large leather -upholstered chair,
and lighted a cigarette. , • .
Motnenteehen there's- a chanceof out*
foreleg him to .speak,- he .tnntbles
Abruptl, he stepped.
"Off .4 -wall! ..• ', • • As he repeated
"I.felrather bucked thientorning,". these. words he leapt to his- feet. • "A
hi remarked. :"If Drukker tells his hunehhach falls:ell
.hicizekbacler , • .
• We stredett him as f he had;,gorie
6ft-rhidrlcd-fatlittit• that the
leolop his fe°. gent •a chill over 'me,
Ilit..**eee were .fixd, like thot
ee of
metrkeeeteigeetteett midi -gem -et ghost'.
eSlo.Vele-linetiatetecLette_leiteekhain, • artel_
said in a voice that I 'hardly recog-
• eized: •• • -•.• • .
"It's another mad mlodianta---nne
other Mother goose
•Ilatenty• Pleupey/ -this timer • ....•
. • Thrligferiirs"heit• silt thet lOWed
was broken by a strained harsh leugh.
free). the Sergeant. • .
That'S seyetchieg things, uira.
Mr. Vance?" • ,
stOryeellat if„the• tale is. What. I think
it is, know the ,eernbination., of
the lok."".. ' .•
His words' hdscateely been utteeed.
When .11eath bast into the office. and..
fall in a. gesture of hopeless resigek
bon, . • • . ••
• .141)411, Sir; we ain'tgoing to ques-
tion this nternieg-or • tie
etthee time," he .blurted "He fell 'etta
thatitighyeallle Riverside Park -right
near his house last night, end broke
his neck. Wan't.. fund .tll ,seven
o'cloole this -morning- .• Hiahody's..doyne
nt theemotgue Fine treekt"
we gee!" 1•Ille, Stank .diegstedly. into a ..'.14,1tts.prepeisterneireleclered Mark -
chid. • • •studying Vance with genuine
Markintn atneen at• hire .unbeliee- Concern, 4elife..dereefellow; you'ee. let
• • • this tette Prey on your mind too Muh.
"Yu're . suee?" 'ho asked,!witheNething has happened except that:, a
startled •• • • • • Tit ell with a hentiehas fallen front the
"X was up there befere they moved coping' Of a*wallein•the park. It'sun-
the bd Oiled the local teen Phon_ •fortunate - at -jut this time," Re Went
einder o ee 01
hAt by idt, ;Until-theyj were right In
beck, 'tot a hemmock and.' not ...oVer
'fifty feet. froth him. He. Was iterv
ous• sort pt soldier: Diary,
then hed terti,•geleklyandpeee out
, .
lute the darknese;., thee he'd : .etep'
ahem quickly es thoneh be waitted• •
to get .away ;trete there -in a.hurree
linyea goodChinese soldier Isafraid
-of dragons- in .the elatie• This' China
'boy must , have :been . sure . there wan
e big, baddregoa On his trail for ,he
wae sitrely nevene. • 5 •• ..
e •At • the end et his post he turned •
and Started bak.. Setlate• 'stood tou, ' tlagtoo hot aroutid that corner -rot- .• • . ,
• .. -Stone. he spoped oft inte ,..e. _, ..........,
Rd, aetinly. breathing. : ger sensed..
the . excitement end .be • grained ill°. '41trictle •143 find ' hit hOrse. . . ' . •
Itgainat his cellar which Lieutenant. The hersee had deserted at the first • . • '
'Stone -held tghtly .griPped. . • .... sot i •, however, • se he walked • on,
The • sentry • was Just in .front, of.' carefully aveldng. Soldies; hack .1.0: ..
them. *hen Jed Stene •let ge ot Scot- our- 111.44e.. ' • •'• • • • ... 1 '•
horseback:. He
'led, puttied. on:
ft horse "end
I* ea
2,‘‘altIhter: t°on )gaitie7.
bin( had • rid- • iffle
den Out • into • . •
.the . Melee • With goedneas *pewee
•what atm his head.
opthastastle soldier ':fired'.and, •• ,"' -
w•ith hetter luck' than , shot
et way, the °nicer's 'hat. ,Pandernoelten
breke loose.' .Then whil. it was get--
tie's -collar. "Go let hide" he •*°.. (To be eontinud.)
whisperd, and Seettie waS_ off like • Note:7:-,Any ok -our iroiing readers - _ „, . .-
a rtfle billt.' "'At. the first- jumpe wi•eting eci.e...Captaineeilletuny.','____„2010" ': _7
'that se, ed dead in,' his Star Bldg:, Termite, will receive bis • .
.ii•ack. the. luti . ttheding up, oe his siened pho ree.
a.. fracture all right-seme like Robin. •-....--,e.....„.....---,, - , , .
"Uctiortthe -e-Thee•-teelleiepteeeelle- me: -...e., • ..e.
edit murderer seems to be simple and
efficacious.He striket his victims on
-the Vault, _either_ ritunning 'them ne_
Ceeds to cest them in the toles he has 7 The healt-giviag,de icious dr k eluldren-and
killieg them outright, and then pro-
-Diukker waa- no dteabt leaning over .
hocola e
ed me about it justfas wits leaving to Vence and put his hand On • his
• ••
chosen for them in his pupet..pleys. ups.. - Pound and Half. Poluid tins at your grocers. ,
.• •
the office, I stuck aroun(t and got all shoiddr." "Let)the• Sergeant end nte-'
the dope I could" .• • run "NIA show -we're used • to thee'
"What did you learn?" Mnrkham things. Take .a trip and get a ,good
was fighting ageinet an 'overwhelming rest. Why -not go to Europe ae you
sense of discouregentent, . - generally do in,thespring?"
the wall, perfectlY exposed for such nu
:attack. It was misty, tied thesetting
was somewhat obcured.. Then ,came
the bloW, a slight heave, and L)rukkr
fell noiselessly oeer the ptieepet-ethe
third sacrificial offering on the altar
ef old' Mother Geese." •
•• (To be continued.)
. • • •
, .
ekes 14 1.6 18,O yeers,36. 38 and "
.• Then .foo develeped in eyelet ba-
tist, .pripted batiste,. handkerchief •
linen and penned toile, the effect •
Te° Very dainty for .summery wear': •
Size 16 requirees eleis 'yards 39-•
. V
What Ne* York To 'ORDER, PATTERN'S. •
'After dinv Matitheut pleaded Te- - "There Wasn't. mucheto find out. "bh guite-quite." Vance • sighed
tigue, and neee, end .1 went to the Some kide in the parli found the body aele empee• wearily. teem sen ftui
.,Metropolitau, Geraldine , .bout seven o'elock this •morniege-lotsj would do me world, of god; and all
Farrar in "Ionise."of kids around it being' Saturday ; and that. Bring 'tieback te cermet,. what?.
The next' morning broke (leek and the keel men hopped over and calledl_eteld tee' the wreck of this once
misty. Currie called es at halt past a pace sargcen: !kite dee said Dr& • . give•int" The thrd:na
tter meta, .ranon oft the wall about it' this terrible tragedy is playedal.
ice oielock lhst night --killed iiefantly. most 'hefot•e your 'eyes, and you ecrre
Theesaill--:44-thnteepete-tight. oppesite enely Ignore it." , • • •
Mb -Street- is all of' thirty feet qbeve lritrour•imagvaton bite gethe ot-
_laygroun4.__Ie.top..or! ie rens tee of Om" Markham returned; with•
alonk the bridle path; and it' e a won- th io
. pat -we of a deep affeetion,"Deree
der meye people haven't byoke their worry' but: rt IT more. • Have din-
• • 'Seven, for Vance ietentled to bepres-
nt ite the.. intireviety With Pt•ukker
• . • and at eight; n'elek ivatt-brealt•t'as.1-
• • in' the library before a light, grete
ee fite. We wore held-utefue_the....erathe
• en our *aydowntown, and though
t wale geiiirtth' lifter nine ' then we
1ner eivithme. tonight.. We'll. talk it
ever thm" . ' .. . •
'At this momeut Sweeker leeked :e •
and eeoke 41 the Sopetrit...
• • • "Qitinan. A. The World is °.here. •
Wattle to see you.", . • . 41
elatkimen AWung. :'WO: , . • : '
. 'Bring him in hvel" .... 0 .
Quinan enteyed. Waved us a elteet•y •
ielutatione and heeded. the Sergeant •
e hetet..
"Another bilfcteleter.:ereeived .this
moreittge What peivileges dpi get for.
being so bigthearted?" • . • ..
So economical
KRAFT .Seed- Drcssin4 offeri everything,
shyone could .aslefor iiiexquisite, refresh..
leg flavor, yet it's sold ate price To low it's
within the reach of everyene. • -.
• •A Inge 12 &eke etr costs only 25 tee tteone-
tlic con yoo're used to Thg Ge'
, .eome•to•Alay. 'Try it and you'll instantly
• know why 'its the favorite • everywiele •
in •
014444 .024,11,44
Mede ii Ceeideetty thekildrert °I iCtaft
• Cheese and. veiveete
. .„
• •
AN N ABlidE Weln 1%; GTON
11.1tostraied ' Drenloakn;g Leasoit
rwrnished with 1...; very Pa acrit
el tee y our-emeneelreireeaddr et.
ivitentember and -size of
such pattemes ybu want. • tit -close
• ..20:inetamps er coin (coin peefec-
• red; wrap it .earefully4 for eaeh
numiler, andaddress your order to
Wilson Pattern Srvice; 73 Wei(
• edelaide St., 'Pronto:
•Tia deWind • ,
Breath oft'e. seas, of the four-way
....._ • •
• : seas
beim of the tropic '
Wafture of ease,: .
Roll Of the Magieuiles,- .
The trade -wind Writes from the end of
.• • days
Soft and silken and rare
Curling the crests of the blue -white
Playing my sleeves andhei
• Blow, ye trade -abide. blow
The ship is swinging low;
Blow, ye trade -Winds him,
Around the..world go. eggs of fhe silkworm which tie fed •
- . \Something 'Wrong ... • .. ,. .., , :.
.. , ..... .. -. . . •
. The..shabby • visitor placed. his • hat • •
upon a 4heie1 and, drawing ahooklet ., ....
!rota his potket,approachad the bee"- ,' .
nese...thee. ,
"I cell telleyou," . he said, "how to
ibueceopnetendaep. geef
reators=s7Itoev. to' *in .
. • . .
"Three seconds gene feon the min- •
. ete 1 nt ifreye"-seftlettreebeisieresse--
Man. • .
..' ei have here,' I. te v s or e u 0
."ae infallible.' neemory system.. lteae-
ter it, and you will -matter the world.
, You will not forgettnpost the letter:
your wife .gaveyou this morning, and
ou- .can de- without that worsted on *. , ••
your , finger."
"My trouble." said the business man,
'tis that i can't dud a reliable system
toLtargetting thins. I. want le, our. .•
minute's up." , , --- •• ,
i- Sadly_theeetsitorestellextdebett w_ .,_
minutes later he returned to the office
bfetithiess afar •excited." •- - -*** " - - -
ii forot' my hat!" he. said.
• Silkworm Importe• •
For California Testi
Lindsay, Calie-elattere Bruno, •a. .
. . . fruit 'grower, has started -what he . • •
hopes Will become the silk endustry of % • ..
4I. Califernia. .
.. '.1 Bruno -Sent to••Italy' and obtained ,
' I
.., . ---:::
. ' . and shire has Attended diligently. A, e
.. . •
• .preams of the male, of tee bine-IM
Mains . • native, of a part of Italy Where 'SO- .
. , . • ,.. __.
.:,... sighted froni tar -pat( salts '' i Tirt,'1., •s familiar wirh the work and • •'. . . .
Worths hte been groWn for eentarieee
•• ,
• • -.Call Of theltutes, .0ethe...thee salt, lanes • .
hag -7 c bee ti *-eteeestni t•ett• it h his •first--.----- --:••
Meyer ef ohl sea -tales,--: ' ' small croP of cocoon -S. •
• Down the tropic arid far be flie Lille, Ile says weathefeittthe San Joaquin
-Safe past the doldienn calms • ,! "alley is very similar to that ot his
qhe t rad ee
brine brillg v"rd oc the river native cotmtry where the Silkweems -:
. eeecultivatd. end points ouelkatentil-
"lid teets" fritii4111-44-- NV 1M 1511TinS. berry ,treesetlee leavee of which. form.. • '
. • !teth' opened the letter ifs the rest
f •us looked on. At tine e,I ;recognzed.
the peeve end the feint blue chetete •
tete of the elite type, • The note rend:
I 1 unimity numty• ?gat tai,
flatepty had*a great fall; .
••\ 11.• theeltinglt bo-Vseit and all' the kiti'e
• men •
Cannot- .pet itifitpty together'
prim, • •
'Then cern° fltnt pminotte
hT Orriftlitit ; tuito}",,
When 'Hath led, got trill of Quieten
with promises ilk ;Wottid have
tea ad0111 ete y tete r' st hart, there'
If you're heeerie fey a eeerable
day dress-• here it is. It maybe.
Wore for every hour of the day. It
1afs lots of good style about it, and
Yet ia so exceedingl-y simple in line.
• It was originally inqi crepe silk
printin rather viyid blue tattering;
. 'It Would niso be fascinatingly
lovely in skipper, blue ,.pInin fief
et4s.hable-erepe..-_. •
• AnY of the. rieW .eepple*cteny
ewerniene -coedit als' bp used, - - • ;
• A• chitfoti print. ot aceie (tech!-
iiie AM111't • tet 41 MO recaressy mod yl:
Style No. 3114 may' be ha d in
. ,
• o•
1310w. ye trade wind, blow
rthe food for tile silk worm, are easily
; croWn 'hem
With music sat 'and tow.
Blew, ye trade -wind. .blotte
Over the earth we 110.
• •
Athwart the • Itne the \te 1 n lads
• ronip---
The fre:igiited ship F ate sailing home..
-L. 11. Bailey. in -Windom! Weath-
. er." • . . •
Diagoolls Wrolig • • •
. . Treatment Correa
• "Let me kiss these tears away:
swetheart," he het:teed teederl.
• Elhe. fll. into his ixrms and he wa-s
very buy' for a few mom•ents.•
Bat the • tears flowed
'"Wfli nothing' top. them?" he task=
ed' breatekeely.
"No." ehe •Ititeritured."It's hay
fever, but go an with the treittment.:".
-ov---,SecttiaMedial Julle-teree__
• •
"SO Edit it • Imet might •that • mew
fellow who resened her' while skat-
ing. fie "teemed awftejly shY.-
."'Ves; She had to break the ice"
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.1ade ie Canada
ISSUE No. 25-3
• .