The Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-06-25, Page 1ti
r ;
LtJIC iN1®, V, OMIT., THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1951.
• Dv,* L. Treleaven; . Luck'npw
Hours: 9-.L2 A. M,• i.30-5 P.111,
WALL PAPER-aA full line of 1931
Wall Paper on .hand,_ Prices consider -
•ably down for 'I93,1,T'am also:,agent
for leading. job , houses.-.-
Decorator, Painter and. grainer
: BOX 174, Lucknow
MAN WANTED-F'or .dying: and
harvesting. --Apply tq.•-George. White;
Holyrood. _.
•STORE \F�`OR RENT: "The ''store
until recently occupied by Walker:'
latore.=A• good business ' location.
Apply to R J; Moore, Lucknow.
(30-40—tf.) •
Miss Edith-. Smith is a visitor: in
'Toronto this 'Week. '
Mr. Robert Andrew ` of Listowel'
spent Sunday with his parents.
Mr. AndyHustonis Visiting
H g at
,present :with fila parents 'here:
Apartment • or•' Rooms •. to let above,
the "Market " ; Apply at st'ore'','.;r
M ss , Grace-Cvw an:,oT ,nto.:::•ii
spending; a 'vacation with her ,gr d-
snottier, Mrs. 'Cliff. ' •• 'k.
Just ,arrived a quantity of ` • first
quality. Grey Paintin gallon cans.
Price $1.95 per. gallon.' Wm.. Murdie
Son., ,.•
For 'shipper and buyer••for• Farm-.
er's Co=operative at.;,Licknow, will he
received by 'the.',undersned up to.
Saturday, July``• 4th, 4931.
C.. E. ' McDonagh, . R'..3, A, Lucknow.
Will be received by the. 'undersigned
up to 8 o'clock P.M., July 4th, 1931,
for hauling :50.•:yards. of gravel from
T. Burn's gravel pit to the "stock yard
at station, Lucknow. State
price per cubic yard. • •
C. E. McDonagh. R. 3,, 'Lucknow..
• • (2_;•7—c.) . .
LS -5 -1GIog beck; one' in °le east`"' 6f
.Kingsbridgei, .will .have an Auction,;
Sale on Tuesday, June 30th: 65 acres
of growing . grain will be ,,offered for
• sale,: together.with horses, cows,
young cattle, sheep and pigs.
--1VIa�t: Gaynor, Auc.
NOTICE. is 'hereby given to all per-
king having claims, against the estate
of. George ' .Twamley, late of the
Township of ':Ashfield, .in' the 'County,
of Huron, •'who, died on or about the
14th day of 'June A.D., 1931, to send
• the same duly proven to the under-.
signed on or before the .4thclay 'of
July ASD: 1931, as on and after that
date the Executors will proceed to
make distribution of the assets '` of;
the said estate. haviing regard only
to the .claims they then' shall have
notice:' of. , .
19th-dsy-of-June-A7D, 193.1:
Hays sand "Hays
G.oderich ,:.Ontario
Solicitors for the : Executors herein.
(9-7--c.) . -
J, S. MacKenzie has 'installed' suit-
able •restroonr►...for_: women and:..:chil'd-
ren ,at. his garage.
Mr.. Mac ' Webster Ihas returned .to
town. aftQer spending'..•tlie.. past few
Months in • Northern 'Ontario.
Mr. Jack 13rabson of Windsor, , is
a holiday , visitpr with his grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Huston.
'Miss;:- Ruth - Mitchell- -of Timmins,
and Miss Dora. Mitchell of ;Toronto.;
are visiting attheir home' here.
Miss Frances and' Master. • Bobby
Thompson area holidaying_ in Toronto
with Mr, and. Mrs: P. J. Naylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Gee: Coates and
family, of. Toronto, were Sunday .visi-
tors. with lyll% and Mrs..Jas. Smith.
1Vlr. Robert Thgmpson of, Bellville
is spending ' the summer holidays
with his mother, Mrs. D. M. Thomp-
son. .
We are . agents for., Beetty.:.B;ros.-
'goods: We have •in stock •Hay' Cars;
"Oka, Slings -and Rope: W-sn •Murdie'
Orangemen of , this. At `about At Point" G�ark batik -at- Brussels; and -divided' ten ,for
Son• , ,� 90 ins -number, paraded to. St. :ter - ' . ,' -•• .:_ :cgriviction and • two, for acquittali ;
a s t t iSunday-evening,-,L,-where.-.The t F.0. and IJ.F.W.•0.--or aniza- ' The Judge's Address ' °
Wig---4arg set Ged_de . ..C,hurei last = g �n ,
week for.:Ojibwa •.'stand, 'where, she. fittingthe. occasion 'tions at : Paramount • held their annual "We have just about come to the
� . y �. a special service, " �
•has a''..position during Oe.' 'summer was held: '• The Godericli Fife '& 'Drum' picnic at Point ;Clark':' onFriday: of end of our, work, a most important
months. a s lilted •or anzation; last wee There was , a _ splendid ' at work," 'said :His Honor;in, opening. "I
_ _ w�...'band,-.-q'uite p g k ..., ._
Mi' and Mrs:. Maleol'm Armstrong led,in the, parade: The •Rev: ,E. O. tendance, and although , the' weather have no apologies oto, make for lock
of .Port ^Arthur,: are .visiting with the . G'allagher, •himself an officeholder in was not on his ,.best : beh$viour, there ' ing you up for the' duration of this
Win., the °count organization, gage: an was a " jolly,, good time.. . • trial... Had I not considered it neces-
letter s ,parents; Mr, and M •s, Wn . , Y
a ro nate ,arid inspiring •address. Below we : are giving a list "of the sary 1;. would.: not have done so
Murdie., pP P ,.
prize' winners in a; program of field. "The question in this trial is, what
Mr. Kenneth Thompson of Chicago Y ;:; sports which engaged :the. attention amount. of truth should •be considered
has returned to his home here, haw- Change In Postal. Rates of 'many • during' the, afternoon:• But necessary'. to reach •a verdict..:'In a
ing completed his third. year in the first' we must menti,' the Baby civil action�a'case does not have to
.of osteo' ata .'. ' On an 'latter :ilii 1st, '1931, 1c, tax'' how.' re -were `• ht fine.�� ntrants' 'roved•to the hitt. ,In a. criminal
study p .•Y. d ybe p
will be added to all Postal Nofaes ; 2c: and. theymust `have been vee evenly action,howevei, when. there is a
Mr. Will , MacL• eod this) week re- ry
ports: 165'. si ned contracts for do-; tax will be added to money orders for. .matched or• else tile' judges were: "not reasonable doubt, there should' be an'
p g
mestic' water—and he says there are $10.00. and •under $10.00.. Over $10:00 ;capable of. getting down to' ,:the fine' acquittal, But if you are -not satisfied
a . no •change.. U.• S. orders subject ' to ,points in- this sort" of ,competition. these, men, are guilty,: you' must so
yet' -a . few prospects:: .. - . .. _.. it -6: ._ _ •r._.:._,. subjeet
raPostcards, no change, The Judges were. Messrs. tF Mac-, record your"verdict.."Tour'duty"is"`to
-drop lettors,_2c, second ounce, lc, for: _Lean„_K._..McNay and B.JfiGill. Well 'ft 'out the:evidence."
post office delivery only). For Canada what• would,.these. men know about.: HisHonor at, the :outset told the
United States, all • places , within the' babies anyhow'? But the job had to jurymen that tlfey could digmiss from
Empire, France. and. all Places in be done; and they did it—if not to their.minds .' some . of the evidence of
North and. South America,. first .ounce the satisfaction of •all the fond, proud a lesser degree which they had heard:
3c, 'additional ounce 2e. • Other conn- mothers, at least' to the hurt of 'none: He :divided the review of • the evid-
tries, lst ounce, . 5e.; each' additional; They gave a first prize to each' baby: enee under" two headings—the. ,efforts
ounce 3c; A letter is 'a ..letter whether; .and; Mr: McLean',was given the deli- of the Crown 'to prove identification
opene._.or_s.ealed • _tate_ task of making..: -the -.._announce :andtheme efforts Of 44h: _ 'defence to
Train. Service• Cut.Down •
For some time it has been rumored
that the train service on the Palmer-
stop -Kincardine line would be 'cut
down, • •
'The: cut, takes place after Sundays;
'Juane 28th. That is' the present seri
• !in' cklnow Defeats Ripley
And Wins, Group
Lucknow Junior Farmer's. Softball'
team- :.defeated . the Ripley `'Jyun'ior
Farmers in •;the..a.Caledonian park, ;oh
Tuesday, evening; by :a stere of '15 -
10. As a result. of . the victory the
c tinue' ^' ntil ' Saturda , local .aggregation •are •the winners .:of:
vice :.will on ii. ,, Yr, • . ,Y ,• :.
nigh, t, .Pune,•, 27, 'but on Monday the, Group 2'n theRural Softball ;League,
ew - or d er..' will in veith nl one . e•nd on , June 30 and July Gth, :Will be
passenger ,train each' Way. each lay, matched , against the , winners =.g#'
•The- :-early . ronin ng• train: outgoing , yup in the sem a, finals .. _,. s
willntinve: as now; an4 the^- coon
'incoming trait wily continue.asow:
1 ere will -:be no outgoing train ,of--
ternoon, and_ incoming night train.
So° far" as passenger service goes
this may not make much difference, •.
as the public .have almostabandoned
the railway train for short trips dur
ing the •summer. months.. The•change
will be most noticed in the mail ser-
vice, as .all the .city • mail :Will here-
after arrive on the noon train.. • .
As •everybody knows, the.. change.
is made ' because' of automobile and
truck •'competition carrying passel',
gers, and parcels which formerly
went. by express.
The 'train service.. after' �Saturday
will be .very different from that on
this line, 20 years ago,when there
were three• pa's, senger trains out and
in. The change,. • of .course, is .not
confined.. to .this line. All branch line
service.'out of Palmerston, CNA :and
out of Orangeville . C:P.R., has been
cut in. the .same way:'
• It was the snappiest game of softs'
hal} ileen _here , this season, ; featured,
:by good hitting and smart ;fielding.^
Mel Hackett, who pitched for ;'the
locals was gi'en` fine' support by—'his
teammates and together with timely _
hitting they..were• able to'keep just. `Ud. 'e C steno's
one jump ahead of the.visiting team.' Q•
Reg. Smith end 'Jing Thorton handled Charge TO Jury. In
the game nicely. Brussel. Robbery Case,
The line up-R:.Levis, eft : c. Greer,
3rd, M. Hackett, p.; S. 'Trowbridge,' d
In .connection with the trial of a
ss.; 'L. Woods,' 1st; A. :Thompson:. criminal charge. of a serious nature,
2nd; F. M.cQuillin, W
;c.., .. Hunter; • "'
and regarding ,which public opinion
lf., G: 1! is'her, rf: is divided, and.a jury reports "''a ;dis-
Ripley—M. ,Eckmire, E:. Harrison; what the residin' 'judge
G• Scott,.' G. Gemmell, C. Pollock; C. thieement, presiding l g
Needham,. H. Pollock, ,Clarke ,, Need- thinks of the evidence ii:of a great'
a interest-: The - Judge is. impartial. He
ham, ,'J. Scott is''accustomed to, valuing ,evidence
and sizing •up' witnesses.-..The_:judge.:
*not supposed, .tosay what he. thinks
of 'evidence, but,. usually- his charge
to the jury leaves little doubt as
his. view. .
Below we give a summaryL of
Judge Costello's address to the 'jury
which heard evidence in, the. Bial re•
The Bread The- Bread -
of Iealth, of 'Iea'lth
FRESH V RY 'DA • _ .. � P• :;
eS' a. j3eCi.
.. Phone •a36'
'Don't allow the vermin to kill your
cabbages, tomatoes' or anything in
your garden: We can supply ,you with
King Bug Killer'' which' will .kill, the
vermin and make the pants 'grow.—
Wm. Murdie
row.—Wm.:Murdie & Son.
. u *entity at d7bderic t; --mo#=- he.•• -McNeil»
Picnic' And Field Sports Y
' Brothers;, ,charged .with robbing the.
Mr.. and Mrs. James Purvis, Ken-
neth; Calvin and . Mrs. E. Bolt • and
babe, 'visited relatives at Guelph and
Puslinch • over the week -end.
This :evening, Thursday, •'June 25th
MEETING AT BELMORE is the -date of another dance in the
local 'Orange Hall. Music. liy McCart-
The Teeswater - Lucknow section of hey's' 'orchestra. Everybody welcome.
the--Bruce--Pr-esbyterielr;.of--the- 311._r
Mr. and' Mrs: JiteTc Siiti'tli-andlittle
S. of the United Church., will hold a
July 2nd.—morning,'..and ' afternoon
sessions. Mrs. Walker of' Port -Elgin-
who has' served in Japan will be the
speaker at the morning session. .
• lotion through their secretary, Mr.
. Ale* McKague, refused to pay a
. prize 'awarded at the annual match
staged at Salem last October. to a coil-
testant named Collins ef Mitchell on
the :grounds that he -was , ineligible
to compete in the class he entered.„
-Collins through Ms solicitor, Mr.
daughters, Jean and Isla, and Miss
Jean Bennett Of Toronto, were week-
end guests of -Mrs. A.D. MacKenzie
and Miss -lees. •
The Re?". Walter Craw was at •his
heme here over the week -end and oc-
cupied the pulpit of the United church
Sunday evening, Incidentally he stat-
ed that he had -accepted need to the
church at AberfoYle, near Guelph. .
Coor-i-mdergarments- for men at
new 'owl. prices'. PMarket", Lucknow
Campbell Grant, sued McKague . in • DIED IN WYOMING STATE
• the twt, izes of $14 eadb, and the', An obituary' .which we take from
hearing' toe* place at Teeswaterg on tbe Blair, Nebraska neWsPeper *ill
' Tuesday afternoon. he of interest to Many Of our2Luii•
Mi. Roy Robertson,as counsel' fo7 novir. end Ashfieid readers. The party
• being tried, as he was merelk actin ghter pf Alexander Murdoch, One of
as Secretary ' lot the -organization. the early settlers of.. Ashfield, hnd a
With this vie* Judge'.0wens coincid- sister of the late, Neil pirdoch- of
, ed, and perMitted the plaintiff -.COI- Lucknow. Her Intgband whom she met
lins to include the Aadoeiation an it Nebraska waS a brother • of the
. defOicliints. • \s, . , - ' . late Joseph Anderson, .a. . one-time
-Mr. Robertson pointed out by quot- resident . of Lucknow. The obitnery
in .Class 4 in Whieh Collins 'Was a '• ‘'Mrs. Semuel F. Anderson of Powell
contestant ,that only. plowmen who Wyoming; passed away May 28th at
. had neVer wen a first prize at any' the 'Deaconeaa Hospital in _Billings,
previmis match Would be eligible toL Montane, at the age of 76 'years, 3
olongete, and the defenee cotinsel pre- months and 4 days.
ceeded to Show where the plaintiff: Deepasetl was born at Darlington,
had • won „ money elsewhere and a suburb of Termite-, Ont: . mid when • „
'Was therefore not eMiforming to the a small thlikinoveil with her parentn .SBMI-PRO BASEBALL AT Pow
provisiobs of Association's rUlea. to Lucknow, (jut,. near Lake Huron.
Upon'. learning thie the Jtidge in - a 'When sixteen years' of, ate she came
firm tone stated iii stihitallee that it to De..Soto, this cOunty, tie company
13uffalo Easter trends vs. Buffalo
:wee *beyond 4is ebinprehensieri iViiy for the YoUng wife of Neil McMillan,
Colored. Giants. TWo of the ,fastest
. enyOne Who could read would want who was, lemesoine and hentesieli .in
teanis In New York State. Will play
for purse of $700, MOO Arnott 8t'Ce.,
•, ann. of the colirts Nkii,h4n-t- MT sell- Viirtrtittriga ta Sainuel Biel& Andett• UM -sky -14u Rand and--.11enevet:Tiand
' blatee „ore foundStien tie bUild, a eon' And te them nine children Were
on Grounds all. afterneon, Band Ta -
case Veen: , , . . born, four ' cif viThom paseed aivay in
ttoo and Spectacular -Bireworks Mt-
' " His Honour proMptly dismisSed the infancy. ;Those rernaining are Mr.*.
PlaY in the evening. Si* panda. Don't
*ion and leVied all the chats upcin Perry ' ,i; Omit, *a. J. O. Reynolds,
1 •• . . :enets.:
'..recalled_the crime
Officers and brethren of Old Light 'Girls:under six years -'--L Nicholson- of October 29th, giving a 'graphic
Lodge; A.F. & A.M. will attend divine I. Henderson, M. McCharles. word picture:of . two . armed -despera.-
service. in the 'United Church, Luck- Boys six years --: S. Jamieson, R. Aup the staff at the point of automa-
does walking, into the bank ,holding
now, on Sunday morning next. Lodge
will open at 10.3'0 AA., 'service at
11.00 A.M. Visiting brethren are
, For the, first ,time .in a couple ef
seasons local fans were given an op-
portunity to Wjtness a hardball game
on the home diamond, Friday of last
week: And it waa a fairly good game
A double schedule has. been drawn
up in vvhich Lucknow, Ripley and
Kincardine are represented. Riipley
Were the Visitors here Friday, and
in the Xame which produced fairly'
by a score of,11-10.
The diamond 'has been greatly im-
proved, and' although it mai not be
Bruee League calibre badeball, this
league 'gives Promise of producing
'some mighty interesting ,baseball in
the coming Weeks. 4 •
'Sten, let; Art McCartney, 2fid;, Roy
FinIayion, Se.;,,, Robert Thompson:
3rd; Andre* Thompson, lf,.; Art An-
MacCharles, end A. Hamilton. ,
'Girls under eight yeers—i. Ensign,
!eye nine years—S. ,MaeCharle4
IL Macintosh and E.' Button.
Girls tengyea'Ar7S. Farrish, I. Nic-
holson; D. MacCarles.
chie, A. Richartts.
"Girlfi twelve years—R. Cook, 4..
Struthers, j. MacCharles.
boys twelve -ieers—L. Henderson,.
B. MacKenzie.
Girls sixteen years—R. aficDonald.
' Boys: siltteen years—N. Richards,
J. Button, A. MacAuley.
Men, any age—D. Nicholson, B.
Married ••WOmeia's Race—Mrs. G.
MeeDiarmid, Mra. John MacDonald.
Married Men's _Race -4.. Stanley,
D. Nicholson; B. Hamilton. .
Shoulder Stopea.• Reid; P. ,Cooki
The Married men WOn the football
game froin: the Single Men and the
Iloys beat the Girls in the seft hall.
New Broadcloths, , Printa, Voiles,
Rayons, ete., "Market." Pleknow
Dept. Store,
tics ind decamping with approxim-
Manager; Wilmot, Said,His Honor,
got a fair vieW of the first, bandit
Be later got another look, and he
Went Into the box and identified hint
The manager 'was si reputable Man
and weight must be placed on lii§
The witnesa Lamont, His Honor
went on, was sitting with his hack to
the offite 'door when the first handit,
entered. He did not -have -a good look
at him at first,. but he shifted i4 his
chair and later did. Lamont was not
disturbed. He was' not ordered' to AC.-
COMPalir tO 'the rear of the.
-ban e was no indfOlaed or made:
to lie -on the iloor. Rather did 'La -
glass Partition at what was going On
during thoie eventful minutes. Three
tittles the taller of the robbers cnme
back to ,hiin and._tlie third thne he
ordered him tO the veult. -Here again
Lamont. had a good vie* of acetified.
The lighting in .the vault was Rif;
ficierif to.permit this, and the .evid-
ence is strengthened by the 'state-
ment that the. kit act of the bandits
Was to, pull Lamont's bap Over his
"New Lamont Was a Customer, Ile
is a reliable men. Ile hia ho interest.
in this ease other than to see juiltice
:dune. He had a fait hpportunitY to
vie* theee men. ree titnes he says
MARRIED, - he Was confronte by HatVey. He
cA• Ac comei here And says, `These are the
men.' It is lcir, you to deade;" said
,judge--teld the jury- they could
Clarke, Ida Winriffred Irwin, dangh,
dismiss front. Theirs ininds the evid,
ter fYi Mr. and Mrs. William John
ence of rat!' and White, teller and
IrWin, of Ashfield township, to Glen,
ledger -keeper respectiVely. ,They ad-
(COlItinftied on. Pap 5)
• The fifth annual ` Huron County
Live Stock and Household Science
Judging Competition .will be ' held in
Clinton on Thursday; ,July 2nd, cum;
niencing at 9.00 A.M. The boys will .
be required to judge ten classes Of, •
live stock. and' "oral reasons twill be'
taken on five .classes.' The girls' will
berequired to judge classes in Nut-
rition,' Mtge
ut-rition,'Tioitse '.Furnishing and Cloth -
n .:�
om ,"t1►e iiig"li 'boys and` girls. in
this ' ompetiiaon, . will he chosen the
teams torepresent the County at the
[neer- County competitions at 'Toronto
and Guelph this fall:..
Huron `:County made an excellent
showing in the Inter -County compet-.
tons last year, and the success of the
teams this 'year depends largely upon
tt well patronized, competition: • Splen-'
lid 'silver trophies and cash prizes
are=being,=offered-and-it=is hoped_$hat
-everyone--eligible -will ' take part7in =•-
thi's competition, on • Thurs., July .2nd.
For further particulars write ` the
Onfarioepi nt -4fTAgrieulture;
The annual'. garden -party' . Of Ash-
United Church, ;held on • the
grounds, `of - Mr. and Mrs.. Lane, was
a fine . success.. The storm .in the af
ternoon "was not encouraging' but in. '
the - :exening-.conifitions were ideal.
The staging . of this event—so im-
portent .in • any . worthy' enterprise—
Ans. :carried en- -by_-a :=splendid, loyal ._ _ ._:.
band of workers. The ladies served" '.
a -fine' supper-and-the-grounds=were
all that could" be desired. The pro- -
gram was a success and.^enjoyed by
a great lrow,d—the' attention :Vas -
Duetts sung by the Mises Melda -
and Winifred:,Lane,their voices blen-
ded well, ' were clear, sweet . and full.
Mr;" Lister's- instrumental- music dis- • : _-
played the taste and form of a true
musician: Vtr::Listerr 9a:`only out --from
ngiaud'a few .weeks; he is capable.'_
of giving first class entertainment
and one is indeed fortunate in secur-
ing his, services. Mr. Parrish gave us
music on the bagpipes, so popular
wherever played.
Mrs. Ira Carapbell ilij2tOf
Sept. 22, but that it •Was to See thet •
the -late 'was eideed, as he andsnt ts ',-
had cattle grazing On the farin.
dence reserved judger4eat until July