HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-06-18, Page 7• ,%,,,,raVi„; -•;12-9 ,hrT"rtd1Wittriga7nr:2-71,
4 4
4N4:03,, the, children': shall be miee,"beard, it. again, so looking et.,aleureth-
' With, the Lord of 'hosts,. In that do* er, ,he asked; "What's that polge,
.whee I make up my:jewels."•-,•Malaehl. .Mummy, jest a wee little rioise 1.11)
• 0 "1 • . there in the eeliing?" • .'• • ' . • . '
:2,0.1 ,.. '• ... ' The Kiddlet, ,-- -al • Billy had. pretty share Ors, for
--, •
' We John of three was 'visiting:his Mamma Lady dida.t;notide anything.
•• 'unole .'Henry In the coentry. 'for the "There it Is 'again,- Cee't yonhear it
• first tine. He was Very 'interested in 'neW?" '. • • • . '
411e. live stock and' one day 'Or :the ' "Yes:I belie:4.1'4 It spaide•Just.
• .`•ilret time, .saw' the cews-milked.2 The like eornetliing' scratching,: up. there.:
• lkThi56iiiiiig :liirriliTeTaTili" ale that What You hear0•71Iiilrileddett
teady. streatpnd lie .watchef it lie his: head,' "Lei ale .agei I •gueis that
•part'•of the ceilingfweeld be. -the attic ,g; :,. „•,,,,
i'd: " you i'iike a drink of Upstairs'.."' •Sofd Maninut;•. "When .thiS. : ' '• • ' ' '
-milk,' Joh' asked • Giteje-Renry-r-klut • laSt.. Pan.--4,4.uo9hies - 'i-0 baked ' w,i,.. will • . ", - • s
.•,T ‘....-• ..- Jp.144,(i.rned: OweYi awaking *few and ..t ,gertip•raridr;see-0..wo .gan...fiu,.ff out -w-ha,t., • ' '-'1.%;,fl^,;; ,
: ' :,.. • walked:to • the:stable door„ saying posj, , It 'ti.!'. , *fiRal.:,qiei'we,i4 •,•Riat441:s and , ,,,.. ;.. ,:•....' '.
lively; ,.: ' , ,• . - . , , . • ,. ?opened, theititie--.-iloor;._Wita.,...02...men.
!Nu, me Milk bOttle." , ,...• = ,. think. witeatancling•there, ''soglad to .• ••• ' ,•.
After a while ,:he. 'became *.u-Seti to see: Plena • •It',.wits Fluffy. .She had, .
, • =milk casing in this way and in -dile. been slitikle and couldn't` get: otit.
. -time's.. couple of the cows. had their "Oh, Fluffyl•fin so 'gled you 'e found
•:.... Utile pelves,. .whom 'ene. dee he saw at :last,". cried Billy... -,..
feeding ,Iiidustrioualy. in the eatura .You see,Mamma , Lady knew that.
•Fluffy was °all right; of course she (lid.
He was excee4ieely•inferestedsagaia, But she ' didn't know ,just exactly
watching them for •a. long time. That ' Nohere she went to hide It waa. it' geed
night wheo. he Wai:eating,his supper thing. she had put Sornethingup there
••and wairkven 'his ,gless of milk be re-; ter 'her to eat in case she, had. got in -
"11 • Marked ' thdeghtfinly, e$siciS'. • little to'the eta; .for she had been there
• '• • ' ealves milking cows -for Oncle• Henry.", .three whole days and, nights. • ..
. . . ."Sut.• tirnic.7 did she Want 'fti b_hle,
, .
,.. The Twilght Hour Stork • :, Mainma?. We wouldn't hurt her; TM'S
. _ _• . . ..
. .Chicks 'and •Othee',Little Friends ,, knovis• that.. Said .BillY; 'very puzzled;
,. .•:......r.1 : . •• .. ...
• • . 24.* • • '
• - . •• •
. ,petting•Fluffy all the time;
No . '
aayea,:aeer:, I believe knows that
TonsY.; the 'cat, was curled uP but.I think all at Onceshe grew .4 .lit4
"In Fleffys. chair,.. sleeping.. Yu see, tie afraid' of Rorer,' 'Was that it,.
' was not hack yeS. .11emme rhiffsron. ' • , • ...' . '•,•
. -• Lady was melting some real ',good But 'Fluffy just purred and walked
cookie in the big bright:kitchen...You routid ' and round Mamma Lady : and'
• .. :now the kind': little boys like were
, • . the.. Iona She .was making, My; but
••• Ilion% eoekiee sniell good when they
'ate %baking? . . . .. • .. .. ' ...
, • .
T.. ' Billy-wasn'tfat away *h-eri-t7e-Xriew-
-r•L=PM'kTgiaelih:.ib•ea'ii- :21:14-111ad tafa
-•- bele take them out of the pa; lifter
i• ' 7- lit waehed-hid-handt• geed and -clean;
•. ' 'He liked &big that so weli,I•wouldn't
•.: be surprised if Billy •shouldbe• a' baker
L when he grows' uP.• I'm • sure it must
be' nice in the -bre sips to-k-e4rteltz-
lag Out 'of the oven gond teokies and
• • Pekes and pies:, piles and piles of them,
, and warm crusty 'bread to 'put, oo the
..rows and rows of shelveefor all 'the
: • people. , Well, 'these 000kies smelled
sci good RillY „wanted • to eat One, a
. nice extra fat one, because be . was
• 'helping. I believe he had two, but
, •• . then 'More..then that.wouldn't he good
, .,•. • for any little hoe.,- ea he just 'thought
, . . abettt-•supper time, ' when he ..ecald,
• have another one after those two were
•.' • all eaten up. .•-. ' •• ' ..
Everything wasreal quiet hi. the kit-
. „Phen." The' clock even sounded,loud,
ticking ••away on the •shelf,, , when all
•• '1,,,,t,„..._.,_,.._ ••1
• rf.':;:-
• .411Mrt .....tot,-;e4,--,._.1rit
What New York.
What Type of Book Does .
The Girl 'of .TodaY Read . Slifiday '$Ch00.1
What do the • Young Garman high • :
v Girdle the ,Globe. , 4
_ school girls between fifteen and twem, " ., :-•
' ... •• '...,putt la an-4equity sent out by, the -as-._ . Leisoix ..
.• 4
'BY ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON •tY Years read to -clay? was a queetion To Learn . How magnetic
IlitieWateit Drelimaktife.,k6-880173....99„ se.li11.-e,vtti11 , 'rt..: -, • ... : `.0,. ' I - r-7:-..1e)tat", AV.:Z.3.w- ""
. yagbod with Li; *??.?./ pattern .. •devpur the sweet .".tales for. young • by ;Sun
. . maidens" ailed with sunshine , and, , •
: flowers'" and always .ending happey,? Mount Wilson ObaervatorY,, del.,--
leof the.times ..have chh.nged.., la .this ,Twenty -•five weather bureaux ef the
age, le', which famines are struggling sun are being organized around the
. , . hi - .
:te.„make "iota ends meet in which. the earth, By these,,astronoiners,•eapeel the oterat e ,gave s enlY
that •whosoever be: ..„' ••
Ming Nvaman of, the edueated plass to learn 'just hoW stornis , in • the, 'min beg°tten• sail"
World arid ',earn a,,,Ilyieg,• the; German The' uestipri in:Volved 'iS how ;long it: : •
) • lievatii On' tVtil .,:shota.not iipitsti, '.'" ' - •,,
but hove everlasti•nti life. --John 3: ••• '. •''''',
cause reagottie storm on the 'earth:
only too 'P,.ften meat steplut 'tato the
take' the ontbreakioathestio to start • . . • ,
i s trn on the. earth. ; .. . ,
Light from .the sun travels the 93,- •
•F Y. ': :.• •
Autbance•travels that -as:to Rey. Professor, Fred .W. Langferd, • . • .••
. PEOPLE AND 'ADLILTS. •',..• . , • . ••.
• ,
• 900,000 miles to the 1 earth in eight
minuteS, Perhaps the: magnetie die- (By,:
be n year or so befora the astronomers
bat it will . , .. '?"14t'', 'TPP4)4t, R. ). . . " : ' . .,,,. 3 , .. . . ', .." .. • •.' ' .
• , 'PA
are red to repert• the results of the . ' We have follaWed the latter part, of • til ,: ,7 , •••,, , , .., :: ..,k,'
, . •
Jesod., pliblida,'Mintstry.Athrpneli 'thla, .. , '• '',, -,• •-. , •• •fi.;.:
010; PbseryationS. • •Th4,..e.,Willf'.11.e''•QUarter. We. have 'Obit ,soirie..of" Itis'4; ,'..1••": ' ' ....'„,,, :,. •• ....• ...A ' 3 .
leovhi the; possibility ' of • forecasting. ,preatest ,expositions of his geSpeVef_.„'• ,*•, . - ..... . •.' "•• • . •
Stet:ins On;eartli-caueed:Ispy7f.,!ti2itarVi4g16.'ve. andrits-7•iallplicatipti.le:K.Olir-life,,,,:4, .,,_:,..,,,,,, '.7,i .. ••• ,••, i • :.
n_etic*". di.sterbioces. , ',.,' ".,'::-..,-; .•'. •„, • tot:through' the period of ireWing•latta-, . ' :...", .'• ' : '.'' ' ''''',;`7'...' - ';
....:Ar,_,;„..fcitei1e:s:.2E, sf,. sphn. -- mei14e; ______,q,*h_till. froni t!'e leaders Whit cruel.,:' ' • ',•• - a '''.... • . •••:•1:' ' .
of the international committee on.the -fixio-n-arel- returrectientlre-.-greetea17----""--------'
•a- -
re•lation of. golar..t.9-.,terrOSt.tial,' phe•n- of all :his •expositions of. leis..gospel ef .• '• , .
oineinc,.. announced recentl th 'lite lave. In the-diseassion 4.-ths week,
• • • • .5' • • 'a i"- with so wide a field to over; We can- ,.
ganizations of the weather bureau*. of
n not hope to dd more Than to restate a
the Sun may be perfected next July i • , •
few Of the great lessons df'the Quar- • -'.
• Brussels. The committee •holds its ter'S study. Some of the' following •. ' • '
t•riennial session-.thri, ' ' , . questions recall the lessens of the
, .
These solar weather bureaux (will past weeks. .•. , . : • • • ,.,.,.. • .
be equipped with.. -spectoliellosOpes "What was lesue',. teaching .about
'that, •observe • the ' bright and ' dark humilityl, Is it in ,asset or a liability • - • •
flocculi on the Sun's disk. Or. George in this. age? Give some illustrations :
Eliery• Hale Of Pasadena, is the in-: of .the humble spirit. as.. a, person of
real strength; "• • ..
, Give. the gOspel alessagethe 'real
good nes,-disclosed in. ,the 'story of k ,
the forgiving father arid the return, .*:' ' •
ing prodigaY • ;., • ' • • : , • •
What doe S it mean to be: spiritually
"lost"? Was ,'ZacchmUS lest in the '•
same way, or as effectually,, as Was •. .
the prodigal. son? "Whet aboet, the • • •-.
rich man who had no : thought: fer -
Lazarus? ; • ' . ' • . .: • a .
What is' the 'Value to yon.of,the ob-
servance ' of the Lord's Supper? • • '. „'",.i • ,
Could Jesus have become the patient; . -.
el mai" if.,he had•stapp.ed stiortot the ,..••
crozs? If he .had not rismafrom..the . . • .•,
Weather Bureatts
Aire 28, l_essOn XIII--Beview (Jesus
The: Woiect.i„Savfoer: Buffering
Soverelgnty.) Luke 24: 44-63.
Golden Text-,-qed, so Ioved th�
hlgh'school gir1s ranttci' read about
the World as. it- presents ittell' and not.
as it ice..iniagin.ed...This, anyway, is• •
tlia.gist of the. replies .received.,
•. believe is teapo,, With' the whelp...Pa-.
:q-ioa-haviog-rbraced, -Ifself-litlite•
ten years to ,face tinfleaSantac.tsin-
1Jiiehingly antl. to (1.1Senas"..14,-....ehliiie•
conditions,:- 'so' as .t6 • Master •theln.)-
. 'which Were formerly nOt wasp • nreptibM:
•••ed in ffitivdt0f.'ciferes;:t1fia-Y•otinfkpliit
..4do liot"Wapt to icontinue living in-aA
.a1isitra.e.t4esetinted ..„"
• • •
For the same reason they decline to
be-problernatiod. This;•-alsO,-..niark's•-a
Clieng,e, for not .se very • long ago the
prebelmetic formed the. chief topic of
cOuntles.4 : books, plays and conversa-
tions. The
Germarialier,e still retain-
ed their .fondness •• for deep thinking,• .
but it is foie turned toward inyestigett,
• • lag facts, and notabstract queslons.
Th.e. new. :desire for reality has lessen-
ed- the: -appreciation. of the ,classies.'
This may s.eeni einerising in a country
honoring Goethe, 'Schiller , and Shake
•Speare• so highly..., But the young girls.'
'thitik much more of•'tbe problems, tba,
persons and'. the. hapPeoings' of :their,
hooks: • than of . the poetical form In
Which they are cast. , The :books, which.
ire to appeal to them must, be simple,
sincere and straightforward. •
„ • '7110'..U•SO of'.Education.
Whe...: yen: stdy this .ovely after -
'"Haven't you got something t� ShOVir
,n9611 dress, . yon'll 'see ',I's really very
Ifs?" :said' Mamma Lady, smiling.
"Where are they, Fluffy?" • •
• simple' to fashion. It'd' slenderizing
•-•Inat-Iluffy-justlreptpurrbagand--pre- 'ma. • ' 'inal_C . . • r :
The-origarried .out _the lath-
teridadAiididirtYffd•C-What "Mamma - '.
ignoble btrelrairdte-ilreftrein Crepe -
Lady was talking about. • -;• ",
Well, Billy i I guess we'll have to silk Prlint•
. ______ .,, ; • ,
end out what -that noise was, for VItif-
The bodicis given a, softened line
0 wont ten us"
Once : more shethrtnigh the becoming owl drape. And
, ':
to give the figure height -the Wrap-
over-tuak-skiit sees to that., -•
There, are nemberless other fabrics
equally suited' to this •model. For in.:.
stancei a7-.' printed -chiffOn-would be -
under. her -to stay there until•they
were ready to go downstairsShe adarabk for more dressy occasions: exercise. the mind eqpally. hs-Ve , an
' .
even shut her eyes as though she Wool :crepe, plain crepe. silk . and equal intellectual value, and in schools
were oing to sleepShet, many rayon novelties are sinart. the utilitarian should be regarded ,as
:g. - wasu
thougl for once in a white she open-
'8Ity1e No, 3084is designed for hizes moreimportant thanthe .cultnral, for
ed them aiittle t� see 14 they were
36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust. those Who want to be cultured will
'Size 36 requires 4% Yards 39 -inch realize' their ambition ori their otan.
d,oing.• : , ;
Cant you guessBilly, What that
With % Yard•39-inch ontraiting. The' first requisite is to teach young
•• "'',
noise wde?HOW, TO ORDER PATTERNS. people hhowto -earn their, liVirig': by
'No. I can'rguess. Do you know?" • Write your name and address plain- doinguseful ' work, net :to tram them
ly, giving number and eizepof such with ill -digested gobbets of 'infornia-
."Yes, I know, dear,''said Mamma
tion which ere as differept from eiti-
petterns as you want. Encloide• 20c in
La y. ••tum as. -clialk,-is from eheese.-:. - - ---
But that is what we'll tell YoU'abinit .stanips-Ordoin, (Win preferred; wrap •••.
next time, if you keep quiet and won't it 'carefully) for each nuMber, and
make -the-least •''bit of -noise,...., .. _ __„....:- ..address. young:ate-la to _.Wtleeri.:Patforn"..130Wlingt:•.--HeoldS :'•-- -- --- ..-- -- :
---T7,-•••-•.• Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Phice in Saxony
Extensive. Research Planned,
.z4 ' of Ontario Pasture Problems ollsiL •
--0-•z --:""%%••\
asked her, "Where are they, FluffY,
won't 'you tell nier
• No; Fluffy. just ,sat down comfort-
ably .en the door and curled her .paws
'• Truth (London) is. high 'Ulric'
We. ebplished, the intellectual,:m6bbery
regards :art, literitture,Mtisic,:
and....the •classics as. .members a. the.
aristooratic, edueational••fb,milyi with
scieriee as 'a, distaat.couain; eed. Which.
.math!' -(4. E„EVaris. at a conference
of,"the. --Na.tiOnai Union '(of Wonieri
•Teachers.) There is a great' dealtoo
muchcinWbottlal snobbery in •inociern
educat,'and ,the•,snohbary talcea..-th
'form .of..learning,"ortrying.,to learn, a•
•thing not for its liwn,sake, but because Are Rapidly Disappearing
it ha -a-soetal-eachetr.-:-Subjects4hat- -Berlin.=