HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-06-18, Page 5•TRURSDA, ,.• JI NE itisth, 1931 •-
-110(E LIT CKNo* SENy1 TET.•
• BACs ors
One month it's, Train, another brings blizzards,.
and. then comes blistering• sun. So in 'swift
succession are the forces of the'eltementsmartialed:
against your.roof.. .
Brantford Roofs have been pitted.for' years
weather. Year
:against the severities of Canadian
upon' year, ;.they emerge from the battle with.
colours rich ant' mellow...•
They have done and • are ready to keep on
__.doing their-job--of-protecting,the 'interio of your:'
home from damage. It is this -quality of stubborn.
defence against the . onslaught of storm• and sun
.that has, helped ,to build` the reputation of
Brantford Roofs.
• Choose' the treatment most suitable for your
• ' .- -•• 4ndividnal-regioiremenis�.a.t youLaearestBr-antford�
dealer's.-----He-will--help-you-and_estimate how little ; •
..it costs too. give'you. the.. beauty, -fire -safety and. •,g
weathe ...pr-otection- oLa. BLLntfo> d- Roof.
Old . . Age Pension Iri •Ruron CoU.fn ty
At the' June.session 'of the Huron and working the game out on the .,an -
County Council the. 'Old Age Pension nutty beaks is a big improvement, as
Coxnmittea aubrct tte:d the. following the "pensmaionsttcinat-�this 'way Is based on
�theaud- w!t
During the -year 1931 to date '"'of _.
be • d-
and•l:faafcir°�itn. to ,ail, and also
this report, the. Committee has held eliminate any possibility of a ;charge
fi t p r month
ve_ meetings or one e
of favoritism toward any applicant.
The total number of new applies= The •Committee also, ,approves ofp
tions received and deal ;with in these. '
the m�ettod of 9asking ,a return of
months was, 73, a , the number •of ' paid pensions where such is possible,
these granted pensions was 70.. This
.is :the same will have tendency to
included° some left over from Decem- ' a
avoid.the.`method' resorted to of eon -
her 1930.
cealment of ,financial' capabilities. or
, The total .number of sppjicationa° .
transfers ' in name, only, but not :in
received.•.and, •registered since 'the.
,act,; and more care will be given in
commencement of. the Act 'br, 1929, is' preparing the statement contained'
766, and .tie. total of these granted
pensions 672
The• payments n mot to ,i ensionetts
in the untys •of •4iuron_,d'urm..g.rthe
past five ',Months:04S as 'follows. .
• ••�,T $ 11,162 i_5 _
Fehnruary'>- .": W--- 1.1
:March, • :' ' •., • ._ .1.'1114401
11052 48
May .........,.
Total, -per 5 month's .,..,$55,781.08 .,
° . . •.Of this" total,; the County '.paid 20
per cent.; or $11,156.22, and the av-
erage. paidby the County . per . month.
voila $2,231.25.
At theend of the year 1930, the
total-registered.:applacations for pen-
ren•outside the Province,aid:.there
ions Was 694, . and the last one 'tee::are families: in :Huron where most of
istered ° in ;/'Lay this year .was 766, or , .the ' family who are. able,' live in. the
a total 'registration for„the li months. -United' States` or in other .I'rovrnees
and it is very Iinfair•'to make ".those
ton of the Act in Ontario pay for the whole family,.
• months of th , p month,
We• can't collect from: a daughter
who is married well ,:of, unless she
ha's means' in n'her own right, as ' we
can'.t compel: a son-in-law to kee
wife's ...parents. 'Wherever— this meth-'
od has been tried.
very much litigab
ilies, -made them
-the result -the
alined, hence the report to the othei
fl a�cztal shown ----......--..766.
r he •'-'af p.. p. r,
• eguard to secure the ro' a —ac==
. 'The total dumber grante( fo t counting.
County at '.headquarters lies reached
're -Sated to tilis-method •and. -the •Goin
the •number ,of; 672 and of these 92 tnttee: has peen 'commends¢ by;other
leave. -been -repo ted dead, leaving the coanues fox.., ,evading. such:•. trouble;
list at present of those` in the Countl! legal worries, and expenses and'keep-
receiving•the pension 580, and of this ing families together'instead of mak
number;. 50 ire Tri ;tlielHoue of -
ing bad "friends Wand• separating thini,
Inthe application w)�en it is knovgn;
that any 'default wijl} prejudice am United States The ate,;cede rate per
•chance of success and: will receive ,x 100,00.0 of•pppulation n Canada is
at'eftxl 'e''heeking' up a:rail fog the United Sti es,
It has ;been often pointed out that" iarthcjr westc one goes the greater'
children- are Ira'ble for<:their :parents, Lance there -la of:•f'one's conmitti;ng.k
ander.- the ai ttenazi'ee.- of ; : �reni �': iicide '"San l�aega Califori ia, h�___a
-Act whereby any sons. or' daughters. „ate 'of 39.6,; and' 'Los Angeles, 35.7,
Nbo .have property in their own name is, against an average This
all Amer-
{ are liable. can :cities • of ,,18.2.. This . may `be'. be- .
That is the Act and there,are so' 'ause• .so many invalids go to • Cali-
-:navy' .•unwilling acid have been lornia in' search •of"he,alth, they have'
brought •,into court in. •cjertain parts nothing but death to look forward to
of the province • but ',not in, Ituron: when this hope fails. British Colum
The' part . of the 'Act is 'hard : to en- . ria, which is not, so 'well advertised
force; and sometimes, works a grave from a health'standpoint—as Cali' :
injustice.:We cannot follow the•.cl►• d ornia, has' a rate'•of•17.02=the••high
est. in .Canada, and _Alberta is 'next
vith,,13 9: The lowest. rate
_ la, 3.7, •is in;Quebec.• Despite. the fact
-.hat Nova.; Scotia,'. with ,a rate., of
-8,. is next,: the Quebec' rate may be
attributed "largely' to the influence pf
,eligion, since in' other' ' Roman Cath-
,Ii°e' countries Elie::•percenta8•e 'of. sur-
,.id'es is also low. The Je*isli religion ..
owever,,. does not seem, to act -as a-�-
aeterrent; in Prussia, for instance,; :
,He -rate =for Jews is 8:3, while' for
Protestants 'it is 5, and for ;Catho-
ics, . only'.2.1.
.Men are`, more : -• prone" • to; • suicides ;
,:hon women, in. the ratio of about
Disectar. Mike of EduWioo. Ce.eduu
• N n Iter• Mtn Hisl
People commit suicide.' for a var-
iety .of reasons, but it is a• safe .as-
,suniption that moat who do are men -
;ally deranged, at' least temporarily.
According to the Dominion `Bureau
,f Statistics, x„748 ` persons took their ,”
°reek lives in Canada during .1928; the. •
est year for which figures .are av, •
iilable, 4nd. it •is• estimated that there '
are .annually, 15,000 suicides in : • the
of : 73, or 15 a month, while the num-
ber registered during the, first, six
was 447, or practically, .75 per mon ,
or five times:as inany,per•nnonthas•
this .'.year.: • ;
The' totals registered ,were as. fol
• 1929-6 . months
1930-12 months
1931.-5• month's .-.._ M •••. - w 73
I;rantford Roofing'Company, Limited,. Head Office and Factory: Brantford, Ont.,
Braneh Offices and Warehouses: •
Toronto, Winnipeg, Montreal, Halifaxe Saint. John, N.B., and St John's, Nfld. .
For Sale Ly:•-WM.‘ MURDIE .& SON
Monumental .ork.
• ' Lucknow, Ont: •
most complete
Has the largest and.
stock in the most beautiful designs
to choose -from, in-.
W E make • a Specialty of ,
• Family monuments and invite
your Inspection:
Inscriptions • Neatly,' ' Caref ully and
Promptly Done: .
See us before placing your order.
Douglas ,Bros.
•Phone 74 '
Sunday, June 8th;;saw the passing
:if a very o•]d `.resident of the 'teeth in.
the persen of Mts. Thomas Wilson,,
it the age of 83 : years... She 'had been
.ill . for :only a' few • days. Before .her,
marriage, Mrs. Wilson was Miss
'Ftandes"lreaver, -a •daughter.:of •-the,-
,late 'Mr. and. Mrs. James ' Leaver,,•E.'
Wawanosh. She, ,however, .was born
in Lanark County; the family having
come -fronn -there to E. Wainanosh:
The Wilson .fancily *ere residents of
.the. 2nd Con,' of • Cuti' ss until' 28' yrs,
ago, • when they moved. to Wing -ham.-
r. •Wilson died there .a ,number. •of
Oars ago •at the age of '93. ' • There
survives two sons and, three daugh-
ters: Janes. of Whitechurch, "-Dr.
Thomas, G. of Bay City; Mich.,; Mrs.
(Dr.) J. W. Scott, of Detroit; Miss
Hannah. of Bay City, 'Mich. 'and Miss
'Prances at home. Messrs. Peter , and
Thomas Leaver of... Last Wawanosh
are brothers of. the dee sed and.'Mrs.
:Iohn.•Normen of Winghani, is a sis-
o Charlie llintoul a resident. of Wing-
ham for many years and who at -one
time. conducted a grain ,chopping tall
here, dropped dead,'.at the 'Town II l
on.,Sunday., June 8th. He was 175 years
of age.
can: honestly • get whether they save.
=money --or not, for if_they, do deprive,
themse ves an' save money to-rg'et'-air
income, most ' of it. is taken 'away
from ,them in taxes to pay old age
pensions to .people who never saved..
We are' not •against old :age pensions
or other benefits from the tax pay-
er's,• money_ :What we are comment-
ing on is the apparent trend of the
times for municipalities'• and • govern-
ments • to take ' money. away,! from
people who -.have -it; by -taxes, -;and
with it provide • for' people who did•
riot saw '.money in their-younger-daysr;
—Exchange. -
out,,„it has caused
lin, : separated •fam'•
ad friends and with'
only=some-can •-be-re-.
R. A. Spotton,
Phone 256
Notice- T`o Gr -editors
Edwa ,
gess itt--one- time . .an
Estate of employee of the 'Dominion Bank here,
In ,the 1VIattei of thaw died in the Western• Hospital, •Toren
ALEXANDER WALK•11R•late 'of the
Township of Kinloss in the- .County.'
• of Bruce, Farmer,: deceased.
- Notice is hereby.given that •all
persons having" any claims, or de-
. mends ;against` the _late - -Alex-ander'
Walker. Who died, on or about the
sixth day' of April, A.D. 1931, at the
Township of Kinloss in the County
of Bruce, • are required' to send post
prepaid or to deliver to the under-
signed,executors under the Will, of
the said , Alexander ; Walker, their
names and addrestes'and•. full par-
tieulars in° vwriting. ,of their claims
and,statemen'ts of their accounts and
he' ature of the security,' if • an
held `y them'duly duly verified by.
avit. -
, And take notice that after. the 27th
day of June A.D. 1931, the said, ex-
' editor's will proceed .to distribute the
assets of the, said deceased' among
the persons entitled thereto, having Give mctiher'
regard only to the claims of which Should young" peon le v
they shall Hien have had notice and something' for old, age o
. said exeC'iYtoz`s"•tvi-11' 'not ---he- and lay bYs
. that�it ye t t e spend • y
uge • ' The pooling of the incomes' of bus -
These latter all receive the t full :band and wife works out after this
pension of $240' a year, but, mus
as • fashion:. • A man and' wife are', held
sign to the•County $210• of this or. equally responsible. • If a roan has
$1$ per-montli. The sum- of $18 per $5.00` income' and his wife nothing;
Month -has. been' adjudgedas theav- • they are rated at $25.0 each. If one
erne cost per month per inmate in
these . homes, Tri the ,Province, and
this was,'.recommended to the County.
_l y.,the Department as the'• proper
rate of charge, 'and phis Thus been
universally adopted in Ontario.
-'The numb -WT -0f • iapPlicatioris-per
month does not represent 'the. nu}iber
of 'considerationsengaging the at-
tention of the Cominittee at each..
meeting; and during' the five meetings
'of the Committee this year these"con-
siderations were 22.17, 24.26 and 36,
or ' a • total of • 125 making 25 ' pe>
meeting ,on the' ..average; the •aatrs
being made up of • re=application§ or
'p'peals--for-' increaser -many .readjust..
ments owing to :the change of cir
cuinstanees as• fo 'instance- the --death
of either husband 'or' wife, references
back from the Department or chan-
ges requested on re -investigations,
etc., at the ' instance of the Centra,
Authorities or 'otherwisd.
In view of the fact, that the:'basis
of. calculation • of^ Pensions has been
recently changed, and is-nrow placed
on the purchasing power of the ap-
plicants assets ' to secure, a govern-
merit annuity, . and that the total or
combined , assets of husband and wife
must be considered or 'pooled 't6 -de-
termine the pension . to be granted,
there will ne doubt be a inateri•al de-
crease in ` the amount , of , pensions
granted. Iii feet this process has'
already • been put into effect and -
there has been lately a considerable
scaling down of pensions.
• An example of how the Government
annuity, ,plan 'is carried out can . ,be
explained by: an example which ac-
tually occurred very recently: • A
father and son came•linto 'a certain
office seeking information as to pen-
sion platters 'for 'the father. The old
an was asked his age and-'h'e
gentleman -
said 85, and in reply to the. next'
question, as 1 o his circumstances, as
to ;assets, etc., he said that he had
1,000• in the ' bank and $1,000.00 in`
bonds. 110 was innformmed that he was
not eligible ' for pension,: as , the
$2 000 at his age invested in' govern-,
It seems , to be generally assumed'
that fire losses on residential, prop-
erty is a very small portion of fire
losses, but the .figures • for last yea>
are contradictory to this:- ,belief. Last
year's figures reveal that out' of 14,-
000 • fires in. Ontario 10;000 occurred
in- homes, with an everage loss of
about $300.00. Carelessness was given
as: the- -cause •.of_rast,- of - the fires,
while a number., were casual applian-
ces. There, were 200 lives lost in' fires
in Ontario in 1930 the greater. per-
centage being, women and ' children.
The plain 'ditty of . every -member or.
a household should be to take pre-
c-a'ution-against fire, for while prop-
erty destroyed can be replaced q
lost life is irreparable. -
to, on June 5th•,; et the age of 37, fol-
lowing a brief illness., Of late, Mr.'
Cross had been operating .a creaineey,
tl3arrie; and . on fume 3ifd, he had
gone to Toronto, riding in one 5f'liis-
creamery trucks:. Soon after arriving
in the city' he was taken vioient.ly,
ill and was taken to the hospital. Ile
is'survived by his wife, fornnteily, Miss
Mary Currie, a•, .daughter 'of Mrts. Cur-
rie and the late W. A. Currie
ham. The remains were Brought:
Wing ,
to Winghar for i► ter'» ent, it a :fun-
eral .being from •the .home ®f
A. Currie oii • June 7th. . '
• Robbing The Thrifty
the-said-assets-or-hosev_p s
to any person of w
they shall .not then have gees
- a.
notice: , ^ ,
e •i g-iven pursuant to the
Thus notice that behalf.
' .statute in • • 2nd
ate,d at LucknoW, • Ontario, this
of June, A.D. 1931.
John H. Ross, R. 1, Iiolyrood, O»t
plot ECkenswiller• It I I1olyreod Unt•
• 'Scut orso
should.what 'e °
as they go throng
five years' h' lift," Tvierity=•-
age those would have .been•
ars• g
considered foolish questions for thrift
was t,au
�:ht as one of the cardinal vir-
tiles: Today aclung man. of woman
may ount,
. conclude .Y' r�ith a certain am ,;
of reason to' miss nothing their mon--
eg will bull Arid have everything they -
Lu know Flour Mills
Mr.nitoba flour HAVELOCK
'Pastry Flour MADE -RITE -
Mill . Feeds---LOWGRADE
• - Full Line of' . -
Pig Chow, Cow Chow,• Calf
Chow, Steer Fatina, Chicks,
Chowder, Chick Startina, Chick
Growena, .Lay. Chow, Etc.
Meat a Meal
,crap and. ikon
order your
Now'-is-'t�he_tiime t
Phone 9 for price's:
_. . AVEPT .
l `ai51e "foe'
res -to one, and-singae—persons
earn more susceptible than -.the mar.
---led.; Men-show-a-preference--for._fire,__:
-rms - arid. women- for poison. Negroes
riarently think• twiee when suicide. :
s•conternplated: in the state of Geor-~ri
• 'iia the rate for whites is 9.6 while
:or' the colored population it ,is only
-.6. and this ratio holds ' for other
It may' seem`-, strange ' to 'some that • , -
;he. Irish Free State has the lowest 's
:ate of any white country, and that
:he; -next is, Mexico; but '.here again ' • •-
dies, . that ' is : wen both are pension •eligrion :probably plays its part, for
ers, a -claim ,is • enteied against the
combined' estate if worth while and
a refund of , what . was received and 5
per cent. -interest.
.he ratio iii- the .Irsh. Free State is
rbout 3, while For Northern, Ireland
it is just double that. -
Theredoes -'Trot-seem to be any ' '
- But so. . far not many refunds'• have evidence to 'support the common. 'be-
macje and some paid. Usually the es-
tate is . not worth while making a'
request for a refund -Worth:while.
Many applicants thilik'`tliat' when`
they agree to a transfer "of property
that. • they.. have no •more obligations
to pay interest or mortgages," or to
snake, repairs and some are even ask-
ing the province and county to attend,
to• these paynsents .and, obligations:•
The Government in granting pen-
sions, is not going into any real es-
tate- business. Ata matter of fact,
the : question should' not bethere. as it
is:misleading; and whether the appli-
cant says yes or no itmakesnio dif-
ference • and the `granting of a pen-
sion imposes no .obligation on'-' tiles
part of the Government or . County
to pay' interest • or mortgages, • etc:.
There is another matter often com-
ing up _to the Committee and that is
the amount of .pension .given to a ma.n.
and wife. It has been held and gen-
erally carried out that 11.--4 pension
be granted instead• of two pensions.
It all depends on the circumstances.
• A man andwife owning their own
home, . no rent to pay, a garden and
caro' keep hens or -a pig, are. better
off -with a pension • and a half, or $30
per month, than those living separ-
ate without these cornforts ,would be
with •$20 each or •$40 per month:
. regarding the duration- of ' the
sdheme as a county institution or 'ss
.it exists ,now, is not yet announced.'
but it has been suggested . that the
Doniinion will take a greater portion
than now, while leaving enough to the
counties to' pay to create an interest
'and' ensure,eo=operation in the proper
working out of the scheme, The fact
of introducing• the annuity system Of
.raleulation looks to be a forerunner
of taking it over,, besides there are
only six Provinces of Canada taking
t ' inure would produce an an- the pension system, and those not en -
-tuden-ts ._.:and:.._...
emandid, b- t aims hove been' lied that suicide among
ltlier' young people,is becomingmore
prevalent. People suicide at all ages
but the average • in. the -State • of New -
'York, which '" may be • taken,as also -
fair estimate for Canada• 'is 46.1
years 'for: men .and ,40.6 for women.`
Nothing much can be done at pre-
sent to reduce this serious •human '
wastage. • Like other ' evidences• ' 'of •
nentai, disorder -,-the- situation .which.__ ° _
leads` to suicide is usually ;of fairly
-'long--standing, and -is -the -outcome-,-_- _
of one's'. way •-of living. When .every, . • '
inndividual is taught to face the facts
V life. and to 'meet issues squarely .
is they arise, . the number of ' those
sho , choose `the suicide • Way out or - -
who slip into some: form of mental -
diseasewill undoubtedly be reduced'
but- there does not seem to be any '
other remedy. •,
- •COURT • '
A number of young men near.l
Brussels are in a fair' way :to paying .
'well lot some fun they, didn't' get,
after all. They gathered to' pull of a
°zhariverie "in honor" of :.Mr. and
Mrs John Clark, -s young; couple
lust married.' (�
The storv' goes. that four young
nen, ,Clifford ,Jackson, Forrest Me-
Key,- torten Moir 'and the
visited .the •home of the bride's par-
'-nts where a ,social time was being
:njoyed' en the. night of the wedding. •
they demanded to see, the groom.
Jut he refused to. _present Himself.
His father,* however, went out ' :to.',`
interview the visitors, and, was told .
that they«wanted money With which
to make div heopee. When he refus-'
ed• . he got a -;blow on . the- jaw alara
good deal of verbal abuse. Mr.. • G e l _
'Was then re-enforsed by Tilfotcd Sel-
lers, father -'of. the bride, a. man of
some 'fistic ability. He "took on" .all.
four.'of the . noisennskerSi -felled .one
to. the ground and put the. others' to
flight. He- then laid charges of nil=
lawful assembly.• . stet a peafed
The four. youths 1 'U .
before Magistrate Reid, and arrant
genrients Were' made to have them ap-
•pear for trial at• B"riissels on June
me 1 annuity
as'long ad he lived' of jiving Its benefits have • to pay under'
nus p
the present-0stem, which•.is very un
His sori, who, no, doubt, twos urging fair: ,r . •
him-orl as. to ideating a pension, ask- endmelit car -
mother valuable am
ed what would. become of the $2;0019; ried'out is as. to the transfer of pro;
and'wl en he was informed the Gov- iierty. An inspector attends the Reg:
would get it, he no doubt istry Oifce to.escort • these things,
crimen _,.. idn he had better'which
ch re v hdiff a"gently
nclus who s �?''y �; ...
came for
the o
his -father has Wfew ,remain-, stated;') and very is
caro far - � and'
in years than ' 16se the %$2,000, • ., this information d
g 'ended ended there. Y ..,, cleared up in th
'•' � Committee, is of the op ._ In manywtty's tl
The • '•od of pooling the ..
that the neve ricin P proved; and these' i
'id • to of u
if in
t. w,ay.
'Act has been lin-
a 11 point to•the talc-
h mound and wife ing over of the system by the Gov-
liqu ,
Ttio• COutit�' c� I3tixdn 114'8,•ii,
9Y�. , orilmert add It it is to tak�p 4w@gi gants:4r_:,,;yiitis
No Wonder cats are prolific. Eigb
sealskins ' will make a sealskin • as ,
`tit takes' 185 catsl ins• to ntal;'
actory;-but -one--j' s us--g-o0cL -
u.�t can he
will, be Platedmore .on a • math
matcal calculation'" or the systi
"' Actuary in' arrivi.e .
employed by an ,
;at the amount of 'insurance to h'a .
• , ,
r .