HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-06-18, Page 4frf
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,puiliTseal-;verY Thuradak--porning.
• at LUCkiloW; Ontario;
D. MacKenzie, Proprietor
and Editor.. ••
• .
•-- THURSDAY; JUNE 18th, 1.931
• •
I r
• TRiFREIOA.V, JUNE lSth, 1931
-4 •
(W. C. GoOd,„.Iii The 'Farmer's. $uri)
Whether the farmer ever ;faced e•
mere serious - econonire situation than
confamite him to day is a question
which it is •useless to debite, Suffice
to sat that:-Manyare hi bewilder-
- merit, many indesperati'ori,...marty rap -
patientef years of
tolli9lltheNB a: • C re! g S'14.
• .9k. 7 ine• tir" be- "InCrit!ly; "One 4iii`aiy'e
= • • • ' .40 •
. .
Ptit it ton 4?ith • • •
.' . .'
,Illtustraiion allows Preston', BEAUTY4 .
Led-liedNail.. Note how lead
, ,... , •
on bead Of Led7Hed.Naila - '• PERMANENCE
, .
1 ' ' Beale nat1:-hole, making -it - • •----- .' •-.•••-'-' • • ' '• , ' . •
' 't.:4•, ': ' ' : "COriipletely weather proof • • 'FIRE • F'ROTECTION . , ..- - . ,• •
. .
... ., _,..... : 0 generous overlap . ,
• . • . . .
..: • ' itib-11°14 ' . ' ' CLEAN '. WATER
- Pi -eaten Led7Had Nails are., • .. . RAIN WATER
'colored to match 'the rot:aril.. . ' • ' .• • • _._ - • • • . • ,
.a... . • ' ' • • :LIGHTNING PROTECTION
,,,,,, . ..,' • ..
•• ..' .:. .. - ,..ealvailized itih-Roll and Cor- ' . .. ' . . (when prOperb; grounded aCcOrd- • '
We also make; . • " , • • •
, . • ing to the Ontario Lightning ' '-•
., : =gated Sheets, Prestented7 • . ' ' Rod AC ' y • - ..-•
,, • „ MedifNailsk-Preston-Steel '
--L-- ' .•=risilialiarne- , . .. , „ , ..
. . -: -Garages and Storage
---• , :' Buit_dhlgs
• ts
. •••
he will_ be, forced t_o aftenait er$'71i.n-
ization anew, by conditions more.
deperate than now existr-uilless, in-
deed,' he is content to degenerate in
would' nQw
ald,se.7 to be to maintain and in
prove these organizations which ho
";In conclusion, 'let me refer to ona-
specific matter. The Farmers,' • Sun,
as the official organ of •The United
Farmerof Ontarie, an independ.
ent Sourriar of affairs,. and • as a Means
of":detraloping, formuiting and e?-
preesing Aural apinion, isa vital part
of the fanners' movement.• It has had
•and is, 'having, great ctif0Calty in
Parrying ori; and this difficulty arises
]from one and only one, big and basic,
dupe -4.11e decadence,. of the farrliers'
miivernerit generally' in this pravince.
Of, the "business cycle."' If we coalri
see thins. clearly 'I thinkwe Would
perceive ourselves, caught in the tre-
mendous Currents of a great .world
whirlpool,- indivdually helpless and
• hopeless and likely to be •dashed and
batterednpen the rocks at any One:
It has been 'a proud boast that the
last century .has been one of tmpar-
'alleled ;progress; So it has, on thy:
Material side.:•Artd. yet this so-called
progress has been aecenitianied
certain. growink;maladjustinents and
weaknesses which now threaten the
very existence of present ,•daY, civi-
lization. "We feel ourselves drift--
-ing," sari Dr. Jaeks, a welt -known
British -economist. "We are like.aieo-
ple on greit' Ship, full of treasure
and human life which has lost its
bearings in ,the -night. The navigating
officers are • bewildered, -t-he, crew art
getting mutinous, and the passen-
gers, both first glass and third, have,
got winsi that something , is wrong.
Breaknrs ahead have been rej3Orted"
an len e look over the side we
We would beg to again OH, attea.,
lion to the number of NOS .attend- . •
ing schools in adjacent coanties, and
would urge that this be discontinued
tcheold-are not vrePared-aslatirfficitn.,---,
;ly" equipped or not .efficient enough
to provide the education required" We
believe that these practises are very
discreditable ,to our Schools and are . • .
often ,done not for convenience or • .6
-need; but rather to satisfy a whim
at. a Prejndicee of parents or pilpit •
We plead for more loyalty to our own • ' •
schools which are secend"1.0 'none" in.
• '
7 "
the prevince.-13 M. Francis, Chair- ,.•
• • County Auditors ; - • ••• ,
• -7- •
• The rtuditereasported the finanCial' . - -
tinding of the- county, sa fellows: • . =
. ,
;:-: • • . t ' Receipts ..' •
. . ,
hat Abe 'Ontario farmer • going
ci in Bank, January•-,.$ - •
to de'400"ab7:it?' up to casrity Rates, 192L 8,840 00 „ 7,
he ,cal-ilia...de. bY:'ProxY• • •• • • anti Rates." .196() 168'266 67
nuroll County
Educational CoMMit tee
Rates, Old Age . - • •
Pension, 1930 ....... . . . ' 18,048.10
'Administration of Juatice 4,973.87 „ • ".•
Scheele • 62,333.44
County Home •Deposits . '7,278.72
- At the June session of Huron's Registry Office fees . .. . ... - , 742.0
Illeunty Connell the Education Corn-; Division Court 66.38
nittee submitted the following re- Prov. 'Treas.; Corn Borer
yorta Act ' . • - 470.05 ;•
We have examined he several lev- Auctioneets, 24 at $12 ...-: 288.00
es of, the different high ,and contin- pedlars, 24 at $25 •-• ............. 6000'
ration schools sent in todateand And :Poultry Permits --....,--_, • 1500 7.,
iroperly Completed:and will have sic, Old Age Pension; County
Land Tax, -..... .. .........:-.,.....••••••• 1,294.98
hit. some of thoie•subutitted are not
ye sent back' for correction. ;When Home - -.,-.......- • 11,355.34
len agtivry, „ they= be paid insreffi7=- V-.-Wawanosit_DebentUre____ 160.48,, - •-•
Bequest re iMcDoUgald Est., 500 00 is done satisfactorily to the War-
ient • time to enable the. several 'Ray Debenture ., - ...: 56L70.-
• toans•-.......- '......... ..... ........ .,...1„..... 70,000.00-
LARGE SFIEETS.. • ' . see -that-
• • This is net 'mere rheteric; forlf.".
- • s eetit _we_ look back or history we seethe
new. roof 'or over o wood with wrecked civilizationsi, •civiliza-
qmc y and, cheap y arg •
shorea ef the ocean of tirne stwff
Preston Cyalvexazed Tarakir-7-
Majestic Verti-Fold Garage
Door@ •
Colored Ridge •
Colored FlaElhing]
Colored Eave Trough .
Conductor Pipe
. _ ,Finials VenU•Wyars •
• •
. •
• • . •••
-Write toda:y.for sample • . `'. • •
of Coldrol, Sib -Roll and .
,useful roofing ------:circular;
109•Csielph Si.
took. centuries bu infs.
• • up, but Which suffered rapid decadehr-,
ce through internal 'weaknesses. Nor
• • was decayoutwardly manifest until
long lter
' it had' set in. Had , not, for
wards .•to • complete thelas -financial
nisineee on 'or before the: iniddle-' of
)eeember when they are Otte:
By the Education Act of the Prov-
ince, mipils attending high or ;:con-
dnuation schools in adjacent counties •,:lrimirial Justice -
!are -not 'Only . charged the_goat. of 2,lotinty Home , 1,864:20
tuition received; but are also charged -134;,964,42 •••• -
for the debenture' debt of such schools Atinicipal_Government , 13.310,30 • ' •
7'•-•.-72'ketanitte ""•earity---P-r-operty
hat this is unfair as these pupil's. ailliiren'a Shelter -- 4,936.68 . •
)arents o gsair_Ilians have to pay for Mothers' Allowance 11;328.00 , •
hese debenture debts in-t&iiYin 3001 Account• ' •
;county and are therefore paying don- Respite's 0,362.9.9 " • ".
ala...:We_think_this•Jegialation should rants 3,700,00
Interest and Higifinge 5,363.-94
Printing and Stationery - .1,899.26 •
Division Court . ... ••• 329.91 ,•
heel boards. of 'different: schools of Land Tax 1,35540 •
all classee be urged to. use their best Water and Light 3608
mdeavor to reduce .expenses in: sueli •Pelephohe 815.65.
manner as seem, tO them best, as 'Interest on Debentures 1,092'26. , •
there is no doubt the cost; particu• Leans gepaid • 68,000,00..4
'arly of secondary edacations; in 7 Pld. Age Pensions .....--...... 22,422.,13y,. • •
:reasirig mit of all proportion to the House of Refuge inmates... 1,182.00,
3affefits-TreceipyfedhaingdhitirethothiAe sbeoVaerrdasl, Coupon Interest . 1,080:25
-appointees Liability Insurance .-63279 , •••
•reade by this council bring. this mat- •
'er to the attention of their respec-
tive boards the wish and request . $32737113:59
f this council. '
•„Payiaents ," •
Outstanding' cheques $ 5,270.64
Factories also at
Toronto and 1-lamilien ,
judging CoMpetition
The Ninth Annual Junior "Farmers
and Junior' Institutes Judging torn -
'petition held •in Walkerton and vic-
inity on Friday, June 1.2th, proved a
. :decided success, some 53 girls and 82
boys taking part. It was one, of the
largest cerepetitimis yet held, anrone
of the Most .enceuragiiik_features ; •
the cempetition was the interest tak-, m h •
• • 2194
---Teeswater was sa-Orid: with 2184,
Paisley third With 2164, IVIalcolm
fourth with 2120 , and s"Riley fifth
with 2105.
'$outh Bruce Women's Inst. Trophy-
-Open to the•highest three girls under
24 .who have never taken 'left in the
Canadian •Natioraal Exhibition. ' •
1' Walkerton- •
third with 3792, Port Elgin, fourth
With 3651, Bliley, fifth with 3605.
--67e0,Writtad•-$4.00.-" •
for Junior , Farmers Coaching' the
Three highest Junior Teams.
1. Norman Schmidt, MildraaV
2..Joe Fitzsimmons, Paisley :._2077
3. Harry- Vokart. Mildmay
North Bruce Breeders' Trophy
Individual scoring highest •in beef.
- -
Volton 449. LA 1phonse Schmidtr•Mildmay, 192
example, 'decay gone pretty far when
Imperial :Wane was, outwardly, at
the zenith of its magnificence and
power! And,"•with the decayof .civi-
lization, goes the ultimate destruction
of the arts and sciences', the lois of.
.comfort and culture and the decent
to• savagery. Where, now, for
inStanee,•ait the once -famed hanging,
Tardearg."-of---Balaylein-•-wher-e the_a4a,
and industries of' ancient Egypt?
No, it is not foolish pessimists
sober sense to be worried by the
conspiquons paradox tif progress and
Poverty, which is so-"charaeterietic
of modern civilizatiert• -and to 'con-,
dude that there 'is some fataf€'eak,,
nese in thepreaent social'order which
9'1 and-11-07a°tuiriotns. for so much industrial
• -
7 A- •
7. ,
. •;•••• '
. • '•
ye amended by making the cost of
education alike to all..
We would recommend that the
• a Hynes, Roy'. Howe was second with 1
' F. and J. I. members who have had Walkerton Shippers', Trophy,- WM front eur the situa-
- avliether Ye view
„ senior member's. have undertaken. to Individual 166ring ,Iiighest in sheep faimers;-• engaged :in an, andent- ande
previous training. In 'these caSee,-
, coach teams of three, there being no
• less than seven, such teams in the
; boys' Competition and' six in ,the
girls'. This work is to be cominended
• en in the younger people by thosel. Leitak-third avith 188. .
Second, Elmwood 1310, third, Tara
1306, 4th; Teeswater 1295, 5th," Rip-
ley 1249. ,
Reuben Truax Trophy
Awarded the contestant scoring high -
eat -in alI c asses'. I ,
1. Marguerite ,toltort 449; 2nd.
tJlah Hynes; 3rd, Marie .Schilling;'
4th;Jeary-SC-ett; 5th, Mary McPherson
6th, Grace Yuill.
The C. N, TeaM-
Marguerite Talton; - Ulah Thanes,
Edna Monk, SPare a• Millie Herron.
Each of these girls receives $10.00
towards her expenses.
Useful Pieces of SilVervvare-
;warded the firet•Iwo girls with the
highest score in their, group.
Emily Hossfeld
wn "Standpseint
and these coaches who'Were succesg-
ful in winning prizes- for coaching
- have done' excellent work, and of
those who did not win, it may be
said they did equally as good work
-because= all 'teams did well. The De-
partment of Agriculture in particular,
greatly appreciates this, Work as -it
is impossible for the Representative
or Assistant to reach the large num-
. Imrs necessary to -ghat all an equal
chance. '"
Classes were arranged in the Town
'Hall for the girls by =Miss Flora
Durnin of the shistitutes Branch who
' was whited• in the capacity of offic-
iallijudges by' Mra. W. P. Shorey, Miss
• ;Florence P. Eadie and Miss V. J.
Gowan of the Institutes Branch.
Classes- for the boys. were arran-
ged as fellows; horses, fat 'steers and
broodanws it Mr. Alex George's sta-,
blest horse, Holsteins and bacon
hoge at Mr. Peter Dippel's; •Guernsey
cattle at Mr. Amos Mielhaueen's and
maitre Shorthorn cows,'pxford -sheep
and market, Iambs at Mr. Jas L. Toi-
ton's. The local Representative Was
assisted 'irt this work by M't. A.
Donald, Mr, Ian McLeod, Agr. Rep.
of: Huron, Mr. C. Graham, Agr. Rep;
of -Perth, Mr. Wm. Michael of the
Dominion Dept Harriston. and Mr.
T. S. topper and Mr. V. Langton of
the Mat, of Agriculture, ,Mitiltdale.
The results were as follow •
•, •
COMPKri i.-•
wayterton Egg and Dairy Trophy
awarded to • the communitywhose
highest Scoring girle tinder if; have
the lrgest aggregate score.
1. Walkettot -
Marguerite Tolton . . . . ...........
Marie Schilling -- 445
Ijlah flYnee .. aaa 445
Emar Hosfeld, 43
and swine.
1.W. Diekeison,•Walkerton -348.
Harry HOssfeld
Junior Fanners" Trophy-
IndiVidual scoriing highest, in horses
• 1. Bob Scott, Port Eight
, 2. Leonard !Sehinidt - _166
3. Gordon .Hopper
1Y1c1c4etta. Trophy -
Junior boy scoring highest in horses.
Leeriard Schmidt, Mildmay
-Silver Medals.- .
Awarded high 'junior individual in
each clam; except horses.
Beef tattle -Roy- Howe --191
Diary C, ---Wilfred 'Houston
Sheep -Andrew McTavish .-.....180
Group 1.LGir1s who have been on Swine .-Reid • ..180
an inter -county. -tekin and-grduates DiaryCatile-(regardiees ofprevious
or under -graduated cif a University experience)
or Normal sehq: . •Chambers McKinnon
Jean Sdott, ,Port Elgin •Silver MedAls to Members Of Junior
2. Beatrice Lyon, Paisley ---A40 Team.
Group 2 --Girls who have taken part Leonard Selnaridt, Mildmay
in a previous -coripetition but have
Alfred Bruder, Mildmay
neYer.attendei-a. -Unversity or been • ntrhert -sweat :wawa -
on a tarn. •The four high meri in the competition
1. Marguerite Tolton, ...-449 were a8 fellows:
2. Ulah Hynes, -Walk- 445 1.7-
iliambera •McKinnon, Paisley -837
Group 3-Bginnere who have never
taken part cm's, competitien. • .
1. Audrey Pickard, thesley .....440
-` 2. Elsie Taylor, Pinketton.,---436
$6.09, $5.00 and $4.00 -
for Girls Coaching the Three Highest
Junior Teams.
1 Mary 'McPherson, teeswater 1273,
2. Mrs. Archie Given, Matt _-1238,"
3. thristina:Egliertagn, Ripley .1145,
r,tice--Pr40,er.81,AaRgge Trophy
awarded the club-WhaViiikhest-fi-ve
memhei.Thave tTie highest aggregale'
1. Walkerton air/O--
Gordon Inglis •-•-• . . .31.4
Wilford Inglis, .......,•..a,a4aAnt...aa.a1.oraafa.liva779
.11ntry Mastoid
Win. • Dickelsori ................................
iocui RirstMe 144
Mild V second 31930 Paisley,
Robt. Scott, Port- Elgin .L...814
Gordon Inglis, Walkerton --AU
Omar Brooks, Ripley ....-----.790
.79 •
Going Fifty -Fifty
A y,ottrig lady, On her way aptown
by taxi on one cif those rainy days,
nOtiCed A frail *la lady waiting , in
the doWnpOur fora street Car. Or!. •
a sudden impulee she offered her a
lift on her way. She ended ,in fact
•Ita_diag thewonutn to her home-
some-alatance_ out ber Own, wa
uthedeided that if she Was going
to he a Samaritan she'd be A good
ArriVed St last at. her own Attd-
dress. site Prepared to pay the fare,
honorable oCgupatIon, or whether w
view it as citizens and members 'of a
great .economic world organization•
we may well ask, what can we- do?
In my huntble opinion •the situa4
tion gait be remedied only in one way;
by the. adoption and application ol
the cooperative idea in every sphere'
of hurnaii activity; otherwords,
by the adoption of the principle of
brotherheod -instead of the, principles'
of everaysmart for hirnselfr
And what is the ---Canadian farm:
ar's duty and privilege in this don
nectien? Primarily to get organized
and to Oily organized, An unorgan-
ized agriculture tan neither -save it-
self in an, otherwise organized corn-.
petitiae world nor cart it co-operate
with other indutlial classes -in --the
te* and better stria' order that I
bope to see come into being. Organ-
ization is the primary and essential
remisite. An unorganized industry
is like -a mob; it can make violent
and. feolikh rushesbut It cannot act
intelligently. • '
Yet, in the face of all this, con •
fronted by dangers whiia, only wise
co-operative effort 'vial...Avoid, what
is the 'position of the Canadian far -
trier .with respect to organiation?
Certainly not a happy -or hopeful
one. lArith the advent of "had times"
too aricuy hove Uotte the very thing
•th h uld' not havedone under the
Total Receipts .....---$326,604.66
- Total 'Payments 327718.59
ek s
ireumatances. They have conentrat-
ed their efforts more largely'ot their
Own farms; theyhaVe'witlictrwnsup-
ort from their own orgaizaren;
they have appli7dtheir energies- in
that, field where effOrti 'con be reAst
exaggeratio7.4lif. not ..inieh-to ,Say
that, here in Ontrio; at least, the
farmers' moYernent is it danger of
collapse.Perhaps the present organ -
by this thne Pretty sizable amount ielY* zatione are not furictionnig effectw-
%its however thiSMay be, , Am:
The dri-vr stopped ' her.. "just pay
me half of what the
• clock says, lady,"
eqtui ite surethat if •the Ontario farm.
Ole old lade. a
old wails an
with Gypiropc
ERE is a wallboard that -does notbrzo, made
from gypsum rock into sheets 4to 10 feet jir
.long,,4 fet,wide and 3A of an inch thick. It is
used for interior „walls, ceilings and partitiOns.
As well as being fireresistant, if has structural •
• strength, insulation value and is draught and
• verniin-proof. Use Gyprod Joint Filler for seal-
ing the -joints -between the-tallybroad-sheets-of--
When you are ."doing over" any roorn in the
house or adding new ones in the attic or base..
ment, use Gyproc for walls and ceilingSbecause
you can nail it directly over the old surface.
• Gyproc-fs-also-an excellent base for.Alabastine, -
Gyptex Or wallpaper. ,
ayprocis Cnad's pioneer nonburning gypslium
wallboard. Ask your nearest dealer for full -
details and a Gyproc direction shet. Or write -
usgor the FREE booklet, "Building' and Re- •
modelling -with Gypicc".
Parii ' • Ontario
lets thetsaPPer. PretYsoon
• •
..7 s
es t
. POr. Site byta
Hetderon 8Fiher
tueknow, Ont.
wpm.Muidie&Son Lteknow,Ont.
. •=
4213111.1.1.1. 111,111111.01.1.111,11110111.0141113