HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-06-04, Page 3•
The Best eater Colour
For Walls and
Ceilings .,
Frossafencil , j�weming
iurn l' air-_
SetrL. oinecoralor. Guide and
stencil Cgtolojgue.
GYPSI]M, • LIMB 9t►8-
' °l. L;NiITELZ .
...�.l. Qnteno
s r>c Meaford Floor ;
ee''3'our ' deafest'`
feel o>x>t��.`prlces
The Knight Mf •
g & Lbr. Co Mea
•Rid, your home of Nes `.with ,Aeroxon—thew
Improved spiral- fly Catcher wi;Nh',the I.ongei.,
. and wider ribbon: 4.eroaon'is guaranteed not
to dry out or deteriorate. The glue tC:always
• fresh; fragrant an` sWiaet--irresistible to flies:
Aeroxori'i9. G..for 3 Weeks', Service,
ks th.o y.__e_Very . -late
NEWTON A,.HILL, 56,Front S u
Street Toronto
Shaw. Says Pidgin
Will Be' uture:�I an ua e
Letchworth, g
g ltd Pidgi,n� E'ng=
rich• will be the 'ciassie' English. of
'Ike future," George Bernard ,-Shaw
oftter. PLAYTIME
GVIVEtben a gleetofliord.e's'Choc-
ol.h. Molted MIlk when • they
come In hon school or play.
QIldien, lore It, and es many • wise
moth*: tees dhcoyeted, • It is hishiy
dlgesays snd Invaluable lot building
• twMn
/naiming sickness.
_ e
n c.lsa�
are Upset
' EABY ills and ailments seem, twice
as serious at night. A. sudden cry
may mean colic. Or a -sudden attack
of diarrhea. flo;v would you meet.
this emergency --=tonight? 1 -lave you a'
bottle of Castoria ready?
For the protection Of your wee
one—foryour own peace of mind-
-keep this •old; reliable preparation
-always on hand. But don't keep it,
just for emergencies; let it be an •
• everyday' aid. Its gentle influence,.
swill ease and soothe the infant wh�o
cannot Sleep. Its mild regulation Will
help an .older child Whose tongue is
coated because of sluggish bower.
All druggists have Catena.
. A T O Ik
said in : a speech at the celebration 'of
the •twenty.fifth.• anniversary of the
founding df the Letchworth Library.
"An Englishman says .Tarp sorry
I cannot oblige you: " Shaw .said, "but
a Chinaman. says: • .'No can; and ex,
presses, himself perfectly:" •
Shhw took 'exception, ironically,• to
the Biblical reference to the "blessed-
ness" of the, poor-... "LTnti1:''this country
becontes-determined that it.shall never
again -have a Poor • man,.. .woman- -o-r
c lid in it," he said, Pit ,won't be' a
country l art• -h living in."•" .
"`S'e' 7Tbraries and 1 hooka,.
Shaw said that It was the..British J
Museum library that had made him, a ;
Communist. "AIM hil live•and die a
Communist,"he added.-" •
"Books," he said, "had been valu-
able 'to. hint,I in the study -.of speech.
'If you mad -me king of England,' he
Said, ,'I might fall short of the ideal
in many ways, but you wouldn't objet
to me on -the ground that, my speech
was disgraceful, If you made' hie•
_Archbishop of Canterbury I could get
.-away-_with ,the talking part rt you`
JJJ1 made me Lord• Chief; Justice ...could
'sentence you to -death in 'a way that
would de honor to the occasion. But
the Most.' fluent person .in.,:his own
langtla,ge is often helpless if he crosses'
a frontier. I'm a great man here. ' But
when •I get' on the other side of the
Channel I'm less than -any porter.!' ••
Three others -
Three Mothers by your- cr..dle stand:
One mother, who has given' birth,
And one • cif then; is; Motherlalid, .i
To Search For .L st AV for in , ,..•
Alfred Wegener,, to uiib ��:l.ili: l ]l'ftilljl ,( hi)t,lla•11 • exii;Il'i• •
tion. ilf gathering ; n•eather data, has been repos ted lost shite• last' .'
,month 111'.arctic wastes, C•tpt.•:A]hm Ahienbei'g; Swedi§h, aviator; is
reported to have, 'expressed .his• intention 'or going in search' of 'him,
Capt..Ahrenberg 1'etently'locatctt C'ollrtauld„ British flier repoi•ted miss-
ing' in Greenland. •
adio Shortal aves:$to , Food° Decay
Dairyr �n's-�Inventior S cows -
l�� ._w.... 4 HER TEAT
00b ,�'
r "�• • 235.
C 1C 81 .t ° AQd ,alvei Bt Olrase, koe.
-Classified– Advertising . )
A . TRfeNIT,Y' •
1'tom long Years of obscuration. .
anti a ,widely,',Warted- expeisience I, *3dsxFt•t7HECIES ':,• • •
h:aire ]earned, m.ueh about one great 7 B UJY , kI1CL S 1N 'Six {tAR�
E.tinity Pakth, Mork ;aiic x atlence- �P L tNi1.C3 , Ir ane ti' 'axalo uea
,Faft'l we. m'tyn ] at tree i a. F1 "Sci�itzPi C;:itan n 0gta o,','
dpi aii'd"Patience Re"must :exelci e' $E'RE.SEN�'&`TIPS. WANTE ,.
O'fivelt-these three. -a 'success fitting : E ' WANT A RELIABLE REPRE,
to; our station is "as certain, to re -s • • Sl: TA'11\'E to' ;handle our we.
salt its the'sun to. rise, because in ducts" ina,l ej1jni.Ci. .Apply ,
Clarence Caniei on 39 «ellington Bt, "E., -
them . are all • •thee, elements from ,Toro:nto. ,
wraith . the progress' of • hiash•icind
'fashioned.. R.E.H. •
"I •am a Country •ht^k , living on a
farm, 'and every' time I leave. it I get
into trouble."—Sinclair
The Canadian : Wool 'Co. Ltd.
4 New Meinber of tke
Cutiicuars F.ainily
'Shaving • Cream'.,
A bear..dtsofteaer arid a ,
sigh -tonics comblaedt"
' At dealer or Bent nootoild o>s
recelnt of iSo. Addy...` 3.'3T' Witt
.temppn-, L Q.. hi ->.._I . .
Soest _ IIo9lanci = il•ra i iryt -ji
been made, - n rttea a special col re
as--i•--lairs -special liullcfings and per
g_ �• SOnnel.., •
pondent in The Christian, Science •
'Monitor, in,the 'field of •ultra short-
wave ,radio researoh•. w.he?reby. deea
in foodstuffs .is obsalutel arrested
according. •to - Robert 'Pape of $oes.
Holland,- who has ; •been ., for ., man
Years,. active.' in'- the. dairy' industry.
'. -The invention, 'put• 'briefly;•' eonsis.t
.of an apparatus *bich. generate
ultra 'short "waves' in.,the. region of
25. een;t.imete-r to I, meter. Th
waves thus ;generate -ch. form, afte
about 10 days and within a ,radius, o
:20 Meters .from the 'ma_chine, an el.e.
ire -magnetic field, in 'which no . •or,-
genic product cam°decompose.•' 'The
tzte �sf t}i
e ec ro-magnetic• field is
practically speaking, fi' globe or abotit
30,000' cubic 'Meters. ' -
: The preserving 'acton ,of this 'field•
.penetrates through everything: stone
walls, iron, 'lead, 'wood, glass and so
forth indoors and outdoors, in ...any
atmosphere or teml}eratut e.
The 'cold storage ' field,,. which :has
developed re such :a grade of.nerfec-
tio'n,' is Said , to. be highly . iliterested.
;in the new invention. For this new
machine, Which .occupies ,a space •of'
a_few--Grb-meters--meters • and -_thereby -
forms, a food preserving field•' of o30,; ,
000 cubic meters, uses up only, as
hitch 'electricity as. an ordinary 200
candle- power • electric bulb and the
results of "this 'small device are de=
Glared to be•s�fa1-better-anr.those of
a.-mod.ern - equipped cold storage :ware-
house, • with• its , expensive mashie-
it entioni which - was received
at st v, incredulity,• has lately.!
..caused' a g •eat -deal . -of iinterest, tar:
y -•-Lural • scientist's `both. from' 'here ,and,
I abroad pouring into Mir, Papers. bun-
ti, I'galotl:rhere, .where he• is1.dem'oIlstrat.,-
y !111.0. the •,ninchine, •, . •
The -correspondent. of The Christian•
s.Sc'ien.ce Monitor ' has seen -food on
s• platen in various' parts, of the iioti�se,
the' garret
_ � n the garden, per-
e•••fectly odorless and undecayed; which
r i'had been there're". ' months.. There
g t were new potatoes 'of June,, 1930, a
c- i little bit d=iecoioped•-blit -w-hich• could-
1.still easily be scraped. There, were
,•egg's;' broken on a.' late e
months ago, a little dried, b'u't not a`
sign' of decay: l'o'o in the shell
stored in the house on May 23,1930;
• were opened and the yolk Was beautir.
.1 fully yellow -anti-:ash-II-out oder. '
1teports ' of experiments by 'out-':
siders have; been . published, ' among 1
I thenm one' of Dr. A. Van R.aalte,'chief)
of the •Antsterdamllcat Inspection
Service, on behalf of the.tJutch Pat -
1 ent Council ' ' .
•• From these ' reports it appeared
flirt the 'acid 'percentage of milk
whic'it had -been Tisipt for a fortni ht
•-in_ the electronragnetf ; field_. had..sot.
increased; that pears, after. a num-
ber of Months; had• niaintained all
the qualities, they possessed ' when.
placed .in the fi'eld'. and that shrimps,
mixed with only 4 per (ent. of salt,
'showed -71110 a nnioni'a development
after" a fortnight's axlfnsui ,
'"Few women 'nntierstantl the art of
perfuni'e and , tlr:it it can repel as
pow'e'rfully• ns it attracts."—Paul.
Poiret. -
Autos Now' Navigate • '
Deepest Rivers
• Floatin-g automobiles that Ton on
roads in the -ordinary way, but are.
ble when rneeesrary to float across
ivers, have been built and tested for
se in a traveling exhibition of Brit-
industries , proposed '.by. Capt.
eoffrey Matins of London. Says- Dr.
. E. Free in his W'eek's • Science
?\rely York).:: I I
"Attached to tiie side of each-anto-.
obile ,are frames and: brackets made , I
f the new light' metal called 'elek-
an•,' --anVY if ',magnesium, less -1
ran one•half the weight of alilm•in- I
m:• •
"Fastened to these brackets are
ght air bags of rubberized fabric,
lir for .each side of the ear. -"'Wen the .expedition wishes to
cross-- liridgeiess river, the• •elt;ke .
tron frame��ork is pat, in place, the .
air bags- are attached,, and these 'are
pumped up by, a bellows 'arrange-
ent operated. - by the- engine. The
r •then may be driven into the
And one 'of them ''is• 'Mother 1•
° ' u
all, • • i
And two tiro a.reat and one is small, E
Tour Mother , 1 is strong an dread; i
Her shie,a stria. ,sure protection
makes.; . m
She spreads her*law above your, head, o
',But - -even• • while She glt+e's. rile I tr
takes, • ' • tl
Her ant_ is strong, her Word 'i's'tine,,'ti
But she, may ask your life' of you. '' f -
1 el
]~'rout Mettler Earth by t,oi1 you wring fo
Or -feast or crust at her caprice,
The shelter for. your iourneyi;ng,
:.4hoiigii brief at Best Will be !thee
• tease.
And at the end she gives. you. bed -
But. cares not where your soul has m
• sped.' t . ._,..f• - ,1 ca
The bother Who.. has borne your .'w
flesh •
Through good or ill will hold you,
fast, •
Will guide your , throtigh •the world's
dark mesh, • •
°And so' will; save your soul at last,
Three mothers Shall 'you have in all,
And one ,Is great and twe are •sm'aii.
Mela.ndburgh Pilean-,
"You're►, riot Iiatenin8 to What '
saying,`' she aoinlilained tai her Mit-
band, whe bad the newspaper. "Of
eburs I, ani -dear” "Yrite boll ' I'
asked 1f "YOU eould 'afford to tiny n e
fit all! hat and you *di 4Oartairily,1.
darling,' " •
sM �, �^(�Y1�M l,il✓�'xlfi''Wrri mt
atar tinder its' own,. power and
float tin: the • air bags, with its run-
ning -board's level with the water st'ir-
face , '•a..
•-"Not., all' men react to the sane
charms."—Peggy :Toyde,,
Large sheet rar-
ed catalogue o'r•
new and rebuilt
bicycles • f r o''n
$10up. Motor
cycles, Boats"
OttboarurMoters u •.ly
ra etre,taliaIIpdtT9tWrEAtNoD <t"'i : 7r.•,
6215 Queen Streit Iv.. • „Toronto , ynt
ISSUE N'o. ZZ—'31