HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-06-04, Page 1, - • $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, • $2.50 OTHERWJSE o • • T.; TifilliSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1901. • r SINGLE COPIEe 5 CENTS DENTIST Dr. R. L. Treleaven, Lucknow -Hours; 9-12 A. M. 1.30-5 y, PHONE „53 • - X-RAY . • • CROWDED• cOURT,_.:}M011 BUT.LITTLg: E1TTERTAINMENT 41 - . ..., 40.90 AND 'COSTS FOR '13iI.N.P . , le PAPER-_Aetill line of 1931 .°1:01.eleNK IN e A :pe.IBLIC.. PLACE LeleXL, AND GENERAL•I Paper on hand, efficee, consider? "dein .for -1021..."I am also itient There was evident clisapnointment fQV • leailiiig •job, •liduseseee ' • •...-:: 2, .. 41:.0-1P 091.1rt. :Z.0,31.11' ii.Ore la4. There', dee afternoon when the •eproceedings:. .vsitor with Mr. sand Mrs: :Linclear , -.Mese ROA Iietlan was a week -end. 'itleheill Fraser whose :Parente, Mr: and Mr* , John Fraser Ave.,: well- ,. .11.44, olottRoN., ..-: - • . before _Magistrate ,•Walker ' Oiled ' to Ifowe in Toronto. " : ' ' toib'Yee. ie.; Kinloss, though fieW in Pthe Decorator,. Painter and Greiner. e' West, led -ibis. life .en, a tragic man - Box lot of pleaied' ciestomeet received Box : 174, •: Luck/tow .. ,. ' ,Peoeuce the qualityOf efitertatenifteht their Premiums this •week from Meree. •,neterflitte7eidiZi=14141;iltePwWelaeeke"' • - "Psometithee 'supplied :lie police ,emert feeneie.'tire-eGencereeleeeeefeeeeeee'.....e. '-' ceeeeee-p-e.eeeeeectieeeeleeieeeeeeee-ieleeeeee 7"7-4. :- edepitige... eeeeee'e-e-e-e• ' :'. , . - e e'...Mrs . • Richard ,e s r welted in ,towlifinfarb 'Mt' • Jae '' Mitchell'' i .' .Gn-,OCialSALdee'etrrn. al-107414.1rwheeled ri ;:ieeteeo' eteeatl"iw': ''. • ;4 P.1" ''.°41. t. 4111.i46yee'a'''-4h. are' -•-°L: eI'oronto wit}i MT anq lierre-e-John'elemnbeirand-lateeSpeurderee-aftereeeel •' .Apply to Beet Ward' ,• y . Lucknovve beine, drunk i a vueone place, .the O'Haeley Over the wee ;and ee-e.: Was. assieting in 'unloading Item a • iinpositi6n of e _fine of ten' eellare STORE FOR RENT -The Store until', recently occupied '.' by ' Walker ane cede and the .announcement that everythmg recoored-H .. .,..e..........40te.,A good., businesseelocatien: , the; more serious •abarge eof ietieting. , and .Sprinklers. :.Wei..efterdle 4#804-. 4 ' Lucenow, residentS are still "Sign- ing up. for the village water .serviee.. • . • Young Man Electrocuted *Meletiii-Fraiserr Known' Here, In- stantly Killed Near St. Thomas -- Funeral. Here on Thursday After-. mime •, ee • - .LAW-Ne-IrSE-e-Wee h yeeejneatecie .11.itt e4, at White Station near •St. • s 2 N "1- • P . Theienas, e. newel.. shovel nipiented '.ea• a treetpre. „'„Iieelyiler...chlirgeie -Hydrae Electric wires . passed e over the. cat 'about four feet, above the machine e.‹, .. ••• (.30,--4-7tf.) ' '' Which •Wag tre'be Unloaded. Fraser . FOR , SALE:-.-Cedare fence . and ing. -' • . .. , . *Eie the substance of • the court ' sitt- 1.4o. .. The number reported this week. ; is had goneeup onto the machine .alid District .0ddle.110:yys.. , limbo, suitable for hen or ...colen Aouees,-Priees Reasonable.. . anchor 7 1:19AUAISci. *quantity •of pine •Judging by the . crowd which filled Y the court room, much mere eves. ex- . - , - . . ' Miss Jessie F. Stewart has return-. •. e contact with thee Wires. A roadein., straightenedbrieging, his': aree in, Ilicet A.t.:.Kintardi.n.e . , . . i •• e ter putting Water en the eaduithr, ed • from: -Toronto ..having ereceived ner. •Forari, R: 2„ Luckmew pected.'Eeidently it hatebeen rumored specter,' standingwit.n;essed degree from' the "Onterio.College Of- . • . , . . . Therie Lucknow 32 o -45 - ' ' :thread that there wase likely eci - ee , .. • tragedy.' and 'at.. great 'risk to him -P '. :About 25. inembeiseeif 'tee local I'. • , " 41-6-p). P ' P . • .. P • 3'0 rridhing in the .*ay of lieely pee:. .. . . . . . „.... . • self Pulled Fraseieri bedee fieein the 0.0eF2ledgewereen Kideardirie lase -Mrs..' Meorehousee Mitchell who re- ,vviree Hew the • inepeetor • himself.: was Thursday .afternoon and evening eet- BRITeell BOYS FOR FARM *Mel C'eOlage; • hee, 'eherie• had been eeome theeed home zfreni ..Toronto ,General not electrocuted in doing this, is tendingea ' district Lodge of ' P Inetrec- A geed class of British boys rang-. quiet .work of • concieliation gpirg: op. Hoepitalelast, week, is making freer.: ,something . of a Mystery.' :, ' " tions 'conducted by Disteiet. Deputy able progress. . • • • ' • , . oeleig from j,ii. to 21 'years sof. 'eke. Papii and the °uteri* 'was' as 'abeire dated. . . . • • Melvin Fraser. was 21 years. of age Grand' Mastee:Noemen T. Jones: Ss- ing from inexperienced to three ' years ' it.' 11 .eo ' r • the ii conduet • ol, ' Miss Mae& ',Wateon ••ancl. Miss i May 4.. !on. of ' Mr. • 'John Primer .end his. dons. were• held in the afternoon and . Car -mitten. 4airi?!.eiperiejice, are : avail- . • . wae. a , ver e n s Davisen visited' in Detroit over the wife, formerly Maggie . Middleton of. evening at which degree Work , was , - ,. able- for placement on • a 'yearly eheie. • 'on.e Vicior . McCreery,. a. young ',Irish- . . Week -end, the guests.. of Mrs., J.P..'D. Kinloss.. The family : had resided at eicemplified. and criticised. ' , ' . • • '. Protestant lionies °. only' suppliee;. man on Whem liqiior. appeers, to..haee McKendrick Core:Mae Ave: , . , Reston, Manitoba, but two years, ago lit the afternoien .Kincardine Lodge • • ages $120 00 a \year and. up 'accord- 'a ,v,er3i bad effect.' He had„.beeorne in- .- - e Melvin came to the Fat Stock Show presented the • Inftisitimi Degree. and New Seeringellana.Suinater Under -P. _ ing to • age and -experience: , Applicat- • eseefeeeeee the previous et.-Guelphaed4renefened in the -East • the :eva•seexenenlified ley ion-foews .. may; be secured from The ' • 'Saterday-mee-eareeentsefor. W.ornerteand-Gififileente7- ITC .ihrits, ..a . Mee. capable s.eneung man, Undervemid .Lodge, . .. .• , este , • Norval, Oetario. .: ' , . ternoon •a.nd . when Counter. Constable Light and Cool -New hiW P prices -'ane Mr..' Mitehele P valued hiin as i The LucknoweLodge degree ete'ani • Moore undeetook, tie'pla•ce .hhn' tender "Maikete Lucknow .Dept, Store. . Weekinan Med highly., ' •. ... .. . eeptained by Bre. Chas. Cooke,. 'put- •• ...TWEDDLE'S...-IeLOOD TESTED.. ' ; (.4e6-c:e. e ... . • . arrest lee put. lip . SAO' a scrap • that.. .Mr. 1:1:' A: • Roes' .and Mr.: ',Lorne ' ' Tliereiffaiffe; were P brought to on the Secondeleegefe at the -evening CHICKS BABY „. ' .. . , • . 1,VItiore . hid • to -get .assistance ' befoie ' •.,eith their sisfer.. Mies • Mare Watsop,' loss Cemeteree 'Othei members of the LiicknOve for interipent inSoueh Kin- ',,rsehsisridonp„eitgerdee! iT.'phleiys wLoodrkg.eviiiauit fl);:lloPttvh! Watson' of •Parkhell. 'visited •laet: week We have secured . the agencrefete the . Offender was subdued and 10104 ILK;Ittiss May D'avisine. e . . Praget._fandly being, buried there ed. .•hy the :Attu:ale '.Tweddhes...'"Baby , Chicks, . ande tan in ehe., beekiip.. MeCreeree was later - • .Serviee . Will be held ,at the Beene Of D. .- . 410 4.; criticism, and Mr. make immediate 'delieeiy , 'of ' ,the. etalten eceseeeelkereeri-jael-ewhete-eelee- eve. cornedy-dram,a of Canadian life. P SO.Try-6th."7-C-647-of 1DTD0iG7:)1::-Peinwic•leajAeft:' -on . "A- Liege:Sept_ je_pio Rere..,:-eleffeete ' ArreTyridell mow • •foktpwing...-brye-dw: ' Barred -eltOeks; ' '•.Every ......breed, ' .' elcied - teethe,- WhiteHRoeles, Rhode - eshied ,ettedisee,was _held : until Thureelay. •netetitoone , • :Coustablee MeClevie' eroughteeelc: peeery Over, from eter.alltertoni!:and. Mr. menthsP iii Californie; have •come: east ' . .. . Walker eouldidear witheehe.. case.. . whiehe was the. earliest • Magistrate )fonday, June 8.-:-- ?lin at 1J AealgarY,' after spending' the ' winter: Me...iiid 'Mrs.' Wm. Sineltzere Of now - residing at Weybuen,... Sask. so that Re4tanger ledge roomwas I I , dare afternoon. The delay ,in holding • Theft were about :200' meelleere .ne coming east ' to ateenee ', .. .:, ' ' P tee--funeral-ew,aeeedue-to-the father- thereerdererom. • the district . present; SALE OF. HOME COOKING ,. • " .• dirs's . filled AO capacity. Gisoufidv...itilErtiatray; Brooks, gave incoming,ae,,. 300 teig.aeoductien hi Carnegie. Hall d) at 2,0' °Week this ,,(Thurs- trer3i • appropriate address..., ... 'Every pen beaded' With an It. 0. P. 0; Ee Klein K.C.; came ever to see a Visit friends ireand aboue Lueknew session. He h'as eeeveci as eecretaey .„_.. „cockerel...1mm 2_00:e2ao,,i,„egg ' hen: ehat. he die not gee any more punish-. . :.LAWN MOWERee,e3/1 la ite,j.the The Keirshea. U.F.W.0,.. will -hold . . ',for, the ',pad 20yearsand is exceP- . Ask for catalogue and .new '.low eneet than was coming to .hineeCiown tionally well informed on all lodge lItpckville eilottiere 'first Clan ma., ale of- home , cooking in the vacant. Prices for May. „ '' ::.. • • . 4' • ,itterney-Freehourn .was pn hand th chine' ;end at the right ••pricee-, matters, and his address" was lieten: store east Of .MeKim's Drug. Stere„ -Wm.. •Igurdie tk ' Sen. -..1.4geknoW. esese' being. called, •.'MeCreery • appear- , .. . ' . • look - after the firoiecution. On the. .' • e- .. Wine •Murdie .ier Sbn• on the afternoon and evening of Set., . . .• s Jane 6th. 601. to with great. interest. P • • . ' .IVlisa Phyllis MacDonald ' of , Wood.. , • The business anddegreework was • ed As a, well. ,gtopmed ' end neatly, .:;tock •Generie Hoeietal ' has been '. a . P. followed by it banquet' served in : FOURTii CON...l'IcIST.I..0,S • leeesed yeeng, ,rheaei.. ,Mr.: . 'Klein etce, dressing the eieurt said 'ehat there 'visitor; 'with her :Parente. •Me....and ated in a publieplace, Mrs. Jas. MacDonald, for the past . . e.,...e. - - - ' ' • - fleeleali Lodge...Needless ' to• say this SCOlItS And coides - the- Parish Hall by' Kincardine Ree • !, • The May Meeting of the •,IleFeeiV:0, were teroecliarges: one being, ieteeci- ',t'• ace, the other re- ten . . : March. TO Chtirth t :......-4;.._ 'days., .• ' .... . . featuee Wag greatler enjoyed., . ' ' was held at the home of . Mks. E. sistirrg an officer -in the. discharge . ef. '`..Mr. and tire.- D. L. 'Placbiarrnid. Little, with da ,settendance Of foityee eis duty. The second, he sairkdoube- if ' Jamestown, N.Y.:, and Mr. ant , ,A,!' joint church parade was held :flee. Mrs. , Martin preeedede :Ind -The less- anose „out,. a the.first.-„MeCreeryi, eers.:- 'Geerkee Steekharn, :ate Detioit; Iri''''§unday. morning last, when the . meeting opened by pinging the Open- he ,said ,- was an .. itrunietant • from were weekeend. Visitors with 'Mr. and local company of P Girl .Guides arid I ...Ping . Song.. The Roll Call was kes.pori- reland- who. evidently -had. inherited .. . ' Constable Who is also Game Mrs. Alex McD:iarmidee e... e . ',the'. lst Lucknow Troup of -Bey ded. tbeby 'An Interesting .occurerece . :of Younger Days."" The' Minutes of 'istic of . his countrymenb- . He ',had elie firey tempeieeTaleo be -eharatter-' 7 'We notice . that Mr.,Gibson 'White. ' Warden, for this distiict • has "a,: epe- Scoute attended Diyiee Worship ' tit elm of ,Mrse-Ernie-elefibter,Seriforthr_ate:„..Peter's, .Anglican .,Church. ..."---- • last neeetingelvere read by -.Nies. G. eltilgedeet-•excess in liquor on the has gitaduated- as • 'B. A. lit •Thionto ' The . two • companies, the. 'Guides 'elf of Non Resident Angling Licen- Loekhart. After the usual routene of .chite.Mentioeed ane. ween approach 7 University; .winning highest standing parties feund •fisbing Withoet license ses and hereby gives warning that. urider the leadership of Mis. McKim, • . business was discussed, it liras. decid- ed by • the constable had shown. 'fight. in •: his elase and the gold Medal. i.ill be prosecuted. No eecusg' will and. the P Scouts, with Mr. GordonGoedon • ed to hold a sale of home-mede. bek- . • , . It • had been suggeseed t'h, • the • • be accepted.. ..P ' ' ' • - • ' : .. 'Johnston as. Scoutmaster assembled ing in Lucknow on Saturday; June chaege of. resisting -.arrest might be' At a speciarneetine• of the Village. at the sphere', making a, body of _withdravvne as the consequence ef a eouncil held Tuesday_evening,.. Coun- -about°. 50. members,- and with _the . fair *.ainingl, ie.. alkee,eitien . that . •__ ._._6th.....1tebeing •"-Pieneer.-Daee...,a-splen-• efee_lecal-by-laws--tegarding'sneed • .',....._dideeeiroerain was prepared b,y the doifyieticiii" would ,, be . very • .sereetisr-ee -Geiiisteble...A,J. Meore.....wae_eare. .scouts-An-advithee-marehed to' . the • young girls. ' After commenity sing- .nerha-preincluding--eepertattote Tha- minted ViliageOnttrible, so that it • on the Village- stieets, and Stop , church Both eompanies.,in their per- ' ing, Mise Mary Giabane gave aeiead- acceseel , was apparently the, inakinge, s now his duty to see to the enforce- signs, will be: enforced tictilars uniforms looked neat arid- ing: ettist Elizabeth Robinson favor- if. n teeful citizen • such ' as ' we wain: !tent of the Village. by-laws. smart. The Scout uniform Being . . . • • .. ed the meeting .with a solo, aceom-: in this country,, a.nd he thought he. 'A .catchy, aceiye • comedy .with drae khaki' hat 'and shirt arid blue shorts; panied by Miss Martha. Sutherland. ;hoied.'be k.itreri .furtlier opportunity eiatic climaxes at' the end. of •each the Guides, blue hat: tunic and tie, Miss Elizabeth McIver then gave a a make good. And there wee; much • reading?. f011ovied• by an interesting nore along that line. It ,aepeare. • .1:lee Clodhopper"-iitilsi1Lianteosf, course,patrq21=•,weetee. set off by mneere request. to the Youth of to- the. chat* with • the consent of the t C‘al'rnitetgleie .:.lietne geheL: ' lk by Miss Jessie McKay on welie that Constiele Moore .who had laid .neer auspices' of. St, Peter'S A.Y.P. Rev. E, O. Gallagher-, •actieely in; A. Plan now open. at McKim's. terested in; this work, delivered an 'day." Mrs. Carruthers gave the re-. •:.r.pwn .httorney ;had agreed to ,with- • liaw the inoke .seriota eliargee wide - De. an :Mrs. Geddes .and Mi.ss appropriate; aed-irepressive -service!: ' port of convener on -Citizenship The choir offered :. special .music .for . . whieh was well - prepeeed. Mader McGreeree pleaded.' guilty to the les- bean Geddes were called to. Toronto the occasion. ' ; • Fraser, MacKinnon gave •a selection •;er -one .of being intoxicated in a in Monday on. account of • thevery. , . .. puelic place. There was - then, of ;erious illness of :.Mrs. L. 'Yoetger, on the violin, accompanied bee Meade .. Middleton on the piano. Lillia'n Car-. ;ourse, nothing . for ' the prosecutien (Carrie Geddes). Mee: Yperger has to do. . • . ,eon, ill for some time; and. Was quite . ruthert gave a recitation which. was 'much enjoyed. Mise IVIary MeLeod. Wye on Monday:. • e • ' * read a paper .on "The Life of Peeeze Victoria."" Ales; e A. McKennien of town sang a Gaelic Song, whichwas mach appreciated. Fraser: McKinnon .ged Mearle Middleton gave a duet, accompanied by. Mie.„ Hughes, which ' brought the prograre, US A elese. The • .' next meeting,..which' is a joint meet- -ing with the Paramount 'Club, is te be ..at the home of Mise Beth Alton, ' After a vete. of thanks to the hostess the meeting' closed with the Natrotial ; 'Anthem., Refreshments were served . and a social tide sPene. ' and White.' foghorns GAME LAW AND wpm,. . BY-LAWS WILL BE ENFORCED, Magistrate Walker, in a _eery. seri- 'ibis trek to the accused, reviewed circumstances at • censideraele length. He told McCreery that the :rown etterney and constable had eeen very 'considerate. A convietien on the charge eif resisting' arrest 2ou1d bring nothing less thee two veart in prison and, deportation. We did not want to drive him out of the country; and would like -to see him become e -good citizen. He . would, however, hatie to•conform to the laws and usages of the country, and if he were Wise he would leave hewer Mr. Russell 'Breckenridge of De • - albne. Being. Irish was not necessar- trolt, was- oyer to spend the holiday ily against him, as we had mane • with frietids 'here, • '4occi Irish. residents in- the eeentree His own (-alket's) family hid come -Mr. end Mrs. Peters of Rochester, from Ireland -Done al but they --Vete all wel McDonald. • As to the charge of driinkennees eeelre. Tyndall Robinson, "Elizabeth the emallest and the greatest fine and • Charlie, motored to London, he could empose was ten dollars and where Miss Lena who having graft- one hentlied dollars. Fie asked Me- , ated at the Wingeam Hespital, was ereery i he.had ever been convicted • writing her final, exams. •in court before, and McCreety said • Mrs. R. Irwiri of Kincardine. spent yes, once, of being drunk. The mag - last week with .Mres Cecil Robb: istrate said. •that; he was fortunate A imbiber from here atterided the that this had not been laid as a sec- , Music festival .at Chesley on Theis- ond offence, as the •mfninium fine iri day and Friday. • • ' that cede would he .$200- and costs.. e Mr. rind MrsGolden ' of Deti.oit; He gave fair warning that 'ahoud accompanied by Miss Mariaret Mc- the 'accused come again before- th'e rfrianeid a" aneeding few' d'aea at &art. all this' would be against bine' Mr.:W. McKenzie'e. , • Mr.: Mein had stated that his. elierrt ' Mr. 'and Mrs.. R. Mertie and chile-. had no` monee and that any fine ini- ren, seent Saturday in Gederichposed would have to be put up • by Mr: Woods of Se. Helens visited erienee, last week •with h1 Claiikhter, Mrs: ,I. The Magistrate made it tee dollars Irwin: 4 and osts amounting in all to ele.40 Mee. A- Mcbeealci Red S6114 Gerdere There Was an additional fee of e25. rif Toronto. 'are visiting 4,t, Mr. John for his leteyee. The amount was seb- ellIcleoriald's. • . sctibed by friends of McCieetty. •- , The attitirde of the ceowe, attoreey end the magistrate appeared to be to give the ihereigrant every reason- able 'chance to make geode; ., as a *ern; day Thettdav and a ninithei of Men ;were about in shirtgleeyes. The effoete .cre some of tliesete enteieche ��urt rothTi{'Z'W'A- SOilf6 arnueernent, for AO 10Anet were they inside then Constable Moore ' a CHURCH • Norms • The Rev. R. W. Cratv and Mr.Fin- • --ler7-4tneIgennail:. *re -.rdelegeteS-- this week to the Haieilton Conference of • ' the ;Weed' .rrce-tiw St. Catherines: •The confeeetice will. last frOre Weritiesdey of this Week until. - Apply to: R. J. Moore, LucknoW. an Officer in the discharge of his duty The Bread The Bread of Health . :of fleattl! mcitro iSeceIJALITY 'AND SERVICE: • ,.:SQ/WE,T1411.P10 .40.1geltA.:IL • ti4F*Aii.,00,6,94,NArr,..coomE,§"., 01E2t.it Sums • ". TRA ,BIS.CUIT$. ..,• , JEIJLY R.614.0 BRAS, .-.14;SE*-BU*StIT:',-.7::7711'4.'$iikijW • . - • -rARTLET • HOLLYM 'SrQuAL1,Y - BAKERY Phone 36. A Jewellery Oft Is Flattering To Young People 'WHAT IS MORE APPROF- .RIATEP FOR 'THE GRADiek• TION GIFT. THAN JEWELL.; -EEO'', A WATCH Or, 'SILVERWARE - it Is Flattering To Young People. Shims theur you. ,know they are groiying up. And e:Jewellery i a lasting ,Gift too. FOR GRADIATIONT-GIFTSe AltEe-THE-eitICHES4T•. For 'The-Cid- Bracrket; Watcher; . Little Finger Ring, .45.40 Pen & 'pewit Set ..,$.5.00 Heirloom Plate for her HOPE CHEST .....$4.25 For The Young Man Wrist Watch .41.5. 'signet or stone Set RING Pen, & Pencil Set .e.$5:00 F. T. Armstrong "JEWELER 'D. 'D. G., lusirs LOCAL LODGE .DRUGLESS •,TIfERAPY OF,FICE Lodge A.F. & A.M.,. Thursday even - :The regular meeting of Old- tight kpifoos OF TREATMENT ing of last week 'Was marked. by. the _ Chiropractic presence Of-Dieliiit Deputy, Grand . Mpe.chilissitioeiTeThhe-terareamne •'P . Master, E. 'E. Bence of 'Rincierdine, Naturo Therapy on his 'Official visit. The lodge Meet,. • Metro Magnetic. Baths . ing was followed by-ri barmuet at • --. San. Ray Baths, Etc. " which ,Bro. Bruce gave -a splendid , Your coupons are just as good a. year. from'. today as they are today, • • just like Money, at MacKenzie's. addiess. A. Sanders; D.P., 'Ph.C. . . I . t Drugless Therapist Married At Toronto Local 'Students At _Former Kinloss Resident Office-e•CONGRAM BLOCK ' LUCKNOW - 'flies. and Fri. The following marriage announce- l 1 ' Western University Died At Brandon, Man. Hours -2 p.m. to 1 lein. -...e.- ' , ram* ... . '' ment •alePeared in Saturday's Tor- • In thereport of the examinations ',Mrs. •Hugh Cunningham, who be,- Kincs4Olite Office (Phone 62) onto ,paeerse, -at Western University,'London,. folleveing successes by we fore her marriage was Miss Annie. Other Days ANDERSON - TOYE- On Wed- note the E. Harper, "died.at Brandon, Man., on Lucknow Office Will Be Open • students from' this district: ... May 18th, last. Born in Kinloss Twp. ,Tueaday, - nesday at the home of the bride . First year hollers Science -Duncan and for .a time a resident of Ashfield June 2nd. parents, by the Rev. A. J. Toye, M. McRae, Lucknow; , Tie A, Buchner. near Belfast, many of our readers , , A., uncle of the bride, Norma Gert- Gold Medal, fourth 1,,sr,, • honors will be interested in the following .Foriner Ashfield Bo Av: D. Toye a 82 leVaverley Road, iude, only daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs: Thernclale; son of Bee. A. W. Brown, mathematice - Alfred E. :Brown; ieribietnedary which' Was sent in by 'a Mrs, Cunningham was born in Honored , .Third. year honor 'chemistry -Jean ' Toronto,. to Wilfred Beery, ton of I.- Stewart, Lucknow; I: O. D. E. Kinloss township, Etoce Co. in Jan- . , . Mt. G. J. Anclemon and the late Mrs. Municipal Chapter Scholarship in uary 1861, the daui•hter of ;William Ashfield friends of Dr. Wafter L. wepliede.„Bbeiegy-Gertrude „Hamilton_ eine Ann Harper, pioneer settlers " of Had Mt -Will be PI wised to learn of , Gel Anderson ofeLuelcnove ' „ Holyrood, Ont. . that towns*: The -family- moved to Ashfield Twp.111.1rOrre0. Mar 13e1-' new horiorli that have conre to him.' VILLAGE NOTICE New Curtains and Curtain Mater - la's and Draperies; Newi,Lok Prices Notice is, hereby ,given ehat all persons. are required to observe the -"Market" Ltiefinow Ttent. Store . „ Sem Signs when entering on Came - bell Street in the village of Lucknow, soiltrn KINLOSS MISSION' BAND' and eno person is ' peernitted to ride a bicycle -on the sidewalks:- in --the the meeting of the Busy Bee Village, and that the traffic by-law Mission Band was held at the home 'of the Village wile be strietet enfor-• of Mies 1VIary 'MacLeod, on May Ile ted. By order of the Council, with a good attendance. The meeting • Joseph Agnew, Clerk. opene'd with Hymn 457 and Elizabeth Melyeie in ottiyek. The roil cell Y. W. A. MEETING was answered by "God's Promises" and the buginese was then dealt with and.new offieers were electee. as fol- lows: ,Miss 'Katherine MiteInnes, president; Elizabeth McIver, .-ice- president; Fraser MacXinnon. seey.: Mary Belle MacLeod, corresponding see'ye Ruth MacLeod, treasurer; Ellanehe McDougall; -organist . and Mary McConnell, assistant organist: A leader was 011;101 for each meta, to Assist the President with the leo- gram. Fraser McKinnon then favored the meeting with e violin .selectipn and after this Was the 'Prayer circle.. A reading by -Mary Grahamwate fol- lowed by an offering prayer by Blanehe MeDougell. IVeies Mary Me- Leod took the Study period, which swtoss faolnlodweodtabeeY ruecatinitig_ntiih.Y_ITL;rtkirie,,, 742 Was then sung and' Mist MeL,tfeed A -regUlar meeting of the Y.WIA: was field at the Manse on Thursday night of last week With an atten- -dance of 23: The meeting •opened Us- ing Hymn 218 and prayer by the pre- sident. After the /ell tall and rend- ing of the minetes. Miss Henderson continued the Bible Study 'from John 3rd chap., verses 1 to 21. A report of the Preebeterial held at ,Ethel in May toek the place of the usual eiriegiOrearer tOoice MeePtinieef chised bY sieginig a, hymn. and _Mrs.. McCall offered prayer. • • . At the • close of the meeting' 4 SOtiai hour' was spentwhentheenein- - Moildeer of text week,. The service waved there out, saying • "Get, on erg etitinitee Mrs: MacDonald •by in the, United Church 'Sunday motile your coat." Many, of -011116f did not presenting her with birthday gift y. 4. Kg will be ceridected by the church knew that 6, deatlese man is often,. of ot silver .•flower basket.• gte,. 'Mae, •'elders, and ilie evening service has sive . the dignite Of a court. and Donald eicoteited her aniveciation in .keen withdraim,. tletiv against lite few ..areliichotea *0481.-.80616. •?1 • s fast, where lir. Harper:fanned for tot. Hackett has practiced 'medicine a number of yeart. In 1885 they mov- in Detroit he, past 2i Y'ears, where ed to ,Mariftoba and located at Hay- he has been very suceesiful. He is. a , field, smith of Brandon, Hai -per became a second where Mr. Mre fellow of -the Arrierican College of pioneer. Anna was married to Hugh Surgeons, and, a member of the A. Cunningham, ' also a native of Wayne County .Medical Assocepeion, their farm near Hayfield. till 1924, Ontario in 1886. and they lived oil being chairman of that ,society the past year. Hee has now been elected • when they moved to Brandon. Here as in her forMer'hoMe She was high- president of the Detroit Academy oe ly esteemed by all who knew lien She Surgeons. Dr. Hackett was htorti on ' was a lite long inernber first of the Methodist- arid then of the United the 10th Con. of Ashfield on the fare now occupied by his; brother, Mr. Cmheuthreohryariod; th.se bleesteuetelfttibie. hiticodrihsiesetetnhte. Jas. R. Hackett. Dr. Hackett 7gradu- 'add hi "medicine' at McGill later. Christian life. Her family have the sympathy of a large circle of eteeeee siatunddyi. lig at London University, Eng - in both Manitoba, and Ontario. one son, Harper Clinton Curl,- It ivijl surprise you how soon cou--- " Besides her husband elle leaves . e ningham, and two daughters, Mrs. pops will op you a premium at Me? Frank Lawson, (Corn) of• terahdon, Keeeieete , and -Miss Annetta at hetne, let Albert Harper of 'Hayfield is a brother and .... .. •./... tueLnms . - Mrs. SYlliedia Harper of Brendan a siseere,Mr. ,,W: J. McMullin of Ltick- A sheep parasite deitionstiation nOve is .a cousin: , v, 111 h.2 held on the farm of Jehif Itre- CONCE-Ftr AT LAN6SIDE Quillin, Lucknow, on Thursday; 'Jute . ., . lith at 2.00 Olock in the afternoon. A concert will beheld in Forester's De.' Lionel Stevenson, Provinchie Hall, Lanksidee on Friday evening, Zoologist, will be in • attendance in June 5th. Hear the Minstrel Melodies this meeting and all sheep owners and ebioeelt good old time, -Debate, should plan to attend -Meeting under wood the moothig.Oa" with prItiour,oict etc.t AtitiliOi0.41-4Adttlta 25c," Child- the direction of tho Ontario NOW- . . . ., , et; tura" IVit' , ' .„. ,...seeteeeeeefe.....seree "e" a. elieree 46ett....6; r.p444, AW -