HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-04-30, Page 5rwA
1 b U CR 1 'O W f)3N T f E ,,' 'TRUIRSDA$,. XPRIL 3iltlu; 19 `
S'ensittYe, . Th 'Skinned . Peirrns
Susceptible to 814ghte. and .Alfronta
Often Caine Trouble to --Themselves
And Others. ' -
The beauty of line, coli finish and fittings.of'the new
Will `s care will, appeal to the most exacting tastes They
.ronrbine. n - .a rieh ;y dixti!icl rve ensemble that makes the •
lowpriees.of these cars a record. achievement.
Notable' too are the many extra features of safety and
Safety Glass all around, in all models at slightoeietra
B .- Cost -in Six, and'no extra '.cost ,in the Wdlys Eight
De Luxe and Willys-Knight..
New bib% -inch. Tread -wider front •and rear• seat,
• more bead,,.rutin and leg room.
. Adjustable, From Seat—to fit' the angle your back
,.finds most cornfortahte.'1 Also hack or forward Riich,er
iiphOlitery —1:onger. wearing —, finer quail,,
8 start
utton ..
-..- ase
of ii
1Er • _pe
•Cdn. . ,.
digh'ts and rorir "•
Double Dirop lower -center of giaunty ru'gge
strengta— longer life. r•
Dtuo-Serio. Brakes ._cable,_and conduit control; eluni
nates rattle—immediate„response. to light foot pressure
Four Shock •Eliminators -®Double acting, hydraulic
—Longer; more flexible spicings. • -'' ;
nigh Compression. 'Eng/ n+es— 651110 and 87 • horse-
power.. (in the Willie Si', W.illys:-Eight•'and Whys
Knight respectively) 70' to .80 mules per hour.
The 3,'new'CVillys Cars �- a big Six priced like. a Four
a powerful' Fight,- a brilliant. Willys=Krught,:ofer you
price savinggss'ran"ing:froin $170 to•$800 over last yer's
similar Models. c`l They are now on display. • Se uem,
, . and arrange for. a, demonstration.
One ,morning . a yotng Mau whom
we shall call. Frank • Joned, though
that hi not we:: name, found Joe
Brown's hat hanging -en the cloak,
'room • hook tfat"he- :generally used:
Hooks were not assigned to any parr
Ocular employee, but most of the
men had their their .favorite hooks.
Fra ik, more methodical • than' moat
was irritated to find another what -on
the hook : which :he looked en as . his
own. He was. especially • sore this
time, 'because he remembered having
found this same hat on his hook
once before. The truth was that J:oe
not so.` methodical as Frank, had•.
P ' • .simply 'hung his *list: o'ti the ". final
; `railable- -peg; -.he .:.generally •,caiC!e
'later than Frank otherWisa'thei,thing
d migl ''have -happened oftener beferii
But' Fran& was convinced - than Joe
1►ad done it to' •spite, him,: He"went.
to bis desk' hot with anger and. sus-.
•picion. A few minutes' later ,he • saw
Joe go over to another, clerk and
say something at which they both
laughed, ands''; Frank ,:thought, they.
glanced in -his direction. lie was sure
they were tal'kin'g about' him.
At• lunch 'in the company cafeteria'
'he,'as usual, sat :by. himself; he•pre-,
ferred:' to read' rather „than join •' a'
' ` 'group of 'others who,. were usually
. noisy • and, according to:his his •views,
,_rather silly. This day, however, when
the others gathered un groups about'
,1 . •the tables he felt.:they 'were doing•;
so to avoid, him, and he blamed Joe
for turning. the others,against_him.
Each day liter. 'this- he- watched.
Joe narro wly, . and, each day • fancied
he detected some other alight or 'tic -
tion ' calculated to !annoy 'him. He
I became more land more morose, until
finally his; attitude "was noticed ..by
othersLand.:.comments were made. He
of course, became a*aree of this 'new'
interest, which helped _ increase his,
resentment . "-ta me --so slovenly,
�� , nd,,_oareless In • his work that.' he was'
• reprimanded, 'by the office ma'na'ger
and in a' buff. he' resigned. Three
days • later he walked into the office,
pulled a pistol on . Joe . and if he : had
•'not been overpowered would have
'stint ;him.
I 'When he was examined by a•,psY-
• chiatrist, Or- inental-. expert, --he-.was
found to be suffering from paranoia.
a form of :insanity which is charao-,
terized, amdrig, other manifestation'
•by; undue • suspicion or delusions • of
persecution. This was no sudden, .de-,
velopment. Be .kad wYbeen • a
solitary ;indvidual; "ratherunsocial,
Overly,.thit-skinned,: .sensitive,•to
—digits and affronts.' 1 .
-._slights __.
Here' . and There ,,
There, are 7.5,211 tractors 'in
aAerattion" on the' -three -.Profile
Provinces of Canada, aced g.
"a .recent estimate.' Last .year 8,991
tractors were '' sold , - -In-- westergi-.--
Canada. -
• Barnwell; Alberta,. on, the .line
bet, Lethbridge and Medicine
Hat oaks the-reeoad for Bering
• :plowiac, rind cultivation tor 1931.;'
Work on the land there' is general'
&nd began' March '25. •
Motor • twist' - to•, New
Brunswick , front United- States •
was alniost-.50 per cent' greater ' ii,
1930 than in the •pr viotis yea ,
..according . to •a` statistical .state=
• mept 'issued recently by the 'Can-
adian Customs commissioner:-
,`Whilet e treads of • thIs con-
tinept yr 'not ,responsible• tor
deaths :or •injuries 'to.:'trespassers
° on;; their . properties, .theY annually'
a end. many thousands . of-. dollars
in prevei tative ,steps and • educ_ „,.
etlenet .,campaigns to reduce.-: tfi
:drain on . the meand`• women:, of . .
th-e countrT---`' •
George H. donee, head of the
Canadian Pacitie, SiapP1y` Farre -at•,
Strathmore, Alberta,has .b,een aLr
pointed zone manager' of the .Col
onization Flnanee •Corporatio#r" of
Canada, Limited, with headquar= ,
tern •at_Portage. La: •; Prairie. )Lr.
Jones is recognized aQ .one of the.
outstanding livestock authorities
4n Canada. •
R?rllyya 'Six - $65,0 to
$,1,070. • 'Will: Eight =-.. .
• I`270�`tar $'1 ;� illy,.-- '.---=
4 C.1t3= (./•tan
. 46004. Wil G: 131—(1%i '
.ton Chassis),Siog� a` incels. •
—$830. Reid !heels•,--
. • $87.0. Willys-Knecght
$1,625: .AU prices
F actory, .Toronto, Ont.
• Taxes ' Extra. .•
Travelling 'incognito, ,Their Maj,=
esties the. King and'Queen_ of. Siam
will not appear at 'public
tions in Victoria'or Vancouver
when "they arrive with .their • re-
-‘ gal' • suite aboard the Empress. of
Japan en route to New York, April''
'17, the Consul -General for Siam•
A total'of 1,066 m
873 .deer were taken
the -New Brunswick
” ,the Vast -Minting sea
the total for the past
12;614.. Moose and 60,.
cording to, the report
•Warden of the •Provi
An iouncement . has been . made
.;y. the,Canadian • Pacific.`Railway
company -that' shipments- t-freigh
et eastern' points' fo
via' Port,.McNi'colI,
'acopteid-"subject- todela
'will -be -rive.
pend nC
IVE b.ig„_t re values S One f or.e' •,
purse. One for every ptirPoee.. 3`
*40'414: only • Goodyear Tires we
offer on, right _.her i•, tOwiti,, y your
tti 'es
e f`' .
1� R
fr r..
da :r•
Dose ,arid. 10,-
by. hunters in
woods' during' .
son; bringing, .•
ten years t�
332 deer, ac -
of the.Game: ;
nce. • •
you- cavi find .. any here 'Aid the r
biggest money's: worth 1.
Drive over now_ and see these rugged,
hong=wearing Goodyears At the low
9931 'prices a change -over to. new.
Good'yesrs costs less than ever before
''a tire ,history.
S'T SERVICE1717A,110.11:
- rJ. S. I ac
.L,ucktow, ,
Put a' new Goodyear Tube.in- every new casing.'_
r points,''weat,,
will, now be.
y. _at Port ••
i the first saitiag�
meeting of Arran;
Ousrncrl ,a' .eorniirunication• was read
from R. C. 'Molt,' chief engineer. of
11�e=Htghw-2ys�"D apartment;-thai�tb'P
Canadians Pac- 3atri G.eo,_ -envy,.: Minister of Hrg�h
file steamers on Gre
vice, during 'the • coni
of ; peace and the road'" superintendent. Fred Scar -
dominant Inc-
trade ; develop -
t Britain and
East," says Sir
• • prominent
an ilacturer, who
ritish • economic,
aboard • the Ent
at Lakes ser- i ways,, had, approved of. the ,town
ing season: • ship's - request for. the disrnissal ' if
"Given a year
China will become .a
tor 'in enormou>f
ments between Grea
Europe's in the Far•
Ernest Thompsen,
British ' cotton m
returned from a.'.B
mission, to• China
press of Canada r
The; majority _of 'the di'rectore4of
the, Saskatchewan Poultry Pool
Ltd„ are .women, . and .for several
' years'. they have directed the Pool
With conspicuous success: • . For.
. • the year to January' 31. 19.31, the.
peel ':did 'a gross
Parents should discourage T then -000--according- to
children any tendency to prefer 90l orrice of , per cent over . 1929
. hide to the company of others, and and s64 per cent ' over 1928.
'especially any tendency to feel sligh- • (726) • - • '- -.r.n
' r!, ., ,'�` S ted or pickedon. Adults vvho.:diseov- mod progress was 'node in 1930
..EIGHTS K' H er in themelves such tendencies, , c;vii aviation in Canada, par-
should take steps to oyerconie then , ticularly in commercial flying. L
NEW ! r L L Y, S $1•X T R. U K S •
through self -study • and 'the culqva- •
totalloofe877.5of 7 hours waa' toverlowfl. he
tion of wider and freer "contacts with flying time of registered aero-
' An advance . of about. 800,000 ; ins
net! tonnage handled at the port
of Vancouver during 1930 is shown.
ini the anastral report of the Van-
r in Merchant. 93 b g s 12.776 634 '
against- 11,984,771 in. 1929.
anew -came out second best in his con-
test for supremacy • with. the town -
;skip council He is .the' third super-
r ititendent ` in Brice to '•learn • by' ex-
perience than an individual has no
chance when it comes to•bucking •a
municipal council. Now that • the.
road.' sripei:intendency .has been. set-
Over. • 1 600,000' lbs. of salmon were
caught in the coastal waters and,
rivers of Q:neb-e-crlxsr..yea•r- ar`616+-
-000-lbs.-more=than-las 1929. ' ' ,
. Potato • shipnieuts. ' from, .Halifax
are now. over: for the season and
hare been declared to be the big- •
gest in -the history of the port.
' ' 11�ustrating the growth , of tone*
ist travel into. Canada.. 92 09 (OT
eig cars entered .:'Canad'a 1n •1920,
- whi a ,in 1930 the total was 5.409.-
•�• 4,t` the:'endnd of February, of thii +'t
year, official registration of radio i1
fled there's, nothing in the way f 1 ' sets in °Canada totalled 505,758,. an
rip-roaring municipal. election on i •
increase of 81 612 over the similar January 1st,' 1932:' period of last year,_.
• Cadmium, a by=product obtained` .
in the production of zine, was pro- ',
• duced for the first time'in Canada
____early_ in ,1928 . at Trail, B.C. Used.
for plating purposes -demand for -it.... -_
has, increased very rapidly.
The Province of New Brunswick's
largest. bond isalwas sold at the
most: favorab! bribe in 2,8 years
when a bid of.99.438 was accepted
for $5,215,000 4% per cent, 30 -yew
bond issue, making the interest cost
- :to the province 4.52 ;per cent.
turnover .of $81.2,x,,,, • ••. - . THE BUSY MAN
the .rancid• ..of.
_ ._..-...._
�Holmes, an 'iii!- - '
If you want to get a favor done:
' By. some obliging friend,
And want a promise, safe and sine,
On which you may depend,
Don't go to him 'who always ,bas
Much leisure time t� plan,
But if you want your favor done,
Just ask the busy man.
The man with, leisure never. has
A n3oitent he can spare, • '
He's always "putting off until'A' •
• His friends are in despair.
But. he whose every waking hour • .
*Is crowded full :of work,
Forgets •the art of Wasting time—
He cannot Stop to shirk.
So., if you want a favor done,
, And Want it right away,
Go to the'man who ,constantly
'Works thirty hours a day,..
•he'll. find a nionient, sure, some-
where, ° - •
That has no further use,
And fix you while the• idle man
' Is framing an excuse.
rza ��j SMITH
• otherpeople.
1 vt' M �j theyunable should
LucknOw • seek the. advice and assistance of a
are signs of . unhealthy mental at-
(j,�r formation on any point not cov-
__u u_« � , . leaving there will be given .10 later is-
psychiatrist. Suspicions; • like fears,
)NOR' OF THE " PLAYING, who has piayeb•- '- .
• MELD •haggling, grudging and not spoiling sues if you will address your ques-
th`e temper . of a game by clni' • ' tions" to ' "Mental' Health," 111 St.
ming George Street, Toronto, Ontario.
Many of the great lessons. of life doubtful 'points or insisting on little
cone from the games we ..play in rights.. We must .not strain the rules
youth. The first' consideration in all of a game. •so that the keeping o SINCE LAST SEPTEMBER
• ' '' of them ; �' .•`-`_'
manhood and wo-, should be wilting rather toS nce, they. obtained; gun licenses
a ","full and splendid m f , . tri aures than wilvone "by the .on September' 8 of last year, three
• manhood. We- shall keep as one o thous d g Dung Guelph men have snot ,522
the mottoes. of 'our outdoor life, the shadow of unfairness. When the bits within a 10 mile radius of Guelph
thodght that a mind lives in a nob" times conies; as it comes in all games Bert Bedard proved. bis "markmanshrp
ble. body. We should .play a game when nobody could see, if y.%ir play by killing 188; Lloyd Beecroft shot
for its own . sake, never. spoiling the Was unfair, you would • be glad. to 168 d the bunnies and Bill Hanson
spirit of all true games, 'nor lower- know that your loyalty is• above sus -,was third .with 166. The 'bunters did
-irig the dignity of all true manhood picion; and will do the right: thing not count the cotton -facia And swa�i►p
bylayiffg it for profit, at the ex- as quickly as a lightning flesh. hares which they 'shot, only big
,cuss of somebody else. The' sad side of human life, m wide "jacks" which are very common in
° Our carnes ate our own lessons In up of cunning••and intrigue, of se this district this year.—'
'' noble things..'The playing , fiel'd is ing selfish ends at any cost to others
✓ilh truth the High School of life. It I f preferiirig our vain glory rather
• • garnet is to lay the foundation for them breaks the spirit lose
m; .a, i
is there we find the great disti
k th n of
Elora -Express.
„,1.• than the".'achievement of a .common
`the . I.. of shutting our hearts to the For every young man in basins,
qualities that near a "me good, s g
Iish-s eakittg race all over the 'troubles •of others,.so long as we are who does °rink, no matter how mod-
Eng F
'can bo can• be heal-
. prospering,has no encaurageliaetit -on erateiy, there is some young nian o
world. NA Amari Y ththe abstaining: kind waiting around
thy and whole and miss the laws of 'the playing field .where only the flow-
�•e' ring . through every I er of life and not the weed •can grow. the corner tor -his place and who• will
honor, ' They, stuff it is do his work all the better because he
c 'Dol that Is worth the We must be .loyal,, or the game is
of; they are blazoned'as m jet -
lost. We copld never be mean enough Does abstain.
built field
Ors of fire.over everplayingwithhold
• y to the' applause that e-
wortil walking on. They are among to
• Latest reports
the central elec
Canada states that
generated • from s
1 Called 7;828,1'21
• watt urs, • an i,
, thousands of
1929,• '
When the new. 442,5004on ,Eun-
press of Britain,' Canadian Pacific
Atlantic' flagship;' goes.;on a world
cruise, she will break 'at least •29
records. 'Except for • Sqq'�}thampton
and . New York, she will ., be the
, largest vessel ever to enter
world.. cruise ports. • Jf
.a favorable year
wers of the . An- •
is already being
Dr: Blair, •super- '•
Government Ex- :
. Kentviile•, N. 9., • _.
is •every indica-
lent crop, adding
had. formed unusu-
ere' plentiful
on the 'output. of
tric stations , in
in. 1930 power
uclf 'stations to- •
thousands of 'kilo-
the h' in the world, and•
they wilt last as long as the human
t y
• not of, ourselves. a
of 195;245
g,W., hours over
• Prediction of
• for, the fruit gro
aapolis Valley
made for 1931.
lntendent of the
perimental Far
announces there
tion of an excel
that fruit buds
ally Well 'and w
,tics 8
and towns havi
eyed from cities
ng a population• of
4.000 and over show- that . in 13
such centres' with a total papilla
Hot of 3,359:703 the number of p
lice,•,.offtcers employed Wes 5,0004
or one, officer to'every 671p
sons. As an instance 'of ; the
efficiency it is ,reported that of•tth
11,160 automobites stolen. in th
to the victor. year 1929, all bat 10 were recov
nes rightly
The life of the world- , • `"
the nations may , agree
calls Whatever
itself Bred. ' .. "
conference in
s inch spring upon at the wheatWhite to
e oldest things and. conrmer
are preparing, their plants
trace the nn_ Canada s crop thisyear.'0 methods' for ,low-cost heir el is a
tion as we o decide what the liarves wi contest or o" -
k of the gains
team. If we hold
for' these 'qualities in u w
• together of the London on May 18 will not affect
tram the holding g ' .. The acreage y
together nri
We must th
,� :and . quality service in the c
That ensue is lost hold together in the tenet 1 will all be seeded and then the �eathl f h pee and export ma
1 i
in which one memo.
member of the', team in lite boat -race, in the tug-of-war 1,er Wil d kets. our railway systems, a
lament o Systese acc
glory......Chivalry, the I hall give• back to the natio ' a 'be, m;ary imp
d in • that resp
° . o the 'I to .:. _ ...',• _ _ _. _.*:: malate
d di L the Inability -Ito
to alscuni
�- 1 mountain b� in y a dfd
• • '
-this aiu .,. lift a ... _ _ _ ..__.. at, sai•e a
' lk irks-'-t1ir0 �' � serves; in f y
Vs own glory we a
seeks � t0 tions, ate cramps
fysel f; obedience • , •
tit lords tlie' 'team together -*
• law hp With
these thingt grow aturally
h , and we should
even' carte we play,
s a' part of ourselves.
tents entrus e
shun re ' o : .-.�- �,
-:s-:..there grai'vs.. 'm , with Our_
us• Thu life .which
play the part , Of our
makes the' difference', •aa the years
between the� : iiiatt who help
eberleb khans a good leg- go y.
Eap®dally Misallld :wa be 14 riatiotl on and the' man who °16pu1'l!.
tv $liipltld • yield ' till aplMMM wills
stili ra it buck. •' .
49 0 0400 iposli to ':v1t,
• , `ours•°, waiter,;, 1 suppose, 0o 'oatiotii, aCCotdlas to reso
village of ..y rp .
lent of oayg'en act@." t!o>siii,adopted at ttie' annual ns
,[ can get, Y
ohibitiof agents • ins of the Railway litisiaeI$ /ls .
..Sorry sit; . blit pr . •
active r0%1ud hotoi
9i'g Yer f i< l
.111 • •
New bridges to span the St. Law-
rence and other rivers are to , be
built' by : the Quebec Government
this year at a cost' of $8,000,000.
They will . be built aft,' points that ,
will link -up' the highways in the'
province into a whole.
First large cattle. consignment .to
move east since November. 16 cars
or 322 head of cattle for export to
Great Britain, left Winnipeg by ape=
dial Canadian Pacific train which
totalled 3'1 cars: of 'stock, including
22 cars for eastern Canada pointa.
• A single British Columhia Sitka•
spruce may contitiin 8,000• to 10,000 '
feet board measure of lumber. tum- .
bei used- in building an •ordinary.
five-or4six-roomed frame , house is
estimated at 15,000,feet, hence' two
goods for Sit hpuce trees would
Crowds estimated at 600,000. pew
WIDOW AWARDED • pie matched the Empress.of Britain
$15,000 DAMAGES sail down the Clyde. from her birth -
1: at Clydebank to undergo
. la, e
p ace
three .hours, a tris Th ship was escorted by'
After -deliberating sin tugs; a• police launch and • 00 •ssiixx p ,
jury at the Spring Assizes at Bram,- airplanes., This 315,000,0
ton, before Dir. Justice ' Sedgewick; was built for a speed of 24 knots
awarded ' ibis. Anastasia •'Lamphier, and has already done4 e 26 knots'' 1n
Cooksville, $15,0.00 damages against preliminary trials. .
Daniel. Alger; Waterloo, for the death Ten minutes terminal stop at St
of her, husband, 'Francis,. 'iv a fatal- Ignace, Ont.. and dined greeting hstween G C.
ity . on the Dundas highway ]sat fall. A.rdell; Canadian Pacific and.
's ea of eight 4'5 'ears Pf separation, sad.
Dias. en, sphier, riioth i
g _ spanned Y
children, sued for $5.0,000. The, ,lacy. stance betweenred in conversation
found that Alger was- negligent* in ily. It app
that Hay was Ardell's nephew and
returning tio.the• proper side of the been for nearly. ha
road,,sing f : t .
The Bay of y
travelling at an excessive speed, the later will' now visit his family
passing another car on, a hill, '• not in' latter
ouver wlronit ;he has
if -a -Cent y
lm another car and ai Fund steamer Prin-
.ifig to'' take proper precautions after a Bay' if un have her first
• 41
s' cin " and approaching p sunnier season this year and with
e g i aachiri Lam liners•
did not contribute to the•'opening in June of the Lake -
car. Ltality etr { side inii, new C. P.'R.�hotel at far
the fatality, the verioict • stated.
• mouth. heavy tourist traffic fs look-
ed for through Saint John f
—s--- and Canada.
the _•"I th t
• Ited Tape - • I The Cot"ntvallis Inn
• • .. and the Pines St gfShiv .
In Dickens' tirtie, governmental de '
... ..., .. __ •_ _ .. attract a large influx Of visitors..
- artnients.. wei.e;�otos�5ti�ty`'•,�"�3�Y' ._._.
i Government doeiinienta
f�uti¢ti'oning• , .... _
• r'e'd. ta'.e, arid Dickens '.
were tied in ,,,t• . ,_ why expect a statesman to ino
6 • 'rat t� call their. slow`"iriethods , , e'want when � .. .
wa a,r vuhat the people th
. handling busizaess red tai 4 o ,
at Kentville
will also