HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-04-30, Page 5rwA 1 b U CR 1 'O W f)3N T f E ,,' 'TRUIRSDA$,. XPRIL 3iltlu; 19 ` "Arouciiit S'ensittYe, . Th 'Skinned . Peirrns Susceptible to 814ghte. and .Alfronta Often Caine Trouble to --Themselves And Others. ' - WITH • AMAZ. I Ng— PRICE. SAVfN• • The beauty of line, coli finish and fittings.of'the new Will `s care will, appeal to the most exacting tastes They .ronrbine. n - .a rieh ;y dixti!icl rve ensemble that makes the • lowpriees.of these cars a record. achievement. Notable' too are the many extra features of safety and comfort: Safety Glass all around, in all models at slightoeietra B .- Cost -in Six, and'no extra '.cost ,in the Wdlys Eight De Luxe and Willys-Knight.. New bib% -inch. Tread -wider front •and rear• seat, • more bead,,.rutin and leg room. . Adjustable, From Seat—to fit' the angle your back ,.finds most cornfortahte.'1 Also hack or forward Riich,er iiphOlitery —1:onger. wearing —, finer quail,, er 8 start o rate utton .. -..- ase -d of ii 1Er • _pe •Cdn. . ,. digh'ts and rorir "• Double Dirop lower -center of giaunty ru'gge strengta— longer life. r• Dtuo-Serio. Brakes ._cable,_and conduit control; eluni nates rattle—immediate„response. to light foot pressure Four Shock •Eliminators -®Double acting, hydraulic —Longer; more flexible spicings. • -'' ; nigh Compression. 'Eng/ n+es— 651110 and 87 • horse- power.. (in the Willie Si', W.illys:-Eight•'and Whys Knight respectively) 70' to .80 mules per hour. The 3,'new'CVillys Cars �- a big Six priced like. a Four a powerful' Fight,- a brilliant. Willys=Krught,:ofer you price savinggss'ran"ing:froin $170 to•$800 over last yer's similar Models. c`l They are now on display. • Se uem, , . and arrange for. a, demonstration. f One ,morning . a yotng Mau whom we shall call. Frank • Joned, though that hi not we:: name, found Joe Brown's hat hanging -en the cloak, 'room • hook tfat"he- :generally used: Hooks were not assigned to any parr Ocular employee, but most of the men had their their .favorite hooks. Fra ik, more methodical • than' moat was was irritated to find another what -on the hook : which :he looked en as . his own. He was. especially • sore this time, 'because he remembered having found this same hat on his hook once before. The truth was that J:oe not so.` methodical as Frank, had•. P ' • .simply 'hung his *list: o'ti the ". final ; `railable- -peg; -.he .:.generally •,caiC!e 'later than Frank otherWisa'thei,thing d migl ''have -happened oftener beferii But' Fran& was convinced - than Joe 1►ad done it to' •spite, him,: He"went. to bis desk' hot with anger and. sus-. •picion. A few minutes' later ,he • saw Joe go over to another, clerk and say something at which they both laughed, ands''; Frank ,:thought, they. glanced in -his direction. lie was sure they were tal'kin'g about' him. At• lunch 'in the company cafeteria' 'he,'as usual, sat :by. himself; he•pre-, ferred:' to read' rather „than join •' a' ' ` 'group of 'others who,. were usually . noisy • and, according to:his his •views, ,_rather silly. This day, however, when the others gathered un groups about' ,1 . •the tables he felt.:they 'were doing•; so to avoid, him, and he blamed Joe for turning. the others,against_him. Each day liter. 'this- he- watched. Joe narro wly, . and, each day • fancied he detected some other alight or 'tic - tion ' calculated to !annoy 'him. He I became more land more morose, until finally his; attitude "was noticed ..by othersLand.:.comments were made. He of course, became a*aree of this 'new' interest, which helped _ increase his, resentment . "-ta me --so slovenly, �� , nd,,_oareless In • his work that.' he was' • reprimanded, 'by the office ma'na'ger and in a' buff. he' resigned. Three days • later he walked into the office, pulled a pistol on . Joe . and if he : had •'not been overpowered would have 'stint ;him. I 'When he was examined by a•,psY- • chiatrist, Or- inental-. expert, --he-.was found to be suffering from paranoia. a form of :insanity which is charao-, terized, amdrig, other manifestation' •by; undue • suspicion or delusions • of persecution. This was no sudden, .de-, velopment. Be .kad wYbeen • a solitary ;indvidual; "ratherunsocial, Overly,.thit-skinned,: .sensitive,•to —digits and affronts.' 1 . -._slights __. kAGE Here' . and There ,, There, are 7.5,211 tractors 'in aAerattion" on the' -three -.Profile Provinces of Canada, aced g. "a .recent estimate.' Last .year 8,991 tractors were '' sold , - -In-- westergi-.-- Canada. - • Barnwell; Alberta,. on, the .line bet, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat oaks the-reeoad for Bering • :plowiac, rind cultivation tor 1931.;' Work on the land there' is general' &nd began' March '25. • • Motor • twist' - to•, New Brunswick , front United- States • was alniost-.50 per cent' greater ' ii, 1930 than in the •pr viotis yea , ..according . to •a` statistical .state= • mept 'issued recently by the 'Can- adian Customs commissioner:- ,`Whilet e treads of • thIs con- tinept yr 'not ,responsible• tor deaths :or •injuries 'to.:'trespassers ° on;; their . properties, .theY annually' a end. many thousands . of-. dollars in prevei tative ,steps and • educ_ „,. ` etlenet .,campaigns to reduce.-: tfi :drain on . the meand`• women:, of . . th-e countrT---`' • George H. donee, head of the Canadian Pacitie, SiapP1y` Farre -at•, Strathmore, Alberta,has .b,een aLr pointed zone manager' of the .Col onization Flnanee •Corporatio#r" of Canada, Limited, with headquar= , tern •at_Portage. La: •; Prairie. )Lr. Jones is recognized aQ .one of the. outstanding livestock authorities 4n Canada. • SAFETY GLASS AVAIL,:A1l'L.l IN ALL 'WLNDO'WS-='ALL MOD.ELS'• NEW LOW'; PRICES ,• AND UPWARDS . . R?rllyya 'Six - $65,0 to $,1,070. • 'Will: Eight =-.. . • I`270�`tar $'1 ;� illy,.-- '.---= 4 C.1t3= (./•tan . 46004. Wil G: 131—(1%i ' .ton Chassis),Siog� a` incels. • —$830. Reid !heels•,-- . • $87.0. Willys-Knecght $1,625: .AU prices F actory, .Toronto, Ont. • Taxes ' Extra. .• • Travelling 'incognito, ,Their Maj,= esties the. King and'Queen_ of. Siam will not appear at 'public tions in Victoria'or Vancouver when "they arrive with .their • re- -‘ gal' • suite aboard the Empress. of Japan en route to New York, April'' '17, the Consul -General for Siam• announces A total'of 1,066 m 873 .deer were taken the -New Brunswick ” ,the Vast -Minting sea the total for the past 12;614.. Moose and 60,. cording to, the report •Warden of the •Provi An iouncement . has been . made .;y. the,Canadian • Pacific.`Railway company -that' shipments- t-freigh et eastern' points' fo via' Port,.McNi'colI, 'acopteid-"subject- todela 'will -be -rive. pend nC -There-,will-be-five.. IVE b.ig„_t re values S One f or.e' •, purse. One for every ptirPoee.. 3` *40'414: only • Goodyear Tires we offer on, right _.her i•, tOwiti,, y your Y 0 tti 'es �ect><. e f`' . blest l line 1� R o m fr r.. ce da :r• Ch Dose ,arid. 10,- by 0, by. hunters in woods' during' . son; bringing, .• ten years t� 332 deer, ac - of the.Game: ; nce. • • SIXES SEE THE you- cavi find .. any here 'Aid the r biggest money's: worth 1. Drive over now_ and see these rugged, hong=wearing Goodyears At the low 9931 'prices a change -over to. new. Good'yesrs costs less than ever before ''a tire ,history. S'T SERVICE1717A,110.11: SU��E�RTE. - rJ. S. I ac .L,ucktow, , rep. Otario Put a' new Goodyear Tube.in- every new casing.'_ r points,''weat,, will, now be. y. _at Port •• i the first saitiag� CAN'T BOSS THE COUNCIL meeting of Arran; Ousrncrl ,a' .eorniirunication• was read from R. C. 'Molt,' chief engineer. of 11�e=Htghw-2ys�"D apartment;-thai�tb'P Canadians Pac- 3atri G.eo,_ -envy,.: Minister of Hrg�h file steamers on Gre vice, during 'the • coni of ; peace and the road'" superintendent. Fred Scar - dominant Inc- trade ; develop - t Britain and East," says Sir • • prominent an ilacturer, who ritish • economic, aboard • the Ent seemly: at Lakes ser- i ways,, had, approved of. the ,town ing season: • ship's - request for. the disrnissal ' if "Given a year China will become .a tor 'in enormou>f ments between Grea Europe's in the Far• Ernest Thompsen, British ' cotton m returned from a.'.B mission, to• China press of Canada r The; majority _of 'the di'rectore4of the, Saskatchewan Poultry Pool Ltd„ are .women, . and .for several ' years'. they have directed the Pool With conspicuous success: • . For. . • the year to January' 31. 19.31, the. peel ':did 'a gross Parents should discourage T then -000--according- to children any tendency to prefer 90l orrice of , per cent over . 1929 . hide to the company of others, and and s64 per cent ' over 1928. 'especially any tendency to feel sligh- • (726) • - • '- -.r.n ' r!, ., ,'�` S ted or pickedon. Adults vvho.:diseov- mod progress was 'node in 1930 ..EIGHTS K' H er in themelves such tendencies, , c;vii aviation in Canada, par- • should take steps to oyerconie then , ticularly in commercial flying. L NEW ! r L L Y, S $1•X T R. U K S • through self -study • and 'the culqva- • totalloofe877.5of 7 hours waa' toverlowfl. he tion of wider and freer "contacts with flying time of registered aero- ------ ' An advance . of about. 800,000 ; ins net! tonnage handled at the port of Vancouver during 1930 is shown. ini the anastral report of the Van- couver r in Merchant. 93 b g s 12.776 634 ' against- 11,984,771 in. 1929. anew -came out second best in his con- test for supremacy • with. the town - ;skip council He is .the' third super- r ititendent ` in Brice to '•learn • by' ex- perience than an individual has no chance when it comes to•bucking •a municipal council. Now that • the. road.' sripei:intendency .has been. set- . ao Over. • 1 600,000' lbs. of salmon were caught in the coastal waters and, rivers of Q:neb-e-crlxsr..yea•r- ar`616+- -000-lbs.-more=than-las 1929. ' ' , . Potato • shipnieuts. ' from, .Halifax are now. over: for the season and hare been declared to be the big- • gest in -the history of the port. ' ' 11�ustrating the growth , of tone* ist travel into. Canada.. 92 09 (OT eig cars entered .:'Canad'a 1n •1920, - whi a ,in 1930 the total was 5.409.- 458.1. •�• 4,t` the:'endnd of February, of thii +'t year, official registration of radio i1 fled there's, nothing in the way f 1 ' sets in °Canada totalled 505,758,. an rip-roaring municipal. election on i • increase of 81 612 over the similar January 1st,' 1932:' period of last year,_. • Cadmium, a by=product obtained` . in the production of zine, was pro- ', • duced for the first time'in Canada ____early_ in ,1928 . at Trail, B.C. Used. for plating purposes -demand for -it.... -_ has, increased very rapidly. The Province of New Brunswick's largest. bond isalwas sold at the most: favorab! bribe in 2,8 years when a bid of.99.438 was accepted for $5,215,000 4% per cent, 30 -yew • bond issue, making the interest cost - :to the province 4.52 ;per cent. turnover .of $81.2,x,,,, • ••. - . THE BUSY MAN the .rancid• ..of. _ ._..-...._ �Holmes, an 'iii!- - ' If you want to get a favor done: ' By. some obliging friend, And want a promise, safe and sine, On which you may depend, Don't go to him 'who always ,bas Much leisure time t� plan, But if you want your favor done, Just ask the busy man. The man with, leisure never. has .. A n3oitent he can spare, • ' He's always "putting off until'A' • • His friends are in despair. But. he whose every waking hour • . *Is crowded full :of work, Forgets •the art of Wasting time— He cannot Stop to shirk. So., if you want a favor done, , And Want it right away, . Go to the'man who ,constantly ' 'Works thirty hours a day,.. •he'll. find a nionient, sure, some- where, ° - • That has no further use, And fix you while the• idle man ' Is framing an excuse. rza ��j SMITH • otherpeople. 1 vt' M �j theyunable should LucknOw • seek the. advice and assistance of a are signs of . unhealthy mental at- titudes.. (j,�r formation on any point not cov- __u u_« � , . leaving there will be given .10 later is- . psychiatrist. Suspicions; • like fears, )NOR' OF THE " PLAYING, who has piayeb•- '- . • MELD •haggling, grudging and not spoiling sues if you will address your ques- th`e temper . of a game by clni' • ' tions" to ' "Mental' Health," 111 St. ming George Street, Toronto, Ontario. Many of the great lessons. of life doubtful 'points or insisting on little i cone from the games we ..play in rights.. We must .not strain the rules • • BAGGED -522 RABBITS youth. The first' consideration in all of a game. •so that the keeping o SINCE LAST SEPTEMBER • ' '' of them ; �' .•`-`_' manhood and wo-, should be wilting rather toS nce, they. obtained; gun licenses a ","full and splendid m f , . tri aures than wilvone "by the .on September' 8 of last year, three • manhood. We- shall keep as one o thous d g Dung Guelph men have snot ,522 the mottoes. of 'our outdoor life, the shadow of unfairness. When the bits within a 10 mile radius of Guelph thodght that a mind lives in a nob" times conies; as it comes in all games Bert Bedard proved. bis "markmanshrp ble. body. We should .play a game when nobody could see, if y.%ir play by killing 188; Lloyd Beecroft shot for its own . sake, never. spoiling the Was unfair, you would • be glad. to 168 d the bunnies and Bill Hanson spirit of all true games, 'nor lower- know that your loyalty is• above sus -,was third .with 166. The 'bunters did p. -irig the dignity of all true manhood picion; and will do the right: thing not count the cotton -facia And swa�i►p bylayiffg it for profit, at the ex- as quickly as a lightning flesh. hares which they 'shot, only big F ,cuss of somebody else. The' sad side of human life, m wide "jacks" which are very common in ° Our carnes ate our own lessons In up of cunning••and intrigue, of se this district this year.—' '' noble things..'The playing , fiel'd is ing selfish ends at any cost to others ✓ilh truth the High School of life. It I f preferiirig our vain glory rather • • garnet is to lay the foundation for them breaks the spirit lose m; .a, i • is there we find the great disti k th n of Elora -Express. „,1.• than the".'achievement of a .common `the . I.. of shutting our hearts to the For every young man in basins, s qualities that near a "me good, s g Iish-s eakittg race all over the 'troubles •of others,.so long as we are who does °rink, no matter how mod- Eng F 'can bo can• be heal- . prospering,has no encaurageliaetit -on erateiy, there is some young nian o world. NA Amari Y ththe abstaining: kind waiting around thy and whole and miss the laws of 'the playing field .where only the flow- �•e' ring . through every I er of life and not the weed •can grow. the corner tor -his place and who• will honor, ' They, stuff it is do his work all the better because he c 'Dol that Is worth the We must be .loyal,, or the game is sh of; they are blazoned'as m jet - lost. We copld never be mean enough Does abstain. built field Ors of fire.over everplayingwithhold • y to the' applause that e- wortil walking on. They are among to • Latest reports the central elec Canada states that generated • from s 1 Called 7;828,1'21 • watt urs, • an i, , thousands of 1929,• ' When the new. 442,5004on ,Eun- press of Britain,' Canadian Pacific Atlantic' flagship;' goes.;on a world cruise, she will break 'at least •29 records. 'Except for • Sqq'�}thampton and . New York, she will ., be the , largest vessel ever to enter world.. cruise ports. • Jf .a favorable year wers of the . An- • is already being Dr: Blair, •super- '• Government Ex- : Farm . Kentviile•, N. 9., • _. is •every indica- lent crop, adding had. formed unusu- ere' plentiful on the 'output. of tric stations , in in. 1930 power uclf 'stations to- • thousands of 'kilo- .in the h' in the world, and• they wilt last as long as the human t y d • not of, ourselves. a in of 195;245 g,W., hours over • Prediction of • for, the fruit gro aapolis Valley made for 1931. lntendent of the perimental Far announces there tion of an excel that fruit buds ally Well 'and w Stfiti ,tics 8 ath and towns havi eyed from cities ng a population• of 8 Der fr e e 4.000 and over show- that . in 13 such centres' with a total papilla Hot of 3,359:703 the number of p lice,•,.offtcers employed Wes 5,0004 or one, officer to'every 671p sons. As an instance 'of ; the efficiency it is ,reported that of•tth 11,160 automobites stolen. in th to the victor. year 1929, all bat 10 were recov nes rightly The life of the world- , • `" the nations may , agree calls Whatever itself Bred. ' .. " conference in s inch spring upon at the wheatWhite to t e oldest things and. conrmer industry are preparing, their plants trace the nn_ Canada s crop thisyear.'0 methods' for ,low-cost heir el is a • tion as we o decide what the liarves wi contest or o" - k of the gains team. If we hold for' these 'qualities in u w • together of the London on May 18 will not affect tram the holding g ' .. The acreage y n in together nri We must th ,� :and . quality service in the c That ensue is lost hold together in the tenet 1 will all be seeded and then the �eathl f h pee and export ma 1 i in which one memo. member of the', team in lite boat -race, in the tug-of-war 1,er Wil d kets. our railway systems, a lament o Systese acc glory......Chivalry, the I hall give• back to the natio ' a 'be, m;ary imp d in • that resp ° . o the 'I to .:. _ ...',• _ _ _. _.*:: malate d di L the Inability -Ito to alscuni �- 1 mountain b� in y a dfd • • ' -this aiu .,. lift a ... _ _ _ ..__.. at, sai•e a ' lk irks-'-t1ir0 �' � serves; in f y Vs own glory we a seeks � t0 tions, ate cramps fysel f; obedience • , • 'ilu�rrende�-•-o tit lords tlie' 'team together -* • law hp With these thingt grow aturally h , and we should even' carte we play, s a' part of ourselves. tents entrus e shun re ' o : .-.�- �, -:s-:..there grai'vs.. 'm , with Our_ us• Thu life .which play the part , Of our makes the' difference', •aa the years between the� : iiiatt who help eberleb khans a good leg- go y. Eap®dally Misallld :wa be 14 riatiotl on and the' man who °16pu1'l!. tv $liipltld • yield ' till aplMMM wills stili ra it buck. •' . 49 0 0400 iposli to ':v1t, • , `ours•°, waiter,;, 1 suppose, 0o 'oatiotii, aCCotdlas to reso village of ..y rp . lent of oayg'en act@." t!o>siii,adopted at ttie' annual ns ,[ can get, Y ohibitiof agents • ins of the Railway litisiaeI$ /ls . ..Sorry sit; . blit pr . • active r0%1ud hotoi 9i'g Yer f i< l .111 • • New bridges to span the St. Law- rence and other rivers are to , be built' by : the Quebec Government this year at a cost' of $8,000,000. They will . be built aft,' points that , will link -up' the highways in the' province into a whole. First large cattle. consignment .to move east since November. 16 cars or 322 head of cattle for export to Great Britain, left Winnipeg by ape= dial Canadian Pacific train which totalled 3'1 cars: of 'stock, including 22 cars for eastern Canada pointa. • A single British Columhia Sitka• spruce may contitiin 8,000• to 10,000 ' feet board measure of lumber. tum- . bei used- in building an •ordinary. five-or4six-roomed frame , house is estimated at 15,000,feet, hence' two goods for Sit hpuce trees would ffice e. Crowds estimated at 600,000. pew WIDOW AWARDED • pie matched the Empress.of Britain $15,000 DAMAGES sail down the Clyde. from her birth - 1: at Clydebank to undergo • . la, e p ace three .hours, a tris Th ship was escorted by' After -deliberating sin tugs; a• police launch and • 00 •ssiixx p , jury at the Spring Assizes at Bram,- airplanes., This 315,000,0 ton, before Dir. Justice ' Sedgewick; was built for a speed of 24 knots awarded ' ibis. Anastasia •'Lamphier, and has already done4 e 26 knots'' 1n Cooksville, $15,0.00 damages against preliminary trials. . Daniel. Alger; Waterloo, for the death Ten minutes terminal stop at St of her, husband, 'Francis,. 'iv a fatal- Ignace, Ont.. and dined greeting hstween G C. ity . on the Dundas highway ]sat fall. A.rdell; Canadian Pacific and. 's ea of eight 4'5 'ears Pf separation, sad. Dias. en, sphier, riioth i g _ spanned Y children, sued for $5.0,000. The, ,lacy. stance betweenred in conversation found that Alger was- negligent* in ily. It app that Hay was Ardell's nephew and returning tio.the• proper side of the been for nearly. ha road,,sing f : t . The Bay of y travelling at an excessive speed, the later will' now visit his family passing another car on, a hill, '• not in' latter ouver wlronit ;he has not ur if -a -Cent y lm another car and ai Fund steamer Prin- .ifig to'' take proper precautions after a Bay' if un have her first 44. • r+ • 41 8 . c' •, s' cin " and approaching p sunnier season this year and with e g i aachiri Lam liners• did not contribute to the•'opening in June of the Lake - Wit a car. Ltality etr { side inii, new C. P.'R.�hotel at far the fatality, the verioict • stated. • mouth. heavy tourist traffic fs look- ed ok-- ed for through Saint John f —s--- and Canada. T ni t•ed .Stn_ States the _•"I th t • Ited Tape - • I The Cot"ntvallis Inn • • .. and the Pines St gfShiv . In Dickens' tirtie, governmental de ' ... ..., .. __ •_ _ .. attract a large influx Of visitors.. - artnients.. wei.e;�otos�5ti�ty`'•,�"�3�Y' ._._. i Government doeiinienta f�uti¢ti'oning• , .... _ • r'e'd. ta'.e, arid Dickens '. were tied in ,,,t• . ,_ why expect a statesman to ino 6 • 'rat t� call their. slow`"iriethods , , e'want when � .. . vy wa a,r vuhat the people th . handling busizaess red tai 4 o , • at Kentville will also