HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-04-30, Page 3+91FTe u ?4A-' HVi?4,t"+`.warr'tT ,
7,4�1) h4�Y
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• Johnny--4.3ay, Datt remember• the
".tory you tojd me about the .time yon
Vere,,.espeiled .from seheol`?
Dad Xoa' •
Johnny ;4Well, sit . it .funny how
• ! etorr•.rJP.peats-.itself ? . _ _ -
The man 'who is content with what
he is isn't mueli. ,
' 11 wife • to somebocly,,,t' g remodeI
tunny story as you go along;
:Old' Boy ---I havA, had my life Maur-
•d' In. your name for • $10;000. • Now,
On I do anything, better' than that to
show my°devotion? •
' young Wife s.,''o, dear; 'not as long
as yeti live. ' •
• Fable: Once there - Was .'a rich
yea g bachelor 'who' didn't think • every
t= (nine smile '• an effort .to •.hook
+Wheat flag becomes of .the old -:fashion
:::td I girl Who niied- to 'barns her head
out- of 'the' window) to :'dzy her' hair
' -after., she had washed: it? • ; •
t}ir19 •whb 'are handy •with :men,, can
either twist then around their•'Snger
or keep them •'•under. their ,thumb, '
Teacher .(questioning • , class)
What, do. you call a man who' keeps;
talking' and 'talking when people
ino• longer. int'ereit;ed? ••
Boy Pnpll-Please; sir,, a' leacher...:
Mrs. ';Parkinson: '- •
Hello, Bobbie:
What are you '• looking ;tor, huh?' .. •
Bobbie = I:ooking .for elephants.
Y,ou :got. any elephants: or .giraffes
Or,Bons, with you?
' Mrs.. Parkinson -No;: not 'one.. d
see that .you like animals.'"
Bobbie=Yeah: Got any ponies or
iasteatters-or;.nu tie with- Diet ,,
Mrs., . Perkinson; -- '•No. Bobbie, of
course not. • Why do you expect me
to 'carry around.: such ,a menagerie
. with • ine?'
Bobble -Well, you' di'd the .other.
day .' a ;
, Mrs.' Pei'kinson=What day? What.;
on earth do you mein?
adinn industry_
I Rest' in Wprld
Jack Clark, ;h acl See tf l od temporary y work wit.). the ' Wain-'
'wri'ght Construction. .Company. • It• meant leaving'. home, but both
Mother -And -son realized how difficult, it was to get ,a'• job, and,
when the chance .came, Jack took it:••
`"Don't forget to call me on the ''telephone 'often, Jack," said
his Mother. "You know how anxious I will ,be." ..
`oYou need not worry, Mother.'. : I went over. 'to "thee Bell
Telephone office when I' got .word about the jo and: they told me
I Could 'call' you from the telephone In the Construction Camp and
lras e' ''t e Charges -mad 'on '' our -"own r -telephone -roil -eaeh- mont-h
""You think of everything Jack," 'exclaimed his • Mother•:
"Far'from, it, Mother, but you ':know how Dad insisted' that
I always keep you and him posted by telephone if I could not be
home. just at the time promised, ' Well, I have what they call.
the Telephone Habit." „
on. thetteet •and you •Iceked like a
•-Bobbie•.. t?e11,-a�ho�r, mamma;_citcua
a told' pana:a.t dinnet4,thatthe seen you
The Canadian Wool Coy ,Lf;d.
- -gold• stripes
ovIth purple rings
"22 . knows everything
horn the, largest turbine to
the smallest pump, oa
beardyour ship.
'1-14. is- probably a
Scot, and taciturn, but 11
you meet him you willbe
inkcted with his enthu•
sIasm For his cherished- •'
Sailing' Weekly horn Montreal
Cnbin rates from .... 1130
Tourist Third Cabin . •': $105.
Third Clan Round Trip 1155
-pith) Seasonal Third -Cl ss
Round Trip Excursion Rile
Information from
Cor. Boy and Wellington.Sta.
(Phone Elgin 3471)
• Toronto
or any Steamship agent
, Eli.
Any Man Caw get along! with wa
Maui not ltls' ti`i(e ''
:• Ask Me Another: What headlines
do, the' Women scan .most carefully?
'Answer ' Wrinkles.
Lii.tle Sautes (on train) • -..--What
last -gt tation we
Was. the. '(Jule of the 1 s
"_stopped, mother •dear;"
'His Mother -I • Jon't ••know.: Don't
bother me. • '61'in reading.. a story.
Little 'James Well, . its too bad
you ,don t,..know ,•t<ie narne,_ because
little brother' got off there:
__Our idea of:,a. mean h'usban'd is one
who . sends candy to his wife when
She's . en .a rapid reduding diet. Only,
1 thQ a Who are s'pens le"" Jars
take long vacations,' and even. they
'find often that they are not serious-
ly missed. Next to malting a profit
:in business ' these • days; the ,next
hardest job Is distributing your In-
come In such a way that your family
le happy. To make a worthless. artl-
cle sellmake prospective buyers be-
lieve It is very scarce. A man•..is
-alio 'known by the enemies he keeps
and the friends he, loses.
John smith was with a party of
friends- on a. fishing t'tilr, and around
the camp fire one evening the :talk
naturally ran on big fish.. When it
Ifs�i� FI'1� r i
HERE is a deltehtlel'change for noon 'day
luncheons, pknks, and outings, Malvern',
children will Iove.. Borden's Chocolate Malted
MMikJ, deli and creamy, with a real MALT .
Ilavoutthat pub a. finishing touch to say renal.
.guy' a-iln el Borden's 4hocolati Malted MIIk
• today your dei lk has it In pound and hall
' pound. anal. � cur.'s
• 2iordaa. .fv I Zioniea):
3oir eni
igh-class Decorative'.
Medium ' -
Mixes in hot or cold water
Fru stencil : temCum label • en esera
Package. Send for Derorator'a Guide
• and Stencil. Catalogue.
iPariss • - . Ontario
came his turn,. John began, uncer-
tain as..to; .ho -w he uas going to co
out: "We were fishing"•one' time on;
-the 1ran ,°Bars:. for-er-ei-
•- "•Whaies,c', somebody snggested
"No," said John;. "we were'' baiting.
• al s.
with whales."
prance Now Feetiiig' Depxes-
Sion Which Holds Europe
' and East •
•Terent'p.-- '1•heie i. no place in the.
-wthld---liQtteT of than Canad' . ' de
clared 4. Babuyan, of Toronto, *be'''
• has Just e,P ml,.eted a-tweive•weelt tour;
tf Orient' and Europe; a furth=er;
e .,iimmented: • '
•'11t"'Eui:o:pe 'every• e!ouartry.has been
'suffering from ,d'enression. France,'upe
o' thp'ntost• favored nations in ,Europe.,
now. begcn; • feel the'pange of der"
ion that has r'•' '^.1 so much dis-;
t'ress'tn<'places like Italy and in, Ger-
many. •'Facto.ries are clo'ing ,in France
as the- are tp Italy;, -and 'blisiness'J
"I c'ame'into, personal ,contact; With
'a number ;9f Sp•VTet,•Rtlsslan' agents,',
said Ur. ' Babay an '!They. • are • all
Agreedon ons ;thing:L-4)114 is, tui' flood
@very country c •n -with their,
g.Qoda: They hay a particular 'desire
to'o awannek,grit i-d•,ei s1 nglie �n`ezt,
'will -wake up to the real condition that
confronts them, just as Canada: has.
Chocolates are•:tieing brought Into 'Lon-
don, En_g1aud1 at ;8 'cents at5g
u>ltd and
:spld retail for -1'6 cents a: pound against
the 'home product selling at'about•one;
dollar a.. pound. That ;Condition can
,not last with any benefit to the British`
people... ' '
had' the pleasure of a personal in-
vitation' to, attend: the reception And
ball: given liy. Hon. G.Howard.,Fergu-
son to'the new Governor-General 'prior
to, his, leavingEngland. Mr, Ferguson
has the 'right idea, and as a'•result of
his efforts there has.been a, substantial
movement of Canadian wheat.", said•
Mr. •Baba.yan
'Raper Park :"Haymakers' ' ,
One of the :inte'i•estir?,.and curious
liitle uima•Is *that inhaLit Jasper 'NtC
tional Park in Alberta, is the pike.
It ,is a'b'out the size of .a Guinea pig,
Withrounded ears, short 'legs and no
visible tail.; It._can often be seen run-
ning rabbit -like 'across the. boulders.
Another name for the .pike, IS '.`the hay-
maker", front his' habit of storingaway
_dxie-d_g'rasses and slants for his winter
food. Sonret:iines u]inler aii'`ovemhang
l r.tliei`dw�r}1 be=fquul bis minis
in order to sleep soundly a .fellow:
has to hays either'a clear conscience
or 'a 'mighty good ,lawyer. •
Mist Gangster -Day put; Minket 'on
de ,spot: last' night, and, I plugged him
through- his glass eye „With me •foist
sho't.. , , ,
`'.Second Gangster -Say; Bol •Doln't!
:rouse ,know 1Es=seven -years-. had ln•ck I.
tobreak a looking, -glass?•
Att. *AA\ -13136z• V
`ffi: gel
ill. '! 447
*ALMA teelte
Song of the 'Unafraid
There may be .mists and fog about,'''' •
There may`the .sudden .turns - and
There. may be ghosts who stand • at Day
Where .shadows shut, the (stars away;
=But: this enliens life's romance
! t wilignat'ombrzoVQo:•those %:ho keasprting chan
To face whatev
Fater has;'spun.
ture haystack, a,.bXtn_d_le containing per
haps a bushel •of well ,,cared. vegetation,
which includes' apparently specimens
of every plant in the neighborhood.
"You•,apprecfate play twice as.mucir
:When you have earned it • with work."
-Con'stance. Bennett. •
Tilers ,.
God gime them peaceand plenty and
bless the 1ioines they keep;
When ends the long day's toiling may
restful be their sleep,
May many -a joy repay them for all the
pains they bear,
And may our nation's workmen in all •
• her glories' share.
The toilers at the furnace, the toilers
:�. • in the field, .
Translate their strength in iron or in
the harvest yield.
In bricks ' the mason sings us the''
poems of his clan,
And every door and archway proclaim
the working man.
A few tliere are Who toil not and have
no bouts with care';
They' walk the realm of pleasure to
end with boreiipm there, '
But all the nation's workers:wit.h duty
spend their years,;
And earn their right to laughter when.'
ever mirth appears.
(:nd bless the nation's toilers and let
thefr dreams come' trite,
May .happiness .rewtsrd them for alb
the,tasits they do. '
:•lay 'blossoms deck -their gardens and
love their homes maintain,
And, pride's sweet satisfaction .rila•ke •
worthwhile every pain. '
---Edgar A. Guest.
When ,in 'TOrol'7to
Make. Your Home at
tai For
Bay: St.';.at- Dundas
RAT.ES=-$L t� $2,50 Slagle
Every) otel serv'i'ce in a ,Clean,
quiet, fireproof building., •
750 ro•@ms.
C rassified '.;Advertisiitng.,'„
, ;.Ail ; W ooi. • . Silk ' dnd ; Wool,''
-Old Tytne." all +pglors. 760 ib, ug
jgmplee'tree. Stocking •& Yarn' MWM
•Uept T Orillia, (int, ,
The' (airway beckons ,green, and'
_ 'straight, • • -
But still 'the, pits and bunkers wait,
And no,lone'kiiows.,just, where the'•hall'
Upon its upward Hght`ayafall,
And Who would .care_ah awful :lot,
When time permits another,•Bhcit,
With surer grip and firmer •stance,,
To gamble of the sporting .chance.
Tb s. 'batty' iii 'aures: with shining sails,
But :just bejond the 'roaring gales:
Call to the holder;. braver crew
Who dare; -to 'see the journey 'through,
Who know: that life is soinething more
a BABY* .,;li1CIiS ''J.1V, SIX VAR-'
A"1 IET1E10e and upf :atalogues
free. A. EL Switzer..Granton. Ontario.
POn Sone
1�N7AMEDDAHLIA$,' $1:60; 2
,Named Gladiolus, $$1.60;'100 Mixe •
Gladiolus; $2:00. ' Postpaid. FeritciitC -+ .
Gardens, Hatzic, British Columbia.
tins JEWS '
Warsanr-A law canceling the last.
of old •restrigtiona, against' Jews !n
Poland, 'became effective 'reeently.
/1f radio iexperienoe Saturday wad
that of hearing the ....pres2dent
grin sten University talking about
Than dreaming ,on a sunlit.shore; ' . «t " its. "=-Londian Adydrtiser.
Where) they shall 'find through stormw ;
' and 'flame • --
Thhc thrill and glory •of'the-game; . - 1,
-ToLgarnbie-o•n• •tbe.slionting'. cbaupe_.<,
Grantiand Bice, in Songs of the
,. Open.
Modern girls are bright young 'pee=,
pie whose brains hare gone into their
heels. -Dame Madge 'Kendal.
Large `illustr ':
'.ed catalogue -re-
new. and 'rebu•l l •
bicycle's le
s f r' 4 en
$i0 up.
cycles. Boar-.
Ot-tboart.'Motors 'I:;. n' ti. sic t'Y'nnsuitr•'
tati'on 'Paid: Cv rite
•.'625 •Queen. Street W•' Toren!o, .nt.
A, .P` P .,E T.. I T' -E
• Feeling indifferent to foe& Out '
of sorts? Depressed? Stimulate
your digestive tract with Dt ,
Cartees Little Liver Pills.. Alt •
oegetable.Gentlebut thomugg ►.
. They'll get rld of body polspna
that.,cause•;'Indigesdoti,' 'Gag,
etc., 'and • give' you a new Ube '
teres(in'food. •
Z5c & 75c zed packages .
.Ask your druggist for
Kennedy., .&,
Mali tai __ _
421 C.oilogo St.,
Harley-Lavid9Of Disti ibi�orr.
Write •air once) _for • our bargain ii>3t• ot;_'
used •motoreY •les.- • Terms arranged..;'
- Then titch Kidrie L „
s ii fi.u—victinia_ �*+lv kneYv . Q • iai-
portAnt.it is to•'keep• the ki neys
active, regular. Nature, trying to,
:help you get weli..tries to eliminate
body poisons. through, .the' kidney;
Weakened by illness,. kidneys often'
tatter in their durriep,;, thus retaining
in the system 7rPolsons that Cause
. eadache; poor appetite and 'loss ofsleep.
Give nature a little 'help: Take
Varner'•-- •Safe Kidney and Liver
-B Thed-y,att_old-time hen of remeiy..
Safe and gentle. 1 ou w i11. 'notice; a
beneficial' reaction even with the first
• dose •
Sold by druggists everywhere. For •
Ergs sample write ; Tarner's„ Safe
.Itentedies Co., Toronto, Ontario: 8.:
This sensible way
Start taking Kruschen Salts-tliat's
the conunon-sense Way to reduce—but
don't 'take'them,with the'1des that' •
:they possess reducing qualities in
This is what they do --they clean out
the impurities in tour blood by
keeping the ;bowels, kidneys and liver
in. splendid working shape and fill you
with a vigor. and Fireless• energy voted'
almost forgotten held existed -von •
get the needful dxerci§e. •• . •
As a restttt instead of wanting yo1'ir-
selfin an easy chair every free monlent
and letting flabby fat accimiulate you
feel an urge for activity that keeps you
moving ,around doing the things you've
always.want.ed to'do and needed to do
to keep you in ;good condition. T
, Krusehen Salts are the 'up-to-date •
•Fountain of 'Youth. ' Take one-half
teaspoon in • a : glass , of- hot Water
'to -morrow morning and every morning
-be careful of the'•foods you eat-;
take regular moderate exercise -Allen
watch the pounds slide, off.
The Meat Crisis •
Loudon Daily Hepald (Lab.): It has I ^
been rather lightly taken for granted
iltat the main reason for the crisis in
the wheatJntiu':stry, Is that the';world
as •a wh'o'le, is now producing more
. wheat than it' needs. The Italian. Pre-
nzier•suggests that ,the explanation is
that the improvement in the standard.
of living • at the' dud .of the War has
.caused people who were mainly living
en bread •before to torn b other' and
mireeaexpensive foods. We doubt this;
The crisis did not come in those .years.
It has come at a Mine when the stand-
ard of living is being depressed• every-
where. Lack 'of purchasing'power_.
larg'e.ly due to gold shortage--' has'af-
fected,the consumption of wheat as of
other Commodi'tie's. , Surely the rcom-
inon•sense thing is to bring purchas.
Big power up to a point at which it can
absorb ,production, not to cut p'rbdiie-
tion down'to the limit's'of ati artifical•
ty-restricted purchasing power.
Los_Ange s '`he conetluction of
-40 tunnels' at a Bost of 42,14l,000 is
considered here to enable school
.ohildren to cross streets.iii the i eish-
borhoell of their schonia in safety.
Sluggish intestinalsystem's lower re-
sistance to colds. Cleanse them with
Feer! a -mint? the •modern -Chewing ' um
laxative. Gentle, safe, non -habit-
forming. More effective because you
The ,Chewin '. ',Gum
' For Adults and Childr n
No Taste
But the Mint
\!CS\S7‘ (AVv GE�\l0l&
GtNUYxt, ,�'
``"di 7,44
For Troubles
sous ST01 AC"
heanrew art
ons, aAus5A
0o much
op.o `le, two hours, after eat-
suffer indigestion as. they call
it: rt"is us.ualiy cess. acid.Cor-
rent It with ,an all al:. The best
• way, the (Mick, harmless and efTcI•'
eut Way, 1s' Phillips'', Milk of
Magnesia.. It. lies remained far 50
years the standard with physicians.
One apoaittfi•1' in )rater-tietitrallzes
i ii tines_ urs y)ikune in etont-
sel� acid•s,• acid at once. Thiel
syntlfitotus, such ,as headache's,,
hearthltrn. etC.. Will disappear -in
fire. minntes.
Yen Wiil never use Crude metirdSe
when you know this better method:
And you will never suffer 'from CV- '
betel acid when you proVe•out this
May relief: Please dO . that -for
yoirr own Sake -130W.
, Be sure to get the 'genuine, pre-
tieribed by doctors for ConditiOns
name Phillips' ;and the AnOrtt
gihvine in red
in Canaan
Add en equal amount of
create, or sweet oil, to Min-
ard's, and apply poltnixture
once' daily. A ample stela.
meet which will
Clear up your 54111
160 apparent reWen. tut there's al-
ways Castotial Harmless as the recipe
on the Wrapper: Mild and bland asit
tastes. But its gentle •action Soothes
a youngster more Surely than a mOre
powerfnl medicine.
children's remedy! It may be given
the 'tiniest intant-ds often as there'
is need.'In ca.ses of colic, diarrhea or
&Millar disturbance, it is invaluable.
drops to ward off constipation: so,
does any suggestion of bad breath:
Whenever children don't eat well.
drat rest well, or 'have any ,little
tion is usually all that's needed.
ISSUE- No. 174:31