HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-04-30, Page 1• " f $2,.00 PFR cakli• IN ADVANC:n., $_2.50 OTHE tWI$E L.,UCI[NO , ONT., . THURSDAY APRIL 3Oth, ,1931.. Sf N!GLE COPE -S 5 CENTS • DFNT)T_•_ .. - Dr. R L. Treleaven, Lucknow, `liners 9-14 A M.. . 1:39.7,5 .P. M. PHONE 53 .. X-RAY WALL PAPER—A full dine of .1931 ' Wall Paper on,hand. Prices consider- ably down. for 19.31., I .ant also • agent for leading job- houses.— ,T4 CAMERON Decorator, ° Painter •, and Drainer Box -174,. Lucknow FOR RENT. -Electric• Vacuum' e'enn'e"r aad :,Electric •'Fidkor Waxer andiolisher.. Wmr Murdie •&Son - ]OR RENT Eighty Aries rass • ,Land—never-failing• spring . water. • ' Apply 'to Mrs. P. MacLeod, Lot 7, Con. Ininloss. STORE FOR RENT—The store' _� until recti tly- o'cedp ed.; bv—Walker Stere.. -7A good 'business location. Apply to R. ' J. Moore, 'Lucknow.• 'FOR SALE' -.One Cement Mixer' with 'practically new gas engine: For particulars : •write or , phone, Wallace .A : `Miller, an executor' of the Estate • of the 'late Elliott Miller, R. R 1, :Lucknow. (7 5—c.) • NewnaurtainrjDxaperies,Cretoones, etc,—en.:d�spilay. "Market" I uckiiiii Dept. Store. Mr. and Mrs: -T. S: Reid were. down from Orillia to spend the week- end with their Lucknoiw . fr..iends. Mr. Stuart .Burns of Detroit v sit' ed: for; :few days recently with. his parents, • Mr, and Mrs:, Thos.: Burns. -Ms. Traplil is back , at work •in Central, Garage thio week, after being Laid 'lin fol'a time with an attack of .,lum6ih'gof . FOR . RENT -25 ,Acres With, resi dence-11 ° nriiles: nor-th .of Lucknow Will be' rented as.. a whole or fo only. Apply to . Mrs:. J,as. Hod gins, 138 King St:, Stratford, Ont. • (14-5—c.) BABY CHICKS FOR SALE ' .. Chicks' from• 'bred -to -lay . free, rang- flocks. $14.00 per .hundred. for'' April and May. . E. , J. Trewartha, Clinton, ; . R. R. 3, 'Phone 611 - 22;'.' ': .• • (30-4—c. )` ' • �. CANADA -.•APPROVE, _CJiICKS: or. Nr„,,arid 11d`rs Alf Armstrong ,and children, . motored f rerii' ,(London ' to; spend the week -end with Mr, and_ Mrs. Wm. Armstrong; 'Sr Friends" of Mrs. ; ,T. E. Smith will be pleased to- -know that she as i 'Walker' *tore.'LRemring The "Walk*ere orefe. which' :bans been doing business • in, Luckno since September of 1926 is closed thit week and the stock is being moved-away..Evidentl. the • business . in ' L' u.e know•. did not " prove' profitable, especially, since the "depression", set in, ,and. the :proprietors decided to- ,c160 up. �• •.. This etore was in, a way the snc- ' cessor to the store. :so. long. conducted here . by the late Mr -Wm. Connell. Mr.,; ',Connell• sold` to;' 'Mr Robert: B. town from,'. -horn' the' ;busine'as was • :BADLY INJURED BY CAR. 1VIr. Eddie 1acKenzie; , ton of Mr. arid Mrs. J. S. Mac+Keuzie, of to w.n was quite seriously injured- .when knocked down . by •.a' car driven by Clarence Greer last Sunday..' evening He had been in Charlie Chin's res- taurant, and . evidently had. started across the street He had, Iris head down on account • of the wind storm "and snow, and' evidently failiftento nee the car; 'bumped, into. the side -of it. He.•appeara to, have been caught back; , of the, :ear by •ole of, `the door �.• dles-;and-thrown-',,.backwerds. taken otter' � he. by tGol'd`en �MaoKa�!• hon andn-operated ere a member .+ of.: head hitting 'the sidewalk On .a "pve= . the Xralker;Store Chain; The closing -of the store ` therefor,' marks the .end _of anbusiness_.._,whirh -_has ment and causing.: another injury: Fortunately ' the car upat. moving at • CHURCH N TES 'a slow `pace He immediately got up .:• • -•£ h The Bread of Health •. • 1 The Bread Or V I of Health • OUR .MOTTQ IS QUALITY. AND SERVICE SOMETHIdNOa S'PECIAL.: • IMPERIAL; COCOANUT CoOlinES,. - ' 'CREAM SLICES' - . JELLY 'ROLLS CHELSEA, BUNS Lois#:-. SYKA Phone .3' . n 'n since • comparatively earl' and .returned to .the rbstauran w ere I >�w nuc o me' _,. "�•- fie'-m'ade.. t.:.of the• 'injury, th-►. , ._ days. ' . ' . -store o erates .ins that it didnot ainount-.to much: Evidently a 'chain t p at some disadvantage • .in, a village: ,Medical :examination however show - as it 'does not win local sympathy. ed that the'gash at his ear .was quite • proving'-i�i`ce-Innsince `returning -.-ho ' from:'. Goderich Hospital where she underwent ,an operation: ` 4' Mr., Harry Anderson is; reported to be making favorable recoyery, fol- lowing. an :appendix• operation.. last week at'' St. Joseph's- .Hospital, Lon- • We . can supply these ;chicks after. MaL10th; at 10c for White Leghorns .. and' f2%c or aired—Rock, . tit - don't intend .te, set eggs. until the ..chicks are- ordered: Hatches -Mondays and Thursdays. - ° : * J. E. McKinley; aZurich. ( 21=5=p: ) •`I7tilae, the four hour„.enamel given genuine satisfaction. It is . easily apt plied and hat great.'covering' capac= ity. Many, artistic colors to choose. from, ' Wni. - Murdie.:& Son. ODDFELLOWS_AT CRURCH • Local Oddfellows, as a lodge, at- tended service -in the United .Church last Sunday morning. Weather was very unfavorable but: about :40 were in the'parade .from :the Hall to -the; Church: Th`e:pantor; ltev: R; 7V ra'w. preached An appropriate • sermon and' =the-choir-and=a-ma.le-uuaxtette_ ren- :dered'".,'spedial music.. KNOWN HERE, DIED .IN, DETROIT FOR- SALE S. •C• White Leghorns. .Baby' Chicks from large stock -blood tested' and under ,goverffi lent Super- vision.' Priced where you can' afford -after 2 c •nti ' May1st, 1 'iz , , to ` Abuy. U l 'May lst, Inc. each, Place order early supply: limited l atching,seggs, .$3,00,- per. • hundred, 35e; ` per 15... -Elmer 'J.. Farrish, B. r7, Lucknow. ; -'Phone .Dunghnnon 82-21. • NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be' received. by the undersigned .up• till 2 P.1VI , May 26, 1931, : for the construction of -all- Cement work in .connection with the Repair -.of;-. tae- -Township Ha]j at„ Holyrood. Tenders.to be per cubic yard, • and t'o be accompanied by a 10% Deposit. The .lowest or .any tender not nec- essarily accepted,: Cement aril The Council to• supply m Gravel on.the ground.. . • , „ Plans and specifications ,may' be had from -idly member of the . Build- ing • Committee, Messrs, Colwell. Mc- - Intosh and Elliott: ' ' J. R. Lane, Clerk, R. 2. Holyrood.. 304—c,) • VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW • • TENDERS . FOR • IN,STALLATI'Onl OF WATER S•ERYICES • SEALED TENDERS • prene'r1y Marked on the• outside: as to contents And. addressed to the Clerk 'will be received until 5 P.M, Tuesday,, May 5th, for laying 'approximately 100 water service connections• from the; mains to' the street line, the Munnci- ality.� to . ; supply. -, copper pipe and . -brass service material. • Tender 'form and specification may being .regarded -more or less as'an ..severe 'and several stitches.: were. re- outeider, which does not enter ' into nuked to• close it: the community life.. Mr. 'Jack Mcliltash who has been. in charge : of the: store the past.year won: ...personal ^popularity_ n with , the._. younger .element and will be greatly missed:. 'We understand that :he has • an opportunity . to. take 'a position in the 'Walker; Store at. �•Simcoe. THE : iWEEILY ' HALF• 'HOLIDAY church and the "Mhrket" ' the..list' of prize winn- ers in next months drawing will .ap- pear in the "Sentinel" next •'weeks issue. • "Market" Luclnow's ` Dept. Store.. "Sty' Pe•terns. Y P.—.A. -St. Peter's -A. ',P.A. ,net in regular :session Monday night. Following the opening 'hymn and, prayers, a Bible reading, •by Miss Jessie Purvis, • the' minutes :were read and'adopted,' and the roll . call found,both sides equal. in .attendance. Correspondence, w,s.' secretary and- read from the Deanery the executive will; attend the- local" council at'•Paisley on May 5. Noniin-, ations were: conducted by president Fred Martin, send elections will be held ,next Monday. An illustrated 'ad.- dxess concerningT: the • 'work of our • young''people 'iris th; Boys FOtltld • : twenty-seven dioceses of 'Canada waft:` Complying with the village by-law Oren, after which Miss 'Ethel, Martin business; places in Lucknow, will be. . The bodies of 'Wm. Mallough and contributed a reading .and Miss Cook • .. and ., Gallagher gav, . e a ,vocal' duet closed- Thui eddy afternoons, 'epinmenn Leonard' 'MacDonald, the, 'two. G•ode and MM rrelections nett Monday .: , rich' ` young ,men .: drowned on . March, ring the "first Thursday m May "'inert y g in th hat- knight, 'there will be a social everting- Week) verting_ the inflamer. seasenn Stores 29,•were-found floating a fobr thein mbers This will--be-__the of last n ill—be-,-open•-W-ednesday__evenings' week--�5-days afte boor on Thursday. morning - _ _ rn-the; trag_endyn- •,3st meeting prior.. to the •closin s usual while. d • f Mallough was disco' banquet the members ar rein' Goderioh papers of last, week re- ported ' the death of Mrs. Walter Shari-nan. which `occurred on April 20, at Detroit. Before her marriage Mrs. Ragman was: Miss. Mary Reid trte being a sister of County .Magistrate C. A. Reid or Goderich.Sha •was or, some time a resident of:Lucknow, being a. daughter of the • +Mr. .Reid wird-lied 'the' main 'eoritract of build ing •• the Methodist;' (now United). -Church-building here.. While the-3work was' under way the Reid family lived,: iu Lucknow. : • . Ntis:"Sharman had an -illness ex- tending ,,through several years. She -is-nurvived-by-hernbusba;id=•and-three- daughters.. Cousins in this . part -;are Messrs. R. 13. 'rhoinpson and M. Sproul of town and Mr: ,dames Hack- ett of : Ashfield be obtained from the Clerk or from the Engineers after Saturday, . April. 25th." The' lowest or any tender not nee- essarily accepted. JOSEPH AGNEW, Clerk.' It pays to feed, genuine 'Comoro Cod •Liver. Oil to your fowl. We have t; Wm. Murdie & Son. i Appreciated -1 .• b ane •e 'itrde and. Saturday evenings a ' The boy o ' e A __..:Cor, orate Cam.niun- _• ._. - -.:, of the 'A.3r' po Q .._- the.. Thursday afternoon' closing- con- • red nearly in -the ' morning near the ion on Sunday; May ':).-71-h,' ae • 10.15 tinues. , north pier,' and about a third . of ,, ladswent down. Later in ..the day United "Church. Y. 1'. S. MUSICAL FESTIVAL, 1931 1VIaeDonald's body' was . discovered the closeof MiJS . . , �wing ' 1Vloriday evenm saw _ sand..�,...�.-.___.—__g A high wind had been blowing _ . tion�-had�,�"sed lie bodiei. he regular meetings' of . Y.P•S: until The °Bruce County , .Sixth_ Annual:. -the ' agita • held in the: to' rise 'and float towards the shore. September:. The program `took . `the ilbeh . will ' al as v w ti hick es w al F forth: of •a social evening e v Town .BallChesley. on' May 29th.. �. Following , a °service • in the Pr sb arranged by:the losing" 'side 'Iii 'the ed to inn terian Church the remains were laid We tire very much. pleas C tery the recent • contest:. Kmineth Murdie pre= Maitland- ntluncetar el attended. e • m ile from the spot' where: the two A M TEA BISCUITS BRAN & 'DATE JEMS • RAS.BERRY• ":TARTLETS ; that the change of place of to rest in eme.. , funeral being 'very g : y ,sided and the' meeting' opened • by the. Festival has.been widely approv- singingThe Maple Leaf."During. ed.. it is' planned that this . should It will be remembered .that on the she vning ea duet was "ung ng, first of a series of . moves morning of Sunday, March 29th, ;hes __e in Joynt and . _ ' g. by -be-the-bo acinous- the County, which,� if aliceess=. fore •many Were-spew£-Mallough--and nin estival as 'an., ed- MacDonald went out in a•' boat • to Greer, Frances Thompson "gave- ae fol, will aid the F ucationar organizationa'wd-` wilt sti- take -fish -from--their- net. he w, Ceti'-, ,a plain) n on .end a Miss Eva Greer, Mutate,: a wider interest "`in good- was rough and' as. thea' -vre as seed read •a' History of the', contest, in t theboat m`. • clung to the p nd contests which everyone enjoyed. preparing entries. Port Elgin, Pais- •• both went. down, before Avery fine lunch was served'and.the work 'en the net, Will and ,.Maria Campbell wish to thank the 'neighbors and friends who- sent them the' lovely chairs and clock We appreciate it• very much and Hope, you will, all• come and see us • in our new. home. Card of Thanks /" Mrs. John arruthers . wishes to express sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors who , were'. kind and oa Size. !1'he two young (c'''ows r' me. There were --several-. sant usic es- This year nine communities • are , to cap up -turned boat for a ,ley, Tara, "Chesle'y; Malcolm, Walk-• time, ,but. help ld reach them Days of meeting closed by singing "God Save •erten fieeswater, Lue helpful during the- illness at the death of her mother, 'the late Mrs.. Collins. - the • The Executive met immediately,' Ripley will be represented. less The Musical Festival 'has. been . after the program and fifteen dollars' making n steady growth since its TING "beginning. This year_ it is due , to INMEMORIAM, Bargains in Men's Work Clothing In loving reniembnenee of •our little this week., "Market"; Lucknow 'Dept. Beatrice E., only daughter . of Mr. Store. , and M. A. J. Armstrong, ;London, , •.Ont.,. who. passed. away,: 7 years .a o, age •2 years. - : Oh why was She taken so young and so fair, . When' earth • had so 'many it better could ,spare, - #aid was the- blow that' compelled us to•' part• Proone that we loved and so dear to our hearts. loved her 'We do not forget her,. too dearly, ' For her memory: to fade from our eyes like :a dream, . Lips need •pet. speak, •When , tbe' •heart mourns sineerely, ' For grief often' .dwells where it sel-'' dour is .seep, ' ,But through' the pearly' gates' of Heaven Her loving arms will 'reach some day. To welcome those who are grieving For their darling who went away. Her loving parents and Brothe'r's.. A CONTRADICTION make a greater advance than ever before. We : predict 'that some of was voted towards building a hut • School purposes. Also it wasdecided The April meeting of the W.C.T. . W C T U MEETING at Mirareachi Bay : for Summer t o invite .Teeswater. Y.P.S. over tb a the older . communities will have 1.J. was `held at the home of Mrs. social evening on May 11,-"1931. need to guard theirlaurels' very McCallum With the president, Mrs. W. P. Reed presiding. The Scripture Induction . at• Brussels closely. • 'OBITUARY' ' I hereby wish to •contradict the false rumour that has „been 'put • in circulation by '`a member of the West W'awanosh Council and others in the township;' that the council paid the operation expenses and hospital bill: •at Goderieb of my son,' Allan. I never asked council to pay' this bill and have nothing' 'whatever to thank them, for. I_, desire an'explan ation by council' as to why theruin:- our umour was started. ' Robert Smith. , JUNIOR FARMER MEETING Goncertiand Dance at Riversdale "The Secret Society of, Pfelyrooll" nw,Fl�b presented_at: Itineie dale lesson from Isaiah 10th chap. was read by.' Mrs. Thos. ,.Aitchison, after which prayer was offered. by Mrs. B.- Chesnut and: Mrs. Craw. Approp Mrs. Agnes .Collins •.riate readings •, were contributed by' , On. Saturday, .April 18th, 'there Mrs. W. G.• Andrew and Miss' Hazel passed away in ,`Kitiloss.."`Township, Webster.. The: May meeting will be -held at the home of .Mrs.' Craw where one of the few remainin"g. pioneers it is expected Miss Duff, Field sec- retary of School: Work will be pre- sent and 'will" addresn the meeting.. A hymn and the Lor hs Prayer re- peated iii unison brought the meeting to a dose. Tea was served and a socialhour enjoyed. • ; of thendistrict in the ' person of Agnes Collins,, widow of • the late Henry R. Ceiling, age years 88 and 3 months. Deceased was born in ,Albion Twp., ' Peel County, ., being the second ,daaighter of James Arni- strong and. Margaret . McBride.. She. was united in . marriage 60 yearg. ago. to' Henfy Collins of ,Purple Grove and settled on lot 7, con. 12, now Owned by theironly. son, John H. Collins. To them were born a family'"' of 6 children,. alt of whom survive ,ant •one -who.; died in infancy. Since the deathof her husband in 1919, Mrs. Collins has resided With net daughter, Mrs.. John Carruthers, con, 6, Xiriloss, who during' these years, cared for her ' mother with except' ional devotion, ,particularly . during the last, few years when deceased was "confined • to her bed. The late Mrs. Collins bore her The regular meeting of the junior. years of confinement with cheerful - beFarmers and Junior Institute will Hess and•�litence at .times. be held. in the.Orange Hall, Lucknow sBesin'es the immediate alllati fair�ily, Thursday 'evening of this • week. A . there also 'survives three sisters 27 good attendance of mei ibe'rs is.es- pecially desired because 'of the or- grand chifdref •and oi9e great' grand child. At theniome by Rev. C. IL MacDonald meed ng. tion of the $all Teem at thus' Feral services *ere conducted meeting. S MEETING - Ln¢know Presbyterian Church. of... ,,• 'Cite Pour Square," sus- On the evening of`W"ednesda-, May •was effectively 'reiirlerecl-1iy Miss--• ,;tea of the Riversdale , Athol is l _�, ;on•• The__solo, mhe S+_ WEDDING. 'BELLS. Emery - Hodgins JTr CICno*'... AN1IIaY TlEA • ,M4.Y 1-2,; "IT CAN BE DONE" With Glen Tryon &Sue .iarrol `: • A SNIAPPY.• COMEDY ,• and Comedy ' COMING, SPECIAL u. "HELL'S "HEROES": The Rev. Wm. Moore was inducted into the charge of Melvin --Presby terian• Church, Brussels, en Tuesday of last week.' The Rev., Kenneth Mac=s 'Lean of Wingham at • moderator, presided And narated the steps lead- -nag -up--to,-the -call' to. the__ Brussels. church. The .Rev. ' J: Pollock, .'of'• Whitechurch, moderator of , the pies, bytery 'i of ' Maitland,.. •conducted the: induction service:; The Rev. 'Mr. Burgess of South Kinloss conducted the divine 'service and , Rev T. D. McCullough of Kincardine • addressed' the minister,and Rev. R. S. William, Cranbrook, made the address t� the A .pretty • spring wedding was sol- emnized in' the Woostein` Ave. Meth- odist eth odist Church, Arkon,' Ohio, on . Sat- ui•day, April • llth, at 5 , P.M. The Pastor, 'Rev. W. Johri'Ston; ,real the' ceremony which united Miss Elva C. 'Hodgins, R. N., only daughter' -of Mr. and Mrs: Joseph Hodgins,.- Holy ' rood,: Oitt., • and Mr. 'Thomas "H{ :Em-• ery, of Newcastle, Pa. Miss Laura Warden, R.14. of Mitchell;' Ont: ant' Mr. Claude OE Range, were atten- dants. The young couple• will reside in Akron., °hie; Midi: Hodgins 'is' a' graduate , of Brantford General .1 os - pita' and -post , graduate . of. Sloane's Hospital, New Fork . city, for the past three'years. has•been in charge of the Orthopedic department of. the. Children's Hospital,. Akron. Pre- vious to her, marriage she has been , Friday evening, May 8th, under Churen, The Harris Orehettra ' in attenslaned#7-Admitiston to play end donee aqe, , Oth nat life a meeting of an thosa lora Mitclficirtald, The: renraine ne.ern intereSted in tennis win ne held. lin Carried' to their 'knit renting plage 'the onion of 'the Aank of Monty old i cengregation; Mr. Moore conies to Brussels from Knox Church, Wind.- sor, where he bas been the pastor for feur veers. 'Prior to that he nad been in Anthersthurgli for fiye years Ont. Guild meeting opnned using ps,ale 1.4, and the Lord's P-inyer, in unison. Sadie MncCharles read the scrinture The truttee in charge of Gun -Son- -lesson, Epli. 2:2-10: A solo from n via' estate has been able to make ar- PeggY MncDOnald- ancompanied by angernents by which the factory will Fouglas Clerke was .very Medi en- be kept running—bYna pew firm how- joyed. V. MacKenzie gave a, (;ver ,Brown Bret., who have had a very interesting tall?- on the topic,. sticeessful business career in . the "British 'Giiierian and Katherine Ue. town are the piincipitla in ,tne deal. ' Donald gave a reading bearing Art offer of $5,000 for the toWn in - friday -Evening May 1St :4J -rider -Auspices -of Lucknow Citizen's . Band SEAT RUSH �� S Adults 35c C•hildren:l5c • THE • NEW HYMN BOOK, OF`THE UNITED CHURCH' THIS NEW HYMN ROOK IS UNITED CHURCHES CANADA, COMMENCING Sunday; May Srd with* tines -50c 1045.00 HYMIst BOOKS . with tunes A Complete Stock NOW ON'HAND yi AY. Mc Ii1M: THE REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 32 - WINGHAM 'the topic. ATter •siEging hymn" 388, All. repeated the Mizpah Benedittion. Prtrties who intend Asing water from the ,village systein 'are reqnest- 'ed to can at -the VilInge-derkna-neffin terest of $0,000 was accepted, the • -Town council thinking this it 'better propositign than the prospect of bay- ing the property on it's him& euinber of former employees of the factoty ate assoCiated. with Brown and leave written Jorder as 'Soon .41S kept'running' in al', small 'way since • eonvenient,. This will be a great Ad. i the Assignment; noie be oierated vant4o to on ionoixiied, 6, larger oast% T. 1,6