HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-04-16, Page 2•
.�� ..:..t777:7777""r"4""."',. +`A^µes. • In Mr' Drukk;,,'a case„iitIs : . .
�s °what• we n'iight ;te r eking i hh,
egt. Aw0ng.. lad 441;i19 td,l
h"rc) ii ood, he grasps , at- wiiatlever rill:
xt zi ve im,a senna of youthful,rehabilis •
Ca Jon. ;1 -lis juvenile••activities tend•
to tdanee the rnoltotony otitis purely.
•mental.life."• •
• ,SYNOPSIS..' .:
n Inane ;genius lis New York breaks
Into a,, hideous orgyof crimes; base0 .vn
--'nursery—rhymes.— First;the.body of a' man
• known as Cock,Robin;"is found with an
arrowFthrough the heart :Then a young
• student John Sprigg; is: shot. through
tlio;top of the head. 'The murderer writes
mocking notes `to'the' newspapers, signed•
The Bishop.,,; District' Attorney,::, Markham
Is. helpless to solve the crimes' and asks
the aid. of Philo Vance. a' wealthy Yonng
bachelor who, dabbles in the.<solving of
-- unusual • mysteries. .
The , following people are ',a soolated
wwlth the case: Prof.:Dillard,' is niece
Belle; and his ,protege Sigurd Arnesson,'a
professor in.,mathe>atics. . John`P.ardee.
a neighbor: with • a passion' tor chess.
*re: Drukker, known as ^Lady. Mae. and
entire mental outlook, and. gives mean-
ing, to thn..life'of service; ,and .sacritice.
_00144 lived for "f orty,years "
"To ' what 'eictent;" .asked Vance,
"would' you say this psychoneuroels
has affected her •mina?"': `
• "Thatwould`1ge'diffireult te say. 'and
lit; is not a question, I would -care to
/discuss. ''may•say•this;• however, she:
1 ithdoubtedly niortild,;Aral her,:values
have beeome'dist'orted.,At times'there.
have been- .I tell you °this in striatest
confidence:—'signs° of marked hallucinr
• osis centering ••upon. her -son. 'His wel=
her son, Adolph,' a.,eripple. fare has`'beceme an obsessn.with filer:
..Vranee, cailvincerl•they are dealingwith
a super• marinian yiaiitis the; d9etor,who Th ,e ss practically riothizig-she-would
ttends. Mrs. .Druhker in. an effort to not do for " .
a him
"lea'rh snore about her end •her son. ' ,e
We appreciate your confidence,,
doctor And `would it not be logit.
TIie next morning Markhain,.rae_ •cal_'to isalires that betapset.,,contiitioa
yesterday remitted.tiomtome ,kini:or
' • eompai ied-by.Heatji ':called for; Vance. 'shock Connected• with his welf : v'
ittle. before .ten o'clock. , " are
• a 1 �.
" : '' • `"' °e decay : `' Undoubtedly. Sha. hasnoemotion-• �
This thing cant go on, h al, or:mental•life outside him. • But
ped,.. after the, meagrest of• •greetin'gs• whether' her -temporary collaPie was
If•any one knows' anything; weve got due ,to 'a real, or ima `na . fear,one
'to• find it out.• I'm 'Ohm,: to put .the cannot say., She has' ived too.lo• ;on
. : a_n the conse g -
. screws: :on .and: d n.... ", ..... _ .theme;-the`between. _
erces-?" fantasy." -!� . fantasy.••
" • all nti :chi 'ern:" : Vance, .. ,. '
,$Y, mea•, , ...vY
. „ Therg was, a short silence, and then.
.. himself . ppeared despondent; I doubt '
. ,l i , � V-ance..asked ..�, • : ' , ,.:'
' if .it .lhelp though; �.No .p?wd._n ry:'p, . Vit,' -
As: to Drukker-hiiiis � _.,
elf,. would you-
aeedure is going' to solve, this i fiddle: regard him as wholly `,responsible for-
However,, I ve phoned. Barstead. • 18 hi acts?"
$a s we m'e .,talk'with"iM • : Drukker <' a ;°
ti is , Y r:,: s Since he is •my patient,"'retu}•ned,
this "ifiorning But 't ve arranged to Doctor Barstead, with, frigid'; reproach,
see `him fiirst• .'I have- a °hankerinr `'to, «and since I have' taken no steps .to
know more .of .the ,Drukker'pathology.• se ?tester `him" I conYsider, our• ues=
H•unclibacka, d' ye see, are. not usually tion •an-im ertinence-' A• q
product d ,by' falls" •P
We drove at, Ones, to ..the dpetor's
home, and were received. without de C ATTER
Xi , ,
lay, •: poetise °: Bar.;stead was a large Markhain.:,leaned •• over and' spoke
comfortable. man, -whose pleasantness• :peremptorily. : • .
of .manner impressed me' as being -the' "We 'haven't time to mince words;
• result of .'schooled ".effort: . doctor: We're 'investigating a series
Vance went•straight.:to the point. :of atrocious Murders .Mr: Drukker
We have reason to believe,, doctor, involved in: diose . murders oto what
that_. Mrs.: Drakher_ and' erhaps ter. -extent, we. don't knew.;
•P ow- ....Bit -it is our-
, . eon' are indirectly: concerned in' :;he duty -to find ; out."
recent death of Mr. Robin at the 'Dil- . The , doetdr's first impulse was to
lard house; and before we question combat, Markham; but he evidently
either of them'further we should like thought better of 'it, for -when he an-
• ohave you; tel•1 uua - as�far as profes- swered`i:wa ii an indulgently mat-.
alone' etiquette will permit—some- ter -of -fact 'voice.
thing. of the neurological situation we, • "I. have no reason, sir; to withhold''
aide°facing;" , .any.' information froin 'you.' But to
?!Please • be moreexplicit,' sir," -Dr. ;question 'Mr. Drukker'•s' responsibility
4 ' Barstead; spoke with defensive aloof- .is'to impute negligence to me in the•
Less. matter of- public .safety,' Perhaps,
"I am told," Vance 'continued,""that however; 'I misunderstand this gentle -
Mrs. Drukker regards herself as re " 'Snarl's question. " • He studied Vance
' sponsible /Or ;her on's • kyphosis; hut, for brief, moment. "There' are, of
it is my understanding that such mal- course; degrees 'of responsibility," he
. . formations as his do not, ordinarily re- went off„ hi a professional tone., "Mr.
sult from mere physfeat injuries.. Drukke%'s mind is over -developed,' as
' Doctor •Baratead nodded ` his '"head is ofte- i the case with' kyphotic victims.
• 'slowly. • A eniental processes are turned in-
- .. "That, is quite true'' • ward, as it were;,and-the lack of nor-
• ,.'.'You have,••of.course, explained the m'al: physical• reactions often tends to,
situation tai-M'res Drukker:' .• • produce inhibitions and .aberrancies::
. "On many"-eccasions --But I have' But I've noted no indicatidns of this
iiad .no success. Tie fact is, a terrific conditions in Mr.. Drukker. • •
instinct ofrprverted martxrdoin bids: "What form do his- recreations
her cling to -;the notion that she is. take?" Vence was:politely casual.
• responsible• for her son's .'condition. Dr Barstead thought a orient.
.This erroneous -idea •has become ."411 , "Children's_ games, I should, -say,
: ?dee Ave with her.: -idea constitutes her Such recreations are not unusual with
- ..:
a Fresh cart e.
And •Good-? ,
kers make
ltnew before
really Y f•.
Sold by the
Once you -have 'tasted .
like the Christie Ba ,.
yd'ufIl agree you flev
*,how Very delicious
„'shortbread . 'could be
pound or in children. Ts packages
✓•' tit. rite fd6 t Hr• #4
.. M', •M.i 3.4.3, A+. *sit -.z.. fi 47* e •R•.a"�YF�. i,V'ir �.
R •
. "What . is 'Mrs, Drukker's .attitude
toward; -his instinct te-'pier r
• -'She every cornectly'•eneeerages -it.
I've ?.often seed her leaning :over the
wallabove the playground in River- ,
side. Pari watching- him And etre ,
always presides : atthe".children's par=
ties and dithers Welt ire hole's in- -
his home," ,. • .
We took Or leave sit few minutes
Eater: ',As we turned. into 76th Street.'
I•Ieath, as if arousing. hinnselff from a
lad .dream, 'drew a deep 6Teath and
sat upright in the car. ,, „
"Did 'you get that' :about the 144
games?" be asked, ill ,an aweestrioketi
vgice. "What's this 'case going.
turn into?" .. ' .
Au iou � dness was in V nce s.
cx s � a
,eyes as. he gazed ahead toward :the
?'sty Jai say ' c'liff's ' across the river
Our ring at the Drukker house .gds
;ainswer'atL by a portly'Giernin i'w man '
whoanted"' herself . stolidly before
Us .and x fforriied iia susgicxqusly that'
Mr. Drukker was too. busy to see any
one.. ,
• "Yeeu' d '•'better . tell him," 'however,"
said Vance,' "that the District At'
torney'wishes' 'to, •speak: to him ' nn
mediately " ' -•
His'words produced a strange effe4
•on 'the. women.' Be •hands, went''to
her face, and .•her :rnassive bosom ;rose
and fell convulsively. Then, as though:
panic-stricken', she turned and :ascend.
res the stairs; We heard her knock ms. a
door; there :was 'a sound: of voices; `and
a few moment's l'at'er she same • back
to inform us,that 14Ir. Drukker would.
see p'a in his study. '•
As. w!e_Peased',, he_woman'Yance sud-
-dent turned and, fix'
y , , ring his eyes on
her ominously, `.asked:; ;
"What time did Mr. Drukker getup.
yesterday morni'0ng?"'
"I--don't-•k"ntow,"--she : s�tammere4,
thoroughly frightened.. "Ja,. ja, 1:
know'. At nine •.o'clock .'like always."
Vance nodded. and inoved on.
'• ..Drukker received us, standing by' a
large table . 'covered with books • and
'sheets of manuscript. •, H'e bowed •som
?rely, i+nt' dad�iiat aslt�us :ta disks
Vance :studied him •'a moment, ,as, if'
-trying oto: read--thenSecree.that:lay7 bee,
"Mr.: Dru'kker," he• began; "it is. not
our desire to cause, you irmiecess''ry
trouble, but .we .have learned that Iron
were acquainted 'with • Mr. • John
.Sprigg who:; :as you probably know,
was shot near heare yesterday morn-
irig. Now, could you; suggest -any rea-
son that any one. might have had'fsr
killing him? • •, ,
• -Drukker drew :himself up. Deespite
'his :ef ort at self=contfbl there was it
-slight' tremor in his voice as"lie a+i
swered. • ,
"1' knew Mr. Sprigg: but 'slightly.
'I can 'suggest nothing whatever in re•i
gird to_ his death... ." '
"There •was found on his •bo'dy ' a
piece of paper bearing the. Ri,emann;
•,Christoffel tensor which ,.you 'intro-
duce in 'your book in. the chapter, on
-theLThxktene.ss-'of-physical-spaee: "----As-
Vance spoke he moved one of the type-
written sheets of paper on the table
toward hini, arid glanced. at .it case-
' all . .. • . .
ukker seenied ''not to• notice the
Action. • The information . contained in
Vance's words had rivetted his atten-
I can't understand it," . he said
Vaguely.' "May I see .the notation?"
Markham complied 'at once with his
request.. After studying-the,ipaper a
moment Dru:kker'handed' it hack; and
his little eYes narrowed malevolently.
' "Ifave you asked .A rnesson about
this? Be was discussing this very
subject with Sprigg last week•'
"Oh; yes,:" Vance told. him careless-
ly. "Mr. Arnesson recalled the inti-
dent, -but couldn't throw any light on
it. • We thought perhaps you could
succeed 'where, he ,had -failed."
"I regret_ I canoM
't accinodate you."
There was the suggestion of a sneer
in-Drukkei's reply. "Any one -night'
.use the' tensor. Weyl's and Einstein's
works are full or it. It' isn't copy-
righted. , . . Why come to be -about
it?" . ' -
• "It wasn't the'"tensor formula alone
that -led our roving footsteps to your
door," said Vance lightly.- "For in-
stance, We have reason to believe that
Sprigg'S death is connected with
Robin's natirder: .
'Drukker's long hands caught the
edge of the table, • and he leaned . .or -
ward, his eyes glittering excitedly..,
"C'onnecte'd -<: Sprigg -and Robin?
You don't believe that newspaper talk,
do you? . It's•a dariined lie!" 'Xis
face'had'begun to twitch, and his votes
row shrills "It's insane nonsense..
There's no proof,' I tell you -not a
sh red- of proof !' ,
"Crak' Robin and Johnny Sprigg,
'don'•t y' know," came Vance's soft ifs:•
sic•tent voice. • •
"That rots ''That crazy rot -Alas
the world' gone road?" He swayed back
at d forth as he "teat on the table with
-one hand, ,sending the papers• ftying
-In all directions. •'•
Vance looked at 'him with mild- stir -
Prise. • 0
(To be eriitinued,)
• .i
In a„Public Park
ti �} x,i xl�i i •i+\�xil�1{iS
LIGHTER., , easier. run • •
Wing and .longer lasting. '
w¢r. A'
luminum Drive
Wheels and' Side Plates.
:Barium Metal self -aligning
:hearings, steel: drive Wheel4
Axles and Steel Drive Wheel•
bushings. At your hardware
dealer's. • .
James Smart Plant , • '
$rocky lie:: Ontario'.
1,41 SGOT I -
• There is a race: of Dien who, {ire born rival armies less than .a''bundred. miles
iv th a giftat roy. ngr_an-d--a.:thought.._i yea'._ I -_asked• :coi tie...0 lie would kg
that all lands sereThey'll. hang' Interested in going to the front, and
their hurts in an Eseaimaux Igloo, 9r he wagged his tall end danced.'about.
.a ehineee -Emperor's palace, and set N.A. must ;confeaa that 'Scottie 4tt01't
't1e .dow:n as Coaupiaceutly as a black lilts tire, •Chinese very Well •at first.
cat .on a.:wtt'rtn° Once he had been cagteted by Chin..,
k • since their she d car. -
ttemh.arustout old ,.sled bandits,
against the entire
l pair of. ,shoes Mind He nixed with them just as a lighted•.-
a new'•higtov:ay: or match mixes with a keg•of gunpowder:
r an Cls, boat ani' a j liiow!ing the gi ouch • Seottiea..carried
salt "wind' to .ptis.h I shouldn't have taiteu him Willi -14•0'
the; sail, and .tl ey'il when I went te, see General r u tO,aak
;knd their way',into ? vi a: pass to the font. ,
-the: queerest places l • • General Lu was' located' in, a palace'
with absolute 'surety that •i :ll will In a email 'w .led City: • Walking late'
eome.eut iight.in the end. • theioou bo• aerie is with ••dignity,,:
+ 'lf you :•a' ked these men why•;.t'hey 0/taking ;hands; • with' h.imselt in' 'the.
'. a an
get 'along „SO well, they ?night tell' you (3hinese fashion". General L ,u',s x
-that, this is, lust because they, have lmmense man=v`ezy, tall and•stout;
^found' that folks are ;much the -,same:' and gorgeously. dress'sd•.in silks He. •
anywhere: They ;would +tall =you :that'as:-extreiuely',.; impressive to use ., ,.
thellttleblank:<boysin APriea and the hut he •did n timpress, SGottig a bit..
own oysinTziilla—yes,•an th'p`ye1- ., .
low boys inChina--like, to play,at the
sane kind of games as you de, and
that Big Folds ;erre eSt4•-lai.ttle-'folks
grown,• ng• ; . .
In China, .tor 14044; there are .
•aboiit',400,000,000 •people,, mostly•
ese. Some are wise, and, :learned
, , /i�
others are poor and i norant: .Some
dismay,- ' . where .
;'°fight . in ,,:the
:'m1ddst ^of the.
,how, : ; S
e'a'r•? n;fl 'the'
leash from ply :•
hand, , mads a
are kind and honest- others. danger- ' ` jump at him •'
d •e e. •aro•''e'et'her . The, General. w • , startled` -their. f-
ous and. wicks ,Ti}, >4'
sho ' o
•t' el • he . t
.• u .i iv
things; too,, in .China:. 'There are great •anal;.. . I - s u .. .y .
'bamboo .foresta full of `tigers; hears. v, 'vet slippered:.fogt toward • ort ;BOO -
and .wild' animals. , There are: shady (.tie's • attack, ;tit -.the terrier Was all i
'rivers where. pirabe..3unk-s'hips° lie.ini seadg•for such ,e move. 'I•Ie d'odged--
wait 'for plunder. •'There.,,are `gilded and 'q:uiek' ae •a•,flash, he+,caught-the.
temples with 'the funniest little spires 1. slipper •'iu • his• teeth ''shaking.':'a1 d leg-
end turrets,. and .there are frowning, ging Mud'p.ulting for ell 'he 'was worth
'forbidden Cala 'away, up in the moon t -fiva ly. , making •off with' tt..
tains, where the • bravest . white :Man!" . There are, times when• whatever one
•dare. not•go,•. •Says et'is the'w-rong tb",in,, so.I•'walte(1.
' . One . bright , morning Scottie and''1 for the' next. Move,' ':1 •glanced ilei, 'ex
g g�
Once on 'a time' (the fairies tel'1 me
The trees grew .v eery of gredii liv-
aying, ."Why should' not" we the radV
anee .know '
Wherewith the dainty . garden • flow-
Would • we not .wear such .beauty,
splendidly?"j • '
en..�3'acaranda,. •borrowing tlle.blue
•, Of' skis ' in amber,. wore it, -and
-wa ?'., roud
. . - i= e
A- !t t file but Cei•tafn' umt e s
1 to .r, g
A ',better secret, ,and the long ' day
• • • through.
talked it over, •.: and..'decided .to, go to •pecting. to see We aenei'al;so-der us
China and ,meet :with pew'adventui es, ?put. out,, or what not, and much to; niY
Inside of! a week awe; were on hoard a surprise .he' was sniffling. The situa-
steamer bound' for Shanghai, and 'cony tion •n as 'se .lud16rous -that it, bed' ap=
good plane safely crated.. Talk, about /pealed to hissense of heir*..; 1
your, rough' weather. They screwed ; '.That was'indeed a relief,, "land
down the "hatches 'and shut all the • apologized fluently for .Scottie's .short
'•portholes,' n:hiie-great.�black arts....cnniingk,.:..GeneraLlatistood:-aad_:siiiiled
crashed over" the shit, .driven b'efole end didn'.t understand •a word' • of it: •
the blast of a soreaming east windTheir;t';,;. interpreter 'bege,nto talk in ..
Landing 'in` Shanghai, we began -to ''Chinese- Suddenly rdeneral Lu -spoke
.ssemlrle `ou'r plaane. ; Just as-the;jo'b-shafpl-yi.--= 1 waited.-fn:,-s:uspeense-'se-:',
: was finished,'' reports, name',in . that Much depended- on' his a.pawier.
ftgh'ting had •broken out between two • To be continued);
: Waited .'till color stained a sunset ' •
; cloud:. -
Saffron and rose and crimson then
were: blent • '
Burning ' toward beauty, with.: a
gentle -.flame
Arid, when , adown the 'leafy Ian -is -I
went -
I Saw the wise ,trees crowned so, and
.content -- • •
' To. face the rifled skies' end. know.
no • shame.': • , .„
=Ethel Devies the Austral..asan.
"When we. resumed 'housekeeping a
month -ego I found my draperies had
'become.creased from packing. I.hjing
themout on the line, hoping to I. -above
the .creases. Theft I forgot:.them:. The
result' was they, became badly faded
"I was heartsick 'until the happy
thought struck me to dye them. I
just dyed them a deeper green, and
as I-', used °Diamond'° Dyesl they look
gorgeous 'arid new. I have never seen
easier dyes to ,use •than Diamond Dyes..
They give the most beautiful colors-
when used 'either for .tinting or dye-
ing—and never take Theo life out of
cloth as other dyes do." :
• ,Mrs. J.F.T., Montroal.�
. He Wanted. His Share
Midntght! . Slowly 'the householder
Crept down the stairs.. Suddenly ,he
brew •open .the drawing -room door.
"Don't move!".he cried, Pointing •a
gun at the man who crouched by the
trophy Case. • .
The burglar. raised, his hands:
"What's in that sack?:'' asked the,:
householders. •
""I'ha burglar dowered• his hands and
.•revealed a .glittering array bf silver
cups and cutlery. -
'"Pu.t the back on the sideboard at
once," ordered the other... - • .
"Lumme, gut -nor,"- cried the burg,
lar, a pained look en his face, `not all
of it! Be fair!. 'Art .belongs te; the
'ouse next door.' + '
t'ALF '
I don't like tai talks lsiih people• Whd
iiiiivays ttgi ee With the. • .It is annus+
The language of friendship is not
words, but meanings. ,It is an Intel:
ilgence • sone la.nguage.--Henry D.,
,0,000 Wanted SO ,000
. , LIMITED 0.,
143''5 KING ST.' EAST
Ing to cogtsstte with an sof o a ,
while, bat one seen tires of it= -•O, W.-1.
Holmes: • ISSUE N. ;1�5=' 31
CfloColaliM p'
Tie health -giving, delicious drink • for children and grown.
ups, ` - ' Pound and 'Half Pound . tins at . your grocers. '
Sticking to its Number 1 • ,
The t.wo. ,rather racy -looking Wren•
met on the race course and theircoit-
versation turned 'to the topic .of
strange l.1incidences '
-It was . the, elevelitb day' 0,4 the .
eleventh; month; a
and, I lived in: ,hbuse
:with number eleven .c offthe.,.Aoor.,_.and
.1 backed'the eleventh horse in a•race,".
explained Charles. • •
' ."And," broke 'in Henry; • ,the horse
won, I suppose ?» _• . ,
---'"I`he--most---anrx4ing-colucida-nee-•qi-i-:.•..••N-otlrhrg"'nf"'the''ttinti4'"value `Prom .
ever remember happened •last year,"
said Charles, the bigger man• of the
his. companion: "Tire:beastlly''animal'
came in• eleventh'."• ' •
"What was 'that?'' Asked -Henry eag-
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