HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-04-09, Page 7•
',44114 13EST
' -
•• Flevvers • ,
Qh the. thrill ,cif -Spring! We nei
tire of vielegniing 'With glad 'acelai
the tendey linistiagebtide tit plant 6
• ..e.Yei eeaso to wonder at ,the year
:eeetirrection which uniolde se sure
atul .meryelleu8lY. before eur'-eekee. •
.olit 1nflje koettg,frodi a...jolty ph
e, the crows 'send foyth their Ole
tete meadow hod throagh th
aro.. je,Puagent (Me teuld hae
e•Le44.4.24 1" his 904 •Inelettious,•ner is -It
•• .....e4hantebat neVertliereas he la,„„herelde
• ai*theettneeedithly altabie•and 'friend
_eeeepersgeneeibe. hoietereus an..o Cesion
•. • ally; raucous • '
the apparently desietless frozen earth
. delicately ,petalled .hypatiCa 'ehyly
iits'eoolsequeetered.spbt and wafts' hi
efeggrant; Peitiniet eettroe Pereentible.
on: the' Spring .breeze. • . • .••
TrulYe liewers• need •theirs wood
•enment. ife We 'are. to "appreelate
'ttoir, full beauty. .0fieoften„ weatiets.
thenghewf.ethet et is because,they are
a' I ree.reilft• that they ,aree moreand
• More; in great danger .pf bectening,ei.
• .tinet;'• Fire genie reetion children and
sad to relate, inauy "grOwn, doe, too,
seerii- to B5 possessed with an ins'atie
46147de-sir. tc-ieffiVolf.'it'A'eliV,iii.1:
• thee!, See and worse. ,etill, Wig net an
Uncoinniou thing to 'see aelninah
..witheral dog tooth Violete hY'paitica
• leltig. *•ft/Kiwi.' barelentv
throw there loecense. thefiowers. have
. '-drooped and 'faded...from the Warmth
of the landthteplackedthem thought-
-.1eSely, depriying Woode,'"111ehat
one discarded ,'houtate't,..of •manY next
feat .hlooins• •The- lovely piet from 1
which. ,thee.•:Were 'gathered . be
• • much •en7.7"Faii-e7•111-4-e-tb•477-11.1
.'follOwing:fe.a;re • - •
-747-77e y -we•eie j
.a.thing tq, find deep in the woOde near 1'1
•by ourtowns and ,citiee, the slrewy and,j'!,
much• desired pink an ifitte 'orchid) it
Or ,tbe yellow radY To find
theta now one mu•st, g� far north *wkeee I' I
i he miles' Of fdrese stile stretch und, h
teuched:by mane,' Clueblug over logs„ g
, and thheugh •itti guerd Of inarsh• land• s
cote le Suddenly e'onfrontei by a sitew_rd
• , Tr^
• " 4*,Shiet 0,•611,471,4thir
ae•-.. -Di& y our -kite we -that,- there-aro_ -so
. .
i tlegs -that run after: every kitty they
'•See?..-Thei dent care how "we love
'er. •'7
snir kitty, if they 'see her tie i; rtto
fl'• i• '
' after ;her 'and, oh clear; if •theY cateh.
le' '
.ei . they II even. kill her perhaps:. Isn't:,.
lr that 0441' Well,. Rovereleoked el- :
ly ter Fluffy end 'Toney. am(' the 'little,'"
, ..
4.1°A.Y lillitir• ' .. ., ' ...
Thiele hew.. he dideit. •Of coute
e you' know, ROyer had lotf d '
.friends. Yee,f•lie*Iwase , 'eien. felenits
, . . • •
•de: • i„wtth• the, doge who' ran Adel', ,itittenst
it44, I te;:, gue none of. those other
a. dogs :ointid• -ciente :ante . Marna • T;•441t.fe
el' faren, If they did Mtima 1.4i,-. viodid:.
is 04V:::.!1$4-46:.41.04_9tf.A9.42,.1jtO so
..:, innity; Av.Oulit be, 1,4e, anditantediatili'
i ouee,"berking Softly,. would,1111S- at the
,..1., other 'd.6g. If the stranger .didn't rim'
the Tlietti 'Until:4o ii..riii3 iiy-ikiiifilit=
away, he'd bite him. and make .1tingie,
then'dien after him hard ewer QV bye!'
1 itt)g. rodeo. whiCh• belonged to the next
.1 farther. But the futiniast part ,•veas
'.1 ' •
1 this: After he-cliasectkini and yras•
so cr•osi to make him rim away, he
''..*as saddenly friends 'again: with; the.
and then • the tWo . • would trot
'deg be was eo etesa to .it first -as -aeon:
as •th e &ergot. eff".14dy.IVItenteei land,
gfithei' into leo .gpod;o41110, . ' • .
Pretty Soon the dogs :knew ,•the
could jest come so farand then.tioy'
•.valt, foieLhlineclown'The Toad... Dife h
was a ruing,: wise old -deg. , • • • '
You-"• know, even if hi* did take, aueh
gpod carp of :*ittify, I. don't, th,hik be
was yeryeteindeeee.fhor'.. .Not many dogs
are eeal fond olleati; ar'e theY? I ,tiiiiik7
he Was a little jealettS•Of he
"TO mother of mankind" a life,size statue was Her name
• ••,-
••wt:ts."Segi.S.Pieterje Prospeet,i! and she held world's, record milking
• oow. • At impressive cerentonY, feeently, at Seattle; WashingtPtthis,
(stable wee Unveiled: -" ;
Sunda,y -School
- -
Lesson -
y Aprel 19. • Lesson Rich. Mah
4 and Lazarus-L'oke •Gol-
e den TeiteLleay Up' for...yourself
treasurera In heavan,'Where, neither
moth :nor :rust • doth corrupt, :and
. 'where 'thieves de not break through,
nor ateat.-Mattheie, 6; XL
when • Mama' Lady brought her home
hett see, was I itet hill of:thick
furry. kitty. She NI+ • mite Mama
Lid 3k. and hilly vita ted ;play With
her all'. the time, .and••So that made
ted.hitie•too.' •.Fluffy. was pretty fright.
eued..of.h.lee RO tOd, • at 'filzit,.and SO'
tini outside. for. a' while they
vented. to play witli bet, Whieh' also
iade hitu kind of cross *at her, too,
or 'e while, Bet then he was a geod•
fevee add, he knew Mania La,dy•loyed •
ere eo that was why .he: took such
ood.eai7e. ef her auyivey: ! •
. Next .4 ime, fell,' yeti what ..itoyeee
-of citizens. br thege -Wonderfully heatitle
• ful and rite dowers. :A loyel?betiquel • '
lir discriminately Pleited antf...lovieglY
; many are, left for next, yeat"s elippa-
•gaeien, only to find the following day
i -carloae el- people 'laughltigly come'
eitt of yot:r .sectuded spot. with their
epos full ofethese rare 'flOW.Ors,
..p.f Which %were tern 111/' by the roo•ts !taking over' 'end .repeating 11. -Jewish.
• )) and every last, •Ilower hunted 'out. '• veraiori• •0 'a w 11-k
II .
this parable is to take rt afTrfiaTia-
legiTteetdaeinlig about theenelevecodth-
elteisenaturalebut_tutproltable, _aalt:
euch questions ag'ols •Jesue teaching
that•there is an intermediate state be-
tween death and the Last Judgment?"
or "Is JesusziYing us here a.cloctrine
of bell?" or -"Is the fate of men,
eternally and fireVocably settled for
thein et death?" We must remember
that this story Presents us, riot with a
map' of heaven ,or hel1;41oLzy..- ;Aka
:op ecy,- nor wit theo ogical dognia:s,
hut mith ar.able. first 'part
of the para le, giving the surprisi•ng
intereha nge of f ortune betiveen cherich
Man.and the beggar, '18 not in any way
unique. Siinflar stories hitye been.
Old not infrequently within and with-
out Judaism and Christianity. Indeed:
it probably right to suppose that in
tera partof the parable jesei is
e nown story. It
• • 1
ewe, can .oever uee all these," one
•ran fenagin them saying asthey sort
out the bet ones and leave the•others,
which are carelessly ttrOwn: 1.4 '•the
side of aid read to wither and die,
• • How Much better it•wohld be ,to- a/-
walis remember .the rule when •gatbete
lug. wild .11awers, qpicit one and :leave
• one." a silent thank you for the •
•tvoodsy, gift.
How layelY our Caaadiatt wood r
mild become if determthed efforts
Were made to multioly and peotect our
wild ffowers in their own environment.
What bowers of natural beauty •Call-
ada have. There they grow;
their gardener the spirit' 'king -of he
• forest,alla,keeps the ground moist and
black and, free. from weed& In some
mysterious. Way. He covers them over
carefuliy in the fall With a thick but
light coverlet of downy leaves and in
U e spring, (inlet and„petfeet, his gar.
. den blooms. •. •: • ,•
With • forest preaervation. and wild
flower proteetion along with -education,
what. Wonderft I :places oar, Canadian
• woods ,Xlight. bete:line. • •
The Twit ;gilt .Hour Story -About We
•• Chichi, and Other Little Frterids.
. Ohaptes. 17
tenet Mile, you remember, I told you
how well Rover`looked after Silly end
oven ho* he saved, Eilly one time, hut
Rover looked after more than Billy.
I.., .Gabbie Gertle,. .
: .:"A lilt! who:It/lbws 11)e' ropes can
: always Or a free kea t .1 a tha eh,.
CRS." 4
, It seems as if.11. were Nature's' •ain•
Sabbath, and llie'.verra waters were
at. rest, Look do'wn upon the vale
profound, and the'stream is withOut
motion! No 'donin, If you • .were
walking •along the bank, It would, be
•nitirmurhig with Your feet.' But
here -here up amens the hills, we
can imagine it, asleep, even' like the;
well' within reach of my etaff.--Pref.'i
Wits 071. . •
el pra
ete ore be a great mistakeeeeret
at the mind 'a Jesus about the future sou
or at Some authorized foundation of
boson, or, as we thould•sak, to
Whenthe man dies, and
haa'heen''properlY•butietk :peg 'to,
"Hades." -This 'Greek. Wordecorres-
'Panda with the •Hebrew "Sheo
place: Of the departed,1„ 'It no
Means the pike where all .de
Rotas, •te await the:1414.4nd
Here,.howevereit Seems, unusua
ineart-,"hell"-LerIIM-..place- of te
not a• piece of waiting but -of
Presumably jesus tells 'theestOry
was .tieuellY• told and without
thought it ,with
logical 'ideas.A • .
HI,. me mete 'Suer. .
, ••
••• The rich man in .torinent.7asks Abra-
haat that Lazarus may be sent be- hint
with aedrop,of ceoling. Water. Abra-
lift. replies:that betve.eort him and .the
eieheman is ."a gulf- x'ed,". and
that the rich Man het§' na.•eadeohefor
'eempleinte for .he has good
timeand now.'it iS taierns'•-turit.
•"very eirrediristigit!" .. weeitna
" deemed r• What litur; Lazarus
' .
line Touches
• For tlie:Horne'
Spring Ilrings
. • flope •
f4rm arw
, eye en interestia
.Ptice Atte early spring! _No: mat
•ter he* Serious the 'aro. 4 Ihn..erl01
mere hew' disappointing' . ritf0.00.
in the fall, or how eleacoti'rag "t,ti
outiooli-:through. the • Weak •days re
war:in •reins and the Weietith frOinethe
L1'44,00:1! ine_reagiage • there is znew
ed hope,. • , • •
• All' natur • Itas• dorman• t for
• week i and' weeks, .The worlq, tlie
•cettattt seented :to be at la . -stand-.
The former has been.
nigh 4..../11,betation. he has ' stitek.
„close T,0 the eheltering 'roof and the
• . • - • •
• , •Then conies along Apeil„ and, lit re;
3W/title' to her .;ShoWers.-and 'sunshine,
altjhing in sight .,see,ni to, Cometto
life.-7the' sap bogies le. rise!, the 'grass
;Springs green; ..th,e. 'fartner gets' A:Mt
and 'pees': his, shade* ahd...finelit' the:41r8Z14 alUhlthle ,
geed' 441106uto
Just a-,fimmi; of '; these . Warta% deye„
and.. -fro. all tbeeelields about us,
aatt,' hear the:familiar hum of tractors
• an they pull.:'the tillagetoels Or 'plows •
fter0313 the 11044S• Another Peasaa-
of- work end -hoese-.1ieberee-'2--
:New Fteint•for the FrOne Nor`
Xaniodir,ei;:elpofertitirn.deug'i tte:tg, 0.el./11.0".7tlistwuhaixt
ire r hy pa nt dorat
e some fermlieuse?.. . • . • .
.One, house 'owner re -enameled blit,
-.4Oor irliRe, The surface vfrai in 4.
condition,: but 'that-var.( of °which'
WAS: elePkeed. *ga,,i4vr w, Wel=, *
IY hltstared..7. First of all the. doer Wate•
thereUghlY serabbed with Seintifea
• of Sugar soap and heeetrateie Hugir
• spap can be. purchased,' at a drug
.Ab.ont halt A' %PIMA' half a gegen
of water .iseautficient, • , e•
When the paint was ..:the.ratigh12,•
seetibbed. the door„was we4bed. off fa
clean water. This removed• everr
trac.o.' Of the Strong alktili-Vrthieh, Was•
• useff:in•-the _scrubbing probes. Aftei.
the Ashing dame ..betteeinniiieted •
the' door was Wiped :With:clean raga.:
.• Mhe,. tgeit vreeeis. was.•:141 sciateng
the. Stirke,e- Thikt was. dope with, Ail, •
pl•tklifelley-care being taltenfthat no rnt
**et/lode:into „the. rood.
was rubbedeleen with a piece of..puni• • • ' •
lee, atone en the door was, g ven•A •
COS: of• , This eoat nnt..es- -
Eten,flaiAltougb 'isemtifel where the
ceabr jkrpre'reise.alie:xsopoe9ddsertedo,a;t4e:ahlotititic.nfuseyfeopa.tt-it!.4ii.coa,
ead, white lead and boiled It eau . ':"
hat 1a made of red :
-!,Por white ertameling:nething ifi. Dere •
erettten white lead lettingeferate
4/1•464.- d.ere
-Ifewilt dry -Yeti quickly, and Bit Must'
e ,aPplied .fairlY. rapidly. Vatter wet'.
g does nat.:Apt:es& well* atid,it 4116;4;
'erush jtiarks;•:liut• thip is all to the
Od; it 'eves one excellent ware.,
ce.for the attaaVenarneling. -1f,' You '
;a get a gebd .eitr•tace With._thanto:
.trictottieetingetaltmeerie. ho. !ear: of falling
The, nun1be,r Of 'Coate eetedired
nend cireurastanceeeneeally
eaking, three coet,setrill
n'gle. if you have to paint on a darkface, four '
er it ti s ain4a4d:bleitleneteii.e:soanirtUUt: , •
in.g .cositeee_ftlAit• hone eit'the• . • .
ant* -1"§tiatilt
It -.be .empliasized that YoU '
er :be able to make lob. Of it
ale yon use the best .enamel: '
xperte'ala-ays say use freeli prelate '•,
or eneareilhg; but
. Peace "
'There is green land hid 'away
. _ W,ithin the beartgeof- all, .
1,'4 the*. A -PI eaialit
nnallY • whehetappv voices
parted -
ny. to, 'Beneath its wide and aZniei_ekiee- -
rmeeete *clean houses' rest
as it
• to
the 'spirit Of Jesus than the Answer
at he had deserVed (apperen
dlese bliss? And Can we really
vethat God wouldeondenin the
an to endless, hopeless, unroll
rment? Could anything be less
In gardens Wide .where roses' blow. •..
• Upon. the warm soil's breast.
, , . • ,
Amil•widee,d•wonien.eit ad side:"
Beneath:, the tall. trees' shade, •-•
Aied le the fields the men et yv,erlte
Are strong flint upright made,•
A river flowathreugh that fah' land
° Meadoive lueli.and'green,
No boat with, oar ..pileS 'thereupon, ,.
or ship',. with sail js 'seen; •
. ••
Etit_cattleite_alene_it '"
gine oereetand in ehalf_O_We. 41)41,
i,th rud• v•raallY
• -
tlY) ,
• be.'„„ And every home is full og
rich And eyery back unbowed.
eved And every head is lifted thigh,
like And eeerY face is•pr ud
'ec•-• .e—
ere-p-f th---h-1311-Tirefe:Atide
t or When Purple shadpws-,fall,
; to 'pee shepherds on the billtcips "high'
AprOse the Valleys Call,
ieg •
. •
ffi- And men let gatheir Pleasant Leeks.
.A.nd children cease from PlaY, •
, be Andbleatitig kids Tun. to thelie.dnins,
Aird homeward all things -stray.. •
its • • •
ng ;11- hen the eil,yer mecto 14 flower -
to •ed; • , •
Abraham? But these natural ob
tioneeareeraaily-be- e point,
etory ie parable, not an aecoun
the 'fature• life.' We have'i,- rather
ask, what is it which the parable H
'rates?: Of whom was Jesus think
•eyhen he spoke this parab/e. It Is di
cult tabe sue, but thereisefts A cl.
connection with the often. glided
-ing efe Jesus, that the first shall
last and the last first. The kingd
ofeheaven will reverse the jiadgme
:of earth; such Pharieees as Make be
yere in publiceor-fast and pray
_.a. .reautation.4.0._r_pr
-"11----reca --eyed •
ght the 'regard, of men „ and it :h
e to thein. That is all they soug
t, therefore, is al they Will
a He who prays ia secret, lets
not his left hand !snow, what his
right hand does, win have treasure in
heaven. will notIdo for,the former
to declare, "It is net fair." It will
be open to them to claim some of the
reward of the letter; it la a matter of
Aug& and m . impossibility.
the. Anti erefliee eni the
as Give tongiie.inall the tree
ht., • • • •
praiseof HIM who loveth ail,'
• •
The •floWer,, the man, the beast,
And guardeth all, and •guideth all, ,
The greateit•aind the least..
,--Charles Grenville Wilson "The'
chrietictit Science Monitor." •'
Christian doctrine .about heaVen and, T a
story lies, in .its conclusiA.
hell: The distinctive elernent in the
IT THE foon. BEGGAR., •
• Lazarus, alone of figure' s mentioned
.in the- parables,. is given a name.
Lazarus seeme be an ableteviation
•for Elazaf, meaning "God 1.1 1 'if'
we might 'say; "God, help himf" It
• , spit.
ray thus be 'emblematic, of his condi-
tion. Apparently Lazarus, Who was '
the victim of sortie Joathsoine d.isease,
could not walk, . He Was "dropped" or Ex
_ "chucked down" at the ' rich. tnan'e three
gate andileft there to do the best he' (Glu
eduld .himself. Ile longed to sati- m-
ate his hunger with the crumbs that
dropped from the rich man's table,
but even thiSt. it seem »4 was denied
him. To Make matters Vironse,'he had
to suffer the indignity' of having' his
sexes •licked by dogs. He could not keep'
tLem off. Weare alit 'to Contrast the, has n
sympathy. of the dogs with the cal- Se tee
lousness of the 'righ ream 13dt that road
not -the meaning' here. To the Jews
the og was an unclean animal; ,,
Lstzrus Was a good man, and we should. root,
mere scavenger. We are tt told that ‘1117°P8.
not understand Jesus to mean that danger
any 'man who bas been sufficiently Trades
poor and miserable 2n' this life will lied e
.11 -..re tisken 18 'simply •re
heaven for comoensatiOn. )36meti
ory for the sakeP°oaftitilhge-trtih:
'g to be drawn. The poor lug .1sWheakrh-
• ---"ffe-s-i-r-M.tlixel nightitfgales
• Isolated. !
ghty persons . who live withi
end .e. half miles., of Colefor
ces.teeshire, Eng., are. at tiine
oft entirely • from • .the ou.isid
wor d, They are the inhabitants 6f
Drybrook, a hamlet between the.
spurs of ,two hills in the .roreet of
Dean, and they :live In condition& that
'recall the' Middle, Ages. Drvbrook
• BAD TEMFg0t .
.A. mat s taloa' constant. ,companion
.1 ta himself -a , companion never to be
n sheken off •from tp •cte,Eth., 'Vet
cl 1 he *hale careful to -choose des:liable
31 coMpationa °nee forgets' to :train
e himeelf in the essentjel 'happy
To live •the sante house
with a bad eemPerds disagreeable, en-
ough; eh:tit-game mon and womeil, ecu -
demi themselYes toliye in• the earl
bo0 with a had
one ofetbe Woret diserenfnrts loragihe
O public lighting•nor drainage',
171 Water, 'and, ref. of ,all. no
The only appr rb Is by a
us, . treacherous 'footpath
It•eite. woods, project in g tree
deep pits .and swamps are a
bo life and limb at night time,
niezi are -often. unable to de-
ssontial Euppliee; doctors have
me beet) unable ' to make the
perilous.' Journey le ••• v1isit the sick; t
and the dead liar*, literally to be;
hauled ini• the hillside for burial. ' i
• ried at death by the angels to Mere-,
Lea's sec. wHAT
Tht etti6 Pliktoativ buT o4t.c.,cst-
Itiet rittisr ',i4 et kNiolckLe
op. No. Letc-r HAtoto
-trt rIteyeka smog 'USE /We
CLOS odi StAN4C.BRAce AdAtior
'Me Riaitt HP 'At You strt46
• The el...uvr BA dc At4M4 The
•4RtA4tutt tut114 Th' IetGi1M
• ELtsoto Pttetseb
The wArcii
I . :Milcil Of °Ur discontent in life is
due less to •any lack of' our own lot I
Ithan to the seeming orabuddince 1
in 'Unit or our-neighboi% •..If he had I
not so limn .we should discover few- e
er detiOeticies. for aiir•selyes. . We
are net no greatly, diseatiefied with , 1
what weemiss as with. what he has. . (
Keep eADVow Nub C. ARCHES
00,IS oefirrors%i'VtAlmiteittirk;
-Me uottsrs - Let 41
Sbidte ottiefk
119146", ,
I •
(Pycizt. th-7-southe:•Tm Agri.euitu' ist.)
Spg. Chicks .Right.
• , fly far the greatest lnortlIfty and•'
.1 4YS:S 'pepounteredhzthick eatsing
felir8 ditriftg the first ;four weeks. i,t• -
1hroodiug, Oize of the most important
I fasetors in keeping the ehleks114 geed;
!health tied Yigoio,us renditIon, fold.
•kesping themgrqwing• properly, is 1140 •
teed, which' they are cottaunailig.
A good tiii-inksh-ratiau is a foiasu .`
S9 lbs, groond yellew corn; 20.•
stendard wheat ' 6 • lbs.,
ground) a- bone, 6 'lbs. ground Uzuo,,
stone (any •comntercial gilt' high!' ht,
taizt Cailionete). 1h...common salt.
Skins pint usect freely -no we ter first ,
two or three v. ceks. cod 1114 oil, 2 .
diastole() pounds tiap. When chiCki•
in not get direct sunlight. '
giy origizi
• unl
ee f
th,ot tiotir - s er than 'tlie..ardin•
ary bruShei that liave been tieed bee• •
fere far paiork.
Apply the enamel quickly and freely,
keel) the brush well dtivii, else the
enamel wilLtenci" to ran 'down to the ••• -
stock,• and so elep• ationE.-Satia,
tirolfe, .. •
• "Is ittrue you be ve been arrest-
ed eo-oftefir
muni. '1,g0ttidu't •heve been
earl'estad. any oftener it 1 owned an
tottomobile,": ' •
'DUE.% Alter
PAtto 'UP: ,
• C.O.Ifla a, Menizyry
• ree-e,H.
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