HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-04-09, Page 4t• *B$.FOL STRAIT DOG T. gi,,persen a no InPre ght 4 sok yea stray deg than he hen' .41.1,i*Eile Or Vo041* ennteined in * OS* handed down by Judge. E. • •;ismerlis the atilt of »avid F.: W1.1.4TF�L 07.4111.allitS010.7 The e.01.1SSIlk• (*this. •toUtint4 are Mieft aa they iselier. were hefete, and OW have aPtifedly.- tO ,*.1*0.0 'their :doors 'against'. On multitndeal• wbel aze ciareorini to enter. ;Why. is • this? • It • Is •thiubtles! t.true, as yOlside* WO,* 'Phlintr 1/41r lea,. ferreer. ,Angel Of We" earl, that ."Hunger -Wallace----01-Tor,-Tfor-sociel--prestige7-rather--than 'any .006,, the rake. Of' a 'deg,..1 tine desire 'dor • learning' bringe to a!iy� thb Oarlie Esilner;; *intern FOIASICeS- •!•41' Vet 'MAO of aw.arlied. $07-14nd • ***4 0400"; iliee•Phi, 'better *gained . to. lybeik bis aen took n fitly to a, lifrow titruip$ than to comprehend mint 'fox **Mid vphith had. atrayinr: but while thie4s ad- , the :phtep., Where they :were ;fatted ithere still.roinopp, something‘ t*gtba defendeet admitted *dng.! to be old en the other gide.' #att• :dog back wib hdin to Toronto • probably tree • that.; in the past, , as Shortly, after returning to 1.110,rente, .nowi: the ,Iningair fotisocialtrestige. "the*,. deg -escaped through .an 'oyen. .40114,4 ta. %eel*, wittdow.linCies .neyar lougd. yet. men 'were educated there, • 'and The. fleffAld: etraiod.: free* wli'ere Ate. Work was 3110:t wholly.. Waited., h.Jf It nat',WhollY tha,.desirejO.,get t Awair.'fiete,,4Mtd Work 'Mar- he: ant! .$0,41.04044 ritad A*11014 .1)* 14that to Jain tbe eddfe gte-thn•defendant's hoe*, but the gado' Which' ,brings so utattY.146uni.- 4og Itak been Wt. , • . . • people from every ;Walk Oldie -7W wan; argued. 'On behalf :of the the .doOra:Of univereities; .it is ,rather • kiefendept that the dog ' was lest,tand . the *OW realization that . college „Icing a it article the finder was' .m.einta something inorfi .thanY,.fitting lkiot hable to the : owner of me triabii-,. men to earn their :bread and, batter ityttereturn the article to the owner .with less 1bcr than; if It were lack - 'Ikea demandad, *Se •by reimon '•of leg. Therieis an:Mug:at the reek and e :ittiCIO being again • accidentally :file .of mankind growing conviction CenviCtiOn the, judgment: .Xeads:. ' 'thiat,'InoWledge it. riwer,;;a14.*lieth- 41Oviever Much 1;feel that the 4e.;. er . one: 'tine at the 'fogor 'Arlie 4-tee:dent had no intention of wilfully the view, education ,adds - ionaething .pniv1ng the,Owiter:,; Of his 'dog.'1 worth While to. life., We held that 41Mtit..thililt,Lhin.ftetion itaidtg _tie :,editeatiOn, . even at 'great • . sacrifice,. dog under the .eireunnitaneen and r;..;'. the:.east;- and the youth Who lii,..oving•IkaigtP-Ave mllea from the, sneered it Will ivies find 'eaMie, to •distriet,Where it: was, can be ineti-'...regret Id� chalet. ' lied.' It intoWn that' doge, Will • titan , around .* the neighhOrhood. Of elithonfeariandjerhilttAtiey' 11445" for a time, particularly .if some kind.. • ,:.ly 'person feedi, himi, and, either the,. dog will Altura to hie home ' or -the ' ,Mener after. searching: perhaps ,in 11. . few dais will .find :the deg,but a, young"dOlf reineYed,•;.:SilttY*Te.*OPS:.: from :•its . henna die** hell not -Much:, 44,0•44.444•0 SAYS atISSIA *46 FAIL Stephen .14!neneky4441 Icnnisn *Olen writer and head of the 0,044- put of political ecoaomy newt UnireraitY eanreesed the eentlinente Of „mere than One student of Rumania conditions *him he declared in , address: break; comment= will prove ° un- availinz4e tive,yeer,Plan is 440Med to failure and the greatest despotism and tYrannY that the world has ever seen will be foiled lay, human nature.": riElITAL NIALAtt-S13,E0S. SOVV/I IN EARLY UFB #101Sini: ininething 18 done to prt mentlt, four out Of every hundred of , 'the., chi:MO.1r new go iog to .school . 4 TUE 1AUCKNOW ,SENTINEL - Published every Thuraday morning, - ; at Lecknow, Ontario. • MacKenzie, Proprietd ,,,40 • THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1931. • BUSINESS ,IAPSESSI.ONS: . THE PAST_ - Ita the Printing eWi....OtCU18da we tame agrees a :Vett inferniative article 'under the heading, '41?revep- tioa el$1;siness Depressions", In the course' Of the article the author, ,Mr. W. B, Lawrence, had. the folloivfngi. , • . • Thething that Must,' be done r to geit-;a1 fair view of Presenkeenditlena and . Attire :prospects is to rOalite •11'900 eh,ltettelnentellinfilntliV.Sente bat hi_4101, ,ree0etaiteelf; that there _will. stay there fer:yte greater •or less s'nethinE, new „ainier2.the. ,Suit; :an+ time-heferazeturning to their homes that prObleins such as this; scan Only improved or cured, hut, =say .will re - Main Within hospitalYalls until they die: • • •- The burning titivation is; What can be done to preietit- thia terrible *i- mam ,wastage? : • . Scientific 4110 nenielltaliwocessea . conipartitiVeljr, new and much • re- maine te be `•done : Seine: facts, :heWt: ever, seeM now 'quite evident., One is that mental' disOrdeesdo not conie on ,auddinly..In 'certain • caries it. rriight appear that they de but 'upon expert Myeatigatieft '-a7,11airly%plain trait' weelth".-Then there w he- Fos circumetenCeS ..ein 'transit* be .found ter and 'Cat„chings Scheel of 'ex' pre's- in the perien'e peat life Which should sion which held that , by 'a anYsteriour, have giliezt Wareing of' the danger to process of working less, paying ;more: Come if. any One witb:sitlicient know„ and always consuming more, poverty' ladke-efittelvdisturatimes has been Would be 'abeifshed Mad' wealth Would. .arthe Ttitete aretheihave ha the rapt • .4*id: that r* • Ru"iiiit. T.-- gem:1d just "'belie replaced. fiV niech . be solved in the, smile way in which previous,similar prohlenis have been solved. , ' The sudden Shock; with .which the 0294940 Panie struck se many Of the :younger photo-engrareik and' other business men may l partly' be explained' by the Inisleading , propa- ganda that was, so prevalent during tite.,:fat years. There' arose a 'groep of "jazz economists"'who took. the front nage .with predictions of rieVer- ending prosperity and 'ever;inereas?._ There is the Period of-propsperity, WhiCh th* first stage. This is fol- iowed, by a period of 'panic, •consitut,‘ ing the, .second stage. Then conies the. third stage, the period "ef..depression which is fOlowcid by the fourth stage, or period of iinprovement, that final- ly results in a return'. to the , first itage of prosperitn: after which the goeess7"fepirati-itirelt, 4rliese four ,tageta of Regression are. noticeable In every, business cycle. The exact dates ntnY 119Vhe 4efinitelY determin- able, but tae .copaitions: are always Lound to exist. In the .ereeent Ode. the .yetitili' from 1927: to 1929, repro; muted the peeled of 'Jammer -JO; The, lief" 'of Panic *begftil in October, and lasted until perhaps Ode- • her; Of 1930.. present .appear to be in .the period, of depression,. after which, An due Course, will kome. •the. to*riod: inapreyetnent. ' • As in 'illaritration 41 the remedy. „ :fee e'depression whieleMi LeWrerfce reeeiraMeade to individuals atufbusi ness: cOncerni-•.alike,:-.We here .,repro- duee a paragraph which Occurs far- ther on in his Article.: An office girl found by experien# that th 0 holiday season was a heavy Ara* on, her purse: So she' started 'Putting.' a dollar a week .•, ChriStreaa, Club. When. . the next Christmas rolled areunit site., had minething cerer fifty-two dollars with which. to do her holiday :spending. In other wards, she saved for the period . . „of emergency 'and, when that 'enterg- ency. 'Came she was able to meet it. "It. is :bY- the , sante methods to Our bestness that we can, ineet future period:4'd depression, Without 'suffering or particular. worry. Since ..ve know ',that depreseion,-,will • come ••• , et rant :001410 9013" JOr aline, • OetheY". said, conditiellit in the 1,ury rooM he - came intolerehke-dn Other. ;words they came to feel that they-werO 'suffering to for Vie 'el IheY were to get. • • There •is the, trouhle: Mite, pry - men are too corrupt .to, bring en: honeist verdict; .otheet too .weak to Ieolare tbe accused, guiltY, Oen when the evidence is unquestionable. WHY NOT ',DEAL WITH RUSSIA , • ...lidanY question the, wisdom ef the . Federal Government ;ha refusing;to, • ado* po.A. from guilds offered • in port . payment On a proposedf 'deaf • for ten million ,dellara Worth. "ef Can, ‘, adian, Made. 'feria machinery.; ' The "chief- reason given for 'ram,' - mg to ' haire °Iniattietle 'dealin,git wt Russia, ' .14isitia, is that itteeila hi del:lb,. eia, tot *ging a . sort . Of. :onniferehlk.Velar I UPOn,hthelreat of thf -world: For -fik..'". ainpit'Abi.larnt .ntathiqtY,,,i0;-,WA ,ed .to he; tiiedjit the 7Prodia4iori,.•:.0.- wheat , which :it la -,:priiposed In- :OH " at a price which the Canadian farm- ers ',cannot Meet.' '' '::' , • ; : 1 Russian fairin' Workers,;, like: all other *Vetivers ' in thatl .cpuntry, are • in practical slavery r They work hard for long hours' ated:in return :get a ' ' bere living. There is no luxury, Pat, plain 'Coarse •: fend; 'Plain. epers, clothes; 'plan: dwellings Witheut Mo..; -dere 'contrerdeaces Of ,- #11y , !Ort.., ... • If Canadian farmers would 4,1ive , . . -, _ . .. . 'Juit way tliey coeld; ' of ,,einarse, -eine-, . , _ .- , , • ..?ete, With the .11useitatit: The Unite& • Stites Government in -,allTlikilliinad: • Will also :put a step ',tit, importation of Itittien I products on the ground that that they are Prediettrel slave labor • ' . en: hand to redognizethem. . - 1 tinericile• hard ' coalL" • lint it *Mad " -Moat recent studies -suggest-.that also teed to 'didorganizilhe coal bus - the seede of -mental , disorders are iness dr over the centieent, and lit- eown eorly in:Childhood:, It is 'quite , •.. • • . er When ,Rimele 'having ruined. . the probable that Many of the mental- :teal business' here :•WOuid .haVe it .hreakdoWnswhich : - come Upon people4-nowt-poly, itAiiiibtless-would-deMand later-iiiffiike-ean'AM, ,charged ,;(iii-i-Ct4;'- -and' since we know. that .a depression centipummly ,iacrease„: Supporting. these ideas Were thepoliticians; essay writers, and others who iiiVr..a way to sat jobs 'and.% plenteous • incoine .. , „ by pandering to the public ideas in - Steed of promoting Straight thinking It is email wonder that the funda: mentals" of eto"omics became los te sight 'and that en . 'were 'inialed, nate. , .. Viral 7We-that prostFeraty_, weal& never -ceitie: • It it a matter of .histerY that - business moves in Cycles; that taetioe 214, eepialied. by rettetion, an .. d that he sheet due, we will be-- prepared prosperity is . continually folio:wed.' by : to held Tour;. CiWn through the ;cycle. depression. These are recOrded-lads of events w:thout undue suiferingi open .to all to read and heed: From•the Het*, elate enough, is the remedy ttine that Willjain Of Orange :oat. on for the individual who can put it into the thione of Ellgland:in 1700 down practiee-or the, heat that can be to the preeint day,„the chioniales d done until ;sr-rem:thing _social and. eeonomie ' Changes ,, are , made • whiO will prevent the regillar recurrence of depression. 7 • e - a thenseven--yeare • will occur eVery seven or so years, we have at our clippd e" all we need to prepare for the emergency. All we need do is lay enough.. aside in a 'surplus year to take care of the lean years. It-Ftela year, we-set-nsider-on, „profits for %thisiiher le_-atray,dos7-411felle—oer*.,Mileli• --TTOO1 'ere an' , A hit' 'of a -stray. „horse or :COW' or. aU,and at ,certamly doe:. not.. OP=. pr to to lett 18 the smite; Way as .#014,..111SAiius'de ' a*le'yoi might .find on the'highviiik ..Thentainahl.has ettiln lnethicts Which •enabia• it to id its way honte..if allotved to de eo end in ray, OPhilen 'any one Who, ,.kenteves Mach a ehat,tel: from its hem.. itSlitVil; "The 400ant bftii!:iso right twilit. terfere with ilia .dOg., es he did and was net •jefitified in laking It away india etimPeliedhold li- • elite," ' • WHY. $110I.TLD BIRTHS.BE: ' • In 1930.a (Mil of 9.27-310 can. ''..ot iegetabies. exelasivi so .• peeked in Canada. in soups • crease of 3.646.3112 cans or 14.1 per . • • eent., oirer. the "1929 patch.:".7 • . ' The espial'ita,rv,etOef• surer, and "navies !syrup I., now well under Way.' Last •year total • cote value of thelaproditets Ifl --: -Ceti:4de Wm. -25-260.620.4. comes, from • the provincecef Quer Dee.. 'It's a long way 10 idool *tree! ;mired sisliastr. cockerels' en tne• • railway platform it Naziehno re• 'ciatlY.: It wait their, fireP,trans- fer- onallikday, journey from Van- • •euever"I'istand • to Moot *te#1.; eta, Isl. fidittli Africa. • • .REGISTERED? _ • - When the baby is born, the law re - Mikes that the event be properly ,.saad formally' recorded 'through registra- tion of the birth. /tie law should be obeyed, .not. sinspljrbecanse 18 18 the . low but .because it is in the interest of the neer-baby to 'have Ahhth cer- *est& • '• Palliate ,ta.register the child's birth itair eibieliim considerable incooven- :tenet later on. ,0 The child may, in -.$0.1*ire leer*, 'require his birth cer- • tificate for any of the following rea- sons: Proof :thathe was born in Canada_ that he hais a right to a passport,ae heme iridui- priCes, when th 7.4ence 'home, ittir 4 hes the...wine:6 catuldt %nee to fid it. • "I do not think 'Axe cime of a e to the: ignorance of, their. •paients. seventh of our yearly inie-bacir, would-Midethe we.,• eta n. can • ace '. to be Sabath -the- earelessriesver,--tinlitnese,' -itirtenchere rIgiditY-anti suitability of the 'courses -of study.L„ Consequently Mach ..efforta as are nowi being. Made 'to' offseethe inreadt of mental rnitiladies 'Ore eCted towards- the Prevention Cf:° im- proper ftren,de in child development. , The. Oat of theme is n 'study of child develepment itself. todiscover 'if -Sible duet What :` mey be • considered- ''ciiiimberce. show a. continuous Series normal • childhood; Seeeial nursery. •,if oiclelin: Which prosperity fellow - Schools for tine., scientific And$ of ''ed depression, and depression' follow - children at young . at two ydit.s have i=„i, prosperity. These experiences beye ihdie are two such life* alike ki::"the-•.-business.hiitory in. c'ani4ai one. at the UniVersity. of at- both Europe :and America. So Torto end the - other • at . regular and 'repeated have been Thes ichikela• are providing a. Consid., ?theta experiences .that they can be 'eriible •inittnint of cardelly observed :.iccepted „ as typical , condition Of -business. --W-e-are-•experiencing. one_of_ these conditions today;,z and we undoubtedly,' experience sinailer, Con- ditions in years ,t� :cot*. •• ' The bu'sinees• Cycles Of depression and back airlin to prosperity are of twq general elite:ea: inajOr cycles tlaaftasually require a period of about twenty. years for , their conipietion; and minor cycles •that rangf from AIM to. seven years in length. The actual -number of years is not ma - *4a1, and, cycles. frequently. vary in tength. Equality cif 1 action and resti- tteeme to, be ,' the determining fectorAn-tie-letigth of a business gyAle. Thus; the ,greater the ..prosper- lty experienced, the greater 'will he th depiesslilmt, each 'period - 40iiging lona "Mental Health,'11.1,,•St. GeOrge, until the reaction or depression has Street, •Toronto, (*irks, • .• ' -finlaneed with the action of prosper.- , we lurk 'a:purples built op Which ssating _another :readjustment: will he equal -to-One2-yearia profit- - Thea,. With the depression that baying gained control woulil.he '• s 'hard to deal with as 'the niinerti And dealers We have.:':'' the, joy% _an& _tested_ in.formation-__Whichis :by sikzavezars that motor wieitta- at: passed on tO Parente and others con- ".-71e-figuree• drawn -from:- • ne a • Ig03Fe s . " 1 I rn tatialtes means books and *pamphlets being only 1.74ininpergi tierinstirof1,0 total cerned with:and training. School mnblie accidents occurriag, In the children are ,also being studied scion - Province of Quebenha -MO year. tifieally, and their teachers with them. • vanishing Criati as a'Anateriai Two schoo •now being ad studied to improve the conapieron of in. Canada, one in Toronto. and the grain kernelt will not be, tolerat- other in Saeltattion.' ' le are •ed competitive olitssesa.;Of the World's Grain Exhibition:1nd c•••h-; '. Not much in the way of results' Can ..• terence to be ' held at IteiOna 'in Yet be, shotyn, ' but there is. '. good, 1932, the Catiaditut •-Ssed.,,fli.roweta ground for the hope. that) with 4the --- -, , information • new heing gathered to , ... :,--Aisociation ., announces. About tbe end of 'APO): wheat blind" "IMP .•future ge1413ratiQns niiiir harvesting, will begin it the Cabe- he better able to ,prevent a 'greeter, dian Gokternment, lihtp§,Onexkini part of the tot of mental diseases. Paris at Otte k These. have been built to Complete ,greenthouses. • Informatio• n On any point „not cor., a Canadian citizen, or travelling out= ' two,. Years' •rettearch .W.ork in on. *Air bete- Will he given„in later ja- i , year and as a result, "Wkare two eats if you will address your quest.' side the 'cotintrf. •' • y.eart ahead in our work.", said L. Proof of .age as a right to -enter. - .1-111:,-Neiranin,.---Dominion---Cerealitt. and to leave school, as evidence that recently, ., lie Is Old enoighie go to work, or to . Installation' by the. Caeadian PI - hate• the right, to *ate, or for enlist- cific '1 eletrapha. of a new • tele: graph carrier sYstem between To- ., Mint in the army, Most hisurance .tataapalitiett require proof Waage he- ronto arid . •Windior, hfereariing telegraph facilities •by tett tWo-, fere Alamo tali be iettled. .-- - . ay channeli haa vecently been To 'estahlielt identity, to prove that ;:tit in operatIon. it., • he is the soh of hiaparents and that videa• tvindeor • and Weliciervilte • es finch, he his tie right to inherit. with 'a direct' circuit. to Montreal ever .the new carrier systere. There are Many more reasons,'such • as proof, of age before securing. a inotervelticle driver's license, to es- • talilish eligibility: for old age pensions Enough have been mentioned, how'. ever, to prove conclusivety that it is most 'desirably for the baby that his birth be regiiitered. A moral and legal obligation testis Uppn 'parents. to see 'that the birth of their ohild fs prop- • erly registered. 44. PAY DEBTS inRST . G. Wallace of Woodstodk aTteeen• Widen court case, colt - de ned "the modern tendency to spen inoney on luxuries and leave just. &Me unpaid. Ile hacked up his . conviction by cominitting t�• jail for • an indefinite Period a man who",had • ,refused te pay five &Mars owing up- • pn a judgment suremens. Cotronentirig on the man's adtlfddsiOn that he had .*ad� a doWit &talent at 435*0ra a - serree01* ntea ba no right th do it, and for that reason era ceMiiiitting 'Yen to Jail until,you. • 040 je*., artmiiitomota to pny your eiSt,Itilt 010' WOO* iu Ot itehriher MO SOO .01 Obit" , Marine history 'iota made when members of the ' British Royal Academy -•Were Comniisslianed to decorate the.interior 01-rt.he Em- presa of Britain, 42.500 ton giant of thee, 'Canadian Pacific Atlantic ,fleet.'-wlileti will make •her„tiataideti voyage from' Maitland to Clualmee„* May next Sir 'John Lareery.; Sir Charles Mloni., Frank Beengivele 'W. Heath RObleson anCE•insead . 'Were :mate :of the artists. ' • Addreseing the, combined.. Board of 'Thad and graph* 'CRAW of Tn- route recently; E. W. Beatty chair, 'Tian end. Pretident of the Cate - din Pacific 'Railway,: pointed' Out • that the total tax bill Of Abend,- , nay trona, incorporation •to 1529 . had been $106,613 944, wile. the total vah* ot the "Or1E1iitl.••030Y-. tranient, contrIbedon to 4,ierail- way le :cash, laud, and eAhteleted 8,e4t10115 had beet: 01,11207. • „ The7.' Strathmore 141101)17: FILM operated bi the Cauliclian Peelle Ilailersty;, wen the first fiVA PlaCel ,• in 411 Canada •for hIgbl4mItk ..'proclUttlen_ fl1aO._.fOr.',ifatarteld• . _ti*ree.y0aDro1dt-tfiiE end1L-fairti• giliteic,--thd, Sifter -404k - look nest fent plitent, tit the. el* ' .ture class, the Perm took setend lifeboat Milk tertor4, To, niutite iff!re 46004 hY. the IfiveSteeit 7 Iirtittit4 el the vtirsilitaw ;VIS. Of 1401allitliffb -LIICKNOW .and WINGEAW. MonuMental Works Leckiniw, Out. Hes the largest and most caniplite" stock in the mast beautiful design* to choose _from MARBLE, SCOTCH; SWEimill. • ANI3-bAkIADIAN GRANITES. !E make a SpeOalty„ oi Pam* Monuments and invite pear InsPeetiori. Inecriptiens Neatly, Carefully and Promptly Done. 2' , See us loafers placing your , order., ilettgles Bros. It. A. Sponse Phone 74 • Phone 256 • Lueknew Matthaei I ' GET A CLEAR RECEIPT' - „ An exhortation to 'pa* yOur debts' has 'featured One Of the regular radio prograMs eceht1y A. comoliance 'with this exhortation *mild. go along way WaY to relieve tbe .presetittensidn io the fe_yon. ity. AS a general rule, it may be said that a period of seven.years is a fair average 01. the length pi a cycle. of prosperity and depression. ; The fetv years before_ 4837 were probably the Most prospereus .in the histOry,ef America, at least until the period recenti* closed. This. prosper - dee period was followed by the panie of 1837, Which, in turn, was succee.d- -ed by a depression' and then by a return • ,to proteerity • which ended -.with the panic of 1857. The &nee :.Cycle of events followed untilthe panic of 1813, then again ntitil the panic of 1884, and .agiiin until the plank ef 1693. At we come into more Piciderp, limes 'we find these cycles eitprsesing themselves In panics or depressions in 1603, 1907,. 1913; 1917, 1921, 1928, and '1929:.e1,the more re.: cent break, ibetie .01 1903, 1011, and 1926 might.be classed as of the Minor 'type, Urailei these of 1893, 1907, 1943. 1921, and 1929. eould probably be eon,, eidered as. Mote' oi. the major classes of depressions. It it interestiek.to notice from these (Wei the gereral recurrence of the twenty Year tycleff. The initiar;.,or short-termr Cycles, are not .a &only distinguishable, hut an eireettgo of seven yearsi8. riot' far from tile truth. To a• ,considerable f-'0._L._urrenee of eyclei bears' _werigt,.,_Iree may think your. penult out the steTh—:F7Orib-e7FiVri Count, Li of little importance to -your shire; your elelbler or your hard!: woo tie*** Van, 9f.ediidta Vert 610 'Oat $04001156 Oh MC — ieara fairowed by a-n*6n roan - years. , . • The cycle _from or tip rity th de .0tegiali %telt tittin pippeitity ke.001 00.1.44)4.01 SO lit , • 01400 Wel 1040-:./41ef1tioi °It.goo, 'WHY • bilmtDER-- . . Our readers recall 'geed deal of • newspaper and radio liven ta theimurder of Alfred Lingle .in ,Chicago,: in June last. • ' • . •' wae....irenortieway_.connected with the Chien° Teibune , as an 'as- 'sistant to reporters who 'supplied news: of igingdom and the under- world charters -7-a• sort of private deeteetive„ • In . thit capieityl his ser vices were highly valued,' the wealthy and .nowerful Tribune- made a great stir abOut the Murder; On:June 9th, 1930, tingle. was oile. of ,hundreds who :.were. walking thru 2: pedestrian, -twiner under 11,ichigae Boulevard , when a nian, approached him frOm• behind :and ,fired a . shot nto the baek of his (Lingle's).• head niurnier. threw. away, bite .;,gtin And although seen by miny wer .mmediately. lost in thee' crowd.. • , How deeteetivet ever ran him tr earth. and effected his capture• and:, ot the necessary evidence ' agairiat him there is no saying., Immeese te- vards,.‘VereT offered for. his apprehen- , :ion, oandit may .be. that hie pals or. • istociatee'turned agaimiehitn. • • The. •murderer turned out to be' a nan named Brothers, aged 32 years. Ile lived' at, St. Lousis; Missouri; and apparently Was „for hire as 'aft mums - Sin.; Evidently ganstere, of . Chicago Came to think that -Lingle. was. telling too Maieb: and they got this man te. STOLEN C ICKENS. COME HI • , ,c..;!/:!1! ....le:i)olleereeoet',IirieetNalmOoaP°16 *arch 31st, :Magistrate.Walkerl aids+ pOsed Of. the Last Of the trin ofyoung nei• implicated in 'the .theft, !en Jan.,' • 10th latiti--of two turkkyse.atid one' Aicken from . Williarn;Nashwawk of :he Steigeen Indian iiteierVe.. - 'One; Keith Longe,'. was give,n 'sus- pended • sentence:Boma, time tagt$ Harold -Ind* who -pleaded guilty -tie tuesday,i and' later,s in evidence, Tad, nitted to the Court 'that •he had been • .:onvictert' in' 'the' Stated, of Ming. a party to. robbing beak', while armeclrand' Wei sentenced to front two 14'yettis impritonnient, .vas designed ice the• Cceinty 'fair 'here '.for one 'Month; withontihi•option of fibe. The other, Ronald Burgett; whose' defence engaged the "-cold !MAAS,: all dey, was convicted-• ;and ordered to pay a fine -Of $20k • and •in additien, . the -Costa' 'in his -Case. Theseerraiunted to $28.05." • Itie turkeys Were returned t� the owner,: and the accused ' 'really got nothing enjoyable out of' af- • fair •eicept the eating Of the' :the incident inightl' eirpenl Prom the evidence, it &mace that the ?eight of Jan. tOth,--Indoe, Bur- gess end Longe droire to 'a aback, earned by a Mrs. McGregor; at Mid Lake. En routs Burgess and indoe got' Out of the sleigh and told their cempanidit to ' drive on. They went, into the Indiaa's 'place and • came out with the turkeys and the chick - 'en, and prOceeded to the shack; a' . .ome up from St; Louis to kill him.' gae room structure, where there . were two ,wornen. They staired there That e man can he shot down on, '-et away IA not•iso very Wonderful to of The illiiiiilgost • the street in' a crowd and the shooter all -'101t. '• ' 1- ' 5, perhaps,. one 'of the safest 'eta,Y Neyone Who knows a _city crowd. I ' • . on 'the. snit*. He ealled .one Of **a ; there discovered- iitooa , it'd , leaitheti-- -, tracked the_ sleigh to the shack, and - 'The , neat morning the Indian 0 , • astonishing- 'thing about men and told him that he had lost. the', whole affair is • the verdict a cow, and then went to a farmer's ..hiought in by the jury which passed Wade and phoned Provincial Con - on • the evidence. 1 `7 stable Wiameyer .at Wiarton. ;When I4sehativivk arrived home, : i few , After *being locked'up for 26: hourt liouri later, he found that • Ur' tur- • hey Brought in .titit verdiet of Guilty.. keys had been returned, bet. the. ,-mt added, 'We Mr the. penalty at 14 .• , chicken tiecording to the Indian; *as - . ears imprisonment.!' converted into soup. - The state, law provides the deate qpicer Widnieyer Made inquiriet ,entilty for weirder, Her e Was rear • but befoie he could ''s,fertre Burgess . det in'Ithe most; glaring form, and th( and lifilbe they had left for 'Detroit. Jury 'in order to reach an agreenient; term, • • h a d to fix the penalty at A ki8Of1 eloterirse,teietur:teesdeoiplte'd t.he lair Wok its The liklihed is that 'one or more riveiiihoi.: bf,Lthe_jury_had been -sec, .-A.,-,''. free-centitry-is tt--plit."We' I *here reify promiiiird t-i-subktsOrsi-rewerd7'th-e-"foote"iewitthe gws. they hayo ' . mated. td„, make , tlieineelYes behave. .„ . 'TN ittol *oil: WM the' 04(1'410 jolter. le *if 144 loi III ionio fil 4.4 r -a , • ' Nina:4 mtvided the death penalty wan avoided. Perham; the reward ento to 400**4 -*POO th* �ndjst of the jury. -It gppleirl tilet two ef the geeteten Wel 110141O0 SOO *�(t !W,11 7-••••,• •