HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-04-02, Page 1• r /. . .i 0.40 PER TEAR IN ADVANC , 5Q OTHERWISE' -m_ _:.. _,:DENTIST Drs R. L.•Treleavent Lackno;.: Hours- :9--12 A. M '17,30--5 ' P all i>wri^m 6R ' • XRAY. • ' " d Teri • WALL FAPERr-A full,. line of 1931' 'of their •pol?ular dances in't e• T ` -Prices consider- , Ball', the evening •of Easter Monday • Wall Paper on llaiit�.. • .ably down: for 1931. I. am also ,agent Now that the March lion- and: the for leadinglob houses.- April food • have ve Pae s ed n0 histu.. ay ' it, d CAMERON we may:hope, for moresiring-.like tor, . Painter and Grainer.: • weanner, . •,, f .: ' • •. 'Box 174, ,Lucknoev .-' Fariner's :auction .,sales are still going 'ivell, good prices being realized es .Ally far rkWe young --.cattle and THURSDAY APRIL 2nd, 9 `L1JCIt w. Lie SCHOOL ..„44 received, a s7ei meat.. o#; *new ' " J . . p jtiEP RT . aprin shoes. 'Reduced °prices ate W • :..: ", J. tittle's''Shoe Store • Report ,For • Mareb :The:,Fire Co ia•• putting on another :Seni;or IV • s ,..-- =. °L10ENSEED: -AU 19NBER ' i taken.:, out Auctioneer he Havm •¢ :'_.$.. ce and 3° • ansa for the Countiea.:of Bru. • 'Tivoli', 'the undersigned is prepared z•. • • • •' to conduct 'all kinds of Auction, Sales:. -Many,,-ye rs experience of �Jdealing~, -tin farm' stock.. : , ,• 'Phone 37, Ford Garage, L'ucknow. ' . •: w� ll. Henderson. FOR. SALE-�Quafiti`ty of teed Peas own .from. registered seed:: Alex : Hackett, R. 7, Lukknow. • AUCTION BALE W. ;H. Kempton, 21 miles west auction _ .• Friday, of tins week is Good Friday, of Lurkiiow, will leave an Sale of his stock and imple- „and' a public holiday: all business menta ..on Tuesday, April 7th.. Evers'.placer: closed. 'Easter Monday is; a' i lea'vin - : -an - ces •::of. ,•� ,� thing hi .be 'sold .:as he , is .. t; ` ,but other � 'pia rig �, bank. holiday, ; Well:'' Henderson, ; Auc. the-fq=m business-remein::',Open.. Allan: Turner' and Little son ; '.':on 'this -a rather long good • •implenente Mr. James Lyons who . had been, confined to his morn the' past month, 'is- able to, be ` about town: -again,_±ho _ not yet wholly recovered Word. has bee%• received in town of the recent death" at Vancouver of Mrs.'' James Bryan for 'many 'years a well known resident -of Lucknow. ° I•Ionors—A, Hgt;ne, •87�;, D. Thome-•' son, 86; 'V. Steward, 82; 1i. 'Solomon,;. 82; L. Borne,' 81; 1*: MacKenzie,, 81; M. Johnston,81. E. Newton,' 81.; I. F. 13amilton, 80, B,, MacKenzee,. 79; -. Armstrong, 7.9,; it 'Parker, 79; J. Mc- Call, Douglas,"77;; C Jewitt, 77;;,r E.: Webster 7.7,,`E Apr press=A.-Melntosh;;.,74'; G ,:Joynt; C lcinlaysoti :72 "E Johfll one -'7U r Don't •forget:ta make,' your income • tax report before the end of April: Looks•=as ` though,• .there. _will be: a big falling of: in ';income tax ' pay rents this year. m :1Vti1rie �'63; W; Harvey, 61; J. Nle-- Millan, 60—missed, one test). Junior 'I'r Honors—R. Ostrander, 7.9 _B •M•e-. Kenzie; X78;, M. Baker, ',7; C. •Hunter,. 76; N::._Taylor; 761 ; M • Fisher, 75; ;G. Sheriff, 75 •Pass F, bster, 74;, A.. Henderson, 734.11. Rit hie;.: Maclntesh, 70:; L," IVfacD'on;ald, 69; G. - by; 65. A. Armstrong, 64 K. MacDonald. POTATOES FOR SALE -=A' quantity of Seed potatoes for': sale Green Mountains: or ,Cobblers, grown fro* certified seed;,,from_;nce' Edward:, all '• Island,;;' 1930. -We still hold 'a sin quantic of No one potatoes. Now is t e time J. W. (Joynt, Lucknow. • (12_2--tf.1 - .. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT ,e 50 acres of at 1, Con. • 14444 -West l4.:W. D.: Ashfield, on< which ':there- -s about '4 acres' of .bush• and fair :d'welling.• house. Farm_ has._'been_ in_i grass for 'a' .number of years, and is Within : IS miles of Lucknow. W. J. Little.'. Get 'the "fe' Buiyr' Long,`.Rtibber Boots. • Reduced" 'prices • at W. J Lit- tile's Shoe Store. , THE.: COLLY ER:—YOUND CASE The quip which- last week heard' the evidence in the . Collyer damage action 'against James Yotingdecided• that the former. was entitled to eigh. OAP teen hiindred'A•dollars andand.e.st;the s of the cont:?t. It' took the jury eight .hours to arrive at• this verdict, arid at that they were ;still divided :ten -to tw.o., I.n an .action: of this sort the agreement of ten is all that' is necessary •All`': the •evidence was in on Thurs'= r day.; and at the opening sof' court on Friday. `rnorn ng Can gbel ;' Granti for.. Young, addressed the jury for -:about an hour. He was.: followed by ThnO Klein for .Collyer, whose address oc- eupied 21/e hours..-=Then__came ,. the Address . by' 'Justice Raney to . the jury, so that it'- was. three. o'clock, Fridayafternoon before: the'jury re- tired. • When it appeared that the• jury, Was likely' to have di culty' in reach- ins a verdict Justice Raney had thein : return .to the court room, to see if they: were in need of further instuc- tions. They required nothing 4 ; and 'went. back. I't.Was between, eleven and twelve o'clock before they were able to report., • ROADS HAVE BEEN B The •'leisurely fashion ;in whic1► . winter has been-oriang-i'ts-'depa'rture Mrs. has given parte .. .: 'chard, are visiting' fofC a 'few days:. .:period of bad' roads. ; •.A.•few° miles.. ith; Mr. and Mrs: J I. Smith, andwest of Lucknow the roads been mend 'going to Toronto on Friday clear of snow , for _some weeks, but t 'with.. relatives there. , ll directions' for a• few miles there' visa n a Ri in to it s • Miss Edna ` Uati►pbell" retucr ed to - arrive been : re'ac'hes. -of . hcavy-snnsv,;:oo i e' en bad for ether Goderach on.. Wednesday�having vis-, •that driving has. b ed for a" few days in town wifh her,`•wheel`s'br.runners"By-the-end-of_thag is '.ter, Mrs: Elliott ,Mil er. (*••-•4"-W 9-- -p.)- 1 _ •. FOR SALE—S C. White Leghorns.' ock iilood rom 'bur s. t c f g. Bab .'Chi Baby • tested • end• under government super-. _vision..iced where you,.' ran afford to •buy. ;tail . May' 1st, 12%c; . after May i t; -10e. each :Place -order- early sup ly> .limited. Hatching eggs, •' $3:00 huadred' -35c pe ' .:'r 15.' Elmer J•.:• ..:.per Parrish,' R. 7; Lucknow ° 'Phone' Dungannon;' 82-21. -- MORTGAGE SALE -OF, FARM Lot No.,19,,.in' the:6th Con. of Kin- loss Township will be offered for 'sale public` auction` at the harness shop of-:-Miirdoch Morrison,,__Lucknow, on Saturday, April lith at 2.30 ; clock P.M.• : TIiere is -on the . farm, a 'frame barn.'•' 40 *40 feet and about five 'acres of standing hardwood tinnier, �� and about three acres of :�iinixed• ttm- , ber.—George' Bell, Ade. t• Mr: Toot, game, • warden, from Lis- 'towel, wad `in `town 't'hsr' week -look-- ing : after trapper's ; licenses, l etc. This -is- the. -'-season for • muskrat and we understand ° that ;quite a number erre beingtaken locally+ WELL. BEING TESTED The ne* waterworks well bas been Subjected ; to' another test' as ,'to , IM ve- a -main roads • shon 1d_ be open4o motor vehlelee. Cars have been getting .through to .Wingham,' and Dungannon `but't! e : going •i►as been bad. . DR. T. A. 11MORRISON PIED SUDDENLY AT REGINA From the Regina Leader -Post we take the' • following account of the; death and funeral of Dr.:'Thomas A. Morrison,- a brother of Mr. Sam Mor- quantity- of 'water the _pasas'c week.. 'If --rison o f the_Boundary est of Luck appears, to be' •quite satisfactory in -'this-respect_ as _since Thursday of - last 'week it has produced' a .steady flow of -over ee}e_]iundred. ',gallons a minute. Final .report as to quality has;, not yet been received, but , all tests so far have• been. very favorable. . MARRIED, OUT WEST • 'MILLER -ROLLER At Maymont, -Sask., Mr. n iiler'•.son . of Mr. and Mrs. S.- R: Miller .of . Fielding, Bask., to Cora : Holler, daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs: 'Geo.. Holler, .of May Mont. The, young couple will make;, their :home at' Fielding. : • DEATH OF MR. HENRY •8'IULLI'N :.• iAe we are preepal'iing to ge to press Wednesday 'A.M., we learn that Mr. Henry Mullin 'of town . died "• about teno'cle ek. ,Mr. Mullin had been . in failing health the past couple of yeaf t, but ,Was . about until a 'w ek agog when his' condition • became mor • der'ioUs. FAMILY 'THEATRE RE-O1ENING now:• -Dr - Thonias:• A. '1VIotrison,, , 61, . pby•- • sician and surgeon to the Royal Can - radian Mounted Police; died at the General Hospital, about . 5 • o'clock Thursday morning,. following ', an ill- ness of ten days. Dr. Morrison had rallied. well about: :three 'days 'ago,. but a relapse Caine Wednesday night:: Dr... Morrison is 'survived by his widow.; one! son, Redge, now studying electrical .'engineering at Bliss Elec..' trical school, Washington, • 'Wt., 'an one daughter, ' Wiini,a, ;at 'home. 1 : ' Dr. Morrison was born in June,: .1869, :at ' .uckriew, Ontario; and went `to schoal'.at.[Kincardine; Ontario; In, 1890 he came to Manitoba andtaught school for,: a time,.„ Iat�er,entering • the medical , school at'. the., University of Manitoba, from ,which he graduated in: 1897. •' , After graduation he married Miss Mina Brown at Holy Trinity Church, Winnipeg, Archbishop Fortinjoie- rating Following tile wedding, Dr. and-M'rs. -'Mor>'dscin' went to- Hollanr, Manitoba, :where Pr. "Morrisen prac-. tined for five years:, Later they went to Belmont, Manitoba, where ' the :family:stayed another five years. • In 1901"Dr.` Morrison and the :fain= ily moved to North Bettleford, •and in. 1008' -he •opposed . A ChtiMpagne` in the Federal election of that year. He the program. formed th lunch which was -for' the bodies began. ,There the Conservative. ticket h` h there was ^abun- heavy undercurrent NEW ; BRANCH. MANAGER Announcement is madeby the Bank of Montreal of the .appointment L. Oberle 'as manager o Of C f its . local 'branch, to succeed. R.M.'' lac,- Pherson; who is taking , over 'Mr. -aberlfs,-Ferrer-post of;,. niariager, of • ':oma ' Mildmay fie Branch. Mr Obe Ie began his banking -ear_ eer-firhiannative town- of Walkertol, iii 19-1- with' the_MMerchants Bank of Canada (now mergered With the Bank •• of Montreal).. Eight :years, later he• was appointed accountant at. Guelph; and since then; with the exception of the years 192.4-26,when he was' as- 'sistant •accountant at Market Square Branch, London, has' served. ' in the same capacity ' at' Kitchener; Dundas Street • and: Roncesvalles Avenue, Tor- onto, `• onto • aiid�wen Sound where he was , located prior .to being appointed Man- ager at Mildmay in1929 Nr. Oberle takes a keen " interest in sporting activities and is • well, knewnin Mi and ay, as..a ; 'former h oc1 ay football tball player. • Ile • now foo .. -*ends his chief recreationin golf and skating., araily Theatre REOPENINGAmu,,"REGINA!.D . DENNNY"' IN, CLEAR• THE' DECKS, With Olive Hasbrouck And Otic HOdien TUB NAMESWRONG''GOT , In our`',account of the funeral of the Rev. J. A. James, our infouriat:ohregavdinig ;th.�, ministers who took part in the service 'in, the church •or at the .grave proved. incorrect. Theyoflock P..doncKLonva Ma y;Re awere,WiiiteBirch:• Burgess,. S E'iiiloss: 'Hix,a' i rd MacKenzie; 'Ripley; :,, i ac-Donald,;Lucknow: iMeCullgiigh• , of Kincardine. • •'►E WERE LUCKY The Family Theatre. (pictur°e show) closed for tbepest month will reopenThursday'`ltight of this week, . andwill continue to give shows. as before if conditions mak' it' worth while. 1 ° _ BIN•GLE' COPIES 5 CENTS TT a Brea , . The Bread: ,. :of He: h ,..: . of Health , UR MOTTO. IS' QUALITY : A..1? SERVICE Hot FOR EASTE, r ErOrder ::. or The Week -End giSpecials �,.. n -. THERAPEUTI;C;.SOLE.NOID. $15:00 • STARTS ° YOU .ON YO`Ult WAY TO HEALTH -'ear guarantee—Madre .In Canada-•=BuY' direct.from. inanity,' ,,.Five Y B,... fecturer- I' o . duties, Corporations, kleavy broadcasting,.' etc You •can't..buy better at any price, Statementsproved. Don't ,be' fooled esults, facts, proof, price, make it expensive &'-unwise• quality, r , to hay--outer-Ghali--ave=uianutactuse -ono rfni results; obtained.. cases of, Rheumatism, `:Arthritis, Stiff joints, Lumbago, Ulcers; y:ia,. iatiea' Neuritis; Kidney trouble;;'Sore back'High:blood pressure .Sc ,Sluggishness, Indigestion'; •Strokes Anaemia, Rundown condition, •SLnggi , trouble and many:other chrornc.conditions -'- :ervousxiess, Olde age s, .N '� informs for Testimoaiials; explanatory literature and .full • "Write for Wewill _gine $50, cash far information ...,._..�...., _ r ..,- , .. .. _ ._._._.. ° that there s better than ave, manufacture;' regardless of price. a 'sand Thur and Tuesday Y Wednesday; , Wedxt da and Y MGn =,-�GIi;GI.. , Y ., s. r-710:45----a.m. • a THE MARMON (. MANUFACTURERS • ' = i :Head office. ,Imperial, Bank . Bldg..171 Yonge .St ,.;Roain:35 Toronto idence of The .Local Agent, For Free Demonstration Call at Iter i . J. CAMERON, .Lucknow • FOURTH CON.; KINLOSS • Ur. and M'rs. Cecil 'Robb were at ..ome to a.'number of their friendsbweek.• one evening,"lsstMr. Dan . Martin' of Whitechurch; visited this eeat Mr R. Martin's. Miss Bes' ie • C been. out o scho'o, with- throat' trouble ria The•last week's of March brought o lie ' Ontario anti- to -'the l:o N rt rn, •fromsiasippi .valley;==all the- way o:Dakota to' Texas, great snow storms,Arora fitting:in January tbah in' March,The'w'eate�'•storm reached the. • ane nitude of a blizzard, and caused fIa number 'of deaths in the: inid Ile "hrestern-- taws. where throughout theiu ..er-like weethkr•winterw months aurin ..,.y,-prevailed.•The sudden change tovera' cold and l v}ling : storm se o' every living ter .yis ,tns4d�ea-The northern storirn• iva,i notthingut brought a' foot ofRevere, b :ft„rash . Snow, with considerable . dri .. Ooutit Oiiterit and 1V1lchigou got 'oft11 ll;tl MIow Sa1I, ochan, who has for same timemarch improved I,ena .Rob nson of.• Wingbaim, visited at her hoin'e last week, on -the acKinnon,. who has been- >Vir: Dari Md to' bed for some nonthsconiineable to be•.up again, We pre glad to'-• report. ,istena Robertson, returned • • ass Ghr. Mto her homein Ripley, after spend " week on the Fourth. ins aMrs. A. Hughes, who has• been 11�has:s endinig'a.few weeks in Guelph,p,returned horiie.ts' the value' of tourists trafie in puCanada ,for1980 at 280 itiiihioii dol)ase.' This is 28 'Million less .than thevalue pf tb. tr f c in umm9. "EUCHRE' AND DA NCE" WAS ENJOYED: BY MANY The "Euchre 'and Dance,'• staged by the--.loc'al' Rebekah lodge .iii. the' 'Town •Hall on Tuesday'evening, was well attended and resulted in a very pleasing .entertainment The early part, of the evening'was spent . in' card ;playing—about l'i25 tables 1 of enthusiasts being• entertained in• that 'way. The prizes were ••won. by Mrs. Jos: Agnew and Sid Trowbridge. A short program -of. music and verse' followed the' card playing. The'nu'in- bers were: Piano' duet by Verna, Stewart and Donalda Thompson, and Jessie MacKenzie. and Winifred Arm- strong: solos by Miss, Amanda Mc- Donald and Alex 1ttcNay::'readings : by Mrs. 'Sherrill and. Miss"Margaret Button: piano Solo by . Miss Norma Treleaven: violin' • solo by Art Me- Cartney. accoinptnied by ,Miss Don- al1da Douglas. The . Sailor's Hornpipe-. danced by 'RachelcDonald closed' Sandwiches, , cake and e. ofw is ; dance, Mr. Wm: 'Davison had charge a v i •c .M cKenzie: . The .L. a. - e Music wTept 'is e by •se ,• e in vs f vontlig g.accompanis , w o present: ' ' DOU LE DROWNINGGODERICH, Two°Young Men Looe Their. LivesSunday morning—Were Lifting AT' , a Fish ;Neta, Willie Mallough,aged 21' years rind Leonard MacDonald„' age' 17 ears were . drowned; in Goderich har- ybor about 8.30 o'clock last Stmday morning.They went out in a 'boat ' to - take fish from a .net; about 209 feet fromthe breakwater wind opposite_... - _thethe mouth of the Maitland River. The water vvas rough and • as they workedat the 'net their 'boat was capsized. The tragedlr was”witnessed by' ErieJenner, 16' years of age. He' was 'afriend of the 'unfortunateyoung men and' . intended. going Out with theme• 'was a few minutes Iate.arriving' 'at the ,harbbor'--a, fact to which he undoubtedly owes hisWhen Jenner arrived, Mallough and, MacDonald%were already Out 'at' the net. Jenner stood ;'and •'watched themand'saw the lioat'go Hazer. He.looked about for. help,.' but there was nobody' about at that early4hour. He then got into •Bert. MaeI•ionalc�t's motor launch acrd went .out,to, the scene of the mis-• ap); but by the time he arrived histwo friends bed goney downin theice-Codd water. They had. both clung for a time, to the overturned . b'oat but could not hang on until Jennerarrived'. . Fenner gave the alarm and• search • Keep *The Date ,Good Friday Evening,April 3rd --open for e.u ran.the :'Pageant`The' Conq g Cross -100 voices, in the Town This pageant is ; a. beautiful spectacle; , thrillingly inspirat-ional, : and' those : w•ho come• to witness ' it.are assured of.asplendid entertainment. RICHARD McKENZIE DIES,AGED i2 'YEARS Was Formerly Manager of McLaugh=, .• ,yi i Motor 'Car'. Coiupany at; Win- •nipeg. • The..fellowing is taken • from the Manitoba Fnes�•°,Press: Rich Mckenzie, 125Maryland. street, one ' of'the• Most highly re. spected business ,men of western Canada, died. Thursday evening, Mar. -19th. Mr; McKensie,.: formerly _Man-,,,gger of 'the McLaughlin Motor Car . company, had been in failing' health for some time .arid his death . was .not unexpected. Born at Langside,• Bruce' county, Ont., in1859; Mr, McKenzie Attended the public 'schools 'there and • was ap- prenticed to the, Cherbla.cksmith and' car- noneeat then specnage trade. At the ,age of twend cat-ranoatasty ando trace of the bodies could be. found ri came d esf; and his whole life sincen ant in t> avetling 'in I:urope' and in on Sunday. 'that:time has been closely identified spd ate courses in Berlin, Parism h ch ornmenceWilliam Mallough vtras a 'son of 1VIr.. i w1• The' ,years, 1010 and 1911 were past graathe dance progr ,h` the west 'Like 'so many youngrdinlaurgh:;Marchled by himgt M•rs: Joseph Mallough a'we11 known* he helped to lrui dLondonandmewiththe Grand+m'.ber1011,the familycacne time a sailor, aixd youiig'Mallo the Canadian Pacific railway In egin, self and! rs. W There area y�,11e 1) MotYisau sapn' hd v rel ob •a fishe>pinantrimountains intro British ColumbiA to Resin , ard adElishebice.ngt..actishix0ur gp. a fl had ug'n men at that : me to two, • •. e Dr. was re anda es 1916 he exin _ ., . I . Mats and their a brothers. at home, Al•• and upon his return g he held • •also survive:: Mrs. Chas. • h and implement, busi- was appointed to the positron, d t h happened to be Two sisters, blacksmith shop, til In. 1^ Regina lie'Medi elected, Robinson of Sarnia,' and Mrs. Ray at his death. , f the Regina Medical As- ' k Oh' 'This Mal- ducted �ucces..f ul y President' Manitou • Man r which he con, Prevost, of Sand'its y; Ohio. the .o ness - s ' l until the •sMc- . _ Ion. lough family. is not ,related to Larighlin company took him soda •rison was granted the rank ; INMM r;Yalloughs of: Lucknow. • to Winnipeg to establish and .organize • , Dr. Moa raiment in the , bee Medical REED—In loving ;Leonard MacDonald was the only, their western department for them, of 'lieu , h passed _ ar 1914, became Cap' dear little son, son'of: Mr. Bert MacDonald, of Gone- This prernotion. came to ruin in 1899.; eb iu Y, in February; .. Corp ur eori '7 a ed 7 high-school school ;studs„ _ lr 192 g' �trrkin bharacteristics,. rain' in 19X5'; • and wa amid surgeon rich and was si h g The most g was: made assist- Evelyn • MacDonald is at • ` life of Mr• Mcitenzie were ill's . , the •sanl8.�e+�•r, •and w A sister.y of the 'Officer .• the''.68th Bat- the father. Mr. MacDoiial'd ' ' integrity and his, great ant medical i ,il home with escape In/Standing oars c tved until Match; t' dose p II m 1 y talion, -which he t ottt- hadh 'morning.. l'a1f whet•i�i'1e i•c�coived n1S pp cast from ro bat rig up t' • ORIAM . -memory of our Harold,w .o . AY/air April -6t -° r'• • . "oves, cin four years Imve Time • m ., a passed tothe time of 'his retirement Since ce death its' gloom,,, its shadows • -. ed - ome • where all 'serer Within our h , froth 'us our shining light.. A'nd' took We miss that light andever milli. For Harol'dte place ere i e e -8�-ea But al is We himself a s'oniewha c kindness of heart, is e' p d rvniny� doring the m ht in. his own motor °' illness a few months ago, Ile •went out in , Ire had through. r out gave him'repeated - and .material e.-- was .carried esteem and un- I' engine . troub{e and barn" pressiolts' of .their before e business never doubted, iris worth.. lent to the position of rhyrsieia'n and 'r► err surge ami:ner' for the :St. a lecturer and ex , c.M.� He h5ati be scene of the drown g ' on'for the It bright, to the Jelin Ambulance Association since 4• S.. i Assistant Commi'ssion'er' C*.. fill, 'ands. at the n ii�t g s _ ani ose c y :i u T r rotL did hyo .:M :ice•• vtr' t' � o f 1t:C done Th h r will a considerable distance nit!. there s alone can bounded confidence; his. associates in ,. tescued'. 1931, In the, heath of Mr. 1B'1,cIenzie: one , rbuilders 'ua obi y 1 e 'ora 'h � n ti t er a on e . .m + ran , � •st set i erf he p . m The o ,. ' un�'a Beginning on ors lad. aijd cotio ceur Mita the of western Canada Cies -gone Regina 'Bni,i 1 -Well that s Y 11 not o ressed,deep•re Thursday morning' exp re- gret at the death of Dr. Morrison. '(Coutintied oil Page 4) it " 'on a Saturday, wo !age 4) e by another • Father, ins Coattinued on $ Sadly miss d � again ural .194. 4 • gistgre and bretllegfits : f "" k ° '.d 8 •