HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-03-26, Page 6, . • r , , , , . Ath.flitliO., LI. $tiotro. .,S90,,0tie Tests, , - .. T}LTJjE ui 4 = . 141‘• • Prove.SicceSS( •• 1 I ON • r'OPt '':1•511.010f$ g49,119fgr •' kk A • ,.0,: :Low .Landiug, SOO, _ t" , ., Teat 'Itighte 'o.t the' neve`e.Handleer.;','„, e. ze.--ets • OD, 'Which spired', the heart ef : that': Secoet -0Pperthh1tye and le • ehe, Tees . . ' his fethe•r'S preeeeettelee..„.ter' oite, 'et Pelee' . ele. Regeler .Trecipe •and'..eetery 7 • Caeitte's. eepeditionee-er the N.ereee poesible....aselitance Is given, to them • Boy, .settierg' • forth:IOri...the first: ', voy. to. enable ':,thent ', te, „obtain :the, Mixt- : leg A fOr . 'if P .. fliii great. ••raCe in • the ereitnee therehliVe. 'Wens • .Orgaeleed 11W :$0the the echo •-ef thate.deetre . ,, , e ' Stone" .Age • 'hot," •makinge. big ftrst ' viisee,of Oaterio. elime there are' DPW :•speaeHof ethee';•Geeeian;', %ale : eraire ' • • abeete.-„,250... Lone Setiota. 'Vb. I'.411, ' Mena -of elle Remelt BOy.'; wa1i.fag as nettelY, lee."' IS Doesible 'tfIl.'eorees,- • three ,wotdel' Down.through .the•.1),g, ..i.b . e . . • • • . . . . . •., • , , . are ttique. 'advantage of: -this ' tome . e .......... , 1 laege numboreof boys elm . • „ .... e, . , , eee'' ,2,:egiNieg 1 • e.leeti .-.i,,qii:::.::". .4. seek 7l;;;.I.ili;i:We•-••'••••,.e•ei•es:., ••••• ee•••. :4.,„::, ::•• ' 41P.I'' '''' ''''''.;;.....'',..i..1:',:':::.;....l.ii:;:..:*.:1!!!!•:•::.•eisei. ,ie: ...we. eve:Pee:se." .• ... ways ler Alto 'operettione of European • , freight. " A.Ceeedtrag to the tests., ..lt . ie said, .tfieSe planeS, eigitif pe. Which - " ..e...„... tbirty:eight .easseugeye •in 'two large • . , • be fitted with a'oponinte..dationa fer , seigeearifill. 'I'lle, bielatie is huilt .t0'. .., cabina esnd. with holds' fcer email' end -. , .. haVe been ordered, 'bi • Imperial. .Air.. -7 line's' and •ef trunk ,airwaYe te Milli' emical .in. operetiOn. ; TentatiVe cal- • . aud South- Attlee,. will. proie .e.con- . nt ,ef ..Commeree 4. , - • • • , . -....-k--• ,04. im.i. 't., ..01.", ''., Pft,ge , typeeete alirpletie _foe. Imperial • . ,,, Tti/ig' . .. 1, .',7" Sii, 4,,,,,,,, • '-----,"77-,---- • .,,,, ,,., Ahnkaya COlihltptecl at Radiet airport, • • Ir.. ........„..co' ,.,..:4., lt .1 • ' ---• 4.. ,• tlrfttific.:irdptiihetitirdeAuE:IgIA.10, are rci?thied. : .!'.e.e. Leine , .,col4" - l'Arb.:xt:t ..., ,Er.'SVOrMil.; ,:eiwally, good ateading as, a. ,teterreffee . • • • eee . re . .9.1' peewee° •.,le, 'ecesseepe, ee "ise `01'ne 0 -•!the •Iiineat Titeep la: qaMil.%.,. ., ...* , ..Itt 'panicle at the presa$ 'iril.e.. --,,,,,,440..,,,,:,:,..444faiatt' ..age. eof •., 7aelventetieeeet w • the • flage,"•lenitT beeefit&. f rem. theIe '. Seatit Tro, .. . , , . '..e0ations Wow • oast of . Maintenance, ' . , . •„ . . • , - , • - • - the; flest'.•tinee .:fetliteg7tetit'f'd,ff he -6,,..x14010•0M.11,,,pilt-at.10.01:-..-.00:01004,1*: ito.. 4....,,,, mt. %:*: .,..., , 1AI e Oohed', 4.0 the highest POInt • !of liee:Seife_de-Of '.. "the, YOU,' i"ee'llinteist: ;-e! rant!". Jenne ...e$VPF:TroVIIS: -:. Erct`Ine" ' iii'ggtiO 4 4-7"---4,464-01Ataw,.in ea utie i • 2n. :feet .'_felo Perigee. '' ••••' . "e; • -•••`• • . . . " e --41jeelelingeineetheiteniseter..0041ii.K night. . grerenfe. ,, ,,,, .., • • .; ,, ... e., • ...; , •ae• a few Peobe per mile fele each pa • - - ; sell :or his ••,tiew Hareeland-Arra any 'where;.°07OYineet, 'each . eveth iv's', own, :. •••:1%, v V'i .;'' 0.M4 -e-the tipper., plane: ' .The ' le0i firOM ' ' 7 ',• heet .. Beys' • .Orgarimetectneehree the-alidteleirlOtniPel One-ofAttp.iy.;nel^t• ets '„ ..,e, The -s eight the .. plane tille - . •• the LONE. SCOU'I`te , 7 "jo. • • .. , eeSceutehnster;. whet ; le AR' cettatiett. ... e .. , se e ;epee "."..4 tail lee '"8-5'ek eteete' eiiile.fhe ••' • ....And iviipit is, a Leine rout?: . „We Urea!, 'iVith-"the ''Loiiies"'. nader , his , • • . ., . , • .1 • , 4 r •epeu, of the•"ep.per ••plane. ise final. to . "'; ..i., .. ' • all know • evhat-i ,',Boy, •S -Ont Ise . . We. ,charge, :Mid. in trimly.' geuters ' a sinail .• the aggregate limit let dr: likIlt air . :know'. that Boy Scouts belcalg . to, the groin) , of • boys heye' fOirie,de:oe Petrel.: .pitioese' . .' • , • :. ,., • • ... , • .' .: werld,' thet they .! are ••bietineriegeteter Petrol!, •Letidere 'a:nd. apt :. Worle, to- , le eye,. ..-.-7!". '•''''''' ' laden,' is 28,50 Pounds in the -*est.: e.e...e.e..e.,..:,..7„.e.. e „elg% ,..44,,,•., eee.... •ekese e ..ser..e.eaie7 eeeeleee-eee. • :.* .r 4 ...4 ••••:* f• ,11,.. • ...... . . . N e al* . P.O0 ; 0"1:: shores: jilog• Xeve gagland 'coastline. . Hero Ave see Reveve.-BeaCh, *ass.° • • eee. West -- "pective..•of claeeetongu- tree& oie :end' itPerilieS.Beeut , 'Ladder : at Proffee . ern- tYPe.• hae space.'for eiglitePessengees. and es 'intended fee • , ebeothera.' 'in One fraternitYieirres . gether eaoh Other •e along tie* therethey, meet • • - • 'use •the Europeae ronteseliand . • togethet freciuently TrOO.pli utid,er ,Couree:, everybody krifein that .2'54 ,Peends. in di'As, Ea.Stei4h.. .tereie, Seentrnasterie reatee Many -Useful' :The goy soolits .ASSOCIliti011 • is nen- things, bave tote.. ef .fttle-ahd,indeaVer 'intlitarer Ihterdetionfiriatieineell Of 'tO -help „other peon'Ict.7.-sr enever posse -there is teem for every eetishhicieled Which has, the paSsenget aceoritnio• datiens cut to „Make room' fer addl. of 8 an - - star d ha his aken. In n t se lone of the Kin 'lie .n tionpl. Mail and .baggege. 'Bible. We know that in their•Seout- boy betWeen the ages 12 a' d s 0 not only the MOS I g' a ada' Takes. - • Pertorninece 'Varies with the ..,3seereelet elaelth, nod YPti Windsore._lie.inee mother' Sons' but •aleo is .the only. Married on: . • • ,, ant weights of the tiro .types •and . te 'D -Of •••• ' . eeeieg' wiedo..the hi,eb§,ePit.tdr: AeOut Dep,ertment, ------------------------------------------------ Scohts ' As „. 'Bet -Street. r• • ' ilie diitiodtion og beihg the raOst .v.- tee tale prieceesee. iliertbetle and., _our lace . _ , .re.dial jullitet'490-borsetiower engines ' Iri British Ttade:'-e.6n1-*"c1. With four eeetrieled yal Yacht Squadron at .CoW. tiseoleo-dere,. e cording tO the kind of pokeer units • 't knw are ebout t e •nieve of filo sock" Clete, which eltares with 71-Iic' inafft:e.d eeLe-dyeeEliz,abeth -Boweler. And• neanY Yeark ago; in: ..eThe oe .4 the World ordained that, ,vvhere ie socialicin, 330, • • clemye club en the, world. He is otte• l'ilargaret, ere among„.the mOst poem-. • • • • ,1" 1 t 95 - h ie p crutsge , m es, an ger impessnete„for a hey `ici become a 2,..,telling them ,why you, icaneot of; Edinburgh' and Glasgoir. line et suceession pasees ihrOltgle•the'.- • • A.• B' • and attains a top epeed •of 1120 1111leS Jo • of the feW men living. ishO eon:thine the kir of *Rig. royalties. The present.' • ' . • member . blzed -Ti•ooT) of a regular Treep ScontSyeand. theY feeecioel -Uommion pidyances • is /Deli 'Steward Of King's 'prince. of Wales indthe:Dak.e.ot York .au hoer, . it is.• said. ' Rate' of oihnie Scoe s, e pertichlers of tee at sea. level is " 6/,i • feet, :a • •Miatite.., Th'e'Dake is th • • I ci e comp e e pro net 'daughters.; the Kin .s Second son and 'thence • through' the" Dili re of Ye& s an t re sere ,e-eilitie Iset2e150--fee.t... Which .herlev.es., heCanaa of sone yen., can . b.ecbrne, a Lone Scott eLYnn. physicalehandicap, that boY, Eclitoe of this. pa•petebtas v,ery, I. • Place: For 1 930,, Accord- . ing to , tatement, Issued Recently '. The eeplaceinenteof these „engine:1; • •be .,daaied . .olo peeeteeeS, the ,kiedle placed this seace, at, he ,i of. Eton, the huesale atld nolo.e the beet Stands therefore no dousiderable dis- • heie inforaia-. • ee , • by few 55.5horsepoWer. Jupiter ... afl trai in' and'tli -fun of .Scrtingi. but , posit), of the Lone.. Secnits, and Week • • . ill lnd lhorseman •emong the. King's sons, one tanee from' the thione As result ; Ottawa-Clinade. „Was Great .Bt.I- eiee%•eqtapeee . :With superchargeee •" that, '.he. nerrnitte •th. everk ,'by week • you • w • . of the- meet ,P,Opular dinnee eueets of • he MO carriedscmt• mere rbyel:'duties . teen's ,fourtb best custemer in leg): is eel to iiicre:ise the eruising speed' own itatlitiVertese4 Teene-Seent the other Lewes " ' Canadi are do.: I 'who hai. not' onl .sho his aelvtureed one place ]train the by ten tiles in hour, raising the ' out, the Scent erogramma throtIgh,hie d a s ortsman the Lontlar Season, an , p than any ether of the brothers 'except-, 'having '1 hinte and hews, og, what t °whitens ing the, Prince of Wales, hit:itself.' ,•Atf previous yeat. it was announced re- maximum ppeed. toe.129.5 tulles 'and . e • goioeu'',op.p.ortfinity ia at* Mg, so we, hope th0T-Yerti.. Tear -10k but s also eaten them . It waa in , , , , for:the bOYS' irho; 'eon • farina, and foe- regtilerlyeame• that • „ • .. 't '11 bell Tanganyika ineNavernbere-.192$3.ethat ii171922, tire Setbian royal wedding in cm--TfirEe ". e ep t "te 'end filo eattrectle-clintle-eat, see tc tomeneree•after a veporthe.d: been re- 828 feet a 'minute. • ." tendance at the Itutnaniau cor It ' Next week infertile Ion wi „„ , e watehedehis carVed. • att • Put 1823, 'and the more • le etit, ItatianYand • . celved • tram the British Boaect.Of ..Theeplaste ie deeigned to py level • , .111--eMall-villagee where. there r . atifflOjent lneys,s, to •fterne Trcinp,, Or • mi011ened concm-ning-theettereivet• where the ne,areticreer-geFf-rreede•-Tedals -theeealreadyee.,est011sked , Lone teur • is ;Many miles aw,ayi " These boys group's scatteted • all eyer • Ontario. . • can • Still become ' Scents, "and in • .;;r*. „ . , ' :"LOIelE E." . • over •the gri ., • sa orweg oyaie-w-eddiogs.'--haeee-eelleeekes----eptre, lefeh free Stetteee4ieseseete-er,000 feet eeneetleee'epeo'weLeTeetety • ehoeje-at iirst---eciene.whet aneasibe fallen -to him,_aniLate one tittle, there Willa -aka France took the first three three 'engines. '. ;The landing speed than tbe beet veat he had ever tasted. Africa ai Governer...General. • ,orcler 'was Australia, a safete factor of the lege aircraft -.but eventually 'pronouncing it better was talk of , ,Seeding him: ..te. South •piacee ;as Geeat • Britaites best eta- J2,f,, 50 .:miles per .11ou,r is Advaaeed as 7 He is Also the best erioketee in the :He went through the Battle of jut, United, States, Germany. the Irish Free Outlook has been largely restricted' tol york is hot ten behind MinGo • ,et that Canada' pur- Nei4 Planet .Celebrates-- . . • I euirelin a lifetime and Prince•GeorgePal, 'rue' pettily, althoughtile, Duke of .. land 'in tbe Collingivoce4 likeePrince State and Canada. . . . orge, he , ems. nt end etl f et. a sa.ilor Despite the fa 1•1•W'Y'"erfilith'iti ecertirto.ii. "TheY• flY.t°Ka'afer'r Ot, Gleilceseer that be . gees with the , • It's First Birthday .. •it is hardly.lese eypical, of the Duke Prince.; . WS:, navy career; 'however,' chased less goods from .Geeat 'Britain the navy and its. set Yet the two have ' ' • . . • h „nt to ether thor, are Seen at lerince..of Wales to ilie • amine.' 'diuner .W.S.,setotshnrI be' a'serietta Mnese, and in '1920 thai.in 1921e. the :volume was • ' - t , ' he went from the navy into theee.eie.",....conpidelecehle ettottelt _to 'permit. her to Flagstaff.; Ariz.eeThe new planet, - • , Britain's Printes. Are Kept ' of the Farmers 'Union iu thb. old Like the' PrilICe :Of :Wales, ;house pert:tee thgether, they havebsum. Prince Cd 1 Exchange at Melton Mewbray. TehoeTe. ! • . His ,Brothers AlSo Have P a ' ivi.ed tcgethey en. the „Mee's, \Canachan reach. The Dulre.1 •are;the farmers...Whose:. devotion t.6 the: Host of Forn1at buries i 4101 c4ater likes horses bettee t ...- • 1 . -1111111 S port makes the- Melton lgo-whray ainktanee; 'and :the' Duke of york,. al- country the best hunting etrantry in to Keep Them Well ` 'foree'.to•earn his wings as a ,pilot. Ire' displace •Othee couieries in the trade platoehedite first birthday on Merei he Used te built e goad:deal, but he'hi showed that Canada. 5.39 per .13t1i. • . , ' . . , • • , • : On ,March. 13; one year etgie,-illscOv: is. not the best .of horsemen; ,elth.ough etanding,. The. Boaed at Treele''ePort e 'good 'tame and he brought .'home ails cent., ot 'Great Britain's • total exports ery of,."Plaitet. jr Was aeboutic'ed af , the LowelleObeervatory :•bere. ' .• I ' reesiee bag of lion pelts arid" but. , tuLle30, ancV 5.05. per ceete•-in'1929.' • . ._ , • . With this. ,auhtversaree one • of the, - .. ' azin stories of science Genies tc • • Employed • though he- earned his .1.4.ringS befere.h,e, i.the World. 'The meeu at their dienere • Tall) heads. from 'Kenya • in. 1:925..." Hee•Purchase et. British goods- by Lillie • maeried; elbe's .not •Care'lim.ch fer has not as good an eye as his father, ••Statese•fell. front' 5.75. per cent,. en 1929 f is alwaYs • a:' sottud menue- lemellem-The visit ofetheeleflece Of ing now. thateheehaiea • wife and two i•naet 'muiton' red. currant jelly Mash- . • bnt. thee.l.eing ie. ens of thelielf-dozen to• 615 per cent. it year: 'light..., le is the recors1 of •a • Cruel ,. Wales' to South America in ceinpartee denghters.' Bet the Pririete: of eee 'n'otatoes-and Biu -els sniall spionts;hillOver • rri, i.The d, best amateur ehots in the ebuntrY. 1 ' Included. ht. the Board of Trade re,. ,etlyeetike-ev-hi fate hencied_._to Dr„ Per. ' The Duke of "York plays tennis left- "pine were efiguyes for SoVtei. i.iessre,,, deal •Lowell: the •A,,stronerner • who. eel- .. evitiC-1114-yeatigest isrethee; Brine* ..,e•Veles ..'necr,:erince George' are...both ' • dr eei i• 'vaYs•e•teleci dintie ' clothes• 'George, calls attention .0 the fad pilots who •can handle their osvn me- handed, .swinie: well',and ••pla.yi better ,:They. showed •'that in 1919,', Gida.t,' si :". ...Legated Piutoes -exiSeetee and •foretold. • ' that thera,"are four 'brethers iii the ehinee, who in. feet learned tying, iii...1.01;ell twee& • .. , leagier toegi•r;••sl reedv-tiblideA•t• Pc• °Tr Ls.' thaa'aYerage priehet. . ', .. .! tain. impotted efrom . Bessie , goods' •its • pOsition in. the heavens. • - ,, ••••." * Teeal family"; coonnonte Clair Pride le the same Blue Meth ...bus. • They are t , Prince off eVal6e; unless he hapiepsene two ' Lowell died, in 1..p1;6, a prophet with .. •the N.Y.' Thrtei hiagaziee. The .King's . both motoeists who. can talk eagines.1; be ebeOed,' Is • elways in. the old 'oak"; : 3it his interest itt CIVIC'S. lieu:singe.. week- . It heis beget. known.. 1)3'. reasell of Valued, ae Appt.oximetely $111,00,(4000, ' which rePreeeuted.3.42.per'eentiof the dreatii•enentilllett Yet even ebert , the ' • • • y'otinger tions, the Duke of .Yqtr, •the aud Speed's and coachwork * to their 1 emeeele ' the head, of the table 'And welfaite. 'and 'the:relations betw.eeri ..eountry's .totai foreign part:Mises, The Proot• ot Pinto's- 'ffelstence, .photbs , Duke of Gloucester and PrinCe George, hearts! content. „ ' • i•des•pite the •"islo..Smoking" nOtices on : ;ors. , e . cort espotaling.per cetitage in 1929 was taken 'in Lowell:$.01.11 olism•vetory; lay ' ; _ : are Inethe Somewhat anomalone POst- 1. Both lance, nalthough• the Prince of the,w,alls'i the pert ie alwdys followed i shelled • at Teinity, Catebridge, wheee 2.25.. On elle other. lip tad, Raesia's •pee unionized cluring. the last year of, ',capital and labor,"Sultjects' whiole. he. . dee tif,all y.ounger sons of royfy, bue ; Woes. .ie perhaps' the fender *of elene. t;by:"Gentlemett, yoti may stiolte." '''' , c,entagee.:ef Great Britain's total ex-, :his. life' end for 14 . years thereafter: 7, • • ' • • - II • . more 1 ' Haeing entirel,y shaken. off his nee, be lived with the Duke of Gloucester. . . . • - po--------e sect frolu 0.54 to 1.27. or Theseedaste photo:$ .were ideatified, • feriae! &Mei that *devolve upon them, . e • . • ., figures. indieating 'the yrilne of: the eic- ..enl'th• i." year 250 earthly years ' lame . Fra nce . • . . . , • • clearcut' vetsonalities . the Varlousl esiender aud itot so restlessly on, the vonsoess befoee an audience, the Duke 1, neyertheless they beine. c • • ing. • Pi Ince ern „ , , . 1 te • is not, • a vety good e. s g from approximately e18,700,000 to seeti„ ; . Piste. is now. estahlished as the move., but he is easily the e. • 40 000.1. she deelares: ' • • • M the rekta family when he wants to! speaker. ThetoaSt cit. the mi1 family '. . , • Board of- Trade 'report gives . ninth planet/its' size about that of the The Duke Of York, who; is • mow" 35, tihe. In .1 I • It •e ' • 1 t' R I A 1 •' Mounted Poll& of gni 0, ie a dance .con tie ya -cat emy s annual (Un-.; IS:the only married .man among, them! petition at Cannes a yeer Or:two. ago.• -------------- % falls to . him, a•ad so .110.1ellear Lig.hts atNight. port of' •Great. produce and. ite nines end weight anywhere from -Traffic LiPhts ••• 4• !wobability. cavalreniele . will in thts bests, Cantata. wese'brestelleepesi--Sehoot • refereed -the only ene of tlie ram . forms on le • d itkelele in pie;•` ances .at levees and• Mete , I Miss. price. Prince -Ceerge. who hi Prince aeorge .e good pienist Pro- of dinners at which h.o. display:4. reyel- --and the twist eeritius of them all. The I prince George's .triusteal testes are do presiclendes of showy.] BrtUiins • Paris . -French mounted police muinfactured good per head of,Popie • 15. per cent.. les -s than earth's.. Dake OloeceOter, isStrie" a '_zo.riatiingg• of charitable institutions in 7 tire. highways."..*.*aight.;. 'and in viation of elie; importing eountry.' .I.Tpon '''. ----*--71,-;--"'"'• . ' •'' '''tillest, the /nest athletic, and.the most 1 brother's. The Prince of „Wales, pep :Atte lielst nd-Of London ..Iinit ITiter-ii-1-1-44de ----' - opt. on. their hacks'Irish Free St, ie. Av•stenlia. ;Noma. t there . from teeter_ ati.c.i.Denn.eirki 4:_____ . ., : Otto waf-eA traffic light operated by.. either,'" teachers to 'bring 'vehicles to a for his height, his reeemblatice to. his I knows everybody ee . • . . • .. . _ j_ . 1 • • • • .... 1 . - equipped7 with -reflect- time precededil by 'NeW Zealandt the , who looks as old, its be ------------ s •feteece te, any other instrument, buti Sates involve ----------------- .tie -fat - (I1Ufli • „ale to b. ists, t* be ' tensele interested iu the conversation . 1 i. i order, to 1'0 1001($ most like the King:" Exeepting \titled:he' is at. a bouee party where be tY's! own girt for appearine, to be in- . • •••-•1, • Suggested at (.31taw.a, • • i 111ft eebile childien, theW. classes flit- , i - ' fethet. ie•alinost etartling.' • - . . I very. fond., Of the. ReStien ballet tied: of dowegerse Geheyals., And . t telestuen.,1-1,0n, acto'ss • the 'back of . the Sam Dear !eke 'Lady: "feeptitin. Wetild .i. hed, troop . acmes. streets •111 est:14ft). .. Please help ,ine . that tny . state- • e • (lectors •Wili be inserted in a • . Prince Geot.ge.' went 'to the 'battle. eollid be found. le a •flOot-row stall i He is a.' good denc:ee. 1 le ilcs•fi I'll.° Brown belt er. else inserted in • a tri:'..)•nn is a suegeStion. laid before the 04awa • • gotten tali rpome•ee. Ceptain; ''Haye yen. 'for. view. traffic commiteee. • . %ship Iron ,Duke • in 1921 Al4 a' thiclehip,1'nighl 911or night whenever , the Rue- . Movies: he smule.' -,.:,!):::-.1. ce....••- ... 7 . 1 . ' ' ' engle piece of leather attaehed to whet nettle:et.. .1c it4. atadataT 1 . Mail. with the ietentleh �f ,beconiing shies. vi•Iteri 'London .. .. , . 1 hunters; bet' aever Wider' any i•ircum- • the back of the o\ collar. 'These 7 . "Yes. but I'll know: 11 11I. e keel( taflic ,eienal It Old(' 1),C. . . . a -bettor prince- efe got on well in the L As his rooros in Bockinghtim Palttee 1 stanc" obliges thent... 4, r of York; Who hae not fig- - ' ivili catch thelight •from autontobilesi" '."- .0- L.:.. • see it again thet.e was a light.heese teacher.' -Classes, mit, 'the light :Would oPerated .from withhe.the:sehool by s . r neve, taking • hie navigation, •gonnery; attest,' he has a .good eye 4k:color and t • • .. . " 'find torpedo certifientee and acquirleg is toed of picture.4, both movie:and I tired nince in the news 'since the bieth ee ,1,e,i,...51er iagt.. y(„) 1,. 1, to be see!? .a t a distanee, ' .1. . • fish a halting 'signal ta. vehiculat- . traffic. until the. licitneward-bent child' . ' The butt hetidlighte' runt enable the horeernen . - just outside the 'wlieloW„'“ . enough lerepeli to beeonteettir intet•pee- *Olieeteetelor. :II 3 has:a wide .acitutiete ' 417 *I.'. ..--, P" i , • • refilled .seterried .across the:1/119Y thor ' * .. I e. „. ougliffire. • • • . ter, iti the Atlaintc fleet. His progress ance among theatto people in London, e• - .f! ' • .... eeese,,e.e. ' .f.”.. ' . •-•••—*---'7••,"7,-2-'•* -- 7 - -- ......_ • • . '-.. . -,,,....6............. . was net eine tO his royal status; for pea he carr Make a fair speech. when, -----. .., ., . .''. e princes eraptically Tiete4e to, be' princes he has to, although at the, age of 28 . ween they enter the. navy. The navy , he obviate:11y does not enjoy Speech., .' , niektianted him -15. 0:" rind apparent- making. No.. roily is hp e modest. .but lyliked him. - , • • • • ' ' • he has hardly yet* einerged from the But his fro. nide wee' eeasiekness, and shyneee which tteed to. afflict. all the . .. .eventually it proved to -be clue' to. aI, brothers. • ; . • .. • eonstituiten.al irbakness whieh still 1.- 1-le.,is the Mily (Me of the four who 1 . obligee 11 int to limit himself • to the : has • eyer been .roblied,.. • His car was , . siinplest and plaittest, cif foods eatett etolen In the street one night, bet was gparingly. 8.mp1:to:less* is by no, tneana rettiened utulamAgell a row days later. . ;f:. 1 it qvely a le nd I ubliet'S ailment; f. it -prettied :, sees 'etolen. in ignorane0 of i • Arrmirale , i.IN i'veira's efenetetle suffer ' its oweetee identity; for it IS hil ith-.1 1 from. 11,end -the • King himself en" MN Writtffi laW in. England Mae .rnernbers 1 - reapet..t liey never eeefi it ialilor. el: the i•oya! femily are exempt frefe :Tritior "George .wa.:5' Mi. the 'china sta. robbery:: .. .7,, • • ,. ' ' e • e tine when tie was conereelled by merit -1 -. thre\ P11,01.0 01, Wales saw • mateli of I, - cal .felvtee to' give 'tip the neVy awe,- Shutt' America on a prione% vie% I come home. " He we fa t ben posted le .. but. tett it -the present Ulm' everything ! e reief0t• 2 a ry cfe • beloeePariama wee tieW 10 4.C1fIC thfet.fla , , , haver whit that'atqrl. • ' ,, .' ' 1 . the,thric.! of tilfirrh'e,,iser, the. 'Kin'd .. .her, bet his weeknese has •Ieneed George.. . . Meet, shire Ptinece'reeoge returned ;.third• eon, .eho •ie ts eavalry ()diver In l . • from -China the Metier of Wale4 has i. the tenth !trireme:reefed is making the 1 taken ate eepecial inteeeo, lit hire. The 1 army. hie eatee4. hee r:00eIttly retnrnecti ' two brotherss went 'to Spain tn Mee.' ercen Abyssiefe, where hie eepresented i and they are :now 15 Smith Ahro'rica 1 . the Kitty At the l'Imrietoret•-cermatien. together. T ii:le,i f, e,anirm tin n gh 1 P . Re 61146 .1-1' PreSCIT ( ell f he King fej. protarit.tt by the tatterel tr.nderne 4 ',.4 iyrWNIrline of leteeese A'st fed ,of §sitedpa,. ' an eide4, „hrot,hor for a ,youneer who." fa Prince fJeopoid of lielittniti, and hag! • :has 1.Tasi a a6•0im or had btee, 11-814 pfoie. ft therefere hopp 1:0 rtql,trilto: WS 00.1'0 ,,0 ably,. 'Jaen.- forthoro by the Net that : in the Stete evente Owned fel wheel • the thit4 rot Yotk hos a f a Mlle 'of his t ble King's sons 'elle' n ton ill y if n On i fee i 010-a4o leek after eled ...,_tiee beke •ei_efell' hiTTI: IV' is ii friTlh.fiet of who' Pility i • Montest6 •hagi•.'atways been seffeeifee ,petrotartWilV.h. enfeys . - Wriest. - l' , I eetretifety aneat •bitt. Arpis, formai I. . The•Petnee of %calve liasherowded A eeb tone.% .1 le bi a Knight cft' fee (les.' • gielater Variety of teeperietilel bite. his : tor,- 15" 'Oldet and most iiluktron4 or- i OA. -at tAto 'than Most menac-i.de.r ef haightilood it'arcotefe, es5tsting„' M..... ' 4.. . e • • .. r; $ f4 A t, eg.1 -41( (.1', • versIth • ' 1' e • • • •- British. Army Officers' Pay TO Be Reduced -3 Per Cent London.-ReductiOn ia Pay -for arinS, ,.affleers .ennounced by the Ministre rof•Wae, effeettee Julyl and amounting to 8 -per. cent.' The, rednetion is to he In force ter two Years.. Under tl* new scale Second lieutenants Will receive, ,$2. 45- da captains $5:25 knee majora • ' • • , , rednetiopewill be put NU foece for these on half and reth•ed•I•e" • , . it:Kee-ell as militia and •tetritorial, 6; eheezee., •-• A • fir ...Japanese Sc ,00l ildren . :Larger Than 30 Years Ago T0100.--JAPaeleee, sebo.ol, children • toeble- are 'taller anditeavier .than Cie ty.outeeste'rs of, titirty ypars 1". 7,0 . • A vel- ' nee figurs o eirn the Tokie hitheicipal ledecatien , Buren 0. show that te•t• • web hAs been 'Reined in height 'and tie:a ply pmftds weleet .11e hoes. feel gi,r welve f,..e;fee 'old, _, • . . z • L.. Years Vorter to Kul En0aod---Wit . 1iam ho rbyet Pater, has jest retired 'II sevetty-two' at la.le trafle. ••:irtifig 1.1,1 th •tre " --Therieseite-hVetereelireteodeforcler-teithewe-ee-e"- ------- P r DO 54 4411 LI Ti'Ci vis for roeal. gar. (ionsof Queett• Victoria, Klee. Ed wail and Mug George. .." etenreelele