HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-03-26, Page 5• ' , 4,',‘.1,-;; • •1,: • o• ' to.• . 41, 4; , • TOR litcHNOVt SNINEt4;, iltlYRSDAY, RAVII t¼ 1o1• • • , . . • 4 !Wm/AN l'oDQ951NO: CAMPO.7. • . • ' • GOO :AND HAD I haven't heardOf a 4400 PuttiP,k,4 '•,•t '• •n eapeelallY keWirreclge an his pet aXe0 shaving olT ids beard. for a • Sand many 'Yearn. In lac, ny 31Y years" accnutintance with the*oods I never SAw suchya*ualt cl4pe“ Yet that • Pert. Of the public which ithaiirbs its "knowledge" from 'reading fiction „atOrie*.: atillitas „the idea, that„100$.F.P, are. 'great Utieolith intheelle,S,'' fellows • • :' • ' given to Bitch erode barberipg, it evert •:,;•• .1., ,; • , they ,shave at all. -Thts publie also • ' believeathat loggers. wear red weol- .„ • len.nnclerwear,'gaudy-„Mackina*s. and do little :eXge14,.'dfink liquor entd, atanIF 'oat. each.: Other's eyes ;Rh : . , •eatillted boots. " • • . July • spent, a' few ,days in.;a 'ging cavil). in Pie. taelfie•• t It was an average 061.1Pr •no '• and -Posalbly *lightly' Setter,. alythagefierstl--runeentipain-thie-',--• -seet4on 1n-the-i°44issai7,-Of th cainp T Sew a good •Eihp1)13i: -.! • , talcum POWder;".liair grease, finnitein • ' pencViind, soda •pop ,and what is to be Said about a fine and well patronized Aerinis-courciri. a logging campt. Then- • there isn't a camp.'in the Haeific, Northwest that: !taint good shower. ',baths. They are used, toe. . • • is true thatthe legging.indaitiy• other parts Of the country has not , kept up the pace set by .the Pa- cific Northwest. Only tea years ago, • 1 worii:ed in a New Hampshire Camp., The 'crew lived in one •lerge 'rooin ch known as, the *ream. A.fidrulred or no ' mora,Meri'. Slept. jiiiinied together iniro . • "What ,axe- 'known:a! muzzle -loading ,co • •' called because they weiret- th •entered...04,er the foot, or ntugzie..Th.e. • hunks weretAidabla.deettera and_were hit • made of 'poles, With leiteastraw •for in •A mattress, and With. .huge and dirty, ne sougans for Icovers ,'' . • The. cookhouse or combined kitchen is , • • and ,dining room .sva 'under the Seine .i3u ittiall$0AtLyhe e29k sh. 1: • • •. -r 11‘1 111110 11 1 oilmig11111111Ni11111i nii111111111iliini 411 • /., 4,401.qC11,1:41%. 11111111 With CaPital an d Reserves of $1,000,00 and Assets,its exc 800;000,900, the Bank of Montreal, • -1- wliose ilfiyahih--pergentage o( reserves is traditionl, is one of the wortrt, strongest banks,.. 111111111111111 1111111111 11111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111111811111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\1111111111111 111111111111111111 111111 11111111k11111111111111111111111111111111 . - '* . ' • . es, hotel. Electric 'refrigeration: ls.,RENEWED.WAR.ON CORN 'BortRit, CONDITIONS •IN • w • a common thing. Tin. pates and ; • ON'TARIO. WEST n hooks are distinctly passed. :The 'The need, for renewed warfare on okhouse has a considerable staif. in the :unit, beret w emphasized at In its• reenthlyreview of business the annual convention of corn baiter, inspectoi'S of WAstern Ontario • at I..ondon; *glen .Prof. baeihr pro-, e better eamps. Supplies for the legging camp table ve_kePt paCe. with :Other improve-, ents. There is always a g:oodso 4. etomelogist, 1eir-thi4Sens. Ver less than two meats—generally aim and issued instructions to the tree—two kinds of breed, and Swed- inspectors. Large. corn producing h hardtack' and, cakes; pies ;Ind ,counties in Western ! Ontario are ddirigs..Oyster stews, clams, crabsfaced with the ••possibilit of another these are served serious corn beret epidemic as e re- and cookees slept. in one corner of in tbig'reom. All the floors were Of Pplesi.-"wii-tlia.-eraeltaf -Web Were swept' die claily_:refuse: • , fr 'season. • --"m"7"---"--'-"A''' '1/4.erfttite .prO-IrTge&-drougliit*, b„J'esS much stubble plewing !is . (lope w_ rresh 'vegetables are, th*e, when. ash-i:icegatablea_ar-eao • in: fanners and htspecterrs': give careful rvei. an • te-corn- ' the Winter there is Plenty ttf canned Vhe plates. dippera-Were 'of. fruit •• tin. The ,forks *ere of . the •old black „fruit • • three,tine salt.. The food.was Ample: milk • .thOugh not Of Oat • variety.- . Por cone breaktait. 'there' was oatmeal, hat hone etiyes„1..salt lk Or' cheap' bacon,: ,cold youi storage 'vggs-, burned bread—called that toast'by the- cook7-Or 'Johnnie cake tban • 'and tin and' coffee. Dinner, if in•the wee 'pre* good; witli;.meat, anti Pie. • If eaten in the' the' • • "woods It really matter, what eigh the iiiieifTwis; lit was frozen alin-98111 :The ' solid by the time. the inen got it on ing 'hou a • • their' plates: 'Voir: ifip-Per :thecook let' himself go find off eaci, a pie 'or -1)0T ding . ; • cleft • • There were ne each things •as sant,. :dna tary arrangentetits of any kind. Faces olds in ,-Ay.vesule.,...Tiae,isitnation. In the 8ummertiiiie, are fre-sir' s. Tea, coffee' and oftea are- served •at everY Meal-SA.1e erns lose money/on their estok-. ea; :seine rn‘ke. a profit Anyhow, "get 'a -meal-far- 40• or. 50' cents• you 'Couldn't get in town for less . $1,50., t ' : as usual, it .went deeper into thareet.; ederit bunkhouses are built On In the past many farmers'have SiInp-' tracks; so they ,can.: be moved: t4, ,ly. cut the totl, level owith the gronti414 aecom9date, thtis aveklinig the Stubble under; This next, setting, • arid,' t Men or ionietimes only six men:, plan wanild. not be effe 4-* is inu•sual beeause of -the prenminced • womApi PREFEIS AIL , . ' pluriN.G.VINE •alra. Beridalklocal milk deal. (blicini' the Listewel Slimier); er, was On MenclaY• fined $25 or. 20. •, day* in ,jeil by Magistrate T. ,I tistin• ilton for obstructing an officer in the • performance of hie duty. Mrs. Ken- dall ehose the. jail term rather than •• pay the fine, • • : • • • . " ,On .Thursday, March jr. J. G. Kirk, Medical flealth Officer, panied by Mr, F.., Kemp, of Board Of Health, made an iitaPe0tionr, • iiititto the Kendall farm to see that conditions on the 'premises complied °with the law. They inspected the barn and milk heuse, but. were refu's-• • ed admission to the house when they., wished to examine 'the cellar Where. 'she- bottling was dene: -Mrsi 'Kendall :Jain -zed that the' busineig was sold A sanple of milk was obtietialinon: --krei**117-the72040,6411.40nrit oancLiti. ' • ere • to icindon ler',*iilYais.:,'-The..•:...repOrt.'4, .cliewed-that the•irtilli 'freirEilie•Keri dall ,terra, had A. Very high, bacteria ••:oritent. This: report, along :with the . . '• i, fact that'conditions at the farm were, '. • not as they, ehOuld, be, the Board; of • ° -•.: Health Ordered Mrs. Keridl te, ,dis- H.' .: , • Continue the Peddling of milk in tbe',, • towli This Was not . done 'ea soon as the • ; ' ifficers thpught it shonle have been . .. , . _Iiinid..s_ict7,:o.c.abluiiigbe.re -wo:srte• riielta:ndg aighein9sft, •' • , . leer. in the perforiimitee of his duty and and f -Or selling Milk, after notice had been Served to disci:elfin:O.! • ' •,• Commercial fruit' Production in , ternocai by MegiStrate Ilithilton in a The ease Was heard on Monday. at: • , , conditions'All%Barilc of•Mentreal, :bad the following statement • :regarding Can da in 1930 had a value of 61947 . crowded 'court ,,as fiikewopka were et- ;14; ',...• ONTARIRetail-trade-at,e' --HInfo'—'2- -;9-40-' of tPhPartotal. — - . , 2ected...Dr. Kiik,Fli.V.... Rocher Ontario and the Prairie_Provin:nst:'•ry,.... •',1 970 App1s accounted for 2I0 - points ha's beer! further slowed up by - _ .3ainferd and ,Chief itocner were on • Mir the year ;May 1, 19Q, a total Of $2,037,679 was Spent •in •• Canada..for ,bloOme showing tha4 Canadians still have a strong• Penchant for Sayink,lt with floviers. . . . • As a barometer. Of business con - stated, that- in 1930 there were 128 new companies incorporated -as ,• compared -With 118 for the proviouie, • bed roads and bV."ctirteilnient 9f•pur- ... ChaSe.S by farmers Who'.:feel keenly the 'contirnied recession prices of live - 'Stock. Departfitenter store a in the ler., -ger-centres-continue to feat'ute.,:p cutting. sales, to Ili& disadvantage the smaller' merchants. Wholesalers -drought last ' Corn,' stubble became dry. The. corn borer did not find, the dry stubble .to .his lilting end instead of spending the winter in the: stalks abotit an inch above 'the_ ground cave ;ender _the condition and a ,campaign is being .double-decker bunks are •becem- started to. have all stubble plowed scarcer every day. All the bimk- les are --electritally'liglited7 Bed v tinder• before. the. miAlstle_of, May, de, mannet which the corn la' ttf-good quality and is :kept spite the it. Many concerns have ipstalled ' •• . inNhecit. here are tables for reading or card ing: All, the larger. pimps have ecreation roor: or ball. Here are - 1 tables, radios; late : magazines, ks and writin desks. Many camps e moving picture S several nights eeic. o camp is complete without a honse and' A house for washing drying clothes. ,Mathitie Shops, cksmith shops, roundhouses for the omotives and good-sized stores are be found in all. camps. • or the past. ten years the prac•-• of taking wives and rearing chil- n has made proeen• ainong•log'- s, 'In many Camps more than half crews are married men. So the amp school has arrived.; They are 11 -built schools,,too, far better than "ileestieecr SehoblhOuse of yea,” . • • and hancliqWere washed in atin basin • play • with watek' dipped from pail a -top • the harrooni: stove. The water was poo • then thiowa out the door. If the men• boo wanted to "boil out"; which. means hat, Waal their clothes, they , went down a 4 - to the brook, cut a hole in the Ace; N • • filled the black iron kettle; made a ,bat fire and there boiled' their clothes. and B�iing was necessarsr. If one wanted bla batlii 0/113" be waited till spring. , -„, „o Loc • The -camp was lighted by ' smoky oil lamps. Reading in a bn to F • was impossible unless the met' owned tiee • ' lanterns, and then they to be dre • putviiist at, nine Welock. • Social life ,er ' was confined tolalking or listening o _ talk. • •ca e • " These old-time, camps are '''Pictur:••• we eaque placea,.-from a distance. .The the Clothes of,.:11 hundred unbathed log- ter • • gers hanging from' cross -poles, the , The women have changed the whole . Old -dirty blankets,,the glooni. and -the atmosphere of. the camp. -The churn- ., lice; they are not pretty things. •in Witk the introduction,of machinery M - into logging, the industry Teat much th of its color. A five -yoke team of oxen• a -was iomething to see and remember. .311 There was the clanking of chains and, Wailing of ox -bows; the clear ribald ta voice of the blickeroo„ enconiaging io hie team with some of the choicest ta profanity ever eonceived bY" man. •p • • ,The woods his a language of :its m • • own., The railroad trek gang are • of j,glandyAlsigers, bested -by a king- of Thst eArrip foternan the tb push. The superintendent 'is the hull. . Of the woods. °A highboll_canni is one, d where work is speeded too ,. pinch. ilaywire means almo'st' anything that in , is worthless. A Win show is where thither is poor. Gyppo is piecework • - or, contract work. 'A member Of the in • I. W. W. is w-obbly. A boosier is a Amin: whit doesn't knew his joh. HorCes are ilaYbiirnera. A teamster is a hair n 'poinder. The bull -dick doesn't cook at all but •is the chore boy around the b tamp. " A Cookee or • flunkey is a.. y C00103 helpet'. • • ' A modern logging damp may not - be •so pieturegqiie as Were the old- • • thners, tint. it Makes Up . comfort :t--What.4ta-laelia,....h-Leelo.r.__the 1980 coo --I-- • house is sordethirtig at which te mar. b • • -1161" TO kitchens are,0101101 and ars g of electric washing machines on onday and the strange gerinents at flatter from Camp elothes-linet bit fitter would indeed, bewilder an d -time logger. • , in' the 'bunkhouse • he woul hear; no les of the fabuleus Paid Bunkan, gger hero. :liather he would hear lk, indistinguishable from that in a unman .smoker, regarding the best ake ef automobile td buy, the, priee gasoline and ineenshine, the merits various broadcastiag station*. and e latesit flying stunts. The best paid jobs, he would learn, O not .go to the best chopper; as bf ore, or to. the cattiest "an et a Mow, g jam of ;logs, but to the mechanics donkey and locomotive engiaeers nd to the high.clitnbers and cooks, ild besides the jolt he would receive hen he went•into the camp .commis - sty id buy a plug of chewing tobacco nd an honest red woollen shirt, and ssa* logger—a real live logger -- dying cigarettes .and a Suit pink ayon untlerWear. ON 1E- ASV STREET,' • • LUCKNOW and WIN'GHAM, •Monumental- Works • . Luckndiv; Ont. • • Haa•the largest and most complete stock in the .,most beautiful designs to choose front, in— MARBLE, .. SCOTCH, AND CANADIAN ,GRANITES W E make a 'Specialty of • Family monuments and invite. • ' • your Inspection. • • • Inscriptions 'Neatly, Carefully • and • • Proinptly Done, '• • See us before *plaCiag your order. ye• ar arelow to fair. Au- • -- 34.' the Witness stand for the..Board •of • Health and for the defense, Mrs. Keil - •dell, her son and daughter. The charge or gelliag milk: after being ordered • to• stop.. was dismissed as evidence ijup,ved that'an effort was Sled? to town "hi 9rder to step -delivery after the notice ,..i 'i,, been redeived. But a fine- of $25. 9r 20 days. w,ag imposed on the:eother • • tornobilds and_accesspry plants, while. A-'cOnsigninent 'Ot 120,600 tiounds charge:tlie-Bciard--ef-H-ealth-intimated•- thenewly adapted • policy Of spreeding hegianing of a steady trade in this ' peney to ;the' Beard' of Health or the ..mdeatt#7. 10S. Kendall-- was cninatien not, to Pay. any operating .aliProxiiiriately 40% under de 3aPneiroY Brazli andNove Scotian° • thh: the level of last year, due in part to exporters ' believe thiit may be the / in stif ed b wayof Yarmouth to RI ' "lint -they Would disregard caSSs, seasonally increasing Production, are of dried hake from Digby has. been • .-PfdatialO n—inmekkevertiy-Atievagl.Toat„,, • . ‘, ,garp,ora,Kron' after their action and' , Douglas Bras. R. A. ,Spetton , Phone 74, • , Phone:266 Inicknow , • : .Winghern Jaek Dernpsey'has WiselYlinv'est d ust fund of $700,000, which will r the year. Manufactiirers furniture Over fifty per dent. of the raw hose the ail term ingtead; itth'engt"- are fairly well engaged with orders,, leaf tobacco used in the Palladian !' lie.eourt was -willing to give, her _ More freely: The steel industry- con- of the tobacco consumed in *the' plenty of time to arrange for the • tobaeco industry is now produced and enquiries are coming in a little in Canada. Less thentwo-per tinues to irhprove sloWiy Tanners re_ . Dpminion is imported in manurac- , the Stratford- jail by Chief Bother m,yment of her fine: She. was taken port ineisaspd.,, sales, .falloWing tured form. • . • stronger hide market. Boot and shoe 4- • A the• same afternotin. . • .. t "end 'of February 7,621,930 • . • . • Jiternifacturere report iMproventent, bushels of wheat had entered Saint DO YOU. ,REMEMBER? with volume eslua o THE GREAT WAR BATTLE FIELD (Fren W. Churchhill's New Book) ,The curtain falls upon the long frent id France and Flanders. The •soothing hands, el Time arid Nature, the swift repair of peaceful'industry, have already effaced the crater fields and the battle lines which a broad belt- him) the Voshes to the sea lately blackened the smiling fields Of France. The ruins Are rebuilt, the riven trees Are replaced by neW plantations. Only the cemeteries, ,the Monuments and Stunted steeples,' With here and there a mouldering :trench or huge mine crater lake,• -assail the traveller With. thefact that twenty-five millions of soldiers fought herd and •tWelva mil- lions shed their hleod, or perished in the gy.eitet of all human contentions, less then twenty years ago. Merciful oblivion draws veil; the crippled limp away; the mourner faltsOeck into the twilight' 6f memory., NeW youth is here t� cIOnCits right, and the .perenniat streAm flows forward even in the bttle. zone, ae if the tale „Were all a deain. ring-hini-irrit09.-A-day-for_the test. saig504..0i'oeof ear eve ell is also ruem.hor of the Society folk the Promo tion 01,,eleA7raivaiirc—.7.0, 4:tce--coninioloriPrit, *1st It sitttoluollas • - t theritit last • • John over "Canadian -Pacific•lines;. • year; rubber footwear is slciw. Knit- S. compared with a movement of 3 59 677 hushels during the, similar 1930. tinig, hosiery. and woollen mills gen- perkid 61 Two Chinese babies hold the dis- • erally are bniy. Lumber is, moving slol at about 507e of last year's le - Unction of 'being the first infants Packera rern:t domestic trade • EmPress of Japan. The birtha eurrid on a recent voyage ad were • reported on arrival of the ship at- .-PRAIRIE4PROVINAS=7-rade ge_ nerally continnes dfill although. there Vanceliver. iasi slight improlement in seine sterile • mile .rooms on tan .Topress of Britain which will arrive at Quebec lines.„BuYing is largdly on a hand -to -Mouth basis. Collections for .current oiitsr:ItitieiiekinooyageJune 2. all businete are satisfactory but are slow • a Zelslit: ques Cartior, thiel ball morn as the old accounts. Cash wheat on the 20th instant closed at 57% Cents. Bet- "Empresi Room”, and the lounge Ween Augusti:1930 and 12th.Mar._ 7*a.Y!air-D" 1931, 269,450,000 bus. et wimat Ore 'Total estimated revenues of the. delivered by farmers )riC" comparedL province of New Brunswick for with 216,731,000 bus. hi the eorres- t193tieeistpirnsitt atfia$1,3tim02,821 according n ital.suit,e7dr presented ponding period of •tbe • preyioui year. the provincial secretarny2 Supplies of cattle :have been • quite, •by heavy arid somewhat burdensome for treasurer in his sixth !Widget the ,present state of trade. Choice • 11;lehhen. • Ri R. the. ' Prince Air gaor .e st he IT; i;ocfwith e $$160.5a0 Wales °nem the British Trade Par is teeaerr born aboard Canadian Pecifieeliner quiet, with no export demand. • The Chicago "man who.skipped rope18,506 tirns•on his 61st birth- chY shOnld 71,e'nfirde -"Trolierbrr, s against at Buenos Aires. -Mara 14, his • with $1, per hecidpr m um a $1125 and the. sante premium last address will be broadcast throuh- • out Canada by the combined efforts year. B4lding permits issued in Win- of the Canadian Pacifi nd Cana- • 'Mareoni cop:nnes Th i eg for the first twe menths of this alas year amount to $711,000 as conniared P P . gala:tern Staedard Time and ivill • timtadlical3tetweewnil:120-staanrtd asboounitinountesep..m. with $1,126,900 for the eorrespending period in 1980. During Februry, 1,- 640 cars of cosi•were shipped from, • Inauguration of air service b- t:free:i Saint 'John ralifELY 0C: - the Drumheller field -as compared with • plane of the Canidian Airvialyrs bIt 2;770 ,ears in February of last Rear. estintetted that there'are .75,211 the New BrunSwicit .city with pass beetle. metropolis. The trip of 126 miles :*.8 made in an hour aad Provinces. Itis tractors in operation in the Prairie rngers and -express for the Nova GPDHRICH . eThe police have' been, aetive 'in. rounding bp P itumber of boys and 'ypung men who have admitted break, ing into leCal bnildings and Stealing -*Coney- and Merchandise. Earl Mero aged* 1K, and tWo It -yea -void 'hops, were,takert into ctistoy by 'Constable Thomas GuOry and are charged with enteriti Shnston's and Langfortra •garage, Kingston, stteet, and .stealing a stint 'of MoncY. Tim robbery was, coannitted last week. Mero w,,as ' re, mended tojail for a Week. • • Three .other yeung • Goderich nten will appear before Magistrate Reid in police' court tomOrrow to answer to charge breaking into oil entering the doderich glimmer hotel. . halt • noiorYi.11,,,=•rmor moat parts of Western Can. Ida if. fnu aska, buthiness man as. tto general conditions in his locality, the ansWer you receive in tune prising nomber of instances le that they are better than people in the cleat senito•think and that Mins tif linproVement are by •no titans •ianting.4 was the lummary of •impreptions of his Mt concluded •westein tour by 4 w. ileatt, &air- man -and president Of the Canadian _PaCific Retina,. How many persons recall When men put their shirts on over heads; 'when anybody could bitch se, horse; when there were no Such things as -wrist watches, and a hired, girl • Was luekY to 'get $5.00 a Or how may, remember when bOys col- -lee* cigarette pictures; when eiery-_ body had tOasils and kept them; when eireryone kept the Sbbath?. Surely there triust, he a lot of folks around ; • here Who can remember when they arried a lantern on the dashbeard of the spring -wagon, end drove thru „Mull and dirt most of the time; when 'they sleptonerstraWtick- and -took a bath in the wash tub in the kitchen mly on Saturday nigh; br when wo- nen wore Mother Hubburds; . and ihen briek covered .with carpet served' as kdoor stop, and when con-, gress gaiters tere • the most atYlish shoes. If you can, it isn't a. Sign, of Ari:ag. More, its a sign of good metaorY. :•• -te • • •16, • GODERICH •• • Two Blyth residents, William Nes- bitt and James Doherty, who were ar- • the theft of a quantity of flaxseed. - rested a week goo in connectionwith from James 11. Cutts' flax mill at • Myth, appeared in police court on Tuesday afternoon and were reMand- ed or another weeltiby Magistrate C. A. Reid. Nesbitt and Doherty have elected to be tried ity judge and jury and will appear nett Tuesday for a preliminarY hertiing. They are out on bail of $1,000 each. •• BUYING WISDOM., • • The farm wives may net be as bad • off as they think, Although eggs end cream, have been the cheapest in his- tory, Silk stockings have also hit neW„ low levels. • A foot grid his money are7 aeon litirted i<tid eOnte sort of slitilsx ark i GeotlWill and co-cieratiOri 6 •_., 0 toitiebent• Alarm •1•,.8 matio to oopiF • " " 4. • • • in buying fruits and vegetables , •onsider appearance, condition, , (laver and correct measure "or weight. A Eood pineapple has it fine aroma. • *, The heavier grapefruit has more juice and is less likely to be pithy. The 1inte is true Of tiarsiips, turnips. and' hiost fruits and vegetables. The solid head of Cabbage is the best ' • In ivy ing for geveral days ahead, • select foods/ whien will be ripe at different times, some forteday, smile for day after toiriorrovi. BuY phist" •11•1 t our familY needs, To buy one .eittret giapetiiiit Or bunolfti radishes , • • , -00"10 441000 44. 0444 ot iIrst . . e • tiplu....4*„..4.,v ga