HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-03-26, Page 4.......... ohey SP To hiff.wAggs, to r -e sT! -H' RVINAP. oveopigs ottict 'd to, t N AV 4, 'C -IF w_: "ydd L 1W And r s., dw his P -r the ma,rke,t a W 'r
�,Q 61D IM "e V K went #QV �R be � bot n hot IWO te P0449. '4ce went o", 'rip 6h�lr ;Q e forced'.19. wq" 4 uc lt which mv*k AlkhO491X Amer -19 49, th� ,To t ltan4414ce, -t -to -W lox, 9X, ip, m in 9 9 ory 10 "SOY cp t eir pro.4
ngPutAt _11 owhid er� work,out 40,
t dearth �bkpd the blue, Medi*t� e it A ioplo pi Ontario, , - . .1, - C48 solvep, Ast. As��. _9, wqre p�#� At -E W As would At first, APPOA1. 'nErEN, .1. r
A we pso e�o is not the 'only ,sugar, 40440ing records show that.ttiq rulers of' An- ranea.p. Some Of el
L' view to,'thei PArq4 A" D� aVK0P*le,. Ilb ed i -a manner *at APTO wit -NAL CASIE5 ei: pAr, I jpii�6.of sight than totbat h' o,will. pq in th 6.rgek - ,lidn', . I . IN *op.. far' Bur- pea. country
for luxury, And --pstentati world, And 0 'OntrApts it Acts As� a 0,4wp el.re'a- en 'Ititr9duced in the I -advafitagi' 6t the- cir, patura ly aep Of Thus, yelow Peas . .. e:bIgo.4 -to All' parts. I Id, or-A:C A eld' with' At of nsapply. t4o m4r. e "lating ih Lot' the -99 . t.
Sg �91 I-THM. SPATT A nis ances'.. �Li bo&.j,,ne lumps. Of,R ,in ikso�- for ng
�k ds of, 4611gis re. fre-.. , il, , . , -be, will price 50 anwe 4@ w
et. gd, aritber: were SO v 'Wit 'impoitint changes in ..'qurt 04CRgd-, us t ti%O' bo is Tom, the bIq ;b�loo, be0qqbe it . " y Apep't, o'' I .,banqu brown _9 1mvve prov, 4 dis tr
quentl a, single, 'tr led. it as tw thei.�eiellg 6f -the bod� - soleot the -ANOIAN MAPLES C minaVhdr� were oftgn,as �..kany. . ure owfohmqnt they iieed,' aiA it . 4s elicate� stomach such Aain� h in evid, T he ill provides that i two, courses, to'.d`i, Thig meals' or. d ih. Au'gar map! b crimi ..... . ..... . a is, xpu�: e 08 as A fig pickled locusts. sel, gh�-Il d� 'UP bload 04 the'celW Ii ties rjoram, c - _�s -with, 116L ree mys-I!9e 46re- erved- Itw _� --i- _PK -T -T -KD, -P41.
_ddeae_6 'Oup, 'and' pistachip ljo- Si460 of:-- e�_ :�h� - cod hes� - ile da c I j af i r g p s were and is bein edn-. Aiesis the jury . er Q lies, while da v;ere.. - also 44 n'00911 over, pots 4 of alf -C '—that is:' v, .9. the, defence.. the last Tfi� prisoners. in Joliet Straer'obats,_and s , fie om, in S"SQping. il ny preserix To' ma 4",'erteilint-6 those sw eeed- n ise 'created a_.riot 0, couplei'
d'- _' 04 . ..
licts, maple. sugoi word Ac�ordln 0 . ..
them as a & mo, g to -act, ;B1, X� e4te �he tts es of he' b.oA are to be. sp Y forth, entertained.- a hib A cann e . crow ing do*n Amum er )I , Ith, d ot parsIgy -lid era cabaret.' gverybody -wore, wr'qat s, varkettep, sqph'ap I�e is. 'ermittpdl .of wiseksago, burn gple syrup.. ure th a pounsel � v se, as! thi� final. Wrest- d 'jury- r & oi "WAY-AIII d'unless Ahe.hikrt lis, ip�.� �vani.sPtihkle honey of "s' o0s an e d ..pepper. and 'rose- A -.er .At ttawA Of 9w Jrhe kig"i* tie'r- 0 h to g.rdei. In,othqi words 1,4s, wile� bong4 is tha'i otli�r .�nt -10iropei- wor, il 'ith y,& ed "O iie I
A st:AS$ lit .t., v Prop L.r gar. I :,thenl li�.e�A y, w ,itie, f be e ivape,. hii-If - a I.body�.� fe7 -Covered:,' inchis -deep , with �iioiiddlj6n - and ju ind� balth of .4r, W -A g- MA:ny-, dgd.. con )4ks- The, we A4 7 , - , i� . . 1,� - un& heort. -bibut-thin a -pup- 4 My- otdnt 't Ly_ A r �w- 6ii 4_jpa,k
s g gr e see lu wDo f, onted ro.,pay t 0 S if pp& -h -4, the,' iac! -Will: �hav`eL
e the evI WMA T or,si "bo 'A he, viot e 0 �by, That eLoiz erush& roses.. J& usually d emande" t e.,6iiti 46 t as times -�cinamoni .4 e-jud Art that X�," of T n - res 10 -d e,continent 'Usually, -94e - board. 11 d A14't e 61 Joes. not.. o, e presiding ke, al ippe AAime' to do- otiin& lirugs tooj vore 'Added 'if6 Ao their liking—' -why r souvenirs to, and a cerr, erelnorj!, b the. jury t �he� was. t Atra their guests. $0111 that there' w o I d'
it is jjbj he likiih6od i's chei had to., haxe -is in"y as absintl�ei .jugar maple dOld Ontarlo"L `.]h[nks - of 'the Of th` ,;he, prospedotget I ting ou 0 I wokk when, it is 'ca, to do sb _lled up . on eight' tain.niixture,of white wine,, e!ideIie� -An t a pajo e-, �Ik art. -d istrorie-smellixig': d joint s' 'o—Ta oTt. e honey ,r It, * Inn senq6-. Of We. Accu C wqs n9 bd en 9 -stiddeh or severe 11 the rest. ever., We are 'told. thit i-6 -X.ew.4paper . prisoi I said q be ' ,whj16 �nd 11401d Queb.OV. *-in al. di �e kplkdnaTd; *q how : , f P s, much favoi,
it. V'P, fire i'qnce, oacb eports:..,of criminal ..The J61iet any par. of its. naturdl,�range 'mm-Wel ',prison 'h ; 1, -, lisuAgy thing' it "there
not advisable, -At, a ff66ht'ftag i Df the body, because ere li�ge if th,e wil-& rasti�gj_so t at 'at Whatever slep-bringAiIg Pop,pids W oj'-tl�� -sugar -mimple state �hat the-juige E
verly. accuse 'enience of
om nd' cony t h)se to ine,.oue o. ui6d, In hot., weather snow !.was; the 0 elk A A�y c ( , exteid$wes from r6i be'too grea or.tQO h6ur� di & .0ii1f,of aither'f6r'or against the, rt iL
an -uts would 0 ite r IrOrh qOnpr4 ri well r proilotwed., Ana. eik 6iin,.Anay: th6 joi be cookied to flifin libei T'efice ail n. WOught w, 'St. LAW' d the Ailantie coaw, ;he 'pToposed amendmOpt:.* uld 'or e. The lori. Perma� drinks.. coin' cool the' The wealthy thfoug.lj e4, well result kept' ime presbrve's hi'. ga. the MILritirne Provinces, :id the. judge'doing t is qnfi veil, great C oaToQ 'their bb- ,Napkins wi�re'jof.,Q:' more import- villas. where,were to to t* hned r gusod'.- ]Kqwdver, Duthern Q40bec.and Onta io doobtless would t are
a, once -in an -ban it pfezept.� h dna,.pome reAsa ts amID90 gulue' tr6ligtheo'�Iie.Oo I 10 -0 en
'Perso me they
t! "' i t t e d4@f tnc' i�. hear.t may ier ... ri d* b ILake of the., Wood%., but not noith OF f. h nj go I y ca well, -pro f6ilisi ilid" not come the ik I e, I A . n(l. not. 'Olu p geii&vi.- ter Iidl it is recognized defece. they "don't'lik that. viAinj care s' c partridges. 'As Now A
i t�Ken' - di very fowl,. pea isi,, geese,' and the he divi,, ing the a t in,: thi. 'que the .17th. Cent gentle-, a a The menus of *.6f il�eso ban it e until tba, �Iir6�gh-;,tbe- priyf10k'Of`aPPeA, s'ATI( 16 g, ..e&t4e, t n I h t pt 3' from - SOWS 'j�ho have proiri&
yl.i, extr ood thei orea,dmg4-..Thtrq, men'.who, T figers greatly streng �, enec
ate with 0 th h' d' �xtraor of H�d -Ijiys-,ho:si been ti.. -fat. bey6ni d' .iriminals wit cora sew, ei dpel� 'dar - h" '' : t Asels;, quently ound v Th weakened or it -necessari to ose,:,who . , . I know ',I or �b- ave a- i got 'The u ar map..e Is 11. s I rep t,y i .ThA isi zivOil 'as.'O host enj6yed.by 1hillions of honest were 074. eps en,
an, . ive Ong *'n and 66ei',shollftsh, se..,ne, "a why . d tles sei� Pleblans WiL-.ht; Me. name' $third maiplie" 4-roel'' son thoie-are'so-mian.e iolk Outside,- would just let'the on- -usdill eif' th h ey av6id�siich. 6ffort t t t lick: c ,but the R6-' And it iSL proppsee, .Iis-ou. h Id beho inore.flots heavy lifting* * .iq e�' 0 d strongL, 'll further n both black, and no I at Urge. t t ere ' , * h ws a. sud- patrician was, extravagant when �-n its a Soule' did 't tiiiiishes' with sparagu s.trengthen the onderT. 9000' c The,wood., bdfn'g,�ard An `�r extra load on -the h e. presenZ den. f any to 1a is' -VOL T ey fow kinds, 'har ble; linen. Th hin� of this �Plam it came, f
.4 hs.been: aT4 jA of, the de ence doingr 9 -td- . whigli, 4 � O-Miljy s imagi oAr"9 at6rities
Iamb; -venison., as. a' ilmber'trde. It allnOW. it" -,�]�verydpe, will agree tbat-4an. ae pr'bn -they hate1-or, lis si6rtnegs, `bf breath, And v fkom a a ixr-tr al well- -eno�gh!- a do of" as.,a,4ou, emir, ers .1
.,famdu der, various white oak, And stkongei: uSf_4..p ' dnshould'have A ft thai.,
trong.. as criminals if sh6uld Jearn -to, I stop.. and .Yest inime,. have �eeii. t sweetg, d a great, of. fruit filght club also appears to few Aoul e, i�'. 'vi4, instru ill'become law -ab. -an Oak. -ft -is fine Dt h �ted. i _�O__t fiess variety omia, %An�red in tex ure.anc t at- 'a judg i& the'y"' ex'pierience S r days of:,R Aand nuts.". Fisk -was a. fAvorjte n .,to decide fat % to'Ah(', ng pit4es. They �*ig asme ex- ucli, -fit and,hard,ar takes-44iig), �Olidb- 11I more ki of� breath" or --pain.' They must realize 'on 'averag(I rge arn annu leopard t ch g ihed 4uefs,� the expensive nap ins not in e a his spots. with the Itomans, Stu a . . a7 value,of Avidbnee than; th -pect- ihe. a g4 iie guld you b I'Ve. that I ous;'and -not try o do. W e an 'h S. being.especial t. 61 maple am- -or w en
butterfli�i'� �vjni , -the cupidity of' IL . . g� i - 0, d or or joriio,afl, APNk There 6rk,no ir timber Ana a uror, Y Jur ison riots
:with "oil YO -0 li6aid 165 fecti LaeIndeed A q us'S no v arp ablei.. m m po, I monke
m F n 0 -on S. Ao_ us luineBs el brip6tis. -or exampid, Whop When In-. nt. thi's does or, 'u -in an ass, had. ilt i ines, f .-t'f has bee' n -sor oul Infection. Wealthy bu 'cu riesi questi6i,eil ous o his w -know risobsible for: f aki "' ell PF9 d am ent to 'the, ith -Sup A' beca�se al -W60 his se! pin e� The r 10 I iockea w "Ply I I d .- . 0 ...... Of c*u p qpdsed TA �K v r— —1 tr6 ce& ulcz, w0ale ITI ds_-OM� . �v To �yu I _rtminal.&Oe 0
_e iig4"_Off 'wit _1 I�Ijt qt_po_� in and other x0c: orw� IU1 unn as-%--h-igh7,as--two-hundred-ana- -venged--.1 ,,he deputy , taker of !:ne;, nousiq worth :given, off,',causing damage p h. flow many eir n, Commong .is n nt S- ais- a iece. know.. that mea e t a,gov nme, forty doll .1th' tabld-�plot b i Are I to iho bipart. Foods, wine �varie Its- -ire'. and ,mai -b6t become, aw. �.'(Bufftklo*; Couirie-Zxpress -)knownj world, was) s., scents and All els t* The whole C nine -distinct. Of The ptimption of heart ding t th t ugat maple,,sllve't -Afre e, bew disease be� anAda icular. delic s,. ind, - Appe eCi search for part -These are4 s After'. many years' stud� the, t ed acie were - vklue4 accor o , eir "rari, y maple.; ady '�rases�.hav o gep a b afth wi served -at 'and- costliness; and thdwaste,.of moii- ariiQngst the many, -dishes ple, Manitoba *n this cointr:k oii the ground that tbA maple, 'red Ma,', punijhmAnt* in:'Ca ,propti food, fresh. air, rest .d, 11 d t 6 ftug t W_J I ICY—' D thtouir � ny ocu 0 udge. p 07,. P4yg1h, crai'0 fiebm' 'dble. ekeitement. It is nd divarl d Om said that some A e,'-waple,is "lome nice nt are . 1. . .,., 4' , S_ -K the Sper- bT' grouse ft I in
4isettied _t�.etW�`r i6niils; libould leaved map e Oat he-sai this: 01: '-Avanaugb of - 'Mfffed h-ke conr. -.'.ailed,, to -- the:- I r- ourt..,q from. -Ambrkcis,.. tuhnyt. 'of aq u liv, .,f bd. the, houlil pro �ftre n'd are, Of )'bsedi a m6n'dmetit 'become law theric t,q'wved )iefofe'there is. a�n.ce_for M , . t�_ , r maple. T�e, tas,�hree. SAY' that. S q. om .f Co inobl� Chalcedon,. ass-flsh from o' their' C04 n- foie-'gra�, rs 60 m: r fta causing.. iIamage,to -the heart., :AX 1 to Britkili, Columbia, �A in .�.rren�'. History..., eopard'A .. I I I ,T_ b 'for q. P siuo;" sturgeon from Rhod'eis Hut' se, and, their tame ou ful. ds. t The'h6iirt is.often damaged'as he e-�; garp ghle, alue� The �road-l`eaved maple, e,.ot6r d' gioun. Assert thati - hog i* 11pa, rom Thas6s, ajorns'from' Spain and ph#asants'stid -pairoquet�-, E hesiiit,ingly'� -�f a6ute rheumatism, 'which leaf, much- like -that. o theaugar,, �a jud St. . . . . , :
will hAve� large city or, i!�icIily ? n Tar --here th jeath,penal y,',Af' e*�gq i��lf entum int, nIny be ten or t*eIe, inches. -'tl* oYStefs and' scallops fror 16 b greater 'difficuty an he now has o to. an a. ection. Growing pains:,Ap.d . I � ;' w e a—stem wa9, enforced,, has not rp Nqj only � did. the Rome, urchai§e out 10 -he -may of ihay. ns wide ab ciding, what eljorei,' br St., itus' Dance, are evi. p vented'
best for' the table, bu t l�eiy de to'the Jur Ion Y! 9.. mul�qer.` . ; . . I d idenie of rheumatism. in childrehi, �4 and the the., In S e JUdg6 Kavanaug 'qjtes.,Oh ago'
be pare f,Alr aple c4titAins su _qvand��&�hat their �600ks pre PH The SAP 0 h it a n- WAS -order--that- -the -heart nic�ty. to a only the sugar, maple is tip- S IT SIIITY� YE record. at etiduce:,of th ArOx k
ud#iont n hgeres -Aongugs - we -e stance, nightinjo-I V -CinciO t A Writer in Co4titry-Gentlemifi says his assertion: "Th06 was a murder, �. b rotected. ped, it having� a milic sted twenty4lmv cenia . !of sugar than Any. of the that o I ne, OOk f0f -in Chicago:' 'every -day go I Seyoral c6ficti7iinehBalth addTes-. supposed to'be 'roa ge Y greatl3k. in thi Alifidulgin in aw,Ouil
n ne' Medical As§ocia- minutes. 0 eAra., mi ute ''on the "and not
Canadian he trees x�di6 the oth�ers.; T American farming will, dp, W1.11 U YeLar it �he writes, as-bielieved �o-opoll th in com-) tiont-, 84 College - !Street, T(.ironto,..will roast, w e amount -of ap whIch.they yiel&-some execution; then two., -d
avoid the' prevalent' butunsfe piece yompi;, espera- answered PerAorplly,by letter. �pletely.�. yieldinj only , gAllons in a SdasPn. 'th *,-Not. of reasoning. That is in assuming al' Adoes were Another s 35,gal,
while �othiirs' give itavorable conditibn� to bt. niiurdertook placefoi�to'
a high a wes.ent UP ur Weeks. Is
-ont�alng fr9T n toto Ane it 'unfair to' conte�A . that 25 Or 3 Q Ions. The' sap 4 4omethng new or 'permatient.1
three bey!� cnt r. iguga nere. syrup
Canada CanawAns. Iizens are alive,,"toclAy, because, a artied on ir, ie'.Ahen prQ9eeds to tel, of conditione OW and. sugar making aYe C. 1pry was'merciful . en'ough to I the -pub- ir :n1h6Vnited, tatesastbeywerefol
djchil, way, the average yield udge
a Comm lqwjpk the Civil War. 1i4F 'to condemn the. gqiltY?" J half gallon of
...... ....
-per. tree is ab ut one. 'itit of that time ugh goes on: of Sugar. Xwell-informed, w�r K ... nd syrup, or r
ion. of. Que- . id ."The Price 'o Aand is
3a low -indeed 41
There were, -only, two, ov three ex- 0 for h IThe south-eastern p rt -ilin- 10 .... . ..... . ..... .. -see sirch rich Central w vhen,.*e tions e' next cu year
sourie a
e chief
rovince is, th
g at $20 to $25 pei icre. ere - 2SO boM- bb5� p n Se 141L%4 _'Itil i ni a�.ed e -fie The fact is due,, -no dqu maple �sYkuP lina u in
.. .... that 1919 uctuns 0
about 5% millior,
.,,.he rate at which farmO' -icideg.. The judge6'and juries, awo e, dollars.'. 4nd farm lands are passing into'thC '1920,,when eleven aAsassI_-
:Ire n di 'of non-resident owpera the
li6mi ides n 'or
......... exec�ted the numb of'� . Ic
..................... .............. S & FARKERE
M,&�NUPACTUO,`It holders of mortgages, alia trust deods." fell to. 190;. in."the Aqxt,year there-,
And lie-ief!ers to farms -of a v and 194.
ptly issued to farry , Price lists rece . vera, &erg fourteen executions. tc it Ibalitk.sefling is lo* a $iO peii acre
homicides, a falling :.off in tw1D
implement agencies, hndfinte�nded ey '& third -1h impleme)"tr, Withi,tvi6 years, that same�.'writey of - 76 In er
govetin the price at wbid years
shall be -sold I . this, . season, 'Are said' tt !aid. "These' C6niral. Illinoise Inn&. �jiar, 1922.,' tfiere was," but one ex- Xr deinan(k al be�, PrActicallv th ame
as prices,6f a. JEW Auto urder"Tate. e again in" ecutton; and the m rose� to
ct rices, as m OX10 'the h e attitude of, "iiic oith more�!' mi ers av en, 92 ind 4Q8' ur6jr's' . &�rly in I I 9 four n see E e ')etter 1) they� Will be *1 3. in 1928 there was no executii
y6ftj 1�00. ak, ntly the, manufa ur�
This Illinoi -ul A.siM�jns'rdceived the extrami penal- render" in the matter of Prices, se 'land kept goin Sur ih sOm(' until in 1910 and 1911 it w 9a ;Y and the murder rite
thousand miles of travel :Ev'idently. they 'expect that I up f�lt to 40f. -0 age Whether ca%�t�sl punislit
O'ta ng' in *vor to th( selling, y ph ill rettirn at1rom._$200_tbL$3N0_Pe� acre.
....... WAY prosiperity w
r Canadian life win be accom- ll� be able to., :jut this prico, as wbsineqs ptoposit-
farmer And th ,61d question. titeitMataneeit bL buy at e I unihed under, at he Wi 16terrent to cr me. is, an
7orable Y the old Pric so ion was invested in 'What hilge.Kaanaligh has,*,ritten- ..too high. 'Money tbA*e, Who leve'6vei Canadia , . , I what6ver may' copie about in the ,,hat way did not bring' a roper vre. -the same time
ftelfieline6, With Deim Sinclair will' not decide it. At
peculail revalled is difficult to see how there sest,stu&, urn. That s ive price,.p
future- it he Writes as one of:the clo Labid of Macdonald Colleg% Bellee,, Que.; �i done! 'in th`E ..�rou out the. MiqEfisidpPi Ville d
Ste inne de ....... can -be -much bmines ents -�ol - this ie subjc t in the Unite sUadn' trom. Montreal on ext. nd is respo6sible for the how tot a 'His conclusions. de
6t line -this sory Jul 21 'd "Toronto - Aily are Ser or '*x )is e., Sands. trip, conditibit'i'of farmers. the & One. that deeply Im
..]3uyin e pensive iniple
the in ppy th. The trans�C iotis thotigh
by railway; ments with form PtOduee At present Butthe lesson in it all is that times matter sses us it this: '"i -S A mtor' through. e Of th' question liki 'these 'n
wIA& willbo made have bee' experioiricd be, pre Of
-ij� is Simpl 01A. iag shMent, bas beeo prices e t, capital puni Mountains; one of the tniart iness picisp�rity foie. A period of s C. P. R. coastal ategmeis be-, for any former b4 thos who have protiiially, of the' ndotibd in most
e accompaniment
the Juumbtst -of 1STInS witfi its unavoidAbi tween-VILheduver and Victoria money. -Itates It 'i i4flietW;As mortgage
and vice�versa; aind.., on'� one � of ad4oardidd fbl� sikle un&r speculation in city and farmAands'is A to eneottrAge the' robber to kill b inos the same, companys Gret gosts, that' Ore �o6nd to -be- fbII6wtd- by rather than let him.tes man With a mort usines de� 4 the Y
n........ ZOO n, his farih will do 'Well to Pay and taxes. interest UNDERTAKES �hat,onf 'this '.LIQUOR BOA9D .-ky MkNtAI P TO implen%erkt� railli8in dollars in Its country Id -At, 2% 100 is feeling th; Les �oai Evidently Cuba doubtless S from Fort W1, 1,930 Oper Pressure 0 uvcK gmpl6ydes of the -Liquor. Control liam* to Pa t typical- of what bappened'all over pr6dUbtibiti` or un
i)otibtl�ss their. m it ittoard otall bA October gi-ladi t r su ptio or whateveii the 'co*intut- 181; ary
of wtioth .54 were �emrfdk and take 92 days i has diSmorarized all the markets,
experiences will be. worst It eAnuor that complete And th total � pa, I durib" the Wi fiscal
Cuba has tbo"AiA16 Sugar, s6 it hki
`11 kiOude all e>A i Was $i,8-32,719 aec6tding to'14011. yea
Dominioti's nscondeftig decided on a, "fiv6-Yeak .14carly ail -big W. )I. gli im p o r t, a n t e, att rney-gerio
6 mairitillh 6wii, it is, different#. howiievei�, from, co,,nttes, the ave galari" of th 'The
Zif the Prairies, 111 rdth-Ai a g to produce sill they,
,,kes wi itf Aussi !Is are goin
�wheat. regl6lis Price And to' 0 Me poffl*issi6n� mgjht�.i wages A - the five-y4ar plait,. of Ru Sit' 114pty *Yt6fl. c
er, Stewart U,Idii U V11 ther :hing-Ahat.-ca 6
much gg they,IfAVd been whe -ponimissibndro, *.10 6do 80,7ta i1i the* it 6f no ,dii64d i th-0 k6uft�TY, B�11 their
Itdekios aihd a Wbb pay I e I 11 if, And compr6 is the 6ight annual tour under f �rsjgtg, And piodtictg to the - outside woAd 'sit jx 10tinie, it Is., I $1.0 drawn" by the, h t�h tda US 'wit g a e,9 Ar H.MV.Drayto "Empress, of RuWa"'athti-beith. (2) A view from' ri 0 kept UP this vi price th -to buy
the I 'in art AvIny pAdfit line, -, roug:, % AtIftY biat t�oi othet fellow to eth' h the'. go (4 A WNW, f6ifUlt"A )�autifuf Chateau* Lzke Lodie. (9) A S thils ordAtitig'A t6fai At �h costs� thoij ate
C.ana al - at Nit VeNigoll# C6) A fte b6at 4 n*k4t,,. tit this