HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-03-26, Page 3a • . .•• , a • ' 7' • One atS •B.• . BEST r •":* .• • " 1 ""We are shaped and fashioned by' Oen' ' thelp . besides You 'remember ' what We love."-GOethe; •• „ 1 about -hat, don't you? New beeause ' The Ohanging Years , ..e . she diar•that and it .wae• so long Ago' ' • • • ,itl.s,aut.ecey we ....atainowleag&,, we her sl?ables... just foi•get all . &boat Ilan , 4 ..., groW by .611ange. • We ...find all. tool 6110 day Milthala 'Lady 'had 'Pio' zooa that todayhas beconie yestert. fed' ' the cilielis .: and, it •• happened . . day an is one while .tomort.0 w ".1W) •,1‘ifttiVIII a Hen wasn.'t far away.. . sue . . •-•---treoh•-•-tis.i..-:::,.• ...,:l........_,_,,.,..,,,,..__....,.,,,,,,,,„„„ovas'.aLlle l eligry •herself .1.Ust• then . --. '• , IlOt. in Spite Of title *plain truth We .all" :she heard the. littleEtiies peeing: , • , •,,eoca,jattatts. onto. a.43.0,,'.,peOpie w.u,,., In •the .box. tur though. •they we re „ltaV-, ' 0. • ,......,: •pride themselves 'that. :they tlever , 111.g • something att•fully, god • •so she . ,,.. - . • eliaqge t he i t• i lieught:." or ideas . When 'Lopped andlistened for • aWhiler.": they. have •nta,,le•.u,p..t4e44. ,,111,111d111.1eu didnt, she Cenip _ever tOwardst wand i,, .:•tinini %and...since' no One was tuella& IllogRal thOught, .spioye„ the ..,04,..;0ii,i,,,04 .ebanfie. tow 04ttti.,..ieti .Iii Stop 'flq,.., stce j14.91j.ipc) night on ,C.'iM. . .. ».-Vii.e"rtiraiitr,Sti!ii---1.0-1i.ott-glitt , -.-----'-'-"rf-4,11.e..„-bpv ,. "The, •stieet.t • Om' e.04. -.off• ..,----'.:--"-•• 4.... '1.., ' -..--Vile-,A2A+ iilv,,,t.,.:....4... -. A.:A. , •%.1-• 1-4:.alie. lohked lit rat4ter • fetir'f-little- AFF • ;•,, 44. • ancLhope » rtite.s:: gown tered„ 's n1 41,sappoinihrnts• -1tAt'dlY .t.knew' there. ••':.•••••Then •• • • ply but -naptiilv there are- -trisxe••••fleanytl that good • luich. fo It vts. jUst oentite,nsut.t.ng., joys. and itiettiAtoiii . bet Ween tthinet and 1 -supper and the • • : the day whjel• ,no ti the CanSR01.1V1Ildi had sit meals 3'00••yemeinb-dr.. niation •._of some ;!eheriilied Wig). • fal„, - She thought it looked !pretty good •. Idled see S stinie,:goed 'tvork achiev. :and ,plutiip right ,'OWn. in' ed. • then as• the Nee.eh4.1,1,ee. ,• ne. She was sp hig,she. neariy' • „, • . yeoe4 witii all Ita store. tillied it and it scaredtimid all-' ter- ', • hot4e thg paSt • Ii.hett how•TilAY., But after! awhile , 4irnmY., chabged :our' thoughtS,. .becotee es• Peel“.F.d frhill 'behind the shawl -in age "tifipreaches. , We Stire ir little ••bedrooM. , • That *as • ly Seem like, stranget s.l. to" that Retail., where they hid • because theQ didn't • • l; ' at,,who .she. was. far." theY foi•got. • rft11/1..-1riat4:„?. • • • 0 .• An April Adoration What New Y.6 rk' Sang, the S(iliViS74 Oil • hit 'amber more- • "Earth, be glad; .An.Aprii day itt nona, is wearing tle "Winter) dOtte,,,,• 'and WO'RTAINGTON • • • • • North, look up with laughter in your maityateo, - • . ntshed t te.r8- • • Putting off her dein!) dismay el Earth bade .all her neseen, :children Then the, sound o growing, In the air Rose to. God, a liturgy of,nrayer•; • • , And the thronged suceessien- of the Uttered.nnte Gada est -AIM -of Praise.' . Laugli"e'd e.' running sap 'in• everir' • , ••,LaughedAhe riinniug'harites of, warm ,• ,, • • • ; „ •• ' • ..„ • .1 1).-1) 1\ i t1. 1.14:!11:1• attck hasveLtical range•-•Ot.',51,4 ni1es fiie 25 rOutille • a etinyie,...'andi•11 ia.aelatmed,. can :be . 'fa irlY 'certain of hitting ;plane. oace..fer every tea Shots„, • •• • • • itighed.. the life AN,Fer:-wandering •• 4alig.hetit pre tigi;eells :Ofret %id • God in all the co theirMirtil • ;Heard the, adoration song of Earth. • • • -Charles G. D. Roberts, .'• .-- • ' grave clangers and told theni-Ws-Pera-- ._, • their money, as here,., to spreadsI their Baster. custom, is still- a ,feature of the holiday in varioua parts of Eng - Sunday School Lesson weayt.44.,1e.e.d kno • • • „. . w.hap lociked. like, they .April S. 'Lesson Teethes . , The • g,atden, seed •ie Wanted add ; hadn't seen her ;for so 'long. Jiin .ithroility.7'--Luke 14:''' 7r14; 1:8; 15,17 throWs out its bright green sItobtLi nlie :Was pretty . excited •Inft• 'very ; Golden • Text.--Whoseevei • exalteth '. ,,•;•Vhicli in its turn beds, hewers eno." brave for „he was ‘.the biggest you himself ehall. be ,abased, and . he . ' fruits. ..The bios-sem ' was kr ft. know. . So . when he peeked but he , that . MAO:00h hiviself shalt .be Von. Iv) '•-change; Seemed 1;I:e.eeLse1Y, ! aid, "Yeti better not eat uP all our 4 exalted.-LUke 14: 11., hat alter hall it wad; ()lily rdMi..ug i sniper oe' I'll tell - gamine. tadi.".' • • . ' ... .•.• •• . .. • ' • ANAYSIS.• • through, its proceth . Of growth' for , But he tist clucked and clucked,aod (JN TARING' TH 'LOWER PLACE, '14: • 'Of' course It Witg het until the rich ha • 11neatlY all: eaten , Up before , • • •less fortunate neighbors. .1 -le himself illustrateshis ctivri..conimarld' in that he mad s hiSt riends.r pox the hunth174 and the the. Young.. 'nen of 1 Huogerford,i: a his tirne and On first Tuesday atter taster, the sick and those in trouble. At his 'Sandi town,..on the *borders of table in .the early • Church. were .gath- [shire .aed .BerkshIP0, nia3. saWy .munion •serVice is the image and fore since . John' O' ered Jews, and Gentiles,.masters and vs•ii.,4very 3/1ajoen te-ey met.iiis Slaves', .rith and . poor,- 'and •the P‘rivilege has been handed. dawn taste Octanes day, and the ' of the heavenly ' banquet. in the kingdom Gpd, .„ •.• .., • •• . men • are mcnOted:.to, give an •Orange exeliange for the salute. . . • " 1•II. JESUS RECEIVES E•HILDREH, 111 18;• 41547, ' • IN,tiallY 'Years.".ago large of. hid ey • was -bequeathed to the town • In Mark's. Gospel we read that 'Jesus authorities of Stnedgate, In York,. oirtonditicni -that' every East.... erthe,. interest, on the Money was distribUted'. among ,.poor people :who .wished ,th getmarried bat had not enough money to • buy the necessary furniture.' .• • lit Seine parts' of :the Chuatry. girls ' have an Eastel.- test that is supposed 1.-0„,-7tiiard-dto the ,ideatlty oftheir ftt: tune husheads.:' The 'teit, consists of • selecting 'an onion to represent each,' . was, angry with the disciple, for,. try- . • .ing . to 'keep the , children away, and ,.that Jesus . took 'the childreil ii.his arms and' embraced them.: 'We think. •".-7 ' ripeipeiti,L7repeare 1 that•-•it-Axitild Manua Le.dy..' came out and .'made • • _ • ,SPITALITY, 14 : 1 1.- 14. • give food io its fullest -. (her get .out of • thereIION 'roof; HO .'pretty' quiek. III.. JESUS: RECEIVES' U1-fit:OREN • . • ' • .1;eyhaps explains why it is'. ,TheY Lady told." her -since f • It -' .hikt. t d • t tid the she didn't look. after her; babies be; • •; 18; 1547. '• ' •,. .Of busty arid' irimortant pepp16.as being. • • . , parent We, must h*1 . have patience fer.; fere she ..7didn't need t9 think she, L , oN:.TAktrip...THE .LOWER fLAcE214':, almost • inaccessible; , strangers., can • • i .- .• the little. bud is ;not 'even reach-. could come •,around • tioW„ and she n ••: • 7_11,. ., ' 1 onl i approach them if. their business '' • ed : the •ftoWer ' stake as.1.401c.:: Mattel. her rile ever to the „hen. h•ouSe : , -.; ' s T .LitiS • story ,Ve are tord; iS a, par,. is'. weighty and, the Y have made a 1 then can, it see the fruit?•• ' with' the big hens. - After that she able '(v 7) ..1.'hat 'is, to say,We' are ta previouS appointment. .' But' Jesus • , . those 'younger. days 'it is easier' fol.,' Manima Hen riglit,-.-c110't iti? , Per quint'. of the children of God's ..king:: .Christian coMitct.. . The, POint or , - "than :ler- the' ' - to' .'uhderstaitt-irq'i-r'IYfaiwa'''w-ileilth-0 -11.-a4h9S. '314t Si3rile ' -6- -.•rirrp- , 7.. lie,--43AL-It ., ' g' • . 'w,1-..,eanaef,r,,___11.14.u..„):FeaLLox,g . .• eillye -wonitl. but drift .1n...thou I t ...b gi; ,..,, ac .., .. • . • lc. ehicks. ,Ibelieve' she. will. , v. ,l.1,,..,"whoever exalts. hinkse _ ..Shall;..piegedence .to "iinportatir''.iiedifiet he • .• to yesterday. And• Often 'as we. re. 1 :' :Next. eek -'' -"SoutethlagjAbout 'L.• hinnbled,• and' the Man Whe It-trubles AS.* tiOi- go' fieetipied With saViii-e*the ' 4mealber our 'yoUthful dreams" and Good old 'RoVer.'" ' - • , • ' . • , Because we have already IMS-Sed:31.-ePt kke )•?•‘? tag* • It e''Ived inter from .it the sort 'of conduct re - to Understand the yoatliful „minds. 111aPs next time she 'Will` be a better dom, it • is, also an* illustration • • whose task was Mere important and coniprehensive than that ef any. Man, was always' accessible and 'available.. He, was never tba busy to see those • hilt:self shall be exalted." This prirt- world that he could .pare no ti for Yettu, ideas our discipline. 1l per • '• • • •ciple seems often to have been'oo•-•the •Children. • Self.impartance is' .to. ••. . -haps be imbued with -More tolerance, and undkritandin&, along with. 'the. •, Easter Hymn . •-lips of jeans, 9r it. is 'three .,•tiinea. Which:Christians and others are id - BY, Bquoted 'in Luke's Gospel. It might be ways exposed. . Freeman a mere' principle Co. w,orldV wiadem, • Christian theology has, .o• ften: been , • teaching -which we give On look- - • . • t• Awake,' my , soul,' 4to lift the song, . 'for it is .a fact,' often , illustrated :in darkened ' by.. the belief tlia.. little. lag back ive ma _ Y , find' we. did some .. - .... pretty 4:tonsil add often even absurd • • • • . .. . • . • - • , i •Ad ' hush the .11earfe...dieeerda,et every••day life; that the Mali who give children; unless ' te5 hate been bap but. that is not the meaning of Jesits• the • wrath of Gad, , but Jesus .seems • - ' . • The fear of death- lia9 ruled too long• 114;11 and. the • Tly' 'thing to db at .' ' ' ' . 'we' are to nderstand, rather, that to 'to saY that, unless • grown men be • 0 . The Kilig or 40vo is Lord' of Life..., • • .airsets.'"ptit in his pleee,'". tisk! and-fegener tedi Afte'svbjea • things which seemed perfectly al- ' strife;. -th,tt time-. • -be great on earth is: not at all the „changed right, sound and become as . ' , 'So time and .cbange bring its. ever • - • • • •,,, mss thing,as to ,be great.in the Iting-. :Night • long -we- watch 1118 tomb with' dom of -God; that many :who are .first, , here sh..:11 be lett there.; In the •king- dom, greatness is. Marked ' by service, •nOt.hy power or wealth. • .. . It is not only'in -aneient, Palestine ”th•at there have been -bitter disputes • nearer the open deer" of • ,freedom, •• Power and,,lovo and ,the . climb bro- ws -di stretches telt into. a- -land of i'vondrous beauty,• the: tomerrow of • El ity.' • • Twilight Hour Story •• 4. . • • • -• , • • , • • -.About Wee Chicks and 'Othei• • Little Fl1lends Chaptert5 . , T ivondei• 'what jiMmie Chick and three little .flaffy . sisters were demo: 'all . this. time. 1, 'just .know they Were .having a pretty goodliine tt,ninfa Lady looked after them Jar ..hc• and Billy lever -no, not once 1 f.irget • them. That was hey were -so • happy. It he Very: • Mee . htii-4 .1thinnia all -at once: forget to get cliquey. wrath! it? :Von, Just. couldni be ‘ery happy 'without any ;dinner, VACS' why. if we hare. a y or a 'little do4 or perhaps a little canary that sings so bertha - fixity iti, ils, ('RP in the sun shine, we 14 ill always, yt4s. 'always. remem- ber 10 re0d.theal'itt meal time. We nitistu'l feed them too often either ir isn't goad for them to,' Ifave solitellting,. to 'eat all the]. tine 'any mere than ..it fe,r 'you .-to. ,always • keep eating some.caitity ;or a coo -ide- a day long. ,ThitSe little . tummies • get awfully tired working"."hir the 'time don't yon thin•la• It, is much • better to save the Catuly. or Cookie till after dinnerr or afte'sappei• isn't .10. • Weill that •is the way it is With niost..initnals too. But you ketueni,. ber• \Ronnie , Tied W:1:4 quit • had . whet.' she didn't care Ar her tittle chicks . got imy breakfast at all or not and then worse still ran away gread, • • • • Ancillol the Stone is rolled•away: Seek:pot the living "mid the. dead.. Who. Move upon'the plains of day.. • • Then fold away -this cerement , scarlet sorrow where 'we meve; Not death, but life, the sacrament .That binds us. tit the will of love. • • A voice while we weep, ' Vitheediag Him who who. patient stay's To speak the Word, .9 live." and keen. The tryst on Galilean ways. Where once walked He walks • again: , Where once He.loved love knoWsi,ho • •eild Forevermore Ho liVes with men, -• .A Councillor and Friend. And we, because He lives. and they, • our loved wile a.mid the Strife, Shall feel that fuller life and free; •The Ning of Love is Lord of Life, • • • 'Lord AlgY: "Why. did you aecede to your valet's demands?" • Lord *Arthlir:' "He threatened to • strike and quit just when I 'was half dressed,' you knoW." trO mei 04,2! ad w•mssaas 0 ;$...00.1‘ IN • MUTT , AND JEFF- By BUD • FISHER littlechildren, they Cannot 'enter the, kingdoni, for the kingdom consists of, 'belongs to, those . of ' spirit, Here' is Something very .distinctive in Christianity; • • The ambition -,of the Jew was.to keep the Law, the a.mbi7. tion of the *Gentile. to• be powerful or is to preced,ence, as to who sheuld bet to ,be wise, but,'.p.mer and ik-lsdont and given- the seat on. the•hcfStess's.:right scruptiltms.' righte9u.sness . are not 'hand•;. who shaUlde. given...thu-. front: iMportant to 'God as ,the child -like 'seats- on the 'platform. The. Christian heart.' • But what is this childlikeness is not.t'o•plish hiinself. Jesus Christ,' though lie 1,Vias the Son o•f 'co - descended ,to Men- of low ,estate"; the Christian must follow Jesus in this;. is not to be "a cli.mber." . Worldly ambition, we may say. alwa,ys soars up ---to be • served; Christian ambition' ahvayS descends -to sarve,•, The •gen- eral,,,advice about suitable conduct itt dinners had beeit given by Jewish rabbis Lefore Jesus. but he made 'his .corainoicSe.nse adViee Ala -rabic of the. ltint,dom. , • IL ON' TRUE HOSPITALITY, 14: 12-14. • ' 7 We are" not*midersta,nd by this that. Jesus .tells Christians they are to 'give no parties to their friends,. but a Man is not to fancy himself as behig.hospitable and a good fellow be, cause he often entertains his friend..' and those whoin he likes. . There is 'nothing inerfterfous, about that. -. The distinctive element in the 'Christian .character is thdt, it has'a love which breaks. through the narrow restric- ions of class and •,f the group -of people •-lVe..haPtien to like, and etti- braces .the. whole 'World; includieg. our. "enemies." . The hope of rest'ard is not. Lo .:1e. the Chriktian.matiVe. The Christian must •d good to other a beeatiSe he • loves them, not becaus.e•ne vfill be reward- ed' for it, but he will be rewarded. His reward will cone "ii. the two...! rection �f the just/' that is to say, in heaven: jests did nr4 • denounce wealth, but he Warned' Men of it; 400nomiammosie, required of men? • Jesus was not sentimental about • rlhildren self as:the eldest of a large -111;••ily doubtless knew how naughty and -dif- ficult children can be. .What, then, did hei.:ean? He was probably think - of the ,innocence' of children. but ,of their trustfulness. A child does .not doubt thats.he is- laved, does not doubt' that. his little affairs are of importance -to him parents; does not doubt that provision will be made .-fOr himby a' father's. .and Mother's care. • • , First Actor: "The hetet clerk just Wale; 1 me a hill for $10 for our board, twp day1. Can lou beat it?" Second -Actor: "Sure, if I an 'get my. trunk Out‘.of the' window." . * • • • • . 2 ',. Enhane , ,...t•i1.. flattering jacket costume'''. It is a season of jackets. • The one sketched'''. is in, the. Soft • green printed ,crepe in combination with plain green silk. crepe. • that ; matches the ground.. • The'skirt show,s Slenderiiingline Pointed •hip - y;oke .treatment The jacket is in popular hip length. are then 1).1..ace0_. 18..yearsi 36, 88.and,40,inehei..bust, Per to force theii• growth. The first The 1.6 -year size. reqUires .4 yards of , to show, signs of sprouting is con- 39 -inch figured \via: 1%. • yards' of • • sidered te represent the IncliTY man.a9-inch plain material. . Nark blue flat ,crepe silk with whits • .ng 1 eyelet embroideied batisieis ex.ceedr- . • Ely ALIX THORN " I Beige flat crepe slik is aliti 'ashiOri-" Oyer the high; bare hills j see 'lier able: • .... . Coming., • •••• •-7-• 131414.1,1444;lastaonttatao, :Wool jersey, teed an antung • Joyous li.er "eyes. new hope. .she • also suitable.for this interes •:. i • , , ever bring.s. •,,'•' "model.. , , . parted ' het- iips,•.light.footed. glad..1 HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS . ' , . an buoyant.' . Finding., brown delds. and 'soft. the,. j),, • . I Write your name..and adress 'plaiti- • t , giving o,umber and size of 'such • Song- she sings. •• • • ••• j patterns as you want. • Enclose 20c in. • in . ' . . . .. ' i stamps orcoin (eein preferred; •wrap- .. ' • C,i'Vel' or .gift.$. alt fragrance, light l' it cardully) ' ,Walening and„blesSing "evet•y steep- - 73•WestrAdelaide.St., Tormito. • .for eaeb. number, and' . • . " , and.. color, , . •, . • - • . i address your .61-cier to Wilson Pattern . ,ing 'thing. • .iNteethig chill, hla.sts hit, just•a hint t• • •• • • • ' of smiling, • • • The.Poet . ,• By Witter' Byline!. friendly Sprilig: •-• -Undying •Youth,- ,we greet her. .• , A.,UpoIelotsleivmedotilniear.a(Iliea leerlY knew Him . • . .g rree • • They .Had to Agree • . ATA HI.; beautylike a -coolin 11 was midnight.: ;On his way t '. . Drew many people to HMI. throtgli the sthoking-room to his own i . , . .. . quarters the ...secretary of the "club i . . Ile lot ed. the :speech of simple Men, saw a young man huddled in a chair. 1,_..._ And' little children's laughter. "Hallo." he said. "I was just going I He came, they always 'came agate, to shut up for the night. t thought 1 He went -they followed after - everybody hall '..fone. Aeon't you . . . . goipg home?" . tte kid sweet -hearted thints to. Say; . . . The member shook his head sadly„.. And •He was solemn only • . "I daren't." he replied. ,-Iirlien people wern unkind that' day; . .' "D-oehoed, the ., secretary, i Re's, stand there straight and' lonely. .- ren't?" • "Nothing wrong, 1 hope?" - "Plenty.' • -cane from tne,. young • ..-knd tell thenr what • they ought to do; 2' matt. "At eight -o'clock I' telephon- i ,"Love,othei• folk." He pleaded, ' ' ' feet ttioy'mg.03--odwite and gave her a Per- i "As you love tile and / love year • •• gotten What 1 sale 'voice .1.0 almost a whisper-4-1'1're for.' 4 Poet died in,(lalliee. lor4etriiilii!; , ' But eimust no,one heeded: They staredpat Jilin and slew Him straight homee,x:AlltdseeL7:er . '. . What .wollicl. 1 hey do to vou and•tne .. 1 PopulationridTaTs-e."• ' • If We si.0i11411 say We knew Him? -New Deihl India - Thist Tat . . , , .• ' 1 ceasing of India, whieli has lust be I One Fer.tthe Golfers . completed shows a Striking in -I Plarid •Old Lody (to .golf appal el I crease for the last 41Pcilde of morel salearnan l -"I'd like Co look. at l' -"tie I than 82.600.000 in the. cowl try's pop- ,I large hand ix a ps, plva ,:: my Int- ba lid • 14is Royal flighnes's is • also the ulation, which, is new played ,at 331.- said if he had ie,d ete-. ye:terday he Prince of Sideslnep.• • 000.000 persons.. .1 world hav,- wo:, tn., golf tournament'.'" vuousaisisrersoor' ALTOLSIC01ailallaRTMNIVTOkat 6.V.to8t.i..YVOLLA eNIIS. , THAT Mukt', HAS FOfe 1F1X YEATto DOtS • f Al:.!mrt: Ht• , AtMtT ti=?, He BOASTS ADot'ir ITKAT'S DAD. ,.tvtlettaYcit.$ • Ast< MonIeV ..Does -Iter_US • .TO AlkisWeetATRAT:, SIE 'Doesn't l'efirse-EtuT tior4t There's a Long, Lon Trr;i • "At 10,1"s NNORSa,. 04, Al' CASE We'LL HAVE ill LUT' 4..tu14.,` tie vies Bgerotte wt Plate our timettitiz Ai* siosv THAT'S BAD. ' •3013 tie kA),:aeLe PM' "(00 Ittt Toct< A LiFeT114,e, 'DID lie.? -84,* 41 • ^1./f."12..,.' ••‘' . . • . • • - ••\ ;0•• • e ' VtrAlt4P#15,34511MASVaritr431140*"""1"' • , • • 1 " • ,