HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-03-19, Page 53 ' '
THE LUCKNOW SENTINEV i tAttett tot , tin.. , R•
,Public Institiitions'and Many Friends
`Benefit by Will of The Late Robert
McKay _ Estate .Valued at $140,-
580.52 °
The.will of the late Roi ert 'McKay,.
a; wealthy' resident of the town .of
Goderich,' who died on February 10,.
last, has just .been probated, and the.
document 'being of ;an • unusual -and, establishing a . seholarship to be
S'A.IV..,I N S
FROM X170 TO $800.
new 'Wings -Sixwill tak 'n the
YowR first glance at the y .... '
- car's `graceful lines—low, sweeping andclean- ut —
color harmony. In everdetail, the
and. its pleasing i ,.. y..
'car correctly interprets the latest fashion tendencies.
In the new Willy Six the front -vat adjusts to your,
lenathand its
ts ba
the an
,fiss You. T
'dertread S8.ihchcs . mak.* much roomier se s
and blies � There are-:lo�nger, more flexiblek'a'uigs and
" r wed t The
four 1lydraulil shock 'ahsorl�er$ of �;>Effip o ype.
double-dro . frame cuff s down side`.swa ., fot
.ecurity Str`taking corners.
The bi Powe : rful engine is smooth in operation and
.tcononca. and oil. It can ; .
-• 1._in- oonsumptlon, of gasoline
7 , drive.70-mules an hourT-�-•• 50 in second.gg ear.:It is rubber-
iasulated against vtbrati"oa.'"Trac alig;:fonr-wheel jarskes._...
. are the Duo-Servot pe, cable and, conduit control,. for .
better ' ligation, pedal pressure and to avoid the
aqua tomodern stems. ;
brakewrattks''common ass •. �y •
Only a company of long experience,• of large resources
and withenormous facilities, could Produce such out--
standing '' cars• as the new Willys Sixes;;'; Eights -and_
Kai hts,' and could market' them at such low • prices,
gg savin of $ 170. Ito $800 over lastyear's
arhieh represent a ;
„Which represent
Arrangefor a demonstration.
L IND4WSy "ALL: •MO,D"E .3 •
27, I give and. bequeath to the.
Knox church; ''Goderich, Ontario, • the
sum of Three tltous,and ,'dollars; to
the Children's •'Aid Society's f dotter
rick Ontario, .the sum .of One thous -M
and defiers; •and to The Alexandra
Marine, and ;General: ,Hospital. of
Goderich, Ontario, the sum ' of One.:
thouband dollars. ,
28. I further give and bequeath -to
the 'Board of Trustees of the Goderich
Collegiate "Institute . the sum. of Four
thousand -dollars; for the purpose of
evidently, a very sensible nature, rs
being a good deal' dtscnssed
Mr. McKay, -.who. was, a ,public
.spirited man, of a kindly nature, haps
ing neither; wife nor,°children, direct-
ed •that 'his estate'be distributed
among near relations, friends • and
pit*. institutions of his town.
p'wf ' s uch ;a document „is of'. interest"
A $ •
to 'the.general reader "weF here pub
h g..
lish ` various clauses of i Ir. McKay's
•" •.
Thisis"tithe last Will and Testament
of .•„me,...Rober't• 'McKay, of, the 'Town
of Goderich, in the County -Of Huron,
Gentlernan,- revoking :as I ;hereby do
tar -
all former wills or,,othertestamen• y
dispositions of any kind by'Me at any
time heretofore made.'
T - direct niy.. executors • 'herein-
after named to -pay my just debts and,
my funeral and; testameilta"ry"'expen-
ses as - soon as may: be conveniently
.be ',done after my decease. .
I. make the `following' be.quests:,
• is 'J'o 1ny:.•cousin, , Kate Buchanan,_
Clark, wife of John Clark of Colborne '
Township, . Five thousand : dollars, and'
all 'My household furniturenot .other •'
wise disposed -of prior to lily decease.
2. To 1nt cousin; ,:Kate, Sands'. Bu-;
channaii;• ,also of Colborne Township,
Two ':thousand 'dolla'rs. - ,
3: To S., Morris Pentland; of or at
one. time of • iS Cottage •Place,. White
Plains, :New York,, Two thousand dol=
6.. 1 o, George ;1Gi'. `McVatia "tff or
at .one 'One of '97 Cedar :Street, care
o Ire •Fidell`ty aird--'Ga�sualty-Fain--
pdii N•ew-fork City, Teruo=thousand_
dollars , .. .
6.. To W. L McAllister;. The Fidel:
ity and Casualty' Company, 97 Cellar
Street, New York -'City, Two thousand
'7.: To. William P. Harvey, of the'
Said; the Fidelity and .Casualty Com
parry, New York City one thousand
dollars: •
8. To ,Jes.eph 31*.' Reale; Miitool
Life . Assurance Company,.:. Toronto;
Ontario,,:Tw.o_thcausand• dollars:,
9. To' Oliver Rhynas, at onetime
connected' with. the Diment Lumber
Com, pony,_„Brantford;. Ontario, Twc
thousand dollars. '
10. , T.o . Chikrles'• J. Shephard, :of.
Goderich; Ontario,' Tuvo thousand d'ol-
lars. • •
.To' Reginald`Bladk;"formerly of
11,070 Wilyys Esgghl =•
$1.170 to' $1,520: -W%flys
C.113: --(ion Chat'
$600 Wiu s C.131 -(1'i
:tea Chussie).Single.IVheel!
-5830. ' Dial IVheels — .
9870 Will s-Knigght ' -.
91,625• • All)*es IR
.0 .
Fsrtory., Toronto, .Ont.°
1►Piilylr :Cates are -
Ma nufaetured iri Canada
SEE THE NEW vviurs •soc- TRUCKS
One or two indignant Scots. hive
been protesting against what they de-:
°scribe as "insults to the Scottish
name” on the part of certain cater -
'Per instance, si • Scot traveling by
item deseribed as "Scotch trifle," Ile
expetteCa cream covered trifle, fie-
• vored with whisky " and no charge
for Whisky." But, what he got was
an ordinary trifle, covered witii cm;
tard instead' oi cream.
known as ” tlte, Robert MaoKa.y - Scfioi
arship, said fu_ nd to be held and in
"vested by the Board, and the annual
income thereof to be paid each -year
to the -student of such `Collegiate
•stitute who `being a 'resident of the
Town of 'Goderich„obtains the highest
standing .upon'the final examination
:for .,:entrance- auto's:' university, and
The Provincial Highways Dep. is
whoactuaily attend& ;such Universa°'
in the;'Provinee of.Ontario,' said ing_'
come to• ' be paid oven” (if available.
'at that. time),;within,, one • month after
'.said student' is enrolled ,at such Uni-
•'-29. I further give, and. bequeath to.;
the Board of :Public School Trustees
for the Towi of Goderich, thesum of
Two 'thousand dollars, Said sum to be
in -trait 'by the,°adid 'Board anal'
the iihnual income therefrom to be;
used-irr defraying tbeLeost of a�.ara-•
-asking for ,teaders for the Raving' of
a section of .the Highway West
of Walkerton to the 'Point. where the
Teiswater Roads joins the Durham
Road, ,the distance' is about seven
miles. This will give: Walkerton 'con.'
nection, by Provinbial highway, with
Teeswater, Winghant and towns south
afr the Wingharn-Teeswater road, was
taken over by the province .last Fall,
and Wilf be re -built this year.
"ii;ther usual Christmas' pudding but Notiutnental ' Works
Made from less e*petisive ingredients, '
So aPParently 'the .word "Scotch'i on
erticle supplied is of lin interior kind
testing less 0 Make than the .genr
• No wonder the. Scots Are fiP in
arms. For' whatever economies they
Incky pmetiia in other ways Scottish
Initiiiewhies pride, themselves on us-
ing •the test materials. in their took-
Lucknow, One,
Has the' largest and mast complete
stock. in the mint beautiful designs
to chooSe from,
Family monumen4and invite •
your Inspection.
Instriptions Ne Carefully and
Goderich, now of Pasedena, Califor-
Texas, at one tithe of GOderich, Two
13; To Edward McLaughlin, form-
erly of Goderich,1: Mail Clerk, ' -Two
thousand dollars:.
14.- To Miss :Isabel MacEwan, of
Godericli, Two thousand dellars.
15.. To Mts., Lonise forth-
erlY of: Godericir, now of Toronto,
deceased; One thonsand dollars.
widow of the tate F. A. Malcohnson,
Batrister,' Kincaidine; Ontario, One
thousand dollars. ..,
17. to tAniia:Ciunpbell,'denghter of-
Sampbell, of Goderich,' As-
sessor, One thousand dollars:.
18. To Anna B. Fletcher, ,at prea-
wit of Los Angeles, California, form-
erly of Grederich, Ontario, One thOus-:
Rays, . Goderick„ Ontario, One
20.., Tti coutin, Mts. Catherine.
'McKay, wife og Robert MCKey of
Nevr York City, care of Lamb's club,
one thousend dollars. :
chap in ,Eclio Bay," nOir_
put liie-car-botterY-tinder...
night the spriogs sagged, coming :in
,tentact With the tAttery 'terminals.
Thi• °liking avarice:. set the mattress
eiNersi god the ownei had tch nick. up
hod and tun -to ova jurse
PIM 1,01110011 Om*,
numbered from ono to twe>fly-six in-
elusive, be paid in• full,':before any..
part of ' the subsequently . mentioneu,.
legacies are .paid. • If on the other
hond there' is, as•'I quite expect there
will he, - more thansufficient to pay
all the legacies hereinbefore provided,'
for,' then in that event I give and 'be-,
queath to. the legatees mentioned, in
paragraphs one to fourteen inclusive,
each a further. pro' rata.legacy up, •to
fifty per cent. of the legacy already
bequeathed him or' her, and if after
paynient thereof there 'still remains
a $urthe'r residue I :give and .bequeath
••tlie "sa e rn in trust to the National -
Trust Company of Toronto to be ad-
rninistered by said .company as fol-
lows --,-To 'invest said, net residue
from..tune to .tithe in' safe interest,
bearing securities, ' and . to •, pay •ovei
e -fourth
an h of the 'net' in
cone from such investment to`, each
.•namel : To the Alex
of 'the allowing y,,, _
•� os i i
al suer
� ��G P.
a a
r Marine 8 d e.
Goderich,-- To- the .. _
�' Board,. of .,Manage_
nient •o_f McKay Rall,' Goderich; to
Knox Church, Goderich; and to;'Dr.
Moyer •of Hensa'll 'while he :conducts
a sanitarium•at Iieiisall or ei'sewher
In the event of: the death. of the said
Alexander . Moyer • or . of . his ceasing
for a:period;' of one year' to conduct
a sanitarium as to .which;. the 'said.
National. Trust " : Company . Lirited
Shall ' be the- sole ,judge, ands' also in
the event of any oneor more of the'
other three: beneficiaries already,
named in:°this paragraph,' ceasing to,
exist, the income etherWisef payable.
to it 'him or 'them, shall be paid' over
to .•"'a)e Muskoka . Hospital for -•Can=
sumptives,; : Gravenhurst, 'Ontario.
On' payment over to the said, the
National, Trust- Company -Omit -OF -of,-
said "net. residue, my :executors, "here
inafter• 'named, shall •be thereby corn=
pletely• exonerated and • discharged. in
respect to • said, residue -••-and T direct
that in passing their accounts: pre
par'atory to ascertaining. said .. residue,
it; shall' be deemed -s'uffcient -notice to.
nual 'Outing or -'school picnic for all
the public school pupils inthe said
Town' of. Goderich..' g'
30: I give and bequeath to the Cor:
por ition ' of the `Down of Goderich,
the'4sure of Onethousand. doll rs,,the
income thereii"om, t6 .be used:annually
far the -benefit of the ;Goderich .band.
If „from.. any cause ' the said. ''band
should cease to exist as: anorganizat-
ion for a period'Of twelve months the
the said sum' •of One -thousand dollars,
shall be added;to•,the sum. mentioned.
in ' paragraph No. 34. --of this any will'
and- ..shall. be....expended; rrf aecordanee
with the pr'ovision' thereof.
ave and l ath' to the residuary • beneficiaries if • notice of. 1
The --
A 40,4 'wibers asks, says the Far-
pier's Sun,•,whatU+ he may d,oto avoid
being fined under the Ontario' High-
way Traffic Act, in case. that the
light on his buggy or other horse-
drawn vehicle fails: Strictly. he may
do nothing but withdraw atonce •
from the travelled road or way, and
tie his horse to, a fence until: 'dawn..
'or until he borrowsanother light..
That counsel was in effect given, the . .
other day by 'a magistrate of exper
fence. The provision of: the Highway
'Waft rafCic ••Act .is wilet, :lawyers call'
statutory prohibition; 'a breach,' o..
.;which cannot ..be excused ; on : -a'ny
ground. It:has been sodeclared lately
by' the Supreme Court' of Canada .>-
a case of Hall vs. 'Toronto. ]Express.
The `. ' ' penalty It of a breach is not only
p a..
- wb.
re ker' .•ay. lie . fined,
for da -
Ile naay,;also be civil`lyi �
mages,, . if a' collision' "takes place,
while his light is out. The niotor "ve-
hicle drives animals from the high- •
ways and the pedestrain walks with
safety' in the,.ditch•, That seems
to .
result from the . fact that alongside
these statutory. ' prohibitions, there
grows up, with the sanction of ''judges •
e new common law; which obliges, the
"pedestrain ; to run for his life and
puts' on the_owner •of •.anirnals on the
highways the duty of getting them
out of the way of onrushing automo-
biles.;.It has been held by judge Lew_
'is of Huron, and -'approved, by an
ppellate ;' Fourt, , that `' an automobile • •
driver may, without' responsibility
.for, damage, rush at 'thirty-five miles
an hour; upon a cow which the owner
-seek-s-40-drag :-from..the_road
way. .
Figures are now available -for 1'9SO'
•which tell' a' wonderful story" of)Lon •-
don's appetite. Its weekly bread con•
Board f ljulageinent• of '-the Public • e lie -sand;
_ _ _ T,- • �atlonai Trust_,Company ited:
•Librati :of
nual incOnte therefrom to be uSed and'
tot that institution. - •
32: -give and.' bequeath .to Mait-
land (Masonic) Lodge N. 33., A, F. &
One thouSend dollars.
38. giVe end bequeath to -the
Goderich Ledge...of the• Independent
•.Order Of Odcifellovvs the sum of One
thonsand dollars. ',x,„
34„ I give and bequeath to the
.the sum of Two thonsand , dollars,
whiCh I Aired, to be expended as sTion
as May -be reasonahly and convenient,
ly he done hi, improving and beantity-
See ' before plating year orger.
*21.. TO Agnes 'Fletcher; Of New
Yotk City; graduate nurse, One thou -
Minister of KnOx.•church, Goderichi
One thousand dollars.
24,, Milliarn Dawning, many
years ngo. of -Ociderich, more lately
of trassels', Ontario, :Cone thousand
24. .To Miss Bfaii, W/10 taught' me-
in the., pnbiic ' school in , Goderich; if
she ia One thousand
26, To Franklin E. Clark; of Godel
rich, At preSeht ,employed bY the, 'One
'The fOregoing bequeStS are in sortie
el;fttendthip,und in some Poses as an
or 'friendships of 10y bratherS, the
of The said legatees predeeease 1118 1118
or her restiePtive lega0es shall lapse ,
and be, ksated as part of the gene'r41
teOldlle Of the estate.
sncession 'duty payable in respect of
the legacies contained 'in this will
shall be'paid out of the.residue of my.
estate, and that.the foregoing legac-
ies shall jie paid in full,freefrom all
such duty. •
36- In the event of there not being
•sufficient to pay all the„, ,foregoing a notice that you .ar
as to pertain personal effects which
-I, wieh„to• be given to the individuals
named in that •••merthirandum, The
thernorandurn -will be found in an en -
direct nay 'eicecutors to, distribute said
effects in' aecordance -therewith, if
not other -Wise contrary to 'the. terms
of this ray WM.
point as executers of this my will,
George Williams of. the Tovviv of
Goderich, formerly rnanaget of the
Canadian-Earik of Commerce, Edward
McLaughlin, at.ene time of Grocierielir
and Charles
Garro*, formerly of Goderich, now of
of Ontario.
You carit fly with 'the owls ,,at
night, huddle, and keep up with the
Brevity may be the Soul of wit, but'
there is nothing funny about getting
hort at the
• The fact that ev'ery doir AC
day' would net be so •bad if the Cay
did net have the night.
legacies, I direct that the legacies' as bank. .
don imported 1,,,10,3g6 tons of wheat
aod 218,000 tons of 'flout , in 1930.
Cheese iniPort's sukt all palates,
from cheddar -to gorgonzola, „totalled
To alignment breakfast .*npplieS,
neatly 145,000 tona Othacon and hams 0(ri
end 73,600 tons of eggs wete impor-
ted end' Loriden reqnired over 160,060
tona of butter in exceSs of that re-
ceived froth Eaglish firms.
For lunches, and dinners, London
ftozOn meat- -from -A:ustralie, and
driediftuit, chiefly in the 'torna
tames; currants and raisins for Ptid-
dings and cakes, totalled 111,000.
London received froth overseas
tables, arid: canned goods Accounted
for' a. further 114000 tons. i
In 1030 London imported over 491,7,
00.0,000 pounds eff: tea, equiValent to
lowance for the pots. London, toe, has
a. imri sweet tooth; and some 874,000
tons of sue& were necessary. to sat-
isfy, its cravings.
Historic Wolfe's Cove Assumes New Aspect • r
rrhe , scene of the landing O-
A General Wolfe, under the tower-
ing crags crowned by thesPlains of
Alitahaiii and the City of quiabec,
is about to hecoMe the setting .for
yet anether impOrtant event in the,
history of Canada. Du Septeniber
, 13, 1759, the British forceS (Be-
' embarked at what is now, known, aS
Wolfe's Cove, to capture Quebec.
On June, 1931, toakiengers from
the neW 42,500. -ton CanadiaiPacific
liner "Einpress_ot:Britain!',_on her
maiden voyage from Southampton.,
will land with-
in a few yards.
of tire ,tiante
taken bY train,
u el slightly
long; under the
6da on which
the English
hero lest his
the Canadian
Paitific's rnairx line. to Montreal.
Thin riewArsiffic link, Which is being .
shorten the running-tiine from the
ship's side to all iniportant Cana-
dian and Anierican centres.] A
e ncre ay wall, 4,360 feet
tide, will 'provide' berthing siiace ref
the new giantess end her sitter
"White Empresses': and' five rail-,
way treeks, co:mg:ging into one
tutning, into the ew turn*
soine; $2,006;333i Will, eliminate
the bosom of the St. Letvreece te' '-
their respectiVe destination's. Ms-
-a;; -two-storey shed, -with- etairwa.
leirdfirir-doWn ,te-the- trains, -T-
picture's show: (1) Wolfe's army
landing to capture Q0bec, (trona
in. old draWing), 1.2) filo tunnel
Ounith Atar the riverside, now under
ignittnetinno la) General WO%