HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-03-05, Page 6, • " • .* • ' "' • - • • 'OP', • t, • , . • ;; • • • • • " "-"" 7777,si,7 *Pe'. was i t • el ' beat it.: But thatdn't seem' likely, • .., • „- • e 4if .00u tireircsiniatancee• kw-PAUg f.0 .there!ti ;leiter any One'ronnd tht las vieleme, . • " ' Pert: of the Path earlY iuthe,inorniniffi Leavy .silenc'elligit and ttle. W4ile therk a. stone is bviztheg 1,,,,,y 1169*.: ' . • ' , : .b1 uffso thatthe view , ' viemit eThe o' The • „. 44H-. f7011,1, #01t, Mr, Nr:•41,4;4 then blrd tha'.'cliu. the job $dertainly picked .'x4:4e.,•.;l'sWllPlief°1.it.Azi1:w':!1f4iIr14t'iTtet'Pa13reft:e°ipl:of.n91t;g4A'd4;glIt.eveitsa7fdl' till the wagon eame for it, and went luetantlyi: but it steed that Vaxice's to Sprigs's house itA 93rd ,§treet,.. %. argenleTit had no been without Its '41) d got his name and addresi from•a • • • • „. .etfekti.on•hiiii. Ile AUrnet:1 ;desperatell - couple- of letters--inhas pocket. I found, • . thea y. • A . o i old N i.:1,110 a_ Atild,th4t, colurawa,_liv„,..1 • 1.14-11.iniF-w02441-Wierdlr, Orr! , • . 14ing with his .parents, and that it. WftS i• - . , ' 'Markhate: was atilt hattling against eta -habit' to take a -1:Valk in the Park* ----;------'-----"--.'...• '''''.'''''''. ' • 11.1.e ac7•6-elifame.'.4f •liatnee's"the°17i' and afthr break -Test. Heleft home ,this ' • ; , .0 be `did not answer. ': ',Presently, how, eieiningabout half, paat, seven. .-. ." Cii•o-tt ..• . -be teseated himself at his ilia ' (To be continued ) ,• jid ilteee4v)3siii,eoli7i.n.e...7:rewaifthtehnot;lpebriltgignge:ans:,.., dr•nmmed with_hiefingers_ upon New York Sergeant?"' '• ' ' *17.:: earing • "Captain ,Pitts, The local men at the 68tiv.,,,P#Q0 Station, grabbed it. BX ANNABEL1 IVBRTHiNGTObT f• st,.but when the news was relayed :to the Bureau, Pits and a couple cf oin boys went lip' to.lOok-infe ft,t •,-Fa -washout-Bitt:--.140e..0'?I';• tc4JAcIt Just liefore J " came .0Ver, hers' Mora told him to •stay ' With it" l'farichaM--presged the buzzer 137-i- • neatii the edgeef his !leak, and Sweet,' • • • • ' • " : • • • • • • S Y ,NO „ • • •A m4n,),niown as, et'Uck• Robin is shot ••• •• .with an ; arrow .on the - archer50' range beside the lionie of Peot.17Thliard. trice Attorney Markhaincellain Phiio peiicearrest Sperling,lnit later alloW, ' Vallee o t•'•help..him..-selye th.e'. crime.The• .1-• 'Cion resta:arci. •Sigard ''Arriesson., a. protege. of Prof: Diilard's.;;Pardee, a • • . • Wealthy., diallinsiened, malt with a pas- • akin for •chess,...Ms. Druleket mentally 'Unbalanced, and :her 'Oen, • Adolph,•! a,. •':: • . •• ..cripple .• ith a,.kuper-inteileet, the• • „servantsof.DaLard's.honseheld..Then • , L.. . !a...TOYErteiknig t, arrives the : • • .•murderer ' Signed The isho.p. Later •'7 ' ...another .. Murder . is ',Committed • in• :the. • •• 'santia•vicinity• J.�lin L Sprigg is..shot .. • .1 • Orrentirrthe • ,- •• • • , • •' sat Staring at Vance like- . • • ' Man honetized.. 'Heath stood. •• ,7. 1s Month...partly cigar held, a feW•liches from. his lips. 'There ..was -:73,•!! . • • , '7`''a0014h14,4711.11:00-4cOnlie-4.D.-,:t 1, . • ; gdaiit's attitude; and I had a nervous AnClination..to•laugh; but for'the ino- 'Merit My blood seenied.frozen.;i and all iuscular inoVernent was impossible Markham was .the firA-to speak. Jerking his head backward, he brought ' .• - , 7103. • - • ••• "WhitrieW4unacipf yours is thia?" • • Ile was fighting desperately iEgainSt V n durobfounding • spgke-Aon- ' . • "I'm' beginning' to think the Robin •• case has affected yogr mind:, • • man with' the eommoriplace name of :t -• -be shot without Ygur*tryng to turn it into some grotesque hot-O„s. wt. • . you must admit; Markhani; rite .• •• '• • • old dear," • returned .Vance,;" mildly, , • 7 "this particularly Johnny Sprigg was ' "shot with `a little gun,' throtigh, `the Middle of his wig,' sp to :speak.' Persoil wbo.ltd.led.e/uelt. 3.O.biti With an arr has vented -his grin huinor iipihe hapless Sprigg. •Voincielence is t of the' clUeStion. Such repititive parallels Would knock the entire fene- dation out from all sanity and reason. 'Pon My soul; the'iorla ikrgiad puede:, treh7rnadnese*oild cliaiipa'te. all science and. rational -thinking:, Sprig's' death is rather hideous; hilt it must •be faced...And however. much YOU poi, force yourself to protest •against its: 'incredible implications ,you'll eventu- ally have to accept them." • • Markham. lied risen, and Vas pac- ing nervously Up .and down. • !fill grant . there are inexplicable ,elements -in this nene:-crime?-4-11is- cornbativeriess had gone, .and his tone - :had. Moderated.. "But if we assume; even tentatively, that some maniac is at large reconstructing the rhymes •of his ,nursery days, 1 can't see how it will help, us. It wohld practieally ose All' routliie-l!s-ef--Investiga thoeldn't say' that, • don't -y' Vinee 'Was smoking medita- tively, -inilined..to think that a.-s-Sti-inidi woard siinply us with a clefinite,hitsis Of iiiquiry." . s saicasra. Al we gotta do is to gO.'Orut and find one bug among six iiiion PeOpIe., A:Cinch!" ',!DO,alt,let the dailies -et iliscetirage'. ment overcome you:, Sergeant., 'Otir, usive jester is a :'rather,distinctive entomological •speennen. Moreover, wehave. certain clews as- to -his exact. habitat. . ."' ••• ; • Markham 'Swung -round. "What 0" you mean by:that?" • . • • that this Second crime. is related to .the first • not only psychO'-. bit geographically.•-• Both. murders,.*ere cominitted. within a few bloeke-of-eaeh. "other-our:•:destructive lemon at .beast has a 'weakness *the neighborhood 'in which., the Dillard' 'honse., is situated.. 1Turtherreore,.• the' ve107 factors of the two. murders pre,: elude the possibility of his having come from afar to give rein to his dis- torted Ifumor unfamilia...4%,surronnd- ings.- As •T learnedly pointed mit to- :ko," Wee translated into the Beypnd by some one who knew all the conditions obtaining. at the Dillard house at the exact hour the ,grisly drama wasPerforined; .and surely it's obvious that this second crime could not. have been so •staged had not the, inipressario been acquainted with 'Sprigg'a 'ambnlat'rY. -intentions this -morning.. •Indeed, the entire: median- itm of these weird playlets proves that • ' "What if was?"-, A --difa--flush- • had crept info lVlarkharies face. "Tg that any reason for your going about • babbling Mother Goose rhyme?" • I say, I .never -babble, don't y' know." • Vance had'dropped into a chair facing the District Attorney's • desk. ""I may not be a thrillin' elo- ••cutionist; but really, now I don't bab- ble." , ble." Ile gave Iteith an ingratiating smile: "Do I, Seiteant?" • •But Heath had no opinion tb ex- , press. He still herd his astonished pose, though his eyes had now become • mere slits in his, broad, -pugnacious face. "Arayou seriously suggesting-? ' • began Markham. but Vance interrupt- • ed him. ' •• "Yes! Vni seribesly.suggesting that. • 't,te • - ORK won't wait for a • headache t� year off. • - trowt- Do or sympat y a suh times, but .get • some Apirin. Jt neveria1ils. Don't he a 'chronic sufferer from heaclacheS; of' any other • pain. See 4 decter and get at the cause. Mean t don 't play martyr. There's alvtrays quick comfort in Aspirin: It never does' any harm.- Isn't it fool ish to suffer any need le'ss pain? It may be. only a simple hedache, or tt it may be ne- ] algia or neuriis. Rhetlinatism. Lurrilrage. Aspirin is still the - • • - fiensible thing" tq, takeThere is hardly any or pain thes',e tallets relieve; they' are a grt:at cotnfort in inn who tuffer periodically; they are "." always ' to be relied on for breckierng up colds. • BUY. th' box that says Aspirin , and has :Genuine printed in red, Genuine Aspirin' tablets, db • not depress the • heart. All druggists • • • - t • - • itts.rattAtti., t e. 1.7 ▪ k • • . '* 41:WV iiiii4100:4110Starge004q,..she ,444,i7a.i0v2A0A00147.1,74 4. e his youthful secretary, ipPearect atqlte siViriging &Ca. that. led to,the . • clerical room:between .the District At. turners ,private- office and. the:mien waiting room: ° . • •• Get Inspector Morin on the Wire," he ordered,- , , • ' When the connection had 'been Made ..heldrew the telephorie toward him and apeke_for several minutes. . When he had., replaced the. receiver, he, gave Heath "you're now offiCially handlings the Sprigg case, Sergeant. CaptainPitts will he here presentlyand then we'll know where • we steed.'?. :He began. looking threugh a. pile of paPers ne. fere him, f:Tve-'get to be convirmed," he, added half-heartedly, "that Sprigg 'and 'Robin 'are tied n in •the saves Pitts, a Short, stocky Man, with a lean; hard face and a black :tooth- brush moustache, arrived ten minutes later. 'H was; I learned afterwards, one of the most competent men in the Detective Division. • His specialty was "White -cellar" gangsters, ' He shook hands with Markham and gave Heath •a companionable leer.. • ' Vancei6 helping us nactificiall Ly Witli.,-the-Robi•n-caseaptain'" , planted Markham; "and Since this , man'Sprigg was killed in the same. nelghborlinierWe-; thought .we'd like to hear your preliininary report on the affair" Ile took out a box of Ger: ona Perfectos, and pushed it acres thedeak. • .• "You needn't -put the 'request that ivy,,sir.". The Captain' smiled, .and selecting 'a .gigar _light it to., his nose • with atind of voluptuous satisfaction. "The Inspector. told me you had some Webs abont this new case, and wanted • to, take it on. To tell Ion the truth. I'm glad to get rid, of it." He sat dqwn leisurely, 'and lighted his 'cigar. "What would you like to know, sir?" "let naji_e_v_e_the WholeratorY„,'.' Markham.' • Pitts • settled ,himself corefortabfy. • "Well; I happened to be on hand • when the case came through -a little after this morning -and I took a couple of the 'boys and beat it.up- town. The local men Were on the job, and an assistant Medical Examiner arrived the same time I did. . . ." "Did you hear his report, Captain?" asked Sprigg was shot through the top of the•head with a .32. No signs of a struggle -,no bruises or anything. Nothing fancy. Just .8. straight shoot- ing." ^ • "Was he lying 'On his back when' found?" • "That's '.right. Stretched out nice ,and pretty, right in the middle a the •. '21,11,,it:At,?*te$ P.).essnt(0-0z.9., Less� F;ernis11,6i1 1444th EvertiPeitter1z , •' ..."•,•" 4 : • .-•-• • Or, 19,0# Scoirni- VOA • -117090 , • • :Weill,' boys a.ok.1 i1s sp ,citteer headed% her elit,into the wind", things have happined to es'wnile tiVe' •baps if we had it•Ackivn ell the advetl- altrt. the world during last tures we Were.going to' meet we,:Wiiiihr • • -few montlie--that•Ave just le to toll- itevQr. bayie- made.tte..trio-at all ii!Or • • • ' -You-4116. -sVPPY-- Some day,:. •Perlmes • YoAll fly Oyer' bf 'advenfures, actually liaviiig their• • • • strange •ceuntriet, cenntries • , • with' SaVag.e, tribe47 alig• 'and a thousand In' of whiie• sitting. at. 119Me. „above, the , pleads ntP;;Irinh.ae:4:0,Yn°d4'1'llotio,; doWn. ...1,1fern ..4.117 • liicP big sea of goldandsilver rin the. snerise;.p.and g._Way.•,,cloWn-Uelow, • you# see•gre.gt„:11.eots of ivarshlpS in their lierbers, so'. far eleven that -they. leak' , - zLmelitzilnaidyso.jus cinfottean_li- 13‘14.,EteVrx1C890.7114:410.-.1-H7 , , WW1 tilgtt 5:'Q.1 Were in Some :nice saf,O;, ..„ •place instead. , • • • .. Once in the air, b, piene- is not )aiA. • to front ef pilots seat. • ' ii the chief 'control lever:kbown se,s• . ' • the, "stick.", - It is not very harril4 name to reMbinber,'iitit. it is a , . sptileelicet"9owt4trlida f1111;!est'tlat',1149YRri°142tftf4fs-1 6"-11;s Ptt €1)114.ptitorap.11.,ck•;". f a4d.t. Course • pulls7 'the :Pline..,:doWn. • • The.-lobtlevets Werk -the rudders like toy boats floating on -the 0( at the extreind of plane. When.' • .. ..'• • ., At ethertimes yottql,:ity-over 1.)4eki.s.tipourutioshtotlite,liee4iiievoi.tot_thstioiernigh1 t.,_,),iit:bi!_to.plaltinoa.f,.:.: i:„.,........ ., a bathtub. • ., -, . • . tropical feresta .arid• foliow, the wlitee . . ...,. I•traok oun :. f known riVers tinder t . left,. the Plane goes to the lift. lira, . ., 'light of .a huge bright Moon ----Wonder-' dei'eaIttlw. ilt41.1r.'3,v'ellt;etielen.tg::inlist'ffea'aid''' ''°,:Alll*r°uYlid•li ...: ' etiles lurk :in ,the's wellies - and •: tigart and. bears hant thDougli the livelong ,wliere croee. eleck•op. the ins,truMent 7..thibard tel 7'.• . ' ... : .. . ,: toe •hoW••f.est i 'am .going -.-another tells • .. ..: . : . nil, dangerous. forests night, ...while. bine ' . faced Mops...keys •swing tad :jabber in thsarees' • •". Youll see thee thingi,ond a ,th.olis..,. and More, land .of. course You'll Went to . • " '' ' : As ..Sve. flow, • , .• . . • .; . , •.e.:-. tell the •boys • r,ind Oda you all. , overthfoot abou£ yoUradventiu•es,just'llice 'I ani • . . gOing to tell . you 'Mine: 7;..,' ' .. 1.' : .,1' ,hills; the Seen, • ... • . call Me .CaPtain ,Jiiiiiny.. While..my'.,. •- '''• • . niewroyor.oe•cilieb.i.4,1;41aettis,neu: le:7. Most of. the 'boys and giriS.I.I.know • ':', .',, i. , '41 • ' .that. We Ilya Vtekers plane. B.y.,we.• '''''.;', • • c O al, '.1.aVirieS, ..•,... , : ... . .. and.," liei.e and real •eanie is. Captain James HarWorth • . NeWberry, only' the grOwn-Ups call•ine •fri '.., ': th4e, an, Clien: ''•••". - -7 ine.,ttw wgh up: r ain in the air. Se •• you see it'sall easy enough: when yo' ' . get flied to it -like lets ef thingS,that, • leek .hard fit first " ,. ". • • • ,.• ILinean-Seottie-and-inYtelS cottle-is- oue of those plain.whiskert . dogs known as Sbotoh Terriers. He looks like an animated bath brush, and, he •bas never won .a hlue ribbOn or a prize; Willik • • • va • w tere • the Y cabin of some homesteader or pros-, , • Pector Show &half the cover of the 's a gwoods. .Th shadows began-tei Make Yet, for sheer personality, he'do. • patches on, .t1r. sunlit country: beloW-4. Show by himself.• the shadows •....Of gathering. elands: 49917 - 6L.‚•what a CreW' • he 'makes. Scott.i the An,s1 „the rstritti ,s,-,4ffettre-trrto wrong and pawed it :my flying: suit - as . dogs do when trying to draw Year. ' •;•:.•.; • 'attention:. . ,Then..suddenlY "puff" ' . . •• Anyway, I found Scottie when he was only just about six. weeks old,: and he -and I 'just- took to each' other. You ;knowhOw.:2 it.' Annet).nreS.L.a. K'',111,1St' of wind. .struelc us -then another just adopts yon. You don't buy jinn; (1°- -atod-a-notlierillen---4-,-7rain-squan int; -- --;----, ...., _ • he etas.' you. Seettie Just got used m „ us -and in a onient we .were in the T'----re-flifilikaiiiand iiitli me se I couldn't cencer-ofr,the,-nrearrest4torm-ryonTever-7-,-• ---, • ' keel's him Out of the plane:. From'the Saw, the old shit) rocking and tOsSing •• , , -daY a my first ridelrelia's gone every. like a boat in an angry sea -the sky - i where; with me -all over Canada Eur growing darker every ininute-and the ope. and even Africa.. rain coming • down in sheets amid the blinding stab of bine lightning.. Then . .: - it eas .a fine bright morning when• - .1" crazily and the . . the right wing dpee,' we • pulled the old 'Welters out of her plebe began to slip sideways. .. 1 . hangTif, at 'fife Calgary eking field, and . (To, be continued next TqiursdaY5 , . . • . ' Every 'smart woman. kno 'that. dispensable•in daytime wardrebe.,••- •And this one is outstandingly ' chic *and extremely wearable for • stlIeet or afternoons. , •• • • ,,:. Aridits Cut on slenderizinglines • to withits draped cowl bodice in „plain blending crepe. • The ModiA floniteee: of. the:...sieev,ea.._repeaf the plain crepe as does the tiny vest. • • The curved -seaming of the hip- • -line is length giving. ; • . 2097. May be had in sizes 1.6,48 year, 36,38,•'40and 42 iches.bnet.' • • Plain :crepe silk anderepy wool.; ens are' smart • for. this becoining model. -HOW TQ.: ORDER PATTERNS Wre your .nitnie and address givingninher and 'size such patterns is you want. Enelose 20c in stamps or • coin (pin ,pre- ferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson. Pattern 'Service, 73 West • Adelaide St -Toronto ; ' • „ "And :;vrtanthis fraetneed • where • held •falln on the asphalt?" The .questionnit negligently. Pitts took ilia cigar front his mouth. and gave Vance a sly look. • • "I, guess maybe you fellow over da-na: ease" Ile nodded his head Sagadows. "Yes, the back of the guy's skull was all bash-4,in, He Stire had a tough fall. But I guess he didnt feel it -not with that bullet in his brain. i. ," • peaking of the shot, Captain, • didn't anythingabout it Strike you as peculiar?" • . yes," • Pitts adinitted, rol • armeditati-velY bet= hi thumb:and foreAngr. "The top ef a yrs head isn't Where I'd ordinarily look for a, bullet-hle. And his hat an't touchal-it must have fallen off :bfore he was potted: Yon might alithose facts, pecniiar, Mr, Vance." "Yes, .Captaii, theyre dashed pe- culiar. .And I take it th' pistol wa* held at clWie "Not mOre'n a couple of inches away. The hair was singedroukid the 'hole." He made a broad gesture bf !riconst,quence. Still and all, the grtv • • . Sonnet • Ah, • .n� W • that you, • who held my thoughts for years, • ` ' Chotolafe Malted :it . . • The health-givin, delicious drink for children and grown- ups. - Pond- andHulf Pound tins at your grocers., Have. cfatighed anlightly • turned A away from me, • .. ... 1 Name And I, • bewitched 130. more. and free from tears, • •. . • it'ffYr • and see • • You 'pass . uncaring by, your ,eyes grOwn• teld, • And feel; ineteadpt Ioe, fane.sur, • prise That hearts can be so easily consoled, That .1 can watch, Unhurt, yew.- rv. Ing eyes •• Seek other lve, can see your gay fair had. TUTU Caratesly from me, and know that I • • Care even. less than you, that al we Said • • • Of constancy was lighter than a . sigh:, •° Again .1 see, *so long obseured by Jove, The contstanhills and boundless sky • •bove! ° • --I reh e M. McCrae 'The Aus ere.: asan. A.mobt desirable Plant foi- the home nnght haye seen the other fllowdraw is the cliVia miniata, a pretty lilytlike the' gen, and ducked .fori.vaisd, spilfirg Plent of easy culture. It blbonis clur- his ht. That would account for his ing the sitting and sthninOr. .9dth getting the shot at close range iretlx, eratigDeci A?vers' about inches "Quite quite. , long. • • . top of .the head.," • it that, in that ewe, he wont 't have fallen over "Dent you knoW her? Why, sho beck, but woul ‘liae pitched forwiml lives in the same square with on his fate. . . . But go on svtth "Ye, but shes ttot In the: store story, Calain." • .• irci°." • Fitts gave Vance a look or agregfitcnt, and continued: sad soul, rake (:tntort. nor forget "Th'' first think I did was to r, tlett sunrise ,never 11.4 through Urn fellttiv'S pocket,: 04110 1.314"454'; '"„ • ••• gond geld p;atcl ofFTii.t and4hoill • • ' • : • 7 • • . , con dollars tri hills and silver, WA L l(1('(( 10 t didn'tlook likea (1(;1111litseeihitid int pirt -end' he tlib guy flee:4t him got; pm -picky tirk was r pri.evt.d. ,utt famous Recipe Book ?ontains nearly 200 prize tecipes choseti from 75,00e received from all parts of Canada. They' areendOnied by one of Canadas farentost food expert. lie sure to ettelose 10 Tents in stamps or coiri to met. mailing costs. INWIRIEBEIMMItt. Address. 1,7 ti!e CANADA STARCH Limited MONTREAL • ,. ...1 • . ealt ful 100 di. ‘s"r "k:R A T' CheeseIs rich in cal- citiil, phosphorus aridhody-building vit- amins. It Is the mot highly concentrated source pf bibetcp-ki-* ityproteintneiwn. Par , a balanced diet, include krattcheese*iih every • , nieai4. • • Made in Canada , • Made by the Makers cif Kraft Sala „Dressing end Velveele Costs and. Wages fiondon Daily Herld: Aany brats, 'tril leaders say that the prices aye 00 , ant la cos s Muse be re. duceit We agree. tut' not ' by cutting .wage.. High costa are 'the 4 4 • None thrives for Ibtg upon the heP- piest dream.-Ceventry Patmote of inefficincyand that the tree' that needs the ate edge; • ititaRd9044.. ""Aft.....ertianiirt177Y • 11..4. , :•••• .-,-.0•444.7014,-Arzamatim ..„7. .9,t71 • "*•4.-t'ir*""1 •ItaLty • ,