HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-03-05, Page 54
•., ,„ ,
P. 1
A %
THE. LupliNOW SEMEINEL 011,31.144.1tv MARCIL kb, 19SI.
(BY De 111.. Le Iloterdere)f
••*:' ; feast week dammed Pie irohiein
of backward children I told of the.
t"feetecial 'classes that have been estate
listed for this type of child in some
• - - of tee ecisielsia .the terger. cities. To, "
t a
day, ir want yeti •tO come With me to ' •
': .. Visa tee.4-i)g Aliso gusies,.2 : _...-• .
•• . •
We dime to theedoor of what seems
to be ,an Ordinary ' Classroom. . But
'after the door is opened to our •knock
We find that:it le net: like any glass,
, . ,
'Toonefamiliar to ea from our 'school
daYs. • -; , , .
' .',,, ,.,..,.,....,.2... The first thing, that strikesus' is
. , .
the noise-eeimuch more noise than was:.
ever allowed When we went to seho61.
nd perhapi, the aeatething we 'notice
„,..: ,..:, _. • i t,. the client is. :only abbe* half *. •
•. . , • __.."'
: ' s • e • esI • -.number-often . toys and : •,' ' ,' . ' 4
, . .r"1"
Here in the-franteeons ita little.
who has just begun Scheel. She
• • t is bdsy:with a pair oteseissOM'cutting
.77 Bluetrations out of a magazine. In the •
• laext troy a girl. he inalfidg bright.
.fiegivere out of grepe ' paper. Aed in
the bach. row another girl, is working
'etin.an intricate 'piece of embretidery.
Acress 'the room, Where :most' of the
• • noise Comes fram, 'a boy -is cuttingeet
• • gee.--(*.vogidetitoyii -with a fret saw:
eOnd, hOy is finishing them off with
sandetiapet, while a third gives .them
• • a coat' at : • •• •'
• Ili the next corner three ,boys re
, • w planIng, sawing and fitting together
pieces Of board to mike. a set ,;• of
bOokettelyes. Elsewhere m the room,
beim and girls are making reed bask..
atileandecanine 'theehoitaterseeeticlittire-
• •;Areend the Willie may be seen dozens
• eit samples ,Of the childree's work; a
. • • - . 'great deal of it requiring much more
;AO at handicrafts than Is .possessed
by Most persons with an ordinary
. , '
That is not all these childrenlearn.
The *ice les are not negleeteok Butsuch-teaching is",
:linked. With inAinfal
, training. Feritiatiiiice, a boy may not.
' • be ordinatily'interested in 'bow many
htchesetherteare_inee foot-aeid-a,letlf.
• • ;.But .if he needs a -piece of board of
'that length then the matter ,becomes
„ efot bitn a practical one,
These. special classes rarely. are
troubled with truancy -the children
find ,theni much too interesting. And,
what te• More, they ttre pleiyieg a big
art bi Making happy and useftil cit_
otitrOf what. Might otherwise be
wastelininia•matethiL • ,
• • . (titiorniation on any point not cov-
ered here will be given in later issues
• • :if YOu will address your questions te
,"Mental Health," ill St: 'George St.,
',Toronto, Ont.
- Pleading gitilty to the theft of ' a
cylinder time valued at ro from the
Ford garage, Norval 'Peecions, ..
pearing in Police Coutt, February
24th, after two remands of one week
,,each, was sentenced by Magistrate
Reid to serve 'six months deterztainite
and six months indeterminate in an
Ontarioreforauttory. It was his four..
Aeenth conviction since 1822 for one
offence or another.
When Precious was first arrested
for the theft froze the garage, after
.• tbe,polite had learned that he bad en-
deavored to sell it,' lie denied all know-
ledge Of the •naiesing article. He .spent
a week in jell on remand and -when he
• again appeared he was given
Last Thursday .the stolen article was •
-.found in car-Which-te-was-41Ziving
'and sit his trial he told the Magistrat
be was 'trying to return'the tool when ,
esthete. It had been hidden 'somewhere
in Colborne Township. ' •
II1N I li
11111 11,1111
111 all
1 I
It 11111111 (1,1
IN111111111111h1 1111111111111111111111111111101'11$'111111111111111$111
„„ eees, tease ? .11; . 1111 it;
• • 01. 7VONs'i. r;'•;"
,flim logion;if,mIll
The ' same enterpris'ing, forwand-looldn'Ag
spait--tAicti- has been responsibilelbe-
• Canada's rise teearentoress node expression ' • •
.in the progressive POLY -that for morethan
i0.0 years has kept the Bank o(Montreal
the fotifront of Canasfisan. finance. ,
Established 1817
• ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $809,000,000.
R M. MacPijERSdN, Manager.
. gimlets siggeggigiggigig ug.
' .
i • •
, ' Le g
alieLnincarcline Town Board, of
Education - hae. engaged Mr. Elmer George, Thompsonie that ' week.
Thompson, now principal. of the Kitt- iss IVIiimie 'Fair, Johnnie and would se* woodier something to eat
cardiee Public School. Mr. Thompson rank, visited at Mr. Henry Need e-'2 ' , .being taught in Toronto University.
. The trouble geems to be that part It has been chiefly stirred up 'by the
ham's on Sunday. .: ' • :,
will take over his duties et Kincare
us are trying to reform the rest Toronto Globe? which goes into a
dine following the Easter vacation. mrs. :Angus Graham spent a few , of
.who feel as righteous as anY. state of hysterics onee a week, which •
There were 32 applicatione for the ,1a, f list week with her patent's, , of us
position at Kincardine. • . Mr.' and Mrs. Andrew 'Enters:ill :: -- ,' ',-,e------ --- shedders every time :it -sees -a eshad-
The vacancy is eaused by the 'neje,- . Mr. Milton Walsh, and Mr,- Albert l' ow in dowetown '-'±oronto, belieeing
- anon of the _present ergriTteipal_ at' Sot , eperit- Sunday with Tiverton
Kincardine, MEtrie"." Wilion;4-fiti is- friends. :-...- ' , c: . -
goinig into newspaper work, taking • Affi. W. H. Seott 'visited relatives
, • ..
"1 never heard Of •a perfect niae,"
.•, said a prominent professor. Man,
Mr. Mid., Mrs. Will Stanley and, Yoti' should marry, a 'widowl
, „
ceilcie f Lucknow visited at' Mre :
becatne of-ehe chip wh
• „
5, Kinloss
Tested te Geoge Comp.; Agri.
ellifejeee • '
Sr, We -Hone -Johnston lidaeLeod '
8O%.. Passe -Mary White :7.1:. 1liott'
darrailhers 57; ,; • • •
Jr; Ilte;Paee-L-Wilfred White 69e,
Leoneted MacLeod. 68,;• trwitteCareattlie „.„.„
ers 544. •
, ,
Ilf-Tested ARA.; kitscmpp.,-
-Agri.; and Elyg. e
Pass -.race Reynolds ,e5811:.• Joh% . •
11rI'ee°sP:ss5.:-= Geerge. • 91; -M. set n
Kathleen Carruthers 62*: May Rey- • .., •
noldh 61. . . :
GraceMacLeod 78:
guides* MacLeod .75. , _ •
Pie-HGood---Letterne White: Robert
Parkes*. • ; '•
No on Roll 15. Ave...A:ft:-13;
* ,Missed eart•pt month' •
,- • • , • , •
Ashfield • '
ptake •(abet). •
IV -Harvey 75e7e.:
.Ger oe :Anderson /5; Clifford" Rieke
74.2 Aline Curren 74.
S III-Chestee TWamley Mur-
. • - :
II Elmira Alton 78:. Bertr.aM
Iltrrlizak74e:_'7Hia. PhY-`
I-e'Mary . Horton. 88:. .
"Lannan 81: 'Eda Phillips 71: Lorne •
'Phillips 69: Russel. Alton 53. • • •
' Sr. ler.-Clare Lannan, Excellent'.
A TEMPEST, IN: A TEAPOT Pre; --Alvin Caeper? Good:' • :
_ _ ' _, •
No. on Roll 18. ' Ave. Att. 17.1:.
(London Free Press) . .. • Anderson 4•1' '
,If ever there was tempest.* a, tea- , , Ohve L. . . .
Over the stateMent that atheista
-.---7-tW.-1C-31-6.3T.laitfiss. • .
Honours 75%: POss 60%. -
Sr. IV -Mabel Resa 80%': Irene .
Johnston 71: 'Grace MacPlier4en "62:
Mabel Hawkshaw 40.: Maurice Hode
li.-IV-r.-Ciireie CaleliVO: Reiph, - --e-ee-
religigaisii,* that ItheeeniLef %the. world 11::`Tedre,g'ermilI118!:554.211:1":(11m1101;!elt_kleeeszise,e_S:::::1*.eIiiit :(e,!,e27e.1::
it is a .Communist, end which believes
is rapidly • appioeching and that we
are in the last; dispensation. Jimmy Johnston 42 Jane Carter 40
---:-W-hatehas-ataitedeetleethe fuse Inia, Gordon Jiiines -$0": • , Verna Johnston
noise? There is :a • daily paper iliii• 15: Evelyn Johnston 21*: Levi Carter . ---;
fished at the university called Varsity • 1--2"..,!., ' ' "--;
tun by the Students: The editor in an II Claa8--EXCelreitretal7 tatter. : h '..: • ,';
editorial written last week had the Faire -Grant Eekensetiller: Edythe
following statement: Johnston*; Florence James : Harvey
. , , . ,
• e eft they': (the students of one Johnston Stanley Jelmston: Mabel
of our Colleges of theology) were. - Johnston ' , - -- „ el• i e 7,;
Primer . CiaSS Excellent -Melvin ' .. ••
quite honest they would be will-
mg to admit that the imajority Johnston: 'Billie Ross. 'Good -Eileen e .-
Johnston*: Faii-LWeif:Ee"kenseviller:
of 'graduates in arts are practi- .. .
.64f. • •-..' •-• ...,. .,' , • 4
cal athiests, and that 'this. inclu- Harry Carter
des a large percentage of the. e Those 'marked (ab) ware ahtent al- •
students in theolagy. This is not : Most all nioneh
Those marked (*) miaserein ex- '
„ an indictinent on ,,our part; it. ii
a simple; straightforward state- __ini* inati". ' .
ment of fact." . .
No on Boll 29. Av.,' Att-26„
', • ,,, 0 . •:
- ' .'" .,.' .' .
This foolish and sensational state- 'Helen LThornOson
'meet by one Man, hie own epiaton, ' "" *
'was seized on in• real yellow journal. Se S.; 1,1o. 3.,Yfest Waivanosh
istic style by The Globe, echoed be; ' Pupils tested** History; Geography ,
Grammar, Literature,' Hygiene,; Ag- • '
other Toronto papers, and a tremen-. • .
dolls hull:Thal:TO made. Then the; Pro- ticulture.
- • Sr. IV-.1ean'. e Perdozi. . . • 70%: Robert
gressive ' leader, who is evidently
fighting hard to get into the limelight McAllister' 63.
and tge stealthe thunder of the Liber
Jr, IV -Ernest Dueein, 64: Ile Fow- ...,
ler 64i ,Elwood Fowler 58* .Joe Piot-. . '.
al Opposite:in, seizeee on the statement Jro drag the matter into the Legisla- an"
. Jr. III -Helen Durnin 67; Helen
ture; he wanted an official inquiry.*
• r. :' . •
The Free Press does ,atiot believe Fowler 37.
that 'there is any, foundation for fact Sr. II -Harold Irwin ' 68:. .Elmer
in the statement Of Varsity. Five Foran 35'
thousihnd students cannotbe gathered Jr. II -Roy Fowler 61: Leo ,Foran
finding some ithiests, some because I -Good -Norman Foran.c
. . ,.
they think it is smart and some thru No. on roll 13. 4.4e. Att, 12.5.
(*) missed tests. 'Lena I. Hackett
honest doubt at that time of lite.
There was just adr much 'atheism in • •
SS. No. 9, Kinloss ,
' Hentatrs- 151---Pasie -60- :-- -- •• ., 2- -....
r '
Form V -Catherine Patterson. ' • ' -
Sr. IV -Betty. MacKenzie 88: Billy'
MacKenzie 78: Gordon Morrison 58.
Jr; IV -George Wraith 76: Nellie ' ,
MacCallum 63: Agnes Patterson 6;. '
-Sean l'AitcCallum 54. '
• III -Leola Wraith 67: ' June' •
Morrison - 63: Melvin Morrison 62: '
Donald MacKenzie 62. . •
Jr.. HI-Maimie Purves 69. . .
Sr. I -Manfred' Mintz 80.
Sr., Pr. --Mary Wraith '71.
• •
charge of the Stake* Sun. °Wned-- at Mount Forest recently.
until recentry-by his father, who aid Mig.. James Robertson went to
a coutile of weeks age.
. Kitchener on, Wedziesday. , ... ' ,
Emerioii spent the week,'
RADIO isib NEWSPAPERS ' end at her heme• here '
• ,
Radio fans are frequently annoyed '
by the • frequent intrusion of adver- ,.., - .'
tisieg matter into: theeentertaininent The P:•Gua-Son-Ola Company ' of,
features of, a: radie-' prOgrarn. • This Winghant has Trade an assignment
his led to the belief that a great deal for the benefit of the creditors, and
of advertising is • being done in that a,meeting of creditors will be held at
way, and that advertisieg%y radio leindon, on March -60, to receive .4 .
- .
is likely te cut Lieeply into the adver- report on the condition of the business
Using revenue of •newspapers and In the, meantime the' factory contin-
• ties in operation. It is understood that
magazines: - , .
With a view to finding out to what assets will aboue balance liabilities.'
extent advertising his ' been affected ' The,tOwn of. Wingham is interested
'by radio the folleivilig figures have te the 'extent a ten the -wand dollars
been obtained regarding -the advertise which evas advanced by war .of,..a bone
ing appropriations made in 1930 by es..A part .3f this had been paid. The
five of the greatest advertisers in the company has found collections diffil
United States. 'The first column 'of cult for soros time, and has been un -
figures represent the aniount ap, able to collect•several large accounts.
propriated for radio advertisingand '
the second the emount for' newspapers' FREE TREES FOR FARMERS .
and magazine advertising. '
Advertiser Radii. Newspaper -.
TheeOntario DePartment of Fores;
Armour and 'Co.: $250,600_.$ 541,000
is' again. distributing free trees
General Electric 433,000, 4,170,000 tI
to farmers of the province as follows:
General • Feeds 450,000-: 6500,000
First --up to .3,500 white .Pine, -red
General Motors 332,00 183536,000
pine, jack pine, scotch • pine,. larch,
Quake!. Oats 268,060-.. 1,4504000
whiee- speace, white cedar, carctiitm
In other, •Wkirds, While °$1,543,000
$31,291,000 went peppier; white willow, walnut, butter -
went to 'the • radio,
nut, elni, white 'aSh,. Oft maple, hard
to the '. newspaperg- and Magazines,
ad- Teeple, •ar red oak, may. be obtained
Putting it another way; these, big
free. of charge for reforestation eith.
vertisers, who -know 'advertising' from
bush or to; a new.
-.A.16 :4--eongitlered newspaper . -ami .r in a" .1:4'esdnt,
• plentation on waste or 'poor, land.
Magazine advertising just th* '
:Second -tip to. 500 white spruce,
times more valuable than stuff. sent
Norway spruce or white cedar' for
over the radio. 2 •
• .
• , . ,
• The Huron 'Expositor of Seaforth
iiayX:-Mr. J. A. McKenzie this week
ditiPoied of the large brick mill build-
" ing, known • as the oatmeal mill, and ..
, • situated dieeetlY egress from elle C.
N. R. station *the .Milling
company, Ltniitede of Toronto. This
company have purchised • the Oitiad,.
1!ln rights teemilleit•100,pet gent. toile--
plete wheat flour 'irate American
.0- patent, and will havea chain of mills
it k the Province, Seaforth to be the
fleet that wille he 'put hi oPeratien.
he coriipatitY is nova rentheilig the
machinery -from tharlailding and
-,.....4-36"' -=•-` 'V' - Ti ' • ., .___,,_,..- -,-,,,- ,, ,
. , F *het gitetatiOliS "aTe- Maclei Wurildit*
a complete .new elan& •
. , *.
, Seine People' Tweet face. thefr ral
Thottafe Costella,.X. C. Of
freve, has been appointed jedge- of
the untrof-Huren, filling-the-vace-
secy. caused by the death of Judge V. -
N. LeWis. Mr. Costae, was' one-time'
member of Me Ontario Legisletere,
representing Relfrew South. e
Dudley ,Hentes K. C., who has been
down attorney for Huron,County for
some years has beef' apgointed, judke
for County, and' will redide at
The, People of the State of. Michie
gan *ill vote in April, by way of re-
ferendum, on a state law making pro -
11--ere-and Theft-
. ,
yetietee Leghorn , leen "No. Drcine
from Pare..Kells; ele7
eggs .in 345, days, onalifying her is:
' champion egg.: layer. The,', eggs
w,eigifed' 52 potindS, just ten times
her own weight.: :; • • „ •
In the Past fiscarYear in _Nova :
SeOtia there .were 131 companies
'incorporated' with total caPitaliza-
thin 'of 35,367,00% an increase of
13. new companies over the'previ-.'•
'ond.• Year. ' •
• . .
Rt. IiOn...R. B. Bennett, ,Prime
Minster.of ,Canedee and a gradu-
• .6f. Dalhousie University ' 'Of
.1893,• Was recently presented With .
• a leather-bound script ' conveying
recognition and regard of nineteen
Classmates of the same year. •
, •
-Theodore H. Eipp. chairm'an
.the Industrial Development Board.
of, • Manitoba, reports that ' since
.the inception of the Board, Mani-
toba's industrial Payroll has been -
Increased, from', si.s.soo,000 to, $35re
'009,0ca •
Miss Margaret Stevenson, of '
E1 -
mouton, has succeeded to the
crown of. the 'next Banff Winter
' Carnival, following Miss Doris
Parkes, of Vancouver. last year's
Queen. The!election was the clos- •
-ing feature of, a very successful ,
Bris'sender; f ostreal,
meivet.. E.
has been appointed Develepment •
pagineer, Department ofeleevelegp-
'meet, Canadian Pacific Railway.
He. Succeeds G. M. Hutt who was
recently. . proemted to Assistant
Director of pevelOOment, with
headquarters in Winnipeg.
The 42.600 -ton Einpress of Brit.:
ein which is Scheduled to saii on
her maiden voyage to Quebec, may •
-Toronto University fifteen, 9.1...ot„..25
29. is the arses nesse
Great Britain since pre-wat aye years ago today. What would The
and the largest ship plying be- Globe do-mitein jail every man stu-
tweet:" British Empire ports. 'She • • • .
dent 'who says he is an atheist. or ex.
pel him her from the university?
It is about The Globe's idea of Brit-
ish liberty and freedom these' days -
Hon., George S. Henry, took the
sane and sensible viewpoint of the'
situation The university authorities
an be depended upon t`o deal with
the fr7ollem, if there,is one, and Th
Free Press does not 'believe there is;
it has confidence in the youth and the
young men of the coentry. The head
of the university, Sie Robert Falconer
is a Pinner clergyman • and a man
of strong religious copViettiin. The
chairman of the board of governors
is Canon Q2dy, one of the outstand-
ing ,clerics of Canada. 'They are,. not
encouraging the teaching of ailteism
in the university: '
together in any institution' without
windbfealt planting: will also be the largest vessel.ever
The onle expense to the -farmer is to make a world cruise. -
i • .
Total increase in railway taxes
during the 38 years from 1890 to
1928 in the United States•was from"
the express on the trees. This is. not
a large sum as the trees are%sznall.
AppliCation • forme,' directions for
planting• etc, can,be obtained by writ- 31 million ,to 4/1 million dollars.
says Dt. Parmelee, birecter, BA -
14w -to -your locaLaepar..tug- reau df Railway Economics.- Tbis.
he asserts,'Izas bad an unfevorabie
• effeet both on industries and in-.
dividualis. • '
hionumental Works
' 3
' Lucknow, Ont.
Hag the • largest. and Most complete
stock in the most beautiful designs
'to choose from, id- ,
vision for the-eleettoeutieti of 'nerd- ANDi.CNADIAN 'GRANITES
erers in that state. The,state W E make a eSpecialty of,
Representativei voted 67 te 26 in
The annual tetiveraite of Mont-
real tear acros's Canada which has
been a • feature Of the educational
tire ,of 'the Univeisity for the
get yaaree be extended to in-
, clude`Maska and th-e ;Yukon Terri-
tories for tee' season of 1931. se -
cording to Canadian'. Peelle Rae -
Way announcement recently.
Shipped by Canadiab Paei.fie
across 4lanada. .head of pure-
, bred 'Jer4eY dattle, heir' .pigs rout
imentait goats and sheep were .
Family. incinteitents and invite ' swung aboard the freightet:evai- • St. Helene .
'.• heTli0 fot New Zealand recently
Captaiir Flynn, iltiprier of this nov.
' • Noah's Ark. W1tan't worryfitig.
Said he had handled tigers as *011
as teftinentaild •stokord in his attic':
•. ,
„ 11.• Evans.. Deputy Minister of,
-Arefietattire for ' titate•z,
th t "in Ito 'retch ef fate Deo -
ate Voted 24to 8 hi favour. Michigan • ISenior Room)
for 86 years, but marder has becorhe Promptly Dene. Weatherhead 75: Latirine killer 48:
favour of the bile arid the state Sou- your Inspectton.
Jr. IV-Gord6r: Miller 84%: Norma
hasebeen 'Without capital punishment 0184iPti"ns Neatly; Carefully and
Kathleen Thom 27. •
so PeeValent in the' state that a re-, See us before placing year order.
turn to the death penalty ie thought ,Sr. IV-Edifiz Dureid 70:- Ruth Mc -
Quill* 64: Annie Watson David
• Owen • ,_e_ ong as pie. R SPotion dtic-tIon Uanitoba. has the price t 8waa 60: Dorothy McDonald 51..e
bueine.seemae-of 'Souna n ..,,,, peon . 6 -been so well maintained or the vol- doe melee 46:: melee eepeteormed
r ona ed $500eto- Provide, AO, -Matte" -
• fitt the needY in the city. 1.0 took
lieeesaary. - 13-
Luckitow • Wingiutia
• its it honey,. Manitoba .pre ueeti - sae ThomeIL
• 0 5 '
k. . Well oVer one-tbitd of the total, 'Jr. V -Florence McQiiillin 72: Dor,
advantage or tne. meals one day.
A era$ Orillie, 93 yeara 'old, at-
tAinites his long life' "minding his
own business." '
honee crap' in Catiada, the. quality 1)thy pliet
of which toes anieeteelled; and at. Sr. V -t -Neely Todd,64: Dicit Weath-
onsc,enc.is. Your hsst. "friend: It the' preaent rate •of inerease Mani.
4000 until 4eidgment Day and others' A
tiOt lOt AO Of MetilteY a sip' oil* Ong).)OtIST • elaeo • • • toba will be tee iereest producer is
1'1,0 ' t , t4UI ppsotoo4 log+
s •
. . .. ' ' . ' • . , .
, .. •:, . .
• • ,,, .,
. • , r.
. • r •
. •
A lr ,
. •
v • A, .
v ,. • f
, • 4; ' , . ,
. .
. . , .
, r
‘ • , . . . .
'•,14. eli,,,,
- . • .
.. . .
..",.. ' I I ....
• •
. '
Jr. Pr.2-Littcolzi Morrison 82: Clive
Mintz 73.
Tesicher:-Andrew M. •Thompson.
S.' S. No. 16, Ashfield
Report for January and February .
V Class -Colin Crozier 83%: A.nnir
Treleaven /2.. , •
Sr. IV ---Alex Gettley 66: Beth -Me- :
Connell abeent •
Jr. IV -Harry Swan 75: 'Beatrice
Treleaven 72: Lorne Hasty 62*: Wm.
Watt 59: Benson Shackleton 58. • '
Jr. tile -Tommy Culbert 72: Violet
Culhett & Swatt Reggie
Gauley 48,
• n-Keitneth Gauley CeCiIia
Watt 65.
I --Anna Culbert 86.
Pr.--1,oreniverbzier §.2: Ronald
-Gauley -65-. • -,
X 110
.Teticher:-0, Kilpatriek.
the old-fashioned girt waited to
erhead §3. stand under tha' Mistletoe ta" be .14-
Teaehmiz.G. Eacolkiill.