HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-03-05, Page 2• itte stu°' '; �(Fram. Ch> isLian Science Mon.toox., • t 0f.incapacity to pay. It urged no con, i « Accora,ng to a st•atemei4t. issued •" y sideration of war -.time• fellowship :iii "the British G.,overnmentt, aardebt pad+ -i• a common undertaking: Animated by :• . ment'was made ,;arty this•w.eek; or the ',..that sense of .coininerciai honor which ',Part- of • that . nation to the United may fairly be ascribed to the B"r, itii"sh States. Treasury of 894,280-,090. 'Of ; public --as a whole, the •:BritielleGovern=. this, amount T28,000;000 i3'fgr •repay ; merit, cheerfully,. ,accepted its' obligee representsr m ipal 5i>}ce•the fund -ions" and e earned,tzitto' an ai reeznenf ith the. United .tat•ee .tot •thin ,dis- ing >f' ate •British war •debt. that• ria E char - , tion has paid •to tit *. United Staten• - ,, . „ _ -$1,285,750;,000; of which 7.$202,000,000 ' '� a ,rddnit the"speetacle rs'`�jire. • • re re ems repayment of 'ncipal:.-sented' of Great BritainPaying •on its ltoug ly speaking;- therefre,. ,Great . obligations to theUnited . States tt Britain hasp id' the .United States =ice l rate of,1nte.rest mere than •double that interest, soneethine over OI2 1.000,000 0 " paid by $cilium or •Ii• u e. and •ri,niQ • ., If One is' inter.ested ,enoug:h fe. leak thiliklike eight .times it's. rutick'iris' that. .. .upt , the treasnry .figurea '' regarding', eidCted '.of ,Italy. The„ reward..4' cam' 'these ..preYifientseit.Will..lee found that ,.meroial honer 4Oes teat eeeine to have. pr'oxiinately ',$ild...per. cent:, The; rates ';• . Todas.‘„ianuinerable ilan's- ire being. one,. if net •indeeil.tlie moat •prOSpEtOus , the' Wildle". arnentrt of they Boxer in, ' -.nation :'in, ,the ,worldl.. :Belgium paySt, demnity was remitted, the' tevennes toe, :14790, „nen c..,_gnt,,•_a_ed Italy. • the 'last- of 1 lee flynnlaerek -Ili 'ehe edoe.Ptiaei....af. Ode.. It • is needie4s' nov,V. te ge 'into :ti-, , rest en the; part ef the American: contprest Charged againet the fernier ae-: ..tiiiin ee .. like. action with. reference •t47:,VITorld 'War,' '' .T.h4 were fixed, `at the' ,tinie 0#' a 'that.. Will, PraCeed E;Oiivil"tithe of: the varions onefuriding:, agree. inents :in' accordance With' whit. wes leseepin 'ef the natiOn'e claims', 1, •..,..71-felleved ,by the'repredentativek of the / But pending' that general ection, it••• .. The ;British ;egneernetit . elene was Worthy ally should the Milted .Statee:not 'affected% by any Such ,e,onditiond. neWered,uee the, rate- of intereist charg.the United . State.e. with,:the.pronosition , Say, paid .by Trance. 'There seems, te.....• •to•ftind ite. 'debt, anil assnmed'.1iOnor-. be no just oh,jectiontailtis Proposition,-151rihg " 14gkel'ilT-;b7ii-cier.1-0-f-ill, Vile iiialititera e• until era 'ions., J us • • re Et -et .41 eat --Lam Pl maid .a• • • • JIiss Esangeliae.'.D' Edwards, teacher at school of •oriental studies, ..'• Lon'`gn,:.England', is first"woinau upon whom an. :hglisli; iintt•ets ty has • coitfe ` ed the. degree of, doctorlitea•attu•e in, oiiental languages, ''• Radio Tiains • •Those Who : travel •:b , the 0.10 a. train from London' to L • • is , or by tJ '.'0 -pari: -f -en L-ee.44,e-vmiidon; a able to whale away ,the hours otl'ie. ourne b listening' broadcast ru �..� J Y Y' g P' - • • grams, :Every 'carriage is fitted with prey;.. '"I ow, will yo'u' walk into my sockets coni}ected. by,,wires to it receive: Miners. (Mer•. To Sell . ' . Diamonds;. For a Quarter • Georgetown; •British Guiana.=Tales -of rough ,diamonds .selling or a .carat and the sellers being .unable to gee eco! World is Gripped by a. Craze '- , -or Speed • -The.- world is speed mad. Britain cannot •hope to .retaine the world's speed i ecoids ti ithout °' c.halienge,, for s.kiiled engiii6ers all• over: the .worid .are.- de�e milled:tsi wrest ..th€.in-.fri m us this year. -: Copt, Maltolnr. Ca.nip:be,1l mate, air attempt...to,' heat ,Sir Henry Seg` •ave,s record of 01;3o miles per hour, and .an-Australian.inotarist has.announced.I .'his intention to try to 'wint'lie' linear for. the,Dontinion. • e • • 'The World'a water record', 98.7` nines aii hour, set up by Sin •Henry Segrave, is; to be •challenged+by.'ICaye•.Don.w•ith' Mies England JI, : the beat in Which Se-' :grave lost'liistlife, . •,,t In. aviation, many countries !rope to, beast the 357 miles ;per, hoar achieved by.' Sgiiadtoii.eailei Or1ebai an" at ;Wept *ill •tle made to. fl : •higher;tha'n i, er•~41-"701, Meet attained by `Cl' Never liofeni, tiie denenance, end th_ rhe, English. ineare likely to make an effort to ir "fly round the , world. in record time' United, States Armen hold the'recordt at :the moment." •• They , flew 27,000 miles in. 3J6 Hying hours'. • Several. swimmers, will try'to • beat the record F+rigi'isli Channel time of 1 , liours 5 Mina* held by •G.:Michel._ Both universities Dave. 'ambitions of improving 'ort, the :Oxford record of 18. minutes:. 29 seconds for the Varsity boat, voce,,=Froni• "P.earson's 'Weekly.' 'Russia' (1rgani'ies Work , • '00 • I'sland of Sakhalin • The Soviet Union,.thro>.tgh its newly orgauizetl Cbm.pany" 'ter: the Develop- went of Sakhalin, is:pro'ceetlirg with, 'th exploitation of that island: off: the east 'coast: Of—Siberia: Tike •cotnpany now colonizing 10,000 new settles s, mainly builders,, miners' and ``fisher - find •a will'iiig purchaser; even .at, that men, recruited from- various. paa'ts of price,: are' :being, brought here by din- the. Union: These , colonists, have raised the:: pbptilation.:of •tire` island• to about 32;5.00. Special' :atten• t nil Ys. lieltr8 Haiti to from" Baltica �rilli 264 starving riiin- ariculture ` lumber and rile iisliina, rn g dusty i Fotit: large .State farmsa.are Y „ bein ; organized to prodti .e, potatoes and ether. vegetables. ass sell as mein. acid dairy products I7.iatii i}o.tr. these' articles' were•_.mainly �mt)orted froze en?'' aS1.s the pitcher• of the fly. ing•�set in' the guard's Van. . , On• ,pay rnond' niinea'.s returning from the rich 'Pali, slender,lily-likes, yellow' •flaV1 i4lasaruni. and' Cu3°uni districts•: ►�+neem of a quarter, a pair Of telephones �° 1���y. :� ;: • The steamer Basra arrived .• here .,,_,n......._�•...�..___._...;,.,-M:.:J_...,fro�a . lo.rcla are seen 'at• the gr90.n-•,can'be hired from he cin attnndan.t.11. t tr I an Varieties IVaLuc ` ns' Lure Insects ects by 'Fragrance, Catch;. Them., in Snare and` 'Devour Thein: `(By `Marian; Fairfield Nickell, in • The New 'York'Times.) '• There is a group a4 plants now at the Ne- r,iY04*.betanicai' Gaider..v rich are ^cloaked .4;n• beauty and innocence; whose fragrance and lioneys'are a lure to all .kinds of tin. y insects. .. But their appearance and attractions are. only', a .snare and a delusion, for they are' carnivorous,. and the bit of aminal life ..which, yields•. to ;their spell is - caught • in `.a trap from which, there is :no • escape. 'These meat -eating plants have ' been gathered from: all parts of the world. ;• Here ^are: bright . green Venus fly traps,-' thutiib-nei1 size, with'' cruel,. '-`sharp spikes along .the •rims of the:r • ' bwrnittbed—leaves-• vhieh-eara--ni-a a� 5 .. ready to • snap together, to ,crusli and 'to .deV,Pur peiViarY.' flies. port as edible prey comes in contact With the :of the three. filaments placed in the ' forin of a triangle on tech leaf, the „dinner lbell.. 'is rung, Like SuPen, • intelligent burglar alarms,- they g0 rat -trap wine • There is no escape.. . These-- treacherous ••Dioriaeas• .come front Eastern•Northe Carolina and are strictly American sin design. Their youngest leaves, ate the ' hungriest, covered 'es 'they . are ' with. ,tinute . glands of.a red or 'purplish eolor which tion. -Active -only in warm weather, Venas fly -traps -have certain food pre- ferences, beetles coming' befpre Caviar. ' Tall 'darlingtonies 'with leaves Curled in 'mottled, .martion beads--•eour ". largest 'native pitcher-plants—are. 7--that:•this pitcher catches the largee .animals, not Confining itself' to insects:. ' baby deer, sometirnee are its victrins. But botanists say the Omit' has', been falsely charged,. The greenhouse cluaters at the New York Botailfeel- Garden are much too slight fer _such their -curling,. transemrent green heade, forked green 'flaps' resembling fange,e- . the whole looking like the heads of. poi:serious Serpents. .•ingtonias •are. but two arid a. half to racenia.s,.. sometimes krtow:n. as hunts- man's dup,--are -Characterized fist ve r- , ties]. pitchers, usually with. a flap pfq., jecting over the top. The stalk, gra*, Vogt of these pitchers; _which. elenti4 the' dry desert regions of the ..West-, •' • ate fOundeagt of the MassiSsippi front, -New gngiand to.. Florida. They "ike the hogs . arid .setratept; •growirig hest- . apparently, ,under eVergte.ens. ' The trapping apparatus _on ell "the "Vitt, there ie lang, hollow, folded • leaf -stalk, whose. loWer,portiene, fertile omooth; sittfate, very 'steep,. Vet* .941500.: Ihrther above, antnittitite- the pits/WS are heno glindS house of. th.e !iota/Jae 1 Garpdezi, as are 'All the passenger then has to do ra to:, . ruiiiiin 'little n:ar.c c nparrot itr ` ^rs:.. ;Ors aboard; all of whom had beer. g P plug in and' listen. l i •—also r'rym that etate-spring.^r ir+,'• Th t t e• l eracttatefi tromthe affected region by e 'i.eceiving -se rah s. cit• a pat the g.overninent, The miners reported ded wooden case to protect it,froiit 'th t ret ' ei int niine`.. jolts, and `ars: ` The aerial .is: a wire I a sko hep $ h. fields 3 J,. fe! refund to pay fat the di: , 'rids even 30 feet in length, suCpended puha the I an -food .or --if- pay-inent•--•t;as-nrade-it roof of Th vein: "!ming the fir t ee pefimentalrun,.excellent receptionway food'tthe diamond mite% Were unab"e obtained, • , . l to earn more than $2 or $.#a`Week. , T]..:.,..... ...i-.] .L._. _L' tel_-�.. -_.. _ rosettes.. They .gr=ow 'about two ft? three 'tnehes long." Then, tee, there, m 'are purpurea, ,5,o called frotheir red, -dish, : ptgarle• sltalie=nredt nt size - = perhaps a ,foot in. length.'and native to New ;Ye� k, butaalso .net front, Lai " brador.to the Gulf'.: , One point • noticed is that the :. OtereNorth..Arrie.alcan pitchers. .-show ',.strengt' h :Of 'signals dies de2wn; coneal, . a . enriatts. Seaioner .behavior; -going •erably when -the • train' ..is 'passing minees- reaphing here .to "Tartge from, stone, on up to $7 for two-'earet stones. cold weather. • Tropical .pitehers, on. theether hand, are aetive all the time, ever, on the afert for prey. 'Like all plants; ale°, the pitchers have a (ley for $6 'and , carat • stone btought dreds, of miners a -re now reported to, .Autoi in..Mske,Believe .• he deserting the mining region for the paratua os stomata .that open in the• ••., 2 day. to take, in 'carbon' dioxide and. te W9Otlen box:. a ean-ple. of tin cans and .. ed.:for free. transPortetion. 'rem bar - 'grife.out oxygen -just the. o.pposite.nf . erhaps. sonie paint or crayon are Inntigli .to ' Make the .stieedy foot- tica to Georgetown.: manctese al night aful give out. car- ' • , . driven- aptomobiles that -are' popular bon dioxide. of Bread.. „tie ;In the fis,hing induetry the 1928-29 :output, was. more -pan OM- Pieliminary,Operationt for the' ex- ploration..ef coal ' and. oil .deprisits.• on the -444o are noW 'beteg midertaken, inclUde the' construCtion cif: about 900 Miles of dirt , New British War Plane Attains 194 Miles Per Hour n e s Sea an 'The . people' of Gillingham, .sent, are endeavoring to raise funds •for a: anemoriat.,to. ,a famous son of their^' county, who was. the•rst British subr ect to settle: in Japan;' Not only that,' but the ;Japanese have: made ,him a god! • lie .is- a recognized Japanese divinity, and .a' "fast;,day" has been Medicated, towhini., .A street in ,Yeddo is called' after him. , ;i'ilat Major A.dariis was one of the most,.roniantieseanten venturers, of his day, though his name. • is nnitnown •to •the average English- man; Indeed,it is* a .source of Abe wilderment to the Japanesethat the .people: of our country have:not, •male - •-•- some ,signal recognition o€ "him long,' before this. He:'was • "beloved `by the Japanese -' during .his life :•,among /them , and' be-':: came .a,.friend of:'the'iei'gnim,eroperpr When he died, a. •tombstone on. a bear�. tiful •trill near` II nil, .a'Jsuburb thriving seaport -of-Yokosuka; vK erected" in•,ecinememoratio!t:., rar.'Pre'in Pat _son'.sc Whet.y ' Visiting Crusoe's'I hal sl London. •.'Twenty-two • fortunate.•u, .. -British sehoolbt ys are • shos iy . to- set; -= -- foat qct the most fa}nous of all the small.' islands dotted about the oceans ef' the %w.orld. .• ,This is ,Robinson Crusoe's which'. is one of the ports of call in the sixth tuba 'schoeo'ls' Empire tov.r. The tour is, to the West Indies and'' ,.,+�• British .Guiana, and:' another of t e. memorable ,sights Which the twenty= - •. two' Will see.' is the famous• Kaietetir Waterfall. As, a result. of ,these Empire tours numbers'of young .n?en"have• a much, more vivid idea of the rneaning of Erin Aireand can help to make others realize 'it. as. well...' : ,• I•.'s ,ew nhat similar Scheme, design - .ed to .promote'Angglo Ameliican friend- ship, is now being started Fifty Brie. ,t'ish schools—boys', girls', and •mixer-- hive been paired, "with similar schoc>ls in the United Stared' and are exchang- ing letters, phetegrap'hs, school,trtaga=' nines It is hoped that eventually ex- changes of teachers' .and ptnlils �}ill" '•• als�o'bepossilile:-"Answers.".'e ' _:13__rpec.sdralerrtt:=Tkeal..zie:iticrist0:07.is yi 1933, D. E. Replogle, Actyig Directer :of the Jenkins TeleVision Laberator- iiitirte of Radio ,:ngin•eera in the Uni- versity of Toronto Milling buildjng "This fall wilI see enough televisien broadcasting on, the air to•intttext, the year there Will be television receiVing seta in every' denlen's _store," he said. Already two 'Chicago stations are ,broadeasting television., conceits.; end two New York staticns ttre ',having South A.merican pitcher bedy.,:Tthe..-cra -are, tieede ter lied ' been coriOleted 'of 'a pew typp also -delivered to the Tercinto lgoticni thaugh separated. from their eotisinti lightse, Coloremakes the ' car more • • Picture Projectors' Associafien".. Loadon—If .the. total- bread' loaves of fighting .aleplape „which may *.re - by salt .water andewith •no near reh- gorgeous in appearance—ifenot. in the' , • tjves within 1,500' nrileS, Prolitify 4os t approved taste—and 'comet i men ,anistf; say: 'Most are found. in steam-, ing :jungles and in, the hot ,lOWlands on. 'one isolated,'mpuntain. -Mountein Borairria,., :near' the- ' borderland of. says Dr. H;;A...Gleaseir, 'curator- aethe 'botanical . Garden, .who hak ' made • a! trig .!`pitcher` of the swalnpil was' first 'dieeoye.fred in 1840.. The only • pliee. it hag been cultivated for leng outside its. natiVe habitat. is the.. Botanical Garden of Edinburgh, where It never feels-a-temperatune 'higher than 00 degyees, and whre, it bas greevn. con- tentedly fon heti a Century: Sirociffiens Of this South AM-eriCan.. piteher,plant *are to be seen•in thelterbarinii•of the ,Again, two of the • moi•e modest varieties of 'nepenthes, the brill -inn'. showy 'Asiatic • .piteher-ptant often naed by florists are .erso foiled in ft conservatdry• of the -Manhattan . swing vertically on tendril's'. from Orrn, .glossy leaves, their Om. tran,cloors in- vritingly darker reds-ethese Oriental • plants known as lialf-quartern, 'Were -placed. volutio.nize ,air combat; • • • end to end the. 25,009,009 eeaten • in Although the .-;--Machine is anly S a .7and-WEite 14th • .1Now Urged. for •Plants 'iltt'uts, like y•oung children, lie. Washed.. With ' wan and water,• carding te the. Colorado, Agricultural. College, which recently.bas flitted .t his.; brush or chin may he aged 'on phinta with strong Mayes.' Plaefts too tender for this,: treatthent Mai be inverted ' 'doused lei a pail of 'soapy. WaTer. • a yeal hand -noticed. horn, or Inv 77. Lo•pclon 'would,- stretch 00 single seater biplane, :t .carrtes, sur siren, is ,employed to. clear the Way., eyeee, '• London imported, inea .year, ismachine, guns, controlled . In unison through the streets regardless -of t‘tie 218.,00.0, tens of flour. in additioin to a few hundi:ed yards ahead of the With elicit; contraptions, boys tear nearly 1,500,000 tans .of wheat- and and firing a cone of lead Converging shin. •Two guns fire through the To augment breakfast.stipplies ("Vet' ptopellet, the others are set on the' • Sweeping Over Country 7g.0.00. tons of eggs. came into .tOwils Vous 20 -Pound bombs. also ay.:, car- ., ancL160 tons of butter were. added •ta. ried by the righting eraft, which " has .Londone—The wave- Of influeeza• what Was received from home farms. a stirface ceiling of 26,0t0 feet and which 'has been sweeping 'England and -Wealee,•'hecame more widesen•ead last ,wePk, according to offieial figures 'Deaths. from ipfluenza .increased duritig •the week. by 125 is 'compared With• thei.preVious .week, totalling 456 in tendon and the greatt2wris. . The number Of deaths ainte the first - of. January was 1,585,*gaiest 484 for 'America -provided 660,000 tons Of chilled and .frozen meat as Wein as rump ton., • of, dried -.fruit, eurrants• inlrespon•se to the "Eet mere fruit"' ,Cainpaign London took from over- seas 621,009 tons. of green fruit -and: ,vegetables and canned..goode.- a sustained, speell of 1.:9,i; . miles an New Feed Produtt - Port William, Ont.—What is• .report, eidAd be a new and Valuable feed pro- duct 'ctimmonly known as .oat groata is ,bemg manufactured at Port. Wil- liam 'e.t. the rate. of about ,I00 tons ier day. Throngs') the urke,',O new ma- chines the oat grOat8 are made f)y -hulling Mixed reed oets. These hulled oats are said to .contain ebont 15 per dlings—and to carry hiilier pircent- ages of fat an'd, Weyer percentage at fibre then do ,iniddliugs. Merger of 'Canadian -Chemists manufeetuiing trend's, and a mat tee (4 industries-, • ntimbefing Mere ' than 25, is tfie ntep taken by Canadian eliem- meeting in Ottawa. merged e,xisting Canadian ,cliernicdi sorietiee to form ,for the first time a ritttioll-vvide fPderti.- lion, the Canadian Associa-. tiOn. 'rrisocial ion -will be tern cerned deN,lopinent in, all the and technical education and .Sctentitle methods. as ceramics, toodettiffe, dYes and textiles., J. It. tionald, of Moitift real, cheittleal 'engineer, Is presideate inn et 51Y tay litiatiatidl- towns.. counts a vele fciodstuffs "as ,cocoa, There were itO deaths Frain influt rice, sago, honey', lam and' marma. • enza in, London • elute. laet week. . • lade. • , . Old -World Charm • waY for the taking of thn 19'31 ceneus a Canada in ewhich seine 15,000 field Workers will visit every, Canadian hems' and :take note . of the number, 'sex, -fiTigron,:' nationality, • and other details of'the occupants: The be - minion thireau of, Statistics, whiehilms _the work • in hand, Will also require the services Of some' 700 Clerks •to sift• ,lest the capacity of. ..anfilleants 'for. Y.our,, Clear, and frosty 'Night: Cows Brought to Sehoor . Los AnneIest—The Beard of tEdn&- tien has..diseevered . that 25 per cent. cow, and 5 per cola. Bach, day ,a big. truck snorts avian; ' one cow and twe calve's bound for. buy.: Ile schools, Wide-eyed pupils stare at the Strange horned creatureseanil • Sitier Hours Come, Jovely hfortring,, rich in frost On iron„ wood and 'gldsgi; ef• Show all your 'pains' to stivergild' Come, rieh and lovely Winter's E•ve That seldnin handles gold: Aed Spread. Your stinset:: glittering fq&d...m fold, ' Torotito.—Ae an' 9id towards the nroduction•of better grain, at a cheap. erninent, are effering• fanners of the Prciv'ince ,aesistanee. in the Installation and enurement of poWer.ieed-eleaning plants. lien. T. L. Kennedy, Minister! ance will be. given in , the form of , grant§0 antetAng, to 50 Per coat. , of plus :freight to the, lecal mat ihe 5 • •