HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-02-19, Page 8• er• • • - II o- " r• .4 41 At • • "1* " 1.41411q4 (4. SENTINEL TRTMOARIT1IY 19 16$1,' • • _•. ' le. • - • V. AIRCO • • ••• • alltiRCHITOTE.S... • &ivory' llth to Sir flMBenMeelenathan, a :411404-,,,„ • • • • . Rrnt • 4:1O .February llth, to Mr, •dits.. Bert Red, a son., ,• *Ir.' and ;Mrs, Lorne Durnin of St. Aelenolit. spot Sunday With 'Ow Jai, tees parent ait 'kir. and Mrs. David - Kennedy.' ; .• • • ' Mr. John.Paleoner ia having • auction •aale df fib farni Steck and ••'..linpleisiefits on Thursday of this Week, 4„, Neletin,,Rice la haying an: atie7! .tion, sale of. his firm..etoolp end im-• • plenints. on February 25th. Weis • Ber04,1 *Key of$tratford imant tee •v•eek-end at beraoine here. Mien merle neeee-in-traie- ing at Stratford Iloapital,,sperititues.• day of,:thils *Oh at fier home heze • On13tendniVeningtR!OrplirT 1,64i el7foabi i• Peoples society. heltta..At;Val •eutino social in the basement of the', „ •‘. church, when a gooi(ettondCO *is ..1-preseet; arid a spleedid prograre-rwaS - . given conaisting of an iestrumental and a cpiattety, duets and solos and • •, aikaddreas beRv. M. Pollock. LuncheerVed at the;close, and all jeYed themselves.: •• ;The marriage was quietly nized,. at pt. tiosas traitsa chard'. pailtomige on Thursday afternoon at a. o'clock of Beatrice Akita JObnstOn, daughter of Mr and Mrs John john- iAtIng end Cecil ••13ron Chaniney • of, birth ChaMney tted the. late Joseph • Chimney of the. 9thCon. of list . . . • • Wawanoah. ;ROY...Wilkinson offiCipted..... The bilde•.Wore a gown of . cecoa Urewn crepe thinnied With sand, with hose shoes coat and, hat also of the same colour In the evening at 0.#6 a reeeptien atie. home Of the beide: where 160 .friends and re-. Pativea' had been inVited. • The onteitainglent-began---with',Onoc:-; log; led b3, the bridal couple• aMid• 4/;.;,eluiWitire Of rice and confetti.' The. • • Presents .consisted of • china, :linen, hrdiete, •blankets, silverware, fern. itifra and eithin•artielea t� nurnerotib t--ineritionv-shetviiig•r-ths--eistopin in which the. Young couple are held by thesr frienda., Their will reside on the • groonea' taini;:ith Con, last waw- , anosh: • . ••. •, rre rr t3t.: Fetere. • • •• • The Fehruatrineethig ef the Merest; Club held on Thursday last at 't .Rectory, • waa weilattendee with an interesting program. Mr. lIred Quillin preided, the Obriptare and RiaYere: were..,taken' by the Rctor, and the riiinutel Of, the Jammers: meeting were read.:Notce was gtien of the appeint:net of „sidemen fr 1931, mid all were .urged.te. be., present at- an, orgenization- dieeth.g -On Thesday.. The: rector gave a sheittafic to the. 11tymeri en ."Onr. Educating Church;" poitng Out SOlIcIe Of the Weaknesses cif that elitiCation. gay. 31r, Burgess •l the speaker of the 'evening, gaye-a Ouggesiveeed. thOilitfel %address eh the .Secialatie 'Slevenent in Eng.,: lend.:0 te' present tine,and the at- ;'-iitiliffi4442e,E-nglisiiLpeOii9.--4irardo: • A heatY • vas- -or -thanks .Wasextenderte•Mr. Biirgeati. The •ineetingelettd• with. a: hy* and the benediation, -; •" • , United. Clitreh Y. P. B.. : • . There was e large attendance at the :Meeting Monday eVerihriCand the Soial•CoOinitee•whowee in chare,: are tobe eoinplimentedoetheseccesa of the program. After the opening exercises, .te scripture' lesson was read responsively. The, Main :feature of the prograni was. a. pieteregallery. Twenty-one picteres . were •shown, with 'h•ppropriate seloti'bir Mrs.J.;•W: jciYnt; Mitts Mildred TreleaVeri. and • Mra.Harcild Treleaven. The tell' was ,• Candywas. served. A. motion :I iekaa •put•andCarried; that new „Inept. bees‘ who paid theft fee and attended, four meetings should .count as ten points for their respective sides. The '1 meetingclosed with hymn ad;Mizalt. • Benedictin. ' ; • r ThePreti.-W.,M,•& The February ineeting was • held on the 5th inst. DeVotionst exercises Were conducted,by..Mrs, Geo. Douglas assisted by irs Ewen ' MacKenzie.. The: Bible,stedy was .teicenby R: V Mceeniii-olidtht-OPic by Mrs. :.Anderson. Mrs.. Mes..RObt. Douglas san a Solo .and readings Were given by Ms. J. E. Agnew and Mrs. Archie PatersOn.::• Itws decided to_Observe_ the World 'Day of- in the church on Friday February 20th.: • • • ,! i.: ear1y-4eWer Can pUrphase more sewing mat-, ertals for their dollars this Febrary, than any ebruary for the past yenrs. •••• er, • KIN • STORE our. Big Sale Continues throughout February Special. this. Week. WoMen's and . Misses' 1 . SILK DRESSES - The Setateat• Cloth- coats HuDgo$ SEAL, COATS Natural Muskrat Coate Cheese from 300 darments at .Discounts from percent. to a half. •.Off. fig Bross _Winghate CREWE , Mr. Albeit McQueid was over from Teeswater and spent a feW days with Mende here. ' •46 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stewart en- . tertatined Munber of friends en Wednesday evenin,' • Mr. wad Mrs. Wilfred Drennan and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Drennan, Kintal). • Mr. and Mis. Wrri; Robinson pi' r Belgrave spent ift few dais With t.heir daughter, .Mrs J. Kilpatrick, during the week. Mr. John MWhinney- of Sault( St. •Marie is visiting his brother here. Mr. Peter Smith, Mr. and Mr. Kilpatrick and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan attended- the Chmney-John. sten reeeption at Whitechurch on Thursday evening, _ Thelatdies Aid of the Crewe church ate *Mkt a social in the School • house an Friday February * wool. A • good program •of ginea contest etc. 10: belt* prepared.. • --, The sympathy Of the 'Community is extended to Mrs. win. Durnin in the loas of e loving sister, Mrs. Anderson o lienoVe, Who- diet Saturday Oren- . Winter Wheat , ---WAretrED - at loucknow Flour Mill WOE1 TreleaVeti 4.,o-••••'• •o- •••"• • ' ' • •• • • LAI4C4SIDE Miss Mabel-johnsion of near St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs.. Ellice, of tlwick, Were here to attend i the re- ception for Mr. and Mrs. ChamneY. Mr. and Mu. Robert 'Stewart and girls, and Mr. Walter spent. Monday evening with Mr, ,and Mks. J,. .; • The demo put on hi Dive' Scott's house On 'the 6th Cole, Culross, Tues_ day evening by the flay bunch, was a decided success. idr, Wes. Tiffin bed • the misfortune Iehave his overshoes taken. If anyone did: so by mistake; kindly return them.. - . Miss Agnes- and ldwin Mason of 'near Belgrave, anent a few days With Mrs. J. Richardson. The Whitechurch Woolen's Instil,- .tite held their February mecing.in the hall. on Friday 13th. The meeting opened with the president; -Mit. V. Emerson and the secretary, Mrs. C. Gillespie in their respective. places, The Itistittte Oda was Sung, after. which all repeated the Lerd'a Prayer in unisex:. The Roll Call was "Do's and Bones f'or W. L Werkers." The , minutes of last Meeting were read And adopted, and the usii) business period follovved. Conamenity. singing "Darling Nellie Gray," was followed by the topic-KepingOut Of Rets - by Mrs. P. aunt, All then sang "My Bonnie." Mrs...A. McQuillin then gave • very humorous Scotch readin- CouringDays. All then sang "Uncle NedP-Mrs,-Robt-itosa-and-Mrst-Lius.: Lan Beecroft_then 'gave a duet :"Pass under the Rod." 'The collection was then taken and arrangerneot made for the next meeting: The meeting closed by ,singing the National An- them. A little babygit•1 arrived at the home*Of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Macelerma. • than on Tnesdey last. Mrs. Young • Belgrave is helping wait On the Wee lady. . Mr. Tom • Cook is assisting Mi. J. Morrison let a supply of wood ready and Mr. Roy Kilgore is assisting Mr. Alex. catneroh. Mr. R. Caskenette Ira :having an auction sale on February 18th at the farm Of MT: Joe Switzer, of farin neck eed Mr. and Mrs.- George 'Harkness, visited With Mr. itiid Mrs. t. Tiffin, of Wingliam on Weeineaday last Mrs. John Machines had the MIS? l'Ortend to fall doWn stairs on Tus,-_• iGto easisitence. are glad to bb able t� report she has improved e6 that she is able tO be abou. • ' • • • Mr. and M. WM. Conn, Laura and, Wallo0004 M, t4 Xo, Moon ecilm Heaviest Stripe SHIRTING • 2 , Feat • calor , „ .• - • Oki Prie.L45c.• NeNriniCe.: 3t70.,.• • •• -Itgnler Width • 1 ` • 18c 22c., . 27c.. Proof • SUITINGS, 36. ich-.Neat Pattern; •' Oa • NeW P,rice Paint_Linck and Stripe • ,. COTroNAD • mtnevY and Finer • 91d Price -.-55c.; e*.r price 50c Blaek : e an White sfint T NG obi4 pric5c, Neur price 33 :. KIN.04.*VortztitimOultitit.' iooss coionu et ofl Pete iilht allmeMbers Present. Mimits'of-the htet. regulai• tinietiO 'read 4111 eon.. A chenille fei.627i.H0 wa 0eNvrde.- il to the clerk .4.E40-04, womn*, Iejng xinioaste- asOotiment on Drain, toA4 • the Wee insOuCteil -te notify 'n parusa 1 ginkgo oot. were amassed on ed *em, • that . orbefole-the-l', • •daY of their aseclienieht iolieble and Payable. •i• The time for thecetrnof.the, ow. teto; 49s was atteosa....WFOro.;;;'' .23117aas lisre:tesinbreed t Walkerton were ordered for tise 04 the Aeries:Or:: ; • eoth4e0J rIppit-04-the.retty-! tilleee Drain Will beS•r4d..-at`the-ng to-be-iield--oirilarch-�tIr anl e auditors preitented their frit' pert for the year 19O, wbich sheared a 1)000e to the 1004it of the Mini, . of $4323.9. They , were -. thanked for their:diligence, and their alary paid *Mkt' . • . • The Treaserer free entheirile7d: to• Shire three copies of the reliot type. • written. • • 4•17"; .' • The Assessor appointed at the: •January meetingitving declined the appointment at ' • saary :dated, theClerk having cativertised • for i*.Y4,- • plications up to 9th, five.. 'ap- plications were rceived, that „ of .. Rodger...Corrigan being: aceepted, and -his • appointrnent e.Aiirtned. . • Onecoes: isuedTirtinehiP of Hur : .in, Kinloss share•Bdy.• act. S236.08; Orinonci Moore- sioof &•Pcirtorfield. Mackenze,Fine:tel/4, and RoadBunt.• • tatements, $81,00i .Wm.. Stuart, $10.00; R., 1VIalcOhn, auditor, 1,eoo. Couneil to meet again on Monday Marchfith,-' at -the usuay time -and ' •• R. Lane.. • • ., • • IN I-1AM SPECIAL, Regular width, ; Brand new, Fine Quality. Gingham Todays value 20c per yd, Advertising price, per yd 1 3C. Tileavy. All Wool. Shirts and Drawers • Ru -1r $2.75 • Clearing • $ t .1.6- Each 1 r Fleeced. Drawers; sze- 32 &34 • All Wool Dress Goods 38 inches wide Regular up to $1.50 per yd: Clearing 29c. Wrappette.s and Yama aoth -Regular'.95c • • Regular up ' to 50c Clearing 49c Each. Clearing tic a yd. • ' • • ' • .. • • • e • ' . • • ' • „ • . • . • emnants par Oh newt -11-udie-dt Otthem at February Clearing Prices thenv-at--the rear -011-01-(rStOrit" • Shopping is apleasure here --Try • It. • Your Dollars go farther here --Prove It. ' • • f • ABSTRACT STATEMENT, OF. THE IECEIPTB ANDEXPENDITURES 6F-7THE--TOWNSHIP90(INL-0 SS---- For The retie Ending Dcmber Slat 1930.' PHONE 75 eimminomolso. ' • • ----•- 3alanee on hand , ....$ 1.737 82 Resident taxes •• • 37958 71 Non resident taxes ...,...-- 216 15 Arrearstof taxis of 1929 -, 2345 01'. • chool purposes • 2863.30 rents and fikee-.:- 00_ 4.T0 'premium on limes 14 Debentures. Face lrelue -1163i 50 • Interest . •- - 3070 oans •• • 2606 00 Miscellaneous •• • 63 20 - • lighvvity • • 2234 85 Oritinlage purpos,• 3761 .12 • • MAFEKIlid Mrs. Thos. Anderson spent part • of last week at Guelph with her son Mr Harvey Anderson of the 0 A.C. who has contracted brimical influenza and was quite ill in the City hespital., Latest •reports are that Harvey is imProving though he will be Confined to bed for a week or to. Miss Ada Helm was the guest Of her friend, Miss Grace Blake, over_ the week -end. . Mr, did Mrs: W),Crezier and it111.111y of Crewe- spentSaturday ev- eing at the home of Mr. S. J. Kil- fiqtrick. er•-•• Miss.:Alice Shaokleton was. home from. Belgrave over the week -end. Mi. Norman Sheekletok received Word WednesdaY of the death of hie brother, Mr. . William -Shackleton, which took place at his htimein Komeka, Ont. Mr.' gliaokletoii- *as horn seventy.ime years aglo on the farm now occupied by his brother Norman. For a number of years he kept a store and post office at Pros- perity, W. Wawaeosh, • Moving from there te Komolca 'sventeen years' s* Mr. Shackleton -'is survived ,by his wife and �n daughter, Miss Mary and two brothers, Mr, Norman Shak le ton of • Ashfield and "Vratt*. arerr-riff'" Shackleton of Stratford. Decased. was of a quiet, kindly disposition, devoted to -his family „and. to . the cherch. The funeral was held on Sat. urday from his hoinetit Komoka. Mr. Norman Shackleton who attended the tonere! returned horne Monday.. The sympethy of this community goes o to the tereayed family, oThe: Young People's Society held a Valentine social in, the hall Friday evening. After a• shert 'poram there was a contest Which created a good deal of 'furl, After which progrssive!, gaines were Played. A hinch of sand, wiches, eat5t and coffee brought a very eleesent evening to a closeMr. d. id Mrs, -John Menary of Crewe Spent Priclay with Mr. and Mre. Herb Curran. Mr. Do Campbell .01 the loth .Eott.atid Mr. qdorge PhiliteS arid tse children of Prdice,' were nests and 1VIrs. Itetotane ills. on Mooday • • . .. • and Rub iliCkt eVeni ng with Mr. and Mrs.. Plardy Sitiinson.• - Mr. ad. Mrs. Minato' Ptdoe. and sienn ova tho week,elfd with tk, Uoi, titWon, • e. • ABEFIELD CHURCH -NOTES Following are the subjects of ser - Mons to be delivered by the pastor on the dates given: • , • Feb. 22 -Andrew ,the man who steals away to Jesus. March 1 -James the man, who runs and is net weary. March 8 -Philip the •man who is, "canny." • March 15 -Nathaniel, the man in whom the Gift of -God is rekindled. March 22-Thonts,.who mat have tile drown title of the deed. March 29 -Judas V the man who misses the mark. • April 5 -"The 'Master of the. Twelve." KINGSBRIDGE Mrs. Ed. McGlynn has been taken to Alexandria Hospital, Goderich, as she had -not -been enjoying good heal- th for scene time. Latest reports are th.st she is in quite a critical condi- tion. . • . There was much Interest 4and en, thusiasm about the radio sets on last Thursday morning, while the voice Of the Holy. Father, Pope Plits.•XI, sounded for the first time throughout the world, sendinga message of love and peace to menldnd. It, made one wonder if ever there would be m ore wonderful invention than radio. Miss Dorothy O'Neil •very pleasan-, tly enitxtained a nuinber Of her nei- ghbori last Thursday evening. • KINLOUGIU Friday night of last week a jolly r - geod tittle was mijoyed by A large- m crowd Kintail Hill, when Mi. John MacDonald gave a 'party to young and old, and many partook of his hospitality. • mr, and Mrs. John Little. had a number Of their neighbors in for an enjoyable evening last week. • • Miss Gertrude .O'Callahen from Winnipeg is visiting at t• PM Buth7. erlanc110-- • • Vil'have •receiVedord ofthe death of a fernier Ashfield bey -Wil - Hain O'LoUghlin, who died in Chicago this liefiday Morning. Death Was due to pneuitio,nia. Mr. O'Loughlin 'Was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick o'Lotighlin., He had been in Chicago it number of Yeats; and leaVes a wick* and yoUng fainilyt • Mr. and Mrs. Steeley Fair. and family, of ,Bervie, visited on Thurs- • day -evening with Mr.. and Bert•MeLeae.• • The Sr. W. A. Meeting was held on Thursday :afternoon et the home of gra. A. E. Haldenby, with nineteen ladies present 'The President, Mrs. Jas, Bodgins Presided. A print quilt was donated by Mrs, Bert McLean, The-aftei.poorrr-was-,spent-io-quilting- and working on bloCkt. At the con- eluion of the Meeting lunch was Seri/ed. C011ettiOn amounted to $3.70. The March meeting will be held at the..hone of Mrs: IL •A. Graham. .Miaii Eliza ThOmpson and kr, Er-. • tie Pullin were &friday Visitors at lieert'Finnell'itt We are 'glad to: gee Mrs. McLean about again after Ulf*: eonfined to her home the past Miss Winnie Perey Kineardine General Hospital is rieiting at her heme here, . . • ' Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Itaalce celebrat ed their 52nd Weddirig anniveitiarY on Thursday last; The community jails In VItiOilite Mr; end Mrit. Kttake trettliethoto Years d IlOalth and hap. nineeev The Womena' Day Prayer !nesting Will be. held Friday aternoon. at 2 p, M. in the Anglican Pio& All ladies dO .cordially . , am glad. -tknor-that dordhli. Stattert -"st atailtiow 10 Mak' ing favorable prigreacaffer hid r.e. deet appenclicititi Opertion. ' . •-• "EVerYthing that geeti UP 011ie aolint dtitifintlena ite • , . • 'Total .Receipts ••$62240 19 • , Expenditures . glectionexpenses 3alaries'and Allowances - 37.6-60. • .pastage,'stetionery 447 47 Road Supt. salary 283 84' Loans - •• 2000 00 Roads and Bridges 5462 94. chool Purpopes 13289.77 •Debentures Principal e 2430 33 3ebentures interest 498 99 Drainage Purposes' :---: 5400 47 rue Drainage Puiltoses i000 eo nterest on Loans 27,25 Sheep and Dogs• 200175 loard of Heelth 89 60 .Viitteellapeous ' 311 32 fax arrears to CoUnty 40150 ounty Rates - 18017 32 • relephone tides• , 137370-,' 0, B. No. 10 Debentures 6000 00 rotai Expenditures' to • 3alance on' hand • $8224019 Dec at, Opo ° Atatets - • halanca on hand -.1i....-$ 4323 OS Uncoliected, taxes 'RigliWaY Subsidy 2318 10 rax arrears in- Co: Tress • - tiree's office - too 56 1p. Turnberry, Ais'int Lott h•••! el, ' Drain -410-46"- Balance due on Bylaw 150 413.75 .its Easy to Buyat "MARKET" • o -r • fatlekiloW°S.. i)eparttneitt Sore. . . • • - - • - • - • Ibt5000111A14 ..• SPAOUL,tIn loving - memory _My ,doar_liudbarld,..-Wnt-sprout..•*.tio- pasod. away, F04 131h, 1921. • Fou 0ra hOVO raised State that . and day, • - When one / loved Wei oohed wet:, God took' him 4MC Win; Forget hlin„.! :MVO. !wetby hi, •Ivig vat Iwo* M. Spiel • • • ,'• ' ' er• .• 4 ....*11.40.A14'1.Y, „ •• • 3.3 3 13. • , Liabilities Loan on. Lett Draie 700 do Loa tt on: Teettweter Rivet 11y -Law. 150 ,165 04:1 • $8d500 Exteitt Ansets °Vt Labi1tiea 9038.18 We, the underaigned auditors h� eXtunined the hooka 110. M60111'10 of the oms1mIp Of fantods - for the year &lit* 1�c o 31t, 1930( and roPori the. taint cart, itdiord hg to Votrebere• Uti, and lin accordance with. the Alicive sir:toted •Stittement:' • Dated this 4th (10 `4. February, *la riteberj AtitlitOtit ceitli itt Vh01ei • - • - liiiiiitth ,=)00dettloit jOiliiii: to thank • tho many 04e:id* kind Oalliallie‘t r ,. „tit ilso44i01.01 IMrioast ' it 110111i. ' . .,.., , . „. , . .• ' • •