HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-02-19, Page 7•
. •
/Z Ten biilerenl;a1 Chain Hoists with,, 28' of Ghaith $ 8.50
1 Ton Di>lferreptlaLChain Hoists with 32 of .Chain$10.50
Cord Wood Sa4vs,. `Angle Iron, Frame Ball Bearing,
Complete with •:Sa $60.00
10"•=-3 Square , ng1ish Files, Bastard or Second Cut, ea. 25c
12"-3 Sgaarrs�iglsi Files; Bastard.or'Second' Cut, ea. 30e:
4"-3 Jaw I ersal Geared Sere)] Chucks, With 2' ±
Sats Jaw§;:•. y;,'., .., • $1004,'
25 1bViae ... $ 4.00
30 11 r Anvil l ...: �:.: -. . .
_ -$ 50
7'j kb •„A•nvtl„ »ifs '.' • ..'. ..•. ' $ 8.251
Forges, 1.8' di intetef, Oise. Piece Steel Hearth,. -Com- > '
piste'itififFan .. ...... ' . . ' $11.50..
Ball Bearing Pilst' Drill, drills 0- ."• h'ot"es to centre mf
111%2 circle , . •. $• 9:70
for --014$00:y, 1%lachinist Bench Vise`s . ; $10 a11�
»: Vise§
.: 1o.�V.
l elich `I�es
�'Y)laehi�n st, B $
4: r«
• ,•
Phone Elgin 1271 147 FR'ONT£. W. Toronto.?
The week's mast. embarrassing mot
;teat oceurred When a: li-terary Minded:
fellow look e'd up his favorite. big. woi:d
in the dictionary just to prove that
he was spelling it correctly and at the
last report lrat'.n't been able to even.,
fins] the word.
• r'
7o sate eed. n the future you must
• bleak w,},t:h the past. •
There lane many ways a woman pan
catch, -:5 husband, but being a widow -is-
the surest. a. never ;vaate any
sympath& on :a-wornatr-•w•he eoMplatn,S-
that 1,Jer husband is no Mager. tender,
w'heh''she knows he is hard boiled be-•
cause ehe.keeps him in • hot • water 'Most'
of the time.. 'The, boQ.h is usually. a:
,fellow who c;loosn'•t see • things '•• the,
.satire way yois:»do, ,
40' Yeirs $ervice
•'. t•\•illianC,Fultotf; asst tant,g0neras:
: .Not'lting , odks'•aa much. l'ik'e n'asted passenger. • agent ' 'Canadian' Faci,�fle
' ,. ' •• .. _ f .- nett' i.rlh.. Rallw�aay, .stati.anea at. Tol'oir'tn,. -.ii;ae..:.
epeagy....-asp GouAle o p , Y, t5.
yl issin• '-e-ach,„..other.._;.'.:. - - ueetllpnor .a.t a,:dIn iei.u• h err hi:itr •.
• : ... `�,. -r • • ybt b-irof l•ei 'ofR'cials at the Royal 'l or: ,..:�
-.".Daddy, I know 'hew, to do' every Hotel, J�annary 2r1' in 11•onot of his
i'bhing,” said 'the little hay et•five. •• forty- years service ',i4ith•:the railway'
`WIza% I. cion w:kuofi' isn't' • wo:th:• •o'cm171etect -Ar • that cls; 'Joining g the'
•Ithowing,: said •th'e-y'oung'•n:a'tn of ra:il;ral Danner ::4,.:18.91c�11, Fu]1rit,
tw enty. at 'one time 'Or another, 'niet ,most of
"1i�'.ell, 'iny';vai•, I do kpaVv n»y ownf ti%e;:C,P-:It::-nlert:'«.h-o•ir a' e::m-ade (dna_ -
a"Short lifetime,". .said tine 'roan • of ,dial) history in the colorful years of
siziy=f_;'e. •the rail ray's' 41:0 Vth
Thera ate.'very few • Matters, 1 ani •.1•••L---•- .
soary to day, that I am really quite ..Paper s New Rival
sure. about', said the man. of fifty...: Eiperts have .recently' • been in• .
"I bave learned, a bit, -but, n•Qt much,,. ve ti.gati'iig ;the durability of hides',
since 1 tvas born; but.1,nolwi'edge is set with a 'sliecial vieh3 to',the preserve:
east that'. one cannot become mise. in tion •of'boolcS and xe orcls•of 111sL01'iL•
•ay-. value. '.., .E :.
Accoreling' to a recent repcli't made
i,n England oh this subject, issued -by
s , i, g v --•, qui ely.."'a special enninllttee set up 'by tine
• you tare :not. Wiping' •thaz,Tp-in'-e- torn• • Library -t otiation:,: pa.per'riiade from
your,handker:chief,:waiter?" •cb.en, cti t�•oocl-rain is MOO ,11er•nian;
• Waiter—=1'liat's.all right ,sir; i?'s' enc .than .that macre troth eapalto,'
The , very...best., pa.,per. "•is the tt11-11ag
v'a'ts .
1 •
o ,.9/".••E-:A.,T. SOUL :.. Every: woiita�n has :,7nio a.im in. life,
' le_t�t ,. ' Lhing.
great soul 15 that it hungers for, some-
tliin•g, ateut it;. it •xaspires, ' neyer
,grow e s, 'because :t has gotten a
glinip a .of the real glory pf life. . •'
—Thimble Will Be
of , Future
. Speal-ing the • Other, day, at the
Worlds •'power •Contel•Ence, in. Ber:lin,,
Sir Arthur Eddington'gave an••:indiea-
t'ion'pf what:might h p.en 'When Man
Liners: Will. Race° Across At -had, discovered•: the 'Secret.of sun: a short l.ifetirne,'' eal'dtlle nia•n.cf.si.
• ateniic.energyt 'Then a•;teacup-could• .re •
••%antic ' .O'11SUril:i i-z� Qtly a ' 1 e
'^+ +� ,confain-rite whole of the ftiel •regilired..
l_.ilni o, , Coal to 1;un t11e' largest power: siatio fora Cu tomer { odt nand )
P _.. g ip we n. .
: Our grandchildren.'rnay store.;tlieir year. The wnr:ds niggest liner •could
e\age at top speed across the .At -
whole winters su.p• .. of ~fuel in a • 1 trivia a1 d (rack iln, bx',eonauiy iarg a'
thimble:•' .Tochy even, our •niost,' ,eft li >n•ce of•_cclal the:sizei of a cur'tpairt..
tient. heating .systems and our' best It is believed. that twee Inky oisib;v�.
v, P
. ;
• maChtn..er,y waste 99.06996,, per cent, `tap this a ighty ene'rg'y .f 'we can find
'of'•the feel they use. . Nat•ui�e'knota '.a ••way to, produce tetiiperatures. 'far,
• t- 'how to. -make ,the fu1?esti use: •of cue', exceeding. those we•know no« • Water.
file. -
Abut this .is. 'olre ,;of,,.'the.• secrets' : tthni; boils at• 1)0 "elegises eentrigradle,..-and
science ,hanot y=et,}tte ted front her:.the terpe•r-ature of white-hot steelt is
. i netween.:2;9-1St) tlegi,ees • .and :3,000 . -de:.
E.very;tlay. the..,sun-gr`es Out 1.lgert•
• .ei hing 300;QOO. tons. 'Yet' •h.e ' hxs. •glee`: At .the Cat endl,li•• Laboratory
g a tent , i'i ure meso 1,001 :0GO..de re ps
been ;doing�'ahrs %tor,• Miliiotis of • •yeaa's; p " ` t g '
and will 'ga en doiitg•'lt For''milliona.'ras'•a'lreadj been reached 'but'to're-
i' 'more. '.'If the: sun 'produced "light
wastefully as VMe,,4ot.he ;vllu d ate 1 k
become a `burnt-out cinder hong, ago. •
only: a;dirty-h au1lkerc'hieI."
A tooth paste. that. removes the• film
froth the teeth ,may. he•a11 right,. „Taut
• The. r'eat- -West Life Assurance. Compal,y
k' `ANNUAL REPIO.R7 F(OR;,•?'9 0.
Largest Surplus: it 'Comp' s° Histo'
Profits to,Policyhokders to be cont nu.ed
on same liberal scale
'-Cbnipany s Invesscv>erits in'• Unassailable
:.. ' Position of Safety,,
'Gross Stitplu"s Es
iaiii6ties .•
" Nwq Busincs,')ssuad -
Busincss1ln Fords • . -. '
r .Pr fits to
Ace u1�ccd o,
Policyholders, riot due, . -
Unas shed Profit; •
;mil corstf'ng¢ncy .Reserve
1920 . • . 1925 1930)
13'88,897' S• 4,001,919 S 6,075;37
,37,3:13Z646 73,176,969' 129147,692
35,6A?,,r4 J' 70,175'398 ' 124 733,724: '
14;478795_' 2:$325x893 ,''
0,579.'02:5 .. 719,14.351
256;850,251 •' 420;406,920 ' ".61440-5$47-
61:A�,4O $47 •
• 1,032,014 `
7,'236;072 10,559,742
7;801,571 4,413907
T iltcm Taylor
Provincial' Manaaer
a nett' cuttrljenrrr, tone;et a now.
u %red c'hara'cteristic -of a i but •:what s'he • bits is •.•ufte another
taking 'the fir-ltl. • This.• is. A 5 1 t
wb.at•w'e` eedilnior'e is a:heir...oil t11at elotbl" whi.chi looks' like ;ordinary
1 emotle fog from.the brain.. '•'.1iting;paper q' the'.hest quality, but
is said -to be stronger and nrore..,lat-
• ft .was sunrrnuel• time nd c' i' i'irinca• lug .paper. • ,
r "'t'' c•lotli. fs . made from" "eotto:t•
�as•slro;ving •iiia new laborer Around .Let Letter r �. •
toe'fal;rii, at the sante •tittle explaining and is, being produced fn'America at
to; him all. pe flukes'he would have .a cost sl'iglitly belo,iv. that of,•good
lease sun -scuttle energy .somethin..g to do., Whan the' farmer 'had given quality; paper.Accorc'..ing to' ,Brit'-
tg = _.ci._p 4 ;• h ezilverts, it -could be. made -more
e 4O,t) t} It]?{le .eel r;ra - -be nece� listTof_theaa i-ntetoalss_cistties l:eauiteei,. is
1 11 , y
s<'113,• tlre.l'aborer,llaused',a little and' said:' chealriy; in E.n lanid.., aiiil• it is..:prob '
—..--1-ftlair.-eaaa'be-d new-1-t.�-.tri-a sni k:,.-_...-Labaii"—".11,'Ila.taim-it•eJ .nin.g all .r:ahle;,.that it's 'manufacture. :rill .be •
ii;,•g thought that the •end, of the-or;d that snow ft•o::1. aroli111(1 the house? comni iici'd shortly. •
May . be postponed .b5`. man hifinself: ]`artier ---"What‘ ,'ii•e • v'ou ;talking
Ei•eri if 'the sun• auris out and, teases about?' Thre's no sno;v .at •t.his time ;Profits ,from .. Comfort
to gine %'.eat and light. -he • m,..,be able of the yea....' Coinf rtab.le wprkiug • •'eofditions'
to pfbduee: • un-atoniie.enel'gy and, fru-' , :taborer—"o; b
but , the e ?11it11
time I've. • of is ent Service.;
.lung the .existence' of the ; torifi f rbin' . done alt the•jobs ;•ou shave lardotit for ; Thns 'n as not the '‘Opinion of tier'
a' mattef rttillens .o billi•ons.'rf• ure 'b 1io,• there wi;': ba." fathers,. Who believed that ',paniper-
year', "' •ing"I pie ;corkers would, encourage
Harold ' so . a are: told, got a wrong them to• take their ease,1 ; . •
W e•
ntimber.the otlt r`'ins... Opinion .
.about .OAs .has' n'ot`ab1y
IEtIOm Anxicue ,four Mair' fat' Salva -tion .;changed.' The,Industilal Bulletin of
Gi\ a • of •b,,d , gite • o; ,n1i;:cl, , :Army • Headgital tet s j -"Do• .y641.• slave. ..i•tliu1 D.. Little, ' Inc ;(;Cambridge, ,.
Gi•; a of «-01 d' and where 'you. find , • ypung.glrls?" " •• . • . - 'Mass.) ', Notes the significance' 'of:. a
Hanger- .fe51 • ii from colliborte, Salylon Nell tkiutil3) 1Z'hy, I changed attitude of industrial exeeu-
But'altt a3 s keep •;oat soul Sour •owar..yes,^ ttce9 as slioiv.h'in thea- recent ado'p-
Alrviotr3• You.:.,;'Mani—" Vs ell, save I tion of scientific methods ,'in '• inrprav-
•Gii-eyour laughter„ give, -your youthe's couple of ied•head� for onrglif— Mg.. the. physical, condition of em;
Give of .reason"dud of .truth, . Will! y'oti'• plosees, ., It goes ;on: . '
And ,the .iiinosence of .play„;
1 • "\liners . are 'treated • with , tbol;t-
And a 'lilac •bo:ii'gh in..May. • . •. The ate] age tvomau grows old, just •vaye: light to sup:nly sunllg1ht clefici
'• about 'as as graeefall3- al: iie S'nu'bs a\ ,c11cy^, with reported improved health,
cruor fence..
n'Sfewer . accidept.s • and, incidentally, re-.
I:et 'no plan tura froth your
n eat ier. than' lie Was ,before;- r ' •/ d.uced netnetoperating costs:
But in wisdom• this is, knu: ' .7iuimy, ;four,' small. but wise, • had "An• English firth has, found that
Each man's • soul'must be Ws oa.n., been in the •conpat]y of visitors the sbectal`spectacles have increased the
. Gertrude-•Ca11aghtiil in .he \esti 'd'ry. before.' 'At ono. period; when. his etH•efeiicy df textile. inspeetois' an.
Tock Tihrr;s:• mother. had left •the: room for a,,,min- ,at erage of 20 per cent,—the: spectacles
, are. Supplied even to • girls with nor-.
mal e; a sight, - a corresponding cor
r•ect,ion 'being -made' for' others. ' The,
end. of- the working day. 'no longer
a •-playmate,' about what he bad 'said lYnde • thein - exhausted • by long -con-'
when • asked: that question. "I new tinted. ey'e-strain. • •
I has bbrti.itl the Woman's: Haspital •'littiuidity 'control in a" blade fac-
But..I thought 1h; sounded sort 'of tory. reduced' 'accidents. fiioln cut lin
sappy; so. 1`.'saitt"the • Cubs' Baseball .gel's to• an almost negligible. number.,
park." . • The. d'i'yuess•, of the inspectors' fin-•
The ice man' *hays Mrs. Jones' isn't ger Wag 'found to he the major tae-.•
as .friendly. -:as'she tiled to be. • She ; 1011'•" " , • -
w•0at's such adiir>igiciaire.--.---;-•:•—"---,. '
; 'but )h is good or had accoi dung to
A titan aid the other day: ."You can whether1tilce
naw us' want to do bet -
find• anything ,'ou want to •know "about ter . or worse:, '
it 'a. World 'Almanac—if yon know
`'11r..SonpA , tried• to lass nte� last 1,
-•eventing." "l -tow da•red.' ne?" ' fIe•.
. didn't.: I darer% hin1:''' a
Kennedy A.
4.21:..Goieg;4 St:,.
, 'Toronto ^v.` .
Haley -Davidson Distrjbutors • -
Weite. at., once Por our bargain iist,Af
''used motorcycles.'' Terms'arr..a'ngerl,.
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Sends Greetings •to its • Many,
,Friends in Canada. . •
We .are quoting' such a very tow
American Pian rate that you will
find. It cheaper to stay at' the
'FHometik Strand that:- staying
at' home. ,.
Write.. us so we ttriay quote . them .
to you=so you will knoW the eit'act
cost before leaving; '
Music—Salt Sea. baths-.Comp.li-
mentary Tea Daily; 4 to 5 p.m.—
We ,.wi11•;-•pet6onalty see -to. your
bomfort,' • •P. E.•-hA,\i ow,.4119r.
ea nets
b ec eiNctises
O�j (�y ARD
EAR ®� L ... '
_. R.ua G /_N pACK_O1,1c2: S /tiy l EgF/yam.
1'OSTft�LS PR/CE /25-4rALG Irnva IsFs
Excellent for Temporary Deafness
and ' Heed' Noises when, due; to •
congestion , caused .by .'colds.:
Radio ,Bargains
Good Used ''5- Tube Radios Priced
from $5 up. 'Write ,for Bargain.
Price List. ' _•
2086 Danf9sth•,Ave.. Toronto ' •
SOME Women •suffer 'more
, than others: Often, when there
isn't any • need! ' The pains
peculiar to 'women may be re-
lieved as readily as other pains
for which Aspirin is irieended.
These tablets are always a big
help at such times, and never
the least bit harrnful. (Aspirin
doesnot depress The heart.)'
, Of course, you are familiar
with the use 'of .Aspirin for
headache, It hirings Such prompt
relief (that• sudden • headaches'
needn't upset :your plans. It
*ill check a cold, or ease,. the -
esth.roat; andcorrlfort the • •
- worst sufferer from neuritis and
neuralgia. •' •
• When •' your head • ,aches--
f roti any • cause— when a cold
has settled ifi;your joints or you -
feel those deep, -down pains of •
rheuiliatlsn1, sciatica, lumbago;'
take Aspirin and 'you can count
.ori real. relief.
ate .or ,t;vo—jus.. long enough to ..get
the iced tea ;cell—oue bfthe guests
had asked shim where he was .born.
He was telling the story, next day, to
t h:e1'e to final it." , )
•:If -we$el.iei,.ed what their opponents I
eay,'we would conclude that all canal- t
;agates a.re'unfit t hold office. .
Ane ,way to avoid the income tax
is to earn.1•ese-,-Oiap $1;000 a•tear. •
TRAr1F-M7irta'' ac s
Made i13 Canada
•Hairdressers ' • MONEY:- •'
Classes are now' forming ur,d"r
tis'. 'personal direction 'of Mita.
Robertson. Write for free :'croklet •
regarci;ing terms, Robertson's'
Hairdressing' Abadeitiy, Rini/tea.
137 Avenue Road, Toronto.
-''•Rainy 'Nilght'
:Ey DanieL.Wbitehead Hicky,
'T•11is le a night for Icing! rememtber-
incl. '
1,igh' up, the. firh .'a.nt! ;watch each
ripening spark
,Drift like a firefly where the chim-
ney: sings
With all th'e' purple ipystely of th.e.
cl'ttrk., ' '
This is a night• fair booifs.. Turn to
t page
That throbs with Aprils that, Were
to t , go- deem
• .
In folded letters yellowing with..age;•
A night :of rails is not a night for•
steel). , i ' ' '
Pileup the hearth, with cedar bpu•gh•s
and listen
To 'silver„ nur'ic, Dashing- on the
---_ ?pane; •
Speak. long -forgotten words, and: thew
will .gfiaten ' •
•. Wrapped, in their. Vaii!5h'ed glory
••once again. •
Turn .baelt the clock; and 'till the
•4 -break 'of 'dawn '•
1'ottt' 3teail.t. n°�ll..b'eat w..tti. ltotrrs that
__.. a .....-..;,
The 'brave i:1107. carves Out lib's ford
tune, and every man is the soft of his
•OS'n works.=•Cervantes,
am. j.'
S.T F'_NE.SS.�
' ' Plenty of bi i'n a.rd'•a • w e11
hoed. --in ��o,n aPte }'ou
I '' , • right. ,Bathe the sore part '
•. Ct;ith warm water .before you
34 You'll soon timber up t.
Classified Advertising
GI't 1rAC131NE OR HA127CiN1TT1:\`V1'
S Woos " "S.ilk . and.: Wde1:"
-"t)14,.lyl.te,' all colors. :i5c lb. up.
•t.ainp:es free. ' • Stocking ,Xt. •,Tarn Mills.
Dept.' T, rtsUlia;.O,nL
. atYr•I-44g-4z-sewn, g ..aL .hnma• whale
spare• tame; good .pay wdrk.sent ant .
distance: barges paid. Srnd• stamp,
part .ulars. National ufee tux lrg'Co., • •
11onn e.a.•
There' Should Be
No Ugly Women !
'7 There are' 2 era'ses'of ,women,
'•{1). The' beautiful, •healthy and
attractive creatures:
t2j Those pitifu) ones tvlio don.''
know how. to 'take themselves bcanti-
fiil- rather those who dela know the
. t'ita! importance of Iirtisehen Salts to
.ph}y-ital perfection and attraction !
lt,uscllcn Salts .are a -perfect blend
' of the six.. Vital minerals which Nature
ordained, glands, bk,od, nerves and'
• body organs should daily receive from
"rood if they're t� function correctly—,
and • which .are ingsossible .to obt.tin
fn thus age of modern cooking.
• E:ct a bottle'of Iirusehcn'—and before '
the bottle is half etnpry your corn;
plexion should be gloriousjy smooth:
and clear. Iirusehen clear's blood'ef•
liarnlful acids Arid poisonous waste
matter whirls cause bletinishcs, • black-
heads and pimples.. Your twonderful•
• thew energy: will surprise 'you --mind •
hers so 'Vett and alert --no more
w•:Isheb-out feeling ,getting ;ij:p in 'the'
rooming .
Rheumatism ^ Routed.
Rapid Relief.
• Mr. Arthur Padgett, of Barnsley,
writest—"For the last few years I
have suffered with rheumatism, also
severeattaeks of indigestion. I suf-
fered great pain in the back and '
tried various remedies without re-
lief. A friend advised me to t
' Once Carter's Little Liver ' Pits---
this T did and received immediate
. relief. I am a' miner, and I strongly
r'ecoorbinend : your valuable ills to
- all sufferers- of rheumatism,_ ind
gesiion and`-c'onatipatiiirit —
Take Carter's Little Liver Pills
for sick' headache and indigestion!.
• All druggists 26d and 75f red pkga.
ACRY in the night. Colica No'
cause, for alarm;•if Castoria__i - handy. This, pure vegetable prepara-
tion brings quick ,comfort. and can
never harm. It is the 'sensible thing
'when children ar..e•ailing. Whether it's
the stomach; or' the little •litiwels; -
colic or constipation; •or:diarrhea.
..When tiny tonggues are coated; or the
breath is bad. WVhenever there's need
of gentle regulation. Children love
the taste. of Castoria, and itsrtnildness
• makes -it safe - for frequent use.
k`a" And a'nrore liberal dose of Casteria
is always better for growing children •
than strong medicine meant only foil •
adult use. -
Restored to . Health " by Taking
Lydia E. Pinliharn's %lege= • �.
table Compound '
Mitchell, Onte-w"11 had tittle turn
babies and for quite a while after I was
so w*nik I could
not do My ' it ori;
berg riseof'. pains -
all t ht a ay up my •
iegs'at• the pack ,I
-also had headaches
and got very little
sleep. t took Lydia . '
E. Pink.hrarn's Veg-
etable Compound, :
and (eon 1 A -as
.ab}e to get ti E, Amer
do my Work, r have
'"----takes] three= bottles
and. t ail; ,fine,• 5lo nYy stork ,vittw.uh',
trouble and ,an gaining ,o. Weight, a ld
Strength.. 1. ;Lill i,Tladlyt Tactnnirnen .the
Vegetable Co 'pound to anyone
; ruff , Taal 2:20. Aiitd11-11.