HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-02-12, Page 7;.:.• •
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heqteee 'tee
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txma#: *AP
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serstareaseelereaseeeenetlearaher f—heeFter
, A
A Critical Tinte for: - W.Oinegt.
"It ane .beginitleg to feel my age" is'
'the "eeetoe mauy ,a wasas..n haste
• make when „see. reachesthe critical,
iuieof middle' are. There. ie no need,:
' • " • however, to think you •are 'too. Cm to
le viell'and happy.. h
. iete • Perhaps pee' have lost, your grip on
- ' • . tee- se
alS„, '.,•2 :4.
and Yeerelimbe ache t,iriy.Otters-
•• • „ , • batik seems 'ready to heeiy. and.
. hire eels iseunbearablee
' • •: :' • • Your blpod .1e. at faulteeee it has be-
' come thin and impure and dees'aet
•`• : • • Eive'the healtingiyieg nourighMent to.
•• • ••• . • - • the' body.. 'What yen need is e•taeat-
. axes t Dreeee allia„russalet Effie...Tate:
• wall tet • you : ;right Tney'.ectualiy,
- , Make rishaeechhealilegiviiig blood elle-
• talergpialablood dine.° emit all 'year
le the bots'edesk. is clean it intli-
eate that a ta" assistant is doing the,.
work. Often the hose takes stbe,ale"
out of ihdiSpeeseble when aa employee
be -ins to feel that wee, 'How eye
there ever 'be: trite' happiness }n this
world when all sieVer lining byte a
lot of shale clouds about' theme Ede
friend. Hastesenekes
• hPeneasl perhaps the ead feign- and'• ' •
e energy js lacking; you get tired eeeilye . . Tiptop • • . ' '
s,ement St. .Louis;
Post:piepatob„). '.partuer
•lady ' wants peva* •he 'bath, b three e
Ood Pi•ottheitioe. ` • : • ,
, • •
The little giri Who ordered a bah*
brothete complteatedthe affair by
• specifyieig that • #e, must .esrlee th'ree
Sears ele.• • ,.• •• , • . ,
Aspieatron ... se--
, chs and . pulite: , -... , • ; Let hie 1 o -day do. 'soinethih gs Oat shall'
a .
-seeseesee ,-,--; . , 1•Dyg-WilliaiinehPisile Pare ii,tahlealtiele, a', -±-.1.Alet ' `"' .•- '''• •'''•.:,-. g• °'... ' '1: ..'-;
, ,, . - r i. , • .33.eadgehes' bedkaclies, eereoesuetes ' •Aelittle •eednees_efroee,' the ii';ey.ltre,
1snd-,Ig4ltlif apphatite, ane in thelh"p ece . .rast-8tole, .----
...loll 'come new-ettergY and jiapteeees.. And may I be so favored at to• make
'You eael'aet-these Pills at all. nieeicine. ,- PcjoY's OP scanty suite a Iittlemore.
„ dealers or by road at 5.0 cents a' box • a . - ' ' '
__e__-_-s___•ee__ee.. eineTheeihr..-Telllialuse. Medeeeee.Misa.:„Letstaiseenet bart _i1f,:,a'saY"-selfiele deed, .
• ' • , :'.; ...: e Beodles:ille,• Ont. Or thoughtless word; the, heart •of
. . toe 0..64,4,7
othwpill Romance . -.S,01---,.-i-uotad 1 pass, 'Unseeing; worthY
need, • "
t• ...' '' ' • ••, Or ,ein by silnce.where I ,.thud
<111'.gain'111:-Spc•tikbit '''• defend. , ' lie . ,. • ' •• ''
• 1 '• •
1• •.,§rnashing. 'of Earl's Burial
Casket on the Island of
Zeeland Recalls Hi8
; • .
Adventure with
' -• Mary Stulin
Tile..pillaging of a forgotten village
church on the remote little island •of
orteti 'rapAit,40411.4if,r;
- p
7:1=isLat: week, recalls one. Of the,
• • ..most brutalepisodes' fn -all *Mail
histery • Here 'epee his death, in.
exile, in .1578, has'. laia the; body ''to
ae -of the • husbandof ;Mary Queen
of :Scote', the Earle -of BOthwell. • In
• .• mearchinet for ereaturesi lereaceidente
ally, • thieves ereashed the glissed-in-
, coffin which for mete than. three and.
a _half eentiteies has held the remains
Of the • man about whom historians
. • esienterouee inheriting the title ' and
eastlet of the Earl ot 12_9•.4.
than , any 'other person . to eeending
.__.ea__,seeldary_tOallielegallows-.1--Althchigle a
• ' haerotestenti • Hepburn became. one pf
• • :the most 'violent 'antaknglieb 'leaders
he the 'bitter •religionsware lietwee,a
, • eleotland and. England. • .
" After exile 'in • Prance ' and impel-
emi:tent bya-titteen. Etiza.beth in the
• 'Tower, Bothfreil returned, to ..Stots
land in .16.65 at the : aemmons of
Mary ---his daring and. strategy made
•.1 • possible • his • escape despite pursuit,
by. Eliiabeth sent in .seareh of
• him. ' ' • • •
-fis is complete ascendency over Miry
• appears to •have dater definitely ;feign
the mnrdee of the antee'n'e ,secreta ,
. Rlizio, 'in IVIarche 1566. prom then
on he Ives lierechief adviser, attend-
- ' Mg with .he the „Claigmiller Confer-
ence -at which both signed the "holids'''
• which were- to result in the 'murder
• -, •.et the Queen's husband, Darnley:
To. Maty, Bothwell was a, "glort-
one, rash. and hazardous ,yoting man."
He was masterful and, driri4: lid say somethings"
possessed of a, certaincoerae• that. . • ,
'even hth 'bitterest eneniles were Many of us find i t• harder tc shiyit
forcedto recognize. . , . than to work. . • '
T.he intention of Queen Mare to . , ---s. ' •
, •
. •
eerear efeshiPtfregied schotnere,eJelen W. Miller's whin lext
Jahni.,11C.Eh; .with a loadi of cod for 13raell. She W as: abaudoned after
being Avreckid bY a stone in mid ocean 'and 'the „Crew w.as picked ,up
, Geman etealater inehaanaeeleet-ColosteeW:heuee the:: eCarinthia!!
eeought them back to' entrain for Catada., They aree (sitting) eh 314: Kee.- .
aedy, .1st elate, of $t.' johnsh; Capt.': Cyril Het:Wood,. St. swain John Clark of .Carbonear, N.F,•;• (b'ack•row)•FeRog-ers, St, Johns •
Wm. Laing, Carboneate Theo. Pike; Haehor .Grade; JOhn 'Greee, ,cook,
• Cerbenear. "•, ' • e• • '
. • . •
" • ^,'", kir 11,,,04":01
^.0,-.....04-=',^Arenee •
4• •
Noiselils PactoryCrassified: Advertising
• . :
. -. _
r T H 1 W kers
-1‘)1.> si l't.:111 N.I..! 011 ki kNI..).it NiTTINU • • •
-M1 Wool." "Silk and Wo.ol," • ' ,, v• ••
. . .. , ,i • pill •Ey...114.e." • 411 '40101'5. 7f,e ib, uri °
. 9.. , Built ., cat 1,:...aewtofeTd. (f)11.,etiei.ja, 1.t)oiri..Itine & 1-. arm Wits: ,.
led' t ..b ' 'W1'th t - • t
Windows—Machines to ' I.. -. ,. ' ,,.... . '" ' : .
. .• .
•aetnerrs Wr.9,2TTED . '
: be Painted' Oran • • •. • • . _ '
A,, factory withoto:• windovi:s';' . end : ..,...jt..!,..,:1:;e;eieltil.Fersii;I:eie.lcilitIet:\el;tlei:120.1114'eTNI‘e-")11itiLt•Elee:311,hCISLiere:
hehalig other, reaiAres of ap tieusuels."
if , not revolutionasel• character, is to ' '. •
. , #
) .
. .
cbecictictitiiisotnesuellee:304 e°1.e.st..bIrchitc,..1:1-ibb.eereg4Ipelleaysest .1. t El. 1.)},A.::innhrEVsTotiffile-Aa'vre:....t 4f). ....iL..
. _ . ..
, . .
work wiUbe so controlled that then . 't r • •enent 'free% erY town anat.1)erisil. of
al b
- : - • • Vile nebvInces. •o . ;• •
Wo uniforin1, night and 0-4.3", hnd't °err. you a N; e'rNyeNare in y"' Di earva lit a114sitionn.d. 1)3N in" '
verytbeng possible will be done to I peeesiesoe. The leer id easy .1,n.vi)
. . make work' ease,. It ie expected that
eefieiency will he increased by ab.Qut
" . 40 per cent, 'and the ,ex,Periment is
being 'watched •by ' i'D tht ry, '
reeNcrie-eselterinatiegerherieeas witlenrake-
the factery tittle The wells will be
• ., • 4 . .
belle eo• abserbeeotine; enil smaefilites.:
e• will be mounted on •eory. -,Nehises from,
• • the ma.nufesenriaa sees..beee,ssfea.anall le- hetneee4le„eascle'-'1- ...^. . ' . . ' ! •-•••• ''';'-;•,.
••);eg.de.;,t9 "dc14)Teyeeteeee-eneOtesede : ,r. . ' e "pla?teas I b e seeetess• p e :elle debteere.
11.Y11. 1031 • a re.ttlari.v.ciole. F..V • Par. • . .
t!,;•Lflars, Quelieu Sales 1,;(p•papy, 101
four Burlding-,"Iontreal.
tong ail
toek", off gap,' pee- e ••
searteda he bill, and stood at eaSe. , • •
....'''..M3sbots says I'M not to ge heek ark' • •
til you ".• give me the money Yoe,: gee e •• se
IS•33r 11orititS C01100htipat
that sha.74 alx1
However meagre . be
Let nie give something
• . my hied. 1•
'AY'Woed • of eourage, or'
health, / • • • •
• Dropped at I •peas , .
,bearts to :end.' • •
..• • , . . the Stomach sweee. To' do this nothieg
,Let. 'me to -n! 11 .loo•k, bac a•ctoss the han-e. BeieVeaeleen•
span . • , . area nnld hut,.thbreukh laale, are
'Twixt slaVee and dark; and •to my Pleasant ta tekeand eanbe geverr.o
• • conscience sey; , • s . • the newbern 013,3 With, perfect safetY.
Thoesends of moner.. 'use 11,0 -• other
Medicine, eorthe. little cities.. but
Bribe's OwnTablets. Theseareeold by •
medicine deehere . or -by mail !at 25
cents e. 'bee from • The De:
Meareine Co.. 'Broekville,' Ont. •
wealth, .
& thought �t
• • 's
for steoebled
ConstIpetimi Is one of tee most econ
men •ailriaente of childlibed .anb. the
child stiffering,from it positive -1y cane
not thrive. To keep the little one well
the bowels muSt be kept regular and
.,. •
The T.iwWhotte Player .
• `Tie ;.1-eng since; !wig.. einee, • •sine
, • • • d •hear
A. tirawhistle played, • .. • • ,-
And herd the • teetes,. th.e. lia"peeny,
The tunes tliat, Ware;befere cifd
:And 'Cid 'went ,Irelenel's ratted:gee, .
That weres_efoe
That, strings- have .given soerids.!
,hnleceuse, ef some good itet to 13east
.Thee seerM1s bet er, that 1- Heed to-
•• . • • •..s. ":
1 . •
Judge -'You're• charged with throtth,
iegSaohe mptheieinlaw out of the
,windev."; •
eased . "I ceid-sit. stiehent-theeking,-
yor bettor.'r ' " •
. ---egagee-aaf,atealme_that,:*"."derar4aan;..
but. don't you se•is how .dangerous it
Was ,ter anYone paasieg at the time?"
Whetheradaninistraeiting are re-
bad „tims--and never • fail to.eake
creclit for good bes. ..•
Archibald -"Do you. end your Wife
ever think .te same,. John?'
John• -•When I stay late at elle' elb.
Wes de. • She lciegs thiuking • what
she'll SaWhOyi 1 'gt horn ee and so do
' .
Flappers Vocabulary -ee_To understand • a modern yoeng'wontanca voe
abelery •it is necessary to know that
cute" may describe a sports' reed•
ster, a bridge prize, a dance step, a
baby; a •dog or. Rudy Vallee.' , •
Wait for seenething ti; turn tip ,and
Lt will, but it will be your toete.• •
Tonnny - epa, Why ivas .Mani
created first?"
Father --"To give 's 'in a elience to
..nake the Earl. of Bothwell 'her.
heed 'was, .for a tame, kept secre
be solight refuge withhim. at, Dun-
•• • 'kir CitStle. He Met her riding out-
., Aide •ofeEdinbergh anti, leading a
• 'force of Soo speaesmen, escorted her
A •
'r -forcibly cr otheraline-to Dunbar.
asttrhe ,niter's little void "yes' has
p,oer to break the bank and hie little
weird he" hat towel' to break .every-
bodyseise. • • •
' -
We eau't say inuel. for these dresses
that look lika they had heal caught in
Lose then a month later Mary made a door and yoreions torn oft as the
isothuvli• Duke of :Orkney and Shet- Tads, iessesomee .. . •
land,• ,
. Within a Month liter. their mare Love is the eonly coinniodity needed
------ii ae, -Mari Qeeen Or ;$•eretfl •fttl tO iligrlIM a happy marriage between
BothWell were agaiq seeking aefuge, meas. Beauty that used to be -akin
to he separated awn then on. Both is lee,
shin aed ' lame deep.
. . • well's .elight to Denmark was the lasth Dreams that einem true would ahyway.
. • ' of his adventitious life. He• was up
ienger in ' position to aid hs' Queen.
. , and her downell. lefts him the Prls
; Mier of Xing Prtieriek, IT of ,noti-
mrk. from whom, • (hieng elary's ,„„„,..,,e••
ren, . he had obtained saety: by ''''"."'"T'. :
. — . 0 '
,proniiiiing t� restore to Denmark the
Oiltheys and Shetland. Eleven years
eleiri,2:1 ITello. elts,the veie"
• ".S--•--
. Berl. Of Bothwell diedhet Zeeland.' • C1lr44sten, dear. 'Wiliit be aff
, •• • . • "right it I being a couple of fellers
Clubs Can Hire Planes . ,t
,mtm. to dinner to:11010-- '..
Al planes will be laated to 13rietsie (*AiledL-Why cetaittly."
• t airplane clubs, aecordiog to the Callere-"What?" t ' •
• Djaartofent of Cornmetee. The planes • Callci-"Craa fee. It Will. , lel he
. a.tethe dis,Posaf ot the clubs .will be very Tied to hve, them."
• • IhPseelatlloths frith Wooden fuselags, Caller - '6114 Perd-TU me, lady.
• ' • ana ealeilined. Witir telnhOnes, hut°. Wrore etnehr.' .• • ,
Matic skits 'arid a tompass. Thee Planes
- will he fully bleared by the Fee Hayti- -,-,
, land Compana, the builder, egfileet all
grounll and eft tiSkse, includlog third
a' .
, it tty riTh
ks, eY Maybe hired' for etrenallatee
i • •• tit
any period uP to six months at $291 a
". ath' end for a period beyond six
• o
!eoliths' at ..$2.43. . Ale rentals are pay-
• , able in advance : Planes Must bre mith
tabled at the extienee of the lessee in a
,eberete,stirworthy ooeition; and mute
le oriented iii accordonee with the
airdiesisees cif ,the eh' eavleation acts,
' ' htheseveite cif aeeidents csausine darin eaa, r leileetae father sseeieS to hink
--e.,age to . literal f. time -filet. -$ s...20 ett. .e.e a 4g,.. mar* nig g fool: let bee'S.1
• •derege meet 10 met iv lb e leseset. e reale e '
• . --•-• -
• • do
, .........0.0.0 0 -...t...b....i..,........•0, " Vk' h f Art ,inu kning in breek the
The 'longet air route et Pseseht teeteeem'ente"
. Path. a etgular seevioe of :piar,,, .. •
• Iron New York to Buenas Al 1`4,1,' a • Tlip man Wit'b n pf (rae al.moe
••distanee et 5 SialiefleS '
heti di ly heeoin e e St pebilc it 1.15.3110'0.
We kl1OW . a Man wile tell out of a
twentieth etoreY Aldo,. Without hurt-
ing hire self. There was a balcony out-
, side, . The ahilite ,titese in deemed is
Calter, tat rfelephonel-"Givt
after his marriage :.with Mary the' -Called-"Yee."
Autos as. Earthquake Refuges
Automobiless are cited as eaiintia-
eieleeeartemetaisesuereefeeehuil ej by_
Dr. Jagger, Ancrlea.n valcano
expert, gsa .eesult • 'Of persoliel exe
periencee during • the earthquake of
September 25. 1921, 'in. Hawaii. •
a_ere e t annottneeteht____ frame
the •Ilawaiieu Volcano Research • As-•
-sod:Won, Dr. ..eaggar :describe s• how
he eiapriened. that daYeto be driing,
in • his getoniobile tovisit- a. friend.
Thenasaye Dr. E. E. Frees. Week's'
Science thee,e- Yerk): .
a "On errieIngent ene friend's houe,
Die Jaggae was astonished t� and the
inbabitants inhegreat •exciteetent, . and
the leause ruined: .' • '
violent earthquake had hey-
pen.ecl while Dr, Jeggar ..was in: his
Moviug automobile. •
'nit spiteof long eepei1ence as"ee
earthquake observer; he had felt tab -
thin. Dering the shocks which fol
lowed, Dr. Jaegerreports, many peo-
ple • left their hoeses and:, slept in
their eutonmeales • •
, .
. .
"Een: when • net_4motion, De.
Jagger reports, 'a •sedan on springs
and .rubber thee produced almost no
sensation to the ocetinante, w41e ad-
*Centhomes were rattling and rock -
Ing with the aftershockee
eHeuses usually act, he finds, as
mgnifiers of earth movements, to
that What seems to be,' a, violent erth-
uake to a person indoors may seem
to a person , on the ground in the
*pea to be a single not very ..stronk
thud under his, feet,. Or may pass alto,
gethee einoottced,
"This may explain why t Is that
primitive men have feiv Myths 'et
,earthquakes, but uany of floods, and
fiees. ' Having • mo houses ••to magn-
fy theta, eitinative men probably .feli
only the very greateet earthquttkes,
but anyboee le impressed by •rs foree;
fire or a' 1toddh' • , •
Tests Sho..4.-Lack of Vitamin
- Cause.. of Grey Hair
Premature gray .airs na e Aue to
lack of seine vitemioalke Materiel in
thefood, alit as lacy of one of the
viththins ceases the disease called
freet. ThlTs sugesTe-rtiy- re:
searehes reported to the Aeadeney of
Seiences in Paris by Prof. Gabriel
-Bertrand. Says Dr. E. E. 'Freer: bis
Week;e Selene° (le -o4 Yearkl: • .
"In eeeeriments planned for n
ferent pu)pse, ordenar black and
dark grey rats-wereefedain diets does
tainieg eelvitamins known to be
necessary but made of puriffed or
Synthetld togas et netufal
materials like eerables • and sit 14.
"To the inveeteators' eurPriee,ehe
blark• coats of the atietals began to
tuna silver • gran. •
'This may tappei, the experifitenta
ela knew, belkause of had bealth,• put.
the rats in this instake were per
-fectly, healthy, as wes era/Peened by
hv] tets.
, • „
The new viear was oaultrg upon one
Of his parfehionete. "I har." he said,
"that you have a set itt the Bina bush
rase it Hellyteoeda' 'Thee I have,
replied the Women, Preudlea Hoye,
long hal he beenit Areeriefte•
`10itifer-er''Fillaltatter Bin' ?'rade-ad;:
And. doee he "evercOhie ha& Ehg-
lentlaa` "Eveie sinalitter rgularly."
"And brings Illife With hint, 1 et
eet." "That is sO, sir. And they've
regeen fire hmart too."
And no* ie ,stanlieg in the mist,
And:jigging, backward bere,
Shriliing with fingers and 'with
A tin-whstle plaYere ' :
He hae hars e es 13d -•
round with hadgr-gra; •
Ainilete like cries of mo
2-Tehetene-s hes.eteh.\1
'• . .
'POI' 'EtTiih$
-Padrf Co741; "Oler Paste rs."
Men !Neles,b llves • ve roe.
• '
e. • • :see._
Whenthe..1‘eists o the earlyeeeornng'
Diappearon the 'rOf theSua
heights sub-
• lime
.• •
Incontranmen with Jesus. the Son:••
Though theclaietneeS of. night Sure.
• . round 'yeu
And your soul isedeep In •deair
His love and ettength can liftyou
Tf you believe :chat •He is there,
' M. STEEPER, elanidoetOnt.),
"Whates the idea of theGeenshat-•
eng • French leseonsr ' 'They have
adopted a French. baby .at d went to
Uederstand What it saet:when it be-
gins to talk." . .
t• •
How To Lose Fat and Get
That Yoithful Feeling
Over in Great Britain when a man
feeling "as fit as a eiddle" ' and
fooking the "Picture of health" thy' •
say: •
'hat means he lakes his little dose
Iireechin :Salts every. inerning.
It's the sante jnsthe ta.S.Aefn •
Germany -in Ilcillehde Autralia--
in SOuth Africa, for larescben Salts ae
no* hold 'the -word Over. •
Krusehen Salts is not one salt only-•
it is theecombination of six salts
beiiihry to' healthy life.. •
Take half a teaepoote in a glass of hot
watei before breakfast evety eneiniog;
• ;modify your diet and eeercise regularly.
But' don't - miss • ri mornng, for
fanischea not only put( and keeps the ..
etneaeli, 1ivr, kidheys and bowels in
,•splendid healthy condition, -but
verities your hlood-streanneend sends
new life and attivity to every part
ef your body...
• e
Phe , intensity -of .'eteeeight chaegle, ',weirder if.leekll :reeee4ieeeemi 'with
cculstairtly, tbdi. ;putt:lig- a straine beerd?" • •• ,
ere auttsciesr.and bringing on fatigue:
In this wi Wade less • factory, 'electric
11a.reps, with.. st)ectal diffesing• shades,
Wit17 fUritilift)17lVrtfiegirob,,
,atrionet•• 'of • ultra-hiplet • light elven, he
.lathodusseds _ •. •..„
• eTItehtemeeratuee in the••faetoey.will
1,4 kept constant,.•the air beicl.wastiee
on "eziteriag the beileieg,, heated in
'cold. weather and coolect by .a ,serAy,
in warm Weather. Draffs ere to be
eliminated. ' •. •
As colora, apcord.ing` te .jsychotogy,
•*.eithey•depress or raise ethe spirits et
amnions, they Are the basis' fel- the
decorative stAieme.': 'Me walls and
oiaxigete Make. tthatetheasily" shah/6
ite.,pa'-etinleteeaanad giirrigeettliMachines te
and -thus to eeduce• ihe shenee of ao-
ceitlen-te. •
Caller 0.tinairing , foe .son. of 'the
hotiee)---"Wb.aur'e young Angus, Sr,
Mcree?" 3kr. McFee--He' deo* it
lbe shed shrpening the geanaophene
needes. • Weee giving wee Party
' •
A TENTS .. e .,
east or, "Wanted Iriventions"
, and Full thrum:Acton Sent Free , . „
on lteuu.est_ ' • •
,TRE 1411.31034Y CO,i4tept. W.
273 mai:kat., ottemi. 0.4.
• /'14th
.on Colds
A 'epeetly, safe,proven'reatedi.
for children and adults. . A
. Arts iiheaelasb• A siNctt.stppgpvcitt
• Results Commendable.
• Genuine Gratitude.
• Min 'Millers of Croydon; writese-
"In gratitude, I feel I must write'
and tell youwhat wonderful benefit
„I have derived from taking a bottle
of yowl. Cartr's Little Liver Pills.
Having been troubled with indiges-
tion grid sick headache for several:
months, a ,riend retomniended Me
• to try your famous pills, withthe
results that after the first dose I
was made aware: of their very teal
tonic value, and felt .1 had at kat
dieovered a remdy which per-
ormed what ft claimed to do."
'fak___Caateas 1 ft1e Limer Pals
for the complxion aad constipation.
ALT dihiggists 25e and 74 red pkgs.
lilas your face burn and
itch atter shaving)
Try Cuticnra,--..
Shaving Stick
• , it soothes at henle"
.taid Is wondeirkSity effietekts
• 32
Take half a reaspoimfuT of
Niinid'a in molasses. Heat
inhale it. Also rub
it urn into )our chess:
Yetell get relief r
. ; . • • .. ,
W can never be Sure 3 net what.
' Makes a child restless, but
thereme'dy can alwava be tbesarnee
Good aid' Caetorial There's comfort
iti• every drop. of This pure vegetable
Preparation'and . not the -slightest
barn m•itsfreqUent use ;As often as
: 'your childhas a fretful- sped,. is
sieerish,or .cres and can't sleep, let.
Castoria soothe and quiet hint. Some.;
times Wi-a-1 T.1 -'ph of coh.t..StlimeEines
'constiption. • Or diarrhea -a. con-
• . dition. that ShOuld always be checked
1• 'eithoet' delay. just keen Castoria
bandy. and. give it •orcruptly. Relief
will follow Very •promptly; if it
doesn't. you should Call a physician.
4-Zazt-fAit.:6; •
• e .
. • ^
• Headaches
theree too Math acid in
your stomach, you must ferce yout.
AO it, Walt, and' eVen pleasuees
are too great an -effort. • APpetite:
ags; the digestion is ppdr; the
Whole sestem suffere.
• in botatorf tests show en acid
nditin= is due to ereors in our
modere diet. Ent ytiu need not Wait
to diet yon'rway out of the tronblel
. JEW of konei,- .
• This Wzill rieutraliee the excess
acid eetabtly; make eon'Tel like a
nate person in jut a tew moheente.
'rake a 1itOe Whc-nocer hrarthern.
Siek headathes, nausea, flaulence,
Indigestion, or Oitoustees
digestitai eysein. Is heteminit 1.466
add. Wheilever You are tAing cold
gntle, laxative action. •
De.dgiitrui t� take. tedoreid hh
physiciatie for, SO Irears , and Dre-•
sterti•bed--ever-e-tehere-fo•resmeeee. Wee • --
men and children Th6 getuiee s .
alfreat e liquid ;it cafinoche mac1e.
intablet torm. It aliveesbeare the
nate ••• .PhlliPe for eohr protection.
•140.4 in Canailn
"I have to'Work in the store and
do my own houscworra.too, and 1.
got ricryous end run-down atid wasp
bed nearly; all summer. The least noiee
woeld make me nervous. hwas totd
to take Lydia 8., Pint:haat% Vee.
!able Compound arid I have takes
aeeert bottles: It has made me strong
ot more color into my face.
I tun looking after my store and
househeirlt and • my.- four chlydren
and lam getting.elng feeds, now
-Mrs. Malin, 11. R, 7Jo4 5, Barton
St. East, Hamilton, Ontario Canada.
Lydia 'El Pinkham's
Veetable Gmotnut—
E hokham Me a. Ca.,Lymn. Mi,, U
is d C1bOUY �lilf1 C.,”1