HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-02-12, Page 7;.:.• • • si heqteee 'tee . • . • • " txma#: *AP 1.• • • ess • • -; ' .,• serstareaseelereaseeeenetlearaher f—heeFter , A A Critical Tinte for: - W.Oinegt. "It ane .beginitleg to feel my age" is' 'the "eeetoe mauy ,a wasas..n haste • make when „see. reachesthe critical, iuieof middle' are. There. ie no need,: ' • " • however, to think you •are 'too. Cm to le viell'and happy.. h . iete • Perhaps pee' have lost, your grip on - ' • . tee- se alS„, '.,•2 :4. and Yeerelimbe ache t,iriy.Otters- •• • „ , • batik seems 'ready to heeiy. and. . hire eels iseunbearablee ' • •: :' • • Your blpod .1e. at faulteeee it has be- ' come thin and impure and dees'aet •`• : • • Eive'the healtingiyieg nourighMent to. .• • •• • ••• . • - • the' body.. 'What yen need is e•taeat- e• . axes t Dreeee allia„russalet Effie...Tate: • wall tet • you : ;right Tney'.ectualiy, - , Make rishaeechhealilegiviiig blood elle- • talergpialablood dine.° emit all 'year le the bots'edesk. is clean it intli- eate that a ta" assistant is doing the,. work. Often the hose takes stbe,ale" out of ihdiSpeeseble when aa employee be -ins to feel that wee, 'How eye there ever 'be: trite' happiness }n this world when all sieVer lining byte a lot of shale clouds about' theme Ede friend. Hastesenekes • hPeneasl perhaps the ead feign- and'• ' • e energy js lacking; you get tired eeeilye . . Tiptop • • . ' ' efesdvertiouries s,ement St. .Louis; Post:piepatob„). '.partuer •lady ' wants peva* •he 'bath, b three e Ood Pi•ottheitioe. ` • : • , , • • The little giri Who ordered a bah* brothete complteatedthe affair by • specifyieig that • #e, must .esrlee th'ree Sears ele.• • ,.• •• , • . , • Aspieatron ... se-- , chs and . pulite: , -... , • ; Let hie 1 o -day do. 'soinethih gs Oat shall' a . -seeseesee ,-,--; . , 1•Dyg-WilliaiinehPisile Pare ii,tahlealtiele, a', -±-.1.Alet ' `"' .•- '''• •'''•.:,-. g• °'... ' '1: ..'-; , ,, . - r i. , • .33.eadgehes' bedkaclies, eereoesuetes ' •Aelittle •eednees_efroee,' the ii';ey.ltre, 1snd-,Ig4ltlif apphatite, ane in thelh"p ece . .rast-8tole, .---- ...loll 'come new-ettergY and jiapteeees.. And may I be so favored at to• make 'You eael'aet-these Pills at all. nieeicine. ,- PcjoY's OP scanty suite a Iittlemore. „ dealers or by road at 5.0 cents a' box • a . - ' ' ' __e__-_-s___•ee__ee.. eineTheeihr..-Telllialuse. Medeeeee.Misa.:„Letstaiseenet bart _i1f,:,a'saY"-selfiele deed, . • ' • , :'.; ...: e Beodles:ille,• Ont. Or thoughtless word; the, heart •of ., . . toe 0..64,4,7 othwpill Romance . -.S,01---,.-i-uotad 1 pass, 'Unseeing; worthY need, • " t• ...' '' ' • ••, Or ,ein by silnce.where I ,.thud <111'.gain'111:-Spc•tikbit '''• defend. , ' lie . ,. • ' •• '' • 1 '• • 1• •.,§rnashing. 'of Earl's Burial , Casket on the Island of Zeeland Recalls Hi8 ; • . Adventure with ' -• Mary Stulin Tile..pillaging of a forgotten village church on the remote little island •of ' orteti 'rapAit,40411.4if,r; —17777_. - p 7:1=isLat: week, recalls one. Of the, • • ..most brutalepisodes' fn -all *Mail histery • Here 'epee his death, in. exile, in .1578, has'. laia the; body ''to lm ae -of the • husbandof ;Mary Queen of :Scote', the Earle -of BOthwell. • In •-, • .• mearchinet for ereaturesi lereaceidente ally, • thieves ereashed the glissed-in- , coffin which for mete than. three and. a _half eentiteies has held the remains Of the • man about whom historians agree-thet-tegoodeseede-caree-be- alninalase-Heigentlieeshiglaberne±alliteall, . • esienterouee inheriting the title ' and eastlet of the Earl ot 12_9•.4. iiheeilaTfir than , any 'other person . to eeending .__.ea__,seeldary_tOallielegallows-.1--Althchigle a • ' haerotestenti • Hepburn became. one pf • • :the most 'violent 'antaknglieb 'leaders he the 'bitter •religionsware lietwee,a , • eleotland and. England. • . " After exile 'in • Prance ' and impel- emi:tent bya-titteen. Etiza.beth in the • 'Tower, Bothfreil returned, to ..Stots land in .16.65 at the : aemmons of Mary ---his daring and. strategy made •.1 • possible • his • escape despite pursuit, by. Eliiabeth sent in .seareh of • him. ' ' • • • -fis is complete ascendency over Miry • appears to •have dater definitely ;feign the mnrdee of the antee'n'e ,secreta , . Rlizio, 'in IVIarche 1566. prom then on he Ives lierechief adviser, attend- - ' Mg with .he the „Claigmiller Confer- ence -at which both signed the "holids''' • which were- to result in the 'murder • • -, •.et the Queen's husband, Darnley: To. Maty, Bothwell was a, "glort- one, rash. and hazardous ,yoting man." He was masterful and, driri4: lid say somethings" possessed of a, certaincoerae• that. . • , 'even hth 'bitterest eneniles were Many of us find i t• harder tc shiyit forcedto recognize. . , . than to work. . • ' T.he intention of Queen Mare to . , ---s. ' • , • . • • • • Air4;,..i•.;;?;*?;!..•4;•::;ii eerear efeshiPtfregied schotnere,eJelen W. Miller's whin lext Jahni.,11C.Eh; .with a loadi of cod for 13raell. She W as: abaudoned after being Avreckid bY a stone in mid ocean 'and 'the „Crew w.as picked ,up , •,:ebyer , Geman etealater inehaanaeeleet-ColosteeW:heuee the:: eCarinthia!! eeought them back to' entrain for Catada., They aree (sitting) eh 314: Kee.- . aedy, .1st elate, of $t.' johnsh; Capt.': Cyril Het:Wood,. St. swain John Clark of .Carbonear, N.F,•;• (b'ack•row)•FeRog-ers, St, Johns • Wm. Laing, Carboneate Theo. Pike; Haehor .Grade; JOhn 'Greee, ,cook, • Cerbenear. "•, ' • e• • ' • . • . • " • ^,'", kir 11,,,04":01 / r ^.0,-.....04-=',^Arenee • 4• • Noiselils PactoryCrassified: Advertising • . : . -. _ r T H 1 W kers -1‘)1.> si l't.:111 N.I..! 011 ki kNI..).it NiTTINU • • • -M1 Wool." "Silk and Wo.ol," • ' ,, v• •• . . .. , ,i • pill •Ey...114.e." • 411 '40101'5. 7f,e ib, uri ° • . 9.. , Built ., cat 1,:...aewtofeTd. (f)11.,etiei.ja, 1.t)oiri..Itine & 1-. arm Wits: ,. led' t ..b ' 'W1'th t - • t Windows—Machines to ' I.. -. ,. ' ,,.... . '" ' : . . .• . •aetnerrs Wr.9,2TTED . ' : be Painted' Oran • • •. • • . _ ' , A,, factory withoto:• windovi:s';' . end : ..,...jt..!,..,:1:;e;eieltil.Fersii;I:eie.lcilitIet:\el;tlei:120.1114'eTNI‘e-")11itiLt•Elee:311,hCISLiere: hehalig other, reaiAres of ap tieusuels." if , not revolutionasel• character, is to ' '. • . , # ) . . . cbecictictitiiisotnesuellee:304 e°1.e.st..bIrchitc,..1:1-ibb.eereg4Ipelleaysest .1. t El. 1.)},A.::innhrEVsTotiffile-Aa'vre:....t 4f). ....iL.. . _ . .. , . . work wiUbe so controlled that then . 't r • •enent 'free% erY town anat.1)erisil. of al b - : - • • Vile nebvInces. •o . ;• • Wo uniforin1, night and 0-4.3", hnd't °err. you a N; e'rNyeNare in y"' Di earva lit a114sitionn.d. 1)3N in" ' verytbeng possible will be done to I peeesiesoe. The leer id easy .1,n.vi) . . make work' ease,. It ie expected that eefieiency will he increased by ab.Qut " . 40 per cent, 'and the ,ex,Periment is being 'watched •by ' i'D tht ry, ' reeNcrie-eselterinatiegerherieeas witlenrake- the factery tittle The wells will be • ., • 4 . . belle eo• abserbeeotine; enil smaefilites.: e• will be mounted on •eory. -,Nehises from, • • the ma.nufesenriaa sees..beee,ssfea.anall le- hetneee4le„eascle'-'1- ...^. . ' . . ' ! •-•••• ''';'-;•,. ••);eg.de.;,t9 "dc14)Teyeeteeee-eneOtesede : ,r. . ' e "pla?teas I b e seeetess• p e :elle debteere. 11.Y11. 1031 • a re.ttlari.v.ciole. F..V • Par. • . . t!,;•Lflars, Quelieu Sales 1,;(p•papy, 101 four Burlding-,"Iontreal. tong ail toek", off gap,' pee- e •• searteda he bill, and stood at eaSe. , • • ....'''..M3sbots says I'M not to ge heek ark' • • til you ".• give me the money Yoe,: gee e •• se • IS•33r 11orititS C01100htipat fell-. that sha.74 alx1 However meagre . be Let nie give something • . my hied. 1• 'AY'Woed • of eourage, or' health, / • • • • • Dropped at I •peas , . ,bearts to :end.' • • ..• • , . . the Stomach sweee. To' do this nothieg ,Let. 'me to -n! 11 .loo•k, bac a•ctoss the han-e. BeieVeaeleen• span . • , . area nnld hut,.thbreukh laale, are 'Twixt slaVee and dark; and •to my Pleasant ta tekeand eanbe geverr.o • • conscience sey; , • s . • the newbern 013,3 With, perfect safetY. Thoesends of moner.. 'use 11,0 -• other Medicine, eorthe. little cities.. but Bribe's OwnTablets. Theseareeold by • medicine deehere . or -by mail !at 25 cents e. 'bee from • The De: Meareine Co.. 'Broekville,' Ont. • wealth, . & thought �t • • 's for steoebled ConstIpetimi Is one of tee most econ men •ailriaente of childlibed .anb. the child stiffering,from it positive -1y cane not thrive. To keep the little one well the bowels muSt be kept regular and .,. • The T.iwWhotte Player . • `Tie ;.1-eng since; !wig.. einee, • •sine , • • • d •hear . A. tirawhistle played, • .. • • ,- And herd the • teetes,. th.e. lia"peeny, The tunes tliat, Ware;befere cifd :And 'Cid 'went ,Irelenel's ratted:gee, . That weres_efoe That, strings- have .given soerids.! ,hnleceuse, ef some good itet to 13east .Thee seerM1s bet er, that 1- Heed to- ' •• . • • •..s. ": 1 . • Judge -'You're• charged with throtth, iegSaohe mptheieinlaw out of the ,windev."; • eased . "I ceid-sit. stiehent-theeking,- yor bettor.'r ' " • . ---egagee-aaf,atealme_that,:*"."derar4aan;.. but. don't you se•is how .dangerous it Was ,ter anYone paasieg at the time?" Whetheradaninistraeiting are re- - bad „tims--and never • fail to.eake creclit for good bes. ..• Archibald -"Do you. end your Wife ever think .te same,. John?' John• -•When I stay late at elle' elb. Wes de. • She lciegs thiuking • what she'll SaWhOyi 1 'gt horn ee and so do ' . Flappers Vocabulary -ee_To understand • a modern yoeng'wontanca voe abelery •it is necessary to know that cute" may describe a sports' reed• ster, a bridge prize, a dance step, a baby; a •dog or. Rudy Vallee.' , • Wait for seenething ti; turn tip ,and Lt will, but it will be your toete.• • • Tonnny - epa, Why ivas .Mani created first?" Father --"To give 's 'in a elience to ..nake the Earl. of Bothwell 'her. heed 'was, .for a tame, kept secre be solight refuge withhim. at, Dun- . •• • 'kir CitStle. He Met her riding out- ., Aide •ofeEdinbergh anti, leading a • 'force of Soo speaesmen, escorted her A • • 'r -forcibly cr otheraline-to Dunbar. asttrhe ,niter's little void "yes' has p,oer to break the bank and hie little weird he" hat towel' to break .every- bodyseise. • • • ' - We eau't say inuel. for these dresses that look lika they had heal caught in Lose then a month later Mary made a door and yoreions torn oft as the isothuvli• Duke of :Orkney and Shet- Tads, iessesomee .. . • land,• , ,• . Within a Month liter. their mare Love is the eonly coinniodity needed ------ii ae, -Mari Qeeen Or ;$•eretfl •fttl tO iligrlIM a happy marriage between fdeep BothWell were agaiq seeking aefuge, meas. Beauty that used to be -akin to he separated awn then on. Both is lee, shin aed ' lame deep. . . • well's .elight to Denmark was the lasth Dreams that einem true would ahyway. . • ' of his adventitious life. He• was up ienger in ' position to aid hs' Queen. . , and her downell. lefts him the Prls ; Mier of Xing Prtieriek, IT of ,noti- mrk. from whom, • (hieng elary's ,„„„,..,,e•• ren, . he had obtained saety: by ''''"."'"T'. : . — . 0 ' • ,proniiiiing t� restore to Denmark the Oiltheys and Shetland. Eleven years eleiri,2:1 ITello. elts,the veie" • ".S--•-- . Berl. Of Bothwell diedhet Zeeland.' • C1lr44sten, dear. 'Wiliit be aff , •• • . • "right it I being a couple of fellers Clubs Can Hire Planes . ,t ,mtm. to dinner to:11010-- '.. Al planes will be laated to 13rietsie (*AiledL-Why cetaittly." • t airplane clubs, aecordiog to the Callere-"What?" t ' • • • • Djaartofent of Cornmetee. The planes • Callci-"Craa fee. It Will. , lel he . a.tethe dis,Posaf ot the clubs .will be very Tied to hve, them." • • IhPseelatlloths frith Wooden fuselags, Caller - '6114 Perd-TU me, lady. • ' • ana ealeilined. Witir telnhOnes, hut°. Wrore etnehr.' .• • , Matic skits 'arid a tompass. Thee Planes - will he fully bleared by the Fee Hayti- -,-, , land Compana, the builder, egfileet all grounll and eft tiSkse, includlog third a' . , it tty riTh ks, eY Maybe hired' for etrenallatee i • •• tit any period uP to six months at $291 a ". ath' end for a period beyond six • o !eoliths' at ..$2.43. . Ale rentals are pay- • , able in advance : Planes Must bre mith tabled at the extienee of the lessee in a ,eberete,stirworthy ooeition; and mute le oriented iii accordonee with the • airdiesisees cif ,the eh' eavleation acts, ' ' htheseveite cif aeeidents csausine darin eaa, r leileetae father sseeieS to hink --e.,age to . literal f. time -filet. -$ s...20 ett. .e.e a 4g,.. mar* nig g fool: let bee'S.1 • •derege meet 10 met iv lb e leseset. e reale e ' • . --•-• - • • do , .........0.0.0 0 -...t...b....i..,........•0, " Vk' h f Art ,inu kning in breek the The 'longet air route et Pseseht teeteeem'ente" . . Path. a etgular seevioe of :piar,,, .. • • Iron New York to Buenas Al 1`4,1,' a • Tlip man Wit'b n pf (rae al.moe , ••distanee et 5 SialiefleS ' heti di ly heeoin e e St pebilc it 1.15.3110'0. We kl1OW . a Man wile tell out of a twentieth etoreY Aldo,. Without hurt- ing hire self. There was a balcony out- , side, . The ahilite ,titese in deemed is Calter, tat rfelephonel-"Givt after his marriage :.with Mary the' -Called-"Yee." Autos as. Earthquake Refuges • Automobiless are cited as eaiintia- eieleeeartemetaisesuereefeeehuil ej by_ Dr. Jagger, Ancrlea.n valcano expert, gsa .eesult • 'Of persoliel exe periencee during • the earthquake of September 25. 1921, 'in. Hawaii. • a_ere e t annottneeteht____ frame the •Ilawaiieu Volcano Research • As-• -sod:Won, Dr. ..eaggar :describe s• how he eiapriened. that daYeto be driing, in • his getoniobile tovisit- a. friend. Thenasaye Dr. E. E. Frees. Week's' Science thee,e- Yerk): . a "On errieIngent ene friend's houe, Die Jaggae was astonished t� and the inbabitants inhegreat •exciteetent, . and the leause ruined: .' • ' violent earthquake had hey- pen.ecl while Dr, Jeggar ..was in: his Moviug automobile. • 'nit spiteof long eepei1ence as"ee earthquake observer; he had felt tab - thin. Dering the shocks which fol lowed, Dr. Jaegerreports, many peo- ple • left their hoeses and:, slept in their eutonmeales • • , . . . "Een: when • net_4motion, De. Jagger reports, 'a •sedan on springs and .rubber thee produced almost no sensation to the ocetinante, w41e ad- *Centhomes were rattling and rock - Ing with the aftershockee eHeuses usually act, he finds, as mgnifiers of earth movements, to that What seems to be,' a, violent erth- uake to a person indoors may seem to a person , on the ground in the *pea to be a single not very ..stronk thud under his, feet,. Or may pass alto, gethee einoottced, "This may explain why t Is that primitive men have feiv Myths 'et ,earthquakes, but uany of floods, and fiees. ' Having • mo houses ••to magn- fy theta, eitinative men probably .feli only the very greateet earthquttkes, but anyboee le impressed by •rs foree; fire or a' 1toddh' • , • Tests Sho..4.-Lack of Vitamin - Cause.. of Grey Hair Premature gray .airs na e Aue to lack of seine vitemioalke Materiel in thefood, alit as lacy of one of the viththins ceases the disease called freet. ThlTs sugesTe-rtiy- re: searehes reported to the Aeadeney of Seiences in Paris by Prof. Gabriel -Bertrand. Says Dr. E. E. 'Freer: bis Week;e Selene° (le -o4 Yearkl: • . "In eeeeriments planned for n ferent pu)pse, ordenar black and dark grey rats-wereefedain diets does tainieg eelvitamins known to be necessary but made of puriffed or Synthetld togas et netufal materials like eerables • and sit 14. "To the inveeteators' eurPriee,ehe blark• coats of the atietals began to tuna silver • gran. • 'This may tappei, the experifitenta ela knew, belkause of had bealth,• put. the rats in this instake were per -fectly, healthy, as wes era/Peened by hv] tets. 7. , • „ The new viear was oaultrg upon one Of his parfehionete. "I har." he said, "that you have a set itt the Bina bush rase it Hellyteoeda' 'Thee I have, replied the Women, Preudlea Hoye, long hal he beenit Areeriefte• `10itifer-er''Fillaltatter Bin' ?'rade-ad;: And. doee he "evercOhie ha& Ehg- lentlaa` "Eveie sinalitter rgularly." "And brings Illife With hint, 1 et eet." "That is sO, sir. And they've regeen fire hmart too." 1*1 • And no* ie ,stanlieg in the mist, And:jigging, backward bere, Shriliing with fingers and 'with A tin-whstle plaYere ' : • He hae hars e es 13d -• round with hadgr-gra; • Ainilete like cries of mo 2-Tehetene-s hes.eteh.\1 '• . . 'POI' 'EtTiih$ An -Padrf Co741; "Oler Paste rs." Men !Neles,b llves • ve roe. • ' e. • • :see._ Whenthe..1‘eists o the earlyeeeornng' Diappearon the 'rOf theSua • heights sub- • lime .• • Incontranmen with Jesus. the Son:•• Though theclaietneeS of. night Sure. • . round 'yeu And your soul isedeep In •deair His love and ettength can liftyou Tf you believe :chat •He is there, ' M. STEEPER, elanidoetOnt.), "Whates the idea of theGeenshat-• eng • French leseonsr ' 'They have adopted a French. baby .at d went to Uederstand What it saet:when it be- gins to talk." . . t• • How To Lose Fat and Get That Yoithful Feeling Over in Great Britain when a man feeling "as fit as a eiddle" ' and fooking the "Picture of health" thy' • say: • "HS GOT THAT RRUSCIIEN FEELING." 'hat means he lakes his little dose Iireechin :Salts every. inerning. It's the sante jnsthe ta.S.Aefn • Germany -in Ilcillehde Autralia-- in SOuth Africa, for larescben Salts ae no* hold 'the -word Over. • Krusehen Salts is not one salt only-• it is theecombination of six salts beiiihry to' healthy life.. • Take half a teaepoote in a glass of hot watei before breakfast evety eneiniog; • ;modify your diet and eeercise regularly. But' don't - miss • ri mornng, for fanischea not only put( and keeps the .. etneaeli, 1ivr, kidheys and bowels in ,•splendid healthy condition, -but verities your hlood-streanneend sends new life and attivity to every part ef your body... • e Phe , intensity -of .'eteeeight chaegle, ',weirder if.leekll :reeee4ieeeemi 'with cculstairtly, tbdi. ;putt:lig- a straine beerd?" • •• , ere auttsciesr.and bringing on fatigue: In this wi Wade less • factory, 'electric 11a.reps, with.. st)ectal diffesing• shades, Wit17 fUritilift)17lVrtfiegirob,, ,atrionet•• 'of • ultra-hiplet • light elven, he .lathodusseds _ •. •..„ • eTItehtemeeratuee in the••faetoey.will 1,4 kept constant,.•the air beicl.wastiee on "eziteriag the beileieg,, heated in 'cold. weather and coolect by .a ,serAy, in warm Weather. Draffs ere to be eliminated. ' •. • As colora, apcord.ing` te .jsychotogy, •*.eithey•depress or raise ethe spirits et amnions, they Are the basis' fel- the decorative stAieme.': 'Me walls and oiaxigete Make. tthatetheasily" shah/6 ite.,pa'-etinleteeaanad giirrigeettliMachines te and -thus to eeduce• ihe shenee of ao- ceitlen-te. • Caller 0.tinairing , foe .son. of 'the hotiee)---"Wb.aur'e young Angus, Sr, Mcree?" 3kr. McFee--He' deo* it lbe shed shrpening the geanaophene needes. • Weee giving wee Party niehieh ' • .• A TENTS .. e ., • 0, east or, "Wanted Iriventions" , and Full thrum:Acton Sent Free , . „ on lteuu.est_ ' • • ,TRE 1411.31034Y CO,i4tept. W. 273 mai:kat., ottemi. 0.4. • /'14th .on Colds A 'epeetly, safe,proven'reatedi. for children and adults. . A 7 • 104AX•11'1JFIr . Arts iiheaelasb• A siNctt.stppgpvcitt • • Results Commendable. • Genuine Gratitude. • Min 'Millers of Croydon; writese- "In gratitude, I feel I must write' and tell youwhat wonderful benefit „I have derived from taking a bottle of yowl. Cartr's Little Liver Pills. Having been troubled with indiges- tion grid sick headache for several: months, a ,riend retomniended Me • to try your famous pills, withthe results that after the first dose I was made aware: of their very teal tonic value, and felt .1 had at kat dieovered a remdy which per- ormed what ft claimed to do." 'fak___Caateas 1 ft1e Limer Pals for the complxion aad constipation. ALT dihiggists 25e and 74 red pkgs. lilas your face burn and itch atter shaving) Try Cuticnra,--.. Shaving Stick • , it soothes at henle" .taid Is wondeirkSity effietekts • 32 COUGH:S Take half a reaspoimfuT of Niinid'a in molasses. Heat inhale it. Also rub it urn into )our chess: Yetell get relief r ANY CHILD . ; . • • .. , W can never be Sure 3 net what. ' Makes a child restless, but thereme'dy can alwava be tbesarnee Good aid' Caetorial There's comfort iti• every drop. of This pure vegetable Preparation'and . not the -slightest barn m•itsfreqUent use ;As often as : 'your childhas a fretful- sped,. is sieerish,or .cres and can't sleep, let. Castoria soothe and quiet hint. Some.; times Wi-a-1 T.1 -'ph of coh.t..StlimeEines 'constiption. • Or diarrhea -a. con- • . dition. that ShOuld always be checked 1• 'eithoet' delay. just keen Castoria bandy. and. give it •orcruptly. Relief will follow Very •promptly; if it doesn't. you should Call a physician. 4-Zazt-fAit.:6; • CASTORj :sft: • e . .e. . • ^ causes • Headaches theree too Math acid in your stomach, you must ferce yout. AO it, Walt, and' eVen pleasuees are too great an -effort. • APpetite: ags; the digestion is ppdr; the Whole sestem suffere. • in botatorf tests show en acid nditin= is due to ereors in our modere diet. Ent ytiu need not Wait to diet yon'rway out of the tronblel _tattes-pbattfa-b1-121M-0- . JEW of konei,- . • This Wzill rieutraliee the excess acid eetabtly; make eon'Tel like a nate person in jut a tew moheente. • 'rake a 1itOe Whc-nocer hrarthern. Siek headathes, nausea, flaulence, Indigestion, or Oitoustees digestitai eysein. Is heteminit 1.466 add. Wheilever You are tAing cold P�rfleli°pliiikf silkfigisbo'*-Iettne°e111:bas1'illatdr: hi gntle, laxative action. • De.dgiitrui t� take. tedoreid hh physiciatie for, SO Irears , and Dre-• sterti•bed--ever-e-tehere-fo•resmeeee. Wee • -- men and children Th6 getuiee s . alfreat e liquid ;it cafinoche mac1e. intablet torm. It aliveesbeare the nate ••• .PhlliPe for eohr protection. •140.4 in Canailn • • "I have to'Work in the store and do my own houscworra.too, and 1. got ricryous end run-down atid wasp bed nearly; all summer. The least noiee woeld make me nervous. hwas totd to take Lydia 8., Pint:haat% Vee. !able Compound arid I have takes aeeert bottles: It has made me strong ot more color into my face. I tun looking after my store and househeirlt and • my.- four chlydren and lam getting.elng feeds, now -Mrs. Malin, 11. R, 7Jo4 5, Barton St. East, Hamilton, Ontario Canada. Lydia 'El Pinkham's Veetable Gmotnut— ..... E hokham Me a. Ca.,Lymn. Mi,, U is d C1bOUY �lilf1 C.,”1 ISSUE No