HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-29, Page 84 RIPE, 4•-•,Wfm. Cenit' attended the'funeral naday•of brother-in-law,.•_Mr. .1,0itTehe1l, of Wingba.m..1/4 . Mi ad Mrs. R:. Stewart; Eileee • and Velnin, vent' Sunday iv4t4 *rt.. 'and Mrs: Wesley 1.Wilo• 4. T.- AO, Go. Harkness spent ,ndny With Mr. and Mrs. V, Enter- -Misa -Ella Wadelwlio is aseisting.Mrs, •\-.IohnIfficlifillin, spent Sunday at her. ' .home herf3, . Mrs. R. Tiffin and' Charlie spent :Stinday. with Mr. snd.M.rs. J., E. 111.0r- rieon. The felon which Mr. IMOrris011' Wel on 09, finger Of his left hand is !Still very; painful and far- from being '•healed uP. ' Ailiejiuni's'4)anee, .Whieb2.0Is eld ' y the Institute was a decided success` The proceeds were $24....with An ad- miseion fee of 2.5e. Per ;Welt. ; Mr.:Jim-and- Misses -`Jearranci--Tene- --t---Orr Spent- MePdaY -*Yening-"-at-: -the ••• home of Mr. John RichardsOn•. Mr: and Mrs. Frank Rising, Miss Grace: and Jim Richardson spent Mon - dr evening . with Mr.- and MM.., Geo. . - • FOURTIITCO41111XISS Mrs Cecil.Robb, ipent a feW, days .10st week in Kincardine: ' )Mertsrs. Join and, Will McDonald ,attended the .funenal, of their aunt, Mrs..D. Mat4enzie; of.Lochalsh last •Ma. John McKenzie zind Sister 'Mrs. Jones are spending this week' in Tor- onto. • Mr. G. MacKenzie. of Luelinow Was a Caller on the line this week. , • • Mr. Angua,Gishant and M....George. Iii-eichart are sPeln.Pag a feW• dais ul' _Toronto. , A number from .hem attended: the 43811" on'Friday night,. sand d the, usual good time. (' • .. titt .tticPt(i.W , n4.11.t.7" APPREOATIG$Pfl MRS (11.Ev:y . co4ENs.p. lOontributial Oil Ackni morning, AII.onrY 16th, 1.031, at khe Betheland Melville • Unit- ed Church ifi4.4 Ig444t FOre44 M4rY -E. Govenlock, dearly beloved Wife of . ,Rev. .T. Wesley :1COSellat 'eXeinn4094 Thite -Inr':•VternitY and entered the and where the 'Tres* never . Wither, and ' the rainbows -never* fade,1:: . The subject' of this memoir. was born near Seafortli, and Was United , in Marriage io her. now bereaved hus- band „, Seaforth on August 17, 002,. and_wit,h hini, served the Ckurell on thefollOwing cherges:'Belwood.,Wat:, ten, FordWiehirWestminster, Bressels; 'Street Clinton, ,Eraltrees.; itvenne Loridoni., • Cornwall, OttnWn' gnste*Atnelinancl-a,,..y den Her experience ati7tesehool tead :er helped to gie her SPecfal suc- :cess in her work erelong. the youth; and-.very-litany..havn .risen up to c.a • her.l‘blessed:” ' • ; She • was of Scotch descent, her father ,and Mother, Robert : Govenlock" :and Mary Melvin having been born and married :in Scotland.: ..,Ite.early 1ite She was converted and joined the Presbyterian ChurchAf7 ber marriage She: adapted herself to the MethOdiat: Church arid .later the United Chute'', • • . ,r , A •• i14.00; JO, An OK Oft . ' . . •She...lived a, charmingly exempiary Christian iife'arid Was edit% in the, Young i'eople'iSociety, _Sunday Scholl Woman's Auxiliary. Society, and in: the-general-work-of„-the_ehurek_aml:._ -wscS-14iYar'ttr'everything the -church sided for. Her, levingltact and. natur- al winsomeness gave her the esteem And'support..f those with: whonf:she worked. ' • • - a. ent--01- 'ettoce: Celery: Carrots: Green' Onions; - :Radish; Tothatoist .„. a4.• Another shipment expected of AS -:- CORN -:m TOMATOES For The' Week -end ese w e the same as offered in the past EXTRA $PECIAL - Bars of Galay Toget,Soap 9c. PHONE 82 l'etliiiii, and sticeessful as elle w'gf!'. church, thalc--Charge.,4nd--was-Lliksist-. ' il0L-Y.ROOD--- , . . .in;lier ...Chnrcit *Orli, ..stie,never- rif.g..;., ed;hy Iter.4.4. G. Macl'hersoTii Of Kricec ' , er0.ratta.There tea ft • - :" More than twoyintnen teigerling• salmen and „ 4,0.000.' trent *. leaf rings were pieced. in 1414:lye Scotia tikes Aid, streams during 1980 from.:the • Bali% !Mabee/. at Lake.; George, ••Abeut $80006.000 •vWits spent In . (*nada . 1n190. • on hYdrorelectrie power developinent and 'Bens. and -it isrexpeeted that mily 00,0:00000 - vitir , spent • fin ' purpose :•:during- the twit' thriee 'Year& lected her 'honie. Here her life found Presbyterian 'church,, ReV. Hart of the crown 'of dev.retion and to her now,-, .Trowbridge,'Rev. ToWnend of AtwoOd ' :bereaved husband and son.,111p,Ilarker:„af_Arucv44,4c)i and in their -memory always Will be : Lawson of Mt": Forest,. I the, true, trusted, 'loving and 'we.,11, strong and Barker paid .g1O-Winetr1- loyea-wife:nndAtiother.:Mer,A1441A-tai-hnies to the We'tli. -and, worth -Of 411fra.,-.7- ity in her home knew itehetinds, and CO04 .as She was well known in the • many Cherieh the memory ,of the .one Lndon conference, where Mrand who has Moved from • the hospite,k18.1476„c•Coseni 4spent ,incrit!,of their min., home ,here to the. many-mAnsiotnerigrit&L___,' • • -; hemp within the veil Mrs. Coeii • 18 ,Mr ,• .Barker referred, to .several missed and mourned by a large ways in which Mrs., Cosens had:prov- ; ele of friends, and her fuel:lion* is an ed. herself to be a.. Princess in ointment poured forth. . • • ! and Mr Armstrong closed his•eulogy Mrs. Cosens is survived by her hus.. with the statement that as a minis. hand, Rev. T.. Nir(COsents Mt. Forest, ' ti ,wife, her ii.te and work had been her -ion; Rev: De .'VKitt' dosens,: Strat- iea1, • „ 'forth tire Slaters, Mrs... A. Scott of :Ot Scores of letters have 'come, to her tatva,, Miss Agnes •Gavendoek of Oi-, iqvccil one front fornier chargei•testi. taws, Mrs. S. Torrance of Coriande?,• fying to her influence' for good. • .6--nsiimptfon or naihr-al gas Ciara,Weber of biktbwel: sang,_ Sask.. Mis Jean Govenlodk o d- Win • • sor, Miss Nora Govenlock of Pttawa; "And GOd shalt wipe away all Tears," and two brothers, William Govenlock aid, by spepiat request from Mrs. of New. Westminster, B.C., and Jobn‘..4';'esens, Mrs. J. Wesley .toynt'of•Luck; Govenlock, Seaforth. ' ' : '., nloyv wing,. "I Will 'sing You a song of A. -largely attended meal nriill Per- the Beautiful Land." Both solos Were vice was held in Westminster United sting. with Special feeling. ' church,'Mount. Forest, en the tallow-• , • The remains were thee interred m ing afternoon ,at three o'cluek, The Fairvieiv , cemetery. , The • Listowel pastor, Rev¼ E: Lawson, preached a pallbearers were six. of Mr. Cosens' very- appropriate sermon from Rain -friends of earlier years: Messrs. Ben 19: 41, "And there was a garden; and "'ImcCorrnicki , Wm. • Ringley, Frank' in the 'garden a new Sepulchteltev......44,rigg; Rehert-Oliver,.Geo. Rowell. 41. B. Seedamore 'and Rey. Dr. Spen- and •.L.r.A,' Oliver. cer also took' part in the service: The "Verily, she rests from, her labors large choir renderedaniupaceompan_ arid her works' dofollow her." . . ied anthent,The pallbearer§ were si3.c 1 elders from Rev. Mr. Cosens' charge, ', • Canalle 'Midi:ie.:1929 for. dOmestie • tin*elles-was calgelated to Ile suf- • fleletit to .displace 640,000 tong of . • Coat, , Natant! . ;gars iclOund in • Ithultdattee in Alberta and some parte of W,estern• Ontario; and. the Matitime_Previnees.' . • • . , • 'Province of Ne*,BrtnisWich's re-! • presentation at Sportsmen's Shelvs "In the • United States this year will, - he larger than, ever tory *ill be invided,---Its first ex-. . • Whit 'Will be at the New England • Sportsmen's Show at Boston. Feb- ruary 1-14, and also at the ,Phila- •.delphia. Sportsmen's vend Motor Boat ShOw, February 21,28. . cint .thottaand Pounds..of..untrezen White fish frem Northern Saskst- cheWan, recentlY Went by Canadian. nipeg and pants beyond, It was Patine from Prince Albert to Win- Messrs. John.• Henry, Ezra Holliday, Julius Drier, John J. Lyons, James • carried 150 miles to Prince Albert Harper and Wellington • Williamson. . Twelve young 'men and boys from the two United churches' in Mt. For- • by aeroplane in , one hour and a quarter. a trip that would by or- , dinar, mewls bees taken from eight • to elftv_ee day!, - • •• - • 4 •:-.L.-----est-acted4as--1116wer--bearers. As‘,a •,to,,,,,, • , • Whelk a 22-yerteroja . vionitii re.; ken, of , esteem for the deceased the ' penny fell front the Wharf at Pier D, 'floial tributes. Were beautiful and A. • Vancetteer. MAY the dangereug rip numerous, mong • those. mere noticed tide a Burrard Inlet, William Oil-. _ .. •Department Store ' lion. assistant chief clerk of the the following: Pillotv from the tam- ' ' British Ca_ohinlbia C_Oes.t:Steant_ ...ships ily; sprays froin • the. three grand, • 'et the uananan- "me liauwat daughters, Kathleen, '. Eleanor and • *without hesitation died• in and ... , ..,,__-_ • attor a 20 -minute ',Attie in the chill, marguerite Cosens, . Atratforcl: Mr. . . „.WEST,•' , *mere succeeded in getting her - and Mrs. Senior of Stratford; Mrs. • .VVAWNOS • ashore. The woman ,will recover. , E. H. Brown, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. 's Easy to Buy at • "MARKET". Mr. and Mrs.. HoWard „Rabinittat aria Mr. llelyin Fraser spent :Wednesday. evert:310_4 GeOrge Whites•' The Literary '11oCietir mot Thursday night in the Hall with a large at..„ tertance. Meeting' often:et-With , ccim- minity singing—"Auld hang Syne-L" followed- by a reading,. "The Aft 'of Robert Burns" by Leone -White: \roe - al solos given by Oariturd-Ack- eft and Robert MacDOneld,* conapanied by Mr.: Hemet. Harris, with his berijO; 'Reading by Mrs Howard Robinson, " The Face: on .the Floor," Monologue by Mr. Vinnie; Violin set; ections by Messrs. Eldon Eckensweil- ler and 'Mark Johnston. Mr. 'William Stittters. had charge of the journal which was Trite humorous -The music from, the Merry Makers of the Sunny South -got- great applause., This was leilsittred by a •tlialpgue "Marriage un- der Difficulties." Meeting closed with the National Anthem. Next Friday I . will be progressive euchre. -Miss-Grace Haldenby and Mr. Thomas McFarlane are directors for the next month. • Mr. Denzil Staters whole at home spent the past. week with friends at. :Galt and._Hamilton. Mr. Cormick Armstrong of Tees - water is around our burg......withnis_. hay- Pressing' machine. - Mrs- Thomas Harris was tailed to Kitteardinl about- a Month age. owing to the serious illness of her mother! 0 Mrs. Antos Palmer, •Who suffered a paralytic atiek'e and who died Friday morning. I The;reguTir meeting, of the Instit- ute will be held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Ackert, Thursday Feb: 5th at the usual hour. Tole! 1,4Efileientrand donttei" by \litrs.'4grne?t-kcicert. Director, Mrs. Michael Gamble. Bol) c.11 -7 -"Suggestions for Hot Supper Dishes'!. -Lunch Conn.! Mrs. C. Bert, Mrs: Albert Thompson, Mrs, Almor Ackert, Mm.. Michael Gamble. • • And Mrs. Will Cox, who spent the past Month with Rev. Benson Cox in New York City, returned home Fri- day. Mr. Marl iohnston has been kept quite busy among his neighbors with his grain -rolling Instable. ,Lucktiow's 6 • ' MI Cepada from hors d'oeuvres Berry, Lqndon; Mrs, Nora Haveland, The Weut Wavanokh Muriicipal .dessert Was represented at. „the London; Mr. and MM. Bowie„London;. 6a9tiei1 -held its first meeting as per tint Menet' served t� the former •M,iss .Clarissa Scott, Ottawa; Queen statute on Janutt 13th Governor-General of Canada, Vis- II • h h L di ' A''d ." ry . Afier taking count Willingdon, on canaslian'Pa- street m e c urc a es ,.• the, declaration a office, Abe Couneil 1 cific liner Moritclare. Which sailed Durham; igi.• and Mrs. Pratt, Strat- , • • started in he busibess of 1931. The . 4or England recently. Shifting olth ferd; brother ministers of Mt. Forest; J oystersI leclUded au- mt. Harry .K:raa and wifa. Durham; 90u,nell ts composed of the folloteing preme of Nova Scotia eel°. 'toddle members: Reeve; Wm .• J.' Stewart; a western lamb, roast 'Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Govenlock, Nev chickei. and bOrab Ineple leaf es' • Westmiestpr, B.0• Dr end M. S. douncillors—C, M. Aitchison, a sWeeL H. Brown, D'etroit; Mr; , and Mrs; :immie,J. McQuillin, and The& Web - Work has started on the building - Cyriis Scott, TorantoCLucknow • . iter.. The salaries of the Re 1 V eve'. and of the British Colunible' link of the ed church Ladies' Aid; a Broken • CouncilIora were educed five doliera Wheel, mt.. and Mrs. Hue, D4cra, iter year, The ofnitt4- foY 1931' are as' Mr. and Mrs. Wile Itriechtel and Mies • firllowssteosnso;C ri R. Mk,ro,Philips;urtiy;Col-• grarna A. -Coserts, Durham; Ilasket Vector, vC. A'Ai from Misses Nora and Jean GeV:Mile& Treasurer, Wm,' Webster; Auditors, Bard Ottawa and, Windsor; pates Ajar] L Taylor; qed tyattni, will .ccst et,geo,00,0 „ froin liethel United Church' CSt of Health: M.11.04, Dr. Vokes„tnent.1 end will involve gothe 855 miles of .. front, Mrs. A. Seat an Miss Agnes 1.0i; D. B. Murray, 8anitary Inspector•': 0010Pholie Once', 125. Mlles of which aovenlotk, Ottawa; wreatbsi viej.: 3. Ite-drnond and McQuil . The • 1,41%4 already Oben Wit.•'V•il1eJnitedhur.o1iPatkvieW Sessiott. i)0.1.1ridIceoDers and Perice-victireri,*ere Msrriage at sea /ma, happene'd Ladies' Aid, Young' People's' Society Teta- ti-Ciffilfda-Treleiih-Mie -A ditcet 'system through tbe Crow's Nett Pass t� Alberta will' be pro - tided to replace the preseet system routinig telephone calle to and Ultra British Columbia across the :United States Vie Seattle. The pro- • reappointed. The Collector's tinto hool 'Stratford; :Mr.:. tor completing collection •'Cif ,twt'es. • ISPUCNIII914A14 C9NFERENCE IN • WINGIIAM -* • :-.:.'122"21.1M0*ftOMMIalaMigatIOA400rwi 'EfE. . , . . Higiii ,$0141.4toard,„ in co-4.eration ,1110e,P. the:41,1004S Of : • the legal Wtf4. 44, .041400 E44404000.4. GO& P4c4. nmetoent; 44 Informal confer- ence yvin..ilu 4014; In ' the Wingham, High :'School 'on VidRY 10d Saturday, Jr* - 30th.4nd Mitt. .•The'genitrel topic 'for cOnsideratiota . .. ,... . . , • , , . . will be vocational .guidanCe.and..edt.t. eathinat cuifiuict, • ,': . .. ..- ----7.-:.. , . On Friday naorifing,-nr. Herbert :L. , • TrOYer:.`the executive ' secreterr of the.: Guidance Movement w111.0Peak'fio -the PupilS Of .,the High School' on .'"The ' , . . 4 . . . 'elitice: of, life4Work":,and, Will'repirt : ,.. , , , 'Seim results of his recent , surprise visit:- • .4 ,-", *.' .'• .'7: '',1 '' ' • :-.'„ . t 1!i10-0 .17ridOr::::VteirigtoOn'.Dr. J.ha.; '''' ..„,(01/ .13, r‘,/***".4 .0v I•ti*O1'048:;$4.gi47 _4tiltret_i;40h;toallon'r.47;otTni!l4etrion:Y:*urtitli"iL-t:' ,par- ents, teachers and pupils, on..topics relating to education.; At the C'onnti7 '-eaceatelit exercises to be '-heitl.: 'jn.; :the.' 'folyn Hall; Frida3K.evening, 'Mr. Troyf.:-; -•er Will' speak' On ••••`.4What .--erh.. Worttil": and Di, Brebner on 0,11dtr- eatiOnak guidance." .• • . The' Cenference Will- cOntintre . on • Saturday Morning,. in: the Town Hall„. under the ;•leadership of .'alie ;Guest - speakers • .assisted t'by representatives: from the University of Western, Ont- ario Invitations to this meeting have berm sent to the Principals and Mas- ters • of :tteathe Secondary . schoolsi 'Chairmen !1.1, licaos; • public uciic4 principals, , trustees, Inspectors and to the, praiselinial, busineas and. agri..• -etiltural-4eadera-in2741,-,eommitnity„, Parents are invited to attend thie tteit-,,' : , 'A- recent ',editorial :in theltamilton . ,4eeirtior sae; '*:,has for a lOng • time heen recegnized that •the inciens- og conipetiturnatrliWdes. Gilt. kind : Of direction ,which :it lis.:the--e&' OA of ..the "Canadian Educational Guidance Movement" to Supply. - •,. . Tbarthe plan hae'r-ifeitiYed theTen- .thusiestic ,'I endorsatien of Pi -eviler , lienrYi..Nwho in his:capaciti a -acting_ Minister- a Edneatien, .Prontises: 'the support' 'of the . Government, Means that it will be successfullf • carried through to completion.Parents should. ikeleOnii the :12Olg offered, for therels- no !more important decision than' the choice of a career: .it is' a problem 'Which becomes increasingly difficult as the Yearsgo by, for all fields. of • endeavour .are crowded and it is So. :easy - to misjudge • nativist :aptitudes: • .The tragedy of the ,misfit of 'tile Per - Son ;who' entera on a line of lifacvork for.. which he is 'entirely' unsuited' . is • all Om tonimOn...Satisfaction and con- tentment in' Ille',2--sts well au -success;• comes fin the performance Of con- • genial task a for which one is adapted.. Every fealty 'should he given , for 'the • discovery of the . special capabilities and the encouragement of their de- • velopment." .. . • ' At, the* organization Meeting of the movement, it was announced that Mr. E. W. Beatty, Piresident of the Cepa- diet' PaCifie .Railway, has consented to-:act.:as_filonorary President of the National C.ouncil.- Sit Aithur _Currie, Air Robert Falconer, Principal' Fyfe of Queens, Chancellor *hidden Of Mc- Master, President ,Fox .of Western, are :among „ the 'metribers ,of .. the ad.' irisory 'conunittee. 'The Board of Dir- ectors include E. A. Miller, • Senior Prieeipal of the London ' C011egiates. Principal Lowe' M' WindsorArallter- vine, Prineirial Ashbury of . Sarnia, Attains' Salter, of St. Catherinea, Di; ,Althonse-ot U. T., 'S-.; W. J. Idefiat:Or Central. Collegiate, Hamilton, .Dr. ,,,Itts. Waters, Percy G. PherryOnd 'Denton Massey, Toronto, Mrs. W; R. Morris, .Peterhore; president of the Ontario Federation of Hortie,end School clubs, and :Nisi' Emily Guest of•the Winia90's Instituteliranch_Depertreent.cif Agri- culture. •i - It Will be a matter of interest to many in this district to know that Mr. Troyer, the ,National'seeretary of. theruoveinent was born in. TeesWater. and began' hit •educatiOn there. - ,.- • • ' '11!' • • ' ''' . : ASHFIELD NOTES Jt is! said that a!indlii of India, recently released from prison now watits all nationnlista released as p thwards peace. Something like letting prisoners out of jail to get them to keep: quiet. fnre end will, likely hnopen again, and punday Sc , arid Mrs. john YOYnt andMi. und 'Kra: Aroaley-lornt,--bicitneni; the' auditor - general's office, Ottawa;LYnden , ed chereh. • ' A second memorial iterVite was held in Listbwel on Monday after-. t Was,ektefidid decided that. the optsi' Work which- • Would. be done Oil snow wOuld be ih cases of ex'tterne.emergeney. An: ripPeal vest. inde to the ratepAyets• to keep' rtnida :Semi and ,-corisequeritly cOtnibg, ottt to ranada from Great • IMO* itt the United church f!Arionage • keep .down municipal eipense. • The l'-ttainAann: the tninlater 18 .k1V1110 .t of :,10.c.titts. at 4.14tijii itha • was .largelY ‘attertiledli .ev.' E. P4' Council adjourileil . m'eet POS. 11444.4111, ' • 4...r„iii_5ktroak pastor. of Listowel United at 1,30, Phillips? ,Cierk - . s.dat See fs „claimed to be union:6 * #4thls�edllrred when two Infant • ttlildren were • baptized in mid- Atlantic by Br. Oliver C. Rankin. Poottiib minister aboard, Canadian • -.Pseffic li et Minnedesa. reteh:tily,- , l'tie mothers and Children Were c%41; .14,4V111.1*.thel • —DWI I mill•ilififed; with 'murder in the preSence 01 a man who Who. was to he chief wititesti„ married the wohnine who being his wife &mid not thenbo alled te-teSti.: fir,againat the aecuSed 1t may litre t� regret the dot!, brit then, after be' acquitted he -can divorce the 'WO - Wait • 4 01 The regular Ineetl"„g -the' ,,Ittlf,ria• Meettqf ff,e04,,,of• will he beld at thC$8.1449:'Pal-'40,40 :meriting ae'txt at I0.*004.11,',..,..1.443:.4.ildly; ,reit ot the congregation .' are, i#Vited. •to.".attentl.' A.- • The tiebrw'irr414P1611144,i1D...t*:.i/F14," :metes Institute Will ',:berilfeld t Mrs, 'R. K. Ifiller'S oft",Thtt, Feder 11,!ehluarg tb Roll 'call—"1100$apper Diehere, • $03.eit. :' M. Lorne Wood s )1,41111 visitor With • fr.lenfli „tide Mani' friends were sony to of't4e. death o Mrs, CuYiefe at:. the',. Mime- of her OnUghtliti Mr leatgit • Thursday evenirig teat; emitte.nfteroulY'n '.fevi,:claia,ilhess, rite' iyakrheld''it the house on Satur- d, aftei which the reznains Were taken ;to Whitectioreti Unitedrattirch,. ; Where Many .'Old frends gatiteredi: to • shot,thei 39:ie ..41* ieitrict• 'Mrs - Ramage and -'faritilY, have the :pathy, of the coramunitY. • ' ' • • • .. , Mr. Alvin Sherwood • of W1lkIe, Sask., bit grand' plrelits, Mr. and Mis. 6ani,Sherweed of Lanes. Mrte.les..1•101ra are spend- ing a few days with their .son, Thom. as in 'Guelph. • • . .Che ItiOniefts :Institute:Are It.olding their- Feb meeting at the herite of Mrs. Rua. Bisset on Feb. 5th'. !file Vett* People Kintail are holdiagA play, "A COlciniPit4lidaid", Itisttail flail on Priday evening .tatitt- •- tiry 60th, • •• • 'The dance held in Parainount 11411.: last evening wag largely at- tended. EveryOne:repertia good tUrlieL We. understand', they ' anetliek dirt& attlitdit!: dilt. • - • Partners Saskatchewan • and Alberta. Who .itad their Crept destroy.. ciuvtibig are much:better off 1E40 thalit Who kitty. - .04434 Oeit.reetitp • ALL Hymns SHOULD BE 'CASH: '• ,..thi'Fiteki..4.73,ohodterivtotoiluse,18;::;,thti,ntert4rhis:tityoirt: ; •.. WIW.Ol,.busitnelut ',Mon :long: ago. All . merchants and.,Iniainetsa Men are • at - lowed from. 5 to 80 'days to'meet :.drafts on all PO:Chases.'Farmera •generallY, ;•sPealcing4- demand and get: 'cash :for their geode On delivery and: , itviertny easert_, On „their_±ferni,.. relrehictraitlinliereraf are. usissillrjild .the ; week: There: for...why , faitnerrai."'man to man, should ; Mer,- • clients and "busineeamen be expected allow4. 'Credit, 'Without' intere.at; and tie ;obliged; tit resorLto .force many cases,. t� get ;their own, and in deing, so sheet: the ,profits On: that and many More salesLiquor steres beer ....Warehouses; railways, ' fices , and the big • ,departinent. . and : 'stores. get 'Cash,' without; qUeStiant„,..,, -4ther1tyl1vere.;. ' neiS Frequently one heitin Of; the , competition . of the: big' attire or big :firni in 'opposition toltny of -the small ..?oncernis and 'at the „Sante time; the; • little: fellewe are carrying.. thetutands, • of dollars. On their books; with an everdraught:or paying seven percent • Interest O. carry ••• on.: Will' be the ,goat? .Until the small business..men get tegether and st hard and tept rule of cosh' and carry, they will be' in . trouble. -and , the situation' will con- tinue to be even: more Serimis.', . . . - • .THE •KOKD NOTH, FROM , . v Tenders are: being, asked for ther grading of the road leading , north ' from"Wingbani to Teel"Water..The dis- ' tance is stated to he' eight miles, al- •Ptough' It, has been 41*p1s regarded • as ten Miles. The .grtide will net feW low the present road ell the way, and the straightening press will shorten-, the distance somewhat. Just north of . Viringham, the road will eut Across fields in such a way ,as :to eliminate ., several ' sharp ' curves .. and two. dan- • gerous railway 'crosstegre The road froth. Clinton: right trirotigh • to the Durham Road seven Miles nOrth of Teesvisiter has been made a provincial . highway and the 'credo and culverts will be brought up' to provincial stand- ard: :ThirWiTilhatn:Teiliiiitte-iiiitIOitima : One .of the 'earlieistVices of gravel road built in Seeth.. truce. It Was known as "The Gravel Road" in the • early Sixties betause• it Was...coated With gravel, an abundance; of which is to be found along the way. Mitch ' . of •the work, no &tut*, was done by . Ihand -labor ..-.0 with "Pick and atatiel ' 'wheelbarrow and oft -team. Ali Makes an interesting contrast to the .power- ful tractors, shovels. _ and graders ' , which Will be seen re-rifalcing the,..914- road' next summer... CANAMAN. APPROVED. ,tpitl!I. We are offering a -special discount of Two Dollars.per,hundred on chicks` ordered before Jan. 15th. Oily Seeks have all been culled by a, government ' inspeetor and the breeders beaded. • The het hery1ais� subjectedin, • spection. In so far -Lis We into*, We are the only hatchery in Huron Co. having Can. Goveripnetit approVed dilate ft* 1981. Thieia the hest offer we will make on chitka this .yettr.. Following if; the Pri4 tiso. • After Rerred Rocks Leghorni.. idar. 1.5 • $18 per 1.06 $16 per 100' May per TiAti $14 eO May 20 $15 per id° $13, per 00 June 10 $14 pei 100 $12,.peir 'Itt dein not Metier ' whet% ytin went Chicks, ortleir now and get $2.00 106 'off these pricea. • Thine 97,4; Hensel! . * Agetirturr, zumfg I .. J • ••,. 4