HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-29, Page 7e atv:
.1444tE ANN PEST
eilgf *c,thpIy t•obey 1 T e lac of -1aW.1eA will (0dube
7-011*-64tfirilv411.11-1*-0-e4itilb* -to. Co.0 ....9.'4t5ea$4 land -.eventually blinclaess.
.3tUore tfiait,:any vither •, ' It ,a,ssi-st4 Ve1 tau clt in ...keeping it wiry-.
. Te4'atilr,g Obedience
A.,i.hile,•4.0,•.4.11aPPY, needs, to(...sb.y.',: paralysis..troti- it stinitilat es Lite. lipt)..
Vtee Milt tea:et theba,b.Y. veiy early .in tite. ,, . . • .,'. ' , • , .
life he "cictulO1 ha v,e'..e)'erythilig, , he, - T•10 lack 'of Vita:nine C will ,.(tattf.te. in the Gospels as ,the geat healet
'cries for. Mirny '..pareatS actttUlly think scut'VY.• ' , ' - 47 ' ' i,,, • .9f 'filen''.g . boclies::,t as. ,N,e..11,"-as 1. of ..thr
1 ,,,,:tliey, at b.i4ing „Itjad to, hill) V,•-heij they i .. Trje )11(,j; of .. ft li m4)1e. D. will eawe souls g'e..ieratitift.ago it was.'etistoin..
. . ,. . , . , • .. • • ,
`,,-gle in' to lila c,litldish i N:1-.Wt,i' it 'he distiat;e7, ill- grow le 1.11)1, 'and, 1 iC1(klt5 ill 1, ,ary to. sa...A,- :ihat. Miracles. cann(4 '1;10;
•erce(,.,:l'i•'' does 401, ParlY learn this': Altai:6,A , But •it pi M tt
...(M....w.liti 'ti„ets little 1,ner.(.1. that . the iniracUlbus ,eures
. •• .
"!..'1:1-1 .have-soine r bitter ones sunshine \OM IL .:ii ' . I ' I.'. r''1:1"iii'g 11ePA..tedtale;.gosPO'-ctil.4qTtfit tiv
.., ... • - ." • ,.
in, I 061;7. y ea r ii : . tioSN' ,11111I':11:`,. e:•0d jiv„1„.r.',,i1.,,,
-ituft-Ok.',1....'4•:. i?,;t0leti:rif '4 lie . le ss.on 4 .f itorn " •• -, ,, ', „' • I.' -. . ', 4 .
• ,-
he cared theth to enter into, the gre'rat
:ArCtpligtic..liri.tage ef 1st:1ga. • , , •
•IL • V. 1...0. We,•Mity; derhaps, eoncltide
' that tests .fotin4 the ministry of heal -
1 illg hot)1, PhySicall/ ,3"ci spiritUtt!i%
•' exha•ustutg,
Fehrixary • 1'. 1.".,:fition V•e•-..10,6,0s the , 14:.'eful- -,
Great Phyoleiiii,-- Luke 44 0744; 0.f • • 'The traih Vi'a, Crowded, but 'by (lint.
, • - .
- ' 1'24. p.ciidert :rot, -,--. 'Gum)), be..i:tf long search the passenger (lLscover;
bath bohie our griefs, . and carried ed a carriage with 'one :seat bectip141,
...1.. . . -
' our sorrovv"s.—Isalah 53; 41.:, ,. by a small case. J-tenquiekly stepped,
. iu qua inquired of 'the ge,utleniiin. of)-
'• ANALYSIS ; _..• .po§ite the ease. if the seat was elk.
, ,
I, niliAtl,LE,S 4.1.k. 11,I.M.W0';'1--1: 38 0.
,44-*-40-00;4,4t4i7 .444+*••+10-0-11,0***0-40-41-*104.-11.÷44-14-4,4-100- I
Conduc" ted by Prof. Henry G. Pelli ptthemistry,
' ontprio AgricultuTal Co lege; Guelph
The ohjeot of this departinent fs..
place at,the service of our farm read-
ers the ta;dvice of aeknowledged auth-
orities on all subjects fiertaquing,t' 1.6
the farm. . • -
Address all 'questions; -to Professor
DEil/16.1\1 TT POStESSLON, Lake: 46-44-.• . snid the „gentile.:iriax fien.ry•G. cal• -CAA -Tyre
11. III. 'LAW AND GositEL,-Luke 5: 1446,
the grant and grat,,,ise,?s1 is Sovri.
S. " you.' please advise, °
'what Proportion •of fertirizets
bring begt results wken gromiirg to -f
nui:toes, strawberries, melons and ,•pcp-
• We:hate -been:using a 5.8,.'7
-7-My JrieatiLS, I-Je's gone Pet to get "Publishlti`f;" COMPaitLimited, •Torittn- lint , I have heard of gre'ater benehts.,,
1) pe • • ' 11.4, "04 Iths wens a.' 00ear. ures,,,,-wad the ,
rePreg.entca; saii1 the: Znadr, r‘.?).:11, have. ;column in the cirdeIr .vhiCli,they. are .1 hat ?they Stay in. the ground longer; •';', • -
„iyeceived. W,hen .writiag kindly. meu- '41'-e have a contraef:for'a large:anihnt
'ap, tion 'paper.' :space is • limited of Ma n Lir? so we do, not depend ou
peered. ' ' ferriliZers alone, .6hr soil is a sandy
pa.ssed, ;arid 11 ti•
• •
. • Twilight HOur Story
,hou hes . • • •
The •oes.4: Jiintinal • . children.-
. °obedient gentlisiiess •111 Thte, 'Little• Chickens' New I -lo
• Chapter 4..(
1:a'. also ti iiiio4sess that can%•
ht.:tint:4,7.d.. A coutile tit seriirntrig.
needed, somettines
whole gospel narrative. 1 he attitutiz
oc,t thoughtful and SciOntilic' ,men nc:tv
iS ,Cohipletely -different' .N•O one to,day.
,cat'r reasotrably.„(leny±„that
.f ed ett re s , seemed h S con
teiiipoi;atiles to be miraculous'. But We
4re,pot to 'suppose that j'estis healeti
men miracillously•in virtue:I-of •his
NV, liEn tail kiwi Satinet. lady' from, the. 1;
t urtictne'pever ;and postt.on as. ,..pn o_
byg. acirma_kati.,6417:4;ad._topp.i.e4
only oini,..Ao".-teaigt the .,-
valued le•ssont;
alithOupt., ,ef ,,course, .(9listant
. atti-eL4S--4;&•tnisa*H"-•-rki ,t417.6--tita
• ,bright •1111.1.e" minitdoes 'not' get ahead
,et yo w Soon learn.. that:
..,_:rnet.11,/14's • a". Mean "no' ;and, "yes"
— lie grow.s bigo.er
.-• be. rea 1.•.4 • f 'incre-•and by
Observatit-:•-ttml oat len, 0011 11 IS'
0. 011 RI 'eau reason •
a is; aditist:tble,Where immediate reply
neeeSSiary that ttu ...addreSsed
elope , enclosed with the a.tie.,4ictm.
bo \\ 4- are setting out rasplierries and
11 ill be °lie) gr Li p . ' NV ha t ,f ertii Zpir• would 'SOU .lia•
1.11.61•? •• '
"Yesreplied' the ,other
en "-Year .friend will lcise the train :if -loani on which. garileti crops do Well.
when, the. anti we r mailed 'direct
he doesn't hurry," said the seatless
iioi ti liefoi‘e 1/M1)114:led: ' • '
'The ; iiirabbing the d011YriOti bY \\7-11;-4111. PPldishing
.ease, the diist-coin..r te,markett... "Well;•.Lletited,: •
-41e7rfe&t.it'f,--1.6-so-11-1-s,bag as,..WeB,",,,:is4g1.- • "Mere ,..,itre,7 sows or, 'tbiS
. ,
before .the 9th -et' traVeller email, Atop. HS, 41140 :
him he burled .the bag oPt og the W. XL. ."(a) :QM! Soll:W.liere the
thui'ped.in her Warin hands s.be his :disciPles also 'to be healers, •:and I-
witikiug 'CiVet. to the, inutse, saying to 6..4yerraeles," • of liepai'n•g% havg. ),,,ieen. per.
them oh:t wohtler oratecLin...:alI' ages, inclUclirig,' u ow•n;
going to be 7so good to yOu that bY P01 -'00'. Chris
will think I all.r:really.• your hen Mani- tignitY. in the 1,ight inOilefitlpoWl.,
ma, you dear little. bails Of down edge .we maY. fairly s:tit'y. that such;.. a
Then a bright pe,rso.r) a•; Jesus.mast'• have heal...1(1;41par)
of manifold illnesses. DiffiyIties miY
C;aille 141 her, lint °ie. tr-th- 7sre 'in our" minds aboUt--
them down for ~She ;.c ouldn't (-10' eV- details. In the
. • goSpel stories, but tsar&
IT abolit the stories' as a whole.' Wheri:
n• her •
e was we coine to details -we do -Well ti) rs-
1,00 Id Meinber thiti* i.Ve cannot new knoW
erjost_elcactly what •Was the matter With the
e a•Isc,. • va-rionic----fifftleirtit7-v4thont--- es-usi-eillieil•
,,,,,,• "A fever," ".a withered a. 11;".arfil'everi
w`i'''''' geProSv" are vague terms; We never
r them have any-thing.,like tastnotlern ,doctor's,
rt I '',.:'• wiedicat.diagn6sLiS, of Ahe,complaint. It
" ?",111-111' is idle. t ere ore. o• ‘. s, flier-
ody it any diseases 'whidh Jesus could Mit
_ . • . 1,thin g aslohg as they were 1
. .
alitl• unitert,:t a 1 11 til 4115vi;;',well.. The' i 11 1 ii.,, • ,.. .,
. ; tii&1' , could, sue. • So until. sit
.. ,...t.„rii'yi,nin.L111)itig-s, the child's will illIG ready for th'ein she put. flient
• agre.em. ” : %N; ilia -Tile IiINV Fir Oir,,:i.liP11(`fl
which ?.,.: i'ei;,.1.1 is ow it i... oiitb • ' 'hat cotild run around, in it. • Si
' .
-/ Coal,
he seidoni. wore and Mit it uncle
• 'lieep II, , _ 1 tsli of t he-, un-falli.
" PIIO,••ins • : .
, lieve tile+. I lionght 'it wa-s--theit
NV heti-nit:der ..stOtied the .wet ant't nia . •sitting .011 theta again
we-natit .eart 11, •• wasn't ati.Varin as Mamina's.:bo
Pulsing, tliCk., , sap. and. wit agent, ' hot
•••• ..pertunie, .. :, I? . - '• . 1.1 ltan otitside, 011; yeS. a...great Al
This previa,ence of itagnessed,.needs 1 t,..,4)... ' pon't yon think it. -was
--------------rtli*---;--L.-----2-----t.-ritee.161.-tre'-fttrIri,e.r. latt,Y, to, be
teek one of 131 11's old sweaters
,44-ar_ottnil them. Do yciti knoN
feathers, but' it wag a good deal
ralitiq. t-itse oteks?
at Ne14-Yor4
ANNA.S.ELLt "W„.011:TtlIN-dTdi•N
• •
. ' .
--11:14.shmii.ca_D) • k e 0 A Plt
. •
dy and heal. or What ekactiv diseasIs•
better Whe'll cThristiarls', In -the 1141ne altri
• ubwev Of ,resuS,ouglit. to be: able,..to
heal? We canonly saY With Certainte
that Jesus ' ,was, a great', healer,,v,a41
ihati--1pe.cted. his: disciples to he
t6o. - : 7 ,7 • '
use7-gii"i' • We-WaRe:i 'faMilrar-sayin-g that it.
4uMina not hard work„bift worry that,kills;
ea: 1NN.,": and 75.: 0e: every (h1 t is p%..t tr sin• that c a
rm never' restore reallidalth4e,tlia.:bodJes
find, •peace.in their souls, There is •ti
-erv intimate connecOOry between spa.,
ht a.." .t.oeS' necess y • . o am a :l the„
red tAle: miraeulous of -Jesus :b.ut 00
size „doubt. it : explains many of them, and
nt ,it epenS a wide and fruitful field to-,
ten Billy day, a:s.,glway,...te, the disciples, of
4,jjov,;t, Jesus; , calin
Cheerful pirjt„ are- theniSelves healing -
one.% Ile
for don't humblest Christ's' folloWerS..
need, conversion
pia Hen ,siek. persols
I. Min A,1,F.S. (IF 'HEAT.,IN 4.,u1;:er 35;
te. , • • • , '
And driiWse of unreeorded noon Mi her mamiria Lady ? Just beca
•I liked them: so nitwit'. ' Well,
sitelted the heat and :plucked 'the i 1 -td‘t. ;knew that the baSice,t: eV
' to gain the al Ill 17, W'eft
• , ... •
enough •for thorn.. NO,"..if she
V'or unbOrii•a boon.
tetaxig_,Zuj.,„Lltblier s
' Vitatnines 7
nti 1. i ii gi .. 3 e V1111 tOr rn 0 11 t.I lii • We are in
danger' c.•,. fi.-,)rgetthig the-ii:nportatice et 1 hut ., nico big bOx: jtist the- ri
.'ett i 1 n g f ti cid s `..cont ailairt -enough' ,9f, all 1 w ith a cover on it so she'•se
the V itair.!D es. ' ":1'he following :may I 4low.ri. rel.lar tor it: YOU see •NRi
help to e0410l ,uri on 1004' • important Canie in Mitniina Lady told Ili
stibject: • ,, • • - - : • .. finding the little chieks all al
e ,
Vitairin., A -7 -Found. in, eggs, Cod ; ‘'Vas 'So:glad she c`auglit. them,
-to. keep-thom she had, to 114
where rt. NV011i(l' Tbe.-yealt ....in
1 itne. Mamma • Lady thoug
thought. Then 'she rememhe
noWers which. are • a,vailable to the
liver oil; vlih, e whole yon -remember Billy.told.ltlan
, •
wheat. • • '•as „soon as •he -first saw -them
N1 a tot). :11.-1-FOtind .in meat, lint tor, co it 1 t lie a very good
iwng;ood •
APparentlY Jesus made SI -
hie heatiliarterS
Ye!),-;:1.„ary kind :of:vegetable. , .
Vitatrrir, Oranges.leur,
•Cias. au Ind of , fresh rut t, oes
' and greo-n vegetables. • .
, • • „
• • Vitanabir,-; D---Poitnd coo nver•pil„.
• Savoury Butters
111, • fish
1114 she r. -,are than physic for their healing. _
micia- to.
batch them oto So late: •Now
glad :-Iwcause he knew if 110
.M.amma ,would take Care of • 11
would, be j use titre'. ”.
.Nyeek—"What They'
tow stiff .• iltitt through a
'. • •
• IjorSeradish • Rutter; best
are eNcellent for Patties.: Krilied steak, and
41a4L it s 0 be .grating.a well -washed horser
410;14.e.'.75,t):•..11).s. to lettii)lbs:sj Pe -t '1 -
4;ns;—For torytatees •audapeppers. we
ofi • 2.1,2-6. fert1tiZe-a..? , ,apalie.4,,,
41l1.t1_5_LZ1_k.84l 11110 the ,i0UWI
•hefore the •Sectirig. of -.-the Plants;attd
muck has- heen burid....off, what atialy,. the reiniti'ifirtg - 'scatter -aroUnd -the
ti.itt tertillier •would yon'recotnin end ',plant laki ..ivOriteit,,,in. :at the' dale 1:le•
, .
fo'r 66 t er.bri?. .• • ' , 1; 1011111041 411(1 peppers are.ttransplatit•
•sni.L.14-0 sin ally- uSeless:1••eil.,'-..„.NV.liett,..b..(::qi110, out 'St,raWbr14::
'for at least oite-.Year7 gut 11 f1li1d-idt 0,41 51,0-1191. 4V" sf.re
Concentritte=t ,:the of a ferttlizer analysing 'about 1.1-10,5.,'
-and±potash-i-n-itritetatiers .th.e.liate_npar acces si al s beitraWr y - growers, a
available and., destroys • • th•e organiC 1,O11 ,old bed F3' aboa" 206 Ific-ifitTlite Of ,
inatter.:.•,„The latter change. is; very in .,oda p41 .Ue te befote.the sive Wber'rl'es.'
•.jurionS to.the soil, -lienee an ,early eu-i come into:,blooni., .khis ainst 'be ,done• ,
d•eavatir. shOuld be' made to Increase! after the der ,is off the Plant 'so' that .
theOrgante ,iiiiitrer 111i7.5---trrett-4-41..0,11,e.....n.11,rad.e....)af,...soit.a....ivill,Utit to
„you: are planning :du -44(114g' a. liturited•Ifile, damp nleait'eS. It readily •A iSsol v es ;
G.Vei• "area that has been standing -tor and..hIelps the groin' ,ing' ;.
a :year in till ' probabilitY 4'ertilier•. For melons .we have 'reeords of golid's •
1111 ti'. about 1,1-1075:. 'will..give ..You reSults •being 478.-10:'ter. .
,testilta, -ApPlY,Labunt_2Q0!. lbs. to.. thd inefitlii ioam:seils;-ii.p...
acre it tile time the .cron is 'drilled. pivumf--aliotit 5;00 Per .aere: - • •
do to include a,good
apPlication Of,.nianure.in 'your, system-.•
of handling this soil. Many gardeners -
ole . sight. of tir.ti-f a-ot---.-t hat althci-trgli
'tertiliier` 'gives': great and.'profitahle.
•. Vli WAZi.t. a ail 1 Y SiS NY:Mild YoU i1.5,8 -
Wil let . ek is not, bb:rat- Off' -and,
Where volt are • going,lo; s`Mrtlowli
with' ri"0",:eloyer -andT.tillioklitf---•- -_:._ ,__,..
- ,On Muck sail that is not but ned•OVer a ssistaifee. to the. greWth" ;of R.,-ar(len .
make:sure fi,rst of all, that the soil 'is-. (1 OPS are net •tcl"be, deOrided„...trp.7 .
. , . .
•. ;nehtral or, Sweet : in Teaelion. It it is •• on .to keep up the organic mutter' Of .
p,' 411. Sour ' applY at .10il'iit ' 1fi• ' eon rile .sofl. '. ThiS. you :are doing by ,Ile
.,, • grOund„ ijrnestet ie_iter..: acre i_ tnst before •splendid :applicatiOn of magitire. that i, •
the l'aSi 0441 '.\ of {-,fi, sc" ir.1 '1,4.6.1 -Yon ai..e making.---- :. .....', --2.--4,......:....,„..... —
Will work', the i. lime• ipto ,..:•the area:. When setting out Aispberries ,Iir
where grass and :grain. and Clover Seed. grapes, .raanY growers have Obtained
.A. •
. ' .. out.You will ln'all.,probability woCresulto from4:the use of about 596 .
. ' -I- weali4-;adv-ise-abliht...2.5St.l.h.ST- iter., -..a Oe- Lthe-46w- Where...111e caneS or .1.; i 0 eS are
find the-t-Hthe-4i4Uc"kLsolik.,..s. ' lbs.: ,per acre of hooe'me41..erjfmau-s, _
` phosphoric .tteld awl very short of."Pot, 00 IS shoff, about.t. e same .-quan ity
ash. hence for' a fertilizer .application oVa 4-3-0:fertilizer, oil it :la along
of 0.-1,476., 'drilled in at the time that 16 be set. • • it.---, • -- 77 • ' : .
. . .
, While 1144: lived in, Cap:ernaum. Peter.
Did,,W'0 we 'note...was a tivarri.ecl Irian: and
, • 'seems .that later .. on his iniii•zionary
.jotulieflte, took his. Wife' ‚.511 11 him,
144 alt•ait:ii‘ii'slei,i‘eillyeeatituai'd:-.11C1:41.b'y:.:(:,e1:7-.p.ce, that:. J'es
gh salt to rn. i!4oN
the fever.
.• 4‘,.. V. 39. Illness was :very generally
a(- suppOsed to be due to ,"dernons." or
devils 'which nad entered the patient',
grilled meal., :ea piiiiirditig-it- in: a moittarsiv-i-th
msed on • )
other ut" tho
• •
Mud. .1‘lost people. qua,ntity of butter ant el GI . •
• Many Orli,•01S • easy to malw optional) ' -and leaVe .in a Cool
v 1
,• _a
1 ct' fhtvor. 11111)-throngh a. sie.ve (his 41. "Dernon possession"....is
collation with well,
Use •maiefe ---oteburter neg
such aS India ard dhina ; 'missionaries'
Wash the WaterereSs
and Very tv...t..y : 2' . \Vitlercress nutter is particula • . d:•characteristics. ...lit "Cetintries
e,$Cniciii.:e ' the .lettions: •The malat1
. ,
..al.rnolt•-t certainlY .spiriti,a1 , or :•ntychn•
• •and ChristianS. are often called in to:
A II ctinyy ,iluttO., ijst-d giatil 1) liver.
1114. 1111114, ;gritted. ti11.. made1 wpil, -littp 11 finely . and• allow two
hhoirtieiruIluntOf-ti1)4.11(4111)4.11(411e.-lNer tfee iaet-‘l0-.1Y.e.tahleS1)00
rr1r Wk cnotry_sictitl sDT4-ero44-btorenOun1d-1--
" butter 1•11,111., ing n mottar with. the butter and it 11,as 0.tea been
Qf Jesus:-
AelY,es:e'ita ite used teaditia
SnowdroPs Arrive
Pound 'in loor'l 'w it h 1 Whitt 'a tltrill it Sent inta,my heart..
Ptlirwr. if a vcY ('IlritnOs scarce Oitetjand gone.
ctise tak ve. soak theta if --wnim • , • - " Vs 42-44. There was ' danger, it
Water. Il 1)1 dry, and vviii,ove till skin •
14 three. oiptre. 'of hinter. 'add a little .
Vk two I saw given shoots in the, sod,
' 11"(3';1'fli 1111:iiiigh SIOVO here lif;e, .wayshower's rod.
, 1(-•0; ter .ca n • ke wry oil pr.ovipit4-;:M,:teet.,1)1.0-111iSe of spring,
get 11e. r 't c;isitiootifitl'of .11 r ' po w di; • ' ;•""
Atelub 04414 .11'4.: gitN.Jk3.1., 1 1)':i To hi•ing 'tette 4 1110-51118 -gfoin Clod.
14 ..v,`(Ir t,;,-1,00nrui or .11181.11. pelmet.,
Pinch of nne,n1111, throe omicei, a- .• , • •
/411 *, tali ter, rc.:1. loriV;,` iti ;14 coil 4011ii..p • i0'. ' (!A •Wire• sliould realize that :what
• bl, i.ti,s,11, :•• . • •' - , ' - • .114,4*.usilninil wants is . Peace of mind.°
• ilam B'otier llinlie: 'n 111...;,;i11, od. •:I4aY8 u•.1"l',1•41'iite• But not a 'piece
jinict to, :111)inft.•11;oldinli,, Or iiiii 00 IA': ilet's,'.
syrepti on .1.1.'',.t, liefore mini:heti-yet:As - . . . •14---,...- .. ,
• 'are .roldett, ("lam. •itti otnit'g of luim .., Anie'rica says,111eii• last year's (1. 0)
. • fory ,finely, add ' fiepper, snit.."and .a. bill ,.waS $7,500,000.000„ .11ievter,
Pinch of.,...1Yeitne artd ilowiti %\ iilt,two. they had (mite a 1)it'of'crinie (?) show
t•Jt WI% itdding a .111)11.; ',milk kir it.
rdiV.,tutiAt LAF
Aset_or.,Gs 1-1:? • ,
.-nte. coMiseVIV!.
'Biatt.its 4own ti, back denotes. itcW
tailored' chic for smart (lay wear.'
Its so attractive and • practical in
a -rust-red monotone .tWe'etl.mixturay
The -Collaris--whit --,,The • tints
tons are red bone. in Matching' shade.'
, waist, at. normal and'
fastens it with- iv I.:Q(1 bUckle,iri same
shade as -the huttonS..,. •
The Circular skirt joihed to thy
bodice inAminited outline, nart•ows the
line throtigh. the hips. „
hnit y to have a :4.1:11Ipp?4ress 1.0r 1)0W
th-at, may he wora n11 !..klirough ' the
-Se-etrys; lest- -the chietr woitk of ...Jesus, • 't* g••. • , ; . '
the preaching of the g•oo..1 news. shoal 1 Style,,Ne. 292.1 may be had in s'cies
be swatul)ed by the •demauds w1-0°11 10,18 years: :16, 38; 40 and 4.2.1.inclic.-3
the Sick made upon his time., bust. Size requires, :1% y-ariT)4. 01
V. 12. The account of the•syinpUmis 3.94.nch material:N.\ ith l.'s' yard of 35 -
of leprosy, given in the Old Test:intent
(Le :hap. 1)), shows flIat dis- leFRine.t7.1.1;b11/‘aalill ii'logr\ 111 Int,11 .411 pi is very
,ase, was ,sOnite,11:ng quite different
front, that Which calLid leprosy to smart.--f-07r this mOdO• • '
itay: seeins'ffitTlitty-hee'rrsibirtind 1'1,P AT:T=40N.S.
Window ,Frostirig,
.4_4 hyran„. f to sli.t.rySt al
-Cron the.. windoW pane,
§preading.a'S does the swalloW's Wing
• .To sired' the dreps Of rain..
. .
Attune your. ears -to 'catch. the sotPad
Wtich falls With .rhYttimic beat,
Like flowers which sprinkle all the
greund— • •• .
On tiny bird -like' feet;
Qr music of a. spidemiet,:
Where 'wandering 'hreoges bloW:
-Th•e-.-gossatmer,- .-Wft.h,_ e4,01.rois:
A-sWay.ing to and :frit:
Listen and.bear the melody; ;•
And •se o; the thro:r
Form graSs,. m1(1-44;41,, an and
A. piC;tere an -d
fl of- Aiery contligious skin (lisease, ' , 'Write yotir name and piuin---
LAW AND' GosPB.L.,• Luke .5 :
V 1 1 ein•istians are no doubt rig.:ht
in Maintaining. that the Law of. Moses.
.1y, giving number and :size of suc..1
Berlin Likely -. (
To ::Si4, k Into- Beg-
Bern n,2. -One :Of these ' daYs, Most. of
.the older buildings iti Berlin will Cave... ,
In tinte:s.thetate of Pru”ia oll the, •
it.inpitipanty takes tile necessar'y pre,,,",,
caUtionary. stetiS.,sothr... This •is the
warnin.g isstted, by E'rn't :itunge, oral,- -
er. government.architect, , '•
.. Ile pointed, Out: .that 13erlin was ' • ;-
originally built :on sand ' and bo,„1: and
that, Aof examPle; 'alt. bUtOings i 1 -the •
•blisitieSs--..distrittt_.....between _• the tWQ .
' seTiares POt-fulainer Platz, and',.pelle.-
Alliance ,4ilati.have .beett erected. oit :
e'arth fills, oVer sand; Pits •Ilid 'peat ,
bogs.; He clanked :the :adegua :-y; or.
sorne of these fillS., .'• • ,. • ' • •
...... , •
imild-frigs' , neirt:-the -9-pe-rit--- Iteuier lid. 2....
• 'Tile' fofindations cr"-f the:historical • •,.
said, suffered froth' the loyering p.f the. .
'undergroun'd- NI:a1C.'-'l',, NN•hith the reeent.
recOnstriictron or the -Stal:Ionti•h,
ne(:essitated. and many of" :the...pile
frames of these' buildings • 9ow show'
inarkz o,5,,i...(i-f,siite decay.:7,',,,t
- Sintil,Ir •dec.i,v of the toittidatik)s' of
-6-ftice aiiiroiliF"-iiii,:iiiies. litilainir----
erected',urged tlie speedy adoqion .of
(-'ol la use,. of man -y valuable :.hifi 1 Olin gs .
itrecairtionary'measureS 16".P. tie:seq. the
Atitoist.. -1 • haVeti",t paid a cent :1011 . Slia.W• Talkie'. falls .
repair,': on niv mai:thine in till the ten '
' 't-,ontion•--G. Bernard: Shaw' first •
months rv'e had . •
the .01aii- Who did the "I 1.°16('-'. • 1`1. 1 -ler 1 '
1.ef,itirs toid • .; • was presented. in I.0.11 •On
.1.anitaly. 1 tit It for the 'first • - hut •
• .
14 s e a. st.ler to pa Y' cort‘i p 'Izilil.(,),1_1:i.ip'.1.Tahe_6.tiiriiiitti[as 147 wilil zur-an
. --4'.'"--.^.--7-7---'77• - j1,1•IlVOK as• nielanclittly. chill ..$1agv•
pattern:, as you want. Ertelose 20C in The .man Who really kiloNs ititnsti)If -ltisitl'Poini'ing, 'tedious Pild 1116 •,./s. •
•'staiiips Or coin (coirf preferred; wrap .....,......_..,...L....4_ t. ..,:
...---,----='-4.-4--....- •
Lot till many years after'the d?atft,Qt address your Orcler to Vt ilson Pattern Anieriea tidies eighty-five per 'cent.
,. . ..
.,1e:F•tis that, largely thronglii the Ints' :-;ervici., 7:; '4,\ .t Adelaide St.. Toronto. or ail the motet vehicles''•inaile. 1.7.14-
. , ., . , •
sitinary work of Paul, Christianity
• ,
doesn't. tell all lie lomws.
iS not binding upon them,but it w'as! C411'0101 ,.for 00041 numb:, ....ant
• rope about I WelVe, per cent., • while
broke awatir fro -in
prVevilill,z 110 111diy intn.e... cars
14,41religion: of thetr fat iers ; rat her '
not' seek to draw the • Jel......-ay_f_un.0
, •
• TE'N
oiktQl 64-r The. eve(%) toumbees.
krifito NUN•413e.`fes!'
"--tv4b LIJAkit LuKAT's Losr
1.4.FT 10*(6 HoSer
1012,411 'TYNE,. Nose
tomPANYS •
TEN GALL -014g
NoSe. •
IN Th.
s , ad% II7qage
liorn. into a" family' •Nitere
imple and naturfil..---11a1...
(11-11'lit' 0i1"iiiiir' lotion tlY
freckles -ought to acquire 449
1014-11 .
---ruS-h. •
sc-Trcou'LaiAT rtil
,N.Vbo 1.9
Lioti 04
le apot't
Deep In ,The Heart Of A Hose.
D'Clim'r tett). lreo GAS Lofr Tre
rtase., v:,,e.to..
subGe. oc.tt.tie — .A.NP
12t4W-r-SINS-G--Occ.telt at\TE-
. e•,•