HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-29, Page 1*t. . 1,14 4 .rete' tl• • 00 PER YEAR IN -ADVAIsiCE; $2.5i1 OTHEit*ISE „ mow, RSDAY JANUARY 29th, 1951. x 'DENTIST R: tte Treleaven, Lucknow Ileeirs: 9-42 A. M. 140-5 P. M • PHONE 53 X-RAY -WALfle. PAPE/1e4 ftill line .of 190. .Wall P,per on bend., Prices, Consider.; abli down for 1930. I am'also agent . , " fOr leading joh • „R. J., CAMERON'. Deareratee,' Pointer Or -abide H.' Sox 174, Lnelene,w, , • e , Mr. Naleolin- 'Watson .Wa4, 1.1(mne • from Stratford Normal over th.e. week, • end. • County .Cohncilteof BruceandHun •on are in. seasiOn. thie weok at mrot- exton and Godeeich, • : JOS, Jatnee Purves of 'Winnipeg is herethis week on account of the seriohe dlness of ,her brother, Mr. W.' C. lohnstene. ' • Mie reek, Weheter who has been in : -the ,Catiadieui',Weet-tande-NertheAhe ItORGE. RELL: : Weaned AuCtioneen, • Sales eendneted anywhere, • Phone, TeesWater 36 r. 2-1; ' • LICENSED., AUCTIONEER Lew • Weatherheacl, having taken •out auctioneer's license for the coun- ties Of Bruce .and Huron le 'prepared to ,conduct sued.* salea of all kinds Give us - (29 •17- •-ee past few' years, s visiting)us mother,. Mrs. p. K.. Webster. ' •• • . • • • . , • ' • -7Dr. R. 'Le Trieleairen will, frone now •'on be in his office 'every day as he bee discontinued his Dungannon ,prac- • time? AUCTIONEER The undersigned licensed auction- eer ;Is peppered to. conduct all kinds • of anetien, sideb, in Bruce and Huron Counties. Ten years experience. Sat- isfeieticin guaranteed. 'Phone, MOrket • No. 12, Lucknow, or r. 5-13, Dung - • Waive A. J., 'Kirkpatrick. , • Haideetithen out Auctioneer Iic- euse for the Counties of truce and Eurene the mideividned is prepared, to eel:0Oct 'all kinds of Auction Sales; Many years experience of dealing -td-lftUinstock. - 'Phone 37, " Ford . Garage, I.eicknew. • : Well.. Henderson. , TENDERS -FOR -WOOD- •---• •--- ....enderilLIteregelved.:_hif the • igned up, anuary ,3-1,st -1931- for Opplying 10 cords 'beech or maple body wood, 16 inches long, to be de - levered at .thoLochabdi School during winter. Alex -F.; MacDonald, Secy - it. E. 3,•Lucknow. (29-1-0 NOICE RE SEED CLEANING ,The-,,undersighed having procured et- a clover ,huller and seed -cleaning out fit is prepared to do all kinds of need - , defining. Will move into Your barn to clean "your grain at any -time. See your "eeed :cleaned -in 'Your own barn • and satisfied. • John II. -Turner, R. 2, Lticknow . NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' IN • THE MATTER MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MILES MACMILLAN, late ee .the Toweiship of Kinloss in thfi.Conisty of Erucee-Yeeman„ deceas- ••Netice is hereby given that ali per- sons having any claims or demands —agarntet the late Miles.. McMft1anwho • died on or 'about the •12th •day -- of • November A. D. 1930, at the Town- ship of •)Einhiss in . the County Of Bruce, are -required to send by poet prepaid or to deliver to the ender - signed, executors under the Will of • the said Miles McMillan, their names and seidiesitis- and -fall paitidularti, in writing of their claims and statements - of their accounts. and. the nature of • the 'securitiee, if Any, held by their), duly Verified by affidavit. ' And take .notiee that after the twenty-eighth day of February, A. D. • 1931, the said executors will proceed -te-eistribute-the assets of • Ameng the persons entitled • • The Burn's Night danceini the Town Ha Friday evening drew A good crowd and was in every way success- ful It was rioted; however; that the Bern's Night crowd is changing, many ,of the elderly patrons 'Of former days ,heirig Missing, ' In our note lest week about Silver- , wood'e • Creamery whining ' prizes, there was a slight but, he n way, an important 'ror In' referring • to the -judging_teeneot.which ••Mr. Easeniore, wasa member, we should have said that they won Fleet instead Of Second *Lies: , in grading butter and eream. MR W C.:JOHNSTONE VERY LOW - • Mr..W...C: Johnstone, Whose illness we mentioned. some, timeago, gives : no sign Of. improvement, and has ,been-very-low-thiougholit -the past • week.;:AlthOtigh at times lie is brigh- teilhan at others,this.ne-Teriera • imProteinent.- . Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Johnstone and Helen of IngerSoll, have been here the past Week. thereto, hiving 'regard only to the claims of which they shall have then • had notice, and that the said execu- tors will not he liable fo'r the "eAtd assets Or any par: thereof to any person of Whose Chiba they shall not then have received notice. ' • This.netice is given putautint• to the statute in that 'behalf. Dated at Lucknow, Ontario this. 27th dal,: of January, A. D.1931, John McMillan, it:No. 1 Lucknow tint T. S. Reid, Orillia Ont., -Executers - (132--,c.), • ENE scuooL LrYtItARY joint Literary meeting of, the three tram Was held in third form • zoom on•ThursdaY, &enmity' Os -22nd, with the presideig, John Martin, pre- siding. The meeting *as. Opetid by the singing of the Maple Leaf: This • wae folloWed by the minutes' Of the last meeting., A program folleived ,whieh consisted of.a. Instrui- nietital hy Jessie McRae, a reading by Is�bel Col*ell, a :MID by Peggy Mac- Donald- 10, nunther by the school orcletetta.• These numbers were very muds etijOYed. The final intriiber Was TO WEST W.AWANOSII FIRE INS. • 601,4PANY poLicriaorDErts • The widersi,gned wishes to annouie: ee that be Will be:a candidate for _member of the Board of •Directers of the West WetWanoph Fire Insurance • • Company at the annual meeting to be • held at •Dungennon .on Friday, Feb - rusty 6th. .Kinloss • Township, in Which .there are many policy holders at- -- presenthaving- .not representative on the Board,I takethie, opportunity Of solicitinig yetur vote and influence. Ernest Ackert. a vfiry pieaa1itgadtieSS by fr.1 B. Anderson, Who had as his Subject, inc .Govermilent • of itieltind/'. ••••ile wErrEcnu CH THE RE-COUNTIN • ;. • ' . • WEST VirAWANOSIY, . • . Mr e Ntrzn. Stewart of near Aubone, rhniains reeve of West Watirantieh for for 1931; the re-count of . belle* 'heving made no difference as. between; him And Mr. Mole, Who had asked for :the re-count. Mr; Mole who .had lostthe election .hir••• 'the nem)* inftegin,. votes 7 •Wai en- couraged, ask for A re-count by- -lope that a eleeee scrutiny ,..;;the ballots And a' more : careful count,. 'might result in his favor. Judge hor4n. went over the billets Friday of 'apt week, but ,made HO ' change from the finding of the deputy re- turning •officers who had counted the ,ballots following the voting on Janu- ary 5th. 'The count *of geed billets, was -timed comet and Oft* were x2. speiled. ballots, which all .cOncern.ed, were agreed should not he counted. -199, ballets were rearked,fee-Stewart: and 197 for Mole. • The judge congratulated the voters - as well as thareliraitrge of the places on the intelligent 'way in which the election had been condizeted. • r • • HARD LUCK WEEK FOR --- LOCAL DOCKEYLTEA-Iii wee •no great quantity of at -theie-r• PROGRESS AT THE• • . ; WATERWORKS DEEP . WELL general 'clearance was effected, at the *memo*s. well, the' first of this week. The portable 'engine with attachments, drills, shafts, sand purnpe•well. eiteings, tinalieriein feet the whole -drilling equipnient was rh•4420 to the C.N.R. station, loaded 1•4 a:oar and shipped to another field of; activity. Its evvoik- at .1.4lekno* is ;done, for if the preseet •well does not ,peeVe eiii-Wtery tests, another ..kind of drill will be used, AO t•tie: rotary drill is not 'suit- • able for in the stony formation en- countered, •. However - that is • quite unlikely. Water has. been pouring out of the Well for the past six days et the rate of 150 gallons per Minute; for 22 hours each day, and that is all that is required ' so far as ;centatity is :cell:. -cerned.,,As_40,4he_uuslitef __stater_ Samples , have been sent to .Toronto for analysis, but a report has not been. received„ time of writing. - • The water conies from a point about. '.35 feet below the surface -,-All • the hard ;drilling ,below that having prov- ed worthless; Reek ,was encountered at:nbout 80 feet down, but ,AS there , SINGE. COPIES 6 CENTS • The Bread The Bread„ Of iii0Ith rio v i of 'Health . _ OUR MOTTO IS QUALITy. AND SERVICE- 'ppeciala For aaturitay • Choice Layer •Cakes , 'Doughnuts - Oatmeal Cookies %Rich Fruit Cake 'Pete Trlattgles aihi Breed' • Chelsea, Buns C-offee -Ca!ten • 'Chop Stiey :,•••" • ; • , • , •• theiupply at 35 feet down -was•open- •, The Weal imekLehOers dropped two • ed, up and the •preSerit tests .epPlied.- more games during the past week and ,A report that an engineer had as -a: result are now completely out .1, , , ; itated that this Well weuld not he ac - of :the running for second piece in, the , 'eeplect: is not"true,.. and •muee, have group, standing. .„. • thi Thursday Of last week, Lucknow i arisen w -out of some reisenderstanding,, Mr., Storie says' that vielle thirty' to lost to Windham in the ;local:rink by s'eeeey a score of 5 - feet deeteean be made abSoline- to 3, while ee Monday lY secure 'against ::•contamination by TeL4elivrieti aia9 thee3 4baentgaeat"then:blheedje7 4hose:4.-; heLunderstance -the-wori, -..in..•:. . fact' Owe. lire a 'number of wells in. f:41.4401•14P:line4°Y-1440 --Thits-4-*e--w-st Ont 'o-oi___bout-,-that-deptit: straight defeats and yet for the meet . TBORN17-M-rahrit,- 'Go -deride Ont.- on January 17th,•1931, to Mr: and hire, Toynbee Lamb- a daughter. • (Mrs. Lamb was fOemerly Wee Anide Ken- nedy of near Whitechurch-.) 4 Mrs. 4. P,!Ox,.and Miss Isabel FOx atterided--thelmierali on. Monday of. this week, OfAthe late Mr. Alexander Stewart, at Brussels. • Mr. Peter MacDonald of St. Helens is 'assisting Mr. Jack Gillies cutting wood. • ;• • .• --Mre-John-Miteliell-of-Winghaine-whe- formerly lived here, Wasllaried• on Monday of this week.*as •te bro. ther4n-law of Mr. • Wm. Cnnn. His wife died only a few months ago. • The funeral of the late -1101re. Cuyler who had thede her home with • her • daughter, Mrs. Janes Ramage, was held on Stitnitiate service being held „in the, . White.; cherecInterment is made in Wing, . barn CemeterY. With the exceptioti Of a few years spent in mission work in the 'Canadian 'Weitt, Mrs. Chylee spent all her.life itt this 'Vicinity; wher she-waa loved and most highly respected by, 0.1,A° hoe* her. Ile - fere, her mArriage she was Miss Re- becca Miller, her early home being it• Couple of miles .nertli of theLeillage, giving entire satisfaction as to quAnt7 part it has been good hockey and any- ity and quality ,of Water. • body's game Until the final The Water being, pumped out of the losale on many occasions -just didn't get the breaks of the ganie., ',.LticknOw well is perfectly clear and is Much softer than the water in sig.! Windham at -Lucknow • ' face_arells."This is e *pry desirable The Wine -lain aggregation Made a quality as; ehotild it he used as the hurried exit from town last Thursday ,village Supply the sating o rale -with a 5 to 3 victory tucked. ewer,. Water. would he no longer eecestiary which, as same say, if everybody had and there would be, no trouble with their rights, they didn't win. Not Often hi recent years have the fans the formation . of shale hi heating plants, boilers' or kettles. This' soft that)' a hockey match' and tare ptize. water differs in taste somewhat from been treated to (if we may call it the harder -water, but one soon gets • fights all for 35e, as Was _the ease used to that: • ih this gem. Windhain, not satiefied, - ' Some got the idea that beeetuse the with the referee, 1-31aW the ggame rotary drill outfit ,Waii.neeVedaWAY Under protest, having done 'the sante thing !flit .season. Norm. Mactionard the Layne Co, had quit the jeb; but thatis not so. • Difficulties slick AS of Kincardine handled the g,sime .and have been, encountere d here are not • Windham took, the attitude that he uncomnion ,arid are not had been-serit-here-expresslY to-tlihandt teog by -experienced: mem- - e Lucknow the genie", , as .Kincardine ' were likely contenders for Ist place. • SOCIAL EVENING -Wingham cam thank „Norm that they, . wukt the game. We are not kicking ,on .,. hold a `Notre. He did his lest, but he . is social evening in the Town . Hall; ' The Jinnor Farmers' will and overlooked a glarieg.off-side and Lucknow, on Thursday January 29th. young •and inexperienced - in this line also a deliberate kick in centre , ice .. sr Ladies please' bring lunch. which direetly resulted in two goals ' • • . .for Wieghatn. _ „ ' AN INTERESTING PUBLICATION ._ - The annuiti Meeting of the Preshr terian Mira 01%mm-ion here was held on Monday, there being a good attendance. attendance. Pour new meraders were chesen to take the place of those re- tiring -thee ere: Albert Walters, Geo. • Rennetly, Istines Wilson ..,Tr•,„ and Rob- ert Mowbray,. T:he total reeetpt4 for the Yeeir 1980 were $2661.1.1 The United Chtirch . here also had is Very suceesifiit tittle; -the Varieus organizationa in connection Slowing groei.greit ,deal of itiforresitioie„,to 1a iiireiy tatoreet, ' Receipts from all . the ettldeilibt$ -botiflit"VrOent , day Ie- larid and Of its °arty history. . thig. 4,1ntoresition Of thetikii was, given to Mr. Anderson by Lorraiflt Briffistte on behalf of the students te)d. tenh' 'tire shigiiig of God Siete .the,,1 Ki bpnihtt ti *otitis to a close, es. C' ••; SOUrdec to' refiOrtell. at' iaMonntmg 41,11100' • "— r". „ esti Of 'Moats Joint *testes. wishesto thank her ;mit* Mends ' neighbor*, who The first period Provided dome good • heckey. with Lucknovvin the lead 3' to We are this week In receipt' a a 1. The end of the second period saw Department publication otnnuetiar in- the_tcore tied and a7wou1d-he free-, terest. It came from thelluteati-Or. quieted down, which developed Statistics at Ottawa, and is entitled -arhent-A-gnew-4ohjeeted-to--a-Anitt-enit--!-"Cansida_1931n.:_official 'Handbook lianded Out to him by Bert Mitchell, of Present Condition's and Ricent Pro* Winghale added two more,:tallies.in- gress.'! ' the third aria cwheti Lucknow. tiriPar- • -The price it 25e, theugh if published eittiy scored, a goal vied& was not in the Ordinary Way' thepricemight allowed by the Whightim goal umpire, well be ,it couple of •dollarse We may the fans broke'. loose and • bedlam add that the newspapers get copy. reigned for a short tiniC-The game free • " finelly got Under' way and ended with; The book contains,a vast amount of Lucknow at Xine-alidin-e- • • • in ree e in --a sort --of ,eneyel k- infdrination such'as,'almost eVerybody . . oet fattlier scoring. �n a sheet of ice that Was soft -and 'pais. of Canada -on a sinnif scale heartY,... Lueknow. failed' to •Atop. the of course. It gi*es the area of the hardtworking Kincardine teem on country' as raised by recent eSplora= Monday night and seffered defeat by thin,. .,and 'thanges in" the provincial a score of 9 to 3. The. score would' boundary lines. Then it idle of the. not altogether indicate: the play' and • .itirface•tif.th6 country, its formations, •at.one time hi the seeond period elevations and deptessioes, pope. • eardine had n lead of ' only 3 to. 2., latitm-birtlis, deaths, enstreitiges ane However they Added twe more goals immigration.; natural resources of. in tide stanza niid more it the third Veld.; forest and tnine, so far as are .bonsidering. the condition of the. we, known, . waternowers; fishers, • Kiticardiee forartird displayta- itiUT its mandating; trade and some Mee team work and by pleyirig tariff kelationships. It telia.abOut,the niOta l'finished hockey' around the constitution iend dovernmeilt .of 'the Lucknow net, soceeedett taking td- couritry7who is in the Senate and the ,varitage of every eppeitunity adore. House of COnutialOint-Ltthe ., districts Elwood .Seleinell. pitied •goal and., tepeented• hy the leoliiinettere and handled. nutty theta nicely. It the 'five .the votes they :get in the last electimi, games 'played the letiekrietv boys have Thebook tells- about, the business Of called into Servide _fent: • different fititIOntitry; the eurtenekf the .banit=g-oahes . - , ing end, vas tho4h this were net Wellington Mc(oy._handied.the game enotigh; there. is a Chapter On ‘bleSSel.. in .fine style and got "big hand* soneati' AM1 a number fioutth-e-fairs•lei the way he Checked. of .atipeitakeselt printed, r.on,lood up on any too8ii stint' " .'• . taper,' and .tor 264. to -041664 ttieknow Line upeGOale Solonien; De' Will ask for thieugle the Eerean feece, McCartney mid .4kreietweri; Of Statistics, -Or the Deff. of Wafte:: Wings, keeoy and Hustoil; Centre, and Cottnietee. Those who engage in debate' on' Owariadian Sabjeet.S fitid Ifit,ll.10,fil)..,1‘', • , * one 36 '9 IT ••.• • Lucknow.. PASSING OF ANOTHER • LANpv4RE: :By the 'death of John Heayes an- other hind mark, hits , been reunited -from-Kinlougle•-•He--Passed away early efnAindee; 'morning the 11, in his 74th year, after a lingering., sickness• of two years. lie was 'one of ;a family of eleven; Only font' besides his wife repriain ,to mourn his death. •Mese Itehoe,,of TeesWeter; Garret of Arth- ur, and .Elizabeth and Mary Ane of , Buifethe They wetee„all raised in the vicinity Of Kinlough where John spent-- tlj whole of his life..The family Was Catholic,' though almost the entire neighborlioed. was Predestan it was one outstanding exaniple Of. how two peoples ,of somewhat different 'relig- ions- ean one another's company .:John was of a very social nature, It seemed „ to be • the life of him to be in company'. He, • OutstiOli-eiTteit-lield no gen-d--g-e- „ against eziyene; He, remelted his, pub:- die-sehoTriclireine-91. iri7the,old school - at leirtletigh under Jine Johnstari and James Marshal Owing to his father's • , affiction he was early set to work' be- ing thel oldest hey in -the,fareily: He health and being of a careful saving disposition, he leaves his Wife in geed circumstances, she being 'Of a pleae- ingdiposition was. a true helpitinte, to him ,ait the ,years of his married life. • • • -waS a hard worker all the days of his •• TRUCE AGREED TO IN ''' • • •• S. NO. 7, AS1FIFIELD• ghig .rievespaper .repoits of recent .doings A certain corner of Astifield end the Magistrate's Conr• i - in Goderich section ,of tthat peace- ful aed- prosperous township kesemb7 les -.-somewhat the mountain- portion Of Kentucky And "West Virginia where -priVate wailare is carried on limn generation to-xen,eratiore Of course, •there is no suggestion. that • the trouble 'Ashfield goes to the 'length of shoptipg; the hostilities be- .ing of a milder nature; " The annual' School Sectionmeeting Pf,s: S. No. 7; was folloyved by a cot'netion, Mr., Lester .McKeith hav- ing coinplained to the authortties that Petrick Hogan had laid-handl§ on him 4n -a ,.•Nay constituting, an assault. Great 'interest was taken , the tet -s1 as, meetings in that sectien had -fiefet--e. been driitiffbetty accriniorde wordy Warfare, if net by; phy,sieal encounter. However,' the curt tr� .ceedings 'were of .a iriild and peace- fut•neture. In fact. the assault 'case although not withdraWn N'as not gene 'en With. It appears that Mr. ,Patrick :Hogan poured oil' on the Itoubled water, pr•odncinglatealni, by seggest- _lug Vint a eemtniseion be named to 'irivestigate tonditionS; in'"sefilibi • section, to get. to the ' roots •of ,the atiouble and to effect lasting peace between the"warring eleinents.". Mi. Hogan gated, that he would aceept• . the findirig -such a •eolorniseion-!-- whatever that 'meant-; and Mr: Mc- Iteith , and -his frien4s. agreed i'to rdolte shnli44Y," whatever that meant It appears that the -quarrel wag:hoe so 1.1;4 but that the opposing Sides' are willing to talk Matters .over and , .cOmpromise. •• ". • ' It was §uggeSt.ed that a petition he circulated hi the section,nsk., ittg ,for the eintoiry iiiiggetted, and suCh a• petition' Was ,prepared, the "the ptetimble asking thAt OteWit At- tottiey Hobriesf'Magietrate A. C. Reid auid Seliool inspector E. S.' Beacom, a ,SEESEEZEEEEMMWSMS MO: PfEATRE. Jarmaity 30th and ilet '7COHENS AND KELLY! 'IN' P4..12,IS" ••••' :and COihdv ••••1•. , The Ann ai County Meeting of the L. o. L. .of West Bruce will be held in Lucknow ; L. G. L. hell on Zuesday, Feb. 3rd, at 2 o'clock P. M. the ' evening the Orange Brethren of: L. O. , L„ 428 Lucknow, are putting on a social ,eveninig ankylance. Gentsc 25e; f.adies please bring lunch. Eveeybody. welcome. ' • • ••=: t AsamELD. Cacao' Noms *dee SO Very kind an lielpfirl at thw§ rpheeipeoe; Alternates, A. Thompson, Ainf4Qt -tbo,degth of her holibtend. A 4ew gold , g ors fr 4t" H. - , , The ,Sacrement, of the, Lord's Sup- t)er will be Administered on Ashfield February lst. ifackettsF February 8th.-1akes: February 15 15 -L.-ZiOn. '• ' • "The •feast is spread,. the Mater bide .Yon come for ill is ready, and he waits. to •blegien l• • •I'• CHURCH NOTES Si. Peter's St. Peter's A.Y.P.A. met ph gonclay, • night. After the Singing Of bieoll, prayers were taken by the RectOr and the Scripture was iead by -John „Mir- th). The minutes Were read by the Secretary, followed by, the roll call and:count ,Of .sides, with the "Ellie?' in ,the ascendency. Committees Were' then...appointed for the next meeting. The address of the evenieas giv- en by Miss Dean McLeod- "The • ' Reeding slid the Study of the Word", in.whieli Mee Matietid•Tiriade an ap- peal •fcir more inteniive and regular study of the Word, in order that it may be more .fally applied lye and may Assist the believer in stating. his faitkagainst all. whe deny it. A re- eitatioe and a readingacm the value of ,the Bible were then given by 'Sam. McQuillin And,Winnitred Nixon: Musi- cal numbers were also contributed by Mrs. MeQuilfin, . 'Miss :Hackett, Mr, and Mrs. Phillip Stewart -and Mise Cratitore--etThe-meeting-olosede-With- hYrnn • United Church Y. P:.S. The Citizenship ceminittee. wee. in . charge of the meeting ltiohday even- ing, which oltened in the usuadman- net. The Scripture lesson was mead by jean Anderson. The musical. minibers were, At vocal solo by Arthur Traplin, • a- piano •solo by -Mrs: Edwarkl ...Johns- R. ton • an instrumental ildet by Jes- sie MacKenzie and WinifiEd Arm- -strong. The toPie "Playing the Game . for the Empire" was takezi,bYT Alex' A. 'reading by Mrs. Duncan gaeDontild was very much appreciat- ed. During the reeetirig.thirty more •• ileOes were added to the membership rel. Rife Meeting closed 'by singing the it etionat Antheni and repeating the Mizpith-Benediction. -Mrs,. eorietittite the„eoininission. Magistrate Reid a tncedr that the tie *Mild act Without nay. , . _ , a residerit of the see - tion euggeeted that a ineitingi Of ratepayers' Of '04 seetiert be held to " fete 'the eons-, 5.4 &Wilk§ -the matter, -be rinesion should iiet; Magietrate Reid dealt with, by ee Mr - l 3. thought this a go'hil.suggestion, this e' the closing itnin appears to have been the Outcome ofi.to,e4, the hutting •At 404 t0hg )40itlAY • ••• • Presbyterian Guild . , The Gelid trieeting 'opened using Hymn 10, after ,which „all joined in -the Lord's- liraYer. Helen Thom tied the Scripture feeson front leaiah 52nd chaptet. Mrs. Iloraee Aitchison gave •. a very interesting reading on the mis= Sift yet*. in Ceittral fedia. An lestru- nieettil , by Mies Jessie McBee eh enjoyed.Miss Mae,DaVison gave tilti:44,14,14 Real Friend": Miss Ede- eUa.Tthilhmneontrihnted...emeelo 4,totai TlmneROCes-", Whine Was• inuele-ap---- Predated. The topic "Jamie was ably • Of • 'a 311 Ikturd.ogb. After •Rev. MeDoritild, with prayer, 'riess 864, Lt.