HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-15, Page 1• • ;. „ .• , • $2O0 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $250 OTHERWISE • , • ottinxiAor JANUAR • AltEGLE bpjr.93, 5 Oka • • • . , • ” DritEST. - De* L. Treleaven; •Lucknow giszenti ' 1.30-5 P, M. .. -.PHONE 53 • 2P-,474. ". Will lie in Ditnganinni eery The!red.fty• WALL pArixg-..4 full Une Of 1930 *nil; Prices 1000i:den= fra,blY dokiiii-tor 1930: I ,ant'ilaillf:'ageOC •/•4" fOrleildirig • DeCerai,54.- Pail* etd :drainer Bog 174, LucknOw r' ••••••.- • -1 •caosom..mcm ILacenaed' •,•'• Sales conducted anywhere. Vielme?. Teeawater 36 r. '241. " • • (26,,--2--4.), LICENSED . AUCTIONEER I;Siv Weitherhead having taken Out auctioneer's license for the caua, I tie* of Bruce. and -Huron ia prepared to conduct, auction ,selee of all kinds • .(21/-1-c,) ;.• ."AlitTiONEER •• The iinderaigned licensed auction- eer is premed to conduct all kinds ,of *action sales iii Bruce and Huron ' Counties. " Ten years experience. Sat- isfaction guaranteed': 'Phone, ;Market No 12, Luclinew, or r -S=13 Dung- annon. • • A. J. 'Kirkpatrick. . - Liameisp AUCTIONEER . :Having° taken .out Auctioneer .116! . . ...enstfer-the ...Counties_of-Bruce,,and. the -undersigned--4-prepared- to conduct all kinds of Auction Salea. , *air Years experience at dealing fii-1414ilLetnek. ' • • Thc4:14, 37, Forsk Garage, Well . . Heidersoi.. LUMBER POR SALE. ---Quantity .of goof Mnple, Cherry and Beech. Will be iold reasonable—Apply to, Thomas Phillips, • St. Helens. (8-170 NoTitz, Th; annual meeting of South Kin- loss Cemetery Corporation will be held in South Kinloss Church on Wed- nesday, the 21st day of January, 1931 at t'o'clock in the afternoon. Alex. Gollan, Seey.-Tresia. (15-1-p) I: NOTICE- Alt-elecounts payable to the 'Estatii of thi late ,Adsim Galbraith Elliott Millet; are requested to be paid to Joseph Agnew, Lucknow, Ont., not latet.than February 15th, 1931. HildisE. Miller, Wallace A. Miller, Administrators. (22-1-c.) • ANNUAL, MEETING The:annual meeting of the Lucknow Alifrknitural•'Society will be held in , the :Coundl Chamber, in the Town 2rat day .January ,A._ D. 1931, at •2 o'cloele pan.,All members are re- qttestOd to attend. • • • Joseph Agnew, Secretary. (15-14.)' . AUCTION SALE Peter Glazier, Lot 1, Con. 8, Ash- ., field will have a „ !leering auction siIe Of his- farm stock and imple- at One o'clock'P. M. There is a long inents an. Januar; .16th, commencing J3LL " grain.• 6- Matt. Gaynor, Atic. NIIITICE :RE LOGS • : Our log yard is now full -of logs and we are unable to take any mere. Kindl*.do not cut any make logs. No logs will ))0 taken in front Jamiary. --Ist-to4lanuary 24th. Any-person-hav-- ing logs on hand please can us up before bringing in. We will still take whatever .birch and Cherry you have. • we Wcitild strongly advise the hold- ing Of Hard Maple for market im- provement. 'Phone 26 (Signed) TIIE LUCKNOW TABLE.col, LTD. •• • o. ---1(Trp TO -if • • All :Persons,. resident in the pro - Ontario, who. have lost.linbs .fetini, the *rig tip Or hem .tbe ankle oni$ and or Which they did.noti Vette Anniniena.ot any .foria 'Of Coin. von odor*, ire urgently renueited; to get tri teeel. With; JI L Milne, See„ 1323 Davenport Road, Toronto 4 :Oat, . giting, details Of disability, date •Of accident,' and All. Other, necessarY infornizitiOn tifert la hieing Mode to prepare -Ant , mint itt. the hear fouire,.'asking or te... tot:theta :people ;And the.. •CO,oPeratiOti ef all eeiteertied li, . hired' tOketentoitiot tbls Mese, e?5.,• piehi ;briefly, , atnicknow- on Menday, Omni:Ott ittho. 131 to !iir. (.1, MTh, 90* 100.4, otiotet.,400,, Hockey • to -night --- Lorne Rink-- IChieirdina vs Ludinow. Nevr-merehandise for Spring now. Wiling at "Market; LueknoW Dent.' Mr. Wilt. Todd of •Paris visited ° hist .Wee'-ig'30,i'irt and Mrs. Nr....4.,T_Od of. tows. ;•;,-(.• ' .... :.-_•-:2:...-o.,.. ; • Miss 'PhYllia .11:teDenald Went this. Week: to Wredateck 'where- she will J)ei,iii , lae,:hoilidtat there : Is nurse -in - training. See the, new, Prints.: at Iiiinwell's Dry GinizIS Store, at, the new low prices—regular ;Width,: geed ofinilitY.: at 18c per yard., • . • '., ' oe ; • Mra. win. *Kenzie of town; spent , a few idays ,in ,Kine.,ardine nt the Rinker` hiiMe;7 felkowing the sudden death Mr. •Rinker. . •,.. , , , _ Miss Elias:bah Reid underwent an operation for niastoit in St, Joseph' HeePitel, London, on Saturday. Her •ndition is favorable.. The nanieanf-the ladies who Won prizes. 'at 0.40irket" this meta, will - appear in next ,Week's •neirepiPer.•, . "Market" Lucknow 'Dep't. Store • . ' The regular Meeting of. the .'ty.C, T.U. will be held at the home ;of ax...... Mrs., 'WM4,Murdie,, on ,h`ri Jan. 16tin..at•3 o'clock P. M. Visitors Wel- come. ' ., ,. • . , ' Mrs. , Wm. McKenrie.' -spent, a few 'days recently in Hamilton with .Miss Isobel McIntosh, who underwent an operation in Hamilton General •Hoa pitkrand is now making a favorable _recovery. • , r.' ' Mrs. Ida Stanley, now • of near Breads, recently underwent an OP - Oath* for goitre, at St. Mary's Hos- pital,. Kitchener, .Ont. Her friends, will be pleased to know that she is well on the .way to recovery. ' ST. HELENS • 'The January meeting of the Wo- men's Institute Was held at Mrs. W. L „Miller's On Janiniry7"ith.....,with an attendance Of 15. The cluipter4rom; -the Study Book was taken by Mrs:- Rain:me. A pleasing, feature of the meeting was the presentation to Mrs. George' Webb, Of A Life Membership certificate.. Mrs. Wilkinson on 'behalf Of the SoCiety spoke a few words of appreeiatiOn.of' mis. Webb's services to the Society and Pdrs. W. A. "diner 'presented the certificate. Mrs. .Webb in, it 'fiw...vierds thanked the ladiei; • Airsi Will Webster redeived word of the death Of her father, Mr .Henry Taylor.- Mr. Tayror,..Who with MIS.' Taylor recently celebrated their Gold- en' wedding, died -quite suddenly at • their home at Senforth.- • Alia.' Armstrong of Blyth 18•• a' visitor with her granddaughter, Miss Greta -Webb. • . • s Alex Woods of Lucknow is a visitor with Mr, R. j. Woods: • There wini'an attendance of 26 at the Women's Institute, held •at- Mrs. MeCrostiei at Thursdair..Goed pap- ers were relizeby-ifirUiliir Cameron -rine-Miss Mary MUrayhe trens- uerer repOrted •having ,tent $10 to the War Motorist Hospital and ,$10 to, the Queeti;Alexandria SanitoriuM and $10. to the PUblic library. "A pleasant social hour Was ,spent. • M. Stanley Todd left on Monday lar._ a viege'iwith_irientitiji Michigan: • The *Mina) nseeting of the gt. Helen's • Public library ` will be held, next Monday evening, January 19th. • • ' • • 4mgrfARY. Gearie M. Div:16* .. George X', Davis, ,a termer resi- dent of the Paramount locality, pass- ed away .in Detroit, Mich., on Dec- ember lith last.' Mr .Davis.was born .stt TorOnte,. but when a small chfld ho was brought by hia parents, :the late 10. and Mrs. Robert Davis, to Ashfield. . He was married *tic.Idiat Catherine -McLean* Who With one daughter, Cora died' genie years ago. Of late • years he, Made his hone in the thitted'.itates. • The rethAind were brought., from Detroit by his BM John, of §t. Pout.' Minn, and, his sister, Ratheryne„ id. 'Arthur, brit; W.liere•'the'inneral"iiia. -14W-46014i4likitaa*...nt-WItn. James P. Davis.• fe....enAtvod jiughtete., • • Adeline (M*, 04 gibbing)* Eva (Mks, Patton) ortinIntli and one son, John Of St, Pair;'There are -three alitera; 'Olen Of /What, Ont.; Margaret itt California tandititheryne, of Chica- go; and three brothers, James 4i., of Artbur; Robert of Duluth, Pia Will- * :of 40404, Washington State. WEDDING BELLS MacDonald -Gray • The following. which , has leaf, i!!) tereSt -appeared 18 a. recent *Sue o the ;Stnith's Falls Record -News: Can New Year's Day, et :noon, a very 'quietand pretty ,.wedding was terian Church when Rev. Di: .Davies ujuted in nifirrge Greta :Aden* dau- ghter of Affri and 1,M*0% fitrt'Y •tikY. and Donald •Roy MacDonald, Son :Of ai.,4 Mrs. D. p, lelacDoetild, Of Toronto, and formerly of •4et; The bride who Was .given itt marriage by her father, looked lovely in a geWn, :Of. powdre blue silk lace with shoes to 4411, her hat being a Very hectiminnedel of motallic on Ince, -wearing a' corsage bouquet of roses. The 'attendants were Mrs. Joseph P. Ellwood and Mr. Grant Gray, Following the ceremony din- ner was Served at the bride's Mope, 4 Orchard street, only% the immediate relatives being nresent,kr. and Mrs.1 MacDonald :left ititee by meter for 'TerOnto,the bride ,travelling in,: a .Smart cOstiime of hitivin crepe; With , , hat and Shoes to match. The bride was tn efficient Meniber. of the Frost ti Wood clerical staff and prior to her leaving was very kin* remembered by her associates. She was also the: recipient -of a pretty gift from West. Minister _Cintrok ohair-oftwhitch i,she, Was a member. Many 'Other gifts in- cluding ,A Bible from Rev. Dr. Davies and Mrs. Davies to Mr. • and Mrs: MacDonald Who Were the first couple to be married in the New•Westminis- ter church =here. The ride iind-groom- Will reside .for a while in Smith's Falk; where Mr. MacDonald is ent- ployed•bir Brodrick .kres, as -construc- tion superintendent.'The bride and. grwiin are well and very favorably known and have the good wishes and congratulations of their munerous friends. • - • .• , THE BEST MAPS OF BRUCE. ' COUNTY WILL WIN PRIZES Three prizes -93.60, 82.00; and $1.• will be given, for the ;three niais • • judged the best among the maps of. Bruce County, drawn and .submitted by 'public school students now' et - tending school in Bruce County. • Draw your mini of Bruce 'County on ° it skeet 84 x 11.• Write -Your name full),. ached and P. 0. dress af the bottom of -the • sheet. Mail at once to the secretary of the 'Bruce -County. Association of f, Mani- toba—John H. dude, 996 Grosvenor Ave., Winniteg, Manitoba. All maps` entered in this competi- tion will be displayed at •the annual dinner of the Bruce County Assoc- iation.to 'be • held at the Port Garry Hotel, Winnipeg,' on Thursday, Feb. 5th, 1931.. WOMEN'e.INSTITUTE ; LliCICNOW IipmET TE4.5A LOSES TO WINGIAM When •Lnolcznyie and Wingham meet on the -.ice their, genernhe provide the fans' With the brand of hockey they. Went, tattir-ilie-,.gatne staged in ti!, Wingham Arena, lent-- Friday nightwas - no - exception to the• rule.'' W!egbare tnanaged to score' a goal shortly beforethe•final;bell' and as: ,j4 Perna nosed the--L-nekinm,T,boya- out by a ,score Of 1.•r-0.; • Quite a number --!of LOcknoWites: made the trip by sleigh • and other fans_ "listened In" to the 'breadeast, as. announced by "Red", Richards, and sponsored by the business . Men of Lucknow. The LecknoWteam has been bol- stered Up Singe the Ripleydefeatand certainly • gave Winghturt plenty to .worry about. The 'taMe started off. At a terrific pace and, for the most part,' Continued that way, throughout, The ice was Iittle sticky and preyed a hindrance to team play, se that.in- dividual plays and hard Checking . featured, the gime. , Reps. Johnston,- wha has filled the .vacancy :in geld ;United in, a fine per- formance„ Agnew and .Vreleaven, pair un Well ',and: make a Strong hard - checking defense. The two •forward lines composed d.Hustop, .C. Thomp- son and E. McCoy, And Henderson, A. Thompson and McCartney are, ef- feetiie, checkers and • hard Shooters. - The Lucknow team out -Shot the Wing - ham sextet, bit could net get one past. McGee, iti the Vinghain nets), who has not had a :goal. scored on bim this season. • Winghatn's lone tally 'came :in the third • period when "Scotty” o Ross• ', Picked un: a rebound ' and :in a skir- ° mish IC past Johniton; had no chance: te save. • • LOckeridge Brea. on the Whighani defense are a hard pair to:beat.,Bur- rows ,of Harriston,'handled the game `—and we 'might add, . no more Bur-. rows as far as Lucknow is concerned: Wingham 'pleys the return game here, on Thursday January 22n4. Winghara's line...Sup was: GoaL 11 Gee, Alf ,and Dutch LCckeridge; de- fense; Brawn and' Gurne.Y, wings;; IL Mitchell, C.; " Alternates, •Ross, Mc- Donald, A. Mitchell. DBITUARY. • Tzia.• ...January meeting- of,the Vire men's Institute.ivas held at the horrie of Mrs,' Will Douglas. The Vice Pres:, "km. W. G. Andrew, presided.. it was decided to have a summer meeting when a special speaker ''sent by the Department will address the meetine. It was alio decided to ask some of -ilre---Surrounding branches to join with its. at the Meeting. Several letters of thanks • were read froM Members wiQ had received fruit or flowers -when they Were ill and from, othera for, -afiristmaa- Cheer. Pollowing the busi- ness, ;a pregrazii 'wits enjoyed, con- sisting. of excellentpapers; one on, • "Exercises for GoodtHealtn" by Mit., W. M. Cbnfinli and Zille Mt, tit Sal -- anted Ration Of Work, Pleasure, Ex- 'ereike und Hest** by Mrs Allan Turn - en, Readings were contributed by Alias Isobel Douglas, and a vocal solo by Miss PlOrence Ilodgins, Coinmun- ity singing ;Was enjoyed. The meeting Was glased With averse Of the Maple Leaf. Refreshritents were served and, a social hcstn 'apent,--See'y. • • • DEATH OP MR.' JOHN 'J. HAYES,. • Mr. John 3. Hakes, ler Many -Years. reaiderit Zit. his whenie there early Monday tor this week. Mr. ilaYes who- was,,h," his, '72rd year. had been in failing health for four or Ave years, - and Was unable to be about let some onthit. He la survived by Itis wide' the fUnieral"vias,bn WednesdAY than- ing to the Holyikood R. C. Ceprieteff; serVice being held in At Patrick's I•• .Peter P. 'Kee" • tl, ,• :Winnipeg, . ,Jan:' 5th, '1931. .We have to record this week the The -:Presbyterian 'Guild held its 7tlesith- of• Peter P. Kee,' of- 4 -10 -Victor -first. -nimeting--for- the• hl-e*---Year-on- Street, Winnipeg..He was conversing Monday '• evening, When .the .Outlook With his • Wife and family w'hezi ' he Committee . had, charge. The meeting ,Was stricken and passsed away peace: opened, by .singing Ptialm...74. Lorraine: fully.:• ' • . , . . .•Brabson. retie the Scripture' lessen— . Ile was bent on June lltii, 1812, • •Matthew,.Chap 28, and all repented. near St, Augustine,. When a young the Vord's; .Prayer in Unison; •! Misa .man he learned the trade , of tin- Winnifred Joh/14On •gave ; a. piano *sMitliing with D. Sutherland of Wing. solo and Sadie',DfcCharles. a -reading,., ham.. After he terVed his apprentice- which :was ' well received.- The..Rev.. ship he Went to Lucknow and worked 'Q:li. MacDonald gave , a 'very .in., for . about 10,,,years (with D. „C„,Taylor-'Wresting /talk en St. tOlumha, an --Lefriiing--there-be-went--ttr-iirandorr trittinTai—Ovbr• was born in b21 an where he weg-:f0e-maii in, the tin -o who' tookthe Gospel' to the 'North of smithing department of the Brandon Scotland; in the Year 563, landing at 'Hardware Co.- Leaving 'there several' the Isle ,Of. lona, • where he labored years 'ago he Came to Winnipeg end. f�r 34, years. He died in June of 97 started sterted.in business for himself, where at the age Of 16 yearso,'A. plealine he woiked up a splendid •cetinection number on the 'Program :was, a solo throughout. the city...He- was, AlWaYs. by lliol Mildred Treleaven, which active in .elnirch ,work, havingbeen theGuil.Coregly ppated... This leader91 the Presbyterian , ,Church : -a as -followed .):03r• a reading, by „Wan choir in Lneknow before eirining."Weit. Isobel Douglas. After the dosing--' 4inter-storm. -there.......The..-locatwit ..:10.............,... After coming to Winnipeg he. becarne 'hystin rill, joined in the Mizpah /Ben - associated with Horne Street .Presby- 'edictiori; . . Orion church and , was • one Of the „ ,. . • , . . , eiders," and 'Secretary ef the Sunday: Mission Hand Meeting, school work, for which he witc. ,:ad- the Mission Band • of ,the United .. .mizably. fitted. At the pOnstnntlfatien; church lila .0,1 Monday' afternoon at FofiniCthtlithabytitnettlan' l';')-iitilitili.a.lendir -.71‘iitiirh price. The Meeting opened' by tinging 'the u_surikhOhr,,..ivith, A. good_ attend-. 'there appeitited secretary' of the. SIM- hYmn.-42fi, after Which the Lord's 'day school and elected • to the elder- prayer. Was repeated in unison.' it. ship • 116 . 'reillailieC1 ,seeretitTy. until. wag derided that A chart be used for failing ,health conipelIed him taretire. the emeethetihip riAl.. An intottsting ...He leaves' to month his lose, his reading: Wise given by. MM. ,Robt. . wifei, a -daughter of the late • Rev; .,.. .1..-homptiori, who. WU been appointed: Sohn McNabb, and two . daughters,. the new leader. It was decided that MM. A.: J. Martin , Of -T,oterito and study'. of Japan be token un at the Erlyti, tit 'hettievwho,baVe the deep . rtcxt meeting!. The new officers./ lor, dat.ayintillthy OV -9. wide , circle- of 1941 are —Pres, Jeixie meitnnite;; Mena, ,.. , • . • , ‘,:tki•sist. Pres, • 'D,onalda Thompsonj . . .16.44..ea:tutt7itte.ca;:stiLiev.;ruttli.:Fti:cts::idii; Ifhte;Ett; ::: , . TNe: ':tott riettam tun toe Kde, -that ' thd world ,was better .b.e• ,;,:ixt,414,ii. Athistim,ri.... _it.: ilia:.iiit tit;i:iiiteye, ,.,, irie ..0iffeja.130.rd„.411.i .theee, at tlie Heidetscitz.., :Assist:pianist, Enniee ratsetiag'e en. JanuarY •,1fith, at ,..:8 See'y.,.. : Mary.: Hackett; . Trenstirer, -oarviets •riekt Sencitiy, Jan 18.th.:; ti, .private Service, being,. held at' the next. thee. iiti.m. '. 1,„-iiiiii. 'h.. -.Itern'e, "lind,''' . 6 -: 210.11: , 4 . 1.1 toti4. Hackett, 3 p.m..; tii.„.*t-ana ',Ilk:. luiblie4"e; 'belt'''. the ttirgAret RitChle.. the dotting, "hynin Rinke; - 1 An.m.....'. .. . ' • • • • - eutlre.... A .atge .cortege fo.16Wed. the *Sis- ins, .429,' feiloWe4 by` nrayei bt; . reinaiiis to Old: kildenan deni,etery,. ,,,,,,_ im,„-,,„.,,,,,on.4e,e,,st., ;- . . . . :,. The splendid . gathering at Sunday • . 3Aete. li0 WAS laid to teat beside his 111."• .'.1'.'""'Pb . school last Sutidatrit Ilackett's intist • ., . • - . Mother -in -IOW, we:* Jean ReNtilib....• A . . , - • • heartehin - to the -e* -t a Ineetnig:of the ofllcial beard have been , g e: 0 ., ex- The- pallbearers were W. A.: CeinerOn •..,, ,.. oi .uucktiow.' tthitted, Oluitelt; ttiesday 00.tive All the deliSttitiellte Of the 'Alex Cat4o00 16.6 mom*. ; ti.:,,, !,, .,eenitti. # tai --decided to held the church are maimed with stretig, nnd cwotheoi r,. . , ., , ...:;::,,.. ,iiiteriti,.,.sziltitgita.,t,c6,,h8,010toittifetitlit 'ow 1 eitleletrd ., leaders Ali. ati bitiSt Matt .' Anderson, . done Sgett ' an . : i . :AK , . ...-:;• ks..f.;.'.!__ ._:• t" 7.12,, .. . '.i'l "._"ffr't "":::,:n...,,,i47 ', .. : e, .-ar.-,•:,...,,o-f..4t,e'llitnr-real $4:41146i . The Thread The Bread , of Health 0 ' of',Healt4 - . - • OUR moral? is „stuALtrY. Axp • sSitvicE.. DIM HOME MADE AND WHOLE ,WHEAT.. MEAD' HAS. THE,. _ _2, ;o4ITALITY AND FLAVOR- ••••:: 'DOUGHNUTS .M1KE, TE TRIANGLES -.:JCED -ROLLS -1. CHELSEA• • RICR FRUIT CAKE ASI4BItar TARTLEW".:. ' : . *Phone 46- AN'S QUALITY E Ludertow . rusiac MEETING A Public meeting of all telephone, subscribers In: the Village of Lao - noir and surrounding country Will he held' in the Council' Chamber next. Tuesday evening, January •20th. Don't fail to attend as important, inatteria are to be'hiscassed, Our mid, Winter :sale is. now Get -your share Of the *again*. "Merket"; Stcre causcalloirss° United Church ..„....ThaIneethig; „Monday evening -was •ja • ;charge of the Devotional Cam- mittee and opened by: the. singing„ of it hymn followed by Fairer .hy Mrs.° , era*. The Scripture :leason -was-read- by Winnifred lane. A splendid piper on the:,pi'vic,__!7oupg.,People and the Church" was given by. Hazel Webster• And this -was followed by a 'very • -fitting. address'. by Mr. W. L. MilEen. ale -cm the same spibject. The-inmical numbers, were areal -solo by Mil- dred Treleaven, a piano Solo by Dor-• othy Curran, an instremental ,duet by Blanche MacDougall and Bessie carnoetan. Margaret Ritchie gave a reading. A sdiscussion regarding the coming Ineethigs - followed. It . Was mimed by Miss Eva Greer and secOnd- ed by Mrs. (Dr) Newton that for the .next three..months---the filahers- be divided hito two opposing sides, eaelt: with the abn of gresitet attendance and also that copper gathering eon - test be entered bitO. This was. car- • ried.:Other details /were left for the next meeting. " The meeting dosed by singing a hymnnd repeati0 the. "Mizpah Benediction. The Preettytedizi GUIhI 11,41( T January 16, aril 17th. SPECIAL • IIAM4i EGGS AT THE FRG/IT , A Comedy Riot , and Comedy • •Adtitinsien 35eatid ,25e. :Coming ' HOOT 'GIBSON,. ' . ' THE LO LONG .TRAIL 'filDN'T GET THE STORM •: Because 'J: Bowes :Who mit - Chatsworth "on, the., Map" before he • . , moved to Cyr Sound cOUPie of years 'Ago, rime "Leek ant for Jan- uary, 19317,- We .have been asked:a,' d8zen tithes if we thought that Bowes Storm would be along ••• Coon. The storm was. to be so Iterrible that • petiple were „uneasy about it, or pre- tends& to he. Sometimes they ap- peared to be laughing, at Bowes: r He certainly put his Prediction for January strong. It reads: One of the,. • most pronounced storms , of wind, . rain, .snow and frost that is ,poti .sible to have in .30 years Will .cent- mence- Arab week. -and- iast-to:„: • • about the 15th. The. persistence of • the Winds all over:•the world Will - cause great: loss of life and destina- tion Of shipping. The southern heni- Isphere . wfil. Also. have heavy rains and frost; I cannot , sneak with any confidence about the third week of January: Lest week qiiite void wintry Weather. . Well J. It spoke with Confidenie about the first. two weeks of Janu- --nry, These -Ini-Ve--passet ind-Western- - and Northern _Opting° have had , nothing. yerse 'than. snow flUrries— tvineaftahcetr.i:t has• . been,: v.ery. nice winter .This would have been a knock -out blow. to. the -long-distance tvAlsther " prophet, had, not • the Weather ' man come to his rescue in „another part of the world. Monday's Papers 'reported it great storm' which ,swePt over Northern China, including a part Of the great G •DeSert, where san • as well as snow filled -the air.-Thelle--. an& of Chinese are said to have Perished, but thousandi -die there so• 4, Often from floods, starvation or Cold that we have learned to aeeept the!, 'stories' of disaster in China with some caution. • • ' .7.. • - . But evidently _ there was st....7great 'just about' due west of Canada and eight or ten thousand miles .away.. Nos the,,arih is rolling to the east- ward at the rate •of one thousand miles per hour, .and we are of the opinbin that this storm which hit Matialuirisi was the One Bowes 'ex- . petted Whit Ithir ' conritry, You see the , storm was just eight' or ten hours late in coming 'down 'Of Storms da come down), and, the Earth Whirling. onward got ten • thOugand, miles (More or less) Past the mark, So the Unhappy Chinese and Mongplians got it. . That's our .explanation. Bowes ;May have another. • ASIIPIELD CHURCH .NOTES. -Oh‘liteht • • .04, * • 4 „ 41, • 4 *