HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-15, Page 1•
• ;.
„ .•
• ,
ottinxiAor JANUAR
AltEGLE bpjr.93, 5 Oka •
• • .
, •
” DritEST. -
De* L. Treleaven; •Lucknow
giszenti ' 1.30-5 P, M.
.. -.PHONE 53 • 2P-,474. ".
Will lie in Ditnganinni eery The!red.fty•
WALL pArixg-..4 full Une Of 1930
*nil; Prices 1000i:den=
fra,blY dokiiii-tor 1930: I ,ant'ilaillf:'ageOC
•/•4" fOrleildirig
• DeCerai,54.- Pail* etd :drainer
Bog 174, LucknOw
r' ••••••.-
-1 •caosom..mcm
•,•'• Sales conducted anywhere.
Vielme?. Teeawater 36 r. '241. "
• • (26,,--2--4.),
I;Siv Weitherhead having taken
Out auctioneer's license for the caua,
I tie* of Bruce. and -Huron ia prepared
to conduct, auction ,selee of all kinds
• .(21/-1-c,)
;.• ."AlitTiONEER ••
The iinderaigned licensed auction-
eer is premed to conduct all kinds
,of *action sales iii Bruce and Huron
Counties. " Ten years experience. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed': 'Phone, ;Market
No 12, Luclinew, or r -S=13 Dung-
annon. • • A. J. 'Kirkpatrick.
. -
:Having° taken .out Auctioneer .116!
. . ...enstfer-the ...Counties_of-Bruce,,and.
the -undersigned--4-prepared-
to conduct all kinds of Auction Salea.
*air Years experience at dealing
fii-1414ilLetnek. ' •
• Thc4:14, 37, Forsk Garage, Well . .
LUMBER POR SALE. ---Quantity .of
goof Mnple, Cherry and Beech. Will
be iold reasonable—Apply to,
Thomas Phillips, • St. Helens.
Th; annual meeting of South Kin-
loss Cemetery Corporation will be
held in South Kinloss Church on Wed-
nesday, the 21st day of January, 1931
at t'o'clock in the afternoon.
Alex. Gollan, Seey.-Tresia.
(15-1-p) I:
Alt-elecounts payable to the 'Estatii
of thi late ,Adsim Galbraith Elliott
Millet; are requested to be paid to
Joseph Agnew, Lucknow, Ont., not
latet.than February 15th, 1931.
HildisE. Miller, Wallace A. Miller,
(22-1-c.) •
The:annual meeting of the Lucknow
Alifrknitural•'Society will be held in
, the :Coundl Chamber, in the Town
day .January ,A._ D. 1931, at •2
o'cloele pan.,All members are re-
qttestOd to attend.
• • • Joseph Agnew, Secretary.
Peter Glazier, Lot 1, Con. 8, Ash-
field will have a „ !leering auction
siIe Of his- farm stock and imple-
at One o'clock'P. M. There is a long
inents an. Januar; .16th, commencing
" grain.•
6- Matt. Gaynor, Atic.
Our log yard is now full -of logs
and we are unable to take any mere.
Kindl*.do not cut any make logs. No
logs will ))0 taken in front Jamiary.
--Ist-to4lanuary 24th. Any-person-hav--
ing logs on hand please can us up
before bringing in. We will still take
whatever .birch and Cherry you have.
• we Wcitild strongly advise the hold-
ing Of Hard Maple for market im-
'Phone 26 (Signed)
•• •
---1(Trp TO -if •
All :Persons,. resident in the pro -
Ontario, who. have lost.linbs
.fetini, the *rig tip Or hem .tbe ankle
oni$ and or Which they did.noti
Vette Anniniena.ot any .foria 'Of Coin.
von odor*, ire urgently renueited; to
get tri teeel. With; JI L Milne, See„
1323 Davenport Road, Toronto 4 :Oat,
. giting, details Of disability, date
•Of accident,' and All. Other, necessarY
tifert la hieing Mode to prepare
, mint itt. the hear fouire,.'asking or
te... tot:theta :people ;And the..
•CO,oPeratiOti ef all eeiteertied li,
. hired' tOketentoitiot tbls Mese, e?5.,•
piehi ;briefly, ,
atnicknow- on Menday,
Omni:Ott ittho. 131 to !iir. (.1, MTh,
90* 100.4, otiotet.,400,,
Hockey • to -night --- Lorne Rink--
IChieirdina vs Ludinow.
Nevr-merehandise for Spring now.
Wiling at "Market; LueknoW Dent.'
Mr. Wilt. Todd of •Paris visited ° hist
.Wee'-ig'30,i'irt and Mrs. Nr....4.,T_Od
of. tows. ;•;,-(.• ' .... :.-_•-:2:...-o.,.. ;
• Miss 'PhYllia .11:teDenald Went this.
Week: to Wredateck 'where- she will
J)ei,iii , lae,:hoilidtat there : Is nurse -in -
See the, new, Prints.: at Iiiinwell's
Dry GinizIS Store, at, the new low
prices—regular ;Width,: geed ofinilitY.:
at 18c per yard., • . • '., ' oe ; •
Mra. win. *Kenzie of town; spent
a few idays ,in ,Kine.,ardine nt the
Rinker` hiiMe;7 felkowing the sudden
death Mr. •Rinker.
. •,..
, , , _
Miss Elias:bah Reid underwent an
operation for niastoit in St, Joseph'
HeePitel, London, on Saturday. Her
•ndition is favorable..
The nanieanf-the ladies who Won
prizes. 'at 0.40irket" this meta, will -
appear in next ,Week's •neirepiPer.•,
. "Market" Lucknow 'Dep't. Store
• .
' The regular Meeting of. the .'ty.C,
T.U. will be held at the home ;of
Mrs., 'WM4,Murdie,, on ,h`ri Jan.
16tin..at•3 o'clock P. M. Visitors Wel-
come. ' ., ,. • . ,
Mrs. , Wm. McKenrie.' -spent, a few
'days recently in Hamilton with .Miss
Isobel McIntosh, who underwent an
operation in Hamilton General •Hoa
pitkrand is now making a favorable
_recovery. • , r.' '
Mrs. Ida Stanley, now • of near
Breads, recently underwent an OP -
Oath* for goitre, at St. Mary's Hos-
pital,. Kitchener, .Ont. Her friends,
will be pleased to know that she is
well on the .way to recovery. '
'The January meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute Was held at Mrs. W.
L „Miller's On Janiniry7"ith.....,with an
attendance Of 15. The cluipter4rom;
-the Study Book was taken by Mrs:-
Rain:me. A pleasing, feature of the
meeting was the presentation to Mrs.
George' Webb, Of A Life Membership
certificate.. Mrs. Wilkinson on 'behalf
Of the SoCiety spoke a few words of
appreeiatiOn.of' mis. Webb's services
to the Society and Pdrs. W. A. "diner
'presented the certificate. Mrs. .Webb
in, it 'fiw...vierds thanked the ladiei;
• Airsi Will Webster redeived word
of the death Of her father, Mr .Henry
Taylor.- Mr. Tayror,..Who with MIS.'
Taylor recently celebrated their Gold-
en' wedding, died -quite suddenly at
• their home at Senforth.- •
Alia.' Armstrong of Blyth 18•• a'
visitor with her granddaughter, Miss
Greta -Webb. • . • s
Alex Woods of Lucknow is a
visitor with Mr, R. j. Woods:
• There wini'an attendance of 26 at
the Women's Institute, held •at- Mrs.
MeCrostiei at Thursdair..Goed pap-
ers were relizeby-ifirUiliir Cameron
-rine-Miss Mary MUrayhe trens-
uerer repOrted •having ,tent $10 to
the War Motorist Hospital and ,$10
to, the Queeti;Alexandria SanitoriuM
and $10. to the PUblic library. "A
pleasant social hour Was ,spent. •
M. Stanley Todd left on Monday
lar._ a viege'iwith_irientitiji Michigan:
• The *Mina) nseeting of the gt.
Helen's • Public library ` will be held,
next Monday evening, January 19th.
• • ' •
• 4mgrfARY.
Gearie M. Div:16*
George X', Davis, ,a termer resi-
dent of the Paramount locality, pass-
ed away .in Detroit, Mich., on Dec-
ember lith last.' Mr .Davis.was born
.stt TorOnte,. but when a small chfld
ho was brought by hia parents, :the
late 10. and Mrs. Robert Davis, to
Ashfield. . He was married *tic.Idiat
Catherine -McLean* Who With one
daughter, Cora died' genie years ago.
Of late • years he, Made his hone in
the thitted'.itates. •
The rethAind were brought., from
Detroit by his BM John, of §t. Pout.'
Minn, and, his sister, Ratheryne„ id.
'Arthur, brit; W.liere•'the'inneral"iiia.
James P. Davis.•
fe....enAtvod jiughtete., •
Adeline (M*, 04 gibbing)* Eva (Mks,
Patton) ortinIntli and one son, John
Of St, Pair;'There are -three alitera;
'Olen Of /What, Ont.; Margaret itt
California tandititheryne, of
go; and three brothers, James 4i., of
Artbur; Robert of Duluth, Pia Will-
* :of 40404, Washington State.
MacDonald -Gray
The following. which , has leaf, i!!)
tereSt -appeared 18 a. recent *Sue o
the ;Stnith's Falls Record -News:
Can New Year's Day, et :noon, a
very 'quietand pretty ,.wedding was
terian Church when Rev. Di: .Davies
ujuted in nifirrge Greta :Aden* dau-
ghter of Affri and 1,M*0% fitrt'Y •tikY.
and Donald •Roy MacDonald, Son :Of
ai.,4 Mrs. D. p, lelacDoetild, Of
Toronto, and formerly of
•4et; The bride who Was .given itt
marriage by her father, looked lovely
in a geWn, :Of. powdre blue silk lace
with shoes to 4411, her hat being
a Very hectiminnedel of motallic
on Ince, -wearing a' corsage bouquet
of roses. The 'attendants were Mrs.
Joseph P. Ellwood and Mr. Grant
Gray, Following the ceremony
ner was Served at the bride's Mope,
4 Orchard street, only% the immediate
relatives being nresent,kr. and Mrs.1
MacDonald :left ititee by meter for
'TerOnto,the bride ,travelling in,: a
.Smart cOstiime of hitivin crepe; With
, ,
hat and Shoes to match. The bride
was tn efficient Meniber. of the Frost
ti Wood clerical staff and prior to her
leaving was very kin* remembered
by her associates. She was also the:
recipient -of a pretty gift from West.
Minister _Cintrok ohair-oftwhitch i,she,
Was a member. Many 'Other gifts
cluding ,A Bible from Rev. Dr. Davies
and Mrs. Davies to Mr. • and Mrs:
MacDonald Who Were the first couple
to be married in the New•Westminis-
ter church =here. The ride iind-groom-
Will reside .for a while in Smith's
Falk; where Mr. MacDonald is ent-
ployed•bir Brodrick .kres, as -construc-
tion superintendent.'The bride and.
grwiin are well and very favorably
known and have the good wishes and
congratulations of their munerous
friends. • - • .• ,
Three prizes -93.60, 82.00; and $1.•
will be given, for the ;three niais •
• judged the best among the maps of.
Bruce County, drawn and .submitted
by 'public school students now' et -
tending school in Bruce County. •
Draw your mini of Bruce 'County
on °
it skeet 84 x 11.• Write -Your
name full),. ached and P. 0.
dress af the bottom of -the • sheet.
Mail at once to the secretary of the
'Bruce -County. Association of f, Mani-
toba—John H. dude, 996 Grosvenor
Ave., Winniteg, Manitoba.
All maps` entered in this competi-
tion will be displayed at •the annual
dinner of the Bruce County Assoc-
iation.to 'be • held at the Port Garry
Hotel, Winnipeg,' on Thursday, Feb.
5th, 1931..
When •Lnolcznyie and Wingham meet
on the -.ice their, genernhe provide the
fans' With the brand of hockey they.
Went, tattir-ilie-,.gatne staged in ti!,
Wingham Arena, lent-- Friday nightwas - no - exception to the•
W!egbare tnanaged to score' a
goal shortly beforethe•final;bell' and
as: ,j4 Perna nosed the--L-nekinm,T,boya-
out by a ,score Of 1.•r-0.; •
Quite a number --!of LOcknoWites:
made the trip by sleigh • and other
fans_ "listened In" to the 'breadeast,
as. announced by "Red", Richards, and
sponsored by the business . Men of
The LecknoWteam has been bol-
stered Up Singe the Ripleydefeatand
certainly • gave Winghturt plenty to
.worry about. The 'taMe started off.
At a terrific pace and, for the most
part,' Continued that way, throughout,
The ice was Iittle sticky and preyed
a hindrance to team play, se that.in-
dividual plays and hard Checking
. featured, the gime. ,
Reps. Johnston,- wha has filled the
.vacancy :in geld ;United in, a fine per-
formance„ Agnew and .Vreleaven, pair
un Well ',and: make a Strong hard -
checking defense. The two •forward
lines composed d.Hustop, .C. Thomp-
son and E. McCoy, And Henderson,
A. Thompson and McCartney are, ef-
feetiie, checkers and • hard Shooters. -
The Lucknow team out -Shot the Wing -
ham sextet, bit
could net get one
past. McGee, iti the Vinghain nets),
who has not had a :goal. scored on
bim this season.
• Winghatn's lone tally 'came :in the
third • period when "Scotty” o Ross• ',
Picked un: a rebound ' and :in a skir- °
mish IC past Johniton;
had no chance: te save. •
• LOckeridge Brea. on the Whighani
defense are a hard pair to:beat.,Bur-
rows ,of Harriston,'handled the game
`—and we 'might add, . no more Bur-.
rows as far as Lucknow is concerned:
Wingham 'pleys the return game
here, on Thursday January 22n4.
Winghara's line...Sup was: GoaL 11
Gee, Alf ,and Dutch LCckeridge; de-
fense; Brawn and' Gurne.Y, wings;; IL
Mitchell, C.; " Alternates, •Ross,
Donald, A. Mitchell.
• Tzia.• ...January meeting- of,the Vire
men's Institute.ivas held at the horrie
of Mrs,' Will Douglas. The Vice Pres:,
"km. W. G. Andrew, presided.. it was
decided to have a summer meeting
when a special speaker ''sent by the
Department will address the meetine.
It was alio decided to ask some of
-ilre---Surrounding branches to join with
its. at the Meeting. Several letters of
thanks • were read froM Members wiQ
had received fruit or flowers -when
they Were ill and from, othera for,
-afiristmaa- Cheer. Pollowing the busi-
ness, ;a pregrazii 'wits enjoyed, con-
sisting. of excellentpapers; one on,
• "Exercises for GoodtHealtn" by Mit.,
W. M. Cbnfinli and Zille Mt, tit Sal --
anted Ration Of Work, Pleasure, Ex-
'ereike und Hest** by Mrs Allan Turn -
en, Readings were contributed by
Alias Isobel Douglas, and a vocal solo
by Miss PlOrence Ilodgins, Coinmun-
singing ;Was enjoyed. The meeting
Was glased With averse Of the Maple
Leaf. Refreshritents were served and,
social hcstn 'apent,--See'y. • • •
• Mr. John 3. Hakes, ler Many -Years.
Zit. his whenie there early Monday
tor this week. Mr. ilaYes who-
was,,h," his, '72rd year. had been in
failing health for four or Ave years,
and Was unable to be about let some
onthit. He la survived by Itis wide'
the fUnieral"vias,bn WednesdAY than-
ing to the Holyikood R. C. Ceprieteff;
serVice being held in At Patrick's
I•• .Peter P. 'Kee"
,• :Winnipeg, . ,Jan:' 5th, '1931.
.We have to record this week the The -:Presbyterian 'Guild held its
7tlesith- of• Peter P. Kee,' of- 4 -10 -Victor -first. -nimeting--for- the• hl-e*---Year-on-
Street, Winnipeg..He was conversing Monday '• evening, When .the .Outlook
With his • Wife and family w'hezi ' he Committee . had, charge. The meeting
,Was stricken and passsed away peace: opened, by .singing Ptialm...74. Lorraine:
fully.:• ' • .
, . . .•Brabson. retie the Scripture' lessen—
. Ile was bent on June lltii, 1812, • •Matthew,.Chap 28, and all repented.
near St, Augustine,. When a young the Vord's; .Prayer in Unison; •! Misa
.man he learned the trade , of tin- Winnifred Joh/14On •gave ; a. piano
*sMitliing with D. Sutherland of Wing. solo and Sadie',DfcCharles. a -reading,.,
ham.. After he terVed his apprentice- which :was ' well received.- The..Rev..
ship he Went to Lucknow and worked 'Q:li. MacDonald gave , a 'very .in.,
for . about 10,,,years (with D. „C„,Taylor-'Wresting /talk en St. tOlumha, an
--Lefriiing--there-be-went--ttr-iirandorr trittinTai—Ovbr• was born in b21 an
where he weg-:f0e-maii in, the tin -o who' tookthe Gospel' to the 'North of
smithing department of the Brandon Scotland; in the Year 563, landing at
'Hardware Co.- Leaving 'there several' the Isle ,Of. lona, • where he labored
years 'ago he Came to Winnipeg end. f�r 34, years. He died in June of 97
sterted.in business for himself, where at the age Of 16 yearso,'A. plealine
he woiked up a splendid •cetinection number on the 'Program :was, a solo
throughout. the city...He- was, AlWaYs. by lliol Mildred Treleaven, which
active in .elnirch ,work, havingbeen theGuil.Coregly ppated... This
leader91 the Presbyterian , ,Church : -a as -followed .):03r• a reading, by „Wan
choir in Lneknow before eirining."Weit. Isobel Douglas. After the dosing--' 4inter-storm. -there.......The..-locatwit ..:10.............,...
After coming to Winnipeg he. becarne 'hystin rill, joined in the Mizpah /Ben -
associated with Horne Street .Presby- 'edictiori; . .
Orion church and , was • one Of the „ ,. . • , .
. ,
eiders," and 'Secretary ef the Sunday: Mission Hand Meeting,
school work, for which he witc. ,:ad- the Mission Band • of ,the United
.mizably. fitted. At the pOnstnntlfatien; church lila .0,1 Monday' afternoon at
FofiniCthtlithabytitnettlan' l';')-iitilitili.a.lendir -.71‘iitiirh price. The Meeting opened' by tinging
'the u_surikhOhr,,..ivith, A. good_ attend-.
'there appeitited secretary' of the. SIM- hYmn.-42fi, after Which the Lord's
'day school and elected • to the elder- prayer. Was repeated in unison.' it.
ship • 116 . 'reillailieC1 ,seeretitTy. until. wag derided that A chart be used for
failing ,health conipelIed him taretire. the emeethetihip riAl.. An intottsting
...He leaves' to month his lose, his reading: Wise given by. MM. ,Robt. .
wifei, a -daughter of the late • Rev; .,..
.1..-homptiori, who. WU been appointed:
Sohn McNabb, and two . daughters,.
the new leader. It was decided that
MM. A.: J. Martin , Of -T,oterito and
study'. of Japan be token un at the
Erlyti, tit 'hettievwho,baVe the deep . rtcxt meeting!. The new officers./ lor,
dat.ayintillthy OV -9. wide , circle- of 1941 are —Pres, Jeixie meitnnite;;
Mena, ,.. , • . • , ‘,:tki•sist. Pres, • 'D,onalda Thompsonj . .
.16.44..ea:tutt7itte.ca;:stiLiev.;ruttli.:Fti:cts::idii; Ifhte;Ett; ::: , . TNe: ':tott riettam tun toe
Kde, -that ' thd world ,was better .b.e• ,;,:ixt,414,ii. Athistim,ri.... _it.: ilia:.iiit tit;i:iiiteye, ,.,, irie ..0iffeja.130.rd„.411.i .theee, at tlie
Heidetscitz.., :Assist:pianist, Enniee ratsetiag'e en. JanuarY •,1fith, at ,..:8
See'y.,.. : Mary.: Hackett; . Trenstirer,
-oarviets •riekt Sencitiy, Jan 18.th.:;
ti, .private Service, being,. held at' the next. thee. iiti.m. '. 1,„-iiiiii. 'h.. -.Itern'e, "lind,''' . 6 -:
210.11: , 4 . 1.1 toti4. Hackett, 3 p.m..;
tii.„.*t-ana ',Ilk:. luiblie4"e; 'belt'''. the
ttirgAret RitChle.. the dotting, "hynin Rinke; - 1 An.m.....'. .. . ' • • • • -
eutlre.... A .atge .cortege fo.16Wed. the
*Sis- ins, .429,' feiloWe4 by` nrayei bt;
. reinaiiis to Old: kildenan deni,etery,. ,,,,,,_ im,„-,,„.,,,,,on.4e,e,,st., ;- . . . . :,. The splendid . gathering at Sunday •
. 3Aete. li0 WAS laid to teat beside his 111."• .'.1'.'""'Pb
. school last Sutidatrit Ilackett's intist •
., . •
- .
Mother -in -IOW, we:* Jean ReNtilib....• A . . , - • • heartehin - to the -e* -t a Ineetnig:of the ofllcial beard have been , g e: 0 .,
The- pallbearers were W. A.: CeinerOn •..,, ,..
oi .uucktiow.' tthitted, Oluitelt; ttiesday 00.tive All the deliSttitiellte Of the
'Alex Cat4o00 16.6 mom*. ; ti.:,,, !,, .,eenitti. # tai --decided to held the church are maimed with stretig, nnd
cwotheoi r,. . , ., , ...:;::,,.. ,iiiteriti,.,.sziltitgita.,t,c6,,h8,010toittifetitlit 'ow 1 eitleletrd ., leaders Ali. ati bitiSt Matt .'
Anderson, . done Sgett ' an . : i .
:AK , . ...-:;•
ks..f.;.'.!__ ._:• t" 7.12,, .. . '.i'l "._"ffr't "":::,:n...,,,i47 ', .. : e, .-ar.-,•:,...,,o-f..4t,e'llitnr-real $4:41146i .
The Thread The Bread
, of Health 0 ' of',Healt4
- . -
• OUR moral? is „stuALtrY. Axp • sSitvicE..
_ _2, ;o4ITALITY AND FLAVOR- ••••::
: .
*Phone 46-
. rusiac MEETING
A Public meeting of all telephone,
subscribers In: the Village of Lao -
noir and surrounding country Will he
held' in the Council' Chamber next.
Tuesday evening, January •20th. Don't
fail to attend as important, inatteria
are to be'hiscassed,
Our mid, Winter :sale is. now
Get -your share Of the *again*.
"Merket"; Stcre
United Church
..„....ThaIneethig; „Monday evening -was
•ja • ;charge of the Devotional Cam-
mittee and opened by: the. singing„ of
it hymn followed by Fairer .hy Mrs.°
, era*. The Scripture :leason -was-read-
by Winnifred lane. A splendid piper
on the:,pi'vic,__!7oupg.,People and the
Church" was given by. Hazel Webster•
And this -was followed by a 'very •
-fitting. address'. by Mr. W. L. MilEen.
ale -cm the same spibject. The-inmical
numbers, were areal -solo by Mil-
dred Treleaven, a piano Solo by Dor-•
othy Curran, an instremental ,duet
by Blanche MacDougall and Bessie
carnoetan. Margaret Ritchie gave a
reading. A sdiscussion regarding the
coming Ineethigs - followed. It . Was
mimed by Miss Eva Greer and secOnd-
ed by Mrs. (Dr) Newton that for the
.next three..months---the filahers- be
divided hito two opposing sides, eaelt:
with the abn of gresitet attendance
and also that copper gathering eon -
test be entered bitO. This was. car-
• ried.:Other details /were left for the
next meeting. " The meeting dosed
by singing a hymnnd repeati0 the.
"Mizpah Benediction.
The Preettytedizi GUIhI
11,41( T
January 16, aril 17th.
, A Comedy Riot
, and Comedy
• •Adtitinsien 35eatid ,25e.
' HOOT 'GIBSON,. ' .
•: Because 'J: Bowes :Who mit -
Chatsworth "on, the., Map" before he •
. ,
moved to Cyr Sound cOUPie of
years 'Ago, rime "Leek ant for Jan-
uary, 19317,- We .have been asked:a,'
d8zen tithes if we thought that Bowes
Storm would be along ••• Coon. The
storm was. to be so Iterrible that
• petiple were „uneasy about it, or pre-
tends& to he. Sometimes they ap-
peared to be laughing, at Bowes: r
He certainly put his Prediction for
January strong. It reads: One of the,. •
most pronounced storms , of wind, .
rain, .snow and frost that is ,poti
.sible to have in .30 years Will .cent-
mence- Arab week. -and- iast-to:„: •
• about the 15th. The. persistence of
• the Winds all over:•the world Will -
cause great: loss of life and destina-
tion Of shipping. The southern heni-
Isphere . wfil. Also. have heavy rains
and frost; I cannot , sneak with any
confidence about the third week of
January: Lest week qiiite void wintry
Weather. .
Well J. It spoke with Confidenie
about the first. two weeks of Janu-
--nry, These -Ini-Ve--passet ind-Western- -
and Northern _Opting° have had ,
nothing. yerse 'than. snow flUrries—
tvineaftahcetr.i:t has• . been,: v.ery. nice winter
.This would have been a knock -out
blow. to. the -long-distance tvAlsther "
prophet, had, not • the Weather ' man
come to his rescue in „another part of
the world. Monday's Papers 'reported
it great storm' which ,swePt over
Northern China, including a part Of
the great G •DeSert, where san •
as well as snow filled -the air.-Thelle--.
an& of Chinese are said to have
Perished, but thousandi -die there so•
Often from floods, starvation or Cold
that we have learned to aeeept the!,
'stories' of disaster in China with some
caution. • • ' .7.. • -
. But evidently _ there was st....7great
'just about' due west of Canada and
eight or ten thousand miles .away..
Nos the,,arih is rolling to the east-
ward at the rate •of one thousand
miles per hour, .and we are of the
opinbin that this storm which hit
Matialuirisi was the One Bowes 'ex- .
petted Whit Ithir '
conritry, You see the , storm was just
eight' or ten hours late in coming
'down 'Of Storms da come down), and,
the Earth Whirling. onward got ten
• thOugand, miles (More or less) Past
the mark, So the Unhappy Chinese
and Mongplians got it. .
That's our .explanation. Bowes ;May
have another.
-Oh‘liteht •
• .04, * •
4 „
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