HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-08, Page 8.1
lr,OU ,01/). NOT VAT‘4.T4V-•,,,n9r.= THEA 'ASK THOSE
'EAS. CORN 4.1.07niMATO:74-* Vf41410-t. 0941). IN -CAO.
ST *CIN041161.1:'vy,417 :TO BUY•
,25c• t
cd 1
re Lux1..,5 for;
Fornm! Co
ea-'14itge i'Otorried to Toronto
after'c4ape441a$ thaholidaY4,at hij
ley ai5eat; 4 kw- daYA
her .friend Miss 4704a414: 'Cit*Phe:1,1-
• *as. Loo4 ROht.090-t
Win -
ham Hee,Otel.,etaffi spe1it:Ncw Years
At her home..
• .
Ai.r; :end ,
spent. part,Of the holiday season .with
relatiVes,-.0n, the 3104,.
• Mr: ''Plair!-McDentifIV !returned • to
Pooh* to .tom*O,'‘.14.o.•,,§#.00.o-,,
V1he. have
c•to their respective sciieetki
Rena Car-
ruthers, Myra McDonald,
No; ;:§i Edwin r.::Orf4Y.,;03E;'
Sainh Afolt#er;licP4w0. sionfQlive;•Itabh,
Vorento. • • • t •'
e atRu
.e oa
ea; ck or bted
4 • of service,Witil the
:.‘t co tinn tha,",c#OPOlat•.:.
ment 'ffiid&O,:.'llailitstit-
goneral'iniiiiiger- eastern linea to
be manager . needy -created
:epa#Minat,zor,2!Personnet ot the
elitmlafi,*4Mitieed• by Grant ilatt„.•,-..
".14e,te7JireeiLdent.:-.-,of the,ieCeAlia..Wsr&'
-,0070AodAloklaw,o,..:2.:600latnieci ' in
wide • labor ,
.:*044te'#eithre'iattiOnia.t ti,air for '
nrbltratlon and:••!kindredlactivities:
He was zpeclallyin the limelight
0,..titnfs!otitthe McAdoo • award.' ;
hefl:: his Atatiott ,Of that ,sit,
- telletted, iinetlitted praise In •
United States:
1AkeIIhoo of a -large. entry list
Ifrom it-Priiiries'•-foe the third.:.'
anntial .hinpretsi Hotel Midwinter •
POt***..0.•Y 4144 Is
. ••,'"eininfirtee penririg. in
rom leading *tours', tor: '• the.
'plalns. Lnst year •tis qotirney,
br�ught together ...150 leading: Men
„ot the ---North
40 tli..41:Protriloo, and it *tie'
upset the dive
by carrying Off..:10tertalet. liertiees
the 'silverware • against, the beat
• Olfers. *oV-Vfetoritt.' Seattle;
uver Vaccine.. :Portland and:
nee the opening In ,.1923 of. the
:NOW' :nrtinewich Sehepl, of Agricul,.
" .til'ine:150.yOutiernell.bave attended
the annat Nil *short course . in •
agriculture. :Attendants)
' nt the '1930, Curse whlcb closed
• ' 'Deceniber 19.` Was; the largest. on
reeprdla.;' the nnmbet-- of " Students
registered' 'being 3hajt of Ahem/-
. being inenibere of. young people's
.1.14-ittook • and poultry olubs Thealt er sun for general proficiency
• wee .awarded to Ralph H. Colpitts. •
;.ef Petit- *Oodlac. • •
. ,
Bernie in-the,guitliti of, the turf
ph:41;101d ,Itent.. Otani; seeti.....a •
Cointiartaillielr new variety two -
&teed br Canada, that .during the •
• peel' five .Yearot between .6000 and
• 0,000 iutids Of the seed lieie been
'4,tsported..to the States eaeli.:
!"year.. The beet finality is:prOdused. •
in . Ptinde ..Edward /Blend and .is
. used for leenni, golfing and /bow.. ,
• • • it. • •
, lariat traffie ...4;to• New• .
Tirtinsnick 'train the United • States
Wee 44 pet eint„-greeter ,in 1930
• •than in the printione year, this per,
centage Of increase in tourist buil.,
nese being the -greatest Shown • by
• any •province- -of • Dondnion -during
that year, it is Clahned hy: the New
•.litunswick Governinent Bureau. of
Information •and TOnriet Travel.
; ValgerOf-the-tradrislifreed-hy in-
--dependent estlittater at $1000,00
In 1929 whieh must have -been fully
maintained if not up to, $20.$000;000.
One bandied pure-bred' dairy
Oolis wer.e.recentIY ihipped frem
, ;Vette:My& to Bong, 'Cong. being ,
the largest- shipment of cairn that
had been made: from -Canada to the
-Orient. "Sixty -per cent. 44 -the shin,
men( were Holsteinl and the hal;
Ono A.yrshires and
Old Dobbin is not being milptilant.
lid, by the trliettoir and inciter e.lf' r in
vanada iI there Were in June
. • • 1430; 1,01.42Cliontes on„Canadianftrm_
1jniV1920; ,a t,ety smafl decrease •
• f -ti' A decade.. Oonibitied figur,eit for !
Alberta • and "paskatchevran where
th,joe 1 e-oOnstant tendency to
riecitaidiation 'in faith Work, were
0b73 leas hcitses than the peetiont
• Year !which precticsity ateetitits, for
the' decrease thronglimit the' Whole
Ot the 'Dominion. .
tatentated t1at tie my 110
" A
• The Welland; Canal , saw one of
the: world's Most tigaritie pieeen of
machinery; built ,at Colling*ciod,' at
n' cost of around; $1,500,000,When
the largest crane in •the world, 'either
stationary, ': ',Moveable .or floatr!ig
zTCOliii-,. 477
the Wateraray en route to
'its e-
manent berth at Port ,Wellet:eiLNev,
4tti, It • e' colossal gatelifter,
apable-:of lifting 500 tons in a ver-
tical iitt, built by. the CollingwOod
Shipyards or 1p. Department of
Railway s and Canals; mitt, it wall be.
Cited in. •caiii; of eniergeney littirit
the huge took gates,' including- these
at Thorold;'"esith of which' weighs500 tons. 7' ' •
An outstanding engineering ;feat
hs been perforthed in the building
,i•if the strange. looking craft. TO pre-
vent overbalaneing• of the' pontoon
'Unique sYstem of shifting water bal-
:kid used in 'addition to at' per-
manent ballgst of 1,000 tons, The
hoisting and control machinery is.
While deirelops tr&
mendous lifting _perver,-*--this chaft is
not self-propelling, and has to :be
towed to its place Of action. It has
now completed a journey. of over
1,200 miles being tewed backward' all
the way froin bollingwoad Shipyards.
Built entirely of steel, this mon-
ster will be able to lift •b0,0 tons'. Of
steel by -the 7eseing of a. button in
the. small central room.
'Despite its great power, the gate,.
lifter is not a large craft,- heing but
90 feet in renttit with a' beam of 66
feet. the lift tower 20' feet longer
when i Mmeasured frond 'the bottoin of
the vessel 'than the vessel le long.
A huge steam engine with the most
Modern oil burnedis used gen-
erating the electric 'Power. Most of
the niaehinery;ivas installed at Col,
lingwodd • and the 'remainder will be,
placed at Port Weller. •The lifting
power is provided by the four larg-
est screws in the, world, each 70 feet
in length • and about 114* inches in'
The two -Oil burners used for the
steannties are of the h' 'largest
of the Allied armies in France, the
first two years of the World War,
.Marshal Joffre who haiL•comniarid
died in a• Paris 'Ilcispitalt; • ,„.Sunday
niarnitii Of this week in ,hie 79th
He *AS the fourth of the, gerdrals
wh� etunii- into high -
allied smiles an the 'Western • Frent.:.
to 'pass away since the. close. of the
war Freneh end Asig, Who
P.1.4115,10 the British army and Fo1i
iltiffireef France. Quite a number/
of gm -Jerald, both British and French
Who had lesser !commands have also
tote: . , ,• •
. „.
leaved are ,,.flong,:',$001.;)1,ti' to' flritish
4it'istibins.•44140 .tannin wast0d in, this
!OW: ilifs104140-iVahl� ot 1420•004
Whiter Wheat
• ktelies.:Reaerti,"
, MeCreAuelt
1VIeNalr'741, Ellen Barns.;
MEieLeed 49; .LaW.'YeAeek!'
'Sr. DOrqii
Marion c4tIl•Pbe1k
Calvin Irwin 484,
Jr. 111 7.7-• ltr)"1
Mar.y Carter )3,
61; Clifford MaNall
Jr. IIRuth Engl
RacDeutall 8,1;
7; Denali' athritsdn
Sr. 1—Ray McIaI
ter '
•Jr. I --:Edna Ir
NO. on Ron 2p,.
_ .
To fewMen doeS the -lot ccomewith greater suddenness than it same
to Edward A. Rinker, - of Kincardine,
on Tuesday40inopi-_-_ot 11;ock,-.=_
Dec.'1q0;''''Mr.')Rinker was ''returning
to his store after dinner and dropped
In at,Gledhill'A shoe 'store, Which •Is.
next door to his own. He eat'. on a
table and was., ,chatting with friends
When' he, fell' .bee,liveards and -,was
dead. TO ,the moment_ When he was
seen to tall: he was to all ap•pear-
Andes as well as ever, • In fact he
was quite cheerful: Heart failtire WOO
given as ,the cause, an in feet
Rinker had been troubled Somewhat E
with his heart- since redovering from
; !/,'loytt.
• 4,
04114.411 APritov,Ep . 4'1110(4.
We are Offering a 40,10 4.1sO044t-
OkTo7O.110114t$,,par-11*#0,19.4 chicks
ordered 'hiforp4an. .15th. Our Socha
have u11 been eulled by a govtramelkft,
ja4.0,ector WOO .the breeders banded.
tha',1nCtOratir isalpiCiftihjeeted.te
speetion I Pilo a tf:4rqraka j; e Huron Co. we
onlyare tbe
*4A* Can. Qavrnosent 'aaPrOted-:
,chie.lcefor 101- Thisisthe hOte0flior
we -will **C -e- 011,-,'04Gica* this PAX. .;
Following is the, PriOis 10iiatuAfter . .-
Mar. 15P.i.orirO"pdeRr 100 .,7:161..epgehr.Sir9nos.
41)011----$17 lier 100; $X#,- per 100
itaY, 1 ;41-6 per 100 $1*;xier 1.,00
mni20 $1.4 per lop; p.3 per 100.
gine IO. k"114.per•:•400. $12 per 100
It does not an4tter when you want
chicks, :poor new and, got-$2.00,per
100 offthese prices. . --
Johnnie Carter
9rEunke Car:
nee 20
ten eaelter.•
.;:The, clay' niret Friday' .night, for their.
literary •:,0-t-o-graiii,. with or ,ppeiilar-
PSesident in the ,Donald
MePhereon. "Bach ° panther was well
'givenandtVery much :enjoyed by all
,..3rocattiumbere were:ig4i.exi by Harold
Thompson, Elliott' • Carruthers . and
jOhnsOn ,• McLeod and George.' Robin-
son. Step dancint
pipe); by Miss Mary '1Grit•hit4-High-
'nod -Fling. by Master 'George RON&
Soli:. Mouth 'Aorgan Selection by 100i
boy Wi1ft!Oil'•White, .:=X04ortonand'
Leonard. McLeod,: aceorapanied by 4.
corrutberc,ou the 'organ: Instrumental
MOW by Mr, McFarlane and Miss.
.EOM" Boyle: Reading by little Mary .
Pettigitie dressed .in her 'Old -Scotch
linpreMptn speech bk. Mr. ;
Almer Ackert, Reading* by Mr
Peitigrue. Hughes' and
Miss Edpa Boyle were 'a cOnipeniste
for yning Corned
was- enjoyed4r4flt-with
ifred ACkert at the Piano:
,The annual 'School meeting 'et S:S.
attendance: Mi'. Charles dpagram.Was
the - retiring -trustee - with -W Atiner
Ackert nominated, tilting' With Montt.
Andrew Hamilton and 'Cecil Contrain
as trnsteee fin. the present Yeet%
McIntosh acted! as, 'secretary.
'Mr. Culbert, Eva', and Lorne and
Wilt!4e4iee. sPent: the holiday at
ii;iiadiesi., • : . •
• recent. attack Of the -11e. was
67-&•yes,,;(4 age and unmarriect^ile
arid hid mother and sister, lived tOr.
'tether. Mr.: Rinker had- sir* oinirie
to • Iiineardine 49 Years ago, • been:
highly popular,' and his sudden death
Was..O. shock of unusual lieterify to-.
the comintnityi. • • • '
_ . •
• ". .
Itis;.taking peOple .a long -time to
learn the danger of lighting matches
or bringing -a•laMp or lantern .near
gasoline. Last week Martha •-.azitt.
Jessie • Cotiltes •of the '10t1i, don. of.
East Wawanosh were cleaning a
dries in a dish of :gasoline 'which' was
Set on the kitchen...table, 'While_ lbw.
work was under, Way, Mrs. Coultes,,
Mother of the this, atteMpted :te
hang a lamp .over thd table. ' The'
natural •thing •,happened. The vapor
from, thegasolirie•ditught fire' from -
the lamp and there was an explosion;
the gasoline in the dish taking 'fire::
All three were Severly burned about'
the -hands and arms. To Prevent a:
fire in the hOude, Mrs. Coultes:Seized
the dish containing.the hiazing-•gaS-
SO She Suffered severe- buras..
Dr. Calder, 1whe Was Called was.
alate:.,to allay the intense in and
all are .on the way to recovery:
, -
• 1Vresers. GeOrge .fiticlutnnan and
laircourt,..1V1uncly recently 'Made. , a;
,motor trip to Florida, being away:
• from town only 17. days—seven of
which were spent in the popular
winter resort Miami. This is heeorn-
int •-a Popular, run for youths with
**r,- AO Mrs. Richard *Elliott and
Yarnily; were recent iisitoris at •Almer
• ,iyckertls. •
' Mr. end Mrs. Wil Eadie and famT,
'ily weregnests'atEldon Eekensvireill-
Monday. night
Mr: 414 Rit- iris of 21 Dakota ht_
visitant his 'brother -0. Mr.. Bob Harris.,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Abner Ackert and
-children -arid- -Mr,- Betty .Jone4 spent-.
the recent' holiday at Ralph &nave.
• The Cluh wily hold their ,TOgulat:
•euchre" party in the Hall, Friday -of
:.this week:
' Mr, and •Mrs., Will Jackson. • and
• children: spent the holiday at Thomas
visiting with her daughter, -Mrs.,
Almer Ackert. .
•' kir:and Mrs. Will Cox are visiting
,the former's brother, .Rev. Benson,
Pox, in. Ne* York. .1
Messrs. Almer and Harvey. Ackert
attended the funeral of the late Wes-
ley Mills, at Clain's on Stinday..•
mates of the lionse of Refuge passed
'weir.. Mrs. Susan Zimmerman, 88
years 'Of age, Who had been in the
hone for 17 years, died onChrist-
mas Day. Her remains were interred
at Port Elgin.Airs.', Sarah McKinnon,
82; 'expired On Sunday. She, too, had
ecu taken' care, of at the Refuge
for an extended period of time. 'John-
who,caine fm Alberinarle
Township. last June, was another.
The funerals. of Mrs. McKinnon and
'qr. Diana. Were •held 14 Wallcerton.
plenty of .Surpins energy. There are
abOut, 4,000- miles ,to cover and td • TEESWATER °
,,,..make it in a short time it „is fiec-
..eisary td drive nIght and da)&1,1riv.z.
ers taking turns at :Sleeping in ...t*e7-
car. , ,
Fred G. Huntley, the :young Chan
who f�r a titne',..worked for 'Archie
MacInt3ire, of Ideloss, and, who wad
. charged with 'stealing jewelry, and
articles of •••Urearing,ifpniireli• his been
•sent to . the Reforimitory 4t .001ph
for shi' months determinate and six
• months • indeterminate: Ile'. pleaded
'eft...charge..it is said
that thiS yout *ants .to 4n ileperted
'W.. Treleaven
,!!'veS kd011e a view to bring tit*
!about. Conhann4t in Guelnit wilt net,
be quite So trutA to -his taste as the
Oteen ittyage: i'
_7 The Village ,Teee'tviiter. ,in(1 the
ti-mi-oshii7"or -bolt.... got -their 'goy:
erning bodies for 1931 by 'acclifinatien:
Teentvater, council is conatiteted.,ifs
follows :...lteeveJaineit=jtosiicouncil.
Maim; Vv. r ThOilipaon,
' SchOol' trustees, arei..
ardson; ,W. a...Freemen, Lachfotil
TheCker, J .1.-iteid,,•• .1,„ W4 Henry,
,M.; •:
',10dre !toinittistiont Fowler,
lathes 'Kirby, James -Ross. '
•• There .was• a long list of minutia -
rode Township; hut
is .wast Ultint-
One for 'reeve . and font ft council-
lors. They are: ee odfl Mae -
Donald; *COtineillortit olvic,
O�o,' ralcaner, D. nigh°, R.P•
▪ ,
ler910,190, tiuB
.hett4 and • g4 *Ws: •I" • • '
• :•• ..§in .0 O.Ofisoo t!1' 020 was .50 nitilta, dollars . let as
ty.toto out .11ift*:th18 large :0104 arOuid help Ont:tho.:U401P1Ora011i eftee"
t101444,4hia „province, 'The -popu*tion. Pntar1,0 and an annusi
Mipeodittire, of .00,MitliOn 'mettles 'en average of *17 for liquor-, annuall)e;,.
for every TeMi Woman and inifit. For the 200;060 dnemnleyed of the. pror-,.
vine, the mama :drink haY: •
. . -
21011,00.0-'4ago ..of Sugar, at $5
.00044,9,. kege'er•fiee*--.ei.•4050. •
2,00l.909. og„-stiottli ,ee at UM..
200.000 men's •of'cliithes $30.'
, 2200,000 men's overcoits at $25 .2..- • •-• •jactslo,fiso •
..goo-omcheye,,;-,.-ee4k, •sto200,000 Woinen's dreases at $30:-7"
• .
.41TosoSs'itt•1O 2,00,000
200o00 pur of mens' shoas at 5 ._..L1,000,000
• 209,000, pair of Woinen"ii. shoes at 45
0.,090;40,807tpeonde of. !utter at 35e
/-,006,000i 'dozen • eggs : at 3e • • • • !, 440,000.':
1,000,000 • leaved bread at 08C • " 00,000.••••
10004000. pounds ',beef at '25c • • 250,000
200,000,. families 6,4nOntifs' rent at $80 ;
1:10 4441.19.R
cent • convention ,An.Titrento. ,reabhltion: wa#:
11 Itclaer-stereV:he eloOed gkoreg ,r31,109
ti 4 4 snyi,pg.,,:of.: over en,dien
. ,
„Or in;.,Spealtiag. 'the :motion to 'close ftlt4,
404140 ,afford to .00144 money tr.drink'aed.-liave
,0 "•• •
• „TOW • 7 • •65,880,00
Balance for sundries, .120,000-
. .
W1,000,000 ;
• .
• The Men Who Would be out of unemployment by the :closing Of dia,
and breweries,. liquor stores .`and. brewers 'Ive/pelieuees, wouId:be
small. as 40,MPered with the boom there, woad be 'ie.'7IiTed.A.eiett 66 'mink%
Oilers' North of feed, and clothing If all persorie„ Who read this article
would decide that as, fir as .they are concerned that As:, the, preePeei of„
liquor Stores being elosed in Ontario to helP:out-in iiiiikieried of. &sores;
sion are not very good, they iv1.11,1 do 'their part' to*ardslintking n debasing,:
and de -Moralizing traffic less profitable by ..abstinence froin-talcoholic drinks
the. unemployment Situation, would he greatly' belned:Ld
The Right Hoe. Philip Snowden, Phaneellor.fg the:,7Britlish Exchequer,.
who -W well qualified togive- an opinion .on ari*econtaisiedieetitin,,saiti in
the course of 'a -recent 'speech: donoteei.:.that..hirtibeiitiell �f the
liquor triffile Under, the exit:ding. eCont/Ote a:y*0. wen4 Wholly set* the
unemployment problem” but I do say that if theexpeittituri.-were,,AVe:40
into ;useful Channels; the .unemployment -problem ;WOntif-44. 'reduced to
such small that-it••••iibuld be -4:-Contparatiirelt*sy4aattev:fiiii---
the StAti-to deal ith the amount that still -retnifineti:"F:!"--'tr-1-.;",. •
New ;yeifili• visitors Wertst. Mr._
and -Mit. Earl -pastick and childien,
wfth Mr. and Mrs. Thos.' Hill; • . Mr.
and Mit GeOrge Harkness,: With mt."!
Cid Mrs, J.,,Cailitk; Of CuirOse; • Mr:
and Mrs. Tailor, with Mri•and
Hrs.: 41"Chie, Paatterpen, of..;-Lueknovij
, and Mrs *elter.. .Finnel and
family;:ei-Cuiross, 'with Mr. andMs;
:John Richardson; Mr. lint *is., Hardy
Simpson and Kathleen; Mt. and: Mrs.
Wm. Cdn, Wallace and Laura; Mrs.
3. HutehisOri arid, Derothy, of Wing:.
.ham,.• with • Mr. and: Mrs.-JOhnSon
'6Oni; turd Mrs. itae- Tifiln; Mr. -
and a1gra. "Wee' Tiffin; Mr. and WS.
Gee.°Tiffin; Mr atieldra.• WM. HeW-
don ; Mr. • arid ;Mrs. Jack Mcbines- and
John; Mr.andM.P.licInges, with
Mr, and- Mrs. Orville Tiffin; Mr, and
Altd. R. Stewart, Eileen and Velma,..
with htic and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, of
• • '
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill 0064 Sun-
day Witli Mr. and Mrs.. W. Scott::
• Mr. Elmer Tiffin held a Very
cessful • sale of farm stock and
-fridoir hzst. Tbe -eoi4
brought' anywhere from 000. to $120
and.--two-year-olds. from $50, to $66.'
Miss Mary Martin left on Saturday'
resume duties as teacher \pear
Satitt St. Marie. Mabel Johnson re-
sumes her's near-St:Marys.. •
. The yotaig folic' of the line, attended.
the dance, at Mr. Walter
last Tuesday °Wang "and 7111-4-epott
a sprendid time. • -
The Women's institute are holding
-their regtiler meeting Friday after-
noon at 2 O'clock at Whitechurch. •
The 'Whitechtirch Driniatie Club
put on the play "A Noble Outcaitt,"
last Tuesday evening in the Institute
Hall at Whitechurch. 'These Inking
part were—lIeten Patterson; George
Clara.:itir•dim, Mr.. and ••Mrs. 'Cecil
Falconer; Athltie!Pnrdon.-All Act their
parts eXceptipnally Well. The plait has
a deep moral iind is one which ,one
does' not ' 'readily. forget. .
, quiet wedding: 4ge selentitited-
itt -lifirs Letitia HreanY;
AiliAeldnii, Dee. 24th laid,. when Mies
pelitt E. McIntyre of , Apple 'Mil. Was
rinited in, 'Marriage to ,Mr. 1,40o.o..to
M, Durnfn, son, of the late Mr. and,
Mrs. -Ttionittd • Durnin; tnittgannort:
The Wide and groorn Were unattend-
ed, and the Cereinony Was performed
by the ,iteuZ, 11. -Milk „rector ef
St: PAO'S ChisiCh; Dugannom The
bride Who hitit. been
will dAbtillikiek'. :41* teviu before join,
her 1nsbaM On MS' farm,. six
miles West .of Lucituiw,int the Rut=
• blitatady 14 steadily decreasing in
daixellk.tte.re 3.8- P6r eetif ei.P.O.Pw•
lation tei .yeare or over iii 1.014
44 per c410i.i0.031p
visiting- 1th-1er parqis, ,Mr. and
Ms 11 A Grih*b
Mr isek N�iI o IfeOreiiitille.
turned boMe 044400, 'after 1/tait-•,
uig his easteri: Mrs. Wes Boyle.
inifilirst.•BortMeLemi 'Motitiotr •
to,..flonaon.-aut W0k„ ••• ,
Mr Johil Hayea je not As well as
,Marit!Couredi and,Mrs.
beth of 1,4iieen are •visitors .
With 'Mr. and. Mriri._,W. Boyle..
, !!The W A etit ,ore Titirts=. • ”
day Jan: 8th at the•heinek of it*
A irotrritFuL, -!litA'roKATEgir
one of thesblieols.
a 'I6 -year-old by has tiltentlYetene
in • for racketeering., .CaPtities' Satiate
-Ought,' in-biet to keep' an eye on him..
Hid, school has the .ineniter System, , --'-
by which one of.,',4'hosis,ls appOint-
-.3d .tionitor to keep the, others in
'band; rePil.)rit their niladeedisk etc. This
!ad wa& choseflJ,e9ause it -was ---felt- --
his general • rawlineds , would be
. • -
curbed • by ;giving `him responsibiliti .• •
and authority...It..;hap• ,, worked this , •
, Nair: Ile ex.acta-a,dinie a week from
(nest of the ',children, under threats
of reporting their inittleeds, either ,
Actual. or dititione,„ if, they, don't •
'"conae aerods.". .course he has to
split' hip ;opt with Some of the other:
tough boys heed:fide if he'didn't they
Would' take Min' for whatever papees
for a "ride"-
,-Of-atitirite;'. Tinder' lini7
gang'S System, yery few children Are • , •
reported for misdeeds—they nay their ,
fined. The teachers' ere proud Of the `
schotirs, splendid record. '
IN THE mATirgit of the estate of, '• ' '
Adarti-Galbraith-ElliOtt- Miller -Vide
of the 'Village of .LuelthoW in the •
County. of Bruce', Contractor, decent,
ed., • •• • . : ' - '
. Notice is. hereby .giVen t t ''.411,
'persons ”havieig,any,,-Clajno. .1 .de.:
'mends against; ithe,.. late Ada
braith Elliott Miller, who died e
about the eighteenth 'day: of vein. •
bor. • A.D. 1930' . At the- Villa •' of •
rI.encieultiontel t' iott send
.bestiinoloys *.te. fAitien . areot
to deliver to the tindersignM, tent ,
for the • /Cdffiiiiistratori Of: di -el -Said. ;
names and addiestied and full ':
Adam Galbraith Elliott. Mttler;ttic-
Oars in. *riling of their dein* and .
statements .of theft accounts ant the
nature of the SeCtiritted, if any, held
by them dilly. veritled-hy•affida 'I. • •
And take notice khat after the •
twenty-eighth *day of. January, '.IY..
.1931 the Said ..Administraterl will
proceed to'distribtite the asset s Of
the seld.dedeafsed among the lietiadiit
entitled thereto,- hailing, regard
to, the dahlia /
, of which they Ai'
then have had -notice, and that itb
said ..kiloiitiigifittbk will not be !liable ••
for the said assets t Or Any part there, ..
tft)liai rt '.-anno'Yt tteinifte'*he4recei'Ve4edi`litin41464-.
Dated, at Ltichitow,..bnt. this 80th .
clity of •DitfitOWit -AA 1930,
' • lettePle'Agiititt.l.delatietV., Ont. , ,-
; Ageitt fit -them* Aoillitoritottetti .