HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-08, Page 8.1 tr. e, 0 1 :SPECIALS FOR ILAAATHWE*W, :44.4400.410041r PIcKED lr,OU ,01/). NOT VAT‘4.T4V-•,,,n9r.= THEA 'ASK THOSE 0:;ILAVE, AS TO TIIEJR QUA:14-1TY;. YIRRAX 4N.P SATURDAy THESAME CANNED 0000.1 'EAS. CORN 4.1.07niMATO:74-* Vf41410-t. 0941). IN -CAO. » IIALF CASE LOTS ATJ'2,3,0*--Vm AttES. THIS IS THE ST *CIN041161.1:'vy,417 :TO BUY• ALSO SPECIALS SUCR AS't 1110*Pictilf ,25c• t th• alms cd 1 ysPor re Lux1..,5 for; eanth: z Fornm! Co ea-'14itge i'Otorried to Toronto after'c4ape441a$ thaholidaY4,at hij „ 1V1,SCathernc-13,Aeit,SON: Rip- ley ai5eat; 4 kw- daYA her .friend Miss 4704a414: 'Cit*Phe:1,1- • *as. Loo4 ROht.090-t Win - ham Hee,Otel.,etaffi spe1it:Ncw Years At her home.. 1. ult$D4Xf ANUARY 493L • . 4e. (?; Ai.r; :end , spent. part,Of the holiday season .with relatiVes,-.0n, the 3104,. • Mr: ''Plair!-McDentifIV !returned • to Pooh* to .tom*O,'‘.14.o.•,,§#.00.o-,, V1he. have c•to their respective sciieetki Rena Car- ruthers, Myra McDonald, No; ;:§i Edwin r.::Orf4Y.,;03E;' Sainh Afolt#er;licP4w0. sionfQlive;•Itabh, Vorento. • • • t •' e atRu raw,• .e oa , Ar7"; 1.1 ea; ck or bted tt. 11 4 —e e 4 • of service,Witil the :.‘t co tinn tha,",c#OPOlat•.:. ment 'ffiid&O,:.'llailitstit- goneral'iniiiiiger- eastern linea to be manager . needy -created :epa#Minat,zor,2!Personnet ot the elitmlafi,*4Mitieed• by Grant ilatt„.•,-.. ".14e,te7JireeiLdent.:-.-,of the,ieCeAlia..Wsr&' -,0070AodAloklaw,o,..:2.:600latnieci ' in wide • labor , .:*044te'#eithre'iattiOnia.t ti,air for ' nrbltratlon and:••!kindredlactivities: He was zpeclallyin the limelight 0,..titnfs!otitthe McAdoo • award.' ; hefl:: his Atatiott ,Of that ,sit, - telletted, iinetlitted praise In • United States: 1AkeIIhoo of a -large. entry list Ifrom it-Priiiries'•-foe the third.:.' anntial .hinpretsi Hotel Midwinter • POt***..0.•Y 4144 Is . ••,'"eininfirtee penririg. in rom leading *tours', tor: '• the. 'plalns. Lnst year •tis qotirney, br�ught together ...150 leading: Men „ot the ---North 40 tli..41:Protriloo, and it *tie' upset the dive by carrying Off..:10tertalet. liertiees .' the 'silverware • against, the beat • Olfers. *oV-Vfetoritt.' Seattle; Van- uver Vaccine.. :Portland and: • nee the opening In ,.1923 of. the :NOW' :nrtinewich Sehepl, of Agricul,. " .til'ine:150.yOutiernell.bave attended the annat Nil *short course . in • agriculture. :Attendants) ' nt the '1930, Curse whlcb closed • ' 'Deceniber 19.` Was; the largest. on reeprdla.;' the nnmbet-- of " Students registered' 'being 3hajt of Ahem/- . being inenibere of. young people's .1.14-ittook • and poultry olubs Thealt er sun for general proficiency • wee .awarded to Ralph H. Colpitts. • ;.ef Petit- *Oodlac. • • . , Bernie in-the,guitliti of, the turf ph:41;101d ,Itent.. Otani; seeti.....a • Cointiartaillielr new variety two - &teed br Canada, that .during the • • peel' five .Yearot between .6000 and • 0,000 iutids Of the seed lieie been '4,tsported..to the States eaeli.: !"year.. The beet finality is:prOdused. • in . Ptinde ..Edward /Blend and .is . used for leenni, golfing and /bow.. , • • • it. • • , lariat traffie ...4;to• New• . Tirtinsnick 'train the United • States Wee 44 pet eint„-greeter ,in 1930 • •than in the printione year, this per, centage Of increase in tourist buil., nese being the -greatest Shown • by • any •province- -of • Dondnion -during that year, it is Clahned hy: the New •.litunswick Governinent Bureau. of Information •and TOnriet Travel. ; ValgerOf-the-tradrislifreed-hy in- --dependent estlittater at $1000,00 In 1929 whieh must have -been fully maintained if not up to, $20.$000;000. 141930.-:. • One bandied pure-bred' dairy Oolis wer.e.recentIY ihipped frem , ;Vette:My& to Bong, 'Cong. being , the largest- shipment of cairn that had been made: from -Canada to the -Orient. "Sixty -per cent. 44 -the shin, men( were Holsteinl and the hal; Ono A.yrshires and Old Dobbin is not being milptilant. • lid, by the trliettoir and inciter e.lf' r in vanada iI there Were in June . • • 1430; 1,01.42Cliontes on„Canadianftrm_ • 1jniV1920; ,a t,ety smafl decrease • • f -ti' A decade.. Oonibitied figur,eit for ! Alberta • and "paskatchevran where th,joe 1 e-oOnstant tendency to riecitaidiation 'in faith Work, were 0b73 leas hcitses than the peetiont • Year !which precticsity ateetitits, for the' decrease thronglimit the' Whole Ot the 'Dominion. . Jkan. tatentated t1at tie my 110 kn " A LARGEST CRANE •.'131/I1T COLL*GWOOD • The Welland; Canal , saw one of the: world's Most tigaritie pieeen of machinery; built ,at Colling*ciod,' at n' cost of around; $1,500,000,When the largest crane in •the world, 'either stationary, ': ',Moveable .or floatr!ig Tadaedina'Pertli zTCOliii-,. 477 the Wateraray en route to 'its e- manent berth at Port ,Wellet:eiLNev, 4tti, It • e' colossal gatelifter, apable-:of lifting 500 tons in a ver- tical iitt, built by. the CollingwOod Shipyards or 1p. Department of Railway s and Canals; mitt, it wall be. Cited in. •caiii; of eniergeney littirit the huge took gates,' including- these at Thorold;'"esith of which' weighs500 tons. 7' ' • An outstanding engineering ;feat hs been perforthed in the building ,i•if the strange. looking craft. TO pre- vent overbalaneing• of the' pontoon 'Unique sYstem of shifting water bal- :kid used in 'addition to at' per- manent ballgst of 1,000 tons, The hoisting and control machinery is. ele.etricARY: While deirelops tr& mendous lifting _perver,-*--this chaft is not self-propelling, and has to :be towed to its place Of action. It has now completed a journey. of over 1,200 miles being tewed backward' all the way froin bollingwoad Shipyards. Built entirely of steel, this mon- ster will be able to lift •b0,0 tons'. Of steel by -the 7eseing of a. button in the. small central room. 'Despite its great power, the gate,. lifter is not a large craft,- heing but 90 feet in renttit with a' beam of 66 feet. the lift tower 20' feet longer when i Mmeasured frond 'the bottoin of the vessel 'than the vessel le long. A huge steam engine with the most Modern oil burnedis used gen- erating the electric 'Power. Most of the niaehinery;ivas installed at Col, lingwodd • and the 'remainder will be, placed at Port Weller. •The lifting power is provided by the four larg- , est screws in the, world, each 70 feet in length • and about 114* inches in' diameter. The two -Oil burners used for the steannties are of the h' 'largest type. of the Allied armies in France, the first two years of the World War, THE -GREAT WAR GENERALS .Marshal Joffre who haiL•comniarid • , died in a• Paris 'Ilcispitalt; • ,„.Sunday niarnitii Of this week in ,hie 79th He *AS the fourth of the, gerdrals wh� etunii- into high - allied smiles an the 'Western • Frent.:. to 'pass away since the. close. of the war Freneh end Asig, Who P.1.4115,10 the British army and Fo1i iltiffireef France. Quite a number/ • of gm -Jerald, both British and French Who had lesser !commands have also tote: . , ,• • . „. leaved are ,,.flong,:',$001.;)1,ti' to' flritish 4it'istibins.•44140 .tannin wast0d in, this !OW: ilifs104140-iVahl� ot 1420•004 , ttt Whiter Wheat • ktelies.:Reaerti," , MeCreAuelt 1VIeNalr'741, Ellen Barns.; MEieLeed 49; .LaW.'YeAeek!' Ifi 'Sr. DOrqii Marion c4tIl•Pbe1k Calvin Irwin 484, Jr. 111 7.7-• ltr)"1 Mar.y Carter )3, Donam,Thomemi,, 61; Clifford MaNall Jr. IIRuth Engl — RacDeutall 8,1; 7; Denali' athritsdn , Sr. 1—Ray McIaI ter ' •Jr. I --:Edna Ir NO. on Ron 2p,. _ . Av - suppRN DEATH AT KINCARDINE To fewMen doeS the -lot ccomewith greater suddenness than it same to Edward A. Rinker, - of Kincardine, _ on Tuesday40inopi-_-_ot 11;ock,-.=_ Dec.'1q0;''''Mr.')Rinker was ''returning to his store after dinner and dropped In at,Gledhill'A shoe 'store, Which •Is. next door to his own. He eat'. on a table and was., ,chatting with friends When' he, fell' .bee,liveards and -,was dead. TO ,the moment_ When he was seen to tall: he was to all ap•pear- Andes as well as ever, • In fact he was quite cheerful: Heart failtire WOO given as ,the cause, an in feet Rinker had been troubled Somewhat E with his heart- since redovering from 1•17 , ; !/,'loytt. Grace • 4, 04114.411 APritov,Ep . 4'1110(4. • We are Offering a 40,10 4.1sO044t- OkTo7O.110114t$,,par-11*#0,19.4 chicks ordered 'hiforp4an. .15th. Our Socha have u11 been eulled by a govtramelkft, ja4.0,ector WOO .the breeders banded. tha',1nCtOratir isalpiCiftihjeeted.te speetion I Pilo a tf:4rqraka j; e Huron Co. we onlyare tbe *4A* Can. Qavrnosent 'aaPrOted-: ,chie.lcefor 101- Thisisthe hOte0flior we -will **C -e- 011,-,'04Gica* this PAX. .; Following is the, PriOis 10iiatuAfter . .- Mar. 15P.i.orirO"pdeRr 100 .,7:161..epgehr.Sir9nos. 41)011----$17 lier 100; $X#,- per 100 itaY, 1 ;41-6 per 100 $1*;xier 1.,00 mni20 $1.4 per lop; p.3 per 100. gine IO. k"114.per•:•400. $12 per 100 It does not an4tter when you want chicks, :poor new and, got-$2.00,per 100 offthese prices. . -- enti; Y,;-ztaticti redThomson. Johnnie Carter ,s- aretkey,bonikon 9rEunke Car: 4 nee 20 ten eaelter.• -- '1101,into6D .;:The, clay' niret Friday' .night, for their. literary •:,0-t-o-graiii,. with or ,ppeiilar- PSesident in the ,Donald MePhereon. "Bach ° panther was well 'givenandtVery much :enjoyed by all ,..3rocattiumbere were:ig4i.exi by Harold Thompson, Elliott' • Carruthers . and jOhnsOn ,• McLeod and George.' Robin- son. Step dancint pipe); by Miss Mary '1Grit•hit4-High- 'nod -Fling. by Master 'George RON& Soli:. Mouth 'Aorgan Selection by 100i boy Wi1ft!Oil'•White, .:=X04ortonand' Leonard. McLeod,: aceorapanied by 4. corrutberc,ou the 'organ: Instrumental MOW by Mr, McFarlane and Miss. .EOM" Boyle: Reading by little Mary . Pettigitie dressed .in her 'Old -Scotch linpreMptn speech bk. Mr. ; Almer Ackert, Reading* by Mr Peitigrue. Hughes' and Miss Edpa Boyle were 'a cOnipeniste for yning Corned was- enjoyed4r4flt-with ifred ACkert at the Piano: • ,The annual 'School meeting 'et S:S. bltp,_•AAS_hefiL.monda.-y--wjth-a-.-targe: attendance: Mi'. Charles dpagram.Was the - retiring -trustee - with -W Atiner Ackert nominated, tilting' With Montt. Andrew Hamilton and 'Cecil Contrain as trnsteee fin. the present Yeet% McIntosh acted! as, 'secretary. 'Mr. Culbert, Eva', and Lorne and Wilt!4e4iee. sPent: the holiday at ii;iiadiesi., • : . • • recent. attack Of the -11e. was 67-&•yes,,;(4 age and unmarriect^ile arid hid mother and sister, lived tOr. 'tether. Mr.: Rinker had- sir* oinirie to • Iiineardine 49 Years ago, • been: highly popular,' and his sudden death Was..O. shock of unusual lieterify to-. the comintnityi. • • • ' _ . • ShvERLY BURNED BY GASOLINE,; • ". . Itis;.taking peOple .a long -time to learn the danger of lighting matches or bringing -a•laMp or lantern .near • gasoline. Last week Martha •-.azitt. Jessie • Cotiltes •of the '10t1i, don. of. East Wawanosh were cleaning a dries in a dish of :gasoline 'which' was Set on the kitchen...table, 'While_ lbw. work was under, Way, Mrs. Coultes,, Mother of the this, atteMpted :te hang a lamp .over thd table. ' The' natural •thing •,happened. The vapor from, thegasolirie•ditught fire' from - the lamp and there was an explosion; the gasoline in the dish taking 'fire:: All three were Severly burned about' the -hands and arms. To Prevent a: fire in the hOude, Mrs. Coultes:Seized the dish containing.the hiazing-•gaS- °line' SO She Suffered severe- buras.. Dr. Calder, 1whe Was Called was. alate:.,to allay the intense in and all are .on the way to recovery: , - • N.VINGIIAM • 1Vresers. GeOrge .fiticlutnnan and laircourt,..1V1uncly recently 'Made. , a; ,motor trip to Florida, being away: • from town only 17. days—seven of which were spent in the popular winter resort Miami. This is heeorn- int •-a Popular, run for youths with **r,- AO Mrs. Richard *Elliott and Yarnily; were recent iisitoris at •Almer • ,iyckertls. • • ' Mr. end Mrs. Wil Eadie and famT, 'ily weregnests'atEldon Eekensvireill- Monday. night Mr: 414 Rit- iris of 21 Dakota ht_ visitant his 'brother -0. Mr.. Bob Harris., ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Abner Ackert and -children -arid- -Mr,- Betty .Jone4 spent-. the recent' holiday at Ralph &nave. • The Cluh wily hold their ,TOgulat: •euchre" party in the Hall, Friday -of :.this week: ' Mr, and •Mrs., Will Jackson. • and • children: spent the holiday at Thomas visiting with her daughter, -Mrs., Almer Ackert. . •' kir:and Mrs. Will Cox are visiting ,the former's brother, .Rev. Benson, Pox, in. Ne* York. .1 Messrs. Almer and Harvey. Ackert attended the funeral of the late Wes- ley Mills, at Clain's on Stinday..• ” WALKERTON -Week-three-itir mates of the lionse of Refuge passed 'weir.. Mrs. Susan Zimmerman, 88 years 'Of age, Who had been in the hone for 17 years, died onChrist- mas Day. Her remains were interred at Port Elgin.Airs.', Sarah McKinnon, 82; 'expired On Sunday. She, too, had ecu taken' care, of at the Refuge for an extended period of time. 'John- who,caine fm Alberinarle Township. last June, was another. The funerals. of Mrs. McKinnon and 'qr. Diana. Were •held 14 Wallcerton. plenty of .Surpins energy. There are abOut, 4,000- miles ,to cover and td • TEESWATER ° : ,,,..make it in a short time it „is fiec- ..eisary td drive nIght and da)&1,1riv.z. ers taking turns at :Sleeping in ...t*e7- car. , , SENT TO. GUELPH .,FAR,IVI• Fred G. Huntley, the :young Chan who f�r a titne',..worked for 'Archie MacInt3ire, of Ideloss, and, who wad . charged with 'stealing jewelry, and articles of •••Urearing,ifpniireli• his been •sent to . the Reforimitory 4t .001ph for shi' months determinate and six • months • indeterminate: Ile'. pleaded 'eft...charge..it is said that thiS yout *ants .to 4n ileperted Lckvfl�uMiiIs 'W.. Treleaven ,!!'veS kd011e a view to bring tit* !about. Conhann4t in Guelnit wilt net, be quite So trutA to -his taste as the Oteen ittyage: i' '• _7 The Village ,Teee'tviiter. ,in(1 the ti-mi-oshii7"or -bolt.... got -their 'goy: erning bodies for 1931 by 'acclifinatien: Teentvater, council is conatiteted.,ifs follows :...lteeveJaineit=jtosiicouncil. Maim; Vv. r ThOilipaon, , ' SchOol' trustees, arei.. ardson; ,W. a...Freemen, Lachfotil TheCker, J .1.-iteid,,•• .1,„ W4 Henry, ,M.; •: ',10dre !toinittistiont Fowler, lathes 'Kirby, James -Ross. ' •• There .was• a long list of minutia - tions rode Township; hut is .wast Ultint- e-kceeet One for 'reeve . and font ft council- lors. They are: ee odfl Mae - Donald; *COtineillortit olvic, O�o,' ralcaner, D. nigh°, R.P• tee tt! tt't ▪ , Aorm. ler910,190, tiuB prAili,eelikl.:.„ .hett4 and • g4 *Ws: •I" • • ' • :•• ..§in .0 O.Ofisoo t!1' 020 was .50 nitilta, dollars . let as ty.toto out .11ift*:th18 large :0104 arOuid help Ont:tho.:U401P1Ora011i eftee" t101444,4hia „province, 'The -popu*tion. Pntar1,0 and an annusi Mipeodittire, of .00,MitliOn 'mettles 'en average of *17 for liquor-, annuall)e;,. for every TeMi Woman and inifit. For the 200;060 dnemnleyed of the. pror-,. vine, the mama :drink haY: • . . - 21011,00.0-'4ago ..of Sugar, at $5 .00044,9,. kege'er•fiee*--.ei.•4050. • 2,00l.909. og„-stiottli ,ee at UM.. 200.000 men's •of'cliithes $30.' , 2200,000 men's overcoits at $25 .2..- • •-• •jactslo,fiso • ..goo-omcheye,,;-,.-ee4k, •sto200,000 Woinen's dreases at $30:-7" • . .41TosoSs'itt•1O 2,00,000 200o00 pur of mens' shoas at 5 ._..L1,000,000 •,; • 209,000, pair of Woinen"ii. shoes at 45 0.,090;40,807tpeonde of. !utter at 35e /-,006,000i 'dozen • eggs : at 3e • • • • !, 440,000.': •• 1,000,000 • leaved bread at 08C • " 00,000.•••• 10004000. pounds ',beef at '25c • • 250,000 200,000,. families 6,4nOntifs' rent at $80 ; 1:10 4441.19.R cent • convention ,An.Titrento. ,reabhltion: wa#: 11 Itclaer-stereV:he eloOed gkoreg ,r31,109 ti 4 4 snyi,pg.,,:of.: over en,dien . , rin „Or in;.,Spealtiag. 'the :motion to 'close ftlt4, 404140 ,afford to .00144 money tr.drink'aed.-liave ,0 "•• • te • 6,00,000"' • „TOW • 7 • •65,880,00 Balance for sundries, .120,000- . . W1,000,000 ; • . „ • The Men Who Would be out of unemployment by the :closing Of dia, and breweries,. liquor stores .`and. brewers 'Ive/pelieuees, wouId:be small. as 40,MPered with the boom there, woad be 'ie.'7IiTed.A.eiett 66 'mink% Oilers' North of feed, and clothing If all persorie„ Who read this article , would decide that as, fir as .they are concerned that As:, the, preePeei of„ liquor Stores being elosed in Ontario to helP:out-in iiiiikieried of. &sores; sion are not very good, they iv1.11,1 do 'their part' to*ardslintking n debasing,: and de -Moralizing traffic less profitable by ..abstinence froin-talcoholic drinks the. unemployment Situation, would he greatly' belned:Ld The Right Hoe. Philip Snowden, Phaneellor.fg the:,7Britlish Exchequer,. who -W well qualified togive- an opinion .on ari*econtaisiedieetitin,,saiti in the course of 'a -recent 'speech: donoteei.:.that..hirtibeiitiell �f the liquor triffile Under, the exit:ding. eCont/Ote a:y*0. wen4 Wholly set* the unemployment problem” but I do say that if theexpeittituri.-were,,AVe:40 into ;useful Channels; the .unemployment -problem ;WOntif-44. 'reduced to such small that-it••••iibuld be -4:-Contparatiirelt*sy4aattev:fiiii--- the StAti-to deal ith the amount that still -retnifineti:"F:!"--'tr-1-.;",. • LANGIIDE New ;yeifili• visitors Wertst. Mr._ and -Mit. Earl -pastick and childien, wfth Mr. and Mrs. Thos.' Hill; • . Mr. and Mit GeOrge Harkness,: With mt."! Cid Mrs, J.,,Cailitk; Of CuirOse; • Mr: and Mrs. Tailor, with Mri•and Hrs.: 41"Chie, Paatterpen, of..;-Lueknovij , and Mrs *elter.. .Finnel and family;:ei-Cuiross, 'with Mr. andMs; :John Richardson; Mr. lint *is., Hardy Simpson and Kathleen; Mt. and: Mrs. Wm. Cdn, Wallace and Laura; Mrs. 3. HutehisOri arid, Derothy, of Wing:. .ham,.• with • Mr. and: Mrs.-JOhnSon '6Oni; turd Mrs. itae- Tifiln; Mr. - and a1gra. "Wee' Tiffin; Mr. and WS. Gee.°Tiffin; Mr atieldra.• WM. HeW- don ; Mr. • arid ;Mrs. Jack Mcbines- and John; Mr.andM.P.licInges, with Mr, and- Mrs. Orville Tiffin; Mr, and Altd. R. Stewart, Eileen and Velma,.. with htic and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, of • • ' • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hill 0064 Sun- day Witli Mr. and Mrs.. W. Scott:: • Mr. Elmer Tiffin held a Very cessful • sale of farm stock and -fridoir hzst. Tbe -eoi4 brought' anywhere from 000. to $120 and.--two-year-olds. from $50, to $66.' Miss Mary Martin left on Saturday' resume duties as teacher \pear Satitt St. Marie. Mabel Johnson re- sumes her's near-St:Marys.. • . The yotaig folic' of the line, attended. the dance, at Mr. Walter last Tuesday °Wang "and 7111-4-epott a sprendid time. • - The Women's institute are holding -their regtiler meeting Friday after- noon at 2 O'clock at Whitechurch. • The 'Whitechtirch Driniatie Club put on the play "A Noble Outcaitt," last Tuesday evening in the Institute Hall at Whitechurch. 'These Inking part were—lIeten Patterson; George Clara.:itir•dim, Mr.. and ••Mrs. 'Cecil Falconer; Athltie!Pnrdon.-All Act their parts eXceptipnally Well. The plait has a deep moral iind is one which ,one does' not ' 'readily. forget. . , quiet wedding: 4ge selentitited- itt -lifirs Letitia HreanY; AiliAeldnii, Dee. 24th laid,. when Mies pelitt E. McIntyre of , Apple 'Mil. Was rinited in, 'Marriage to ,Mr. 1,40o.o..to M, Durnfn, son, of the late Mr. and, Mrs. -Ttionittd • Durnin; tnittgannort: The Wide and groorn Were unattend- ed, and the Cereinony Was performed by the ,iteuZ, 11. -Milk „rector ef St: PAO'S ChisiCh; Dugannom The bride Who hitit. been will dAbtillikiek'. :41* teviu before join, her 1nsbaM On MS' farm,. six miles West .of Lucituiw,int the Rut= • blitatady 14 steadily decreasing in daixellk.tte.re 3.8- P6r eetif ei.P.O.Pw• lation tei .yeare or over iii 1.014 44 per c410i.i0.031p .4r 1 I KINIOijG� visiting- 1th-1er parqis, ,Mr. and Ms 11 A Grih*b Mr isek N�iI o IfeOreiiitille. turned boMe 044400, 'after 1/tait-•, uig his easteri: Mrs. Wes Boyle. inifilirst.•BortMeLemi 'Motitiotr • to,..flonaon.-aut W0k„ ••• , Mr Johil Hayea je not As well as • ,Marit!Couredi and,Mrs. Ehza- beth of 1,4iieen are •visitors . With 'Mr. and. Mriri._,W. Boyle.. , !!The W A etit ,ore Titirts=. • ” day Jan: 8th at the•heinek of it* A irotrritFuL, -!litA'roKATEgir .s 141 one of thesblieols. a 'I6 -year-old by has tiltentlYetene in • for racketeering., .CaPtities' Satiate -Ought,' in-biet to keep' an eye on him.. Hid, school has the .ineniter System, , --'- by which one of.,',4'hosis,ls appOint- -.3d .tionitor to keep the, others in 'band; rePil.)rit their niladeedisk etc. This !ad wa& choseflJ,e9ause it -was ---felt- -- his general • rawlineds , would be . • - curbed • by ;giving `him responsibiliti .• • and authority...It..;hap• ,, worked this , • , Nair: Ile ex.acta-a,dinie a week from (nest of the ',children, under threats of reporting their inittleeds, either , Actual. or dititione,„ if, they, don't • '"conae aerods.". .course he has to split' hip ;opt with Some of the other: tough boys heed:fide if he'didn't they Would' take Min' for whatever papees for a "ride"- ,-Of-atitirite;'. Tinder' lini7 gang'S System, yery few children Are • , • reported for misdeeds—they nay their , fined. The teachers' ere proud Of the ` schotirs, splendid record. ' • t't NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE mATirgit of the estate of, '• ' ' Adarti-Galbraith-ElliOtt- Miller -Vide of the 'Village of .LuelthoW in the • County. of Bruce', Contractor, decent, ed., • •• • . : ' - ' . Notice is. hereby .giVen t t ''.411, 'persons ”havieig,any,,-Clajno. .1 .de.: 'mends against; ithe,.. late Ada braith Elliott Miller, who died e about the eighteenth 'day: of vein. • bor. • A.D. 1930' . At the- Villa •' of • rI.encieultiontel t' iott send .bestiinoloys *.te. fAitien . areot :. to deliver to the tindersignM, tent , for the • /Cdffiiiiistratori Of: di -el -Said. ; names and addiestied and full ': Adam Galbraith Elliott. Mttler;ttic- ieir t• Oars in. *riling of their dein* and . statements .of theft accounts ant the nature of the SeCtiritted, if any, held by them dilly. veritled-hy•affida 'I. • • OW III , And take notice khat after the • twenty-eighth *day of. January, '.IY.. .1931 the Said ..Administraterl will proceed to'distribtite the asset s Of the seld.dedeafsed among the lietiadiit entitled thereto,- hailing, regard to, the dahlia / , of which they Ai' then have had -notice, and that itb said ..kiloiitiigifittbk will not be !liable •• for the said assets t Or Any part there, .. tft)liai rt '.-anno'Yt tteinifte'*he4recei'Ve4edi`litin41464-. ,i.e Ibis.it.Ltott s— anw Dated, at Ltichitow,..bnt. this 80th . clity of •DitfitOWit -AA 1930, ' • lettePle'Agiititt.l.delatietV., Ont. , ,- ; Ageitt fit -them* Aoillitoritottetti . , ttl