HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-08, Page 5J$G. OF IMPERWOH.LIR I A : MAN 40 30 YEARS: - . • „e • ,Al. leviii14. it 30 Years *Id, Ee is •..reeettinierelble lealtheind is worth . • gOod,reety.million dollars. He is al- , • the head of the greatest most '.povireefel &rig of criminals in •• . •Modern ;blistee.Y. •Iie is surely a mod - AL for •,r. 9 p •.suecess. Fee,' •• e'11 who worship -e-eqiereilereeehe hegin-lifelt ere very humble ..way and the first honest del, • lar:he is known to have earned *as as watch -boy iria bawdy house His , duties consisted mainly of Watching e,through gt peek hole when policeyere - • eribeeted and give timely warning,- 'te " theimaates. .He would also stroll a7 .long the Sidewalks Non the lookout for possible customers and ,,run -errands Or the, ineirates`:Of the • eetabliehment; Avaa ' in ":-4Nete- York • about 15 years egteeteti for the iniermettioe we • - •• are indebted to -Lewis-W;Hunt; whp tells the story, of Catena.in.TheeCtuit• e, ..19ok. TO ilee•Capmie 1.juetice he 'does not like to recall such incidents, for ' he ,Iiiif‘grown asharned of them. At least he feels that they are'rentiiiisl sences inapplicable ' to the. role whiele -44:e..e is now trying to fill, namely thee .orbig business' man. Another thing lie does. not Jae is to have mention 'Made of his fernier nickname "Sear - face." People -,.whoeuee this weed cid ' A •it en the. etewspapees and not in the. ! • cpurse of conversation with Ithie SO faithfully did he eel -feint .the, rather 'noigome duties • that ,ap•per:. tidied to his gist job that it, Was not I .1olig before he. ilVing..prOinQted to the mariegerahip of the req light sena- citte's most profitable : brothel; and at-. ttanqd the .rank oL madame, eVen if • he did not enteildy the title. .For he .. • .ettcl Mannish ides .Abent how the „ '• plica sherd& he rep; ,anci,dee,ef the: earliest notices Of him taken by. the police was a paragraph in n g,ang, e-eaterae-gezeteereewhich _spokeet. the frequency . with which he ' used fists, • mid revolver. In those daye;jie was 'called: ;Ten*, for the rewriting, effect : of, `Ictny-::Caporeye!-Iinte•-yelrether tbis. . referred'. tothe large -Yellowshoes' he 'Wore ei.becauSe of,hie.xide.from New. • York to •Chicago :after he had left the ' haelotage and: . become a Chicage • gangster, beenneerteiree He wa:s taken ofittm New York to ` Chicago by John ny TOrrite• a former reernber, of the Ne ffr York Five Points gatg, *end: at the time a lieutenant of Big Jiryt Col osirnip was making money seefast that Ife, went in fear of his life, and Cap-. One was• imported to act ae•hia body-, In 1920 when Coleeinee,ewai•:mer-, detect Capone' had lestablished 'himself "• as fighre eit gang -lard.: The -Murder! of Colosimo does inifetVpear to have injured his renutatio'n•fOr the. general • theory Was that doletimee was done . in by. Capone and Torrioe At, .any rete the pair . were Powerful enough to• take Over .the Colosimo 'gang; and wise.. eadtigli to see . that ,the beer ' Ticket Could be Vaslly • expanded. . They bought idl& lireWeries, made.: their „.arrangements with pollee and dive keeperaed, soon: the 1..nteketeWeaein fizil siting supporting three or, four hundred dings in ,affiuente.. The; fact that ire'vai so successful explains for the most part the' gangland wanders • in ChicagO; which. ' •seyen eyeers, chinned -250 vtetimeIn the first two oirethree, years, Capone got the 'eepue• tation of :killer, ,hite,it is -supposed ' that nowadays it is onie in rate :me - i of exaspetatien tleat he pete soinelly turns . a inacheine-gian 011 any. - body. Ile Marks- his victims and un- • 1 " 'ir"t . • OPINO .411, AVBiatiV`.. • IVIillsellreee • A prett, but quiet wedding: was Solemnized at Knox "Need -Church: Mantle, Auburn,. At. § p.m. ;on Wed- needay,DeCenibeie 3hst, when. Luella ' Iona" Bruce, only. daughter .4 -Mr. end. ,Mrs. .4. Bruce, df West Wayne- ,esh ,beeatne. the :bride qf' 'EdWin: R. Mills ••Youngest-Serr of Me and Mrs, Mills- also ei '.WesteWewanosle .The terernoriy' wa peeferieed by Ree.''' •We J. Korai-twee, Thii bride -.WOlie.n. dainty 'own, eg nevi, blue georgette; 'with .bltie hat and 'coat' ned brown: acCeeedrieee After .the ceremony , 'a weddieg dinner was: ,eereed I at: 'the honee. of ,:tbe paeenta'.: Only immediate: being' pee•e'ent; 'The:bride was the„reeipient of Many gifts. Mr. mid Mee. Ililis will eeside. 'orreeltee-groonfs fererleie-Weet eWia .ateitesite -•• ACCIDENTS•'••end"COM.PE.NSAT-ION• ••The stanmery• Agnins. Werkreefes Corri.pensati6e-13eare: Ontario:, for the year 1,930 §tiows total of 69,267. eaecidents reverted during the Year, a decrease of 17,836. ,frorn" the peter year • ' ..Tite fatal, accidents numbered ,520, as compaeed. with 40 dering 1929 and e the accidents .xePoited,..:clurieg December numbered 4,09.4; ;Compared with 6,288 in Dedenther 1929. " .._ ... The total henefits "awarded eel the Pee year ameu e to .$7,e ,,018.82, -- •.- ribbons,. . . • theolegies, : but With the essenee "lee . ed. by either -grain separately.: Alee" . colOred • and 'wizards, in the • as coniPared witle $8,01.2,15,7.78 dui= nt : ements o elle- t ys. And :it e ov ' • 1 e , ' e h . , life and 'the inovemerite' Of the humin , hi analyses, itis Sheen that in car- ' are :babies, from the .rfleat. - „ . • ' d 'd "II The Imaginatio.n ef• the children ie tirnee—that the glinted/. of the Belpe pares v4y lavorahli.' with. field .corn. ' the thrill di the Bethlehem eleepherds Barley a $o 336,04605. medi l 'aid. ' .,: • • — THE '1,1,TOKNONV, .RENTINE14 .141URSDAY.,JA*TARY. 8th, 1931 4444..44 .11XOSTeeT4E RIC_E: THE POGO everiethe'reia-eleet wailing at the, (BY C in British Weekly) 'WE() "Ele.1,10YS, CHRISTMAS TEE Christmas trees ger, tleie epatronel . • . door 'Catches glimpses a rilagi?.. . A. ° chnidrries Party Need Koesi- before' ap7eciation; we 'eau% appreciate thineg-t9 which we in Iieiveehe,teeeeTee,e,. tpeeleae Pe!ortny- are indifferent. .To enjoy 'Vie' we ,clen.• Hundreds:and hundreds- East must be hungry, and the warmth and LenchM's children were aesefebted.. It comfoit of the fireSidtk are at Itheir fuliistattep-a4aptisinTof-wdr„'-winds--. waS• a Pa$.earitilr of child119°d-thrille4 and sleet. The ma -eq. with •his bread and:, •Cifeeseeeeut with e:.jack-knife, stained . with the ,black juice of Irish eeeeste-, den know -the tang- 'Of eatiefied hung- er: anci.tbe joy ;of feeeting' that ' aperitif .can- create fo'i the Vnletudiee: arian. There • mint ,be lineger and thirst, there must be the ap.petite, the-. need:•. So bleed rAfe: them'Peoel, theyi know. neither satiety. toe ...erptei- • 1 lee Scores. ende eeorefee.p.k 'Sreevs,;_" givo 1,e'e.er "Met a• biee:taYefeiree ••,:e ..deelto who woe...tired .:of Nee have X ever knenye Drab Street other than. on the tip -toe of expectancy,, ready to grasp at 1,every possibility •pf, joy, They eanlechase gaiety froth Derby • Day to Ascot aria -vra SOwes to. the _highlands and ;Winter eports. So Christmas emneSe• with all 'the magic .reede. net Of 'dreams and .needs and beauty 'comes for a brief stay in a drab World pig Whet Magic! 'Whet, • 'b,eauty! ,The aPirit. -Catches the children ftest, • . • The evindoWs , • 'the', • toy . shops kern :the world into magic place • •60VglANMENT CONTR. .054,. . , •• WORK. • Some idea of blew g.everament eon,. tr91 of .the'lleuer .hulines$ is: Working... out is eug.gested by -a recent trier, dent at Walltereon., A me....ee"'her -tbe ' 11416 Ezra gottech.alk, of Kin- eardiee went ever .t.to the •.peutitY, Town, to listen to -the evidence in a . that-raisar linn'p -theeetheetate -large Beebe '-ease----at • ,eateet.'eConetable.. :with. pee. saw beppeninga Ilere eand there gene - child -trying " „ surreptitiously to peek thee. his pock - es Portions of the '-feest.: One lad I eew putting away. some slices 'of bread and better. r ;min why:: :miug,trer.standitig..my ereeedry, as an admonition he told pie ebets, !It's for little jireiny, Ilets lost a leg,esir; Meelevie who. happened te be about ebeeemingea. suspicieus lookieg bulge on the -felloi4., ''' invited- Him to : go to• his • ebbe Constable's.) Otficee Exainknetien shewed that .the • bulge . was made by -a whiskey flask which . . • . contained seme tion ".ef. showed thatehe bad 2,....:boeght- new Mid 'I -Went, him ,to have some cif... :bottles- .eifelietter at tbe, alkerten , mineee,•I knew Whit he mreenteefiee". • .diepeetiarY "that:meriting, , The .. bat ,h44,14,9*,e 3:11.4.514111,4(L. Ws 'it at .the 'same .pirty,' Where a, lied had reade-elte-inett turiltieSe and talteri • 'on' a. cargo be ' ,yond his oapacity ? The einee. Wad' Come to go: horne, When turning, to his big brother, be eeid::'"Bill; eari.y -.Me "Ont. -hilt befid-eik.ve "e • Te. 'Icriove :the" and :glorY of. ,Christmas "one :meet live Drab Streets or cetele a.• glimpse of • ehilde ren's hospitals and hostels for inane' .Someehing the genre ,of J1e 'stabk arid the manger •ii ewoiren were 'fonnd _en, a •room , the, pei-ChaeeeeThae"..engeged .•in hertele. ;Beet it as the 'hateleDie.'„W_Pefeket 'Which.. got Gettechilk • int' •trouhke The •cot.qt-qebrn Waeret. jest ihe-fileee. for it. It seems it was quite all right for him to. buy.. nine betties: all in elle Morning.. Tbeee-Controlie • , !BARLEY 'CROP IMPORTANT Barley has ecnepeted 'etiongly With wheat as. ierevenue 'eire'd..ucei-e• in .0,e •tariO farnie. Thie, grain' holds an Milf. indiesolubly..inee ehe Christieas ,spieit:'. Portent place, "fee several rea.aceia traditionand reaetien. "ells 'too. deep It is a comparatively high .yielder.e, .mfeirsseudn.deratandingi:, to Obyi;Oile to be . Eeperimentse' shows that mixed with . • there is ehe- thrill of rainbows in • early oats, returns •from the cembi- ram not concerned with dogmas or flatten exceed highest. yisids ,ebtate- , ing ,figeres being. neacie •Op Of $6,986,912171 tonieeneatioe and $1,e horses are hoeses, of heaven and . s heart; and: I have Seen a eeeeeame „behydrittee and protein, barley: cone:, , • _ is • 1 the nerth. Country' prodded: apct stirred; end- ravieliecie _ , , . • Taking: a hasi Of 1.00 werking• • creep's, into the merke• by-Wey ,• and cern. e In northern couritiee, where •So tethin g of the beauty of the far-- . • , isstilI a. vivid dees;. this averege.daily off stars touches then' and moves them Wealthhas its Worth and it•c terteffies awarded Of -$24,743. .eecriaire now -tio si1entewenderi.:renfeto..lereaPs4 eipene:enany rdoorse, The ..e.eme is ..teele :dee. . There was a :deeeease in the... of'. delight.• • ' of .pOyert3r—and the poor; see, .1110.4 eyeragee nuinber .oe 'neer claims. re,. portededalyeitore 296 .iii 1e29 to '231 - • With little no" ses, glee.dete the wine , - • • •• and enloy most ' at- Cliristneee. in • •1930. •" : • do w• panes theY - select the toys' .they • .. ' ••. ' .' •.: ; . • -:...- • -will •neetenenevet,,,.... presents • _. ., . • derlmga removeellierrerfireteureange- ing tiothermernbCS 01elielgang for alibis shoidd they _be arrested.• , The 'beer. gangs got' their first.great" • start in Cicero, a •Chicage sbhuilp ' which had an, unserupulous gang in " control Of its Municipale affairs. It was • only •after Big Bill Thompson had been 'elected mayor that they. re-. „eurned-te Chicago-. an d -4ega;nete-ete-- cemulitte their millions:* One of the ' most sensational. of the early peg, •, niurders was that of O'Benion,"a riv- ' • Lief, Capone's. Two. or 'three 'days, • later Cepinte's: ette.wes crOwded te the eerie and swept with Machine Unfortunetely' Capone , was not in it, and Only the cluniffeur was ser- •icersly Wounded: Catfone bought a neve had it eviller plated and then ,a conference of rival gangsters to try to end the shooting. The 'ced- er of the ether faeteon., Bugs Moran, agreed tee te.truee, but twoeor thy• ee dais, later Torrio: was ettecked : arid sericiesly injueed. When hereCovered he was so terrified' that he left Chic- ago for Europe taking, o miilOfl,c1917 Uri with him, and handieg over his organization. to. Capone. Since then 6ttoone has • reined as of the • underworld. •?'' '•' P Tbday Capone seems to be "as inild ee'retritered--itanaSeieer;etettleet„ebi, 'ci0- throitte'• ele 'effects the OA- -4.----"Tiiritutiiserf-o4uodea4,41..husio;6g He has. ainbttions of being re,-. ' "ceived fh society. 'His first attempt ' Was- made in Los Angeles, And 'Might ' Perhaps have bectil'iticceseftil had the pace ridt out of OW% Thee ' bougto a place la *I0Ve be -gayeebe Meet -lavish and aleolielie. ,reirtierHig...eatee.: were. guarded "bye. 'gum?* and we learn :that tbeire chief , ditty , to .'prieteet Capone but tO..restrain,:his henchman from -were d,eririg . out 'ef the ?iremiss and per- haps:• •• _ malangthemselVes obnoxigee to the • residents *hese, faeor, Capene. • craved : gangsters,...CApene is Ponelar. .He • is.' net: eight -fisted like. TOrrio. He. 'does not ,heeitateetO deep in .at „e friendly gangster'Sbneee and drop "toliegyandleeo .show..his benevoe.. 'Nit feeling,„ One reason why the...Po- -hav.e' neVerheen.:able to cOneiet '14r-ie.:el' any, crime • of. violence : is that . • he .is'.atveays• prepared' with eri .alibi:: The onli'penisbment• he has .under - one -se far es We are aware, es 'the seeterice• he Vserved.' it Philedelphia f8.i. 'tarrying ;,firearnis, .. 'It, . is under- sthod that•'...he• consented. •te this •so-: •called rap, at. A compratitise with Chi- cago • mitherities. who were Prephred prosecute him• for...eome •hinksepene ky concerning his ',incometiter reteria They did no have . a . Veg. strong .case but it • was . strong enough,- 'to ineke • Capene eorieent tire -Yeetes. i nipei•sore Merit 'on he understanding that it ,would ,be • dropped. The; prebabi•lity is that:now be w.ouldbe glad .to drop 'the . hem' e'acket; and begin e • reSpeee tablelcareer • ley joining • the .gotary • Club.; But this .he Ands to fie an irn- p�sibiIity, ;Red ,the prospects are that tweed.' eontinue te the end, arid -fit -nal -1y resign innid aeraetletf .machine guns: • for weary mothers they will never give .• None the less they. have great pesseseione. Their spieita have 'pope sested theee. thine, , , But the glamour spreads till it divers, every 'hearth 'aand home: The chile pays out 'the' penniee, and eix-- 'petices • that .have ebeen laboriously saved, and the problem is teeselect • the C,hrietteee fare. • Will it jee thrkey • er gonSe Arid. what about veneagee ..er ham? And the Wpm pudding? . And the frule And the driek? 'There. RAPID :CITY • • • • The W.MS: Society will hold .their January ' Meeting ,in South •Kinless 'Presbyterian Church onr.Friday, Jan. 9th, at 230 pae-All the laklies of the 'congregation are, Cordially invited., The Rev E. 0. Gallagher 'addressed the. Prayer meeting held in connection with the week of Prayer. in 'South Kinloss- Chukele on,. Tuesday evening. • We are sorry ta, report the siek- 'must be pi:nee-port gives theaeistoe ness of Mie Mincer' :McKertite; :Who cratic touch, and is the lase' test of hves north of the .station : He ho -w.-, good will . and welCorne.: , . , _ : .ever is improving, . / . . ,. And the waves of thehe enthesiaem. ee Mr. . Hirain Bloom returne,d.. feere and interest wash about the••mMeeed Harailton. lteet Friday, -*tete be at, and the broken They, toe? • feel the tended the funeral .of his brother; thrill . of :things,' arid 'find serceaee. Andrew. We, eeterel •'.to Mr. Bloom ., from the :grey days • and the long our deepest, sympathy. nights of pain ' i The .annual meeting of the Rapid :. ' ,. , Perhaps :one tOoebea the , abiding : City 'School section, No: 7, was held' giou, of nienkied In the.ee episodes of lasc Wednesday . at ' 10 &Cloak,. Mr. , conceen. • The sitk...:ancr the broken .-, e:e. J.: Irwin ' Was , elected chairman ' lgoett, nowtheaplacepdthen, n, honoritis at p the n 1;17;1 able manner . Mr . Angus McKay se-.' and. condeeted the business . in i Ver,y- : it is the last Christmas they will . signed as auditor aed MreW.J... Irwin' share together, and the • soft elitne'bf ;was elected auditor. Mr.. AleOollanthe. t me y , . Pilt i.t. is 1136rneritaq' nry :to have a b,alanee on hand 'a • although the sun 'Might be invisib the Oyes shows the emotions that,Stir.._ the hearts. the • See'yeTireas., reported the trease. over severe` hundred della* an ie- It was' he who made the electeie t of the hour. This is "Chrisernae--let'S crease oyee last year of $200.00, The: eereph available for the Public tea "Healthy and sick rise • to the gaiety be Merry. : • „ * . • „ • ' term of Mr. Alex lefacLeeil is trustee, miteion of messages. And':in betw In, shell' scenes one plunges ti4P lineing* expired, ,nominations were his' eeteneifie studies he s'arid:Wich into, a 'tea of chivalry, beauty, ceur- called for and Mr. MacLeod is re- 'friend, the ceneertina. • ' • : tbe ineentiort, Of • our little Miisi ,oaten'ea,b.treeiremeapurable and einfath- on-,_,—..ce betwee.. . elected. The School Hoard for 1931: : The differ n "a career is as follows: Alex 'Oollane;John Mee , and a jell, is. that you . get.. regular • , Then, too, the mission , halls have Dougall, Alex MacLeod. ' pay 'for a job: -, ieee . . • 'ea41 y't!ii.,ossiltsc;r, ir ef n,odretillethep rg9rao;c7i9griar sea-mre . : ceent. ,ade • by ' %Hon., D. A. s ': gtewarte Minister ote.Public Worke., .1411e. ; apps', of :corn, barley le found old obligation Was reeent.ly, . ' "licittlated by Canada when.ehe sum to. be' an .eXcellent enestitete. ! It .geows rapidly and Is theshallowest-Of •4$07,000 Was :paid to Commander,. . .. over en area 9 aboot ,1 0.,000 squ r — • miles and have' beenof great value ' , - : , e -rooted of dir ....the 'eeteal.l. 'Because eel; Otto Seerdrep, fantails Norwegian,.• ilea*. two poietssi1 . barley „ does best 1•,...•:..: ;:gd:Ziiii4 ;reel:1ft the servieee ` , of all cereal§ On .geetted -Whiai ,Is iri:-. e , ani , diScoYVerres in 'le •Atri:tiOH , • sufficiently eleeined, an . *rice le:Old .I' •Islanee, • His researches 'extended and -backward in .springin -recent, , . , . . , . • experireentse by the Department of chetnistre,• 0,A.C.,. it was noted that , Latest offielal 'report onthefield ' the highest yields of ' barley . were re, . : ,'crops of .0anacia ..' a:lized ' wheee it followed :a root erop. restimates the 1930 j '., wefeaerop et, 395,854,001:e beshels The departreept'e ' experiments With . or: about 11,000,000 bushels • More : fertilizer • on barley,' ehOwitg .a big ,• , thanthe previeus„official estimate • , " :made last Septeinber. :, 174;000,000 • \treie need; ere iniportant ine.vie-w Of • ' iecreete ,in - yield ewhere • fertilelers ! ., eta Tile crop le about 91,000,000 In 1929 were ,grown in the Prairie Provine the • fact , that this ipeovince 'feet year e e • . , eeels more than , . , . etesved 625,000' area of .barley.. c and Thert 073) • • ' . A British Coltinthia oreatnerY:'han- recently been awarded -e .contract by a Hong Kong firm of `proielsion, merchants for the il#Pnielat. et . 80... boxes of better •pereenoetet. the. past eight years shipments or ' Britlsh Columbia butter her) been ' ' • " neede---te-Jaeiee And•ttehes-s94.-AtA premium in the. •Mariteeti of that ' 'country• ▪ With •the . formal lineable •of 100 room Cornwallis lite early. in . .' December At Kentville, ls10...t4e , - fifteenth hotel wee. added to the . eliaie of Canadian Pacific RellWay • hoetelrige.‘rem the Ateenele to the Patifie. grand , gala banquet ".".spoosored'-by the 'Eentville. Board 7! 'of' Trade at Which nearly three inie- 4 &red „guests sat-downeinglegibeg.the:e, , Premier: of..110.eeen$,.e44.a:' and Grant • : • • Hall,•vie-preeiseeeeeee. • the Come.• - . . lie.e1F • raerked-th4te.o.Reliiiitic At' nev1.8400,0oo " fferin.in Teellee'. 'of • Wembley,. for the second time took the ' , title of 'Wheat King of 1930" Wher ,he was iweeded 1.9P.Innuees at- th International Livestock', Exposition , ...01.1.cago ,mently eveitheliareleeed_2_, spring. Mr. Trelle is 'even more Satisfie4),with the third ..place • Nitta • he won in herd red winter by which 77 . feet he is confident be has dekione streted- the feasibkliey of raisin; e. high grade winter wheat in west - • en Canada and that he •has moved " the- viliiiteirefiheat Rae 700' ffilleito •, the north. n invitatioei to take a• . round -the -world :cruise hes` been , tendered Mr. Trelle ase mark Qt.: • . appreCiatienebyE. chaite-7Z ' man and president of the Canadia .°.P4cipo Railway. ' • The 'Province Of New ItirunsWieles revenue from motor vehicles for the : fiseal yeat• ended teber 31 east amounted to $1,591, 220; being : 21 per ,Ceetgreater than thereceipth from the' Seene' source In 1929; and establishing,a new highrecord for the provieceettecording to ennoun-, • •44. to • Canada. •COXCERTINA'S, CENTENARY'. -aniuet . aglectilteresta • - ' • " ioilrereaoronnaci:toa' at - The epteeethia cel -a recent ebrated its cen-:eniture . . • , busing:6t?l ettecuhlintiv.ettis tena,,ry in 1929. It, wap •iirir'llted. and •.• ao. patented by .:Charles -afterward Sir behef of the Federal Government • ' eeernment representatives on at the Royal • Winter' Pair; Toronto. • ...The • selmon 'peck Of British Co- • Great increase in perk. preduce • Vim in Canada on *e•cotint of the • grain sittiation was ‘predicteci. by , • Hint. Robert Weir, Minieter Of ' Charles-e,We'etetone in 1829) He meet have been d. 'Wonderful mari, for his invenekrts seen to have been legion., • Sir 'Charles :iteventeticly„ ; liti9m6.0boola for thsehli9greeieriou Isnearly.. , for lample,, the stereoscope, i.peek this,: year is 2.46,3.,71.2. easets total . vious record of 1926. The e which the *appearance' of eolidity ie White it 1929 it was 138506 cases obtaieed. through -the Mental Combine n 1920 4, was 2,060301 .4ses etion of: two pictures, and the peke I 6-10-Ckf, h enade it possible to ter i b the light from the sky le. el-. es- een ed eat L. " '','"A•••t*f The Milsical Crureuers at of, L. bee', tee 4-e ••••. , s : Judging by the‘ letters bemerecereerl, countless thousands of Canadiins .and dwellers in the Hyatt& States tete in every Sunday a:iterate-Mt to hear .the Musical Ordisadera of the Car adien "Pacille Steamship Company in, „their descriptive".program based the Empress of Australia's roiind-the- yorld cruise. The above illustration shot's the Cruisadera at week under •the leadership of Alfred Heather. They are r4 the OeWlit Atte4 out *Ito • studios CPHY- at t1 Royal York. Hotel, TotontO. Tbeso. stlidios are ainong the linest ih North',Ainerica being ecuipPed. With: the ve6 letnet: devices deVeleped fee Veered troade.i.,s,tql,g41.. There €1.tr tW6 'thes;0 udii* in the Royal York .and frern them, Week 1,y,yeeeke pregree• e• are broadeast • throughout the length and breadth Of Caer da over the Cat adtaa reverie • •.• • • • GLORIOUS' HARD' TIMES • (P,ernier'e . Advocate) • The older geherations now livir4 in astern'Canada have never seen Sikh glorious hard times as those of 1930. , •Depeessio,es in the past or bard tithes. as they were then. known, ineant ecareitY, :hunger, eaceincee, doing without till- -it -hurt; andeae general 'cYaiipin of all ;Miele teetifitiee-tirid - • Opportunitiee, , • . The hard times of ,1930 have • pre- sented altogether • different aspects. . Tiat there has been 'unemployment; there 'have been hardships experienc* .ed by many; and in spite ef work .there has been sufferink At the .serne time in the larger ,Cities of • Canada, paleetel new hOtels have , been erected; maiiiifictent office buiId.:( • ines httee'been, built, stod upen story 'entil they tower far above the strue;., tures which have stood the test of :good tinies.,end depteesiOes. The Pro- . vince of Ontario alone has been suf- ficiently wealthy to run up a ,drinIc bill of over , 50 dollars, end . that represents the besieges dohe only 'through goyerernent steree and legitheitite channel. the . jewellery . biAinZssllas been good, custdms:Offic- •Tali-have ben over--Wrirked during. the Christmas seasonf and the, ainount of money spent on cliewieg'gum, cee- tactics, pieture shows, and other un- . necessary 'frivolities' would tuako' the , • Canadian tanllitg AeOtetation" en- viens ' of the, fiiutes. Service' station Men throngh, all these ;,,leird tinfes,, have been Inteer pumping gasolinearld .7, ;inflating 'tires. Atitanionables are 'Wattle in iStbeesSioris and Often, in bpeactali.4S no 4"114tt'e oi1ld t 'id to The Y.ounger g4netatieti are, experr • iencing a depreseion. .the • likes of Which vas n'ever kftoWnIlefore, The ; Iiiriaii;d:ovtiortre Of will wi404b:-har4 to , 111044 , .4 • It011way Colopauy's tol4ruplA. Wieee Abed cheOf • t •• rn