HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1931-01-08, Page 4• s'•., • „.
• „..t :
• •
ereinent Eipendiefre on
aiia is. .$4,194,544,
9, countrY, haalet better record in
rnierof "'dealing, ivith: the ah9P.
.P,?0,14.#0.4 044 has the Dom,
:%404a, OE the
ii. policy. 404:1t•.the principles
id deigh by tha British Crown
oat two hundred years age. ,
Canada never had any. Indian ViiTs
• s4.4.tstheSe'-' of. :the • United States,
which :the, country spent 500
• eet dollars. Jhe. basic principle prineipte is
that the Indiana have rights, and that
"..territotial: rights• ere surrend-
eredthere .ia-to he 'equitable conipea,
All theife _rights are 'et forth
08.e;:•40•PF,Ing V-1.e.'InAA44:14pgo;
osieryitiona,-. and ,perpetual annuities.
aline wards of -41e :Federal Govern- •
14'74. Oa:4'n
and sategnala .theirlinteresta: •
:Tho- administration administration is carried On
.thireugh•ti, departioent_of :the Govern-
:inent; that Of Indian, 'affairs; at the
• head of which is the Superintendent
• .0t, Indian affairs, affairs, •, who is, a1so the
inister of the'rInterier.: „
The reeerYatienS:-set apart for
.Ie Indians are la..rke :and there the
Indians can develop urimolestel. On
,.•Tia;,nY reservations' modern, farming'.
isa carried on. For instance, on the
reseryaticon near Brantford Ont., very,
Jifgh class fiTrOni is PriaCtiect and
0,4 -Beier* of *the reservations Of • the
West, particularly in Alberta,' grain
'8E0Wing and ,cattle ' raising- are ex-
• tensively carried, on to the profit of,
ih0-4n001 £arrners."
-The Department carries On • exteiV
educational work -throughout its
340 Indian Tigre's,: supported by the,
'Federal treasury.. The annualdoYerhr
expenditiire___ou: the Indians is
•$4,184,541.• - The Indians of Canada
number about 110,000. There *is "a
Small yearly increase and the popirl,
• at the race is disan-
IiOriag is n6t,in accordance with
gads; • .s •
MSS Ike 10:gest .0.41.,,m0.4.-sentOinie.
stock in the ,m04.•heiiiitifel .destgaa
to :Arose from,,40— ‘.
'W E make a• SegeleltY of
• Family' monuments and jnyite ,
•yont, Inspection.
Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully and
Premptly Done. , •"'"
, . • , . •
.40., before- placing. your order.
Rogue ,Bi04::".. '
,• R. ../4.. -Spot:ton'
. ,-.. , .
L.Alteitei7 . . •„. •• Biome 256'
lickiiii#,... -77-Wiagliains;
...-.... ..._,..
16,61), — • .
.Among the eVentS of ;major. Im-
portaiice distiopigh° the c?;41,NO
winter S-00,64,':"/0tr0 cis01),elri.
will -'7'he theplaternationat Dog -Sled!'
Ve.rby tie, be Feltruary”'9-21
over •a 1120,Mile. 'COUrse. It, is ex_:
wigr Of the trophy, will defend. .
WA title: The Masquerade Ball at ,
• the' Chateau pentenac,,Will.• be an,
Other high light', on February 20
Other events will he tin
Ilona! •Conventisat,;et Snow shoe..
Chiba from Canada : -and iNleiV • Eng -
•„land and the annual., ice dant* lace ”
through the- floes. of ,Vier'St.... Law-
rence abo4...the middle Of FOtireaPTI;,:'
The sporty sceeide lay -Otte of the
annual; -,,t14:*,
• tfiltbe Staged fireni'i..PebriaitY;;t1-1:0
,28 Came, in for • ••enstinted , jiraiee
•-otates open'thampioe,',and .
itnosn; of..Chieagq,
-IlitscOften'inAlielveningk -after *dig-
• 'big haird411, day;
Pse eat and 'Worried by the ! holtr;Ao
..• pate the time ,
tire",wathed t -he "billsr-Perele- across:
:the p1y-ground of Any mind;
tve counted ,hevi" to pay, them, but 1
always WAS behind. ,
knoWnthat. half my apps would
:fail, or . else would never, pay;
.rve. felt ,iffat all. my preSPeetS.:*EMld
be sire .to die next next (ley. ,
.lOoking back- upon inea scenes,
-note—Without ,
The 'things, I Worried mdst about have
rawer happened yet,'
-• •
:OM, tbe big misfortunes misferinnes that:,
• 7". have falleil• to My
Have never,. giverwarning, out naye".
• . . _ .
happened .1ike ,a shot.' '• '
You '4an guar1 against'lcollieion,, fire,
. and aceident by, rail; •
And . then get. struek.by lightning or
: • absorb -rusty ai1 . •
You. canitiito fignre out how•things
will'come up,in •a day; -, • .,„
And7the 'first One • in the morning
tOrns them all the ether Way,..:
'YOu can.,reake yourself 'tile"'glooiny;
• ',ion can• .worry, •ste.ar,„•end fret;
But therithings,' you •Worrys. most _like*
: Will not occur, I'll bet -
INQW' :trtl.t: eariefortell b • One day to the radio office , of the •
• • - ' CA.NNED• GOODS. '444
• :bles arid my int, :
r ;
"I thonglit Victoria wbuld
" he land of fee and s,nitw around
•••thie time •aniffhat,VanCouyer. island
:was a Suliiirb: Of the frozen north," •
he .said. vieitprovided:'htin
with • one Of the, surprises of his
getting •eareer and beta cllmatical-
ly and
from the golfing peint,,•ot
view,' Victoria was 'in 'both s his and:
e•E131deOaa's,;:ePhilen ideals • , „,„; •
• • making: last Arne in handling the
annual inbound receiemeat of. the
Mut, now: .as , 'part of the
Christmas board in.:Western Canada
as the tirkey or mistletoe, 'a Cana-
, dian •Pacific train of '26 'ears carry-
ing about 60,000 boxes of 'Japanese
. oranges : reached Field recently"
after Malting the Sun through the
mounthina from' Vanconier ...la W-
iden minutesN less than scheduled
• Passenger train time. :BY nild-Der.
cember :caletilatee'that 700;000
bOxes, 'of these oranges will'..:have
, been delivered:
Colorful, Yuletide .pagoantrY, in-
. chiding the ceremony of bringing in
the `bear's need and Yills log will
. be observed at the gmprees Hotel,
Victoria,Christmas Day and carol
singers; 'a chef in .Elizabethan cos -
time attended by 'page boys and a
court : jester,* in Pap and • bells will
aeeopipany them through rotunda
and dining I -Mini to the PlaCo of
. honor Where- the: -Lientigiarle--Gov-
lieepr.;:tono_e_srd67,41i4.:: it_iTah7icci7eliptfht;riEtair;c1,es., _ww ,
CigN°W, 8011t,isrINEL
• 14jAhed every' Thursday ,morning
LOnbeoW, Oritario.-
MacKenzie, Proprietor
end .Editior.
• -L's
THlIHMD• JANUARY $th.• 1031-
. ,
.THI:Nicaj4,1) 'AqP PENSIONS
"Peter plainntair Writing' in tlis
.gtiitiford Beacon-jierild, .expresees
- FOR TEE r.`0911
* 'The laaseetion* that there is one
law for and another for. the..
poor, frequently made in all countriea
is as frequently denied. And sure
etfoe.gb ,the jaw' deep read -th, Kens
4npi ;00 f4.4.1114 la,v.L 0P0.170'
for 411,114 the -is get** away
akaPlga'nfi0W0gcnrr' in vitt* count-
ry mw in most
enn:tvreiret day.. The
that murderera
Shell he 7exeputtick.and'Itlitit, crimes•
.9.f a leans* sort sbnii be Pentebed. by
'priion,.tereia ,:the .case, .Yet
Qui,. Age., posion everaboduktiewsthat rich Murderers
01,4 vie*. that the
BOO* be abandoned in On. hot: !#,Civit etOc"ovi, dor :'4o rich , thieves
44tat0-."'„fOiere spend long. ,tar, in prison.,. •
• ' • „
e oblidged. 'to. 11"Atenia:1 'ode"' ed"'over
'4000*. .1:0 the verso et At titer C. .Ricli,,nfter
fain, eleMent:0 'iOotg• Tirp.7.4ro'.4Z- four ears df-roz life 'Sentence-
pievoe.ifor ther own 04, '4- Than,;
• 9
.q141'ENT.- A.g90.144°
• • ".
eli•ge 10000 • ATM in
New 'York, Oe. day after '
4fire'is.M4n,dneaiim.yea,d; rJaollodyP:hoairegl '0...0a court
he :admitted -that Christmas Day
,efinkbook ythich showed 'that'in p,sec".
be 11041 begged en:i he 'tad'
eml!_he had - added
, • 4, "
ings nccount. He was building up his
available '.cash, he •-aal because
winter Wei, "corning...on And '
ily always • spent winter in
.,-craat; dohtteht.c4hraiditinre:e.riiiTit.behind to ,
.vest. Imely•Ithiit people e"'
-liberal on • that • 7.
Really,. its • a,: weeder that honest
Working can live • at all with
t army of rogue, and cheats and
....evernitienti;" the* '
• Last Week 970 letters came In
itS ".7 ' Canadian Pacific :Railway. from
ti:T.7,t11d...'-Age-7Ilensifon-plati,--2,-in-the State 'peniterinary
en :and it:is:disgusting, Lei it he,'admitst.. term reduced to "from ,..ten :to twenty •
ted that there are deserving cases—
those in , which PeVerty .age
is due-to-,.eirenMstantes beyond con-
trol. , .Such ' %cities: . are,' einri;'
Paratiyelyl. few,- and. these ed -anieted
are not the ones most 'ready to seek.
„sup'port' at ;the 'Public . expense; a
"Peter , Plairenan4 eetYs • `qt riS
, •
secret.. that *ink. 'finks •
dorse the -old -ate pension net as a
humanitarian piece • of le,gistation
years"; and of millrace ,it is the tin
which cciarite, the "to twenty"
hit 'nothing' at all: We are told -that
'41-.6---ity* set free in 1.9p.
And who is. Rich; and what of his
prime? Arthur Q? Rich is the Son of
attle-Creek ;.nliillionaire !business
:On.' March Of -1926 4Ofing Rich
hen attending attendint.college, Was convicted
-of criminally attacking Miss Louise
'Xing; also ,•a, college' student. Miss
;there are ,veri:many tieninr:, and " meg was beaten into unconscious -
say that if a man has been A speed- nnsa arid; presumably left for dead.
thri0 in his youth and early man- .
hood 'that is • no . 'reason Yeby the
...Slate. 'should _look- after. hirn wheit
• he arrives at a condition 'Aue to his
Own folly."
,' Not only is there an eriseenilY ef-
fort on the pert of Many to •get the
effort by families to 'get' •their old
when they cannot qualify. Some of pension, but there is a shameless
these go se far . as to make it tin -
patents on the peneien, list; 'often
pleasant for . members of the local with governors And politicians gener
State gcivernor can Oride-:thnitiolk---61-
Still.„at 'ciao and it appears that the
ally. the• eimom, and money is infinential,
,put it didn't end 'there. Money 'wee'
.s. • „ • s
'boards' because 'they refuse claims. .
'Cinclidatee for the reeveshi of mein
The.AterM, of Governor -Green- ex-.
Cfpafities Will; tell-; you that , parties
pked with the". year 1930, ,and On the
whose iliPritatro--1W-Or:-Pensiml-llave7 lait:'-diii-'.on Which he-lield'•office he:
• • ,
reduced the prison term of young
Rich se that . he • will-:. be ' set free' in
1933: Perhaps ,F.re4 W. Green,' hav-
ing granted this and -other favors
to millioneirmi will , not now have to
work' as 'Werner or at ,any: other
job. Millionaires belie great power.
Yes, the' law is the sante for rich
• . I
and zifine.,,, but it doeiin+ *Orli out
that way.
he steadily' increasing use Of einl. It's simply; waste, of time to make
foods m ascribed to greater! pub_ !vholernoulitains Out of
If . I can't figure , opt what Life. • is
holding in it's Mit,
I Might, to :laugh. at • Life and plan
what / will do to it. •
ought to. sit and gaily thinkof new
, ways to succeed; " '
Atid never once to .fear r .eare. ifve,
, • •eoiqitenance or heed. ', s
'But how tocease this 'gloorning,. and
• no: longer fuss or fret .
Yes, hoW to sten all worrY,that's •
• what makes me worry yet!
,-johie Dennis Mahoney.
ftlije, confidence in the wholesomeness
such prodacts -under the pure *std.
btws Adulteration, misbranding and
preparation of canned 'goods
• rytere pthrintOn practices erfor*tb the
„s were .fend act. NoYeAespite the grow •
, • •,itig,leompetitiOn of fresh fruits and
-veigetables, the consumption of canned
feeds le-inereasing . • , • •
tanned foods today are prodnced
,,adtsording to 'Methods which 24 years
of laboratory research 'and field, mi.-
, petiences have • deterinined as the
stitetit and most Wholesome pessible..-
NO. system heweVer, is infallible, and
;the final inspection must. be made:. by
the consumer when the calla are open-
• ed. Balludor, gas•formation and cleud-
iness of the .liquid or swelling of the
• container are all danger signals.
Authoritieware constantly on the 1
alert,,tutpreient dishonest anct-ignoi,
• ant manufaeturers who have entered
,.th§ • field, groin cheating consumers
aiy,d' destroying the good •reputation.
• *Kith the canning industry has earned
• .
. •
It's.Easy to guy at ;
Lucktow's -
Department Store
melody mike Tans:, They came, fro*
• cities,.: towns and villages 411 ov-
-.Canada and Included many .from
- -the United State. It is an
all -
Canadian radio feature declared by
radio station people to tie, with one
exCeption, the Indst, popularfeature
• on. the ;air today. •
•Tbe .coperor of .JaPan 'is among
the recent ,new customers for Brit- .
isle Columbia pure -shred poultry. A'
consignment of selected birds which
'sold. for$4590,fr0m :someof the
best „poultry farms in Britisli..,COI-• •
umpia, was recentiy lehipped tothe
imperial farms. Bach Of the hene'
In the consigninent has a record of
300 _eggs* dr better per year. -
• -Housekeeping isnVsuch a bad jqb•
after you learn that nothing hapu
pens if the dusting waits another
day.. •
- • '
She was hospital for weeks
Jlre finally racciiieredo :pelt, with his
lather's millions to drawi on, 'fought
he :case, throngh two - trials in :the
, • :oWer courts and took appeals to the
Ai -tie Supreree court and to • the'
Feclennt'Coitt. He lost in every Tout
and tot a life sentence:
„Setl. Far NeantilsylisAtelrl, Have Met • • '
11.1,0‘ the Mightiest aerial maiter••
Piece ever projected by:;:mtin, is keit
to tge Atter a ''.'patbetlea IY•
short . life of only. a few flying_ urs
duration she became Abe centripieee
of our greatest, aerial tragedy-. ;
S6. much' las her perfeetion' 'and-
airwOriliinesS,. been liipreatfeil upofl
the, public that it seemed •iinliessible
, that disaster eoind overtake hr yet
within a ,fpw hours of Starting on.
.the .lengest flight cent conteirinleted
by a ptliter-then4ir Oahe had: .
been destroyed wit a,:lose of nearly'
been • turned down or have not been
favored by them. Will he out on el-
ection day .4o,ing *batthe can tol
defeat mica candidate:;Doubtless the.
candidete, Who will ' Promisetode
what be can . for Mr. Applicant wiul
be very mire Of ,hir. Applicant's vote
and influence,' and the votes and in-
fluence„ of his family. ;
• ,
Well it ell 'comes lack in taxes,
and. as . things; are, people ate, be -ginning to .
..take their tat -sheets very
seriously. But 'We - may expect things,
.to be werse before they rheterne
ter.Some say the pension ageashould
• be lowered to 65 years, awl even if
!ther.e,Is .ao lowering, the pensioners
are sure to increase fronr year to
• A
year. " .•• ,
But worse than all .the. cost is the
destruction of morel ---the removal a
insentiVe to industry and. thrift,
utlipepr.ewmaisuzi_ which the
burden and,: diecouragement ir.the
" puts
:upo. n. i,n.its_try and thrift.. • : kk"
That'S, •a ,great *beam that the
Hon. IL II: Stevens, Canadian Minis. -
ter Of Trade and Cerement: has. :He
is said. to be at work on a Plan • to
lend ;one billion dollars to China, so .
:hat Chinese may be able to • buy
*heat from Canada and ,nianidaetur.'
ed 'goods -from Britain 'and United
States. „
, There_ id . to be neatly rt.
million people in China. • They ere
• mrtly t.0,0 Poor tO buy anything;
but, thinks Mr. Steven, if •they were
rich ;whet' great- =buyers they --weifide
The outstanding statement inbe! Just think of it 400 .
'- Pre -
Mit there is something • d'oVnright
„ .
midr Bennetts Reghia speech was
'that .seme sort of great organisation • razy400king about the scheme..For•:
distance, whit or which China iso-:
was to, be formed, .the belsiness of
ing to. get ,thitt. money? What .01
_which would be to 'lend money to
the prairie fermera to enable them whicli government or war 1prd in
to go into mixed farmlng'China is • going to accept dna huge
:., • •
What'swrong with theWest as stun -andj promise to pay interest:on
. ,
anti later pay-the-Principle-?-,And-
%a. farming country, that ,.;tte 'fariners
what;value la.the promise of any
• need: ,so much help? Many, western
'Chinese goVernment? A.nother gen-
fariners think they have the best
•eral appears to be in control every six
Itepn landiii, the •worid, and yet bete
.• •
they are--Ithousands of tem redneed months or Bo.
to beggary and needing" government
help. Many. of those farmers must
be disgueted with the preposed plan
61 hel ", They say 'that if, the govern-
ment -would,..;teily leave: >them...al-tine.
they could get along. Instead of that,
however, the G.averriment tella them
• they must buy here and not there,
and that means, of Course, that their
' selling market is as limited as their
buying 'market- Then wben, this
stupid interference 'with the natural
course of trade , impoverishes , ,the
fa er,, the government cornea t his
Just holy the ivestern farmers will
take to borrowing • .money ...nt six • or
seven per cent: to investin mixed
"11.etri .1110044.1r!! bleeitterll!" thottted 8 Ve+41 '
• excited ilollaiider as he rushed up to Pill •McIntyrei-
' , Distr-ixt linemanfor the kell TelephOrte•Compatti ,
who had baited his ear on 'the highway neat., .
in req.itynA.to:the inari'4 fray/tic handwaving.
tovs he: Ite• tOss sticker On the" Unfit bidet.
:hztan 1arfyia dan&ttiJrrantf*11:41,,H, .tl1? i •
tivest mark Of all Bell 'eiephonr cars wrose' drivers are qualif,ed tist pidert, vented his help. Terrirg'.
taati,to littiop in Bili headed. down the road to the house indilated, Ifete he found a .phicky little lad, not -
• tete "of a Vhimpert with hi s upper hp torn open arida •deep gash itthi4,.rigit
Thanks to knowledge Of first aid and hi's etnergeri4?y. kit tbe hoy wag erleA,giv.e.n skillful attention
pending the arrival of the doctor. 'laving dilte a4 cOuld tioa,*te tAziblessmge the.pa'rentr
totthi heitow.-.alietverittg upw zn. .•
•. Bill lutotnty-oei, after is only One example. The
praetal kneWledge, of &Kaki whiel; fo hew the• ' •
" 9,.670.i! 04:44,.:0..Y.,of P.644419!ione. p priivitrat invelualge pubIi
• •
A news dispatch from VanCenver,-,
the city where Mr.: Stevens
says. that "generally the plan is to
.eall tagether the, five' or six:war lords
among themselves," • git theni :to
agree' toput ' their men to wfirk on
great public works, as all' would be
much better Mt- thatiway,
• That may be some jOb, but Perhaps
Mr. Stevens qui, persuade .the Chiefs
t� make the change With that 'bit:
lion defier leen before 'their eyes'
they may do a great deal. Mr. &Qv-
-ens:is- goia-telf6r-tli-e-troliertutienti
'of Britain and s Of the United States •
to share in the enrichment of China:
We lope Uncle Sank will take On the
arming, ;remains_ tohe seen. Whet -whole )pb
secilrity, has be to offer. Not mu0,, . The -'Steven's scheme fOr Chin.a„is
v8k:uetf!tecy,after corning throlftgh 1630. rnrootbiunlieke. scheme
se.urPite;hafollrg ibe farmer's benottr-o**iliingged: are to guarantee' a loan .to Mi linnov7
If c•it ' does, it will have te• pay,,, in •erished to. enable them sto :bay
for. the Canadian Wed. Governments
people whi advance the
many easels, for farming., east or
loan. • In neither,dase ili their any
all borrowed capital. We may be sure,
West .can't he, carried on with nearly prospect that. the motley alitv:avited
the 'aiJzoads atnkgetTre't'ati'ito.' 6a(re!aa:PB1c1-6eTt; wiji be*rpeuirlittMr n on::atn&sd btneal:Idlne.
• ,L,64,010..,.,;),,:th.kiv4,4i.44,0t.40-612.
,tveviytak.e: die:ices and .v.115% ' she: uld'aurnci 7hteev;egtitoy.eierprii•oinieectitts.ti40fze:eBr.eittatioiii;e,. aetitd,
it , ill ahl
'benedwwoirtithe to o1 thatt the the o Iiiatiitegodint.Sta:s..rd'ar;00:. ennett.",loihkeinlya to
national debt, and tliefiriners" *fro agree to it They rimy:want to kilo*
oorpow will
g tiat p00.01,10•
10414 the 4igh .‘.
She Yet-iinether_ Of the :•worlTs
•tiratic airships, whose Bad **stork"
could fill volumes. :
All will ,reineMber the excitement
which swept Britain On the OCCiatiion5
of thelanrich 1919 Of the It'33 and
R 34, yet what have : tellaY to
-3h-eV' of these gintit'ilititibliia asks
a Writer in ,Answirs. .
Beth l'ilere constricted at a Cost
of• $2.000,006, The R 33 had an -;iiii=";
ev&efiirlifrtit-fix years,, di*ing
. 4
Which she .spent only 800 hours •
-the' air -before she brelte siweys from
Mast in, 1925,,,, to return hope-
lessly dainagecl by storm. The R 34:
will be remembered by reason' of her ."
Atlantic 'Crossing and,tiltimate
ing in 1921, having enjoyed merely •••••
500 lours in the air.: '
• Some $375,000 wns epent on •the
?,onstruction of R 350 which was'nev-••
er completed, and ,R39, which was ,
launched in 1931, had life of ,..1WO • ,
:months before •reeMiditiening for
ropical work which- was --nexer eai-•
vied Out
And SO the tragic sequence -con-
tinues. Let us look tit :the 0..p. Over
$1,500,000, Veil spent on the coristrti.
Hon of this Mighty airship before •
all work was: abandoned and the
structure scrapped.. Then came Tt 38.
perhaps the most tragic of Ahem all •
befoe the latest disaster.
This airship was* launched in 1921,
and was to have been purchased -by
the United gtate's Two inetnhe after
her lienehing she Wie-• eniriplitelY ' •
wrecked on August 34th \ with the .
appalling_icies forty-four
disaster hardly -less than that
Of our latest and gm.: test of all ait-
ships. •, • .„
One more British airship was pro-
jected in those great imirs 'Of dirig-
4ale construbtion ht the early Wien -
ties.. This was the It 3.9. The sum of
$450,000 was spent upon pteliMint,
ary Conettuction before the contra -it
was cancelled and the would4be
ship lost .to the, world. • , , ,
'St) 'rinieh for the airships of Britain
.of which none saVe ,R,100 left to
• us to -day. In America there Also ap•
peared to be a 'desire ter dirigible
construction. in the "early , post-war
Years. After years of patient work
the airship Roina was launched', only
te erashinsfitunetein_11122
-of-thirty:four- -fives:- --
Three years later the ill-fated.U:':$.
• airship. Shenindoah was coinpletel
wrecked with a "WI of fotirteen
ekactly two jeettra
intr-two 'years . 'which had leen ..
frapght With constant worry and Mix-
Neither has Prelim beon:immufle
froin efts.* disaster.rThe fate Of her
tferat--airihip Dixmud0—formerly The
‘Gerilian dirigibk. L t2 -44s 'the great-
est . eerie!, mystery. "pi reetird. After..
two • experimental flights She .set, Out _
en 'a long thseoverMir -T'Afficia;
She was last seen' over the bleiliter7
raneair'in. toece4er ••
nothing has ever been heard of het,-
4he. carried a Oente' 0 -fifty-three;
4 which: only One Was found--,.. • the
Aged body of hei commander
%rat, Wolfed up iii.'the sea 4140
To-ddy it4th the 9xeeptiiiii.0 '
.142-critt -t-he'Whip ':\'kettlast Ithe
World •is 'left, with, two 'Ali:shins tit
4 " •
• •
•Of the • mighty 'dirigible yea. ,
terflay nothing reniaine,to tell 0! the.
'year's . Of ,patient endeavor
,and ro-
5e*rch save tiviet.ed
60illgstoit 410004.
• .4