HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-01-14, Page 8MINOR LOCALS. Division Court in Wingham next 'tAreday. Fred A, Lewis, piano tuner, 1e at the Queen's Ibis week. •--D. E. McDonald shipped a car load ot cattle to Toronto on Saturday. ,-The next sitting ot the Division (kart for Winghawn will be held on January elet. • Toronto Huron Old Boys will hold Weis; annual banquet on Friday even- ing, Mara. 5th. —The first meeting of the Public School Board for 1909 will be held next Wednesday evening. PERSONAL, Messrs, Bennett d W. . Green were in Seeferth on Monday On beat' USW Mr. A. Helie, of Cranbrook was vial• ing for a few deya tide week with hie mother. Mr, and Um Geo. Bryce, of Turn - herr'', were visiting with relatives at Galt last week. Mrs. C. Moffatt, of Turnberry, was Visiting for a few days with her sister, Dire. Geo. Olvete Mr. D. C. Mckenzie, of Winnipeg was calling on Wingbipin friends tor a few days this week.. s• -The regular meeting of Camp Cale- donia, Sons of Scotland, will, be held neat Monday evening. --After the let of May next there will be lees than 2,000.legal bars in On- tario, a decrease of: about six hundred in five years. ---For the position of Councillor in Binoardine, Mr. Robs. Patterson. brother of Mr, W. G. Patterson of this town headed the poll. —The annual sheeting of the Royal Scarlet Chapter Will bo held in the L O. L. hall, on Thursday evening of this week, Jan. 14th, commencing at 8 ,o'clock. 'rii,E WINl41,114l TIMES, JANUARY 14, 1iiQ9 Toronto Daily Star Now in First Piece An epode in Ontario newspaper de velopnient heft been recorded during the hitt year when. the Toronto Daily . Star jumped into Heat place is circulation, Om tureen:ling another climax to a re- cord of growth that is quite unparallel- edit% Canadian journalism. It is only nine yeere since the present manage- ment minuted control. At that time the paper had a daily oiroulation of around 6,000; for the year 1908 it aver- aged well over 56,000 copies a day. That growth is still going on, and going on rapidly, is shown by thefact that the increase of 1908 over 1907 was 8,000 copies daily. In the editorial P011031 The Star hal gained a reputation tor sanity and fairness, and while it has strong views it never berated those whose views are different. When it comee to news -gathering The Star oan generallY be depended noon to lead the way to enterprise. That it does not spare ex, panda in serving its readers was illns- grated teeny tunes during the year, a notable illustration being on the woes - kin of the Olympic games, when it sent a member of its staff from Toronto to England to cover them especially by cable and letter for The Star. The Star not only gate the best news, but 1t dress- es ie up so as to make its pages bright and attractive. It is a firm believer in the value of striking pictures. These are some of the reasons. why The Star is now supreme in its field: One of the latest features of the paper has been a series of articles on combines, whioh has been attracting very wide attention, These articles are being quoted and commented on everywhere, and one subscriber wrote the other day to say that one of the articles alone was worth his whole year's subdoription. t o IIr. H. B. Elliott was at Listowel yesterday attending the funeral of his old friend, J. C. Burt. Mr. Lester Adams, of Portage La Prairie, Man , 18 visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Dr. W. A, Rothwell, of Kendrich, Idaho, was Visiting for a few days with. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Cosens, Miss Vera A. Holmes returned to litivergal College, Toronto, after spend- ing the holidays at her home in town. Mr. and We, W. D. Bentley, of Winnipeg, are visiting . with, Mrs. Bentley's parents, Mr. and Mra. Peter Campbell. Rev. and Mrs, C. E. Jeakins returned home on Monday after spending a short holiday with friends at their old home in Huntingdon, Que. —The local branch of the -Y. M. C. A. have taken np new quarters in the Meyer block, which will give more room and bettor accommodation for oa*rying on their work, —Mr. T. J. McLean has sold his house and lot on Shuter street, recently purchased from Mr. J. A. MoLean to Mr. R. Vanstone and Mr. T. 3. McLean has purchased the Inglis property. —Mr. W. A. McKim, Town Clerk of Goderieh, died suddenly on Friday last after a few days illness. Deceased had been in business in the county town for many years and was appointed town clerk i act spring. • —Mr. John Nichol has purohased the two acres of land adjoining the Ken- nedy estate from Mr. Geo. McKenzie. Mr. Nichol recently purchased the elavon nares in the Kennedy estate and tlsiq givice bine thirteen noreo in a block. CRESOLEtiE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A,simple and effective remedy for SING` 3 FOR BARGAINS ,l W E WANT YOUR TRADE. History of Canadian Journalism. Everyone who is interested in the history of Canada will wslcbme a new book, "A History of Canadian Journal- ism," which has net been issued, The volume, which furnishes in permanent form the first comprehensive history of the press in Canada, covers a great deal of ground not dealt with in any other extant publication. The reader, es he peruses its pages, is constantly surprised to find in it hitherto unpublished side- lights on the careers of our pnblio men, as well as full and first hand informa- tion regarding our great journalists and our great newspapers. Altogether, it is one of the most valuable historical works which has appeared in Canada. Not only is the matter fresh and in - teresting and important, but the style throughout is quite equal to the best. This will be better appreoiaetd when it is stated that the contributors include Goldwin Smith, Dr. A. H. U. Coign- honn, Deputy Minister of Education for Ontario; John Reade, F. R. S. 0., Montreal : Gazette; Arthur Wallis, Toronto Mail and Empire; 3. B. B McCready,. Charlottetown Guardian; J. P. Robertson, Winnipeg; Robert Sellar, Huntingdon Gleaner; J. K. Mo - Innes, Regina Leader; 3. W. Bengongh, Toronto, and R. E. Gosnell, Vancouver. One portion of the book presents en exceedingly interesting history of the Canadian Press Association, in honor of whose 50th birthday the 'book was first projected, with other aeotione devoted to the press in each of the Provinces. The book includes 208 pages with over 40 half -tone portraits of prominent journalists. Typographically the book is very pleasing with its large type, heavy paper with rough edges and gilt top, and its handsome cloth binding. Orders may be sent in care of John R. Bono, Seoretary Canadian Frees As- sociation, Daily Star, Toronto. The price is $2.00 a copy, postage 15 Dents extra. SORE ' THROATS AND COUGHS They corablee the germicidal value of Cresolene tand lico. ric,. Your druggiistporties of lrma us,pleom ela stamps. i,: outze, Mrerss Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal, 4or --Dr. J. E. Tamlyn spent Monday . visiting with Mr. Fred 'Korman at Walkerton. Mr, Korman's old friends ltexe will by pleased to learn that he is now abie to leave his bed and we hope snore to repeat his complete reoovn r;7. —The Planet, the new paper at Wroxeter, made its first appearance last week. The Planet is a neat sheet of six oo'..arens to the page and the merchants of Wroxstor have patronized it liberally in •'dvertising. The Planet end its pub- lirlir.r ban our best wishes. —A business change is announced this week, '(whereby Mr. S. Young has pier• chased the bleckenlithing brininess of Mr. A. S. Murray, and took possession on Monday. Mr. Young is no stranger to the trade, having been engaged in it for some eighteen years. Mr. Murray has not yet decided what he will do in fissure, --We thcught a newspaper man had enengh tem bye on his hando without looking for more, but we eeiP that our friend H. B. Elliott, of Th3 Wingham *.risen, Las allowed himug31f to be ale: tea a member of the town council. 3V e, coogretnlate the town of Wing• ham—we sympathize with H. B.-- Godetich Nilyni.Gl. —Mr. J. C. Burt, one of the most successful and popular commercial trav- ellers in 'Western Ontario, died at hie home in Listowel on Monday morning, aged 55 years. Deceased was for many years engaged in the general store busi- 1 etei at ListOWel, anis tee, editor of this caper over twenty years, ago,,served two years in his store. —On Adam's Peak, in Ceylon, at abt.nt 7,000 feet above sea vol, there is a lr mo, flat etone on wh' h is the im- print of the Ina " an oto. 1 Mahommedans believe) tell t. .e the piece that AEI 1ro first stopped, en being expelled from the garden of Eden. In Cleo pee/el: iity to this is the tea gnlydcns of the world -forded leinwera Elm, die- ttiet, where "Salads" Teta is grown, To Purify the blood. The blood an only be kept clear of poisonous impurities by the healthful aotion of the liver ,and kidneys, whose duty it is to filter the blood. Because Dr. Chase's KidneyLiver Pills act direotly on and speoifically on the liver and kidneys and restore them to health - fol vigorous aotion, they are the greatest of blood purifiers. STOCK —TAKING OVER Below we give you one or two specials not to be looked over. 20 pieces Dress. Goods, all good fresh stock, ranging from 50c to $1.25 per yard on for - - - 25 per cent off all Neck Furs. 10 dozen pairs Ladies' Heavy Ribbed 0 Hose, reg. 25c, now 2 pair for - - OUC Conde early, get first choice and go away with the best values you have bought fora long while. Terms—Spot Cash. All kande trade wanted. GOOD GOODS ° O HEAL' 6. E KING. PRIOES D 11. MARGARET 0, CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. D evotes special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear , Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. (1a saes properly fitted.. OFY NE --With Dr. Kennedy. 0 tlice hours -8 to 5, 7 to 8 p.m- I30Rt' to MrIIs d Mrs. • Turnberry, Hth; a daughter. OArvhnx.--In Wingham, on January 4th, to Mr. and Mrs Harry Calvert ; a son. Mrs, G. E Long; a daughter 5th, to Dr. and 1908, to Mr. nd Mre. John MTarnberrcTavish on Da son. MARRIED SUTTON—PLAuxTz.—.At the Methodist par• aonage, Gorrie, by the Rev, A. W. McTavish, on Dee. 30th, Mr. W. S. Sutton to Miss Annie Plauntz, all of Hawick. DIED MOCRYDIanr.-In Tnrnberry, on the 12th inst., Eliza Jane Coulter, robot of the late Thos. Tieg oCrei ht, in her SSrd year. MAsoN.—In London, on January iltb, Eliza- beth, relict of the late John Mason, and mother of Mr. Geo. Mason, of Wingham, in her 78th. ROSY CHEE1(ED BABIES. NEWS NOTES. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 p.m. in hall in chieholm Block. Candidates fr cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. R. AIDS, T. E. RoasNsoN, Leader, Recording Secretary W. J. W srlrs, Financial beoretary. year. Peter Ferguson aged 82 years: January 8th, FAntQnnABSON.•--In Grey, on January 4th. John Brown Farquharson, aged 24 years, 11 months and 29 clays, RAvItLE.—in Grey, on Dec. 80th, Mary Jane MoMath, beloved wife of Chas. Raville, aged 77 years. Bions.—In Brussels, on January 2nd, John G. Slone, aged 07 years. Ann1soN.—In Wingham, on January 10th, Robert Addison, aged 82 years and 7 months. A roan wait rescued alive from the ruins of Messina after having been a fortnight entombed. PUBLIC NOT E. I hereby give n lice at I will not be responsible for a' • ' ebts contracted in my name, by a, ' person, without a written order from me. CAARLES S. RINTOUL, Wingham, Jan. 11, 1909. FARM FOR SALE or RENT The undersigned offers bis 175 -acre farm, being lots 21 and 22, Concession 1, Turnberry, (Bluevale road), for sale or rent. On the premises are a good frame house bank barn, straw sheds; well watered a windmill forcing ing water to the house and barn. The farm is conveniently located to church and school. Get particulars at premises or write L. H. BosMAN. Bluevale P. O. MEETING OF HURON UNTY MUNI . A bill has poised the Tennessee Senate prohibiting the sale elf liquor within fadr miloe ot any sohoolhonse in the State. othing in the world is such a oom• fort and joy as a healthy, hearty, tosy- ohelked, happy baby. Babies and - its perfect can b3 kept p puna childrenp door' of by byy'giving i wn Ta' leis > Ith swill h -rola in deet nti bo e to ach l ids w h >44p order, And whe .ffo ass sones thee() is no other medics ill tura the minor MI of ohllldhood as speedily and -safely as Baby's Own Tablet.. Grt.ranteed b conegn ria opiate or poisanoue drug. Mrs. 111. Itasnard, Eastern Iierlonr, tars: --'I have need Babyet Own T& le1.l for the varione ills from which find thema and e oas ea stiffer, , mar - 'Om medicine. Thanker 10 the Tab- lets ,;esyr baby now always enjoys the bout of health." SA by all medicine eika04 ua or by myth et 25o. it box from rim Dr, Williams' Medicine Oo., Brook- ;, Out, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday the 20th inst., at 8 o'clock p. m. All accounts against the county, requiring to be settled, must be placed with the Clerk be- fore this date. Dated January 18th, 1909. W LANE, CIerk. Silas Pearson of Peterboro', Ont., ;743 oontonoed at Pittsburg, Pa., to ,oven wars in penitentiary for shooting Jnoob Knoedler. Auction Sale of Valuable Town Property. Meyer Oliver, in his inangnral mes- sage to tho City Hall Council, declared his relief that Toronto will hold 500,000 people in ten years from now. The Railway Ooreinission, meeting at Ottawa, decided to give the railway companies three rironthe to prepare Orate for the viaduct at Toronto. ESTRA'• Came onto.the signed, lot 30, dor about the middle Oear-old heifer, wner can have perty and plying HEIFER. remises ot the lender- . 12; East Wawanosh, of November, a two - 'mostly red in color. amts by proving pro- xpdiises. BERT =GEE, Whitechurch, Ont. 1 NO ICE The annual nee Agricultural Sooie Council Chamber Wingham, on Thursday, Jan at 1 o'clock p. m. Society are request W. 3. CURRIE, President. ing of the Tnrnberry y will be held in the of the Town Hall, Pursuant to Power of Salo contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered fpr sale by Public Auction on Saturday the 0tliday of February, 1909, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the isrunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingham, the following valuable property,ty,at is to say: Lot number Five on the South aide of Maple Street in John Cornyn's survey in the said Town of Wingham. On theproperty is situ- ' hou 80x80 a brink for s high 18x24 and .a ftp ed with hard and After Monday's earthquake shook smoke was teen isduirg from. the orator of h ostriis Dakar, the dormant volcano in Washington State, near the Canadian border, ate a two story brie kitchen one and a half frame addition 12x14, s soft water. Terms of sale 1050 o1 the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance in twenty dare thereafter. The property will be sold subject to a re- served bid. Further partienlars may be had on applica- tion to the undersigned. Dated at Wingham this 11th day of January A. D. 1009. ary 21st, 1909 11 members of the to be present. H. B. ELLIOTT, Seeretary. D. BELL'S MUSIC' EMPORIUM Headquarters for all kinds of Musical Instruments. Pianos 1+44-1,44+444.1-1441,44++++++++4.4. % Winter Sessions Tho Salkatehewan Legislature passed a resolution coiling for the appointaient of a Royal Oonimleelofi of Judges to in. ',castigate Mr. Ilanitaitt's charges againat Mr. Calder, Commissioner Of Ednoation in oonneotioit with tits iwboolhook eon. tract. B. VANSTOMS, Vendor's Solicitor. Opens January 4th in all depart- ments of the CENTRAL BUSI- NESS COLLEGE, Yongo and Gerrard' Streets, Toronto. Our Catalogue explains our superi- ority inEquipment, Staff, Meth - oda and Results. You are in- + vited to write for it if interested • in the kind of school work 4. 4. which brings best success. Ad- dress W. H. SHAW, President. e: No more beantiful or appropriate gift than a Piano. We have them from all the great makers. For finish, workmanship and tone they are unexcelled, and at right prides. Violins . We have the largest and best stook ever before shown in Wingham, and at prices to snit every person. To violin players, we ask yon to oall and judge for yourselves. Phonographs Nothing more popular and pleas- ingthanaPhonograph. The E D 1 S O N has the new Amberol Records, which play twioe as long as the old ones, Every home should have one—they are enjoyed by both old and young. Organs We have a great number Second- hand Organs, taken in exchange for Pianos. Some of them have been in use only a few months. All in first-olass condition. Wil be sold very cheap and on easy terms. alwasisallemfalleeneelaveinefsereeeafelarelegraels 1909 Special Announcement No. 2. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, AND ONE PRICE TO ALL. The above is our motto. There are large numbers of people in this community, and in fact every community, who are known as "banterers". No matter how cheap an article may be they will not buy unless so much is "thrown off". To overcome this diffleulty many merchants (some in Wing - ham) have adopted a pian of marking up their goods and in this way they are enabled to "throw or and still make a fair profit. The danger with this method is that if you do not happen to be a "banterer" you are sometimes liable to pay :lore for an article than what it is really worth, and it is therefore not to be wondered at that some people are termed as "close" who in reality are willing to pay a fair price, but are afraid that unless they "banter" they are, as above stated, liable to pay more for an article than its real worth. Now WE HEREBY PROCLAIM to the people of this com- munity that ''RIGHTLY OR WRONGLY," "win or lose," we intend to stick to our principle of selling at The lowest possible prices, and one price to all. MERRY TIMES THESE FOR SKATERS. Minimilm•PIONIMI..... MINN Remember we are headquarters for Hockey Boots, Hold -tight Skate Straps, Ankle Supports, etc. We put your skates on free when you buy your boots from us. Willis & Co. FINE SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. PHONE 129, Sewing Machines We keep a very large stook of both Canadian and American manufac- ture. If you are contemplating purchasing a machine, it will pay yon to call and see them. STORE OPPOSITE SKATING RINK. I Royal Grocery 4. 4. tow is the time to get a bar- 1. + gain in it I'Dinner and Tea Sets 4 ANNUAL MEETINGToilet Sets 4. 4. Jardinieres 1 and all Fancy China And don't forget .to try pound of our TEAS AND COFFEE they are sure to please The Annual Me ting of the '`Weat Wawanosh Fire I suranoe Company will be held at Dun - • nnan, on Wednes- day,the 20th day of annary A.D., 1009, in the Agriculture Ball. Hone of meeting one o'olook • , zn„ sharp, when the directors conn 1 report and the auditors reports of a 1 receipts and, did• inpany+ during the before the ere will alio fill an restore to ill the rd by the retire- e Kaake of Kinear- of Township of Gorge' Garof Town Town - h. whose term of e, all of whom are 1 and aloefor h the therlegitmate host- well•fare and inter. buttoments of the past year will be lel holders present. T election of three vaoaneiee at the b meat of Messrs. Jo dine. John Grifii Ashfield and Jame PRODUCE WARTED, of WeWano tate Will then exp eligible for re -oleo traneaoting of any nos in behalf of t eats of the company. phone l; , Dated at D+nnga:non, Deo. 81, 1908. 1 Z. M.'ROBERTS, See..Tress, l4,4;4i+ 4- MALGOLM'8 Winter Term Opens Jan. 4th CECTI1AL STRATFOFID. ONT. This school is one of the largest in the Province. It it noted for the thoroughness of its work and the moose of its students. Three de- partments --- COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates are in demand as business college timbers as well as office Assistants. Get bur magnifi- cent catalogue, it is free. ELLIOTT & McIAGHIAN PRINCIPALS. O•••M•Sial»i•S•S•S••D•N••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4,4 • Furs and Coats t,at Cost • • If in need of the above articles, why not call and inspect • ours? Everything up•to•date—no old stock—and the prices N 2. • will suit a11. Our 1 NEW PRINTS w se r' NEW EMBROIDERIES•. NEW INSERTIONSik ca • w. are now on sale. Come • and purehaso early and get the 4: • • choice of the new goods. We have everything in' this line f to please the most exacting customer. We shall be pleased to show these goods. IF,tesh Groceries always on hand. Highest prices paid for produce. .ilk a ID. i GORDONI D 00•81000•00.1•114.60000000•81000•00.1•114.60000000•81000•00.1•114.600000•06104,••M A••••rib0M001110 ir••tl•>•111111M DOMINION BANK HEAD OPFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $0,916,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $51291,000 Total Assets, over 40,000,000 Rev. Jenne Gardiner, a pioneer minister of the Methodist Chtlroh, died at Belleville, in his 91st year. WINCHAM BRANCH, Partnere Notes dteoounted. Drafts told on all points lit Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS I)EPATtTMENT—Tnteres allowed on deposits of $1 and ttpw arde D. T.11 P1317RI' , Manager R. Vaiistote, Kollo toir. GRANO TRUNK RAM/ Torouto and return $3.90 Prom WI GRAM with 25 oente added for ellmiesion to the Ontario Horse Breeders Exhibition. Good going 1ng3en. 1 and 18, return limit swrOgeeimelmaimeemi California, Mexico, Florida Round trip tourist tiokete now on sale to all principal 'Winter Resorts, Pot full Worms -goo as tie rates, a , routes, etc., apply to 'W. Kenry, o ald, D.Agent,i'. A., Toronto.ddrese J. D. Mc. D 11 The Undersigned will keeI} far service on hie prem ices, Lot 18, Con. 1, Meals, (Bluevale Road) a tboroiighbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms --51, to be paid at time of service' it 4f. M. l ngham, O. Alex. McDonald, known as "The King Of the Klondike," died suddenly at Olear Creek, BOAR FOR SERVICE. OQ Nox a Cold () In One Day The Greatest Lung Healing Medicine known to science. A guaranteed cure for all Lung Trouble, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, SoteThroat and tloneunlption. Every bottle sold tinder a u 1 Cough Medicine guarantee, The only O g endorsed by doctors. 25e Bottles. pipit Nature's -Remedy 1Constipation For Cansttp , t Pig Pille Will (sure Rheumatism and all Blood Disease. Pimples and Blotched removed in a few dell by taking ,84g Palle. One taken at night time Will make you feel better in the morning. Large bolter, 25e. Per bale at WALLEY'S DRUG STORE Wtogltata.